
RAOF*Chromium-browser bundles a mesa fork?*00:34
kklimondaRAOF: ? :D00:34
kklimondathat would be funny00:34
RAOFWell, it does.  I presume we don't use it, though.00:35
* TheMuso sighs. Thats just poor form.00:35
TheMusoI hope we don't use it, but I wouldn't be surprised if we do.00:35
TheMusoNo we don't.00:36
TheMusoThe build deps for chromium browser show that it depends on mesa for building/running.00:36
rickspencer3maybe chromium should keep their own kernel in /opt as well?00:51
rickspencer3robert_ancell, hey, you might know this ... is there a stored parsing of the desktopfiles anywhere?00:52
rickspencer3like in a database or something?00:52
robert_ancellrickspencer3, like a cache?00:52
rickspencer3robert_ancell, well, a cached copy of a data structure, yeah00:52
robert_ancellbamf loads information from .desktop files for running processes, but I don't think it's generic00:52
rickspencer3so bamf parses every .desktop file each time?00:53
robert_ancellrickspencer3, just the first time a process starts00:53
rickspencer3well, sure00:53
robert_ancellrickspencer3, what devilish scheme do you have...00:53
rickspencer3but really?00:53
rickspencer3robert_ancell, I'm thinking about making an application launcer app00:53
rickspencer3you stick it on the launcher ...00:53
rickspencer3you activate it with meta #00:53
rickspencer3then you get a list of categories ...00:54
robert_ancellrickspencer3, right, so you want a list of the available applications00:54
rickspencer3then, etc...00:54
rickspencer3robert_ancell, I think I need a datastructure that stores applications by category00:54
rickspencer3so I could go:00:55
rickspencer3for cat in categories:00:55
rickspencer3    for app in cat:00:56
rickspencer3        print app["name"]00:56
rickspencer3for example00:56
robert_ancellrickspencer3, so desktop-file-utils is the package that is run when an application is installed/removed.  It runs update-desktop-database which builds a mime table.  But I think thats all you get00:56
robert_ancellrickspencer3, yeah, I think you have to build your own database on startup00:56
robert_ancellRAOF, ^^ is that how docky does it?00:56
robert_ancellRAOF, not docky, the quick launcher app which name escapes me right now00:56
RAOFrobert_ancell: Dunno, but taht's how Do does it :)00:57
rickspencer3I bet there is some hideous dbus programming that I could that is even worse than parsing the files meself00:57
robert_ancellDo.  Yeah that name just has too many letters for me to remember00:57
RAOFrickspencer3: I don't think there's anything on the other end of a dbus connection that would help.  Unless I finish the expose-Do-over-dbus and you wanted to query Do's universe :)00:58
rickspencer3step 1: make desktop.py module :/00:58
rickspencer3RAOF, yeah, I was being a smart ass00:58
robert_ancellrickspencer3, the parsing is quite simple.  GKeyFile actually already has a bunch of Desktop file specific defines etc00:58
robert_ancellit's just the startup time cost and technically having to monitor the directory which is the pain00:58
rickspencer3just pointing out that if we did provide a convenience like this for app developers, it would be hidden behind some hideous undocumented dbus goo00:58
robert_ancellheh, totally00:59
RAOFIsn't there already a .desktop file specific API?  From memory there is in GTK#.00:59
robert_ancellRAOF, I guess they made their own one00:59
RAOFOr maybe that's just GKeyFile.00:59
waltersrickspencer3: the menu system is more insane than just parsing .desktop files; you probably want gnome-menus01:00
walterswhich i have actually been hacking up all weekend01:00
rickspencer3gnome-menus does look promising01:01
rickspencer3but who is this vuntz character?01:01
rickspencer3I've heard he's scary ;)01:02
rickspencer3walters, are there .menu files lying around in Ubuntu that I can mooch from?01:03
walterschrome probably has a mesa fork for doing GL from a renderer thread01:03
waltersthe same reason they fork webkit01:03
walterspartially to turn random system calls like gettimeofday() into proxy requests01:03
waltersrickspencer3: the default is applications.menu01:03
chrisccoulsonhi RAOF!01:09
RAOFchrisccoulson: Hello, my favourite compiz-hanging man!01:10
chrisccoulsonheh :)01:10
chrisccoulsoncompiz loves me!01:10
broderhey RAOF: are you planning to do another multihead session at budapest?01:36
RAOFbroder: I wasn't planning on it, unless you think it'd be useful.  I was planning on implementing what we decided upon in Orlando in O, though, 'cause we'll have the new control centre.01:38
broderwe probably don't need a full session. mostly i still want to try and convince people that we should try to only clone projectors and extend monitors01:41
* RAOF goes to drop off his car for servicing.01:59
johanrobert_ancell: hi, around?02:17
robert_ancelljohan, hello02:17
johanrobert_ancell: hi, I wondering what needs to be done to get a patch included in the latest pygtk release into natty?02:18
johanwell, pygobject actually02:18
robert_ancelljohan, you need a freeze exception, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess#Milestone%20freeze%20Exceptions%20%28like%20BetaFreeze%2902:18
johanrobert_ancell: it's an ABI break, an application working in pre-natty won't work in natty, so it's pretty serious02:19
robert_ancelljohan, is there a bug open?02:19
johanrobert_ancell: the upstream bug is https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=64643702:19
ubot2Gnome bug 646437 in gobject ""metaclass hackery" no longer works with PyGObject-2.28" [Major,Resolved: fixed]02:19
johando I need to open one in launchpad?02:19
robert_ancelljohan, yes please, and link it to the upstream.  Do you have a fixed package?02:20
johanrobert_ancell: nope, not that good at packaging02:20
robert_ancelljohan, ok, please open a bug with the rationale as to why it needs fixing in natty, and I'll do an updated package02:22
johanrobert_ancell: will do, should I subscribe you to the bug?02:22
robert_ancelljohan, just post it here02:22
johanrobert_ancell: here it is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pygobject/+bug/76539802:28
ubot2Launchpad bug 765398 in pygobject "PyGObject 2.28.3 breaks ABI" [Undecided,New]02:28
johannot sure how to link it to natty, my launchpad foo is not great today02:28
robert_ancelljohan, thanks02:28
brycehrickspencer3, around?02:32
rickspencer3hi bryceh02:32
brycehrickspencer3, heya... well I've been poking into this arrandale black screen bug most of the day today02:32
* rickspencer3 braces02:32
brycehrickspencer3, well, Arrandale is a subset of "Ironlake", and I found there's a bunch of Ironlake-specific kernel patches that have been proposed to send upstream but are not yet in any upstream trees02:34
rickspencer3bryceh, may I presume this is in drivers, and upstream is the kernel?02:35
brycehrickspencer3, I went through all of the similar bug reports I could find - there's a bunch against arrandale - however many of them have subtly different symptoms02:35
brycehrickspencer3, correct; specifically the patches I'm wondering about are in "intel-drm-next-proposed", c.f. http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/intel-gfx/2011-April/010071.html02:36
rickspencer3bryceh, so, what do you propose?02:36
brycehrickspencer3, well what I'd really like is if a kernel guy could spin up a build of the above git branch that we could have people test02:37
rickspencer3bryceh, and if it works, keep it in a PPA, or SRU?02:38
brycehI'd like to send the bug reports upstream but have a sense upstream will simply ask that we have reporters test that intel-drm-next-proposed tree02:38
brycehrickspencer3, ideally an SRU to the kernel02:38
rickspencer3bryceh, sounds good02:38
rickspencer3can you please synch with some in the kernel team tomorrow?02:38
brycehrickspencer3, fwiw I read through all the patches in that proposed branch, but didn't spot one that was an obvious fix (although a lot of this code is a bit deep to me)02:39
brycehrickspencer3, will do02:39
rickspencer3bryceh, it sounds like a bit of a long shot, tbh02:39
rickspencer3but, worth a try02:39
brycehyeah fraid it may be so02:39
brycehit appears to me that given the amount of upstream churn around Ironlake, this may still be an area Intel is still in process of development on02:39
bryceher, grammar not my strong point be02:40
rickspencer3well, it is what it is02:40
rickspencer3bryceh, thanks for checking it out02:40
rickspencer3can you please update the bug report?02:40
brycehrickspencer3, sure02:41
rickspencer3I'm being summoned by swmbo02:41
rickspencer3"dinner time" ;)02:41
