
ohsixhah why does the copy dialogue notification icon just have a mouse cursor on it00:03
ohsixit used to be a file cabinet00:03
kklimondathe problem with this transmission patch is that it would restore a functionality that upstream doesn't want in this form.00:28
kklimondaI'm reluctant to restore functionality removed by upstream, as imo it's not our call what they want to do with their software. This particular issue has been discussed in the upstream tracker to death, there is a workaround, and the better proxy support will come soon..00:29
kklimondaohsix: I think I've lost your email in the pile of emails to reply to.. I can't find it right now, but I do remember reading it.00:30
kklimondaohsix: there are more problems with the patch, we are 9 days before release and the patch would break user interface freeze, and there are no longer translations shipped in the package (I wonder if they are available in the language packs)00:32
ohsixkklimonda: yea i tried to speak with them about what form is acceptable, they weren't having it00:34
ohsixit's just "WE DONT WANT IT", caps usesd for emphasis and to cover the frankly obscene interaction i had with them00:35
kklimondaohsix: that's because the decision how to bring proxy support back has been made.00:35
kklimondathe idea is to use system-wide settings00:36
ohsixkklimonda: i've discussed that with them as well; torrent clients are in a unique position that ptoxy options will probably differ between the different types of connections they make; you really need private settings00:36
kklimondathe problem is this solution doesn't make everyone happy.00:36
ohsixthe problem was proxy support didn't suit everyone in the first place, so they removed it alltogether00:36
ohsixthey really seemed to invite public input but they aren'ty, they're moderating trac comments and the like00:37
kklimondahave you given good and legal reasons for not wanting to use system-wide proxy settings? afair at no point did anyone give a reason for private proxy settings that didn't involve vague words like "privacy"00:37
ohsixkklimonda: i couldn't find the "to death"00:37
ohsixyes, and i told them00:37
ohsixi can provide the entire irc log if you wish00:38
ohsixbut the long short of it is i use it to scrape/announce trackers as if i were at home; while i roam with  my laptop00:38
ohsix(ssh -D to home ... etc)00:38
ohsixi know about people saying they want privacy and thinking thats what they get, and about the protocol itself; frankly all of it00:39
kklimondano need, I have the logs.00:39
kklimondabut really, what are the reasons anyone would want a privacy?00:39
ohsixok, i hope you'll see that i was perfectly frank in my intentions and polite to no end00:39
ohsixno clue; i don't want or need for privacy or i wouldn't be using a torrent client00:40
ohsixmy very narrow case is having a socks proxy to home, so it looks like the scrapews/announces are from there00:40
ohsixyou can probably see that having global options when that's all i want is untenable00:40
cnd@pilot out00:42
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Beta-2 released | Archive: final freeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> maverick | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Patch Pilots:
kklimondareally, from where I stand the issue is rather simple - some people want to use private trackers, and T devs knowing what is being shared there don't give much thought about it.00:42
ohsixthe discussion was far from exaustive, at least the things archived in trac tickets00:42
ohsixso you mean they have made a moral judgement  with regard to the usage, expecially concerned with proxy support?00:43
kklimondaI can't speak for them, but that's how I see the whole issue.00:44
ohsixafter all the software can be used to pirate things, just like the proxy support can be used in ways they don't like; but they don't remove the torrent downloading ability00:44
ohsixit's getting very tough to type, on 3g at the moment00:44
ohsixso is my use case unlike the concerns you've heard aired before?00:45
kklimondaI'd have to read your discussion with jordan to really comment on this particular case.00:45
ohsixi could certainly use a voice other than my own, apparently, to get my concerns aired00:46
kklimondabut my main issue with reintroducing proxy support doesn't have anything to do with whether I agree with their judgment, or not.00:47
ohsixbtwe, notwithstanding; current "global" support doesn't work with socks, though jordan pointed out where it would need to be fixed AND he didn't disapprove my ttrac ticket like they've been doing with my comments on trac tickets00:47
kklimondaas I see it there are three problems: It's really late in the cycle to reintroduce this patch given that it adds the new interface, and requires translations. I don't know if those translations are still being shipped, or not.00:47
kklimondaWe, as maintainers, shouldn't really make calls about whether some changes made by upstream are good or bad.00:48
ohsixso i have to setup privoxy to forward http to socks (ssh -D) and only for certain hosts, since i don't want to send my web traffic through the same proxy00:48
kklimonda(can't think of the third point, as it's getting late)00:48
ohsixi get that, and don't expect you to do much more than comment; at best speak for my concerns since nobody is listening00:49
kklimondajordan did acknowledge that he has handled the removal of proxy badly.00:49
ohsixi have to say it's the worst treatment i've _ever_ gotten trying to work with another project00:50
ohsixmy beef is that they invited public discussion but didn't really mean it00:50
kklimondabut it's his decision, him being the lead developer, how he'd like to handle it further.00:50
kklimondathem moderating trac most likely have nothing to do with moderating the discussion.00:50
ohsix(re: censoring trac tickets and the treatment of people politely airing their concerns)00:51
kklimondamoderation has been enabled some time ago for other reasons00:51
ohsixwell if my comments show up; i'll let you know, they were quite specific and only on one bug00:51
ohsixi can't impress upon you how rudely i was treated, that i'm being moderated on trac is not far fetched00:51
ohsixas i said during that conversation, i'm being romantic about switching away from transmission; i should just do it if it no longer suits, but i'm having a very hard time doing so, it is the most usable client00:52
ohsixit's really a shame they only have forums, trac, and irc; i couldn't find any public discussion outside of those trac tickets00:54
ohsixi offered to completely own the feature and implement it in a shape and form they could agree with it00:55
ohsixobsequiousness is a word roused in the mind about the situation00:56
kklimondahmm, no - from what I have read jordan has given you hand in implementing socks support in the current code (which takes socks configuration from gnome proxy settings)00:57
ohsixkklimonda: thanks for your time, like i said; maybe you can speak for the use-case, i've been dismissed and thrown into the memory hole00:57
ohsixas i've explained that isn't useful to me00:57
kklimondabut you were pressing the issue of restoring the original private proxy support, and you were told over and over that it's not going back00:57
ohsixprivoxy is going to nee dto be in the middle even if socks support worked00:57
kklimondaand then the entire discussion went south.00:58
ohsixi don't want all my web traffic to go through my home connection; it is heavily metered00:58
ohsixonly "original" insofar as not using the global settings, i don't care what the ui looked like; and was willing to own it00:58
kklimondabut it's not a matter of how gui looks like, they are just not interested in the private proxy support.00:59
ohsixhe would not be forthwright in telling me what was wrong with it; he was not being intellectually honest, it was his choice of course, but00:59
ohsixi have to stop using the best torrent client available because of that00:59
ohsixi hope you understand that i don't want that01:00
ohsixi don't care if it's only available by edfiting settings.json directly; or anything01:00
ohsixyou cant get tsocks to pick one port to forward either; so you can't use it01:00
ohsixtorrent clients are in a unique situation, one where having different proxies for different types of connection the client makes is desirable01:01
ohsixthat can only be supported in the client itself; as it's the only one that makes any real discrimination01:01
ohsixi couldn't get him to explain why it was there at all if it didn't please them now, either; he didn't have to of course, but i kept grasping at connections i could make and still treat him as a reasonable person01:03
kklimondamany features are being added because it seems to be a good idea at the time.01:03
ohsixi'm not asking for exaustive proxy support like some people were either; just what was there01:04
ohsixkklimonda: do you at least accept the premise that torrent clients are unique with the respect to how they connect? i can't think of anything that uses several connection types in one program that you'd desire proxying01:07
ohsixit's an exceptional scenario for sure01:08
ohsixwhat really blows my mind is the global proxy support still only uses it for scrapes/announces; which doesn't account for the most requested option to be added, the stuff that probably prompted its entire removal in ffrustration01:10
ohsixi get your position as maintainer; but it'd be nice to have another person speak for my use case, since i'm appaarently not leet enough to do so01:11
lifelessohsix: how are torrent clients unique?01:11
kklimondaohsix: I accept that some people don't want to have their torrent activity tracked to themselves.01:12
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ohsixlifeless: unique in the sense that it can be desirous to have different proxying options for only certain types of connections they make01:12
