
mhall119cjohnston: sure thing, first can i borrow a ski mask and some bolt cutters?00:29
mhall119oh wait, you just want service don't you00:30
mhall119in that case, ski mask is optional00:30
* mhall119 is starting an new hobby webapp00:56
mhall119and by "hobby" I mean something for the wife's work00:56
jcastroTechnoviking: around?01:04
akgranerGrrr - my computer locks up with every update I install...:-(01:50
* paultag hugs akgraner 01:53
akgranerpaultag, back at ya!  Hope you have no permanent injury or lasting effects from that second hand sound you are having to endure!01:54
paultagakgraner: dude, it's slowly building up my inner rage01:54
* Pendulum hugs paultag 01:55
paultagakgraner: this guy must be just deaf01:55
paultaghis music is so loud it's carrying over the whole room01:55
* paultag hugs Pendulum 01:55
paultagand it's just noise, gah :P01:55
paultagI swear i'm about to throw this kid out of the lab01:58
akgranerpaultag, go up to him and start dancing...with your thumbs pointed up like it's cool...see if you can get some others to join in :-)01:59
paultagakgraner: damn you! My cover's blown, he saw me laughing and looking at him02:00
akgranerwell that is one way to do it...02:01
paultagakgraner: aye! :)02:01
paultagI wish I had my tactical Netbook02:01
paultagI'd sit next to him and play music over it's speakers02:01
akgranerdid he turn his music down?02:01
paultagakgraner: a bit, aye, but not nearly enough to not be rude02:01
PendulumI like the dancing idea02:02
akgranerSee if you can get everyone in the lab to sing and dance with you...02:02
paultagnot a bad idea...02:02
Pendulumflash mob time!02:02
akgraneror ask everyone to go up to him and tell him how much they like his choice of music02:03
paultagI wonder if I can find him on twitter and get a whole bunch of my friends to tweet at him02:03
paultagnah, that's lame02:03
paultagdancing is much better02:03
paultagI just gave him the thumbs up. It went /okay/02:04
akgraneroh do the Carlton Dance and sing tom jones songs02:04
paultaghe just looked away02:04
paultagYES! I *love* the carlton dance!02:04
paultagI do that at parties02:04
akgranerand linux Fests right?02:04
akgranerPete just walked into my office then walked out mumbling something about me building my own empire ....02:05
akgranerI asked him to knock on my imaginary "Les Nessman" door next time and wait to be invited in...02:06
akgranerI can't repeat what he said to that02:06
akgraneryeah it's a laugh a minute :-/02:07
Pendulumakgraner: ya know we love you02:08
paultagI hate my typing class, gah02:08
paultagToday: Flyers in Comic Sans, (with word art!!!!!!1111!!)02:08
paultagsomeone kill me, please02:08
akgranerpaultag, sending you hugs and noise canceling headphones02:09
paultagakgraner: you have no idea how welcome that is right now02:09
akgranerand a clue bat...to give to someone02:09
paultagone more month02:10
paultagthat's it. all I have to do, then school's out forever02:10
akgraneryou should make your own count down banner to sanity and reason!02:10
akgranerjust sayin' at least you would be able to smile when you see it...02:12
paultagyou know when you're running, and you've been running for like 4 miles, and you're just beat to crap, but you have one more to go? I'm feeling that right now02:12
paultagI'm so happy I don't have another 2 miles to go, that's all I'm ganna say :)02:12
akgraner:-)  you'll catch your second wind I am sure....02:13
akgranergotta go..have a great evening!  Catch you all tomorrow - thinking about Jono's new meme thing...02:14
paultagnight akgraner02:16
jonoakgraner, :-)02:24
mhall119jono has a new meme?02:34
mhall119wait, jono had an old meme?02:34
* mhall119 clearly has gotten behind on his rss reading02:38
Technovikingjcastro: what is up04:22
paultagdude, I need to write up a promo piece04:33
paultagturns out the cleveland clinic (a huge (HUGE) hospital system) uses Ubuntu on their tablets that they give to incoming folks04:33
paultagI was talking with them about how to better manage them, but it's rad they do it.04:34
mhall119paultag: that's awesome05:05
nigelbpaultag: \o/05:08
duanedesignpaultag: thanks for reviewing gaurav_pawaskar's package today.05:59
dholbachgood morning08:01
nigelbhi dholbach08:02
dholbachhi nigelb08:03
dpmgood morning all08:18
duanedesign'lo dpm08:25
dpmhey duanedesign :)08:25
duanedesignthe closer we get to uds the sadder i am i could not go. *sigh*08:26
duanedesignjust make me appreciate it in October that much more :)08:26
kim0morning all09:06
nigelbheya kim09:06
nigelberm kim009:06
kim0hey :)09:06
duanedesignmorning nigelb kim009:30
=== daker_ is now known as daker
nigelb*whee* new laptop \o/10:24
jussinigelb: what did you get?10:43
nigelbjussi: a dell inspiron (for work)10:44
nigelbNeed to install Ubuntu on it tonight \o/10:44
nigelbjussi: which bit is lolworthy?10:45
duanedesigncool nigelb11:36
nigelbduanedesign: :)11:37
dholbachpleia2, popey, Technoviking: CC meeting in 23m?11:37
nigelbJFo: still stuck without sleep huh?11:41
JFonigelb, yep11:54
Technovikingmorning all11:55
* nigelb hugs JFo 11:55
nigelbhello Technoviking11:55
JFothanks nigelb11:55
nigelbJFo: did you plot invading jono? :-P11:56
JFoI have, we are planning and plotting and scheming11:57
Technovikingdholbach: I'm here, green elf needs caffeine badly:)11:57
JFomosly just the Sand Fran./San Jose area11:57
JFoTechnoviking, wizard is about to diiie11:57
* JFo loved Gauntlet :)11:57
popeyWizard needs food, badly!11:58
* popey notes "Green elf" implies Gauntlet II11:58
* popey collects old arcade games :D11:59
paultagduanedesign: np12:12
nigelb*cough* -offtopic *cough* place for everything and anything :P12:17
jussinigelb: no....12:19
paultagnigelb: how's whiskey tango foxtrot going?13:39
nigelbpaultag: roadblocked at work :)13:39
