
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
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dholbachI pinged mako, mdke, pleia2 and sabdfl too, but I'm not sure who of them can show up today12:01
dholbachhas continued internet problems12:02
dholbachok, let's start then12:02
MootBotMeeting started at 06:02. The chair is dholbach.12:02
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]12:02
dholbach[topic] state of sounder@12:03
MootBotNew Topic:  state of sounder@12:03
lifelessok, not the asiapac meeting ;)12:03
popeyok, this is mine12:03
popeyI sent a proposal to the sounder list to have it shutdown and asked for feedback12:03
popeyfeedback can be seen here:- http://paste.ubuntu.com/595921/12:03
popeyalong with a short prologue12:03
dholbachthanks for driving this, popey12:04
popeynow, there were a couple of comments on the list that 11 UTC is inconvenient for some list members to attend this meeting12:04
popeyso I didn't put a time on the wiki, so we could potentially  discuss at both so more can attend12:05
dholbachI think that's reasonable12:05
popeyThe overall feeling seems to be "don't shut it down"12:05
dholbach[agreed] leave sounder@ item on the agenda for next CC meeting (3rd May)12:05
MootBotAGREED received:  leave sounder@ item on the agenda for next CC meeting (3rd May)12:05
dholbachhello sabdfl12:05
popeyhi sabdfl12:05
popeyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/595921/ for sabdfl12:05
MootBotLINK received:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/595921/ for sabdfl12:05
popeySamuel did some analysis of the most recent ~20 posts to the list to see if my assertion that people seem to use it for arguing the moral toss held up12:06
sabdflthe moral toss?12:06
popeymost threads seem civil, but a few push the boundaries quite a bit (religion/politics mostly)12:06
dholbachif you want to do an analysis I doubt that the last ~20 posts are indicative12:07
popeysorry, discussing stuff which seems to mostly result from personal opinion12:07
dholbachit'd be much more interesting to revisit the lists early beginnings and see how it evolved from there12:07
popeynot really related to ubuntu12:07
popeywell, it's certainly had a bit of a rollercoaster12:07
popeyperiods of intensive developer discussion, quiet periods in 2008, then more active over the last year or so12:08
popeyThe list has 396 subscribers as of today.12:09
popeyof those I think about 10 are set to nomail12:09
popeyand according to Samuels analysis, about 20-25 people actively contribute to the list.12:09
sabdfli don't buy the argument that folk who have ubuntu in *common* also need a place to discuss things they almost certainly *don't*, like politics and religion12:10
dholbachunfortunately have we heard a number of complaints about the tone and long periods of irrelevance of the content of the list12:10
sabdflboth are important human subjects, but i don't see that the Ubuntu project can or should provide an effective forum12:10
sabdfli don't buy the safety valve argument12:10
dholbachI unsubscribed some months ago when the quality of discussions was dwindling12:10
sabdfli think this idea leads to a pressure cooker instead, where folks feel that Ubuntu has to take care of all aspects of their lives, and they end up becoming caged animals12:11
popeyvery few ubuntu developers actually take part in conversations there dholbach12:11
sabdfli think it would be perfectly acceptable to say "look, the ubuntu project is about delivering high quality free software to the world on a particular set of terms, we'll keep all lists / forums / channels / sites focused on that, and trust people find other outlets for their other interests"12:12
sabdflin fact, i think that's healthier12:12
sabdflwe are what we are. we are not what we are not.12:12
sabdflwe are not, for example, a proxy for "everything some people do online"12:12
sabdfleven if we are most of what *I* do online :-)12:12
dholbachI think it's interesting to note that very few people seem to use the list in the way it was created back then - and it seems like there's nobody interested in bringing it back to that state, so no "governance" of the list12:14
jussiJust one thing that I mentioned to popey, if you do decide to close it, give a few suggestions of places people might go to replace it, rather than have people join other devolment or user lists to sound off.12:15
sabdflare there any CC who feel the case for keeping the list warrants discussion12:15
TechnovikingI was disappointed about the amount of complaining about the list being shutdown, but no solutions given by the group12:15
sabdfljussi: good point, but i think a number of those places should be "not in Ubuntu", i.e., politics and religion have their own forums12:15
sabdflTechnoviking: this is normal, it's a backwater12:15
jussisabdfl: exactly :)12:16
dholbachTechnoviking, and it seems like nobody's here who participates in the discussions on the list12:16
popeyI try to participate but back off when it gets all unsavoury.12:16
dholbachjussi, how about "your friends in a bar"?12:16
sabdfldholbach: friends don't let friends drink and argue politics :-)12:16
dholbachI personally don't think Ubuntu needs a place to discuss "everything and nothing" :)12:16
popeye.g. fixing peoples misconceptions of stuff12:16
dholbachsabdfl, yes, good friends :)12:16