brycehrickspencer3, fwiw I found that RedHat pretty much has as many bug reports about ext monitor problems on Arrandale as we do, if not more02:45
bryceh(none of which have anything useful on them though unfortunately)02:45
rickspencer3bryceh, well, at least we're chasing external monitor bugs, and not hard GPU freezes02:52
* rickspencer3 recalls Jaunty02:52
brycehheh, actually I had been chasing gpu freezes prior to this02:52
=== asac_ is now known as asac
brycehrickspencer3, but yeah, the time invested in apport toolage since jaunty seems to be paying off02:58
* kenvandine hugs apport03:03
JanChttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/765422 --> one more compiz bug...04:03
ubot2Launchpad bug 765422 in unity "apps started fullscreen in unity can never unfullscreen" [Undecided,Confirmed]04:03
RAOFExcellent.  I seem to have reproduced chrisccoulson's compiz hang locally.  *Finally*!07:23
TheMusoI don't envy you guys trying to sort out compiz issues.07:29
TheMusoI do sympathize however.07:29
pittiGood morning07:35
tjaaltonare these 'flash makes X crash' actually compiz hangs or what?07:46
tjaaltonreproducible on both ati and intel, it seems07:46
tjaaltonfullscreen flash07:47
RAOFtjaalton: Bug report?  Are they holdovers from when there was a broken ia32-libs?07:47
RAOFThis one is *probably* intel missing a vblank interrupt and so never waking compiz up.07:47
pittichrisccoulson: I reapplied your changes to icedtea-web and uploaded07:48
tjaaltonRAOF: bug 764650 is with ati, bug 764456 is intel (though it's not clear it was fullscreen)07:49
ubot2Launchpad bug 764650 in xorg "Flash video with hardware acceleration causes X crash with radeon driver" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76465007:49
ubot2Launchpad bug 764456 in xorg-server "X crashes frequently with flash video playback" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76445607:49
tjaaltonand I've witnessed flash hanging here, when the kids play with my laptop07:49
tjaalton(intel 964)07:50
RAOFThat ati one *clearly* isn't a compiz problem, 'cause they're using kwin :)07:51
tjaaltonoh, bah :)07:52
tjaaltonwasn't paying attention there, maybe dmesg will have something interesting then07:52
RAOFGah!  That intel one looks like the record extension crash.07:52
RAOFAnd, no, they're not compiz-caused.07:53
tjaaltonthere's a master bug for the record extension crash?07:53
tjaaltonlooks like i've missed that completely07:54
didrocksgood morning07:54
pittihey didrocks07:56
didrocksGuten Morgen pitti, how are you?07:56
pittiI'm great, thanks! how do you feel?07:57
RAOFtjaalton: I don't think there is a master bug for the record extension crash.07:57
tjaaltonRAOF: just a normal bug then?-)07:57
tjaaltonif not, i could try to reproduce it and get a backtrace07:58
didrockspitti: I'm fine, thanks! Latest unity release this morning normally :)07:58
didrockshey RAOF, tjaalton07:58
pittiout of interest, why today and not Thu?07:59
pittito have some leeway for regressions?07:59
tjaaltondidrocks: howdy07:59
didrockspitti: exactly. In addition, the whole team is in some kind of mini sprint in London from today until Thursday, so not really available07:59
didrocks(but mini sprint not for that release)08:00
RAOFdidrocks: Heeeeelo.08:00
didrocksRAOF: did you finally find the annoying freeze issues (after we sanitized a little bit compiz and unity)08:01
RAOFdidrocks: No, but I *do* have a system currently frozen the way chrisccoulson's system freezes that I'm attaching all sorts of gdb probes to :)08:02
didrocksRAOF: "nice" :-)08:02
SweetsharkMorning all!08:02
RAOFBut first, time for ¾ of an hour of running around!08:03
didrockshey Sweetshark08:04
pittimorning Sweetshark, wie gehts?08:04
didrocksRAOF: enjoy :)08:04
Sweetsharkpitti: gut! libreoffice-l10n finally builds, dsc is on chinstrap.08:05
pittiSweetshark: uploaded, thanks!08:07
Sweetsharkchrisccoulson: xulrunner-dev should be kickable then ..08:09
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chrisccoulsongood morning everyone08:30
pittihey chrisccoulson08:31
chrisccoulsonhi pitti, how are you?08:32
pittichrisccoulson: I'm great, thanks!08:32
robert_ancellpitti, hey, you're the pygobject expert right?  What do you think about bug 765398?08:36
ubot2Launchpad bug 765398 in pygobject "PyGObject 2.28.3 breaks ABI" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76539808:36
pittihey robert_ancell08:38
pittirobert_ancell: right, I think we should do that, I read about it last night08:38
pittirobert_ancell: want me to do that or do you want to?08:40
robert_ancellpitti, you do it, I'm about to go and I think you'll know if there are side-effect better08:41
pittirobert_ancell: ok, will do08:41
pittirobert_ancell: two quick questions, if you still have a minute?08:41
pittirobert_ancell: the login oneiric meeting is in a couple of hours, in the middle of your night; will you actually join there, or did you brief someone else?08:42
robert_ancellI'll be there, what is it done with?  I'm trying to find details now08:42
pittirobert_ancell: other question, would you have some time to fix bug 760978? needs an upstream fix to actually add real translations to the .desktop file; some work, but not tricky08:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 760978 in shotwell "Shotwell's desktop file contains English translations for all languages and cannot be translated" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76097808:43
pittirobert_ancell: standard phone call, not mumble I'm afraid :/08:43
robert_ancellok, will look at shotwell issue tomorrow08:43
pittirobert_ancell: cheers08:44
chrisccoulsonnice, the latest firefox 6 nightly has a nice addition to the tabbar, borrowed from chrome :)08:44
pittichrisccoulson: 6? what happened with 5?08:47
chrisccoulsonpitti - http://mozilla.github.com/process-releases/draft/development_specifics/ :)08:48
chrisccoulsonbasically, mozilla-central has already closed for firefox 5, which is now being developed on the mozilla-aurora branch08:48
robert_ancellok, gtg, be back for meeting08:48
chrisccoulsonand mozilla-central is now on firefox 6 already ;)08:48
didrockspitti: I was supposed to join this meeting (was in the first couple of emails about it), did I miss something or I didn't receive anything? (I don't mind either way, more time for other things)08:50
pittididrocks: please do08:50
pittididrocks: 1400 CEST, Jason's conf line08:50
didrockspitti: ok thanks :)08:50
pitti(if you are interested)08:50
didrocks(fun that I was just thinking about it when I woke up this morning)08:50
didrocksit == this topic08:51
seb128hey didrocks pitti09:01
didrockssalut seb12809:01
seb128hey chrisccoulson robert_ancell09:01
pittihey seb12809:01
seb128what meeting?09:01
chrisccoulsonhi seb128, how are you?09:01
seb128pitti, desktop meeting reminder!09:02
pittiseb128: oh, thanks! I honestly forgot it today09:02
seb128chrisccoulson, not sure yet, I would guess fine but I'm not awake enough yet to be sure ;-)09:02
seb128pitti, ;-)09:02
didrockspitti: because you dishonestly forget sometimes? :p09:03
didrockshey rodrigo_09:03
pittihey rodrigo_09:03
pittididrocks: 'zactly!09:03
rodrigo_hi didrocks, pitti09:04
* Sweetshark gets confused by all the talk about meetings.09:17
Sweetsharkhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Meeting/2011-04-19 <- but we have a meeting today?09:17
pittiSweetshark: yes, we will; need to send out the reminder09:18
=== cking_ is now known as cking
bigonpitti: mmmh we'll have to switch all the pkg (pygtk,...) to dh_python2 at once I think09:33
pittibigon: doesn't the extra library search path work?09:33
pittiit does here09:33
bigonpitti: I'm converting pygtk to dh_python209:42
bigonand it seems that I also have to convert python-gtkglext109:43
pittibigon: you mean once you convert pygtk, the pygobject supplied search path stops working?09:43
bigonpitti: 10:23 < bigon> hi, I've a "conflict" between dh_python2 and pusupport09:43
bigon10:24 < bigon> pysupport is putting some empty __init__.py file /var/lib/python-support/ and that prevent my module to work09:43
bigon10:28 < POX> packages that share a namespace have to use the same helper09:43
bigon10:28 < POX> you can use dh_python2 in all of them or dh_pysupport in all of them09:43
bigon10:30 < bigon> oh ok09:44
pittidarn; it worked with just pygobject, but I haven't tried intermediate states; but anyway, it's just 5 packages or so09:44
bigonpitti: http://pastebin.com/MrNDh5TE09:46
bigonthis is on natty09:46
rodrigo_robert_ancell, ping09:47
pittiI just don't understand why it works ATM, when pygobject uses dh_python2 and nothing else09:47