nigelbfixing a fscking shell script :P13:39
paultagnigelb: righto13:39
nigelbhey mhall11914:06
AlanBellhttp://arshaw.com/fullcalendar/ would be nice to integrate with summit14:16
mhall119AlanBell: integrate how?14:25
AlanBellreplacing the scary bits in the schedule14:27
AlanBellbit of a big job though14:27
jcastroAlanBell: ours drags and drops already14:29
jcastrowe just have to toggle it for certain people14:29
AlanBellI know14:29
AlanBellanyhow, I just thought it looked kind of nice. How is the Etherpad server coming on?14:31
jussiooh, yes, this I want to know also14:34
nigelbwhat the...14:41
nigelbjcastro assigned me a bug?14:41
nigelb*facepalm* yes, why didn't I see this earlier :(14:42
jcastroI did?14:42
nigelbyeah, I knew of it. Just fell of my list14:43
dholbachdpm,  nice post15:40
dpmdholbach, cool, glad you liked it, thanks :)15:41
Ronnieping kim015:43
kim0Ronnie: hey15:43
Ronniekim0: im making progress on the maps.ubuntu.com ...15:43
Ronniea lot of it is working already15:44
kim0Ronnie: woohoo :)15:44
Ronnienow i need some toughts about the content of the different marker types15:44
kim0Ronnie: I know I havent been able to help much .. hope it's going good15:44
kim0Ronnie: we should be able to add/del new marker types thru django admin UI right15:45
Ronniewhat should be nice (optional) information that could be shown for the "Ubuntu User" and "Ubuntu Server", any ideas?15:45
kim0Ronnie: I had added some info to the wiki page a few days ago .. not sure if you had seen those15:46
Ronniei've seen the first comments you did15:46
kim0yeah they are those15:46
Ronniethen csenger added some more15:46
Ronniei agreed on all of them, and developed the code with that ideas in mind15:47
kim0Ronnie: Maybe for user: name, pic, url15:48
kim0perhaps with a text field for notes15:48
kim0nothing that allows html or scripts ..etc15:48
Ronniefor each marker, there is an "Title, Content(which is different for each marker type), an url for more info, and the ability to add tags15:48
Ronniethe content should be a dictionary with fields, which should be rendered by template (at least thats my tought)15:49
kim0and what's Content(user) and Content(server)15:49
Ronniethe attributes of that content i haven't thought of yet15:50
Ronniefor the server, we could have: Ubuntu Version, ....15:51
kim0Ronnie: uptime, function (maybe multiple select)15:51
kim0so people can brag about uptime on a global scale :)15:51
Ronnieuptime is hard, because that needs to be updates each second ;)15:52
kim0jono: hey15:52
RonnieType of server, "webserver, mailserver, proxy, fileserver"15:52
jonohey all15:53
jonohey kim015:53
kim0Ronnie: yeah something like that .. with possibly custom at the end15:53
salgadodoes anybody know how lp:summit is deployed in production? mod_wsgi, I'd guess?15:53
Ronnieany more ideas for the server content?15:55
kim0Ronnie: let's get a version running first, then we can collect more creative feedback from a wider audience .. shouldn't be too hard to add optional fields later I hope15:56
kim0Ronnie: thanks for the great work man :)15:57
Ronniekim0: i want to use a dictionary + template, so if we update the template, more dictionary_keys we can use. So it should be really easy ;)15:57
AlanBelljcastro: do we know who is providing a server for etherpad to be tested/deployed on? Is it Canonical IS or the cloud team or someone else?15:57
kim0Ronnie: sounds really good15:58
jcastroI am not sure who is doing what15:58
jcastroAlanBell: I think kirkland should know15:58
AlanBellooh, a recipe for nobody doing anything :(15:58
jcastroAlanBell: I am swamped with scheduling unfortunately15:58
Ronniekim0: feel free to add additional marker types and paramters: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/mapuntu/API#Marker%20Types15:59
* kim0 nods15:59
Ronniekim0: im also creating a server .py script, that ask the information interactively, so it should be easy to add the marker16:00
* kim0 hugs Ronnie :)16:00
kim0sounds awesome16:01
* AlanBell goes to find kirkland16:01
jonodpm, about set?16:02
=== maco2 is now known as maco
dpmjono, yep!16:03
dholbachalright my friends - I call it a day17:02
dholbachsee you all tomorrow!17:02
jcastrojussi: here's the list of rooms btw: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-o/17:09
jcastrojussi: I'll have the remote participation page made today17:10
akgranerjcastro, go you!17:10
dpmok, calling it a day here too...17:10
dpmhave a nice rest of the day and see you tomorrow!17:11
jussijcastro: nice, Ill get those sorted soon.17:19
jussibah, how can ftp be so crap.17:41
nigelbjussi: uploading file by file?17:42
nigelb(it is crap that way)17:42
nigelbI suggest uploading a zipped file and unzipping on server (if you have permissions to do so)17:42
jussinigelb: how is better?17:42
jussino, I cant.17:42
jussiIve only got ftp access, no cli17:43
pleia2jono: I'm working with the Ubuntu-HU folks to do some night tourism on wednesday and thursday, how do we get things up on http://uds.ubuntu.com/social-events/ ? do you anticipate more sponsors doing events that may conflict?17:43
nigelbjussi: no recursive file upload.17:43
pleia2(or if there is someone else I can ask, please let me know :))17:43
jonopleia2, jcastro can help get that content up17:43
jonopleia2, as for social events, I believe there is Mon, Tue and Fri night things17:44
jcastropleia2: send me a mail with all the info17:44
pleia2jcastro: ok, once we get all the details I'll let you know, thanks!17:44
Pendulumpleia2: is the blind dinner on there yet?17:53
Pendulum(as an optional social event)17:53
pleia2Pendulum: I suggested it to Hanji to get some details (location & neighborhood, whether there are other things in the area we can do that evening)17:53
Pendulumcool :)17:54
