
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
koolhead11hi all07:10
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
=== daker_ is now known as daker
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
alexynewbie question (cant find in docs): confirmation emails to new users comes with url:http://46.x.x.51/wiki/Special:ConfirmEmail/369f4ed3c6933061ee59c1108e1ff685. How can i change 46... to domain name? it is registered and responding in dns.13:13
alexyseems no definition in LocalSettings.php responsible for this and this ip arriving automatically from server settings?13:15
alexyoh... wrong room. sorry.13:17
=== godber_ is now known as godber
koolhead11kim0, :P14:34
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
=== niemeyer is now known as niemeyer_lunch
smoserhallyn, quick question...16:38
smoseri'm looking at /etc/init/lxcmount.conf16:38
smoserhow is 'container' defined ?16:39
hallyn'container=libvirt' is placed in envp by libvirt16:40
smoserand then, second question, why does fstab.lxc have nothing in it ?16:40
hallynbc lxc doesn't need upstart to mount anything16:40
smoserwould one expect that /proc would be populated inside an lxc container?16:42
hallynboth lxc and libvirt do that for you16:42
smoserok. so if you had an entry in fstab.lxc, for /proc, what would happen ?16:43
hallynyou'd presumably just get proc mounted twice16:43
smoserwould init/mountall mount over it ? i would assume it would notice it was already mounted.16:43
hallynit's possible that it would return an error, and boot would fail16:43
smoserit does handle that correctly when the kernel mounts /dev/ as a tmpfs16:43
smoserso it must check at leas that.16:44
hallynwhy would it return error when mounting /dev as tmpfs?16:44
hallynsmoser: are you having a problem with the boot sequence?16:45
hallynsmoser: I was going to ask zul (when I finish some little things) how nova+lxc is going at the moment.16:45
smoserhallyn, i was saying that in /lib/init/fstab, there exists an entry for '/dev/' as a tmpfs16:46
smoserbut in most cases, the kernel will have already mounted /dev as a tmpfs before upstart comes up16:46
smoserso it has to be checking to see to avoid duplicate mounts16:47
smoseryes, thats what i was looking at16:47
hallyncould be, would make sense16:47
hallyneasy enough to test in the proc case :)16:47
zulthe problem is /var/run is not coming up before cloud-init is bring run so no netowking, so no contacting of the metadata server for the instance16:49
hallynzul: can cloud-init just wait for mountall to finish before starting?16:50
smoserhallyn, if upstart behaves sanely, then my theory is that you should have basically the same thing in /lib/init/fstab in /lib/init/fstab.libvirt16:50
smoser*except* for the things that cause problems.16:50
hallynsmoser: your theory is flawed then, as the obvious experiment has already been done and failed16:51
hallynsmoser: the reason your theory is flawed, though, is bc you're not thinking about the namespaces16:52
hallynupstart can avoid re-mounting /dev and /proc, bc they are mounted where it wnats them16:52
hallynbut a lot of the cruft in /lib/init/fstab is not mounted where upstart wants them in a container16:52
hallynso it doesn't realize they are already mounted16:52
smoserexample ?16:53
hallyn/dev/root  :)16:53
smoseri did say "except for things that cause problems"16:55
hallynmost of it is simply not appropriate for a container, or already being mounted anyway.  I don't see the value in tossing entries back in just because they say 'optional' and aren't even getting mounted on the host - just bc they are on a host's version of the file.16:59
=== niemeyer_lunch is now known as niemeyer
hallynhere's a q, what does 'showthrough' mean as a mount option17:01
* hallyn googles17:01
hallynwow, that's a fascinating one17:01
=== daker is now known as daker_
koolhead17hi all18:37
kim0koolhead17: hey18:44
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
koolhead17supp kim018:46
kim0hey how's it going18:46
koolhead17awesome. am loving it :P18:47
kim0haha :) enjoy18:47
koolhead17kim0: few of the bugs got fixed in latest revision18:48
kim0yeah :/18:49
kim0it's such a young product18:49
kim0but it's moving rapidly18:49
koolhead17i am just happy18:59
koolhead17kim0: which team handles infra of launcpad?19:29
kim0the launchpad team :)19:30
koolhead17ok cool. next time run to them19:34
smoserhallyn, around ?20:49
semiosisproblem... create a new EC2 instance from the official maverick AMI (ami-cef405a7), run apt-get update & apt-get upgrade, and it results in the following error...21:39
semiosisErrors were encountered while processing: language-selector-common E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)21:40
semiosisthis gets in the way of, for example, cloud-config puppet bootstrapping, and other stuff as well i'm sure21:40
semiosislooks like an updated language-selector-common package release today21:42
=== sark_ is now known as nwl
semiosisnever mind, i found this... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/language-selector/+bug/76653422:07
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 766534 in language-selector "Regression on maverick when updating to 0.6.7 (security upload)" [Critical,Fix committed]22:07
hallynsmoser: sorry, what's up?22:19
smoseri have to run, hallyn...22:19
hallyni'll be on late22:19
smoserhallyn, ^22:19
smoserthat is the diff of 'initctl' list when running under libvirt-lxc and ec2 at the point in which cloud-init-nonet runs (MOUNTED /)22:20
smoserour problem is that udev isn't running early enough22:20
smoseri had suspected tha tthat was due to virtual-filesystems not having been emitted22:20
smoserby mountall.22:21
smoserbut i'm not sure.22:21
smoseri will be back later to debug22:21
hallynsmoser: interesting.  ok.22:23
=== erichammond1 is now known as erichammond
hallynsmoser: actually i'd wager what is happening is that udev is just slower to start because all containers and the host see the udev events22:36
hallynand there's nothing to do about that, apart from introducing device namespaces in the kernel22:37

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