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brycehapw, you about by chance?03:00
brycehapw, ok will email03:01
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apwcking, hey morning ... you got any aarandale h/w with external monitor ports ?09:40
ckingapw, lemme check my inventory09:41
* cking rummages around09:41
ckingapw, no, afraid not09:42
apwcking, shame, ok ... i wonder who if anyone does these days, i am hearing reports that external monitors are not working on those chipsets09:43
ckinghrm, best ping the guys in lexington09:44
apwcking, yep, will do, you are just a little better aligned timewise09:45
ckingunfortunately I've sent quite a bit of kit back lately09:46
apwthat or drown in the stuff09:46
apwi sh09:46
apwi should have got you to send me a sample of aarrandale, and a sample of ironlake09:47
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* apw goes get some breaky10:15
ckingapw, perhaps you should ask lexington to ship you some kit10:34
apwcking, might be a plan10:37
eagles0513875_hey apw  :) got ur msg with an updated kernel going to try and confirm sru kernel update fixes the issue which i hope it does. atm dealing with a crashing netowork manager which seems lots of people are having that issue as well10:44
apwta == thanks10:47
eagles0513875_ahh  ok guessing ur up in the uk apw 10:47
apwbased in the uk yes10:47
eagles0513875_nice nice :) 10:48
eagles0513875_isnt canonical up there as well10:48
apweagles0513875_, sort of, canonical is mostly distributed, but there is an office in the uk10:58
eagles0513875_im wondering if they would support a game distro version of ubuntu10:59
eagles0513875_honestly doubt it though10:59
apwnot really sure what support would mean, there are a number of vairiants, kubtuntu, ubuntustudio etc who at least get CDs spun etc11:00
eagles0513875_ya but those people that i have spoken to why not create a meta package11:01
eagles0513875_the problem wiht meta package is the amount of stuff that is still avialable in the repos 11:01
eagles0513875_i want to provide repos with specific software geared towards this particular market11:01
apwwhy would you want to stop people also installing other things?11:02
eagles0513875_to help them save time hunting for what they are looking for11:02
amitkeagles0513875_: while you're welcome to do that and provide your own repos and so forth that mirror only certain packages, why restrict your potential users?11:05
eagles0513875_amitk: im trying ot target a niche market which has yet to be exploited in the linux world11:06
apweagles0513875_, making it easy to find the s/w you want/need is good, restricting me so its hard to use the machine for other things seems wrong11:12
amitkyeah, I wouldn't use such a software system, but then I suspect we don't fall into eagles0513875_ 's target audience :)11:16
eagles0513875_humm 11:18
eagles0513875_amitk: what other software would you install besides games on a game distro 11:18
apwwhatever i wanted to11:19
eagles0513875_you got me thinking if i do anythign i might rework the repositories11:19
apware you trying to make a ps3, else let me use my machine for what i want to 11:19
amitkeagles0513875_: that is like asking the original WRTG54 router hackers what they could want besides the buggy Linksys firmware :)11:21
apwamitk, nicly put11:26
eagles0513875_amitk:  apw  im still in the brain storming stage11:27
apwi feel erring on the side of openness will win you more adopters11:28
apwand likely should mean that you cna leverage the existing infrastructure at low effort from yourself11:28
apwwin all round11:28
eagles0513875_ya i see where your coming from 11:28
apwbehaving like m$ will not win you friends11:28
eagles0513875_i guess i can create non gaming repos which users can enable if they want to install other software 11:29
eagles0513875_or just enable all my repos and leave a very basic desktop environment11:29
eagles0513875_im still in brain storm stage atm 11:29
eagles0513875_apw: guessing best place ot start would be with the installer and kernel?11:30
* apw is sligntly unsure where you think you are going11:32
apwwhy is a dekstop env no good for gaming, works for windows11:32