sabdflok. we raise the quality of the project by being definitive about what doesn't fit12:17
DavieyIf the list was producing good debate, 'sounding new ideas' then it has a place.  I can't think of a single change that the discussion on the list has achieved.12:17
sabdflno responses yet to "are there any CC who feel the case for keeping the list warrants discussion", can we poll the CC on a motion to shut it down?12:17
sabdfli don't think btw we're shutting it down in anger, it's served its purpose, it's just time to prune12:18
popeynote that some of the CC is not available right now of course12:18
sabdflwe have no effective governance for it, nor real reason to create that, nor volunteers12:18
popeyand this time may be difficult for members of the list to be here12:18
dholbachsabdfl, I agree with that sentiment - maybe we should just give folks a chance to bring ideas to the next CC meeting (some said the timing of the meeting was bad for them)?12:19
popeyso the members of the list will feel unrepresented12:19
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sabdflwe can reopen the question if CC members who were not able to attend have objections12:19
popeysabdfl: before you arrived I suggested we discuss this at 11 and 21 meeting to cover both ends of the day12:19
sabdflpopey: i jsut got off a call with a person in New Zealand, so we cover EST -> New Zealand, we're good12:19
sabdflour community is too big now to agonize over this12:19
sabdflwe're showing signs of paralysis through scale12:20
Technovikingi think if the sounder folks felt strongly about it, surely one person out of 25 could attend irc neeting at an inconvient time12:20
sabdfli think we can reasonably make a decision on this which could get challenged and reviewed by email12:20
sabdfli'm worried we're falling into the trap of over-consultation on an increasingly-complex landscape, which will paralyze us12:20
dholbachok, I agree - on second thought, the call for ideas was sent out a few days ago, so there actually was enough time12:21
sabdflmore than12:21
sabdfli think popey has lead the call for a change admirably openly and fairly12:21
sabdfl(thank you and well done popey)12:21
jussiseems correct, peoples thoughts could easily have gone to the email list if they really wanted a say.12:21
Technovikingand he has taken an unfair beating for it12:21
sabdflso, can we poll CC on a motion to prune the list and (per Jussi) direct conversations elsewhere in Ubuntu, as well as being clear that Ubuntu is *not* going to provide a forum for "anything goes" and "deliberately offtopic" mailing list traffic?12:22
TechnovikingUbuntu should build  communities not private playgrounds12:22
sabdflagreed, good meme that12:23
dholbachhum, let me check how to drive the poll irc thing12:23
sabdflthis is a place to get stuff done, not make room for idle hands12:23
dholbach[VOTE] Shall sounder@lists.ubuntu.com be pruned and (per Jussi) direct conversations elsewhere in Ubuntu, as well as being clear that Ubuntu is *not* going to provide a forum for "anything goes" and "deliberately offtopic" mailing list traffic?12:24
MootBotPlease vote on:  Shall sounder@lists.ubuntu.com be pruned and (per Jussi) direct conversations elsewhere in Ubuntu, as well as being clear that Ubuntu is *not* going to provide a forum for "anything goes" and "deliberately offtopic" mailing list traffic?.12:24
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot12:24
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting12:24
dholbachhum... that's not very clear now, is it?12:25
MootBot+1 received from sabdfl. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 112:26
MootBotPrivate +1 vote received. 2 for, 0 against, 0 have abstained. Count is now 212:26
dholbachshall we make that a poll about just sounder? and then discuss "being clear about 'anything goes' discussions" separately?12:26
dholbachI mean I'm in favour of both :)12:27
MootBot+1 received from dholbach. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 312:27
MootBot+1 received from popey. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 412:27
MootBot+1 received from Technoviking. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 512:27
MootBotFinal result is 5 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 512:27
popeyhow did we get 5 when there's only 4 of us here?12:27
dholbachoh, there was a private vote?12:27
czajkowskimy bad12:27
Davieysomeone msg'd the bot.12:28
czajkowskiI voted12:28
czajkowskifogot it was just CC12:28
dholbachfor the record: it's 4 out of 4 :)12:28
czajkowskiand you didnt mute channel like we do for LC to stop that happening12:28
dholbachI'll take an action item to draft something12:28
czajkowskisorry dholbach/cc12:28
popeymuting wouldnt have fixed you privately messaging the bot12:28
dholbach[action] dholbach to draft an announcement12:28
MootBotACTION received:  dholbach to draft an announcement12:28
dholbachI think that concludes the discussion of this item - popey: anything more?12:28
dholbach[topic] Any other business?12:28
MootBotNew Topic:  Any other business?12:29
dholbachWho wants to chair next time? Who wants to update the team report?12:29
sabdfli can write up this decision for the team report, with pleasure12:29
TechnovikingI will chair the next meeting12:29
dholbachsabdfl, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncil/TeamReports/11/April12:30