Pendulum(I just noticed the interest on the accessibility blog :) )17:54
nigelbI'd like to try it, especially after kirkland blogged about his experience17:54
jussiif anyone has come across good hosting that is also environmentally friendly (and really is, not just says they are), please let me know.18:12
czajkows1ijussi: what kinda hosting are you looking for ?18:13
jussiczajkows1i: web hosting - joomla site probably.18:14
czajkows1ijussi: I alwways pimp blacknight.com18:14
czajkows1ifriendly and fast and good prices18:14
jussibut how environmentally friendly are they?18:16
czajkows1iI don't know18:17
czajkows1iask them18:17
czajkows1inot being smart18:17
jussifair enough18:17
=== daker is now known as daker_
jussiits annoying, as I googled a fair bit, but its hard when you havent heard of companies.18:18
AlanBelljussi: you might do carbon offset separately18:19
jussiI was looking at one of these: http://www.aiso.net/general-hosting-plans.html (but Ive never heard of them)18:20
AlanBellhetzner.de are working well for us at the moment18:21
=== czajkows1i is now known as czajkowski
nigelbAlanBell: friend's hetzner died all of a sudden last week for a few hours :\18:23
AlanBellwe have two hardward boxes18:23
AlanBellthe big one is a core i7 980ex with 24GB ram18:24
nigelboh, ok. these were vps18:24
AlanBellwe run KVM on them and have a bunch of chunky VMs18:25
mhall119jussi: I'm not sure how eco-friendly Google's current cloud hosting is, but I have heard about them running test data centers that used natural cooling or other power-saving techniques18:31
jussimhall119: ooh, sounds interesting18:32
jussiI like the look of that asio.net, but they do sound expensive.18:32
jussialso, a2hosting looks interesting18:32
AlanBelljcastro: kirkland and elmo seem to have confirmed they will be running an etherpad server for uds18:35
nigelbjussi: if facebook ever goes like amazon and hires out their dataceners, just fyi, facebook is eco friendly18:35
jussiAlanBell: yay!18:35
nigelbAlanBell: \o/18:35
AlanBellDaviey: mhall119: how should I store the etherpad URL such that it is a summit preference somewhere?18:35
* czajkowski kicks the wiki 18:35
nigelbAlanBell: thanks for puhsing this18:35
czajkowskistop giving me an error when I change things18:35
nigelbAlanBell: there is a url thingy on the blueprint, that's what jcastro suggested earlier18:36
AlanBellczajkowski: 22:19 < jono> AlanBell, I have followed to up with IS to see what is going on with the wiki work18:36
mhall119AlanBell: in settings.py18:36
AlanBellnigelb: yeah, but that was daft :)18:37
czajkowskiAlanBell: ah cool18:37
nigelbAlanBell: heh18:37
nigelbmhall119: do we plan on generating etherpad urls?18:37
AlanBellmhall119: cool, I will do that later18:37
nigelb(inside summit itself)18:37
AlanBellnigelb: that bit is solved18:37
AlanBelljust need to store the server URL18:37
nigelbAlanBell: oh, great :)18:38
AlanBellnigelb: my summit modification, links on the schedule http://libertus.co.uk:8000/uds-o/2011-04-14/ to pages like this: http://libertus.co.uk:8000/uds-o/meeting/full-of-awesome/18:38
mhall119nigelb: I gather that's the plan, yes18:38
mhall119last UDS IS told us that etherpad wouldn't scale enough to be used for summits, but I guess they've changed their mind (or had it changed for them)18:38
nigelbmhall119: well, AlanBell already wrote the code, so I guess I got my answer :p18:38
nigelbmhall119: kirkland said, if it fails we can always fallback to gobby18:39
nigelbor was it elmo18:39
AlanBellelmo said they will do both18:39
mhall119both simultaneously?18:39
AlanBellanyone want to take bets on which will fall over18:39
AlanBellmhall119: both servers will be turned on18:39
mhall119AlanBell: ah, ok18:40
nigelbAlanBell: what are the odds? even?18:40
AlanBellbut hopefully only one will be used18:40
nigelb(the irony of that sentence is making me smile :P)18:40
nigelbAlanBell: if gobby is not used, it going down is not something that we'll notice18:40
jcastromhall119: do you know how often the icals are updated?18:43
nigelbI think its like rss, immediate.18:44
mhall119jcastro: which icals?18:44
mhall119the ones Summit provides?18:44
mhall119every time you request it18:44
mhall119barring caches18:45
mhall119but I don't think anything is caching them18:45
czajkowskijono: you about my dear ?18:49
jonoczajkowski, yup18:49
czajkowskiyou free for a 2 min pm ?18:49
jcastromhall119: also in summit, how do I assign crew?18:59
jcastroiirc we added a field for crew?18:59
nigelbpaultag: this sounds like someone you might know http://i.imgur.com/PTQOa.jpg19:02
AlanBellyay, ETHERPAD_HOST added to settings.py19:04
AlanBellso what do you really want in the header of a meeting page? like this: http://libertus.co.uk:8000/uds-o/meeting/full-of-awesome/19:06
AlanBellat the moment I have title-room, timeslot, description, links to wiki and blueprint, attendees (which could get big and I am not sure has value) and a QR code to the wiki url of the meeting19:09
AlanBellis there any value in having a QR code to any of the various options?19:09
AlanBellare there things to trim, or things to add based on stuff that is available in summit?19:09
mhall119jcastro: in the admin, you have to mark attendees as "willing to be crew", then you can assign them to specific days19:16
mhall119AlanBell: would the qrcode to the wiki really be useful?19:17
AlanBellI think that is doubtful19:18
AlanBellmy original concept was that the QR code would link to the meeting page URL itself and would be printed on the paper stuck to the door19:18
jcastromhall119: oh ok, I see19:18
AlanBellhowever it has been pointed out that the number of devices that can actually scan a QR code and use etherpad is kind of small19:19
jcastromhall119: oh I see, is that what the crew field is in the admin interface?19:29