eagles0513875_im not saying its not but where should one start putting this together 11:33
eagles0513875_at the kernel installer level 11:33
eagles0513875_or desktop environment etc11:34
eagles0513875_apologies i might not have made that very clear 11:34
apwi would ask that question on #ubuntu-devel, i suspect you need to put together a seed for the collection you need11:34
apwwhich i think is basically a big meta-package which pulls in all the things you definatly want, and the rest comes via dependancies11:34
amitkeagles0513875_: start with ubuntu-server which is probably the minimum seed at present, uninstall the server bits, add desktop bits you need. That should be the starting point for your own seed11:36
Kanohi, why is no rfcom in .39 kernel?12:01
Kanowould be good if rc4 has it enabled...12:04
apwKano, no idea12:08
Kanoit was in .3812:09
apwKano, what driver are you missing12:10
apwand from what kernel12:10
Kano.39 mainline, RFCOMM12:12
Kanofor bt connections12:12
Kanomaybe more are missing, but this is definitely not there..12:13
apwthe config for it is turned on, which driver .ko is missng12:13
Kanowell i wanted to modprobe rfcomm, it is not there12:13
Kanoit is not in the final config too12:13
Kanogrep -i rfcomm /boot/config-2.6.39-*12:14
Kanono output12:14
Kanoi could not even connect a bt mouse12:15
Kanobut thats noother module most likely12:16
apwKano, bluetooth is known broken in lots of ways in early 39-rc12:18
Kanobecause it is not even enabled?12:18
apwno cause it is broken12:18
Kanowithout a module it can not work12:19
apwnot in our builds, in generall12:19
Kanoi use your build12:19
Kanothe mainline ones12:19
apwand those come with no guarentees even to boot12:19
Kanothey boot, they are good for benchmarking oss drivers, but bt modules are missing12:20
apwogasawara, are you building oneric anywhere?12:25
apwKano, might be fixed for -rc4, won't know till it builds12:42
ogasawaraapw: I'm not building oneiric anywhere, I didn't plan to until the archive officially opened.  Anyone wanting to run an oneiric kernel at this point has to be savy enough to build on their own.13:59
tgardnerogasawara, we could be uploading as a daily build into the natty pocket for now14:04
ogasawaratgardner: to the kernel-ppa?14:08
tgardnerogasawara, I suppose. it doesn't make a lot of difference. the archive will be open in a few weeks anyways.14:08
ogasawaratgardner: I assumed that would then override the tip builds of the current natty tree.  meh, I'm indifferent as I don't think there are a heck of a lot of oneiric consumers anyways.14:09
ogasawarafor the ones that do exist, I've been building them a kernel when asked.  so far I've only had 1 request.14:10
tgardnerogasawara, I was gonna start trying out on some of my servers, but I can do the builds myself. are you about to rebase for -rc4 ?14:10
ogasawaratgardner: yep, gonna do the rebase right now14:10
ogasawaratgardner: I'll ping ya when I've got it pushed14:10
tgardnerogasawara, thanks14:10
apwogasawara, the tip builds are in pre-proposed14:14
apwthe kernel-ppa/ppa only has natty backports to lucid14:14
apwi think tgardner did natty in there before upload to the archive14:14
ogasawaraapw: ah, that'd make sense then.  I'll upload the -rc4 rebase to there then.14:15
apwyou get to find out that none of the d-i stuff works and fix it before the archive chews on it :)14:15
ogasawarathat'll be fun14:16
tgardnerbjf, sconklin-gone: linux-lts-backport-maverick has been baking in -proposed for 4 weeks. any chance of getting it promoted?14:18
tgardnerapw, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gcc-4.5 uploaded 24 hours ago. is this gonna scrog dkms packages?14:23
apwtgardner, i think it might, let me see if any are complete and then i can test14:25
apwits about time we knew for sure if dkms cares14:25
tgardnerapw, yeah, I've never been sure just how naive the version test is.14:26
apw  * For Linaro based builds, do not turn on -fshrink-wrap by default on armel14:26
apwso that means that new code that shat all over us is now disabled for all architectures14:26
tgardnersounds like a failed experiment14:27
apwtgardner, grrr14:27
tgardnerapw, good thing its close to beer thirty for you lest you pop  a gasket :)14:28