dholbachthanks sabdfl, thanks Technoviking12:30
dholbachTechnoviking, popey, sabdfl: what did you think about the idea to use a google doc to track all our open discussion items?12:30
popeyhappy to use anything really12:30
sabdfldholbach: sounds fine by me12:30
popeyI dont mind what technology is used, so long as we all buy into it12:30
dholbachyes, it's high time :)12:31
Technovikingfine here, or etherpad if one gets setup12:31
dholbachthat's all from me :)12:31
dholbachthanks everyone12:31
MootBotMeeting finished at 06:31.12:31
sabdflcheers all12:32
sabdflthanks popey12:34
sabdflone thing  - jussi - i suspect we have other offtopic / ungoverned fora in the IRC world?12:35
sabdflwe may need to consider applying a similar pruning principle12:35
sabdflpreviously, i was ok with "red light districts"12:35
sabdfli'm still ok with them, just not under ubuntu-*12:35
popeywe have -offtopic12:35
sabdflif it's governed, that may be ok12:36
popeybut we still have stuff that's "offtopic for offtopic"12:36
ubottuSome topics are controversial and often end in negativity. Take care on subjects like war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, potentially illegal activities and suicide. The topics are not banned; stating your position is ok, but trolling, baiting, hostility or repetition are not. If you are asked to stop, do so politely. Disputes to !appeals, please adhere to !freenode Policy and the !CodeOfConduct12:36
jussisabdfl: -offtopic is fairly ok though12:36
popeyPeople on sounder seem to feel it's "no holds barred, anything goes"12:36
jussiIts the other non namespace channel that has our name that worries me.12:36
sabdfli think the framework of "offtopic and ungoverned" is reasonable as a basis for drawing the line12:36
sabdflthat's what i wrote in the TeamReport12:36
sabdflother non-namespace channel?12:36
jussisabdfl: on freenode, we dont control ##channels.12:37
jussiIm fairly sure you remember the situation with ##club-ubuntu.12:37
Technovikingwe also have The Community Cafe on the forums12:37
mc44Ironically, Offtopic for offtopic was much stronger before the community council interfered12:38
mc44The topics were banned12:38
Technovikingbut we keep it fairly clean off trollish topics12:38
jussiHowever, within the namespace we have kept it fairly nice.12:40
sabdflso far, so good12:41
sabdflcheers all!12:41
sladenmeh, missed it14:18
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kirklandDaviey: smoser: RoAkSoAx: jamespage: zul: hallyn: robbiew: SpamapS: could i swap meeting scribe with one of you guys today?  I'm sprinting in Montreal and kind of tied up at the moment16:51
smoserkirkland, ok. if no one else.16:56
kirklandsmoser: thanks much16:56
SpamapSsmoser: ^5, you have earned yourself 1 turkish beer sir. :)16:59
* SpamapS always appreciate it when somebody other than him chairs. ;)16:59
* smb wonders whether anybody wants turkish beer17:00
dholbach. o O { ignorant! }17:01
smoserok. lets start meeting. let me find links.17:02
MootBotMeeting started at 11:02. The chair is smoser.17:02
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]17:02
DavieyWho do we have so far?17:03
zulSpamapS: turkish beer any good?17:03
SpamapSzul: certainly not as good as turkish delight17:03
Davieysmoser, kicking off?17:04
smoser[TOPIC] Review ACTION points from previous meeting17:04
MootBotNew Topic:  Review ACTION points from previous meeting17:04
smoserno action points from previous meeting apparently (per https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/Server/20110412)17:04
smoser[TOPIC] Natty Development17:05
MootBotNew Topic:  Natty Development17:05
DavieyHello o/17:05
DavieyWe now have beta 2 firmly out of the door, and the incomming bug count is promising low.  The burn down for final work items is looking on target:17:05
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/canonical-server.html17:05
DavieyThe bugs i can currently tracking for Natty release are:17:05
Daviey == Bugs for the server team ==17:05
Daviey[655533] [likewise-open] [master] package likewise-open failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1 (http://pad.lv/655533)17:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 655533 in likewise-open (Ubuntu Natty) "[master] package likewise-open failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [High,Confirmed]17:06
Daviey * Bug Status: Confirmed17:06
Daviey * Not assigned to anyone :(17:06
Daviey * Last updated: 2011-04-1817:06
Daviey[726769] [eucalyptus] package eucalyptus-common 2.0.1 bzr1255-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1 (http://pad.lv/726769)17:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 726769 in eucalyptus (Ubuntu Natty) "package eucalyptus-common 2.0.1 bzr1255-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [High,Confirmed]17:06
Daviey * Bug Status: Confirmed17:06
Daviey * Assigned to: Dave Walker17:06
Daviey * Last updated: 2011-04-1817:06
Daviey[745946] [cloud-init] cloud-final job did not run in ec2-automated-tests (http://pad.lv/745946)17:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 745946 in cloud-init (Ubuntu) "cloud-final job did not run in ec2-automated-tests" [Medium,Confirmed]17:06
Daviey * Bug Status: Confirmed17:06
Daviey * Not assigned to anyone :(17:06
hallynisn't that one thought to be fixed?17:06
Daviey * Last updated: 2011-04-1817:06