pittipygobject also ships e. g. /usr/lib/pyshared/python2.7/gtk-2.0/gio/_gio.so09:47
pittiand yet I can use both that and stuff from /var/lib//python-support/python2.7/gtk-2.0/09:47
bigonI tried yesterday evening on my machine at home (with python-gtkglext1 installed) let me try if it's not installed09:49
bigonsvn://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-gnome/desktop/unstable/pygtk/ << could you look if it's ok?09:49
* pitti shakes fist at utterly broken websvn09:50
* bigon hope the debian team will migrate t git some day09:51
pittiwant me to look at some commit in particular?09:52
bigonyes please09:53
pittibigon: looks fine to me09:54
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i'm still getting "Error: uncaught exception: aPlacesNode must have _DOMElement set" in my error console in firefox :(09:55
chrisccoulsoni'm convinced that's my fault ;)09:55
primes2htkamppeter_: seb1209:58
primes2htkamppeter_: seb128: for some reason patch for bug #759811 is not applied.09:59
ubot2Launchpad bug 759811 in system-config-printer "gtkbuilder files incorrectly listed in the POTFILES.in and so are not translated" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75981109:59
primes2hI tried to build it locally09:59
primes2hand strings in ui/ are not in the pot file10:00
bigonpitti: if python-gtkglext1 is not installed it seems to work10:00
primes2hThere are more than 200 strings missing10:00
primes2h543 here now, should be more than 700 https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+source/system-config-printer/10:01
primes2hseb128: tkamppeter_: btw, hello ;-)10:02
seb128dpm, ^ can you reupload the template I gave you the other day?10:02
seb128primes2h, thanks10:06
primes2hseb128: you're welcome.10:07
dpmseb128, primes2h, done, but unless fixed in the source package, the next package upload will override this manual upload again10:13
seb128dpm, I've a package fixed building locally10:14
dpmseb128, ok, cool10:14
seb128dpm, http://ubuntuone.com/p/nSG/10:16
seb128dpm, can you upload that one for me as well?10:16
seb128dpm, the "Drop To Add Application" string was no in the previous version because the source was missing from the POTFILES.in, I will email the translators to tell them about it10:18
seb128dpm, oh, that's an updated unity template in case that's not clear ;-)10:18
dpmseb128, no worries, it was clear from the file name :) I've just uploaded it. Thanks for taking of the translators heads up10:20
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
seb128dpm, yw ;-)10:20
tkamppeterprimes2h, hi10:20
seb128tkamppeter, pitti: is there a vcs for system-config-printer?10:20
pittiI don't think there is10:20
tkamppeterseb128, only upstream GIT, no VCS for the packaging.10:21
seb128I'm a fix for the template issue, should I just upload?10:21
seb128(just add an includeof the langpack.mk rule)10:22
tkamppeterseb128, simply upload it, I have no other fixes for s-c-p in the queue currently.10:25
seb128tkamppeter, ok thanks10:25
seb128pitti, what should we do for bugs like bug #76395610:47
ubot2Launchpad bug 763956 in libimobiledevice "Please sync libimobildevice 1.1.0-3 from Debian experimental" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76395610:47
seb128i.e sync requests acked10:47
pittiseb128: how do you mean? an archive admin needs to sync it11:00
seb128pitti, can I sync it or will that bypass the queue and the review?11:00
pittiseb128: yes and yes11:00
seb128pitti, so you are basically saying it's fine to bypass the freeze review? ;-)11:01
pittiright, that's what's happening with syncs11:02
rodrigo_lucazade, around?11:02
pittibut it already was reviewed and acked, so it's fine11:02
seb128that's why I was not sure if I should do it or do a fakesync so it goes in the queue11:02
seb128pitti, ok, thanks11:02
lucazaderodrigo_ hi!11:02
rodrigo_hi lucazade, I think I might have a fix for that g-s-d issue, so do you fancy some building/testing?11:03
lucazaderodrigo_ of course, ready to test!11:03
rodrigo_lucazade, ok, so -> bzr get lp:~rodrigo-moya/ubuntu/natty/gnome-settings-daemon/really-fix-64980911:03
rodrigo_lucazade, build it (bzr bd -- -b) and install and just do a quick test, no need for gdb/etc11:04
lucazaderodrigo_ ok11:04
pittididrocks: do you know who would be most appropriate to check/fix bug 760111 ?11:17
ubot2Launchpad bug 760111 in zeitgeist "zeitgeist-daemon crashed with OSError in makedirs(): [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/ubuntu/.local/share/zeitgeist'" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76011111:17
seb128kamstrup, ^11:17
didrockspitti: kamstrup right11:17
pittiah, thanks11:17
pittithis looks like an odd interaction on/from the live system, /home/ubuntu is the live fs user11:17
pittijust not sure why it'd be an EPERM, as this seems to happen right in the live system11:18
didrocksI would think that if zeitgeist-daemon can't write in ~/.local/share/, it won't be the only one crashing :)11:18
pittithere's certainly something odd happening there11:20
lucazaderodrigo_ built, restarting now and doing some trials11:23
rodrigo_lucazade, ok11:24
* rodrigo_ crosses fingers and starts eating his nails11:24
lucazaderodrigo_ no luck :(11:26
lucazade** (gnome-settings-daemon:1526): WARNING **: xsettings manager already running; retrying again11:26
lucazade** (gnome-settings-daemon:1526): WARNING **: You can only run one xsettings manager at a time; exiting11:26
lucazade** (gnome-settings-daemon:1526): WARNING **: Unable to start xsettings manager: Could not initialize xsettings manager.11:26
seb128rodrigo_, stop spending time on that for now maybe11:29
seb128seems like it's costing time over what it's worth11:30
rodrigo_seb128, well, now it's a personal thing :-)11:30
rodrigo_but yes, I'll move to other bugs and have a look at idle times11:30
seb128it's weird that some people like lucazade seem to have it a consistant way11:30
seb128where nobody else here is getting it11:30
lucazaderodrigo_ I'm here when you want11:30
seb128it has to be some customization those users do11:30
rodrigo_it's in xrandr plugin, so maybe something related to the graphics driver?11:30
seb128would be useful to figure what11:30
lucazadeseb128 no customizations11:31
rodrigo_lucazade, what video driver do you have?11:31
seb128is it?11:31
lucazadevirtualbox and nvidia11:31
rodrigo_lucazade, the backtrace from lucazade seems to imply that -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/594064/11:31
seb128seems a virtualbox issue11:31
seb128most people reporting it use virtualbox...11:31
lucazadeit happens also with proprietary nvidia11:31
rodrigo_I have also nvidia and have been testing on virtualbox11:31
lucazadeanyway I'll not change session and can live with it :P11:32
rodrigo_lucazade, on your normal machine (no virtualbox), it doesn't happen, right?11:32
rodrigo_yes, it happens, or yes, it doesn't happen?11:33
lucazadeyes, it happens also on physical machine11:33
rodrigo_lucazade, anyway, I'll ping you if I need more testing, but for now I'm going to fix other bugs in my list for a while11:33
lucazadehaven't tried it for a while on physical machine, to be honest.. last time it was present11:34
seb128is virtualbox an install or iso testing?11:34
rodrigo_lucazade, oh, last time maybe it didn't have the upstream fix that fixed it for mostly everyone?11:34
rodrigo_seb128, for me it's an install, and no problem at all, after 100s of tries11:34
seb128yeah, I never got here in kvm or real installs and I do start ubuntu a lot11:35
lucazaderodrigo_ don't remember which version was11:35
rodrigo_lucazade, ok, when you have time, please test the latest natty package, just to confirm it only happens on virtualbox for you, ok?11:36
lucazaderodrigo_ ok i'll confirm if it only happens on vbox11:36
rodrigo_lucazade, ok thanks11:37
rodrigo_hmm, before I move to another bug, just a quick thing11:38
rodrigo_if I call gconf_client_remove_dir, all notifications set for that dir are disabled11:38
rodrigo_so maybe calling gconf_client_notify_remove after that is wrong, and thus makes the extra gconf loop the backtrace shows?11:38
rodrigo_the API docs say nothing, and also I guess it would affect more people if that was the case11:41
rodrigo_or maybe it's just too slow only in some situations11:41
xclaesserodrigo_, remember the build issue for empathy with webkit?11:53
xclaesse it is already fixed in upstream with git commit 8dd756f90c0140f620f02164da9e04354a6d0ec911:53
xclaesse(don't know if you've seen my message yesterday)11:54
rodrigo_xclaesse, yes, I'm about to submit a branch with that11:54