ckingwhat does -shrink-wrap do - it's some kind of ARM function epilogue optimisation isn't it?14:30
sforsheecan someone accept my nominations on bug 745304 ?14:34
ubot2Launchpad bug 745304 in linux "Graphics corruption after hibernate with Intel GMA 3150 chipset" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74530414:34
tgardnersforshee, done14:36
sforsheetgardner, thanks!14:36
tgardnerwhat library does one link against for a cc program, e.g., g++ evil-clock-test.cc -lc -o evil-clock-test14:36
apwtgardner, -lc is the the standard c lib, you also get impliciltly linked against libgcc14:37
tgardnerapw, here we go: g++ evil-clock-test.cc -lc -lpthread -lrt -o evil-clock-test14:39
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apwsmb, can you remember what used to go wrong, and thus who complained when the compilers in -security and -updates didn't match and we shoved kernels out ?15:14
apwi rememeber bugs filed for it in the past15:15
* apw notes that dkms doesn't seem to care in my experience15:15
apw<apw> smb, can you remember what used to go wrong, and thus who complained when the compilers in -security and -updates didn't match and we shoved kernels out ?15:15
apw<apw> i rememeber bugs filed for it in the past15:15
tgardnerapw, you were able to load a dkms created module?15:15
apwtgardner, i believe so yes, just confirming i have the right compiler15:16
ogasawaratgardner: oneiric -rc4 rebase pushed.  my test builds are finishing up but look good so far.15:16
tgardnerogasawara, what did you do about the kexec patch ?15:17
ogasawaratgardner: I dropped it, an official fix was in -rc415:17
tgardnerogasawara, good, thats pretty much what I did though I didn't really research it much15:17
eagles0513875hey apw15:18
bjf## Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - Today @ 17:00 UTC - #ubuntu-meeting15:18
bjf##      agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting15:18
apweagles0513875, yes15:20
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eagles0513875still havent tested yet waiting on network manager fix :( 15:20
apwtgardner, did i see you installing vmware recently?  how does that carry its kernel modules (if any)15:31
tgardnerapw, builds 'em on the fly15:32
apwtgardner, do you have that setup on a natty machine, wonder if we can test if that cares15:33
tgardnerapw, I don't. Its a lucid host. lemme think about what I might test it on.15:33
tgardnerbjf, did you ever get any feedback from the LP dudes on what happened to bug emails ?15:36
bjftgardner, i've not raised the issue with them15:37
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* ogasawara back in 2015:38
tgardnerbjf, ok, I'm gonna tilt at the windmill.15:38
bjfwhere at ?15:38
tgardnerthat windmill*15:38
bjfemail or irc ?15:39
jjohansenapw, tgardner: I have vmware here, I can test on natty15:39
tgardnerI'll get on their irc channel.15:39
tgardnerjjohansen, its the compiler version that apw wants tested. what happens to vmware modules after the compiler has been updated, but the kernel hasn't15:40
bjftgardner, they've been pretty responsive on #launchpad15:40
tgardnerbjf, a'int nobody there. do they hang o some other channel?15:40
jjohansentgardner: ok15:41
bjftgardner, on freenode15:41
tgardnerjjohansen, we're wanting to make sure vmware can load its modules after having been compiled with aq different compiler version then the kernel.15:42
tgardnerbjf, ah, thats more like it15:42
jjohansentgardner: I have a maverick kernel on a natty box, I can test against that kernel15:43
tgardnerjjohansen, I don't think that'll trigger the scenario we're worried about.15:44
jjohansentgardner: hrmm, okay.  I also have earlier natty kernels I can test again15:45
apwyeah an older kernel  whcih was built with a different comp should show the issue if any15:46
tgardnerjjohansen, the version skew I'm worried about is because the natty kernel thats going out in the release was built with gcc 4.5.2-8ubuntu3, but the version of the compiler in the archive will be 4.5.2-8ubuntu4. will vmware recompile actually be able to load their modules given the version skew.15:47
jjohansentgardner: ah, got it.  Okay will test that one15:48
sconklinsmb: would you like the lucid ec2 package in our PPA copied to -proposed?15:50