Daviey[759943] [mod-wsgi] mod_wsgi.so-3.2 gives errors (http://pad.lv/759943)17:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 759943 in mod-wsgi (Ubuntu) "mod_wsgi.so-3.2 gives errors" [Medium,In progress]17:06
Daviey * Bug Status: In Progress17:06
Daviey * Assigned to: James Page17:06
Daviey * Last updated: 2011-04-1917:06
Daviey 17:06
hallynsorry, lag17:06
Daviey == Bugs being worked on in other areas ==17:06
Daviey[728088] [debian-installer] iscsi root with or without auth fails to boot (http://pad.lv/728088)17:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 728088 in debian-installer (Ubuntu Natty) "iscsi root with or without auth fails to boot" [High,Confirmed]17:06
Daviey * Bug Status: Confirmed17:06
Daviey * Assigned to: Colin Watson17:06
Daviey * Last updated: 2011-04-1417:06
Daviey[747090] [linux] wrong return address sometimes pushed for INT in kvm (not qemu) (http://pad.lv/747090)17:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 747090 in Ubuntu Translations "wrong return address sometimes pushed for INT in kvm (not qemu)" [Low,Triaged]17:06
Daviey * Bug Status: Fix Committed17:06
Daviey * Assigned to: Andy Whitcroft17:06
Daviey * Last updated: 2011-04-1817:06
Daviey[566818] [plymouth] Cryptsetup passphrase prompt during boot: every character typed repeats the prompt (http://pad.lv/566818)17:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 566818 in plymouth (Ubuntu Natty) "Cryptsetup passphrase prompt during boot: every character typed repeats the prompt" [Medium,Confirmed]17:07
Daviey * Bug Status: Confirmed17:07
Daviey * Assigned to: Surbhi Palande17:07
Daviey * Last updated: 2011-04-1817:07
smoserDaviey, pastebin ?17:07
Daviey[580319] [upstart] dhcp3-server launches before upstart brings all interface, thus failing to start (http://pad.lv/580319)17:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 580319 in upstart (Ubuntu Natty) "dhcp3-server launches before upstart brings all interface, thus failing to start" [Medium,Triaged]17:07
Daviey * Bug Status: Triaged17:07
Daviey * Assigned to: James Hunt17:07
Daviey * Last updated: 2011-04-1817:07
Daviey[759545] [g17:07
Davieysmoser, regarding bug [745946]17:07
smosersomeone kick that guy17:07
zularrrrgh pastebin17:07
Davieysmoser, regarding bug 745946... jamespage mentioned that he had not seen it in b2 round of testing... Do you think it's a bug with the AWS infrastructure rather than our platform?17:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 745946 in cloud-init (Ubuntu) "cloud-final job did not run in ec2-automated-tests" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74594617:07
smoseri do not think it is aws infrastructure.17:08
Davieysmoser, pastebin isn't ideal for historical retention :)17:08
smoserand somehow a link to https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-server/2011-April/005606.html17:08
smoserwould have also been unsatisfactory ?17:08
Davieysmoser, that is not up to date.17:08
smoserwell... anyway.17:08
zulDaviey: you were the last one to comment about the likewise-open bug (last time i checked )are you going to upload it?17:08
Davieyzul, still investigating that one.17:09
smoserregarding that bug. i marked bug 760725 as a duplicate of it.17:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 760725 in cloud-init (Ubuntu) "Cloud-init failed to complete actions (dup-of: 745946)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76072517:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 745946 in cloud-init (Ubuntu) "cloud-final job did not run in ec2-automated-tests" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74594617:09
SpamapSI took a look at the likewise open situation as well and its very unclear what the actual issue is.17:09
smoseri think that we should review this list17:09
Davieysmoser, oh?17:09
smoserbut i think that multiple concurrent conversations will not fair well17:10
Davieysmoser, Essentially, the ones on the list are pretty currently updated.17:11
smoseri suspect that the root cause of the cloud-init bug above is a race condition on boot.17:11
Davieysmoser, Okay, do you have an idea how to reproduce it?17:11
smoserit could also be a timeout/failure of a network failure17:11
Davieysmoser, I am kinda confused why we didn't see it with b2 tests?17:12
smoserDaviey, i do not. that does not, unfortunately, mean it does not exist.17:12
smoserDaviey, we did see it.17:12
smoserwe just opened a new bug.17:12
jamespageDaviey: smoser and I discussed earlier - we saw something v similar in b2 testing - bug 76072517:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 760725 in cloud-init (Ubuntu) "Cloud-init failed to complete actions (dup-of: 745946)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76072517:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 745946 in cloud-init (Ubuntu) "cloud-final job did not run in ec2-automated-tests" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74594617:12
smoserread bug 745946, which i duped to it.17:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 745946 in cloud-init (Ubuntu) "cloud-final job did not run in ec2-automated-tests" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74594617:12
Davieyjamespage, ah!17:12
DavieyOkay, i suggest we take that bug discussion out of band after the meeting.17:13
jamespagethey looked a little different but we believe they are the same thing.17:13
