
LAcanok big newb question... where do i put stuff so it starts automatically when i login?01:29
canllaithHrm I did look that up recently01:30
canllaithahh ok01:31
canllaithyou just need to put a freedesktop.org compliant .desktop file in ~/.config/autostart01:31
canllaithif that directory doesn't exist, create it01:31
canllaiththe .desktop file is the shortcut for the app - if you don't know how to get it into that folder you could create one by hand using this as a guide01:32
LAcanwould the shortcuts made by the context menu "Add to desktop" be 'startup' compliant?01:33
canllaithYes, they should be01:33
canllaithSo you sould be able to drag them to ~/.config/autostart01:33
canllaithyou could always open them up in a text editor to see if they have [Desktop Entry] at the top to make sure01:33
* canllaith installs lxde on her work machine so she can actually check these things01:34
LAcanyep they do and awesome01:34
LAcanhow can i automount my ntfs volume on startup?01:35
LAcanbtw canllaith u r my hero01:35
canllaithIs now the point where I should confess I've never used lubuntu?01:36
LAcanis it called a symbollic link and should i just google it?01:36
canllaithNo, there are two possible ways of doing it. One is using guil-level stuff through HAL01:36
canllaithand one is by editing your fstab. Imma just look up whether lubuntu can let you access it through HAL01:37
canllaithas the latter is kinda gribbly01:37
LAcanlol, whats the easiets most fool proof way01:37
canllaithone moment caller :)01:37
LAcanyes mam!01:37
canllaithIf you plug in a USB stick, does it automatically pop up for you to be able to access it?01:38
canllaith(This just lets me know if we can do this the easy way)01:38
LAcanone sec01:40
LAcanok they dont pop up but i see them in /media01:42
LAcanthey are mounted01:42
canllaithok that's cool, you definitely have working HAL then :)01:42
LAcanya im just as happy and surprised about that as you are, lol01:43
canllaithOk, next question :)01:43
canllaithIf you get at the command line and type 'cat /etc/fstab' can you see your NTFS partition in there anywhere?01:43
canllaithYou'll need to know what /dev/sdXX number it is - if you don't know that we can figure that out too01:43
canllaithbut there's a specific issue with *buntu based systems that this might be, and if so it's an easy fix :)01:44
LAcannot it doesnt01:44
LAcanbut its sda101:44
canllaithok, and it's definitely not in your fstab anywhere?01:45
LAcanno only my ext2 volume shows up in there01:45
canllaithOk cool, so that isn't the issue01:45
canllaithNext question!01:45
canllaithdpkg -l | grep ntfs01:45
LAcanlol its still the same one for me01:45
canllaithDoes that come up with some ntfs-3g packages?01:46
LAcani want to make shortucts to folders01:46
canllaithIs the problem that you can't access your NTFS drive at all ?01:46
LAcani can access it fine, if i click the filemanager and then the "System" bokmark01:46
LAcani think it mounts it when i do that01:46
LAcanbut before doing that i cant use it01:47
LAcanso id like to automount it01:47
canllaithI see.01:47
LAcanlike i find articles on how to do it ubuntu but i dont have some of these administration prorams01:58
LAcanhelllloo mountmanager02:03
LAcanguys, how can i tu desktop?get rid of openbox without getting rid of ldxe or lubun04:30
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MrChrisDruifHai leszek14:20
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mark76Cuteness overload! http://i.imgur.com/vBBR3.png19:04
bioterrorbut I can tell you a secret19:05
bioterrorcats are from the deep19:05
mark76So when's 11.04 out?19:08
bioterrorlater this month :D19:08
bioterroryou have 12 days to choose from19:08
bioterrorotherwise we are going to use lubuntu 11.05 :D19:08
mark76It will be 11.05 if you don't get a shift on19:18
LAcancanllaith, you here helpful one?20:51
bonny_hi how do i install java21:48
bonny_how do i install java21:49
MrChrisDruifsynaptic > search: sun-java (if I'm not mistaken)21:49
bonny_how can i add it to the repositories21:50
MrChrisDruifIt's in the repos if I'm not mistaken21:51
bioterrorenable partner repository21:51
bonny_how do i enable partner repository21:51
bioterrorexplore your synaptic21:51
bioterroror edit /etc/apt/sources.list21:52
bonny_thnx does anyone know of any distros that can work on sort of old computers21:53
bonny_like lubuntu21:53
MrChrisDruifbonny_: Lubuntu? ;)21:53
bonny_something else than lubuntu21:54
bonny_ill be right back21:54
MrChrisDruifhttp://lmgtfy.com/?q=lightweight+linux+distro ;)21:55
bonnyhow do i install adobe flash player21:57
bonnynvm i figured out21:59
ericybonny:  Did you find java runtime environment (JRE), such as: "sun-java6-bin"   Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 622:04