rodrigo_xclaesse, yes, saw your message11:54
rodrigo_xclaesse, as soon as I have that, I'll submit a new empathy with webkit support to the PPA11:55
seiflotfypitti, the bug is ver tricky12:01
seiflotfyand we are looking into a way to fix it12:01
seiflotfypitti, i think this bug will affect other things that try to write to an encrypted ~/.local/share12:02
didrockspitti: btw, thinking about it, would the lazy load will workaround it for us? (did you try on a recent daily?)12:03
pittiseiflotfy: uh, how can it be encrypted on a live CD?12:12
pittididrocks: which lazy load?12:12
didrockspitti: so, since last Thursday (just after beta2), the places are loaded only on demand12:12
didrocks(not at session startup as before)12:13
pittididrocks: oh, I haven't noticed a change, which I guess is good :)12:13
didrockspitti: heh, there was one fixed very early on Friday :p12:13
didrocksbut we are still slowing down the startup by /etc/xdg/autostart/zeitgeist-datahub.desktop12:13
didrockswhich starts zeitgeist12:13
didrocksnot sure if we should add the delay key or if we consider it's too late and for O12:14
seiflotfydidrocks, why r u starting datahub12:15
pittididrocks: that's not dbus activated?12:15
didrocksseiflotfy: not sure, it's the debian package12:15
seiflotfydidrocks, when zeitgeist starts it also starts the datahub12:15
pittiI don't know what it's doing, but if we delay it by 30 seconds, it'll miss events in the first 30 s?12:15
didrocksseiflotfy: ^^12:15
seiflotfydidrocks, not it wont12:16
didrocksseiflotfy: we have nothing starting zg at startup12:16
seiflotfydidrocks, ah i see12:16
didrockspitti: the zg daemon is dbus activated, not sure about the datahub as it changed recently12:16
seiflotfydidrocks, the datahub is activated by zg daemon12:16
seiflotfyi see the problem12:17
didrocksseiflotfy: right, but as we don't start it now until a place load request happens12:17
didrockswe would miss all events until then I guess12:17
pittiseiflotfy: so if zg-daemon is triggered on demand via dbus, and lazy-loaded the first time you open places, datahub would not run for a fair while and thus miss all events until you open teh places page; did I understand that right?12:17
pittibut datahub is not python, but C12:18
pittiso should be a lot faster to startup?12:18
pittior does datahub trigger zg-daemon as well?12:18
pittiok, merely starting a guest session, without opening places, launches zeitgeist-datahub and zg-daemon12:19
pittiso whatever you changed doesn't buy anything ATM12:20
didrockspitti: it does at least for xapian and internal caching (I won 9s on the 31s to load my desktop session)12:21
pittididrocks: ah, just because it starts slightly later now?12:21
seb128pitti, right12:21
pittialso good12:21
didrocksmaybe that influences as well :)12:21
seb128didrocks, not sure how you won that btw ;-)12:21
didrocksbut well, not the whole zg won12:21
pittias long as unity itself is already usable, it can go on churn in the background12:21
seb128on the 10v ssd it won 3s on 16 seconds12:21
didrocksseb128: slow harddrive help seems :)12:21
pittiok, quick lunch before the confcall12:22
seb128pitti, enjoy12:23
seb128the delay key should probably be added back to the eds calendar reminder autostart btw12:24
seb128it seems it got dropped when we switched from our distro version to the upstream one12:24
seiflotfypitti, true12:24
seiflotfydatahub is vala12:24
seb128rodrigo_, is your g-s-d pulseaudio fix something that we should try to get in natty?12:29
seb128rodrigo_, did you get someone upstream to review it?12:29
rodrigo_seb128, I'm pinging hadess now12:30
seb128rodrigo_, ok, let me know how it goes12:30
rodrigo_seb128, it indeed fixes the crash, but want to get his approval 1st12:30
seb128we have until tomorrow to upload it12:31
seb128today and tomorrow that's it12:31
seb128so no hurry12:31
rodrigo_ah ok, will get it reviewed today12:31
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
seb128rodrigo_, thanks12:32
seb128dpm, https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+source/unity/+imports lists your upload as "needs review"12:35
seb128is that normal?12:35
Sweetsharkpitti: bug 765010 is meh.12:36
ubot2Launchpad bug 765010 in libreoffice "LibreOffice StartCenter’s desktop file has an empty value for Name[en]" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76501012:36
* Sweetshark is guilty.12:36
dpmseb128, that's normal. They all start with 'needs review', then the approver script changes status to 'approved' and then the importer script changes status to 'imported'. Only new templates need to be set as 'approved' manually (i.e. it does not make a difference if I approve unity.pot manually)12:59
rodrigo_ok, lunch time, bbl13:02
* nessita reboots after update13:09
seb128dpm, ok thanks13:11
seb128robert_ancell, gcalctool get quite some segfault in currency_get_value() bug reports13:40
seb128ie bug #76053613:40
ubot2Launchpad bug 760536 in gcalctool "gcalctool crashed with SIGSEGV in currency_get_value()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76053613:40
robert_ancellseb128, are they the latest? I fixed some bugs recently13:42
seb128robert_ancell, that one is13:42
robert_ancellseb128, ok, will look at it tomorrow13:43
chrisccoulsonhi robert_ancell. aren't you normally asleep at this time?13:43
robert_ancellchrisccoulson, shh, you're waking me up!13:43
chrisccoulsonthat was seb128 ;)13:44
seb128robert_ancell talks in his sleep, not my fault!13:45
pittiSweetshark: indeed, and it doesn't just affect [en], I see it in [de] as well13:46
Sweetsharkpitti: yes, Im already working on it.13:48
pittiSweetshark: thanks13:49
pittiSweetshark: out of interest, what happened there? build script for msgmerge changed?13:50
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
Sweetsharkpitti: no, I added the traslations deep in some dark perl voodoo in the LO build. And now it seems to create one additional Name[en]= entry although it has no translations for the string at all13:54
pittiSweetshark: how come that it also fails in German then?13:55
Sweetsharkpitti: dunno. the /usr/share/applications/libreoffice-startcenter.desktop looks good to me for "[de]".13:57
Sweetsharkor does "Name[de]" fall back to "Name[en]" and not "Name"?13:58
pittino, it doesn't13:58
pittiSweetshark: if I press win+a, I get a LibO icon without a name in the second row13:58
pitti... which is the start center apparently13:58
pittiyou don't?13:58
Sweetsharkpitti: Im on an english UI.13:59
pittiseb128: if you press win+a and look at the second row ('installed apps'), do you see a libo icon without a name?13:59
pittiI knew that our dear Monsieur would be faithful to his mother tongue!14:00
seb128it's happening in french just to be clear :p14:01
pittiaka "stop the presses!"14:02
seb128deleting the "Name[en]=" fixes it14:02
seb128it seems that one breaks the parsing14:02
seb128nautilus displays the filename rather than any key when it's there14:02
pitti>>> d=xdg.DesktopEntry.DesktopEntry('/usr/share/applications/libreoffice-startcenter.desktop')14:04
pitti>>> d.getName()14:04
seb128yeah, the Name[en]= confuses it14:05
* Sweetshark lunches and then find out what the heck adds the Name[en]= line.14:05
pittiSweetshark: feel free to toss a bazaar.lp.net link to the commit that introduced it, we might spot something :)14:05
Sweetsharksomewhere in those awefull perlscripts, there is some evil.14:05
Sweetsharkpitti: http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-openoffice/libreoffice.git;a=commit;h=fb422d2a8b282dba296a004d98b6d55b301769bf14:08
Sweetsharkbeware patch of patches ahead14:08
pittiugh yeah; /me sings Katie Melua's "A Moment of Madness" ♩ ♪ ♫14:10
pittiSweetshark: "en-US" vs. "zh_CN" looks inconsistent14:11
mterryseb128, got more bugs you want eyes on?14:24
seb128mterry, let me check my bug lists14:25
seb128mterry, do you want to do the glib update?14:25
mterryseb128, oh, sure14:26
seb128it seems like https://bugs.launchpad.net/glib/+bug/743459 is https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=646843 which is fixed in the new version14:26
ubot2Launchpad bug 743459 in glib2.0 "empathy crashed with SIGABRT in __kernel_vsyscall()" [Medium,Fix committed]14:26
seb128kklimonda, should glibmm be updated to the stable version? can it be synced on debian?14:27
mterryseb128, oh wait, glib2.0 intentionally isn't in ubuntu-desktop package set14:30
mterryseb128, so maybe someone else should do that one14:31
seb128mterry, I can upload for you14:31
mterryseb128, k14:31
seb128the packaging is in the team vcs14:31
