
hassan1990hi there, I need some help about creating a branch based on another person branch on launchpad using bazaar.00:40
hassan1990anybody there??00:42
spivhassan1990: Basically you just use the "bzr branch" command to make new branches from existing branches00:42
spivIs that failing for you?00:43
hassan1990no I am not quite sure how to do it00:43
spivWell, what's the branch you'd like to base your branch on?00:44
spivhassan1990: so you'd do "bzr branch lp:~antoniopatriarca/gephi/jogamp-vizengine my-branch-of-gephi" to make branch locally on your disk of that branch00:48
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hassan1990and concerning what will be visible on launchpad??00:50
spivhassan1990: and then you can "cd my-branch-of-gephi" and make changes in that branch and commit them, and when you want to publish them use "bzr push lp:~YOUR_LP_USERNAME/gephi/whatever"00:50
hassan1990thank you very much for your help00:51
jderoseI thought launchpad hiccuped when I was registering my "dx-o-unity-bigscreen-productivity" blueprint... I can't find it now, but I also can't register again as it says name is already taken... any advice?02:26
jderosewgrant: ah thanks, lanchpad never gave me a url, took me to main UDS-O sprint page02:27
wgrantHmm. Odd.02:27
jderosemaybe i didn't something weird without realizing it02:29
jderosewgrant: anyway, thanks so much for the help! :)02:29
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cody-somervilleOn the +bugsupervisor on a project, the person selection modal dialogue doesn't work. Selecting someone (or some team) just dismisses it and doesn't set the text field with the selection.04:20
cody-somervillesame with +securitycontact04:21
lifelessbug 76149404:22
ubot5Launchpad bug 761494 in Launchpad itself "picker doesn't save selected value into associated textfield" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76149404:22
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vadi2Does http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mudlet-makers/mudlet/mudlet-main-git/files/head:/src/TLuaInterpreter.h?file_id=src loop for anyone else, or is it just me?11:43
spivvadi2: looks like a redirect loop to me too11:46
spivvadi2: please file a bug11:46
vadi2should it be any specific component or launchpad in general? or loggerhead?11:49
spivvadi2: just launchpad11:52
spivvadi2: (it may also be a loggerhead bug, but the launchpad devs will add that assignment if needed)11:52
vadi2alright. also, my bzr pull is messing up:11:53
vadi2bzr pull11:53
vadi2bzr: ERROR: Cannot lock LockDir(lp-82359952:///~ian-mcintosh/luz/trunk/.bzr/branchlock): Transport operation not possible: readonly transport11:53
vadi2Did I do something wrong?11:53
spivvadi2: sounds like you have a checkout of an lp branch11:54
spivvadi2: so 'bzr pull' will try to pull to the lp branch you've checked out11:54
vadi2ah, so bzr update11:54
spiv(And maybe also 'bzr launchpad-login' will help you)11:55
vadi2am logged in11:55
vadi2thanks for your help!12:06
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diwicI fail to understand why the code import of https://code.launchpad.net/~diwic/sound-2.6/filtered fails - I can successfully clone the same git repository here12:22
deryckdiwic, logs show timeouts causing the failure.12:40
deryckdiwic, and it ran successfully 12 hours ago.  So I've reset it to run again now and see if we can get it going again.12:41
diwicderyck, yeah, but I don't get any timeouts when trying from here.12:41
diwicderyck, so it shouldn't be a problem with kernel.ubuntu.com12:42
deryckdiwic, yeah, I'm not sure why we're seeing that.  Let's see if this import works.12:42
diwicderyck, seems not12:42
deryckhmmmm, ok.12:42
deryckdiwic, let me look into it for you.12:42
diwicderyck, hmm, could it be some kind of name lookup failure of "kernel.ubuntu.com", i e network routing stuff?12:44
* diwic has no idea of Canonical's network topology :-)12:44
lifelessderyck: could be fallout from the switch outage last thursday12:47
derycklifeless, ah, ok.  How do I debug that?12:48
derycklifeless, or do anything about it? :-)12:48
lifeless-ops :)12:48
derycklifeless, ack :-)12:49
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happyaronhow can I access bug #764575?13:49
ubot5Error: Launchpad bug 764575 could not be found13:49
happyaronor it's something wrong with apport retracing?13:49
happyaronThis one has been marked as a duplicate of 764575, but cannot find the one.13:50
lifelesshappyaron: apport has hidden it14:07
lifelesshappyaron: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apport/+bug/76441414:08
ubot5Ubuntu bug 764414 in apport (Ubuntu) "private master bugs are confusing and lead to more duplicate filings" [Wishlist,Triaged]14:08
happyaronlifeless: thanks14:08
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tgardnerI know you'll think I'm nuts, but I'm wondering whats happened to all of my bug email? I'm either directly or indirectly a member of a bunch of projects, but it seems the email flow has died to nothing in some cases.15:43