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smbsconklin, yes please! :)15:50
* smb thought he had written some mail to the sru-list about that...15:51
sconklintgardner: pitti says he's holding off copying the lts-backports-maverick package because there's been no feedback on the bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-lts-backport-maverick/+bug/73772815:52
ubot2Launchpad bug 737728 in linux-meta-lts-backport-maverick "linux-lts-backport-maverick: 2.6.35-28.50~lucid1 -proposed tracker" [Undecided,Fix committed]15:52
bjftgardner, maybe you should light a fire under the QA mgr. ? :-P15:54
tgardnersconklin, aren't the LTS backports a regular part of their test cycle ?15:56
bjftgardner, they are, but due to natty testing they have no cycles for stable15:56
sconklintgardner: -ENOCLUE15:56
tgardnerbjf, gotta be careful about hassling the Q/A manager. he's got a big stick.15:56
smb /o\15:57
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tgardnermaybe some of that stuff will shake out this week.15:57
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bjfogasawara, JFo I seem to recall there is a wiki page that tried to explain how to make changes to apport, do either of you remember such a page? (am i dreaming?)17:11
ogasawarabjf: I vaguely remember, let me see if I can find it17:12
ogasawarabjf: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Apport this is what I remember17:13
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tgardnerJFo, what are the URLs you use to report the latest new bugs?17:14
bjfogasawara, thanks, was thinking there was one that talked specifically about kernel package hooks17:14
ogasawarabjf: hrm, I don't remember such a page but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.  /me tried searching but didn't find anything17:19
bjfogasawara, thanks, i'll try to write one up17:19
apwjjohansen, how did the vmware testing go?17:25
skaetapw, ping?17:26
skaetam a bit concerned about subtle interactions from that recent compiler change.17:27
jjohansenapw: I haven't been able to successfully build the modules yet.  They need to be patched, /me is trying to update vmware but not having much luck finding the account login yet17:27
apwjjohansen, tgardner may have the info17:27
apwskaet, well in theory its only affects armel17:27
apwor are you saying you feel armel needs rebuilding17:27
jjohansenapw: err its a personal account, /me just got in17:28
apwih dih17:28
apwoh doh17:28
skaetapw,  patch seems localized to armel.    Concern is on the rebuilding of kernel for armel.17:28
apwskaet, do we have any information as to the nature of the failure?17:29
skaetdo you have access to that test that broke things before when they switched over, and are you convinced that that case will still work, with this new default.   I'm worrying about subtle implications of the prolog code not being where expected.17:29
tgardnerwhy don't we just avoid the 'noid and do a no-change upload?17:30
apwall our breakage was due to bugs in the implementaiton which lead to it being switched back off for non-armel17:30
apwcirtainly we could upload and rebuild, its 24 hours turn round17:30
apwtgardner, i wonder if we would want to put anything in there with it, the ath9k patch or the bluetooth one which is worrying cnd17:31
tgardnerapw, neither of those patches are particularly risky.17:31
skaetapw,  re armel default switch, don't know there will be a failure or not.   just a bit worried, about something breaking that will be very hard to track down with this change, so late in the release.17:32
tgardnerits up to you.17:32
apwwell the safest safest course is a no change rebuild, to get the latest compiler17:32
JFobjf, I remember the one ogasawara posted17:32
* JFo scrolls down17:32
apwand if you have time in your schedule we can cirtainly do that17:32
bjfJFo, thanks17:33
JFotgardner, you mean the incoming bugs numbers?17:33
JFoor just new status bugs?17:33
apwskaet, what do you think about pulling in some fixes17:33
tgardnerJFo, the new bugs in the last 24 hours, etc17:33
JFohmmm, I have been using the reports bjf wrote for that17:34
JFowhat I report is the change in the overall number17:34
tgardnerJFo, right, thats what I want.17:34