seb128mterry, did you start yet?14:34
mterryseb128, yeah14:35
seb128mterry, ok14:35
stgraberdidrocks: ping14:36
didrocksstgraber: OTP, will be back later14:36
didrocksstgraber: meanwhile, try my package in the ppa :-)14:36
stgraberdidrocks: ok, I just updated bug 746028 with some ls of my updated VM :) Ping me when you're available for some more debugging.14:37
ubot2Launchpad bug 746028 in gnome-settings-daemon "Edubuntu: Wallpapers are not updated on upgrade to Natty" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74602814:37
stgraberdidrocks: (it seems like the cache has been rebuilt but with the wrong content, as in, old wallpaper)14:37
didrocksstgraber: can you try to open it with eog to confirm the cache is old?14:41
* highvoltage previewed it in nautilus last week and saw that the image in the cache directory was old14:42
stgraberdidrocks: confirmed, it's the old wallpaper in stgraber's cache and the new one in stgraber1's cache14:43
stgraberdidrocks: want them attached to the bug report ?14:43
didrocksstgraber: no need, it's just a resized image, let's discuss that for a common debugging session after my phone call :)14:44
stgraberdidrocks: ok, just ping me (I have an idea of what "might" be wrong with the cache ;))14:44
didrockssure :)14:45
Sweetsharkpitti: got it.14:59
rodrigo_seb128, hadess approved the patch, so submitting my branch in a second14:59
seb128rodrigo_, thanks15:00
pittiSweetshark: yay you15:00
Sweetsharkpitti: I added a string to translate for the unity quicklist stuff. there is no such entry in the startcenter template, thus the script barfs out the nonsense at the end.15:01
rodrigo_seb128, https://code.launchpad.net/~rodrigo-moya/ubuntu/natty/gnome-settings-daemon/fix-750334/+merge/5831115:06
seb128rodrigo_, thanks15:07
rodrigo_seb128, oh, just remembered about this one: https://code.launchpad.net/~rodrigo-moya/ubuntu/maverick/json-glib/fix-756426/+merge/57474 <- did you solve your build problem?15:10
rodrigo_hmm, what does this mean: 'dpkg-checkbuilddeps: Build conflicts: gir-repository-dev' if I already have that package installed?15:12
pittirodrigo_: you need to uninstall it15:17
pitti(also in general; gir-repository was a bad hack and should be history now)15:17
rodrigo_pitti, ah, ok15:21
rodrigo_one of these days I should really do a clean install on this machine, as I've been updating since karmic15:25
rodrigo_although, well, it seems to work so not sure it's worth the clean install15:26
seb128rodrigo_, it's a build conflicts, not a build-depends ;-)15:28
rodrigo_seb128, yeah, now I know :)15:28
seb128rodrigo_, yeah, I fixed my machine issues but I focussed on natty but I will upload later if the pilot of the day don't do it15:28
rodrigo_seb128, ok, no hurry, just wanted to make sure it didn't get lost15:28
rodrigo_xclaesse, building now the webkit package, will submit as soon as it builds ok15:29
chrisccoulsonpitti - what's the absolute last day for uploads? i need to do another firefox upload :)15:30
pittichrisccoulson: I think tomorrow; on Thursday you'll need a very good rationale already, as we'll need to sort them out over the long weekend15:31
chrisccoulsonpitti - thanks. i should be able to do it today anyway15:31
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seb128rodrigo_, is there any chance you could update the g-s-d patch to be the upstream commit?15:49
rodrigo_seb128, yes15:49
seb128rodrigo_, so it would have some context, like the description and the id15:49
seb128rodrigo_, thanks15:49
=== kenvandine_ is now known as kenvandine
rodrigo_seb128, pushed15:51
seb128rodrigo_, thanks15:53
seb128session restart brb15:53
pittiargh, the launcher appearing on the side is a nuisance16:04
pittiit keeps popping up when I try to copy&paste somethign from a full screen app16:04
seb128right, I switched back to the edge config16:04
seb128though I didn't hit so much issues in normal use16:05
seb128but I tend to put my mouse out of the way when using the keyboard and out of the way is often a border16:05
pittiseb128: back to corner config you mean? I just did the same16:07
mterryseb128: OK, finally pushed the glib2.0 bzr update (had some computer issues :)).  Can you push onward to main?16:07
seb128mterry, doing that now16:07
seb128mterry, if you want bugs there is an appmenu one about virtualbox not working which say bzr-visualize has similar issues16:08
seb128though it might be a libindicate-qt issue since the comments indicate those are qt applications16:08
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pittilamalex: hey Alex, how are you?16:15
pittilamalex: you have a work item "Ensure video source is decent, and if not, perhaps disable it until we have something nice" for packageselection-desktop-n-application-selection; is that still relevant?16:15
lamalexjcastro asked me that a bit ago. there are a couple of patches in banshee's bugzilla but they're awaiting merge and were deferred for 2.0. will hopefully make it into 2. whatever is next16:18
jcastroyeah that should be deferred16:19
pittiok, doing that; thanks16:19
mterryseb128, link me16:19
mterryi suppose i can search it16:19
pittirodrigo_: gdm user switching and tomboy applet deprecation on upgrade> hm, didn't I see an uplaod which fixes that recently?16:20
rodrigo_pitti, yes16:20
rodrigo_pitti, did I forget something?16:21
pittirodrigo_: awesome; I'll close the WIs then16:21
pittirodrigo_: just to set the WIs to done, don't worry16:21
seb128mterry, 64120916:21
rodrigo_pitti, ah, forgot that, yes16:21
pittiseb128: postponing "provide GTK3 variant of appmenu-gtk" FYI16:22
seb128pitti, ok16:23
pittijasoncwarner, Sweetshark, bryceh, chrisccoulson, didrocks, tremolux, Riddell, kenvandine, cyphermox, mterry, rodrigo_, seb128, tkamppeter: meeting reminder in 5 mins16:25
rodrigo_pitti, thanks :)16:25
rodrigo_building webkit package takes ages16:29
pittijasoncwarner, Sweetshark, bryceh, chrisccoulson, didrocks, tremolux, Riddell, kenvandine, cyphermox, mterry, rodrigo_, seb128, tkamppeter: meeting time16:30
pittiwelcome everyone16:30
rodrigo_hi! :)16:30
Sweetsha1kOo._ touchdown.16:30
pittilet's try to make this quick, as we are all knee-deep in bug fixing16:31
pittitremolux, didrocks: thanks for the unity/s-c reports on the wiki! anything we need to discuss there?16:31
seb128mterry, (ignore the glib rejected email, I screwed the upload once and reuploaded)16:31
didrockspitti: nothing more16:32
kenvandinepitti, nothing to report on partner update... and i am on the phone :)16:32
tremoluxpitti: I don't think so unless any questions  :)16:32
pittikenvandine: hah, that woudl have been my next question16:32
pittino news is good news at this point :)16:32
kenvandineif we had news, we are in trouble16:32
pittiquick update about release status16:32
pittiwe are cleaning up the last couple of WIs, but nothign serious any more ("talk to Debian", "test stuff", etc.)16:33
pittialmost there16:33
pittiand last week we fixed about 8 or 9 RC bugs!16:33
pittiand some more this week, so we have 5 left on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus16:33
pittiI just have two questions here16:33
pittibug 72741016:33
ubot2Launchpad bug 727410 in gnome-session "unity used instead of metacity when logging in as a user via ltsp" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72741016:33
pittierm, ignore that, fixed!16:34
pittiso we only have 4 left!16:34
didrocksyeah :)16:34
pittiand they are all fixable in SRUs as well16:34
rodrigo_pitti, about #649809, we agreed on not being RC, right?16:34
pittiany other OMGkittenkiller you guys are aware of which we need to discuss?16:34
tremoluxpitti: oh, and bug 723911 was already deferred  ;)16:35
ubot2Launchpad bug 723911 in software-center "deauthorize does not remove sources.list" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72391116:35
pittirodrigo_: right, target of opportunity, and SRUable16:35
pittitremolux: right16:35
pittiso I think by and large we are in good shape16:36
pittinothing else from my side, AOB?16:36
* pitti ^5s the team for having a smooth landing next week16:36
RiddellI am going on rotation next cycle to work with bzr, volunteers to look after Kubuntu welcome :)16:37
pittiooh, enjoy the rotation16:37
pittithey can certainly need some help from someone with a strong distro perspective!16:37
pittiRiddell: do you expect larger structural changes next cycle in Kubuntu, or will that be by and large a bug fix/maintenance release then?16:38
Riddellpitti: a load of KDE source packages will be changing due to upstream moving to git16:39
Riddellkdepim moves to akonadi fully16:39
Riddellthat's about it16:40