jcastromhall119: oooh, got it!19:32
mhall119jcastro: yeah, Crew records link attendees to days19:32
jcastromhall119: dude this is awesome!19:32
jcastromhall119: ok so in the future19:35
jcastrowhen the applicant checks "willing to be crew"19:35
jcastrothe box will be autoselected?19:35
mhall119jcastro: we can do that, yes19:35
mhall119but it's not currently implemented19:35
* jcastro nods19:36
jcastrothis is still 38497593845% better than the wiki way19:36
mhall119that's a big improvement19:36
mhall119unless the wiki way was zero19:36
jcastroyeah, zero19:36
Davieyso 38497593845% of 0 better.. awesome!19:37
mhall119jcastro: also, the openid-follow-renames code will be in django-openid-auth trunk soon, so we can start to put that into action for summit19:37
mhall119Daviey: ^^19:37
jcastrowhat's that in english?19:37
mhall119we can enable summit such that if someone changes their nick in launchpad, their django username is updated to match19:38
mhall119also, we can enforce that the user has an lp profile, so we don't get anymore openiduser#### usernames19:39
jcastroooh nice!19:39
cjohnstonmhall119: the crew being listed on the day paige is sweet19:42
mhall119you say that now, wait until everyone knows to make you work19:43
nigelbmhall119: +119:43
nigelbjcastro loves me, I get to crew twice \o/19:44
mhall119nigelb: gotta earn your keep19:44
cjohnstonmhall119: thats the whole point19:45
nigelbany crew schedule where cjohnston is not crewing is unfair :P19:45
Davieymhall119: It might need packaging up..19:48
cjohnstonjcastro: is crew set to where it can be put on the wiki page as well?19:48
mhall119Daviey: achuni has already said it'll be built and put in the ISD PPA19:48
Davieymhall119: ok, cool - it might be a good idea to raise an RT to get that rolled out as soon as it is in the PPA then.19:49
Davieymhall119: fancy taking that [ACTION]?19:49
mhall119Daviey: sure19:50
nigelbsurely we'll have a summit session at UDS?19:50
Davieynobody has drafted a blueprint yet.19:51
nigelbcan I?19:52
Davieyoh wait19:53
Technovikingnigelb: where is crew listed19:57
nigelbTechnoviking: top of each day's schedule19:58
DavieyTechnoviking: You need to do an SQL dump... :)19:58
TechnovikingDaviey: need more SQL fiber first:)19:59
doctormopleia2, vish & nigelb: I won't be going to UDS this year. Hope you all have a good time.20:03
jcastroDaviey: if I manually schedule a session will the jumbler touch it when you run it?20:04
* nigelb hugs doctormo 20:04
mhall119ha ha, ew20:04
pleia2doctormo: hugs! thanks :)20:04
Davieyjcastro: i believe so.20:06
Davieyjcastro: do you need to create adhoc sessions atm?20:06
jcastroI would like to yes20:06
jcastrojono: I'd like to get our roundtables out of the way and schedule them now if that's ok20:06
jonojcastro, yes please20:06
jonopick the same room for each one if possible20:06
jonobut if not, no worries20:06
jcastroI'll do that20:07
jcastrobecause I need to test the colors20:07
jcastroDaviey: did someone do the colors?20:07
Davieyjcastro: okay.. we need a nice form for adhoc sessions.. it is really ugly people using the admin ui for it.20:07
cjohnstonI dont think colors have been done yet20:07
Davieyjcastro: i haven't seen the change land, so assume no.20:07
jcastrocan someone do the colors before thursday?20:08
cjohnstonDaviey: ill get on the colors thing...20:08
Davieyjcastro: patches welcome :)20:08
cjohnstonDaviey: how are the tracks defined for this? are they by slug or ...?20:08
jcastroI would love it if they did it by name20:08
jcastrobecause people always forget to select the track in the UI20:09
nigelbhaha, "congratulations/applogies"20:09
Davieycjohnston: the trackfix management script should convert names into the correct track objects.20:10
Daviey*but* trackfix needs updating for the new track names.20:10
cjohnstonok.. and thats what i looked at yesterday, and I don't understand how it works or whats broken20:10
AlanBellok, my attendee list now works, with links to launchpad profiles and required attendees are in bold. I dropped the QR code.20:10
AlanBellanything else to change in the header or does it look OK? http://libertus.co.uk:8000/uds-o/meeting/full-of-awesome/20:11
Davieyjcastro: i see that some sessions have already been scheduled... note that they autoscheduler will not attempt to move manually scheduled sessions..20:11
DavieySo people shouldn't schedule stuff to 'help'20:12
jcastroDaviey: perfect, thanks20:12
jcastroDaviey: sorry I had to schedule them asap, linaro has some special needs20:13
DavieyAlanBell: lgtm, but how well does it scale with say 30 attendees?20:13
cjohnstoni dont know that we would want an attendees list.. or atleast not up top20:13
cjohnstonmaybe at the bottom seperated by a ","20:13
AlanBellthe UL would just get bigger20:14
AlanBellnot sure quite how I can show you that without 30 people logging on to my server with openID20:14
doctormopleia2: Are you certainly going to UDS in budapest? I need someone to take over tea duty.20:14
jcastrojono: ok, snagged Kazincy as our home room each day20:14
DavieyAlanBell: can you fake it with a for loop to test?20:14
Davieyadd 60 AlanBells?20:14
jcastroso everyone remember "sounds like unabomber"20:14
AlanBellDaviey: actually it would be great if a couple of people could log on20:15
DavieyAlanBell: fake it in the template20:15
pleia2doctormo: yes, flights booked20:15
doctormoDaviey: fake it in a static html page.20:15
AlanBellthen I can make some required and some not required and I will double it up a few times in the template20:15
DavieyAlanBell: can i have a time share of the thread please ? :)20:16
AlanBellrunserver doesn't scale well does it!20:16
DavieyAlanBell, TemplateSyntaxError at /uds-o/meeting/full-of-awesome/20:16