bonnyits ok and hey ericy i figured it out on ubuntu forums22:06
ericybonny:  Hello, again. Did you try to install Ubuntu, yet?22:07
bonnyyes i did22:07
bonnybut its kinda of slow so i  unistalled it22:07
bonnybonny@bonny-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk22:08
bonnyReading package lists... Done22:08
bonnyBuilding dependency tree22:08
bonnyReading state information... Done22:08
bonnyPackage sun-java6-jdk is not available, but is referred to by another package.22:08
bonnyThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or22:08
bonnyis only available from another source22:08
bonnyE: Package sun-java6-jdk has no installation candidate22:08
bonnysrry for pasting it here22:08
bonnybut thats what it said22:08
MrChrisDruifbonny: next time try http://paste.ubuntu.com22:09
bonnybut what should i do22:09
ericy(It really is a beautiful display, but after two years of Ubuntu, I really like the speed of Lubuntu.)22:09
bonnyit has no installation candidate i need to add to the repos how do i ?22:09
ericyAre you running an old intel cpu, like maybe a 8038622:10
bonnyi have done this before and someone showed me how to add them to the repos but i unistalled lubuntu for ubuntu then i installed lubuntu back so i need to reinstall everything22:12
bonnycan someone please ell me how to add java to the repositories22:17
ericy(It's 04:40 AM, time for bed. Bye.)22:42
deithrianThe requested URL /~gilir/lubuntu-natty-alpha2.iso was not found on this server.23:09
deithrianwhere can i download beta 2 please? o-o23:09
gnewbWhere is the http:// part?23:09
gnewbOr are you using CLI?23:09
gnewbI got same thing: This us the alternate>http://people.ubuntu.com/~gilir/23:10
gnewbNatty is B1 on that.23:11
deithriani can't see beta 2 there23:11
deithrianit says released23:12
deithrianoh wait23:12
deithrianthats alpha23:13
deithriangosh i', blind haha23:13
MrChrisDruifdeithrian: beta 2 has to be released23:13
deithrianMrChrisDruif will beta 2 Lubuntu be released soon? or i can just install beta 1 and update?23:13
MrChrisDruifI have no access to the website, but on the wiki it's all up to date to beta 123:13
MrChrisDruifBoth ;)23:14
deithrianwell ok then i guess i will go with beta 1 and update :)23:14
MrChrisDruifThe planning was tomorrow afaik for release of beta 2, I haven't heard of an delay so we will probably be on time23:14
MrChrisDruifAnd beta 1 with updates => beta 223:15
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deithrianI have no time for this i will install beta 1 and try to make it work and update and it will be tomorrow haha23:15
gnewbAnd here: http://wiki.lxde.org/en/Ubuntu23:15
deithrianis Lubuntu better integrated then Xubuntu?23:16
deithrianwith pulse and alsa and nvidia?23:16
MrChrisDruifgnewb: ¿What is with that link?23:17
gnewbThey all seem to work here, but I use three lightweights, and Puppy for testing on this box.23:17
gnewbMrChrisDruif: That was straight from the LXDE sight.23:18
gnewbFrom here:> http://lxde.org/ I selected Ubuntu, was taken to that wiki.23:19
gnewbMrChrisDruif: Ouch, now I see what you meant.23:27
MrChrisDruifgnewb: I was wondering what you meant with the link :)23:27
MrChrisDruifAny how, the testing page of Lubuntu on the wiki is up to date, and can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Testing23:28
MrChrisDruifIt's all about the testing release, which currently is Natty23:28
deithrianThank you :)23:29
deithriantime to reboot and hopefully boot from the USB23:29
MrChrisDruifGood luck deithrian23:29
gnewbMrChrosDruif: Was just helping out deithrian, next time I will read the page with MUCH more caution, it is the link or /href> from lxde.org, now I see the lubuntu.net one.23:29
gnewbI need to work on my boat now, have a great time and Thank you.23:32
MrChrisDruifgnewb: Good going, but like I said the website it out-of-date afaik. Our head of admin which has control over the site has some issues and is unavailable afaik. But the wiki is fully accessible, so we can update that. Hence the wiki is up-to-date23:32
* MrChrisDruif ALOHA! Off to bed23:35
deithrianHello again :)23:56
deithrianI have a question about the netwrok manager23:56
deithrianon Ubuntu when i setup a new DSL connection it doesn't ask for "Keyring" or something23:57
deithriani created one such connection and then deleted it23:57
deithrianthen i made a new one and i selected avaliable fro all users23:57
deithrianand it asked only for root password23:57
deithriandid i do wrong selecting all users?23:57
deithrianOr on Ubuntu is preselected and i didn't notice it?! o-o23:58

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