ohsixkklimonda: no, that's exactly what i want01:12
lifelessohsix: like voip clients, lots of fps games and web browsers?01:12
ohsixkklimonda: just like i ssh'd in here on my laptop, with my phone; to use the resources i have at home01:13
ohsixi roam a lot and i want it to scrape/announce from my home connection01:14
ohsixi know the implications, and i also know you can't tell transmission to use your local ip for scrapes like you can for some other clients, but i still desire to scrape/announce from home01:15
ohsixand i still desire to use transmission D:01:15
kklimondachange trackers that you use - binding ratio to ip is a retarded idea.01:15
ohsixthere are no ratios involved my friend01:16
kklimondawhat's the point then?01:16
kklimondaI'm really curious01:16
ohsixi'm thinking you are implying some things in our conversation that just aren't the case01:16
kklimondawell, not really. I just know only of two reasons to use proxy for tracker communication.01:17
ohsixi'll tel you privately if you really wish to know01:17
kklimondaneither of them really imply anything.01:17
ohsixi told you my reason; you fit it into some preconcieved notion01:17
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ohsixi don't know of any trackers that use your ip to track ratios, either; but lets not digress01:18
ohsixi get the sense that i'm sort of being dismissed again; since you assume i'm making the case for something you've seen made before, with respect to "privacy" or whatever01:18
ohsixbut at least you're being very honest about your concerns, and out in the open01:19
kklimondaI'm not dismissing you, I understand your concerns, and I'm aware of the entire issue.01:19
ohsixbut you misconstrue my intent to announce/scrape from my home computer as something else; you even mentioned ratios01:20
ohsixas i say that though, i get how you might01:20
ohsixbut i'm literally only connectiong home, not to some 3rd party shell or "vpn" provider, and only so it scrapes from home01:20
kklimondait's just that I have a feeling that we are going in circles.01:20
kklimondaAll I'm saying is that the removal of feature is upstream developers' decision.01:21
ohsixi got that01:21
kklimondaI've even tried to give you my point of view on why has they made this particular choice.01:21
ohsixmy use case is valid for me, and i will have to use another client, i do not want to; as it's the most usable client packaged in ubuntu; my dillema is that i'm being irrational about just switching01:21
ohsixand i'm asking you to voice my concern, since i tried and failed01:23
ohsixlet me message you and tell you why i do it01:23
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ohsixhm re: adding ubuntu-sponsors to a patch request, if it's within the guidelines for a possible change is it generally well considered and most likely added?03:21
ohsixcan someone unsub ubuntu-sponsors here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/transmission/+bug/765248 the bug is all sorts of garbage now; and i don't want to spam them with every reply04:00
ubottuUbuntu bug 765248 in transmission (Ubuntu) "patch to add proxy support from 2.12 to 2.13 (dup-of: 713604)" [Undecided,New]04:00
ubottuUbuntu bug 713604 in transmission (Ubuntu) ""Proxy" tab feature removed" [Wishlist,Won't fix]04:00
TheMusoHrm either someone didn't beat me to it, or https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/transmission/+bug/765248 doesn't have ubuntu-sponsors subscribd.04:04
ubottuUbuntu bug 765248 in transmission (Ubuntu) "patch to add proxy support from 2.12 to 2.13 (dup-of: 713604)" [Undecided,New]04:04
ubottuUbuntu bug 713604 in transmission (Ubuntu) ""Proxy" tab feature removed" [Wishlist,Won't fix]04:04
SpamapSTheMuso: ditto ;)04:04
ohsixok thanks whoever did it04:05
ohsixand apologies to the messages that did get to them :[04:06
ohsixi'm just forehead slapping amazed, over and over again04:07
SpamapShmm.. is there an easy way to extract the core dump out of an apport crash file?04:21
TheMusoSpamapS: Apport does have a way to unpack a crash file, apport-cli does anyway.04:32
TheMusoManpage or -h should give you the info.04:32
SpamapSTheMuso: its just telling me I have out of date packages04:33
SpamapS--save should just save it anyway, damnit. :-P04:33
TheMusoSpamapS: apport-unpack is what you want.04:33
TheMusoI knew it was there somewhere.04:33
SpamapSyes thats what I wanted.. :)04:34
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ileasomeone here that helps on ubuntu 11.04?06:46
cineramahi ilea, you might want to join #ubuntu and ask over there...06:48
ohsixspecifically #ubuntu+106:48
ileai want to talk with someone that is in the team that makes ubuntu 11.0406:48
ileanot to chat06:49
ohsixabout what?06:49
ileabecause there is a bug in ubuntu 11.04 and i need to talk with them06:49
* SpamapS bets $5 on Unity06:49
ohsixilea: bugs can be filed on launchpad, security bugs are private by default if you want only developers to see it06:50
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SpamapSilea: tho to add to ohsix's point, it is appropriate to ping this channel about important bugs that have been filed and ignored.06:50
ileaafter i make a dsl conection (username, service, pasword) i try to conect and after a time it dosnt conect06:51
ileathe indicator is going up like a wi-fi conection06:52
ileabut nothing06:52
ohsixthat sounds like grist for #ubuntu+1, and if they figure something out; filing a bug06:52
ohsixilea: networkmanager keeps logs, you can see what it does when it brings the link up06:53
ohsixgrep NetworkManager /var/log/daemon.log06:53
ileai cant fill a bug report because i cant send it with no internet conection and i am a litle new and dont now how to save it and send it from another distro06:54
ileaafter conection fails to try and type that in terminal?06:55
ohsixthat's alright, the information that will help will be in that file; if you can save a text file with the output, people in #ubuntu+1 can help you find the real cause06:55
ohsixcase and spacing is important06:55
ileaso i have to wryte that is terminal after conection fails and then save a text file with it and go on ubuntu+1?06:56
ohsixyep, once they can read it they can try and help fix it06:57
ileabut how to send it on irc? i have to paste it here for them to read it06:58
pittiGood morning07:32
SpamapShowdy pitti07:42
pittihey SpamapS, how are you?07:43
SpamapSpitti: good. Way too busy. :-P07:51
didrocksgood morning07:54
steveireHi, I'm trying to learn packaging. I've got the source of grantlee, and I've got the newer source tarball from http://downloads.grantlee.org/07:55
steveire(I'm the grantlee upsteam)07:55
steveireWhat's my next step?07:55
broderhmm...what makes plymouth actually show the splash on shutdown? on bootup, it's the plymouth-splash job, but none of the conditions there will trigger on shutdown07:57
broderoh, wait - just noticed the post-start script. bah07:57
SpamapSbroder: shutdown is all sysv07:57
diwicsteveire, unfortunately there are several ways of doing packaging and how to easiest update to a new upstream version depends on how it is currently packaged07:57
SpamapSsteveire: there's a new tool thats somewhat experimental, called pkgme, that may help07:58
SpamapSsteveire: what language is grantlee in?07:58
broderSpamapS: i think i'm seeing a race between the plymouth upstart job and the casper sysv init script on shutdown. does that seem plausible to you?07:58
SpamapSbroder: yes its always a possibility07:58
steveirediwic: How do I find out whihc it is?07:59
broderSpamapS: yeah, i think a race there is consistent with what i'm seeing. i guess this puts me in support of your plans to upstart-ify the shutdown for O :)08:00
diwicsteveire, from looking at debian/rules we can see that it uses cdbs08:00
SpamapSbroder: plymouth is  start on stopped gdm08:00
broderyeah, and gdm is stop on runlevel [016]08:00
SpamapSbroder: if you need to make sure you run before plymouth 'start on starting plymouth' works08:01
dholbachgood morning08:01
diwicsteveire, and from debian/source/format we can see that this is a quilt patch system08:02
broderSpamapS: plymouth looks at the $RUNLEVEL variable it inherits from the runlevel event. will my job get that variable as well?08:02
steveireSo do I need to set up pbuilder?08:04
diwicsteveire, that is helpful for checking that your package does not need more dependencies than you actually state in the control file08:04
diwicsteveire, or for compiling for another version than you're currently running08:05
SpamapSbroder: only if plymouth exports it08:08
diwicsteveire, I'm realizing I'm not very helpful to you because I'm not sure what the easiest way of updating a 3.0 quilt package is, sorry08:08
SpamapSbroder: so, in short, no. You could fake it tho..   start on runlevel [016] and stopped gdm08:08
broderwell, if i wanted it to be strictly after plymouth, i'd do runlevel [016] and started plymouth, right?08:09
broderor is that going to get in the way of plymouth starting at boot? start on clauses with "and" still trip me up...08:10
steveirediwic: Ok, I'll scan through some docs08:12
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dokowhich package should be used to file issues about the new scrollbar?08:18
pittidoko: overlay-scrollbar08:20
abhinav-pitti: hi, I noticed that the man pages of apport haven't been updated for the -w/--window option ?  http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/natty/man1/apport-cli.1.html08:21
pittiabhinav-: ah, good catch08:22
=== smb` is now known as smb
abhinav-pitti: thanks :) . should I file a bug ?08:22
pittiabhinav-: sure, can't hurt08:23
smb@pilot in08:23
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Beta-2 released | Archive: final freeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> maverick | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Patch Pilots: smb