bjfI'm having the same experience as tgardner15:44
bjfin the last 24 hours, there have been 49 new bugs filed against the "linux" package, yet I've not seen any email from those bugs15:46
bjfactually, i take that back, I have received email for one of those 49, bug 76500715:47
ubot5Launchpad bug 765007 in linux-ti-omap4 (Ubuntu Karmic) "CVE-2010-4565" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76500715:47
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bjfadeuring, ^15:50
adeuringlet me check15:51
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bjfadeuring, any ideas ?16:36
adeuringbjf: I've asked the losas (LP sytsem administators); problem is that they are working at presnet on a rollout16:37
adeuringbut your question is not lost ;)16:37
bjfadeuring, thanks :-)16:38
ScottKlifeless: What is "potato programming"?17:00
james_wScottK, doing things in a loop over each object in a collection, rather than doing operations on the whole collection at once17:03
james_w"one potato, two potato..." rather than acting on the sack17:03
ScottKjames_w: Thanks.17:03
nxvlhi, is there any issue with lpapi? i have a script that reports bugs into LP that used to work until something was updated on my system (natty)17:22
nxvldo i need to change anything or it's a bug?17:22
maxbdoes not work is not sufficient information for people to assist17:23
nxvlit doesn't file the bug17:25
nxvldoesn't show errors17:25
nxvlthere is not sufficient information even for me to know it's an issue or not17:26
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abentleyadeuring: I'm next on help rotation.17:52
adeuringabentley: OK, I'll swap your and my name in the topic17:59
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TheEvilPhoenixhow can i get the system to stop yelling at me about a non-public GPG key in a PPA package?18:09
TheEvilPhoenixnevermind, i got my answer18:24
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sconklinCan anyone tell me - Does the new pad.lv URL shortening support the qastaging server URLs in any way?19:31
jcsackettsconklin: i don't believe so, no.19:35
jMCgHow can I compare what changes happend between two releases (of libmemcached in this case)19:37
jMCgAlso: Hello folks o/~19:37
sconklinjcsackett: thanks19:38
abentleyjMCg: do you want to see code changes, commit messages or ...?19:53
ezraabentley: can you give me a hand w/ username merge?20:03
abentleyezra: I'm certainly happy to try.20:04
jMCgabentley: commit messages, code, diff blah, whate ver I want to see what changed between two "tags"20:07
abentleyjMCg: be with you in a minute.  Helping ezra.20:07
jMCgI got all the time in the world. In fact, I'll now drive home :), so no hurry. Read you later abentley20:08
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abentleyjMCg, the web interface's support for diffing between arbitrary revisions looks broken, but you can do this with bzr.20:23
abentleyjMCg: "bzr diff -r tag:0.35 -r tag:0.37 lp:libmemcached" for the code changes, "bzr log -r tag:0.35 -r tag:0.37 lp:libmemcached" for the commit messages.20:26
jMCgabentley: ACK, thank you.20:49
abentleyjMCg: No problem.20:49
jMCgNext question: What is my launchpad-login ID?20:53
lifelessjMCg: have you got an account on launchpad ?21:01
jMCglifeless: yup.21:03
lifelessthe ud to give launchpad-login is the id on launchpad - the text beside the logout button in the top right when you are logged in in a web browser.21:04
lifelesssi - i.galic21:05
lifelessbah, my typing is terrible this morning. Your id is 'i.galic'.21:05
jMCglifeless: yah.. firgured that.. just took a while. Braining is terrible this evening -> hence: dinner.21:06
bjflifeless, got a sec ?21:08
bjfmaybe more than a sec21:08
lifelessin internets, noone can hear you scream :)21:08
lifelessbjf: sure21:08
bjftgardner and I have noticed a significant drop off in bug emails due to nothing we've done21:09
bjflifeless, we are trying to get to the bottom of it21:09
bjflifeless, if your in the middle of something, just let me know21:10
lifelessbjf: 8am so various morning things are happening21:10
lifelessif you don't mind a little latency, I'm all yours.21:10
bjflifeless, works for me21:10
lifelesshave you noticed *slow* mail or *less mail*21:11
lifelessare there any specific mails you haven't gotten ?21:11
bjflifeless, i'm a member of "Canonical Kernel Team" which is a member of "Ubuntu Bug Control" which is a member of "Ubuntu Bugs"21:11
lifeless[I know the last one is hard to proove :P]21:11
bjflifeless, we are noticing *less mail*21:11
bjflifeless, quite a bit less email21:12
bjflifeless, does that mean that any bug that "Ubuntu Bugs" or "Ubuntu Bug Control" or "Canonical Kernel Team" is subscribed to, I should be getting email about ?21:12
bjflifeless, "Canonical Kernel Team" is a subteam of a number of other teams and we are not getting any email from a number of them when other kernel folks are getting email21:13