Daviey'datetime' is not a valid tag library: ImportError raised loading django.contrib.admin.templatetags.datetime: No module named datetime20:16
cjohnstonjcastro: ^20:17
jcastroAlanBell: ok so clue me in a sec, this thing you're working is basically "click on the title and the notes will magically open up"20:17
doctormopleia2: The requirements are fairly simple, just take over a handful of pg tips/yorkshire (I can send you some via mail if you like) and find out how the hotel does hot water. 103°C boiling water, not just 90°C coffee water. The find the people by wednesday who are dying for tea and help their poor souls.20:17
pleia2doctormo: can I take it through customs?20:17
doctormopleia2: Sure,20:17
doctormoBudapest is in the EU right?20:17
AlanBellDaviey: fixed20:17
jcastrocjohnston: the crew on tuesday is the husband-wife novacut video editor team(tm)20:18
AlanBelljcastro: yes20:18
jcastroAlanBell: OMG.20:18
AlanBelljcastro: or "click on a little icon next to the title" to be precise20:18
AlanBelljcastro: the magic is strong with this one20:18
pleia2doctormo: yeah, they're part of the EU20:18
pleia2doctormo: how does one get 103C water, ask the hotel? :)20:19
doctormopleia2: Yes, or if you're in the USA, bring an electric kettle because the hotel won't have anything that hot.20:19
Davieypleia2: dig a deep hole20:19
doctormoBut basically it's boiling water, hopefully not by microwave and you should be good.20:19
nigelbpleia2: Note, kettle might combust if you bring it from USA, voltage difference.20:20
pleia2oh dear20:20
doctormopleia2: Yes, US kettle won't actually work in the EU, voltage not high enough.20:20
nigelbother way around20:20
doctormoBut it shouldn't catch fire nigelb!20:20
nigelbvoltage not low enough20:21
nigelbdoctormo: I was slightly exaggerating20:21
pleia2I am sure I can find one on amazon20:22
pleia2I'll figure out voltage stuff20:22
AlanBellDaviey: that is 30 of me20:22
nigelbYou can get coverting things I think20:22
pleia2I have adapters, but not voltage adapters20:22
AlanBelltwo or three columns might be nicer20:22
nigelbanyay, I just realized its 1 am. Time to head to bed.20:22
pleia2night nigelb :)20:22
nigelbpleia2: let me see if I can pack one :)20:23
doctormothanks for the hug nigelb20:23
nigelbIf you can get convertor, I can get kettle20:23
pleia2nigelb: but by the time I know if you can come it'll be too late for me to order one :(20:23
pleia2I'll see what I can do20:23
nigelbpleia2: good point :(20:23
pleia2maybe one of the ubuntu-hu people can bring one20:24
nigelbpsst, ask cjohnston :P20:24
doctormopleia2: You know those guys! :-D20:24
pleia2he's from florida!20:24
pleia2doctormo: yes :)20:24
pleia2looks like budapest castle and "ruin pubs" (ruinpubs.com) will be on the ubuntu-hu night tourism list :D20:25
DavieyAlanBell, that is a little sucky IMO.20:26
DavieyAlanBell, I think comma sperated list at the footer would be better IMO.20:26
jcastroAlanBell: did you contact kirkland?20:28
AlanBelllooks a bit crap as it is all me, variety would be good20:28
DavieyAlanBell, i did sign in20:28
AlanBelllots of us20:29
* JFo is loopy20:29
DavieyAlanBell, The importiant thing on that page is the pad.. pushing it down the page is suboptimal IMO.20:29
AlanBellDaviey: I agree20:29
AlanBelljcastro: yes, and elmo in -devel20:29
jcastrooh rock and roll20:30
jcastroeverything going ok?20:30
jcastrosorry I haven't been around today, slam city20:30
Davieysalgado, o/20:30
* salgado waves20:31
AlanBellDaviey: how about now, comma separated at the top20:32
mhall119hey salgado20:32
AlanBelland yes, I will deal with the trailing comma20:32
DavieyAlanBell: yeah, i just reloaded.. that is better... can you repeat 30 times?20:32
jcastroAlanBell: question for you20:33
jcastroAlanBell: so how does it name the document?20:33
AlanBellrepeated the loop 15 times, for 30 names20:33
jcastroit would be brilliant if it just took the blueprint name20:33
AlanBellhttp://padserver/{{ summit.name }}-{{ meeting.name }}?_theme=micro20:33
AlanBellso in this instance uds-o-full-of-awesome20:34
jcastrohow flexible are you on that?20:34
jcastrowe put the o in the blueprint already20:34
jcastroso we don't need the uds part20:34
jcastroso like20:34
Davieyjcastro, hang on...20:34
Davieythe padserver won't be tied to UDS, right20:34
jcastrooh I see what you mean20:35
Davieyso having a convetion of ^uds-X .. is prtty clean IMO20:35
AlanBellI was worried about collsions between udses20:35
AlanBelle.g. community roundtable20:35
jcastroAlanBell: I make them put the letter in every blueprint20:35
Davieyuds-o-community-o-locodirectory-improvements <-- some replication, but 'pretty good' TM20:36
AlanBelleven linaro ones, private meetings and other exceptions?20:36
jcastrooh you know what20:36
Davieyjcastro, TBH, people won't need to care about the blueprint url20:36
jcastroit doesn't matter20:36
jcastrowe won't have to care about remembering the URL20:36
jcastroas long as I can click on it who cares20:36
jcastroright right20:36
AlanBellthe summit schedule *is* the index20:36
* jcastro says carry on awkwardly20:36
jcastrook, so 2nd question20:37
Daviey"as you were soldiers"20:37
cjohnstonWAIT.. he has another question20:37
jcastrois there a way to go "etherpad give me all the documents for uds-o on one page"20:37
Davieyjcastro, Yes!20:37
Davieyusing tags :)20:37
jcastroso we can get rid of this "proceedings" crap20:37
jcastroand just tell everyone not at UDS "watch this page"20:37
jcastrojono: ^^^20:38
Davieyjcastro, private etherpad (PNE) allows a full index... but ACL is not suitable for our requirements ATM.  Therefore tags rock!20:38
jcastroanyone have an example URL of an etherpad doing tags?20:38
jcastroso I can see what it looks like?20:38
Davieyone mo20:38
AlanBelljust type in a tag20:38