pittiyou don't happen to want to add it yourself? :-)08:23
abhinav-pitti: I can do that, provided I will have to look at the man page syntax :D08:23
akheronit's not hard08:25
pittiabhinav-: syntax-wise you can just copy&paste08:27
pittiabhinav-: anyway, it's quick, I can also do it myself, I just wanted to know whether you'd like to try08:27
abhinav-pitti: yes , alright I will do it :)08:27
pittigreat, thanks!08:27
steveire"If a package for the application does not exist in Debian, then the Debian revision is 0 (e.g., 2.4-0ubuntu1). " https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete08:28
steveireThe grantlee package has 0.1.7-0ubuntu308:29
steveireEven though there is an upsteam debian version08:29
pittidpm: so, Thursday is the final langpack translation deadline08:31
pittidpm: so I think if we get a full export on the weekend, I'll be able to kick off a build on Monday, in time for the final release08:32
dpmpitti, that sounds good. Let me re-check the schedule for when we get the export.08:33
pittidpm: I think we usually get one Friday, don't we?08:33
pittiI'll try to kick it off earlier than Monday, but no promises due to holidays08:33
dpmpitti, we get an export on Thursday 14:00 UTC, which we could use -> https://dev.launchpad.net/Translations/LanguagePackSchedule. I remember we changed it so it aligned better to the deadline. If that works for you, we could use that. If not, we can just ask the LP guys to set up a one-off export on Friday.08:36
pittidpm: sounds fine08:36
pittidpm: so yesterday's is already done, and I could request a full export now?08:37
pittihm, I don't see one for Apr 19, though08:37
dpmpitti, it might take longer to be generated. But yeah, that's strange, especially because delta exports appear earlier in the day than full ones. But I think if you request it now it should be fine. AFAIK, the exports are simply on a cron job, and requesting the full export now would not interfere with the previous delta one, which was already triggered yesterday08:41
pittidpm: right, as long as it's already runnning it should be okay08:46
pittidpm: but I guess I'll just keep the tab open and request it tomorrow then08:46
dpmpitti, sure, sounds good08:47
gesersteveire: Debian has only 0.1.4 while Ubuntu has 0.1.7 (there is no 0.1.7 in Debian on which to base the Ubuntu delta -> revision 0)08:55
steveiregeser: Ah, right08:56
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steveirehttp://dpaste.com/533477/ How do I remove that patch from the package?09:05
abhinav-pitti: I have added this content in apport-cli.1 http://paste.ubuntu.com/595871/09:13
abhinav-is it ok ?09:13
pittiabhinav-: looks fine09:14
abhinav-pitti: alright. thanks. pushing the branch09:14
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pitti$ change-override.py -S -c universe xulrunner-2.009:26
pittichrisccoulson: ^ MUHAHA!09:26
* pitti ^5s chrisccoulson09:26
chrisccoulsonpitti, excellent, thanks :)09:28
* chrisccoulson ^5s pitti09:28
chrisccoulsonpitti - we'll probably kill it entirely next cycle ;)09:29
abhinav-pitti: https://code.launchpad.net/~er-abhinav-upadhyay/apport/bugfix-765600/+merge/58241  ,thanks for letting me do this :)09:31
ubottuUbuntu bug 58241 in emacs-goodies-el (Ubuntu) "m-x debian-bug doesn't point to ubuntu instead" [Undecided,Confirmed]09:31
pittiabhinav-: cool, thanks! will merge in a sec09:31
abhinav-smb: Hi, can you review this ? (https://code.launchpad.net/~er-abhinav-upadhyay/ubuntu/natty/tomboy/bugfix-757635/+merge/57282) or it has to come from upstream ?09:38
ubottuUbuntu bug 57282 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "After upgrading dapper 22:nd of august, X doesn't start (dup-of: 57153)" [Undecided,New]09:38
ubottuUbuntu bug 57153 in xorg-server (Ubuntu Dapper) "xorg-server 1:1.0.2-0ubuntu10.3 breaks X: "no screens found"" [Critical,Fix released]09:38
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smbabhinav-, I am not sure but I have a look. hm, ubotu seems slightly confused...09:41
pittiubottu tries to interpret merge request IDs as bug numbers09:41
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:41
abhinav-smb: thanks, :)09:41
c2taruncan anyone help me with Xauthority authentication failed error in ubuntu?09:47
speakmanA few days ago I asked how to maintain the debian/ dir in my own source, and then I was suggested to keep it in a separate branch. But in the mean time, why can't the debian dir be part of the project? The one could use debian/changelog for the projects own changelog? Ideas?09:56
pittispeakman: some projects do, but at least I find it highly inconvenient09:59
pittiand apparently others as well, the current dpkg source format even allows stripping the upstream debian/ dir09:59
pittiso that it doesn't get in the way of the real debian/ dir from the distro09:59
pittiit's also inconvenient for upstream, as it will constantly be out of date, not match anythign real in debian/ubuntu, and over time you'll accumulate spec files, debian/ dirs, ebuild recipes, and what not10:00
smbabhinav-, The change itself look reasonable. though for ubuntu merge the code change should be done by a patch in debian/patches, not directly10:01
speakmanpitti: thanks alot for your comments! But what if I _am_ upstream and the deb maintainer as well?10:05
pittispeakman: as I said, some projects do that, so if you find it more convenient, there's nobody stopping you :)10:06
pittiIMHO packaging stuff doesn't belong into upstream tarballs/VCSes, but that might just be me10:07
pitti(main reason: it's the wrong level to have it, as upstream releases are not tied to a particular distro and release)10:07
speakmanpitti: Fair enough! But since this will be just my own private project shared with only a few mates, I think I make the exception and manage the debian/ dir within it's source tree :)10:09
pittispeakman: sure :) you can always drop it again if the project becomes more popular and it gets in the way10:10
abhinav-smb: alright thanks for the review :) . But I think the bug is not Ubuntu specific, so it should be merged directly. perhaps we should wait for it to come from upstream ?10:11
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speakmanpitti: you're absolutely right :) thanks alot!10:11
pittiabhinav-: it should still be a separate patch; directly modifying the upstream source is both hard to maintain and also hard to see what actually changed10:12
speakmanBy the way - is there some good documentation about managing a patchset within the debian/ dir? If I'm not the upstream owner, that is. :)10:13
pittispeakman: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PatchSystems might be of some help10:14
speakmanpitti: thanks! again! :D10:15
abhinav-pitti: that link explains it :) . so until the upstream developers don't review and merge the patch in their repo , the patch can be included in Ubuntu through debina/patches ?10:16
pittiabhinav-: rightg10:16
abhinav-alright, thanks. then I will do that :)10:17
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steveireWhy is this telling me there's no orig.tar when there is a orig.tar.gz? Shouldn't it find that?10:33
steveireDiscovered I need to add a '.1' to the tarball file name kdepim_4.5.95.1.orig.tar.gz10:37
steveireBut why?10:37
directhexsteveire, what's the version number in debian/changelog?10:41
steveireAh, 4: indeed10:42
steveireBut what is the '4:' about?10:42
mdzanyone else seeing syndaemon spin on the CPU?10:45
directhexsteveire, it's called an epoch. it bumps the version number up ahead of 3: and 2: and 1: and 0:10:45
directhexwhere no epoch at all is the same as 0:10:46
directhexusually you use an epoch when you mess up & want to go down a version number, permanently10:46
directhexe.g. you had a metapackage with version numbers like "100", and suddenly you want a real version of "4.4"#10:46
Kurisutiancjwatson: I checked again with the beta 2 of the server install with a btrfs rootfs but I get the same error like I had with beta 110:48
steveiredirecthex: Ah, so probably related to the kdelibs5 stuff10:52
directhexsteveire, i'm afraid i don't know the specific history, but yeah, moving from one package to another might be related10:53
Kurisutianis anyone here that knows how to install ubuntu server beta2 on a rootfs.... I get some weird behaviour when using the installer..... or is it possible to bootstrap from an existing live cd. I need to put it on btrfs because of the snapshot capability it has....10:59
Riddelldebfx: what are the relative merits of your patch compared to Sarvatt's in bug 753370 ?11:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 753370 in mesa (Ubuntu) "No Desktop Effects in Kubuntu 11.04 Beta1" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75337011:02
debfxRiddell: he discovered a case where his patch doesn't work11:05
Riddelldebfx: groovy, uploading11:10
debfxRiddell: oh, tjaalton already uploaded it11:11
Riddelloh but it's in the queue?11:11
Riddellin that case, accepting11:11
speakmanhm... is it hard to setup my own apt repo? Like a local ppa with just a few packages?11:15
pittispeakman: no, not at all; you can just run apt-ftparchive and then add "deb file://... /" URL11:22
pittisee example section in the manpage11:23
speakmanoh, cool! :)11:23
speakmanjust fired up man apt-ftparchive :)11:23
TeTeTspeakman: I find reprepro to be a good fit for maintaining a custom repo. It had some issues with parallel writes in the past though, so you want to make sure only one reprepro is running at any given time. Think that was fixed upstream though11:37
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abhinav-dholbach: how should I generate a patch for debian/patch of Tomboy ? I have patch both in debdiff and git format ? or should I start from scratch using quilt ?11:40
dholbachabhinav-, best use   edit-patch <some-name-for-the-patch>11:42
dholbachthen apply the patch from git, then hit Ctrl-D11:42