jamespageDaviey: ack17:13
DavieyAre there any other bugs which we should consider for natty release?17:13
smoserhold on...17:13
* Daviey holds.17:14
SpamapSDaviey: there's some new upstart bugs that have come to light17:14
smoserbug 75105717:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 751057 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "grub-pc upgrade on Amazon EC2: The GRUB boot loader was previously installed to a disk that is no longer present, or whose unique identifier has changed for some reason." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75105717:14
SpamapSDaviey: they're not on our plate, but they do need to get fixed. I've just now pinged skaet with them17:14
DavieySpamapS, have the numbers handy?17:14
smosershoudl probably be looked at... and i wouldn't mind one other fix to that area of things.17:14
SpamapSyeeeeess.... bug 728531 and bug 76620617:15
smoserthen, there was the grub upgrade prompt from maverick to natty17:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 728531 in upstart (Ubuntu Natty) "chroot support is not reliable" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72853117:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 766206 in upstart (Ubuntu Natty) "user session support allows non-priv users to gain root privileges" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76620617:15
Davieysmoser, Regarding 751057 - have you spoken to anyone in foundations about it?17:16
smoserDaviey, no. i have to look at it more.17:17
Davieysmoser, okay, thanks..  and thanks SpamapS for them bugs... Now tracking them..   Any others from anyone else?17:17
smoserbug 759545 is the other one17:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 759545 in grub2 (Ubuntu Natty) "user prompted to update unmodified grub configuration during Ubuntu server upgrade" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75954517:18
smoserah. but i see stgraber assigned that to himself 1 hour ago17:18
Davieysmoser, that is on my list, no?17:18
smoserhere i have to admit to tuning out during the flood17:19
DavieyOkay, i am done... If anyone seens any other bugs that are suitable for natty release - please let me know.. kkthnxbye.17:19
smoser[TOPIC] Ubuntu Server Team Events17:20
MootBotNew Topic:  Ubuntu Server Team Events17:20
zulgold prospecting in california next week17:20
smoserzul and smoser will be at openstack summit next week (https://launchpad.net/sprints/ods-d)17:21
jamespagePuppetcamp Europe in Amsterdam next Thur/Fri for me.17:21
DavieyNot strictly server related, but i will be at the London (UK) Natty release party on the 28th - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-uk/2011-April/029427.html17:21
Daviey(others welcome)17:22
smoser[TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh)17:23
MootBotNew Topic:  Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh)17:23
hggdhno news from me, except Euca now works17:24
hggdhAnd I do not know why/how :-(17:24
ttxhggdh: cool :)17:24
smoserand you can even upload kernels!17:24
smoseranything else ?17:25
Davieyhggdh, because i sprinkled it with some fairy dust.17:25
ttxhggdh: everything is in the dance. As soon as you find it...17:25
hggdhDaviey: ah, the brit's magic17:25
* smoser practices his famed eucadance17:25
Davieyno, it was from the clouds.17:25
zulhggdh:  has your brain explodeded yet?17:25
Davieyhggdh, Are there other areas that are of concern to you?17:26
hggdhzul: no, it melted :-)17:26
DavieyDid you have a chance to test other aspects?17:26
hggdhDaviey: right now no, fortunately17:26
Davieyhggdh, \o/17:26
hggdhI did, but could not reproduce17:26
hggdhstill trying to break it ;-)17:26
Davieyhggdh / jamespage: Is there any news on jenkins email reports of failure?17:26
jamespageDaviey: kinda got side-tracked on that one17:27
jamespageso no progress17:27
jamespage(unless hggdh is going to surprise me :-))17:27
Davieyjamespage, ok. is it tricky?17:27
hggdhno. I would rather leave it for discussion during UDS, I am afraid we are starting to get patches here and there, with no consolidated view17:27
Davieyhggdh, I just want to get a full inbox when a test case fails :)17:27
hggdhoh, I can provide you with a full inbox easily17:28
smoser[TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb)17:28
Davieyhggdh, can that be an action? :)17:28
MootBotNew Topic:  Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb)17:28
smbSMBunny proudly presents:17:28
smb* http://people.canonical.com/~smb/lucid-ec2-ng17:28
smb* git://kernel.ubuntu.com/smb/ubuntu-lucid.git ec2-next17:28
smbAfter a few weeks and about 90 patches later, it still/again compiles17:28
smband even boots (unfortunately it does not make coffee and still hangs17:28
smbwhen trying to install java on a i386 t1.micro).17:29
hggdhDaviey: yeah17:29
smoserhoops . sorry. i cut Daviey/hggdh off.17:29
smbAnyway, due to many changes, some preliminary beating could be of advantage.17:29
smbThat would be all... :)17:30
smosersmb, bummer on the java/t1.micro17:30
Davieysmb, Hmm.. is there some exciting changes? :)17:30
smoseri have probably asked before, but have you compared our source /config to amazon's kernels ?17:30
smbsmoser, as it seems to be no problem if you got a recent os outside, I did not expect much there17:30
smosera recent xen hypervisor, you mean.17:31