pittiso, shortest meeting evar16:41
chrisccoulsonwho's volunteering for KDE then? ;)16:42
Riddellchrisccoulson: you know you want to.  our browser takes an hour to package for a new release.  your life would be so much easier16:43
chrisccoulsonmterry, didn't you mean:16:43
chrisccoulsonRiddell, would you mind if i switched kubuntu to firefox by default? after all, we agreed yesterday that ubuntu would be switching to lynx by default ;)16:43
chrisccoulson(or galeon. it depends on who wins at UDS)16:44
Riddellchrisccoulson: that's fine, just port firefox to qt and kdelibs first16:44
hyperairoh lol16:44
pittihyperair: hey, that's a concession to usability; my initial proposal was wget -O-16:45
hyperairpitti: not netcat? =(16:45
chrisccoulsoni guess that the default browser may be settled over a game of mao at UDS ;)16:46
chrisccoulsondesrt would like that!16:46
chrisccoulsonchromebug is definitely my friend today16:50
mdeslaurfrom a security point of vue, I recommended not having a browser at all. It's all about the apps now anyway, right? :)16:51
mdeslauroh, and if we could get rid of the kernel also, that would reduce the CVE count considerably. Thanks.16:57
nessitamvo: hey there, quick question re software center: does this report makes sense to you? bug #751747 I don't think is a ussoc report (ussoc does not ask for address)16:57
* desrt has to remember to bring the cards16:57
ubot2Launchpad bug 751747 in ubuntu-sso-client "Ubuntu Single Sign On Does Not Remember Details" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75174716:57
* desrt entering the game. introducing new rule.16:58
mvonessita: thanks, I moved it to software-center-agent for now, it probably needs to go to cannical-payment-provider or somesuch, but I will take it from here :)16:59
Sweetsha1kpitti: http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-openoffice/libreoffice.git;a=commit;h=76b0b21953dee320d4eb4da29f617b5147d73267 <- this should fix bug 765010. I will build that tonight.16:59
ubot2Launchpad bug 765010 in libreoffice "LibreOffice StartCenter’s desktop file has an empty value for Name[en]" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76501016:59
nessitamvo: thanks!16:59
mvo(and yes, I agree very much with this bug)16:59
* mvo heads out for dinner now16:59
desrtpitti: learn curl17:00
thisfredtedg: I have a question about the unity launcher progress bars: is it intentional that they disappear when clicking the launcher?17:39
thisfred(this is what happens for the ubuntuone one, and I'm pretty sure we don't hide it ourselves)17:40
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tedgthisfred, That's not a tedg thing.  Perhaps a DBO one?18:08
thisfredtedg: Oh, sorry. Anyway, jason helped me figure it out.18:09
seb128pitti, tseliot: is there any way to not suggest the nvidia driver for some card series?18:15
mterrytedg, does no one listen to the dbusmenu ItemsPropertiesUpdated signal?18:20
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mterrytedg, oh, hah!  it was a typo....  interesting.  dbusmenu was listening for ItemPropertiesUpdated (with no s)18:24
tseliotseb128: we can only remove the single modaliases for the cards18:25
seb128tedg, btw I saw that you had a merge request for the gimp libdbusmenu segfault issue, is that a fix or a guess try?18:25
seb128tseliot, ok, because we have 728745 about geforce 7300 and 7400 cards not working with using on nvidia, nouveau works for those though18:26
seb128tseliot, I was wondering if we should tell jockey to not suggest nvidia for those18:27
tseliotbug #72874518:27
ubot2Launchpad bug 728745 in unity "[nvidia, 7300, 7400] display freeze when using unity desktop" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72874518:27
tseliotseb128: if you ask the affected users to post the output of this command, I can blacklist those cards: lspci -n | grep 30018:28
seb128tseliot, thanks, do you think it's right?18:28
seb128tseliot, the other option would be to declare that unity doesn't work on those machines and let them get the nvidia drivers and run classic GNOME...18:29
tedgseb128, I think that it should fix it.18:30
seb128tedg, did you get a review? did you ask kenvandine to distro patch it?18:31
tedgmterry, My first deja dup backup just completed!  Woot!18:31
tedgseb128, I haven't checked yet, sorry.18:31
seb128no worry18:31
* tedg bitches about tele-sprints18:31
seb128yeah, you get the sprint part but not the bar drinking in the evening18:32
seb128that's no fun ;-)18:32
didrockslatest unity release before natty done \o/18:33
seb128didrocks, you shouldn't say that...18:34
seb128well you didn't say "upload"18:34
didrocksseb128: well, I'll backport every commit needed, but that will be the last release :-)18:34
tedgseb128, The nice part is you can drink *during* the sprint more easily ;-)18:34
seb128tedg, lol18:34
didrockstedg: I was planning for a video conference, having a poster of the beach behind me ;)18:34
seb128mterry, did you find things to do?18:35
seb128otherwise DBO might need some help18:35
seb128he keeps claiming that he will work on launcher matching issue but seems that's not going to happen so maybe we should try to help there ;-)18:36
kklimondaseb128: glibmm2.4 or glibmm3.0?18:41
seb128kklimonda, 2.27.92 to 2.2818:41
tseliotseb128: I don't think nouveau has the same level of power management of nvidia. I guess blacklisting the driver and card in unity would be safer18:43
seb128tseliot, ok18:43
seb128didrocks, ^ it might be a distro patch to add tomorrow18:43
didrockstseliot: the blacklist only happens on pcid18:44
chrisccoulsonpitti - firefox is in the queue now18:44
didrocksso if it doesn't work on neither nvidia nor nouveau, we can do that18:44
didrocksseb128: ^^18:44
chrisccoulsonit has a nice autoscroll fix which fixes an annoying bug too :)18:44
chrisccoulson(will hopefully please popey) ;)18:45
didrockspitti: bamf/nux/unity in the queue btw :)18:45
seb128didrocks, well, those cards don't work with nvidia and unity so choices are to either block nvidia in jockey or unity, ie we either recommend nvidia and classic or nouveau and unity18:45
tseliotdidrocks: do you know where is the code that deals with the blacklist? Maybe I can make it check the driver too18:45
didrockstseliot: it's in nux, but it's really late now to add that18:46
didrocksseb128: as we blacklist the card, it won't work with nouveau + unity18:47
tkamppeterpitti, hi18:47
seb128didrocks, right, but how likely is it that people will just install nvidia and get no desktop?18:47
popey\o/ chrisccoulson18:47
kklimondaseb128: yes, it can be synced from debian.18:47
seb128kklimonda, want to open a bug with the diff for r-t review?18:48
didrocksseb128: if we still want people to get it with nouveau (I don't mean we want), we can do that in jockey rather18:48
kklimondaseb128: sure18:48
seb128kklimonda, thanks18:48
didrockseither way, I don't mind, let's see tomorrow, do we have the pcid # ?18:48
didrocks(I've aready added some ati card, that can be handle in a couple of minutes)18:49
tseliotdidrocks: ok, let's talk again tomorrow then18:49
didrockstseliot: right ;)18:49
didrocksit's not 8pm and I can wave good evening, how come! ;)18:51
didrockssee you tomorrow guys18:51
mterrytedg, https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/dbusmenu/641209/+merge/5836418:56
seb128seems another fix to get in natty ;-)18:58
mterryseb128, yeah.  I'll pull from trunk once merged18:59
mterry(meaning, I'll distro-pull from trunk)19:00
kklimondaseb128: done, bug 76632019:00
ubot2Launchpad bug 766320 in glibmm2.4 "FFe: Sync glibmm2.4 2.28.0-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76632019:00
=== ivanka is now known as ivanka-train
seb128tedg, mterry: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libdbusmenu/+bug/752959 updated with the valgrind error19:10
ubot2Launchpad bug 752959 in libdbusmenu "gimp-2.6 crashed with SIGSEGV in g_variant_is_object_path()" [High,Incomplete]19:10
seb128tedg, I'm testing your vcs fix next19:11
chrisccoulsonseb128, are there any bugs you want me to look at?19:17
seb128bah, why do people ask those questions when I've no bug handy to dispatch ;-)19:18
seb128chrisccoulson, not especially but I will have a look19:18
seb128chrisccoulson, oh yes, I've one!19:20
seb128bug #74317619:20
ubot2Launchpad bug 743176 in gnome-utils "Pink layer on taken screenshots (gnome-screenshot)" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74317619:20
seb128if you want to give it a try ;-)19:20
chrisccoulsonthanks, i'll take a look19:20
chrisccoulsonbrb, just moving downstairs :)19:20