abhinav-dholbach: ah great :)11:42
abhinav-dholbach: and how to submit the patch ? normal merge proposal ?11:43
abhinav-dholbach: great. thanks :)11:43
speakmanTeTeT: great thanks!12:09
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abhinav-dholbach: I did the steps as described in the packaging guide but something seems to be going wrong. After editing the dch , it asked to commit the changes, I said 'yes', but the new patch created in the debian/patches directory contains code from all the  patches :-/12:49
dholbachabhinav-, I'm just about to get lunch - can you just ask in the channel and see if somebody else can help?12:50
dholbachsee you later12:50
abhinav-dholbach: alright. no problem12:50
abhinav-I will try again12:50
m4n1shabhinav-, #ubuntu-motu whenever you are stuck up in packaging issue12:51
abhinav-m4n1sh: oh thanks :)12:52
ogra_ogra@panda:~$ ls /var/log/messages13:19
ogra_ls: cannot access /var/log/messages: No such file or directory13:19
ogra_hmm, is that normal ?13:19
ogra_did we drop messages from rsyslog ?13:19
seb128ogra_, see the changelog13:20
ogra_ah, pitti's fault !13:21
diwicogra, actually it's my fault, I thought people running ARM *hint hint* would be happy for the extra disk space ;-)13:25
diwicogra_, everything is in syslog anyway, so...13:25
ogra_its a great move, just need to get used to it13:25
ogra_diwic, btw, i dont seem to get forward in any way with the panda sound stuff13:26
diwicogra_, oh is it still bad?13:26
ogra_diwic, yes, i tried TheMuso's test packages, added and removed patches but no go ...13:27
ogra_in dmesg i end up with "asoc: no valid backend routes for PCM: SDP4430 Media"13:27
ogra_in the UI i managed to see the pulse profiles once but thats gone again with the last test build, i'm not sure how i made it work actually13:28
jdstrand@pilot in13:29
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Beta-2 released | Archive: final freeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> maverick | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Patch Pilots: smb, jdstrand
ogra_i kept the packages that showed this around ... but reinstalling them doesnt get me back the items in the UI13:30
diwicogra_, hmm, are you sure that's from dmesg? I'm trying to grep for that message in a kernel tree but find nothing13:32
ogra_ogra@panda:~$ dmesg|grep -c "asoc: no valid backend routes for PCM: SDP4430 Media"13:33
ogra_i get it every time i restart pulse manually or re-login13:33
ogra_funnily it initializes the HDMI interface just fine13:33
ogra_(though that was there even before UCM was added to alsa)13:34
diwicogra_, is that a standard natty kernel?13:34
ogra_yes, its a beta2 image i'm running13:35
ogra_(with recent updates)13:35
ogra_though there was a new upload that should have built now, i can upgrade to it ... but i dont think there were any asoc related changes in that revision13:36
diwicnaah, just thought if there was some patchset that might have added the message13:36
ogra_well, omap4 uses its own kernel tree13:37
ogra_you are grepping in that one, right ?13:37
diwicogra_, where's that tree?13:37
* ogra_ looks on the kernel git server13:38
ogra_i never use it, so i have to dig13:38
* ogra_ wonders if http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git will ever load13:39
diwicogra_, it does, be patient13:39
ogra_desnt load but doesnt time out either13:41
jdstrandsmb: fyi, I'm looking at bug #64463213:42
ogra_i see the gitweb header though13:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 644632 in libnss-ldap (Ubuntu) "nssldap-update-ignoreusers needs to be configurable to ignore users" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64463213:42
jdstrandsmoser: I think you pinged me about that ^13:42
diwicogra_, so how well are things functioning at the alsaucm layer?13:42
ogra_diwic, not at all ?13:43
smbjdstrand, ookaaayy (not exactly sure what to do with that information) I suppose it is somewhere on the pilot list13:43
jdstrandsmb: it is in the pilot list. fyi only so we don't both jump on it :)13:44
ogra_diwic, i honestly have no clue how to check it, apart from running alsaucm (which tells me its setting defaults) and seeing the pulse profiles in the UI i dont know where else to look13:44
ogra_oh, it loaded !13:45
ogra_7me hugs his browser "... and i thought you were dead !"13:45
smbjdstrand, Ok. :) Well as I am mostly useless outside the kernel area (missing rights and such) I would be concentrating on kernel bugs with patches anyway, ;) Though I should also do a bit more in the other direction13:45
ogra_diwic, http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-natty.git;a=tree;h=refs/heads/ti-omap4;hb=ti-omap413:47
diwicogra_, thanks13:47
ogra_or better http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-natty.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/ti-omap413:47
pittiogra_: "messages is not the file you are looking for" </jedi wave>13:48
mterryjames_w, ~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/natty/libgnome-keyring/natty seems stalled -- can it be poked?13:52
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james_wmtaylor, poked14:01
james_wmterry I mean14:01
mterryjames_w, thanks14:13
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tjaaltoni've uploaded xorg-server 1.10.1, which has one single upstream commit since 1.10.1rc2, which reverts a patch that caused bug 75797214:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 757972 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "Easystroke doesn't recognize button release" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75797214:31
abhinav-smb: if you are still reviewing proposals, please look at my new proposal, I have now moved the changes to be included in debian/patches (https://code.launchpad.net/~er-abhinav-upadhyay/ubuntu/natty/tomboy/patch-757635/+merge/58303)14:32
smbabhinav-, yup will check14:33
abhinav-smb: thanks :)14:33
smosersmb, just to be clear, above, jdstrand had tab-complete failure.14:40
smoserhis comments were intended to be to me14:40
jdstrandsmoser: actually, no. he is a patch pilot and I didn't want to step on his toes, but I also wanted you to know I was looking at it :)14:40
smbsmoser, Ah ok. Well it actually could have been for me as well as we both doing piloting today14:40
smoseroh... i see.14:40
smoserjdstrand, yes, i did ping you on that. only because you had worked the other bug in that area.14:41
jdstrandinterestingly, I did tab complete looking for smb, but got smoser, which reminded me that I needed to point this out to smoser too :)14:41
smoserjdstrand, how is my suggestion incomplete?14:42
smbabhinav-, I know I may get the pedantic award... but why is the patch numbered 21_... and then sorted after 30_.. in the series file? Sure it does not matter... it just looks a bit odd14:42
abhinav-smb: I had no idea what number to give, 21 seemed good :D14:43
jdstrandsmoser: OKUSERS=`awk -v vname=nss_initgroups_okusers '$1 == vname { v=$2 }; END { print v }'` doesn't work on its own (now filename or cat)14:44
smoserah. ok. i'll suggest adding '$CONF'. you're correct.14:44
smoserjdstrand, i was more interested in your feelings on whether or not it would be wise to carry this patch.14:46
smoserif upstream implements the feature, then we'll have a much more difficult time implementing the 'okusers' functionality on top of that.14:46
dschulzhi all14:49
jdstrandsmoser: well, we've been carrying this patch for ages14:49
smoseryes. and upstream is considering adding that function.14:49
smoser(for ages)14:49
smoserbut if they *did*, then it would be difficult to implement the "okusers"14:49
smoserpossibly impossible to do so and retain backwards compatibility14:50
smoserunless we patched out the upstream function and relied on our own.14:50
* jdstrand fingertaps waiting on upstream bug14:51
dschulzdoes anyone knows if theres a chance to get python-django 1.3 package before natty release? It's currently at 1.2.514:51
smoserjdstrand, if you dont think its a concern, then thats fine.14:52
smoserbut i didn't want to provide function in ubuntu that people would use, then be unable to retain backwards compatibility withthat function.14:52
jdstrandsmoser: I think that is a valid concern. it looks like it was revisted as late as 8 months ago14:54
jdstrandsmoser: I'll comment in the bug14:55
jdstrand(our bug)14:55
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dschulzpitti: Hi. Do you have a plan to build postgresql 9.x packages for natty soon? And more important, do you have an Amazon wishlist?14:59
pittidschulz: 9.x natty> yes, there's a new microrelease from today which I'll package also for natty in my PPA15:00
pittiamazon wishlist> no, I don't15:00
pitti(how's that psql related? :-) )15:00
dschulzThanks pitti :-)15:01
smbabhinav-, So basically I think the numbering thing is a bit odd, the description line may need a space at the beginning of the second line and Origin/Author could be Author alone. But I heard that a sponsor may fix this while doing the bits. Unfortunately I lack the rights for real sponsor things and can only complain err suggest.15:04
smbjdstrand, do you have the rights to do so?15:05
jdstrandsmb: I have upload rights, yes, but all that really needs be done here is either an ACK with your changes, or you can hand me a corrected debdiff15:06
abhinav-smb: alright thanks. I can fix these and request another review ?15:06
jdstrands/ACK with your/ACK conditional upon your/15:06
smbjdstrand, I think I would have to do the latter as I think lp does not offer me any action15:08
jdstrandsmb: it isn't an lp action afaik anyway. it would just be me fixing the debdiff myself and uploading15:08
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* smb` thinks there has been a disruption in his force (irc timeout). I might have missed things15:17
bjf## Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - Today @ 17:00 UTC - #ubuntu-meeting15:17