JFotgardner, I use https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bugs?field.tag=natty+kernel-natty&field.tags_combinator=ANY17:34
skaetapw,  not thrilled,  but pragmatic.   What will improve, and what's the risk?   17:34
JFoand change the tag per release17:34
JFothen I do what we have currently versus what there was17:35
JFothere isn't much to it17:35
JFois that what you wanted tgardner?17:35
tgardnerJFo, I think its bjf's report that I want.17:35
JFook one sec...17:35
JFotgardner, http://people.canonical.com/~kernel/reports/1-day-new.html17:36
tgardnerJFo, ah, thanks.17:36
JFono problem17:36
smbjjohansen, So I think it is done more or less. It even boots. I am thrilled. :)17:38
jjohansensmb: nice17:38
* JFo bookmarks17:47
JFothat is pretty cool17:48
apwskaet, ok there are a couple of fixes which we could consider17:49
apwthere is an ath9k panic which triggers on connecting to a WPA2 access point17:49
jjohansenapw: I couldn't trigger it in my testing17:50
apwthere is a fix for some bluetooth devices which only work for 3s and then stop17:50
bjf## Kernel team meeting in 10 minutes17:50
jjohansenapw: that is ath9k17:50
apwjjohansen, ok so perhaps that one is not as wide spread and we can leave it till later17:50
jjohansenapw, tgardner: vmware is running here now17:50
tgardnerjjohansen, and its fine with compiler version skew ?17:51
jjohansentgardner: actually haven't tested that, yet.  Had problems getting it running and had to update, do to compile failures17:51
jjohansentgardner: the 7.1.4 package didn't seem to compile the modules which means they existed for my current kernel17:52
jjohansenthat or I missed it compiling them17:52
tgardnerjjohansen, I think you just missed them  getting compiled. I assume you installed VMware from scratch?17:53
jjohansentgardner: yep fresh install17:53
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jjohansenI am looking in its logs now17:53
jjohansentgardner: so it built them17:54
jjohansenso it is working17:54
tgardnerjjohansen, right. so the next step is to make sure you've booted the kernel from the archive, and that gcc is updated to the next version beyond what was used to build the kernel. then remove and reinstall VMware.17:55
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jjohansenapw: re ath9k yeah I think its safe to leave it to later17:55
jjohansentgardner: is there a version beyound gcc-4.5 4.5.2-8ubuntu417:56
tgardnerjjohansen, thats the version that was uplaoded 28 hours ago.17:57
tgardnerjjohansen, /proc/version should have  gcc-4.5 4.5.2-8ubuntu3 for the archive kernel17:58
bjfJFo, just noticed you have a workitem "update apport-hooks verbage" which is POSTPONED, does the work i did on apprt constitute a DONE for that ?17:58
JFoindeed, I put it postponed pending the outcome of that17:59
JFois that bug solved?17:59
jjohansentgardner: yep it does.  vmware built modules and is running with17:59
jjohansenLinux version 2.6.38-8-generic (buildd@allspice) (gcc version 4.5.2 (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.5.2-8ubuntu3) ) #42-Ubuntu SMP Mon Apr 11 03:31:24 UTC 201117:59
jjohansengcc-4.5        4.5.2-8ubuntu417:59
jjohansenso the skew doesn't seem to be a problem18:00
tgardnerjjohansen, hmm. Its insmod that does the version comparison I think. Guess I'll have to look in the source to see how it does it.18:01
ckingbjf, that meeting was rather swift today18:06
JFobjf, do you have that apport bug number handy?18:06
bjfJFo, that merge has been accepted and pitti uploaded a apport package with the change in it so i think you can mark it done18:06
* JFo can't seem to find it 18:06
JFowill do18:06
tgardnercking, so swift that I completely missed it.18:07
ckingjust way too efficient18:09
JFobjf, blueprint adjusted18:10
* smb waits until the instant meeting notes are available before the meeting18:10
JFogoing to step away for a bit and eat something... back soon18:22
=== bjf changed the topic of #ubuntu-kernel to: Home: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/ || Natty Kernel Version: 2.6.38 (Kernel is Frozen) || Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - April-26 - 17:00 UTC || If you have a question just ask, and do wait around for an answer!