czajkowskichrisccoulson: did you get pics of the rugby!19:28
seb128tedg, the fix in your merge request seem to fix it, at least I didn't get errors in valgrind in some tries where it happened regularly on previous ones19:38
tedgseb128, Yeah, I was looking at the valgrind log.  Seems related.19:39
seb128can you make sure kenvandine knows about the fix and backport it? maybe sync with mterry to get the typo fix he did in the same upload19:39
seb128chrisccoulson, hey again, i've some other bug suggestion for you ;-)19:39
tedgseb128, Yup.19:40
seb128tedg, thanks19:40
chrisccoulsonseb128, excellent :)19:40
chrisccoulsonczajkowski, rugby?19:40
kenvandinetedg, just shout :)19:40
mterryseb128, where's this fix for the valgrind issue?  I'm curious now19:40
seb128mterry, on the bug19:40
seb128oh the fix19:40
seb128mterry, https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/dbusmenu/lp738568/+merge/5820019:41
seb128mterry, you can maybe review it ;-)19:41
mterryah, the other one19:41
mterrytedg, heh, nice fix, even if we don't know why.  Good idea  :)19:42
seb128chrisccoulson, bug #765736 if you feel like doing some dx work19:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 765736 in unity "Thunderbird won't stay in launcher and no quicklist" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76573619:42
seb128or bug #75274319:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 752743 in unity "thunderbird disappears from the launcher after restarting my computer" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75274319:42
seb128it's likely the same19:42
seb128the first one explain how it happens once you install italian translations which is a clue ;-)19:43
seb128chrisccoulson, since I know you care about tb ;-)19:43
seb128with some luck fixing that one would fix other issues19:43
seb128like eclipse or emacs not sticking in the launcher19:43
chrisccoulsoninteresting, i've not seen the issue with tb before ;)19:43
seb128DBO, ^ btw if you have suggestions for chrisccoulson please let him know19:44
czajkowskichrisccoulson: wrong chris sorry19:44
DBOI'll work on them shortly19:44
seb128chrisccoulson, the bug claims it start when you install the italian translations, I'm wondering if the translations are broken or if there is some matching on a coded name that break when the name is ttranslated19:44
DBOI got a thing in 20 minutes19:44
seb128DBO, you say that for 3 weeks19:44
DBOso I have to go get ready19:44
DBOseb128, stop giving me more important things to do19:44
chrisccoulsonczajkowski, heh, no worries ;)19:44
chrisccoulsonyou had me confused there19:44
seb128DBO, well it's fine you have other things to do but don't keep a lock on things you have no time to work on19:45
seb128DBO, it's like the libreoffice issue, Sweetshark had to drop the .desktop from libreoffice19:45
tedgmterry, It seems that with your patch we should change server.c as well.  I can make the change, do you agree?19:48
mterrytedg, ah yeah, I didn't think to search for other typos19:52
seb128mterry, other bug if you want to investigate is that icons showing are not respected for qt applications19:53
seb128like if you run qtcreator the menus have no icon in qtcreator but they do in the indicator-appmenu19:54
seb128or you can check why some menus have a trailing separator in mumble as well ;-)19:54
seb128random suggestions if you needs ideas ;-)19:54
mterryseb128, ok19:54
seb128otherwise I don't have specific bugs19:54
chrisccoulsonseb128 - ok, 2 of the upstream commits fix the screenshot issue20:18
chrisccoulsoni'll upload that now20:18
pittitkamppeter: hey20:20
tkamppeterpitti, hi20:21
pittitkamppeter: you ask about bug 710881?20:21
ubot2Launchpad bug 710881 in cups "cups: Test Page /usr/lib/cups/filter/bannertops failed, test page and banner pages do not get printed" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71088120:21
tkamppeterIt is about bug 710881, buildds is eliminating my fix.20:22
pittitkamppeter: yeah, we optimize PNG files during build, in pkgbinarymangler20:22
tkamppeterpitti, see the last comment.20:22
pittiwe can disable it for a particular file if necessary20:22
pittiI'll have a look tomorrow morning20:22
tkamppeterpitti, so a PNG which is representable as 8-bit/pixel colormap will be converted from 8-bit/color (=32bit/pixel) RGBA?20:23
tkamppeterpitti, this is exactly undoing my fix.20:24
pittitkamppeter: it uses the smallest possible format which doens't lose information20:24
pitti/usr/share/cups/doc-root/images/cups.png: PNG image data, 128 x 128, 8-bit colormap, non-interlaced20:25
pittiwhich is apparently that20:25
tkamppeterpitti, this pkgbinarymangler should not touch any of the files in /usr/share/cups/doc-root/images/, as these files are used by bannertops and the libpng bug does not allow any of them being 8bit/pixel colormap.20:25
pittitkamppeter: so it's a colormap, not RGBA20:25
pittiso that each pixel just uses 1 byte20:26
tkamppeterpitti, and it must be RGBA.20:26
pittias it only uses 2 colors, that kind of makes sense from optipng's view20:26
pittitkamppeter: there's a bug in libpng for that? eog displays it just fine20:26
tkamppeterThis "each pixel is one byte" format hits a bug in libpng, causing a crash of the calling program.20:26
tkamppeterpitti, perhaps it also depends on the way how the libpng functions are called.20:27
pittitkamppeter: I suppose your debian/rules workaround can go as well20:27
pitti./doc/images/cups.png: PNG image data, 128 x 128, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced20:27
pittiyep, it's correct in the source20:27
pittitkamppeter: ah, I see the crash with /usr/lib/cups/filter/bannertops 1 1 1 1 "PageSize=A4" < /usr/share/cups/data/testprint  > /tmp/x20:28
tkamppeterThe space advantage for the files in /usr/share/cups/doc-root/images/ is very small, as these files are already very small. The advantage can even be zero, taking into account the cluster size of a hard disk.20:28
tkamppeterpitti, and the crash goes away if you do the conversion to RGBA.20:29
pittiyes, I'm not worried about that; we just do it by default for all packages now, as it saves us quite a large portion of CD space20:29
pittitkamppeter: it's already RGBA in the source20:29
pittitkamppeter: I'll revert your convert call and blacklist it from optipng instead20:29
tkamppeterpitti, OK, thanks, can you do that for Natty?20:30
tkamppeterpitti, thank you very much.20:30
pittisorry for the trouble20:30
tkamppeterpitti, and when the "convert" call in debian/rules is actually not needed, you can remove the BuildDepend on ImageMagick again.20:31
pittitkamppeter: yes, I just revert r96120:31
tkamppeterpitti, now I know why Mike Sweet never hit this bug, he never had an 8-bit/pixel colormap file.20:32
seb128chrisccoulson, thanks, the guy who assigned the bug to himself was stalling for weeks and added a comment saying it was not working for him then20:36
chrisccoulsonseb128 - ok, that's uploaded now20:44
silver1882I rebuilt my kernel a while back to make ubuntu load faster and it works great.  Is there any way of having ubuntu use those setting whenever there is a kernel update?20:57
pittitkamppeter: uploaded20:58
mterrytedg, oh nice, about deja dup!  :)  (I missed it when you mentioned it earlier today)21:06
cyphermoxwhat's the process for having an application whitelisted for unity's systray? or more precisely, where should I file a bug?21:16
DBOchrisccoulson, are you still poking at bamf21:16
chrisccoulsonDBO, not yet, i've been looking at other things first21:16
DBOlet me know when you start21:17
DBOI'd love to pair program that21:17
chrisccoulsonsure, no problem21:17
DBOit would help us both I think21:17
DBOchrisccoulson, if I am not around for whatever reason, do feel free to start without me :)21:19
pittigood night everyone21:21
seb128'night pitti21:21
bcurtiswxnite pitti21:22
seb128cyphermox, unity or talk to didrocks when he's online21:24
seb128kenvandine, thanks for backporting those fixes to natty ;-)à21:24
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i take it there's a bit of version skew on armel. all my builds are failing!21:24
seb128yeah, same here21:25
seb128it's ogra_'s fault21:25
* kenvandine glares at ogra_21:25
=== alecu is now known as alecu-away
chrisccoulson1 less beer for ogra_ at UDS!21:25
* kenvandine just likes it when it isn' this fault21:26
* bcurtiswx starts a Ken's fault list 21:30
seb128oh, that one is easy21:31
chrisccoulsonit's normally my fault isn't it?21:31
seb128chrisccoulson, don't get me started on you ;-)21:32
chrisccoulsonheh :)21:32