bjf##      agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting15:17
smb`bjf, #ubuntu-kernel?15:18
bjfsmb`, ack15:18
abhinav-smb`: I have made the changes, pushing them to launchpad15:18
bjfsmb`, being friendly, inviting everyone :-)15:18
smb`bjf, We'd need to add "be on time or you miss it here". :)15:19
smb`abhinav-, thanks15:20
=== smb` is now known as smb
abhinav-smb: updated (https://code.launchpad.net/~er-abhinav-upadhyay/ubuntu/natty/tomboy/patch-757635/+merge/58303)15:31
stgrabertkamppeter: ping15:33
smbabhinav-, Ok, I approved (for what that is worth)15:34
abhinav-smb: thanks :)15:34
mvodpm: is there a way to exclude certain translations for a given package from the langpacks? friendly-recovery is having trouble with the CJK fonts on the console and I'm looking into how to blacklist that currently15:34
stgrabertkamppeter: I'm trying to debug bug 742935 and one of the things that seem weird on the report's system is "cnijfilter-common:i386" being in state "iU" which might explain why aptdaemon doesn't work so well on that system. I was just wondering what's installing that package and how I can try to install it in my VM15:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 742935 in aptdaemon (Ubuntu) "aptd crashed with OSError in release(): [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74293515:35
dpmpitti, how is the langpack-locales package used? I'm just trying to find out the supported locales in Natty, and I was looking at http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/natty/langpack-locales/natty/view/head:/SUPPORTED - however, I've noticed that langpack-locales is not installed on my system15:36
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SpamapSjhunt: will you be around in about 1 hour?15:37
jhuntSpamapS: sure will!15:37
pittidpm: that's the source package name; the binary is "locales"15:37
dpmpitti, ah, thanks15:38
stgrabermvo: yep, there's a way to do it in pkgbinarymangler IIRC. There's a blacklist in there (skipranslations.blacklist) which might be what you're looking for. Though my understanding is that it'd simply block all .pot for that package from being imported in LP15:38
stgraber(I use it for ldm as it ships its own translations and it's installed in an environment where we don't have langpacks installed)15:39
stgraberthough maybe there's a LP way of doing it (as in, filter what gets in the langpacks) that could be slightly cleaner :)15:39
mvothanks stgraber not sure this is what I need as I want some languages, but not all (only the ones where we have good console fonts)15:42
OdyXHi. Is it possible to have new packages in natty ? (my case is "pyside-tools", a much needed companion for PySide. It has no issues in Debian, for two weeks now.15:43
stgrabermvo: hmm, yeah, pkgbinarymangler probably isn't what you're looking for then as you'd need to manually import the translations in the source package and ship them yourself. Probably would be a lot better to patch whatever builds the langpacks then.15:44
OdyXLemme rephrase. What more can I do to get https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/750295 solved ?15:45
ubottuUbuntu bug 750295 in Ubuntu "FFe: Sync pyside-tools 0.2.8-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed]15:45
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tumbleweedOdyX: looks like ScottK didn't subscribe ubuntu-archive to do the sync15:51
ScottKSure I did.15:51
ScottKJust not until now.15:52
ScottKtumbleweed: Thanks for pointing it out.15:52
OdyXthanks to you both.15:53
OdyX(I had a user request, which reminded me… Otherwise I wouldn't have noticed)15:53
smoserpitti, i've a lang related quesiton, and unfortunately for you, i think you're knowledgable.15:54
pittijdstrand, kees, sconklin: linux-ti-omap4/maverick copied to -updates and -security15:54
praveen_can i ask a question about qt here???15:54
pittismoser: just shoot :) (busy with two other things, so might lag a bit)15:54
smoserhttp://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html gives says that accept-language might be 'en' or 'en-gb'. if it is just 'en', is there something i can correlate that to in an LC_ALL or LANG setting ? is there a  way to chose default _XX value?15:55
praveen_please have a look here--http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=173340215:56
pittismoser: this is mixing two concepts; "en" is a language, LANG/LC_ALL set locales (which are always country specific015:56
pittismoser: so you cannot translate a language name like English or Spanish to a "default country" easily, unless you make some hardcoded assumptions15:57
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pittismoser: like default to US for English (and screw the Brits), to Spain for Spanish (and screw south America), etc.15:57
smoserpitti, right... so the goal is to take what is in accept-language and give the desktop user an appropriate language15:58
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pittismoser: so in this case this is a language and nto country specific15:58
ScottKpraveen_: There are more Qt knowledgeable people in #kubuntu-devel.  I'd try there.15:58
pittismoser: what you can do is to map this to $LANGUAGE15:58
smoserwould you hvae a suggestion on how to hack without hard coding (i dont want to come up with hard codes for all languages)15:58
pittismoser: without setting a different locale15:58
pittismoser: LANGUAGE is a list of languages and can e. g. be "de_DE:de:en_GB:en"15:59
pittismoser: this would mean "if German (Germany) is available, use that, otherwise fall back to any German dialect, if that's not available, use British English, and as a last resort any English15:59
smoserpitti, thats good. i'm just exposing vast ignorance here :)15:59
smoseri can potentially get country code also.16:00
pittismoser: we set $LANGUAGE by default now in language-selector, so chances are that your /etc/default/locale already has it even16:00
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smoserthanks pitti.16:02
AlanBellkirkland: got a few minutes to chat about an etherpad server for UDS?16:02
mvocould someone eyeball the shell code in  https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-jp-improvement/+bug/573502/comments/1516:05
ubottuUbuntu bug 573502 in Ubuntu Japanese Kaizen Project "unreadable characters in recovery mode" [High,Triaged]16:05
jcastropitti: I think my mail to the techboard might have gotten stuck in moderation - I need someone from the TB to add the linaro track leads to the ~uds-organizers lp group.16:06
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pittijcastro: moderated16:08
mvojhunt: bug #575469 sounds like something for mountall/upstart? being able to tell it to boot in ro mode ?16:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 575469 in friendly-recovery (Ubuntu) "recovery mode mounts filesystems read-write rather than read-only" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57546916:09
evbum, apt-clone doesn't like being disconnected from the internets.16:10
mvoev: ohh, what is it doing? exploding then :/ ?16:11
evno, it thankfully doesn't error out16:11
evbut it equally doesn't preserve the packages16:12
evbecause it can't fetch them, but doesn't add them to the list to repack16:12
mvohrm, hrm, bad16:12
evdigging into it now16:12
evsure thing16:12
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psurbhimvo, bug 575469 needs a grub cmd line change16:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 575469 in friendly-recovery (Ubuntu) "recovery mode mounts filesystems read-write rather than read-only" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57546916:14
psurbhion which mountall can take better action16:15
mvoaha, nice - what needs to be added?16:15
psurbhii am not sure, but say we add some option like "--recovery"16:15
psurbhithen mountall can have a look at that and then mount "ro" instead of whats in fstab16:15
psurbhii will like to work on that bug :)16:15
mvonice, thans!16:16
psurbhimvo, np! :)16:16
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evmvo: I've filed bug 766171 for the apt-clone issue and will track my progress there.16:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 766171 in apt-clone (Ubuntu Natty) "apt-clone does not repack debs that it will not be able to download when there isn't an Internet connection" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76617116:23
bdmurraycjwatson: you worked on bug 746758 with ev? it seems that it isn't fixed as there are still some of these coming in with the new version of ia32-libs.16:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 746758 in ia32-libs (Ubuntu Natty) "11.04 64bit Beta1 CD Installer crashed [no appropriate viewer found for /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so on amd64]" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74675816:23
evbdmurray: cjwatson is on vacation, but interesting...16:24
bdmurrayev: I've consolidated the new reports into bug 76296816:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 762968 in flashplugin-nonfree (Ubuntu Natty) "package flashplugin-installer failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76296816:24
evI'll try to find time to look at that, but I'm knee deep in apt-clone at the moment16:25
bdmurrayev: okay, thanks!16:25
dokopitti: what package would you suggest for bug #760544?16:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 760544 in Ubuntu "trying to scroll a maximized window moves a window on the adjacent virtual screen instead" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76054416:27
mdzapw, bryceh, I haven't been able to do much with bug 747205 today unfortunately. silbs has been in meetings and I need her to grant me access16:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 747205 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "[arrandale] Black screen on all outputs when external VGA is connected" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74720516:29