Davieyjcastro, http://pad.daviey.com/test20:39
AlanBellwith a # so just type #awesome in a pad and that will be a link to all pads tagged with #awesome20:39
jcastrook so I pretty much love this20:40
jcastrook and how do we tag the document20:40
jcastrojust put #community in it?20:40
mhall119AlanBell: can we pre-seed the pads with those tags?20:40
AlanBellooh, jcastro you will like this bit . . .20:40
jcastrothis is. AWESOME.20:40
AlanBellhit play20:41
* jcastro nods20:41
jcastroseen this before20:41
paultagnigelb: hehehe, I saw that on reddit :)20:42
AlanBellmhall119: that could be done with a bit of etherpad hacking to take some tags off the querystring and use them to prepopulate new documents20:43
DavieyAlanBell, I *think* that is already supported20:43
AlanBellhowever I doubt we will be allowed to do that if they want a clean packaged etherpad server20:43
AlanBellorly? if you can find the syntax to prepopulate then I will totally make that happen20:44
DavieyAlanBell, I remember some discussion about it, but don't know if it landed20:44
DavieyAlanBell, "clean and packaged" means we can add patches as needed.20:44
* AlanBell fixors trailing comma on names20:47
Davieymaybe it didn't land20:49
jonojcastro, I don't think the proceedings are "crap"20:52
jonothey provide a valuable summary of the event20:53
jcastrono no that's not what I meant20:53
jonoand just showing notes is not enough - they need to be summarized20:53
jcastroI meant providing the index of the sessions20:53
jcastrooh  oh, I see what you mean20:53
jcastrooh dude, then let's do this20:53
jcastroI got it20:53
jcastroand tag it #community20:53
jcastrothen you just live-update it throughout the day20:54
jcastroso instead of track leads having to do a huge summary at the end of each day20:54
jcastroyou tell the people in the session "after each session, add a one line summary of your session to the summary notes"20:54
jcastrojono: does that make sense?20:55
jcastrolike last time the track leads went person to person "hey I need like a quick summary of your sessions"20:55
jonojcastro, good idea, but I suspect few will use it in all the madness of UDs20:55
Davieyjcastro, you can mix and match tags...20:55
AlanBellso . . . we need a link on the meeting page to pad.ubuntu.com/uds-o-track-day20:55
jonoremember how we do that with wiki pages, but often the pages get left empty20:56
jcastrojono: right but this is way less mad, since we can put the links right on the summit page20:56
Daviey#summary and #uds-o and #community20:56
jonowe could...do that and then ask the track leads to use that as content for the proceedings and to buff them up20:56
jcastroright, the reason people don't do it is because there's no easy way to go from the schedule to the wiki20:57
Davieynigelb, !  How busy are you... ? :)20:57
jcastrobut if we just put a link right next to the track20:57
jcastrosince you have to go to that page every day20:57
jcastrofor example:20:57
jcastroDaviey: check this out:20:57
jcastrosee the By Track:20:57
jcastroit could be Community - (Summary)20:58
jcastroand summary is a link20:58
jcastroto community-o-summary20:58
AlanBellis it one summary per day or one summary per uds (for each track)20:59
jcastroper day per track20:59
AlanBellokies, on it20:59
jcastro"This is what happened in Community today"20:59
jcastroAlanBell: wait!20:59
jcastrolet's convince jono it's a good idea first21:00
AlanBellquicker to code it up and show him it is a good idea :)21:00
jcastrojono: right, so this is how you make this less work21:00
jcastroso last time you had to find us and be like "guys what did you do today"21:00
jcastrothen you would have to compile all that together21:00
jcastroinstead you would say "every session you run put your session is there, or you will be killed"21:01
jonojcastro, I think it is a good idea, but I don't think the tool was the problem, but I am happy to trial this if you want21:01
jcastrothen at the end of the day you take all our raw stuff, massage, and done!21:01
DavieyAlanBell, One more thing... Any chance you can add ETHERPAD_HOST_SUFFIX ? :)21:01
jcastroright, and if we have it right on the schedule it will be in our faces, so we'll be inclined to make sure it doesn't suck21:01
DavieyAlanBell, meh, scrub that21:02
AlanBellwell you can put a port in the host if you want21:02
jcastroAlanBell: oh, another idea but it's probably P material21:02
jcastroin any given doc I can designate what's summary content21:03
jcastrobut nm, that's probably too complicated21:03
jonojcastro, make sure you liaise with IS over the etherpad reqs21:03
jcastrojono: kirkland and Daviey are doing that21:03
jcastroI'm not involved in that21:04
AlanBelljono: I have been talking to kirkland and elmo today21:04
Davieyjamespage is the mug^D person doing most of the heavy lifting atm.21:04
doctormojono: I'll be going to LGM in Montreal instead of UDS this cycle, are there any graphics related interests I could communicate on behalf of the Ubuntu community?21:04
jonojcastro, ok, can ask you to just have oversight to ensure everyone is keeping the comms channels open?21:04
jcastroDaviey: is it going to be EC2 or a real server?21:04
AlanBellelmo says we should be good to go with pad.ubuntu.com21:04
Davieyjcastro: pass.21:04
jcastrojono: nod21:04
jonodoctormo, I don't think so - maybe talk to Ivanka thoug21:05
jcastroDaviey: is that pass as "I don't know?" or pass as in "lol not my problem?"21:05
doctormoaye aye21:05
Davieyjcastro: mostly the former.21:05
jcastro"a little of both"21:05
jcastroAlanBell: ok so next question21:05
DavieyAlanBell: can jcastro embed a pony?21:05
Davieya flashing GIF pony?21:05
jcastrono no, nothing so drastic21:06
AlanBellactually yes21:06
jcastroAlanBell: I assume the server your running is running summit21:06