smbsmoser, it seems more dom0 related as centos 5.5 and xen 3.0.2 works as well as 5.5 and 3.4.317:31
Davieysmb, When are we expecting the next natty kernel upload, 0-day?17:32
smbI don't think there has been the feeling it needs to be 0-day, but around 1 week later or so17:33
smbsmoser, Oh and about amazon kernels. No, I did not really know where to get the sources from17:33
Davieysmb, okay with me :).17:33
smoser[ACTION] smoser will point smb at amazon kernels17:34
MootBotACTION received:  smoser will point smb at amazon kernels17:34
smoser[TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the Documentation Team (sommer)17:34
MootBotNew Topic:  Weekly Updates & Questions for the Documentation Team (sommer)17:34
smoserwhat do we do here?17:34
DavieyWe talk about the lack of docs we have been doing.17:34
DavieyHas anyone touched docs in the last week?17:34
Daviey(/me hasn't)17:34
* zul giggles17:35
DavieyWe really, really do need to look at them this week.17:35
hallynonce more: url17:36
hallyn(+ action)17:36
RoAkSoAxDaviey: it was suggested to removed this topic until we find another who can take care of it17:36
RoAkSoAxbut everybody pretty much ignored the discussion :)17:36
DavieyRoAkSoAx, sadly, we just will not for the short term.17:36
hallynso when we find things to fix, where to we send the fixes?17:37
Davieyhallyn, I'll post an email to ubuntu-server today about docs review17:37
smoser[ACTION] Daviey to send message to -server regarding docs review17:37
MootBotACTION received:  Daviey to send message to -server regarding docs review17:37
smoser[TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions from the Ubuntu Community17:38
MootBotNew Topic:  Weekly Updates & Questions from the Ubuntu Community17:38
smoserno kim017:38
smoserdoes anyone have anything htere?17:39
smosermoving on17:39
smoser[TOPIC] Open Discussion17:39
MootBotNew Topic:  Open Discussion17:39
DavieyStill time to add blueprint ideas for UDS!17:40
smoserwhen is the deadline for that?17:40
DavieyHas anyone had ideas not yet raised?17:40
Davieysmoser, later-ish.. but soon-ish is better-ish.17:40
DavieyRegarding the DB spec.... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/KnowledgeBase/FeatureComparison/MySQL  needs populating if it is worth our while disucssing it17:41
Daviey& https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/KnowledgeBase/FeatureComparison/NetworkMonitoring17:41
DavieyBoth are somewhat disappointing considering that active discussion on those threads.17:42
robbiewrobbie.w as approver17:42
DavieyI can really see no point in us talking about MySQL or nagios  alternatives without details on the matrix.17:42
hallynagainst what 'project'?17:42
SpamapSDaviey: re db spec17:42
SpamapSColin from MontyProgram will be at UDS on Monday17:43
robbiewhallyn...uh, "ubuntu"17:43
DavieySpamapS, on neat.17:43
SpamapSHe's registered already and I'll subscribe him as an essential person for the mysql discussion17:43
SpamapSI am also going to work on getting somebody from Percona to join virtually if not physically17:44
DavieySpamapS, groovy... can you ask him to add some facts to the wiki page?17:44
DavieySpamapS, I'd really like to go into the session better informed than i am at the moment... rather than learning during that time.17:44
SpamapSDaviey: yes I'll get Percona and MontyProgram to update that wiki. Not sure of who we could get from Oracle.17:44
DavieySpamapS, It seems you have that action in hand!17:45
SpamapSDaviey: the water is a bit muddy in that Percona takes MontyProgram's patches and MontyProgram takes Percona's patches so there's actually very little difference.17:45
SpamapSAnd then they're both starting to cherry pick from MySQL 5.6 .. we really need to decide what we want available to users.17:45
SpamapSDrizzle ftw  ;)17:46
smosersql is so old and lame17:46
SpamapSsmoser: yes I think we've descended into single word answers.. quick before it gets dirty17:46
smoser[TOPIC] Announce next meeting date and time17:46
MootBotNew Topic:  Announce next meeting date and time17:46
SpamapSForget SQL, and NoSQL, we want the new hotness.. "SomeSQL"17:47
smoserTuesday, April 25th 2011 14:00 UTC17:47
SpamapScheers all!17:47
smoserend meeting coming17:47
smoserin 517:47
Davieyokay, carry on.17:47
SpamapS14:00 UTC?!17:47
smoserTuesday, April 25th 2011 16:00 UTC17:47
* SpamapS thinks smoser was just checking to see if we were reading17:47
MootBotMeeting finished at 11:47.17:47
* smb stays behind for the next one17:49
* Daviey lurks to keep smb company.17:53
smbDaviey, Cheers. :)17:53
smbToo early, too early!17:59
* JFo dances17:59
ckingwe are eager17:59
MootBotMeeting started at 12:00. The chair is bjf.18:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]18:00
kamalgotta be early or you'll miss it, given bjf's lightning speed ;-)18:00
sconklinwe want a world record for a negative meeting length18:00
bjf## This is the Ubuntu Kernel Team weekly status meeting.18:00
bjf[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting18:00
bjf[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Natty18:00
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting18:00
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Natty18:00
bjf# Meeting Etiquette18:00
bjf# NOTE: '..' indicates that you are finished with your input.18:00
bjf#       'o/' indicates you have something you'd like to add (wait until you are recognized)18:00
