
iktanybody who can make a quick bug pattern?04:52
iktno one?04:56
iktI'm trying to make a bug pattern for05:50
ubot4Launchpad bug 764883 in aptdaemon (Ubuntu Natty) (and 1 other project) "[MASTER] <type 'exceptions.NameError'>: global name 'trans' is not defined (affects: 119) (dups: 126) (heat: 1008)" [High,Incomplete]05:50
iktat the moment I've got05:51
iktikt@ikt-desktop:~/code$ ./test-local 76488305:52
iktLP: #764883: No match05:52
iktbdmurray: ping06:09
ileawill someone please try with ubuntu 11.04 to make a dsl conection (username, service, pasword) and see that it dosnt work because this is a big problem in the new ubuntu06:38
ileasomeone who haves dsl06:38
vmiheeri have got error and the apport has collected information about it. I want to send it but there is a network issue. Please help06:49
vmiheerI am using natty desktop i386 beta 2.06:49
iktvmiheer: you'll want to use apport-cli06:49
iktwhat issue is it?06:49
vmiheergdm error.06:50
vmiheerthe screen brightness reduces suddenly06:50
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vmiheerin apport cli what package i am supposed to give as argument?06:51
vmiheerAnd where should i upload the .crash file?06:51
iktvmiheer: good question06:52
vmiheerapport-cli -p <package name> --save bug.crash06:52
vmiheeri read this on http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man1/apport-bug.1.html06:52
iktyep that's it06:53
iktthere's an issue somewhere06:53
iktin the program, it does a stupid06:53
iktit trys to open firefox06:53
iktyou mustn't try and submit the report06:53
iktbut save it06:53
vmiheerAlso there is another problem when i say send error report after collecting iformation it says it is not "genuine ubuntu package".06:55
yofelwell, apport-cli will give you the link at the end, you can open that in any browser06:55
yofelwhat was the issue again?06:55
vmiheerThank you!06:55
yofelvmiheer: please pastebin 'apt-cache policy <packagename>'06:55
vmiheeri will try that out.06:55
yofelthe apt-cache needs to be ok for apports genuine detection to work fine06:56
vmiheerSo i have to update the repository then?06:56
yofeleither that or your Package isn't from any supported archive06:57
vmiheerok Thank you...06:57
yofelalso: with --save you can copy the file to any working system and file the bug from there too, as long as apport generates the report fine06:57
iktyofel, did you see my issue about making a bug pattern?06:59
yofeloh wait, didn't scroll enough for that in the backlog, sec06:59
yofelah, that's that aptdaemon bug everyone's having07:00
yofelikt: you *do* realise that the file names are case sensitive? Traceback != TraceBack07:11
yofelalso use >^aptdaemon < as package07:11
ikt<re key="Traceback"> ?07:11
iktall of these are Traceback07:12
yofelhm, apport probably changed that I guess :S07:13
iktrah internet :/07:21
iktyofel, was there anything else you think it might be?07:21
yofelnot really, it works for me with that07:22
iktworks = with test-local?07:22
iktanyone else able to help with bug pattern?07:50
yofelikt: back :/07:56
yofelstill not working for you?07:56
iktyeah :(07:56
iktdo you need to be bug control member to test?07:56
iktI've got the xml named aptdaemon.xml, the same as the package, I've got test-local and the xml file in the same directory07:57
iktI don't understand :s07:57
yofelno idea, here's the bugpattern.xml I was testing it with http://paste.kde.org/1352807:57
yofeloh, I added it to the xml file, as you're support do07:57
ikthow do I add it to the xml file :s07:58
yofelhuh? just add your pattern to the end of the list07:59
yofelthe xml file is in the bzr branch07:59
iktand that should all be in aptdaemon.xml ? or does it matter what I call the local xml file?08:00
yofelno idea, why are you using a local xml file?08:00
yofelwhy are you even using aptdaemon.xml? they dropped individual files a while ago08:00
yofeljust add your pattern to the bugpatterns.xml08:01
iktthe bugpatterns.xml in the bzr branch? sorry I'm lost08:02
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kklimondahey. can anyone mark bug 764262 as affecting lucid? It's a backport request, but the bug should really be fixed in lucid-updates via SRU. I'd do that myself, but I dont' have an access to LP password right now.12:31
ubot4Launchpad bug 764262 in lucid-backports "Please backport php5-xcache 1.3.1 (affects: 1) (heat: 481)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76426212:31
kklimonda(and subscribe kklimonda to it)12:32
bdmurrayikt: pong15:13
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vmiheeri had reported bug. How to track my bug?15:37
charlie-tcavmiheer: normally, you will get an email anytime anything changes15:41
yofelif you filed a bug you're automatically subscribed to all changes and will get a mail15:41