bcurtiswxi'll manage to get enough beer in seb128 to get some good stories out of him.... maybe :P21:32
seb128don't try that trick on kenvandine jcastro or chrisccoulson21:33
seb128you will get bankrupted before getting something ;-)21:33
seb128hey jcastro!21:33
bcurtiswxso jcastro's room is the midnight hangout?21:34
bcurtiswx:) j/k21:34
mterryRiddell, heyo -- I just fixed icons showing up in the appmenu for Qt applications when they weren't supposed to (like qtcreator).  Any chance of a quick distro patch?  https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/libdbusmenu-qt/dont-show-more-icons-than-desired/+merge/5838721:41
kklimondaseb128: hey, any idea who could I ask for some help with Vte? I have an ancient application (from the DOS era) that I have to make display some extended characters in terminal, and I can't figure out how to do that. It's a mess of weird encodings, and I don't even have source code to it (not that it would help me, as the bastard has been written in clipper..)21:50
kklimondaseb128: eventually how hard would that be to create a borderless window in the specified location on the screen, that can't be moved or resized?21:51
kklimondathe second option is the last resort, but I may have to resort to it, if everything else fails.. blah.21:52
chrisccoulsonWM_CLASS is translated in thunderbird21:52
chrisccoulsonDBO^^ ;)21:53
chrisccoulsonthat might be why it breaks for italian users21:53
DBOwhy in th ehell would wm_class be translated in thunderbird?21:53
chrisccoulsoni'm not sure, i think i will just remove that misfeature ;)21:53
DBOthat would be incredibly helpful21:53
seb128kklimonda, try behdad on #gnome-hackers21:53
seb128chrisccoulson, DBO: see I pinged chrisccoulson for a reason ;-)21:54
chrisccoulsoni get WM_CLASS=Thunderbird for english locale, and WM_CLASS="Mozilla Thunderbird" for italian21:54
DBOis thunderbird the only one we are worried about?21:54
chrisccoulsoni need to check if this is an issue in Firefox too21:55
kklimondaseb128: thanks21:55
DBOseb128, do you have a list of bamf things you want me to look at21:56
DBOor should I just shotgun through my bugs21:56
seb128DBO, go through your bugs if you want21:56
seb128but those I noticed where the tb issue chrisccoulson is on21:56
seb128bug #75701121:56
ubot2Launchpad bug 757011 in unity "Keep in launcher option for Emacs does not save over restarts" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75701121:56
* tedg thinks DBO should just take a shotgun *to* his bug ;-)21:56
seb128bug #75701121:56
seb128ug #70404621:57
DBOtedg, do you have a ping on the word shotgun?21:57
seb128bug #70404621:57
ubot2Launchpad bug 704046 in unity-2d "[launcher] can't add java programs as favorites" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70404621:57
DBOjava is the devils toy21:57
seb128bug #70404621:57
seb128oh come on, why copy can't work right21:58
seb128DBO, well in any case we got some bugs with vlc but those are not confirmed, people who have it don't have it every time, otherwise emacs and eclipse are popular ones, then java and python software run from a command line, then the tb issue21:59
seb128DBO, oh and libreoffice...21:59
seb128but we workarounded this one by dropping a .desktop22:00
DBOseb128, okay, tackling in that order22:00
seb128you still can get fixes tomorrow22:01
seb128then it's likely to be sru updates rather, which is fine as well for those22:01
seb128it's nice that we ran out of the crasher class ;-)22:01
DBOi agree22:02
DBOgwibber is SLOW22:02
chrisccoulsonDBO - this is broken in firefox too22:07
chrisccoulsoni wonder if that's your issue ;)22:07
DBOchrisccoulson, why would they do that?22:07
chrisccoulsonDBO - i'm not sure. they just get the name from the branding, and the branding is translated22:07
chrisccoulsoni guess no one ever picked it up before ;)22:08
DBOfirefox should need this anyhow22:08
* DBO goes to find out why22:08
DBOchrisccoulson, can you confirm for me that thunderbird's binary is thunderbird-bin?22:10
chrisccoulsonDBO, yeah, it is22:10
chrisccoulsonis that the issue?22:10
rodrigo_can someone please sponsor this -> https://code.launchpad.net/~rodrigo-moya/ubuntu/natty/webkit/fix-header/+merge/58395 ?22:12
DBOI dont have the suffix deletion crap22:12
DBOI can add it22:12
DBOhold on22:12
DBOchrisccoulson, am I crazy or is there no easy way to copy a UTF8 string in glib?22:32
chrisccoulsoni've never tried to do it in glib before. i'm too used to mozilla, where there are string classes for doing this sort of thing already :)22:33
DBOsorry I meant to say get a substring22:33
tedgDBO, g_strdup22:35
DBOtedg, I meant for a substring :/22:35
tedgDBO, g_strstr22:35
DBOthat doesn't work for utf822:36
chrisccoulsoni'm used to things like https://developer.mozilla.org/En/Mozilla_internal_string_guide#Substrings_.28string_fragments.29 ;)22:36
tedgDBO, Really?22:36
DBOalso that actually doesn't do what I want either22:37
DBOI need to make a copy of hte fragment22:37
tedgDBO, There is g_utf8_strrchr  ;-)22:38
DBOthe problem is I want to basically chop the end of the string off22:39
DBObtw this is academic now22:39
DBOI found another way22:39
DBOchrisccoulson, can you confirm if rev 401 fixes firefox/thunderbird for you22:44
DBOwithout a patch to them of course22:44
chrisccoulsonDBO, sure, just grabbing that now22:45
chrisccoulsonbrb, session restart22:50
chrisccoulsonDBO - hmm, it still doesn't seem to match :/22:57
chrisccoulsontrim_exec_string seems to return the right string though ("thunderbird")22:57
chrisccoulsonyeah, the icon in my launcher doesn't have the same visible name as the desktop file22:58
chrisccoulson(Mozilla Thunderbird as opposed to Thunderbird Mail/News)22:58
DBOwhat do you mean by that?22:58
DBOwhat about firefox?22:59
DBOchrisccoulson, it works for me after making sure bamfdaemon has been restarted23:05
chrisccoulsonDBO - should i expect it to work if i launch it from a terminal too?23:08
DBOworks here23:08
DBOchrisccoulson, make sure you have your locally built bamfdaemon running23:08
chrisccoulsonok, it is working now. i'm not sure what happened there, i got my session in to a right mess ;)23:10
=== bjf is now known as bjf[afk]
DBOchrisccoulson, okay awesome23:13
DBOwant to move on to the next bamf issue with me?23:13
chrisccoulsonDBO - thanks for fixing it :)23:13
chrisccoulsonoh, there's another issue?23:13
DBOemacs and eclipse I hear are problems23:14
DBOdear god23:14
DBOinstalling eclipse installs everything23:14
chrisccoulsoni already have it installed here ;)23:14
DBOcan you pastebin its .desktop file for me23:14
DBOand a ps -ef  from when it is running23:14
DBO(so I can see its exec string)23:14
DBOwhile mine downloads23:15
chrisccoulsonDBO, http://paste.ubuntu.com/596298/23:15
chrisccoulsonDBO - /usr/bin/eclipse is just a shell script that starts java btw23:16
DBOyeah I know23:16
DBOthats the skanky part of it23:16
chrisccoulsonhmm, that seems to work here already though23:18
DBOdoes it now...23:19
DBOshall we move on to emacs23:19
chrisccoulsonDBO - that's working too, although i've just thought of a case where that might not work23:23
chrisccoulsonemacs is an alternative for editor, so if you use update-alternatives to configure emacs as /usr/bin/editor, then it doesn't work (because the exec name doesn't match)23:24
chrisccoulsoni just tried that here23:24
chrisccoulsonperhaps you need to follow symlinks in bamf?23:24
DBOwhoa whoa whoa23:25
DBOwtf is that shit23:25
chrisccoulsonlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 24 2011-04-19 23:23 /usr/bin/editor -> /etc/alternatives/editor23:25
chrisccoulsonlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 16 2011-04-19 23:23 /etc/alternatives/editor -> /usr/bin/emacs2323:25
DBOits symlinks all the way down!23:25
chrisccoulsonso, if you launch "emacs23", then it works23:25
chrisccoulsonbut if you launch "editor", then it fails23:25
DBOyeah I think I know a better way to solve this...23:26
chrisccoulsonnow it's time for me to configure my editor back to vi again ;)23:27
Sweetsharkchrisccoulson: thats the spirit!23:27
chrisccoulsonheh :)23:27
* Sweetshark goes back to lurking.23:27
DBOthis is crap23:29
DBOalways following symlinks is probably not a good solution23:29
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i've seen issues like the one in bug 766630 with other apps before. has anyone else had that problem?23:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 766630 in firefox "firefox have a "gap" between tabs and the panel " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76663023:42

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