bjf[TOPIC] Release Metrics (JFo)18:00
MootBotNew Topic:  Release Metrics (JFo)18:00
JFoRelease Meeting Bugs (15 bugs, 7 Blueprints)18:00
JFo==== Release Milestoned Bugs (52 across all packages (up 9)) ====18:00
JFo * 2 linux kernel bugs (down 2)18:00
JFo * 0 linux-ti-omap4 bugs (no change)18:00
JFo * 0 linux-meta-ti-omap4 bug (no change)18:00
JFo==== Release Targeted Bugs (236 across all packages (down 8)) ====18:00
JFo * 34 linux kernel bugs (up 2)18:00
JFo * 2 linux-ti-omap4 bugs (up 1)18:00
JFo * 0 linux-meta-ti-omap4 bug (no change)18:00
JFo==== Milestoned Features ====18:00
JFo * 6 blueprints (Including HWE Blueprints)18:00
JFo==== Maverick Updates Bugs ====18:00
JFo * 5 Linux Bugs (down 1)18:00
JFo==== Lucid Updates Bugs ====18:00
JFochanged to only reflect linux package bugs18:00
JFo * 15 Linux Bugs (no change)18:00
JFo==== Bugs with Patches Attached:92 (up 6) ====18:01
JFo * [[https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bugs?field.has_patch=on | Bugs with Patches]]18:01
JFo * [[http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ogasawara/csv-stats/bugs-with-patches/linux/ | Breakdown by status]]18:01
bjf[TOPIC] Blueprints: Natty Bug Handling (JFo)18:01
bjf[LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-bug-handling18:01
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: Natty Bug Handling (JFo)18:01
MootBotLINK received:  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-bug-handling18:01
JFo* [jeremyfoshee] to develop process for handling, validation & closure,18:01
JFo  and document in the wiki:POSTPONED18:01
JFo   -held off because the process is changing. The documentation I have compiled18:01
JFo    will be useful once we enumerate what gets broken out between SRU and Dev.18:01
JFo* [jeremyfoshee] to drive existing bugs with patches list to zero and keep it there:POSTPONED18:01
JFo  - postponed based on conversation with Pete. There will be more on this post-UDS18:01
JFo* [jeremyfoshee] look at kerneloops reports to better detect duplicates:POSTPONED18:01
JFo  - postponed as this work will not make it before release. Will likely complete ist of the18:01
JFo    O cycle18:01
JFo* [jeremyfoshee] look at primary arsenal message for applicability to flavour18:01
JFo  (not appropriate for arm):POSTPONED18:01
JFo  -Postponed as the arsenal scripts are currently under complete rewrite to reduce complexity18:01
JFo* [jeremyfoshee] update apport-hooks verbage:POSTPONED18:01
JFo  -bjf has a bug in to address this. I have postponed pending the outcome of that bug.18:01
JFo* [jeremyfoshee] look at arsenal flow and document:DONE18:01
JFo  -completed inasmuch as we have basic diagrams for what they currently do. This will18:01
JFo   change with the re-write mentioned above18:01
JFo* [sconklin] ensure we have documentation/scripting(?) for git bisect'ing an issue:DONE18:01
JFo  -Done. Available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBisection18:01
bjf[TOPIC] Status: General Natty (apw / ogasawara)18:02
MootBotNew Topic:  Status: General Natty (apw / ogasawara)18:02
apwNo change from last week version wise.  We may have to do an upload today for a compiler issue.18:02
bjf[TOPIC] Status: Stable Kernel Team (sconklin / bjf)18:03
MootBotNew Topic:  Status: Stable Kernel Team (sconklin / bjf)18:03
sconklin|| We are not currently in a normal SRU kernel cycle due to allocation of testing resources to Natty.18:03
sconklin|| However, we have uploaded new Maverick packages to -proposed (or will today), in order to allow18:03
sconklin|| interested parties to test the fairly large set of upstream stable patches which have been applied.18:03
sconklin|| Maverick will be respun during the next cycle with any new fixes, and replace the package currently18:03
sconklin|| in -proposed.18:03
bjf[TOPIC] Security & bugfix kernels - Maverick/Lucid/Karmic/Hardy/Dapper (sconklin / bjf)18:03
MootBotNew Topic:  Security & bugfix kernels - Maverick/Lucid/Karmic/Hardy/Dapper (sconklin / bjf)18:03
sconklin|| Package                                    || Upd/Sec              || Proposed             ||  TiP || Verified ||18:03
sconklin||                                            ||                      ||                      ||      ||          ||18:03
sconklin|| dapper   linux-source-2.6.15               || 2.6.15-57.94         || 2.6.15-57.95         ||    0 ||        0 ||18:03
sconklin||                                            ||                      ||                      ||      ||          ||18:03
sconklin|| karmic   linux-ec2                         || 2.6.31-308.28        || 2.6.31-308.29        ||    1 ||        1 ||18:03
sconklin|| ---      linux                             || 2.6.31-23.74         || 2.6.31-23.75         ||    1 ||        1 ||18:03
sconklin||                                            ||                      ||                      ||      ||          ||18:03
sconklin|| lucid    linux-ec2                         || 2.6.32-314.27        || 2.6.32-315.28        ||    5 ||        5 ||18:03
sconklin|| ---      linux-ports-meta                  ||         ||         ||    0 ||        0 ||18:03
sconklin|| ---      linux-meta-lts-backport-maverick  ||         ||         ||    0 ||        0 ||18:03
sconklin|| ---      linux-lts-backport-maverick       || 2.6.35-25.44~lucid1  || 2.6.35-28.50~lucid1  ||   13 ||       13 ||18:04