pittidoko: my initial guess is compiz, I assigned it there16:30
dokook, thanks16:30
SpamapSjamespage: ping re your conditional patch question16:31
jamespageSpamapS: hey16:32
SpamapSjamespage: what about #ifdef ?16:32
jamespageSpamapS: within the patch itself? that was my thinking on option #3 - rework the patch using #ifdef16:33
SpamapSjamespage: I haven't looked at the patch. Would that be super difficult?16:34
apwmdz no worries16:34
jamespageSpamapS: do-able if a little fiddly16:36
jamespagesome of the patch is already written this way - it might not take to long to sort out the rest of it.16:37
mdzapw, ok, I'm on it now16:39
mdzapw, GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE = 409616:39
apwmdz, i assume the width of her display, plus the monitor is less than that in pixels16:40
mdzapw, her displays are 1440x900 and 1920x120016:41
dholbachseb128, 'harvest' is now in natty16:42
seb128dholbach, great ;-)16:42
mdzapw, can you think of anything I might try to get the display to switch back on?16:43
mdzxrandr --auto gets me a black screen with a mouse cursor16:43
mdzsuspending and resuming gets me a text console with a mouse cursor over it :-)16:46
mdztjaalton, around?16:51
roadmrhey! I notice the ubuntu-netbook package is no longer installed on our netbooks, and the package description now says it will be used only for armel systems16:52
roadmrso will the ubuntu-netbook not be used in intel netbooks going forward?16:52
apwmdz hmmm, well i feel we don't even know if the GPU is hung16:52
apwwhen it gets into this state, knowing that would be helpful as well i think16:52
apwmdz i believe the contents of /sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/i915_gem_seqno will tell us16:55
kirklandAlanBell: sorry, i'm pretty tied up today16:57
kirklandAlanBell: what's up, though?16:57
kirklandAlanBell: there's a few people willing/interested to work on this16:57
AlanBellnp, just wanted to know who is planned to provide the server for test/deployment?16:57
AlanBellI have proposed some summit changes to integrate summit and etherpad nicely16:58
hallynDaviey: all right, so again - for packages in universe (vmbuilder), I can just dput now?  Either release team will have to look at it and approve (or deny - I can take rejection), or it'll go through with no problems, but no reason for me not to dput?17:03
mdzapw, how can I check?17:05
mdzapw, /sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/i915_error_state shows "no error state collected"17:05
mdzso does .../64/i915_no_error_state (is it normal to have two?)17:05
apwwhat does /sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/i915_gem_seqno say17:06
mdzapw, in both i915_gem_seqnos, "current sequence (render ring)" and "IRQ sequence (render ring)" are incrementing, and everything else is zero17:07
apwok so that says to me that things are continuing normally, that things are being displayed17:07
apwbryceh, ^^ would that make sense to you as well17:08
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dokobdmurray: is this your bot? bug #766129 ?17:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 766129 in openjdk-6 (Ubuntu) "package openjdk-6-jdk 6b20-1.9.7-0ubuntu1~10.04.1 failed to install/upgrade: failed in buffer_write(fd) (10, ret=-1): backend dpkg-deb during `./usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/lib/tools.jar'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76612917:18
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bdmurraydoko: looking17:20
bdmurraydoko: yes17:20
dokobdmurray: please could you avoid filing these reports? doesn't add any value, it's a corrupt .deb17:21
Davieyhallyn, yes!17:22
dokoor a damamged file system17:22
mdztseliot, around?17:22
tseliotmdz: what's up?17:23
hallynDaviey: one :)17:23
bdmurraydoko: to be clear my bot is ubuntu qa's bug bot which moved it to the openjdk-6 package and didn't file the bug.  additionally it makes some checks regarding the number of comments etc.  I'm pretty sure these types of bugs re corrupted debs aren't reported in newer releases.17:23
dokohmm, ...17:23
mdztseliot, I'm trying to get to the bottom of bug 747205. any chance you could have a look?17:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 747205 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "[arrandale] Black screen on all outputs when external VGA is connected" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74720517:25
mdzI'm in front of the machine now and will only have access to it for another 35m or so17:25
* tseliot has a look17:26
bdmurraydoko: I'm double checking the code that stops the reporting of these now17:26
dokopitti: would it be possible to update apport for older releases for issues like these? ^^^17:27
bdmurraydoko: the check is actually in apt17:28
tseliotmdz: can you reproduce the problem if you start the Classic desktop without 3D effects?17:28
rickspencer3tseliot, before ou go down that route, bryceh did a ton of investigation on this17:29
rickspencer3tseliot, https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3587017:29
ubottuFreedesktop bug 35870 in Driver/intel "[arrandale] GPU lockup (ESR: 0x00000001 IPEHR: 0x7a005502)" [Normal,Reopened]17:29
mdztseliot, if she logs in with classic, it shows the same problem17:29
pittidoko: sure, if we have a fix, it's easy to backport, and justifies an SRU as well IMHO17:29
tseliotmdz: ok17:29
tseliotrickspencer3: thanks for the link17:30
dokopitti: well, looks as it would be on mvo's plate :-/17:30
tkamppeterstgraber, hi17:30
bdmurraythere is an ENOSPC check in lucid17:31
mdztseliot, very interesting discovery: https://bugs.launchpad.net/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/747205/comments/5717:31
ubottuUbuntu bug 747205 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "[arrandale] Black screen on all outputs when external VGA is connected" [High,Triaged]17:31
tseliotmdz: ok, maybe I know what's going on17:32
tkamppeterstgraber, cnijfilter-common is a package from Canon, not a Ubuntu package. It is a closed-source printer driver which exists only for i386 arch not for x86_64, probably therefore the ":i386".17:32
AlanBellkirkland: reading back through the mails, is the plan that James Troup will provide a server if it is packaged to a satisfactory standard?17:33
tseliotmdz: log in with the user which can reproduce the problem and type the following command: rm ~/.config/monitors.*17:33
mdztseliot, maybe something in the compiz settings?17:33
jdstrand@pilot out17:33
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Beta-2 released | Archive: final freeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> maverick | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Patch Pilots: smb
brycehmdz, tseliot, heya17:34
tseliotmdz: either that or the gnome-display settings (I suggested to clear the latter)17:34
tseliotbryceh: hi17:34
brycehto save you guys a little work...  I investigated a lot of the (apparent) dupes of this issue yesterday.  I've had other folks test some various theories, but I *think* the issue is just lack of kernel support for Ironlake/Arrandale17:35
tseliotbryceh: https://bugs.launchpad.net/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/747205/comments/5717:35
ubottuUbuntu bug 747205 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "[arrandale] Black screen on all outputs when external VGA is connected" [High,Triaged]17:35
mdztseliot, bingo17:35
tseliotmdz: :)17:35
mdztseliot, I've attached the monitors.xml to the bug17:36
* tseliot has a look17:36
tseliotmdz: maybe one of the resolutions listed there caused the problem (probably 1920x1200 for VGA1)17:39
tseliotmdz: it's still weird though17:40
mdztseliot, I think it has to do with having the laptop display switched off17:42
mdzshe says that she does that normally17:42
tseliotmdz: the display app remembers the last settings and loads them when the session starts. So yes, it can be that17:45
brycehmdz, tseliot, right, from what I've seen in other bug reports, it happens on modesetting changes, but it varies from person to person17:45
brycehthere are a variety of ironlake/arrandale patches proposed at http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/intel-gfx/2011-April/thread.html#10071 but not yet upstream, including several changes to ironlake's modesetting functionality17:45
brycehso I think the next step for this bug is to test that kernel17:46
brycehI asked apw and tgardner if we could get a build of that kernel for folks to test17:46
mdzbryceh, it's starting to look like maybe it's related to the external monitor being primary17:47
mdztesting that on its own now17:47
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brycehmdz, tseliot, one other step you could take if you want to make good use of this testing time:17:47
mdzswitching it to be primary didn't break it (and also didn't get saved across sessions)17:47
brycehinstall xdiagnose and tick on the 'Kernel Debug" flag, which will enable the modesetting debugging messages in dmesg, and collect a dmesg when reproducing the problem17:48
tseliotmdz: because you didn't do it from the gnome app. That's the only way it can remember its settings17:48
tseliotmdz: the gnome app has no way to set the primary output17:49
tseliotyou should edit the xml file manually17:49
mdzbryceh, we have "extra graphics debug messages", "display boot messages", "disable VESA framebuffer driver" and "disable PAT memory"17:49
mdzI assume it's the first one we want?17:49
mdztseliot, oh17:49
mdzand the gnome app has no way of setting which one is primary afaik17:49
tseliotyes, it's what I said ;)17:50
brycehmdz, yes the first one17:50
tseliotbryceh: BTW I didn't know about xdiagnose, thanks for the tip17:51
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brycehtseliot, yep17:53