jcastroso what's the plan wrt. landing that in summit on summit.u.c?21:06
DavieyAlanBell: what about play some midi files on page load?21:06
* AlanBell adds the pony21:07
AlanBelljcastro: the "server" is my laptop21:07
AlanBelland yes, running summit21:07
Davieyjcastro: AlanBell's branch can land pretty quickly.. we can use pad.ubuntu-uk.org as an interim... the minimal theme is not functioning but valid proof of concept21:07
AlanBellclick on the summit link in the header21:07
AlanBellDaviey: how about pad.daviey.com21:08
DavieyNot really happy landing the pad server AlanBell is developing against21:08
jcastroDaviey: ok so you're not concerned about landing it and deploying it quickly?21:08
jcastroDaviey: sorry let me rephrase21:08
jcastrook so landing his branch and having it on prod summit.u.c won't be a problem?21:08
AlanBellDaviey: I put pad.ubuntu.com in the settings.py21:08
DavieyAlanBell: i'd rather a *ubuntu* domain TBH :)21:08
Davieyjcastro: no problem.21:08
AlanBelland primarypad.com in my localsettings.py21:08
DavieyAlanBell: groovy21:09
Davieyjcastro: it's a simple deployment atm, as trunk = deployed.21:09
jcastroDaviey: alright so basically he can prototype all he wants irregardless of what you guys do with the real etherpad we'll use21:09
DavieyAlanBell isn't making any DB changes, so nice and simples21:09
* AlanBell is simples personified21:09
jcastroAlanBell: I owe you many beers21:09
jcastrothis is awesome21:10
* AlanBell opens a tab21:10
DavieyAlanBell: Can i land your branch now?21:10
AlanBellDaviey: 10 minutes or so21:10
DavieyAlanBell: okay, throw in a merge request when ready21:10
jcastroDaviey: ok so when this lands21:10
jcastrowe'll basically have it21:11
jcastrobut with a temporary etherpad21:11
jcastroah awesome21:11
Davieyjcastro: Finding someone to do an etherpad ubuntu theme would be good for deployment IMO :)21:12
Davieyit's just CSS foo.21:12
jcastroyou mean for the full on pad?21:13
jcastroor the embedded thing21:13
jcastroI would think most people at UDS will do the embedded thing21:13
cjohnstonwould need both eventually21:14
jcastroDaviey: I suppose integrating the IRC channel into the side thing will be hard21:14
cjohnstoncause im sure people will use the pad.u.c outside of uds21:14
jcastrocjohnston: right, but the time crunch is for UDS21:15
AlanBelljcastro: nope, not hard21:15
cjohnstonthats why I said eventually ;-)21:15
Davieyjcastro: what side?21:16
jcastroon the sidebar in the notes screen21:16
Davieyjcastro: Yeah, i'm saying if we get the ubuntu theme into the first deployment of etherpad, it's more likely to get done :)21:17
jcastroDaviey: ok, so you want me to find someone to do an etherpad ubuntu theme, I can do that.21:17
Davieyjcastro: Won't that make the page /really/ cramped?21:17
jcastroDaviey: yeah bridge too far, I am just brainstorming21:18
jcastroDaviey: right now IS has to set up each room with an IRC client, and like a browser window21:18
jcastroin the future21:18
jcastroit would be cool if we just had a frame with the notes in the middle, irc, and the next part of the schedule in one thing we can fullscreen21:18
jcastroDaviey: where would a contributor pull the css from, can they just bzr branch lp: from somewhere to get the theming stuff?21:19
AlanBellooh, link to icecast for the room would be good21:19
jcastroAlanBell: there's a bug for that!21:20
nigelbpaultag: :_21:20
nigelbDaviey: depends on why21:20
paultagnigelb: :)21:20
jcastroAlanBell: but if you can put it on this page, great!21:20
nigelb(I just popped it just before bed)21:20
Ronnieping kim021:21
nigelbDaviey: wassup? what are you plotting?21:21
jcastronigelb: want to do the CSS for etherpad?21:21
Ronniehttp:// if you have time, could you give some feedback21:21
nigelbjcastro: this weekend? YES!21:21
* nigelb sets friday as etherpad hackday21:22
nigelbI have a bunch of summit fixes to do too, so perfect21:23
salgadomhall119, so, after talking to Daviey and james_w we figured it'd be possible to have a separate theme on summit.linaro.org just by using separate 'media' directories for that vhost, with our custom css/images21:24
kim0Ronnie: hey21:25
salgadothe only thing we wouldn't be able to do with that is change the ubuntu log as that's hard-coded in the base template, so I've proposed a change to the light-django-theme thing: https://code.launchpad.net/~salgado/ubuntu-community-webthemes/ubuntu-logo-to-css/+merge/5838321:25
salgadoalthough I might have proposed it against the wrong branch?21:26
* AlanBell chucks in a merge request21:28
Ronniekim0: i hope we could have it ready before the launch of 11.0421:29
AlanBellI am still working on the track daily summary thing, complicated by the fact that meetings can be on multiple days21:29
kim0Ronnie: hmm deploying to production is probably gonna go slower than you think :21:31
Ronniekim0: any idea how 'fast' the production can deploy?21:32
kim0Ronnie: I'd think it'd have to be ready by now21:32
kim0Ronnie: the code that is21:32
mhall119salgado: you can use different templates entirely if it'll run on a separate server21:32
Ronniekim0: is not ready yet :(21:32
salgadomhall119, right, but the goal is to have a single deployment serving both vhosts21:33
Ronniealtought basic functionality wont take long i guess21:33
Ronniebut testing need to be done21:33
kim0Ronnie: Yeah .. no need for that deadline though ..21:33
kim0we're not running out of releases soon :)21:33
AlanBellwhat is the icecast url format?21:33
mhall119salgado: looks like it's proposed against the right branch21:35
mhall119salgado: you can have 2 instances of teh same code running, but using different settings files, and thus different templates21:36
salgadomhall119, right, but we wanted to avoid that to make deployment easier for IS21:38