lifelessIIRC At least one of them has a mailing list contact address precisely so that noone gets mail about everything in ubuntu21:13
bjflifeless, that appears to be "Ubuntu Bugs"21:14
lifelessnow, if bugcontrol is subscribed, everyone in bugcontrol should get mail (again, unless it has a contact mail address)21:14
bjflifeless, ok, i see that bugcontrol has an email address21:16
lifelessbjf: so again, nothing bugcontrol is subscribed to will generate mail to its members.21:16
lifelessThis is a bit of a fugly way to do things but perhaps will be better once the bug subscription thing finishes in a few weeks21:17
bjflifeless, to be very specific we know that "The Dell Team" is getting email, which neither of us are seeing, but it does *not* have a contact email address21:17
lifelessby which I mean21:17
lifelessnot having a contact address means that the members of the team get mail21:17
lifelessfor things the team is subscribed to21:17
lifelessbjf: so, are there bugs (or packaged) you have canonical kernel team subscribed to that you are not getting mail for ?21:23
bjflifeless, i believe so, but your going to ask me next if I can find one and i'm looking21:25
lifelessI am, yes.21:25
ftaany idea what that could be? bug 76508721:27
ubot5Launchpad bug 765087 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu) " "403 VirusFound" messages from cromium-daily PPA on apt-get upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76508721:27
bjflifeless, i think bug 759176 is an example (it's private)21:29
ubot5Error: Launchpad bug 759176 could not be found21:29
lifelessbjf: can you subscribe me to that ?21:33
bjflifeless, done21:33
lifelessoh also, are you in the beta team for the new subscription stuff? [if you don't know, you aren't]21:33
bjflifeless, don't know21:34
bjflifeless, but that sounds suspicious21:34
lifelessok, so dell team is subscribed to that bug21:35
lifelessand you are in canonical kernel team21:35
lifelesswhich is in dell team21:35
lifelessbjf: when did you guys notice this ?21:36
bjflifeless, in the last 2 weeks21:36
lifelessso I think we need a bug for this21:36
lifelessthe scenario is: person in team in team that is subscribed to private bug not getting (any?) bugmail about the bug.21:37
bjflifeless, i have no problem filing such a bug, which project should it be against ?21:39
bjflifeless, ok, you want me to subscribe you to it ? or just give you the bug number and you'll take it from there ?21:39
lifelessjust file it21:40
lifelessI'll mention it to a maintenance squad as a possible regression21:40
lifelessand we'll see about reproducing / looking through mail logs21:40
lifelessplease mention that bug # you referenced in the bug you file.21:40
lifelessI've unsubscribed myself now.21:40
bjfwill do21:41
bjflifeless, bug 76656121:48
ubot5Launchpad bug 766561 in Launchpad itself "person in team A which is a subteam of team B not getting bug email for bugs team B is subscribed to" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76656121:48
bjflifeless, i found an email that i received on 3/31 as being on "The Dell Team" which I don't think I'd receive now, would that email be useful ?21:59
lifelessthe launchpad metadata headers + the date would be useful, attached to the bug about this issue22:00
lifelessbjf: what email address should we be looking for in our logs22:18
bjflifeless, all bug email to me goes to "brad.figg@canonical.com"22:19
lifelessbjf: what was the date that bug 759176 last changed ?22:20
ubot5Error: Launchpad bug 759176 could not be found22:20
bjflifeless, yesterday the 18th22:21
bjflifeless, there was a comment added22:21
bjflifeless, last updated today at 20:44 UTC22:22
lifelessyeah, I just mis-grepped and am currently having my net wasted by the entire log for the 18th.22:23
lifelessbjf: well, I've confirmed we did not send you mail22:33
bjflifeless, so it's not lost somewhere in our infrastructure, that's good22:33
lifelessbjf: could you find the _most recent_ mail that you would not receive now ?22:56
bjflifeless, i'll try22:56
lifelessbjf: I'm trying to reduce the bisect window22:59
bjflifeless, 4/1 seems to be the last day I got something from "The Dell Team"23:04
lifelessbjf: in that mail whats the launchpad revision (one of the metaheaders)23:09
bjfLaunchpad (canonical.com); Revision="12710";Instance="initZopeless config overlay"23:09
lifelessdo you expect mail via tis path daily?23:10
lifelesse.g. something by 2011-04-07 for sure ?23:10
bjflifeless, yes, i'd think so23:11
bjflifeless, i'm heading out for a bit, will be back on in about an hour23:12
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lifelessbjf[afk]: is anyone else also suffering less mail23:44
lifelessbjf[afk]: [in canonical kernel team]23:44
lifelessbjf[afk]: also do you know if folk directly in the dell team are getting these mails23:45

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