kirklandAlanBell: that was my impression from elmo's email, which required a) to be packaged, and b) to have been tested at scale17:53
elmothe testing isn't a requirement17:54
brycehmdz, tseliot, ok looking at apw's review of the patches I mentioned, he's doubtful they'll help but will be spinning up that kernel for testing17:54
kirklandAlanBell: I think we have put a significant dent in (a), if not solved entirely to satisfaction17:54
elmowe'll be running gobby anyway/additionally, so if you want to make UDS the 'at scale load' you can17:54
apwbryceh, yep, that is in the queue to build sometime to day17:54
kirklandAlanBell: I think jcastro and statik were going to try and organize an Ubuntu community-wide scale test of Etherpad17:54
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kirklandAlanBell: okay, so see elmo's comment; we'll offer both gobby and etherpad at UDS-O and let the two offerings duke it out;  if etherpad fails miserably, we'll have gobby too17:56
smb@pilot out17:56
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mdzbryceh, ok, did that, but I don't see anything extra in dmesg17:56
brycehapw, excellent; I think even if it doesn't provide a fix in this particular case that'll help as we go forward, since ickle appears to be slotting his patches in there for people to test17:56
apwbryceh, yeah seems appropriate, and indeed what we planned those builds for17:56
kirklandelmo: are you willing to run an etherpad.ubuntu.com on your hardware, or should we plan on running our own in ec2, or some such?17:56
mdzI do see this though: [343681.753493] compiz[24098]: segfault at 2e38f80 ip 0000000002e38f80 sp 00007fff71356758 error 1517:57
elmokirkland: that depends on the state of the packaging17:57
elmokirkland: but we're not pointing u.c at ec2 :-P17:57
mdzbryceh, tseliot, copying in the old monitors.xml reliably reproduces the problem17:57
kirklandelmo: understood, of course17:57
brycehmdz, ok thanks, well it's a long shot17:57
stgrabertkamppeter: ok, thanks. is that something that jockey (or similar stuff) might pull directly from Canon or is that manually installed by the user for sure ?17:58
stgrabertkamppeter: (just trying to understand if that's something that Ubuntu might have installed somehow and that we should fix or if that's just a case where the user did something unsupported and the bug should therefore be closed)17:58
brycehmdz, tseliot, there's a number of sections in that monitors.xml; maybe try narrowing it down to the particular section?17:58
kirklandelmo: latest packaging is in ppa:etherpad/ppa, if you'd like to test and/or review17:59
mdzbryceh, I'm pretty sure I saw this problem myself17:59
kirklandelmo: jamespage has vastly improved my initial cut with his java build mastery17:59
mdzon a different chipset17:59
stgrabertkamppeter: nevermind, bug report says it was done from a script18:00
mdzI use a similar setup to Jane with an external monitor as primary18:00
tseliotbryceh, mdz: yes, one of those combinations in  monitors.xml will show the problem18:00
kirklandelmo: jamespage can confirm, but I believe we're at a point at which we'd like your IS feedback18:00
speakmanhow do I find out which package installed another package?18:01
tseliotbryceh, mdz: I see both LVDS and LVDS1 in monitors.xml. I think it's a bit... unusual18:01
jamespageelmo, kirkland: almost - I've been really struggling on removing the last bundled jar;18:01
brycehmdz, I'd be interested to see a report on that; what I'm basing my theory that it is arrandale-specific on is that I went through all natty bug reports we've received relating to external monitor or modesetting->blank issues, and found that out of about a dozen or more bug reports, only 2 were *not* arrandale, and one of those two had very different symptoms18:01
kirklandjamespage: which jar is that?18:02
mdztseliot, yes, that's what triggered my memory in fact18:02
elmokirkland/jamespage: cool, I'll have a look when i can - thanks for working on this18:02
mdzI remember having a problem similar to this when all the xrandr display names changed18:02
mdzVGA->VGA1 etc.18:02
brycehtseliot, yeah there was a name change about a year ago; -ati, -nouveau, and -intel were all using different naming systems for the output, and they unified them all to be consistent18:03
jamespagekirkland: well its a patched version of rhino; but I can't tell which version (might be 1.6) and it gets shaded alongside Rhino 1.7R1 so both can co-exist18:03
jamespagekirkland - really horrible :-(18:03
jamespagekirkland: jar name is rhino-yuicompressor.jar18:04
tseliotbryceh, mdz: but still, from what I recall, the gnome app should skip the configurations that don't match the current outputs. This in theory, of course...18:04
jbichahi, I'm hunting for a sponsor for bug 42621518:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 426215 in apturl (Ubuntu) "[UIF exception] apt:package-name isn't handled by the Store when appropriate" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42621518:04
kirklandjamespage: okay, yeah, that's nasty18:05
tkamppeterstgraber, Canon does not do LSB-based downloadable printer driver packages (yet), so the user must have installed something manually which finally triggered the installation of the mentioned package.18:05
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kirklandjamespage: we will need to clean that up for archive inclusions18:05
stgrabertkamppeter: ok, thanks18:05
kirklandjamespage: but I'd hope that we can forgive that one for a trial run of Etherpad at UDS-O18:05
jamespagekirkland: i'd like to spend a few more hours on it tomorrow; but I am running out of available time...18:06
kirklandjamespage: k18:06
brycehmdz, tseliot, hmm interesting... looking through these other arrandale/modesetting bug reports, I'm noticing their monitors.xml don't have this LVDS/LVDS1 issue but many of them do show LEN as the monitor manufacturer18:07
brycehmaybe that's coincidental though18:07
tseliotbryceh: a half broken EDID, perhaps?18:10
brycehtseliot, we've certainly seen that before...18:10
brycehtseliot, LEN is lenovo?  could be just that it's a popular brand amongst arrandale purchasers18:11
tseliotbryceh: yes, I think so18:11
mdzbryceh, what's written on the front is "iiyama"18:12
mdz(of Jane's monitor)18:12
brycehmdz, I mean the laptop panel is LEN18:13
mdzbryceh, oh. yes, it's a lenovo x20118:13
mdzthe external one is iiyama18:14
AlanBellkirkland: elmo: my summit modification, links on the schedule http://libertus.co.uk:8000/uds-o/2011-04-14/ to pages like this: http://libertus.co.uk:8000/uds-o/meeting/full-of-awesome/18:15
AlanBellkirkland: elmo: so the etherpad server gets hidden and exposed through the summit UI in an iframe for each meeting18:17
brycehmdz, hmm, examining the product numbers for these that are all LEN, they have differing product id's.  So it probably is just coincidental.18:17
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brycehmdz, btw one question I think has not been discussed on the bug so far - I assume this is a regression from maverick (where it was working fine), and immediately started after upgrading to natty?18:22
stgraberAlanBell: that's really cool18:23
AlanBellthanks stgraber18:23
brycehmdz, the plan of attack I'm thinking about is a) have people test the intel-drm-next-proposed kernel to verify it's still an issue upstream (and if not, locate the patch for kernel team to backport), b) (re-)forward the bug upstream, c) do a git bisect between maverick and natty kernels to isolate what patch brought the problem18:25
mdzbryceh, understood. now that we know how to work around and reproduce the problem, we should make quick progress18:28
SpamapSScottK: re the opendkim issue.. it does appear that opendkim doesn't daemonize properly.. :-P18:28
ScottKSpamapS: Right, but looking at the init, I don't see anything particularly unusual.18:29
ScottKSince upstream doesn't use Debian/Ubuntu, I wonder if they have a different definition of "properly"?18:29
brycehmdz, mind attaching that debug dmesg to the report?  Even if it has nothing useful, that itself may give someone some clue18:30
SpamapSScottK: I think the issue is that they are not releasing stdin properly18:30
mdzbryceh, I've emailed it to you, so you can decide if it's useful and attach if so18:30
brycehmdz, comment #59 is interesting; I'd like to see the monitors.xml produced from that action (so we know what settings go with the error)18:31
SpamapSScottK: its broken on RH/CentOS too18:31
mdzbryceh, it's a bit annoying because some wifi driver is spamming dmesg18:31
ScottKSpamapS: I'd really appreciate it if you could explain this in the thread in a way that the upstream will understand.  He's generally very reasonable.18:31
mdzbryceh, emailed you the other monitors.xml18:32
SpamapSScottK: yeah, I think the attempt to dup2 devnull and stuff is just wasted.. setsid() pretty much takes care of all of that once the parent exit()'s .. will get a patch together and then explain to upstream18:33
brycehmdz, thanks18:34
ScottKSpamapS: Thanks.18:34
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tkamppeterpitti, hi18:47
AlanBellelmo: any idea what the hostname would be? something like pad.ubuntu.com perhaps?18:57
elmoAlanBell: sure18:57
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tkamppeterany buildds expert around? It is about bug 710881, last comment.19:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 710881 in cups (Ubuntu Natty) "cups: Test Page /usr/lib/cups/filter/bannertops failed, test page and banner pages do not get printed" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71088119:45
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mvostgraber: I followed up in the python-apt bug, got a test failure. given that the code there is a bit fragile I am inclinced to do the fix as a SRU instead20:13