apwbjf, sorry was so terse on the meeting, was on the phone to kate about the compiler change18:23
bjfapw, np, was bugging me more that you were taking so long :-P18:24
apwi know, typing is so slow18:25
* tgardner --> lunch18:44
* apw drops for an hour-ish ... will be back to do the upload -- pending the decision18:46
* cking --> back later18:58
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skaetapw,  hold off on doing the upload to rebuild.  We'll go with the kernel we have for now unless we find a specific bug.   Most of the ecosystem is already known to work with this kernel.   We've been existing with some applications compiled with the flag, and some without for quite a while. 19:18
Kano32apw: the only diff is CONFIG_HIBERNATE_CALLBACKS=y with rc4 kernel19:31
Kano32still no bt19:31
JFoogasawara, want to start on these release team bugs?19:57
ogasawaraJFo: sure19:57
JFoI'm still going through to weed out the ones we don't have to look at19:57
JFowant to mumble?19:57
ubot2Launchpad bug 634487 in linux "t1.micro instance hangs when installing java" [High,Confirmed]19:58
tgardnerJFo, I asked upstream whats going on with the dev_watchdog timeout on natty. there are a couple hundred dups as far as I can tell.19:58
JFoyeah, tons19:58
JFoany idea what is causing it?19:58
tgardnerJFo, not yet19:59
JFook, thanks for the head's up19:59
apwskaet, ok will do19:59
skaetapw,  or not do, in this case actually.  ;)20:00
apwskaet, ok will not do :)20:01
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JFoogasawara, ok, I only have a handfull I'll follow up on tomorrow20:27
ogasawaraJFo: ack20:27
JFoso bjf I have about 355 bug mails in the last 24 hrs20:37
bjfJFo, i have 3320:38
bjfJFo, only one of them is from a "NEW" bug20:38
JFoI have no clue what could have changed20:39
JFoI see at least 50 NEW bugs20:39
bjfthat's what i'd expect to see also20:39
JFoplus a metric ton of updates20:40
JFofrankly, I'm baffled20:42
ogasawaraJFo: not that I know what you guys are talking about, but I see you're subscribed to get bugmail for every bug against the linux kernel package, I don't see bjf subscribed though20:45
bjfogasawara, am i not via the canonical-kernel-team ?20:45
JFowell, that is likely it20:46
ogasawarabjf: I don't think the canonical-kernel-team is subscribed20:46
JFobjf, I don't think the kernel team gets ALL bug mail20:46
ogasawarabjf: so you wouldn't inherit a subscription20:46
JFojust the ones the team is subbed ot assigned20:46
bjfogasawara, but then I don't understand why i'm getting the bug email that i am getting20:46
ogasawarabjf: likely a combo of bugs being assigned to the canonical-kernel-team, bug's which you've specifically subscribed to, or bugs which your a member of a team which is subscribed to the bug20:48
ogasawarabjf: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+subscribe20:49
ogasawarabjf: ^^ if you want to see all changes to public bugs against the linux package20:49
bjfogasawara, sure, i could do that, however what tgardner and i have been talking about is that recently our bug mail has dropped by a great deal with no action on our part20:50
bjfogasawara, and we are wondering why20:51
ogasawarabjf: hrm, no idea there20:51
bjfogasawara, is it because the canonical-kernel-team was subscribed to all linux email and it no longer is, or is that some other reason... we just don't know20:51
bjfbug 62536420:52
ubot2Launchpad bug 625364 in pm-utils "lenovo/thinkpad R500/T6x/T400[s]/T500/W500/W700/X60/X200 suspend fails" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62536420:52
ogasawarabjf: I don't think the ckt was ever subscribed to get all linux bug mail, so I think it's some other reason20:52
bjfi got the last comment from jfo on that bug, but I'm still trying to figure out why20:53
JFolikely it was because ckt was assigned?20:53
* JFo guesses20:53