czajkowskisometimes canonical sysadmins just make my day rather easy21:39
mhall119salgado: gotcha, I don't have any objections to your merge proposals, if I have time later today I'll test it and if everything looks okay I'll merge it21:40
salgadomhall119, great, thanks!21:41
jcastrojussi: BOOYAH: http://uds.ubuntu.com/participate/remote/21:42
doctormoWhat kind of file is this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/596258/ ?21:43
doctormoIt's not ini format, it's something else, but I don't know it yet.21:43
mhall119doctormo: dunno,  but it doesn't look pleasant21:52
DavieyAlanBell, so, icecast url is a model object you can call21:52
DavieyAlanBell, room.icecast_url21:52
Ronniekim0: do you have an 10.04 installation running?22:07
Ronniei also get the error: Can't create GeoIP->gi object when trying: gi = GeoIP.open('/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoLiteCity.dat', GeoIP.GEOIP_STANDARD) any ideas?22:12
AlanBellhttp://libertus.co.uk:8000/uds-o/meeting/full-of-awesome/ now including links to "$track summary for $day" and icecast url if specified on the room22:13
Davieymhall119, The ubuntu-website is a strict alias in the apache config... so having varying django settings will not help.23:10
Davieyor i can't see how it can, at least23:11
AlanBelljcastro: jono: the notes have landed, http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-o/2011-05-10/ and click on the icon of the community tuesday roundtable23:14
AlanBellnote the "Community summary for Tuesday" link which is automatically added23:17
jonoAlanBell, nice!23:21
jonoAlanBell, do I need to save the notes?23:21
jonothere is no save button23:22
AlanBellno need23:22
AlanBellevery keystroke is saved23:22
jonohow do I find out who each colour is?23:22
AlanBellsee the notes in a separate window button23:23
AlanBellthat takes you to the full etherpad UI with names23:23
jonoAlanBell, would be cool if it used OpenID to automatically display your name23:23
jonothis is sweet23:23
AlanBellwe could embed that rather than the micro or nano themes23:23
jonoAlanBell, would be handy if the logged in users were shown within summit23:25
jonothen there would be no need for a seperate link to the etherpad23:25
AlanBellyeah, can do23:25
AlanBellwe can do a theme with the user list but not the chat pane (because that dupes IRC)23:26
jonoAlanBell, yeah23:27
jonoI don't think the chat bit is useful23:27
jonono one uses that in gobby anyway23:27
Davieychat pane IRC is bad for historical logs anyway23:28
popeybest to keep chat in one place imo23:28
popeylogged too in irc23:28
AlanBellso that bit inside the iframe is part of the etherpad theme, which nigelb is messing with on friday23:28
Davieyjono, I looked at openid... it is currently possible, but not polished enough for deployment23:29
Daviey(or secure)23:29
DavieyIt's not currently possible to use Ubuntu SSO, it would need to use the API... probably how mumble does it.23:30
kim0Ronnie: maybe the file /usr/share/GeoIP/GeoLiteCity.dat doesn't exist (geoip-database or python-geoip not installed?)23:30
AlanBellmeh, you only have to name yourself once and the etherpad server knows who you are23:30
Ronniekim0: fixed, it was not unzipped23:30
DavieyAlanBell, yeah, openid helps with accountability with abuse.23:30
DavieyAlanBell, also note... using the micro theme... you cannot name yourself afaiks :(23:32
AlanBelltrue, it would be good to have openid auth for longer term use23:32
DavieyAlanBell, I think someone would need to reach in their pocket to get it sponsored :)23:32
Ronniekim0: its really easy to setup and development server instance, so if you'd like (and have time) ....23:33
AlanBellyes, I knew you couldn't name yourself with the micro theme, only just realising that is kind of important in some sessions23:33
AlanBellso we do a theme with the pad, editing controls (bold etc) and a sidebar with names, but no chat23:34
DavieyAlanBell, I think the micro theme needs extending to have the username23:34
paultaghow does the JS script POST the name?23:35
paultagwhy not write a basic gate and post it before entering the chat23:35
paultagthen hack it to flip a session varable that lets them "in"23:35
Davieypaultag, I know what you are thinking... and that could work23:35
paultagit's a kludge, aye, but it might work in this timeframe23:35
paultagDaviey: :)23:35
AlanBellisn't it a cookie or something?23:36
DavieyAlanBell, yes, cookie23:36
paultagAlanBell: if it is, that'd be easy to set23:36
paultagperfect :)23:36
DavieyAlanBell, appending ?user=LP.id could be our fix23:36
Davieyno need to have a gate IMO..23:36
paultag+1, if you can get around it :)23:36
paultagOK, heading off. cheerio, all23:36
kim0Ronnie: can't really commit much time (I'm also off next week) :/23:37
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
Ronniekim0: ok23:38
AlanBellnot a cookie23:39
AlanBellnot a simple cookie anyhow23:45
DavieyAlanBell, well it is cookie based, because if you clear your cookies, the name goes :)23:46
AlanBellyeah the ET cookie23:48
AlanBellbut the name is stored serverside23:48
AlanBellmust do the quotas.js hacks to let plenty of people on each pad23:51
Davieyyeah, i made it unlimited23:51
DavieyAlanBell, it looks like it wouldn't be too complicated to extend the request.params.userId or request.params.username23:52
Davieythen appending ?username=foo would work.23:52
AlanBellok so a bit of a mod on the etherpad side and a minor tweak to the iframe URL then?23:54
AlanBellnow all I have to do is a merge request to get http://ubingo.libertus.co.uk integrated with the keynote session23:56
AlanBellin fact if there is any chance of that getting in as an easter egg to be revealed on the day I would do the coding for it23:58

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