stgrabermvo: ok, my understanding was that this bug was basically breaking some ARM image where SRU wouldn't do much good (as it wouldn't fix their sources.list)20:16
mvostgraber: ok, I check back with ogra20:18
mvostgraber: thanks a bunch, test failure needs investigation then, put on my agenda for tomorroow morning (yet again :)20:18
stgrabermvo: oh, I see the test failure, that's weird. I'll see if I can easily fix that before you're back tomorrow morning (currently doing some test upgrades for smoser's grub issue)20:21
stgraberargh, wrong window :)20:22
mvostgraber: ok, cool20:26
mvoI go to bed now20:26
marHello. Anyone has idea what's this dot? Looks like dead pixel ;) (top toolbar, white dot, right) http://mar.lt/uploads/Screenshot.png20:36
ohsixmar: it could be a broken notification from some app20:37
ohsixdunno w/unity20:38
marlooks like it's skype20:38
ohsixmissing its icon?20:38
mari managed to click on it :)20:38
marohsix: don't really know, i've seen skype icon before so it's not missing20:39
mardo I need to report it somehow? :)20:39
ohsixprobably, but it could be a temporary problem, try quitting skype and restarting it20:41
marit'll probably resolve that way20:41
mari also have problem skype icon not showing some times, is it common?20:42
mari mean it's running, minimized but no icon there20:42
ohsixi don't know; i don't use skype20:42
ohsixif there was a problem you'd probably have to report it directly to them, i'm not sure what the procedure is for sw in the partnetr archive20:43
jcastrokees: I sent a mail to TB about adding those linaro folks to ~uds-planners, if you could do that today before EOD I would love you.20:43
keesjcastro: ~uds-organizers ?20:47
jcastroin launchpad20:47
jcastrosorry, ~uds-planners20:47
keesyou mean uds-organizers ? (there's not uds-planners)20:47
jcastroah right: https://launchpad.net/~uds-organizers/20:48
jcastro(sorry, long day)20:48
keesjcastro: sure, done.20:49
ubottuUbuntu bug 764828 in skype (Ubuntu) "Natty Beta: Skype icon 1 pixel in size at logon" [Undecided,New]20:49
marfound it :)20:49
ScottKslangasek: Might https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/759525 be multi-arch related?21:00
ubottuUbuntu bug 759525 in libxml2 (Ubuntu) "update-mime-database segmentation fault on libxml2 and __strncmp_sse42" [Undecided,New]21:00
slangasekScottK: nope, that's the other upstream sort of "multiarch" being mentioned in the backtrace :)21:12
ScottKHopefully doko or barry will look at it then.21:12
slangasekScottK: could be that the code is being built with the wrong optimization options; we don't want sse4 in the default code path, which seems to be what's happened here21:12
ScottKGood point.21:13
* barry reads up21:13
dokobarry: about jsquery, it's debian policy to share the jquery.js. so better find out what is wrong with the one in natty. do 2.6, 3.1 and 3.2 work?21:14
barrydoko: personally i think it's a silly policy21:14
dokoslangasek, ScottK: no, it's independent of optimization options, the implementation is selected at runtime depending on the cpu21:14
barrydoko: i do not yet know.  i'm still trying to nail down exactly what's going on21:15
slangasekdoko: right, and I see see4_2 in the cpuinfo flags... so it doesn't seem to be a bug with the selection21:16
slangasekand no segfault for me here with that command21:17
dokohmm, this is lucid21:18
matttbeI'm looking for a sponsor in order to upload our cairo-dock packages on Ubuntu Natty.22:46
matttbeBzr branches have been linked to these bugs reports and I've also joined the .debian.tar.gz generated by 'debuild' command and a link the original tarball given by the upstream.22:46
ubottuUbuntu bug 723994 in cairo-dock (Ubuntu Natty) "FFe: Please update Cairo-Dock to 2.3.0~1 version" [Wishlist,In progress]22:46
ubottuUbuntu bug 723995 in cairo-dock-plug-ins (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Please update Cairo-Dock Plug-ins to 2.3.0~1 version" [Wishlist,Confirmed]22:46
matttbeIs somebody can help me by uploading these packages?22:47
matttbeShould I have to upload another file or add another comment?22:47
ScottKSubscribe ubuntu-sponsors to the bug if you didn't.22:47
matttbedone :)22:48
matttbeThese bug reports are available there: http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/sponsoring/22:50
vishcouldnt the cairo-dock team (create and) get a PPU access?22:52
vish(they are active and maybe they could have been uploaded a while ago)22:53
SpamapSScottK: so far I'm not able to reproduce the opendkim bug at all22:53
ScottKSpamapS: OK.  I didn't manage either, but I was sure I was doing something wrong.  Would you mind joining the upstream discussion?22:54
ScottKI'm kind of out of my depth in it.22:54
matttbeHello vish :)22:54
matttbevish: What's a PPU? The possibility to only upload a few packages directly on Ubuntu repositories?22:54
SpamapSScottK: yeah I'll jump in if this last ditch effort (putting usleeps in a few places) doesn't reproduce it22:54
macomatttbe: yes22:54
macomatttbe: "Per Package Uploader"22:55
vishmatttbe: hey.. :)  per-package-upload access  some packages have them not sure what the process is though22:55
matttbeoh interesting22:55
macovish: ask the tech board to create a package set22:55
matttbeI thought that this PPU only exists on Debian22:55
macogive a list of which packages they are too22:55
macothey vote, and colin makes a packageset22:56
macomatttbe: well anyone with upload rights overall could still upload it. NMU approval isnt a thing we do22:56
macoits just that someone who isnt trusted to touch *everything* can be trusted to touch *some* things22:56
vishmatttbe: you guys could go for that.. /me wants cairo-dock fixes asap ;)22:57
SpamapSYou don't have to have a package set either22:57
macohmm...maybe the DMB can vote on packageset creation too? not sure22:57
macoSpamapS: true22:57
SpamapSyou can just request access to a few packages that you are interested in maintaining22:57
matttbevish: sure :)22:57
macobut if you're going to be doing a group of people with the same set of packages, then its easier administratively22:57
macoif its only one person, then sure, just list which packages you want to be able to upload22:57
macoLaney: can we vote on packageset creation or just packageset access?22:58
maco...i should ask someone who's not also new to the dmb, huh22:58
matttbeit's easy, it's only one person (me) and only 2 packages: cairo-dock and cairo-dock-plug-ins.23:00
matttbethese packages doesn't have a library which is used by other packages (there is a library but only used by our plug-ins)23:01
Laneymaco: Yeah, I think so.23:07
Laneyalso, please help progress the mail applications going on!23:08
* Laney whips the DMB23:08
macoLaney: i'm in the middle of typing questions for cyphermox23:08
Laneyexcellent :-)23:09
macomatttbe: in that case https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperMembershipBoard/Agenda23:09
matttbemaco: thank you!23:10
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Laneyhow many packages is it? If it's just a couple then PPU is probably preferable23:11
Laneyalso I'd /really/ like to see this Debian situation with cairo-dock resolved23:11
macoLaney: 223:11
matttbeLaney: yes, me too...23:12
macoso yeah, matttbe should just request PPU23:12
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matttbeohsix: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cairo-dock-plug-ins/+bug/65756423:14
ubottuUbuntu bug 657564 in cairo-dock-plugins (Debian) "Duplicated package with cairo-dock-plugins (coming from Debian)" [Undecided,In progress]23:14
Laneyin general making it syncable23:15
matttbeohsix: the official maintainer of cairo-dock debian packages want to split all plugins (more than 50 packages, with a few wrong dependences, wrong names, etc.) and he doesn't want to remove a few patches.23:16
matttbeAnd we don't know what to do...23:16
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ohsixmatttbe: fwiw, with split packages at least their relationship can be defined; presumably themes will also be packaged and depend on the right ones to get it going; and an "-all" metapackage that would just depend on them all23:37
ohsixmatttbe: i've seen projects do well to clean their own house when interacting with people who distribute their software :P23:40
matttbeohsix: yes but if we split packages and finally we only can install all of them, it's strange...23:40
matttbemaybe we can have something like compiz packages...23:40
matttbeyes but :) I also have to maintain these packages for our ppa and repository23:41
ohsixcompiz split their own plugins up when they merged with beryl didn't they? sorted by quality & origin23:41
ohsixsimilarly, gstreamer has good/bad/ugly and base23:42
matttbeand we have plug-ins and plug-ins-integration :)23:42
ohsixare all the plugins of equal quality?23:43
matttbemmh no23:43
matttbethe -integration plug-ins are important23:43
ohsixwhat percentage might you consider well done and vital?23:44
matttbesome of them are used by the default theme so it can be interesting to install them. Some plug-ins are used by other, etc.23:45
matttbeit's hard to give you a percentage but... yes maybe we can create a few groups23:45
ohsixit might help to keep focus on the important first class ones too23:51
ohsixif you had groups, people doing themes could say which group & version instead of exaustively listing them, if they do at all23:52
matttbeohsix: yes but if these people do that, it'll be only for Debian and Ubuntu users23:54
matttbeor we've to create these groups into the code...23:54
ohsixsure, i was talking about your grouping of them though23:54
ohsixif you chose to do so23:54
matttbeand if we have a look to compiz packages, they are split because these plug-ins are not in the same git branch...23:55
ohsixwell, that's one reason23:55
matttbebut yes, I'll try to find something else in order to sync Debian and Ubuntu version23:56

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