bjfah brad->canonical kernel team->ubuntu bug control->ubuntu bugs20:54
tgardnerogasawara, I think the most telling change in behavior is that I've stopped getting project email.20:54
bjfso by that trail, anything that "Canonical Kernel Team", "Ubuntu Bug Control" or "Ubuntu Bugs" is subscribed to, i should be getting email from20:55
bjfthat would seem like a few bugs20:55
* bjf believes that ogasawara is now sorry she said anything20:57
* ogasawara is actually wondering if that is true, ie ckt is indirectly subscribed to all ubuntu bugs?20:58
* JFo has hidden20:58
bjfCanonical Kernel Team is a member of ubuntu-bugcontrol21:00
bjfUbuntu Bug Control is a member of Ubuntu Bugs21:01
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tgardnerbjf, the ubuntu-bugs project page says you should be subscribed to https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-bugs if you wanna see them all.21:02
tgardnerbjf, maybe bdmurray could answer some of these questions.21:05
bjftgardner, so being a member of a team does not automatically get you all the email for bugs that team is subscribed to21:05
tgardnerbjf, you find a reference for that somewhere?21:05
bjftgardner, no, just extrapolating from the comments on the Ubuntu Bugs team page21:06
bjftgardner, it's not what I expected, that's for sure21:07
tgardnerbjf, so, does that mean you have to subscribe to every team's mailing list?21:07
bjftgardner, that just doesn't make sense21:07
tgardnerbjf, yeah, I don't want to be on the Ubuntu Bug Control team list, most of which isn't relevant to me.21:08
bdmurrayIs there a question I can answer?21:10
bjftgardner, i have the attention of lifeless on #launchpad21:11
tgardnerbdmurray, bjf and I were just wondering why the volume of email has dropped so drastically in the last couple of weeks.21:16
bdmurraytgardner: and you are complaining? ;-)  the thing that would probably help the most is knowing a bug you aren't getting email for and think you should be21:20
tgardnerbdmurray, any bugs against the linux source package for example. I _used_ to get them because I'm in the canonical-kernel-team which is indirectly a member of a bunch of other teams.21:26
bjftgardner, is bug 759176 an example ? (it's private but it had a comment added just yesterday)21:28
bjftgardner, we are a subteam of one of the teams that is subscribed21:28
tgardnerbjf, yep, I never received anything about it21:30
bjfbdmurray, ^21:31
bdmurrayIIRC kernel-bugs used to be subscribed to all linux bug reports and had the mailing list set to kernel-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com.  However, this is not what is currently set.21:35
bdmurrayIt looks like it changed around 11/2010.21:35
bjftgardner, lifeless is asking me to file a bug against launchpad and he will have someone look at it21:41
tgardnerbjf, yep, been lurking21:42
bjftgardner, cool21:42
tgardnerbjf, I'm EOD, catch you tomorrow.21:42
bjftgardner, l8r21:43
bdmurraybjf: I can't see that sample bug21:44
bjfbdmurray, i'll subscribe you if you like21:44
bdmurraybjf: when did this slow down happen?21:44
bjfbdmurray, approx. 2 weeks ago21:45
bdmurraybjf: do you have a bug mail from 2 weeks ago I could look at?21:46
bjfbdmurray, i'll look but I keep my bug email pretty much cleaned up, it kind of gets out of hand if I don't21:47
* ogasawara back on later21:55
bjfbdmurray, i found one and have forwarded the email to you21:58
=== sconklin is now known as sconklin-gone
=== bjf is now known as bjf[afk]
pmceneryAny chance of this fix making it into natty? https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3123223:57
ubot2bugzilla.kernel.org bug 31232 in IPV6 "/proc/sys/net/ipv6 has two neigh folders" [Low,New]23:57
pmceneryBacially anything that does sysctl in an LXC container never completes.23:58

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