charlie-tcaIf you want to see the bug itself, and don't know the number, sign into launchpad, click your name, click on Bugs15:41
vmiheeri had reported bug and after updating my system the error seems to be absent.15:47
vmiheerI want to remove my bug report.15:47
charlie-tcaChange the status to invalid and comment that it is fixed after updating15:47
vmiheerbut where can i find my bug on launchpad?15:48
Abhijitvmiheer, go to your account in launchpad there is Bug section in right side. click on it. you can see all bugs submitted by you there.15:49
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jibelmvo, I think I finally found what breaks the upgrade in bug 76071316:00
ubot4Launchpad bug 760713 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "Upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04 fails: sunbird/karmic holds back libnss3 (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76071316:00
mvojibel: oh, cool … what is it?16:02
mvojibel: awsome!16:02
mvojibel: you rock, I will see if I can automate this rule16:02
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alex_mayorgaHi, cna I get someone here to help remove some private info prior to making bug 735478 public?17:46
ubot4alex_mayorga: Bug 735478 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/735478 is private17:46
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charlie-tcaalex_mayorga: looking17:48
alex_mayorgacharlie-tca: Thanks!17:48
alex_mayorgaI would like the URL to be redacted so my employer doesn't show17:49
charlie-tcaSInce it is included in the comment by apport, it would be best to keep the bug private17:52
charlie-tcaWe don't have the ability to remove the comment itself17:52
alex_mayorgacharlie-tca: I see17:53
alex_mayorgacharlie-tca: so no hope of making it public, then?17:53
charlie-tcaPlease comment on the report that is should be kept private due the url17:53
charlie-tcaTo remove the url from all the pa17:54
charlie-tcaIf we remove the url from all the traces and comments, the bug report loses most of its value17:54
alex_mayorgacharlie-tca: posted a comment, please let me know if I missed anything18:08
charlie-tcaThank yhou18:10
charlie-tcathank you, too18:11
alex_mayorgacharlie-tca: no, thanks to you! :)18:13
charlie-tcano problem18:14
kamusinis there a special procedure with packages that need LaunchpadIntegration?18:25
seb128just file a patch, with a patch for bonus points18:28
seb128ups, "file a bug" rather ;-)18:28
kamusinI would like to do it (probably it's an easy target) but I haven't found documentation about it :(18:32
RedSingularityjibel:  hey buddy.  Question:  where was this 'rule' you were talking about in bug 760713 in your last post?  The "Replaces: libnss3"?  Was that just your own knowledge or was that mentioned in one of the logs?19:10
ubot4Launchpad bug 760713 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "Upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04 fails: sunbird/karmic holds back libnss3 (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Low,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76071319:10
jibelRedSingularity, Hi, just a blind guess, I had a chance over 44752, I was lucky ;-)19:12
jibelRedSingularity, in apt-clone_system_state.tar.gz you have the system state19:13
jibelRedSingularity, in main.log there is the list of Obsolete packages19:13
jibelRedSingularity, and we know the libnss3 was in a strange state like pinned19:13
jibelRedSingularity, So I crossed these 3 information and the culprit came into the light19:14
jibelRedSingularity, we know that libnss3 was blocking the upgrade from apt.log19:15
jibelRedSingularity, and the rule is in var/lib/apt-clone/dpkg-status19:16
jibelto answer the question19:16
RedSingularityjibel:  ahhh ok.  Good, thanks man :)19:17
jibelbtw it's a very valid bug.19:18
RedSingularityYeah I was just thinking that.  He marked it invalid.19:18
jibelI changed to triaged.19:19
RedSingularityGreat :)19:20
mvo\o/ jibel for this one19:23
RedSingularity\o/ indeed!19:24
jibel\o/ mvo for the fix to come :-D19:24
mvoheh :)19:25
TrunetHi! Is it possible to you take a look on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/language-selector/+bug/76641222:00
ubot4Launchpad bug 766412 in language-selector (Ubuntu) "package language-selector-common 0.6.7 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 2 (affects: 53) (dups: 7) (heat: 286)" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:00
Trunetit's affecting tons of users and it already have a solution22:01
yofelkees: ^22:06
Trunetkees: I just found the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToFix now. sorry but I made a few mistakes trying to resolve the problem! Next time I'll try to make it easier to you.22:13
keesTrunet: the fix for 766412 is just now publishing.22:25
Trunetkees: ty ;)22:26
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