sconklin|| ---      linux-backports-modules-2.6.32    || 2.6.32-30.29         || 2.6.32-31.31         ||    0 ||        0 ||18:04
sconklin|| ---      linux                             || 2.6.32-30.59         || 2.6.32-31.61         ||    6 ||        6 ||18:04
sconklin|| ---      linux-meta                        ||         ||         ||    0 ||        0 ||18:04
sconklin|| ---      linux-meta-ec2                    ||        ||        ||    0 ||        0 ||18:04
sconklin||                                            ||                      ||                      ||      ||          ||18:04
sconklin|| maverick linux-ti-omap4                    || 2.6.35-903.21        || 2.6.35-903.22        ||    2 ||        2 ||18:04
sconklin|| ---      linux-firmware                    || 1.38.6               || 1.38.7               ||    0 ||        0 ||18:04
sconklin||                                            ||                      ||                      ||      ||          ||18:04
sconklin|| Complete (almost) realtime version report is here: http://people.canonical.com/~kernel/reports/versions.html18:04
bjf[TOPIC] Incoming Bugs: Regressions (JFo)18:04
MootBotNew Topic:  Incoming Bugs: Regressions (JFo)18:04
JFoIncoming Bugs18:04
JFo 917 Natty Bugs (up 262) !18:04
JFo 1265 Maverick Bugs (up 10)18:04
JFo 1075 Lucid Bugs (up 11)18:04
JFoCurrent regression stats (broken down by release):18:04
JFo==== regression-update ====18:04
JFo  * 47 maverick bugs (no change)18:04
JFo  * 77 lucid bugs (no change)18:04
JFo  * 4 karmic bugs (down 2)18:04
JFo  * 0 hardy bugs (no change)18:04
JFo==== regression-release ====18:04
JFo  * 482 natty bugs (up 147) !18:04
JFo  * 250 maverick bugs (up 1)18:04
JFo  * 224 lucid bugs (up 1)18:04
JFo  * 38 karmic bugs (no change)18:04
JFo  * 2 hardy bugs (no change)18:04
JFo==== regression-proposed ====18:04
JFo  * 34 natty bugs (up 17) !18:05
JFo  * 1 maverick bugs (no change)18:05
JFo  * 0 lucid bugs (no change)18:05
JFo  * 0 karmic bug (no change)18:05
JFo! - please note that the numbers enumerated by '!' may be artificially elevated due to a18:05
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:05
JFotremendous amount of seemingly duplicate bugs of the18:05
JFo"WARNING: at /build/buildd/linux-2.6.38/net/sched/sch_generic." variety.18:05
bjf[TOPIC] Incoming Bugs: Bug day report (JFo)18:05
MootBotNew Topic:  Incoming Bugs: Bug day report (JFo)18:05
JFoWe Didn't hold a bug day. I let it slip my mind completely.18:05
bjf[TOPIC] Triage Status (JFo)18:05
MootBotNew Topic:  Triage Status (JFo)18:05
JFonothing to report18:05
bjf[TOPIC] Open Discussion or Questions: Raise your hand to be recognized (o/)18:05
MootBotNew Topic:  Open Discussion or Questions: Raise your hand to be recognized (o/)18:05
bjfthanks everyone18:05
MootBotMeeting finished at 12:05.18:05
JFothanks bjf18:05
JFoenjoy smb :)18:06
kamalthanks bjf18:06
ogasawaraJFo: just curious, the 34 natty bugs noted as regression-proposed, is that accurate?  as we don't have a -proposed kernel for natty yet.18:06
kamalJFo sees into the future ;-)18:07
bjfogasawara, yes, there are natty bugs with that tag on them18:07
JFoogasawara, that is only there so I can track them18:07
JFoand address them18:08
JFohope to sort them out today18:08
=== czajkows1i is now known as czajkowski
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-lunch
=== ivanka is now known as ivanka-train
marcusare there any meeting rules available?19:56
czajkowskimarcus: with regards to what ?19:57
marcusraising voice, moderation ...19:59
czajkowskimarcus: really depends on what meeting tbh, if it;s in here there are usually team meetings so procedures and topics and people talk at certain times20:03
czajkowskiin loco team channels it does depend on how it's chaired20:03
marcusah, okay20:04
=== Ursinha-lunch is now known as Ursinha
=== marcos is now known as Guest74711
paultagLoCo time, T-Minus 2 minutes20:57
paultagczajkowski: popey: itnet7: huats: leogg: ping :)20:58
huatspaultag, hello20:58
paultaghuats: Howdy!20:58
huatsright on time20:58
paultagpopey: Howdy-doodie!20:58
paultag'bout that time!20:59
MootBotMeeting started at 15:00. The chair is paultag.21:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]21:00
paultagWell, hello, world!21:00
paultagwe've got huats, popey, is leogg itnet7 or czajkowski here?21:00
* paultag checks agenda21:01
paultag[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/Agenda21:01
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/Agenda21:01
paultagJanC: ping?21:01
huatspaultag, he should be around since 15 minutes ago he was sending email :)21:02
paultaghuats: aye :)21:02
paultaganyone have anything else, while we wait?21:02
paultagAh, howdy21:02
paultagJanC: the floor is yours21:02
popeyhey czajkowski21:02
* paultag waves to czajkowski 21:02
czajkowskiI blame my housemate for eating my internet >:(21:03
paultagczajkowski: it's OK, we're underway, JanC's got the floor just now21:03
paultaghave'nt missed anything yet21:03
JanCwell, ubuntu-be has some money to spend on material for publicity21:03
JanCand we wondered if Canonical would want to sell some of the things they buy for themselves (or sometimes to give away for free) to locoteams at a good price21:04
JanCand at least 3 other locoteams in the mailing list found that a good idea too21:05
paultagubuntu-cz, italy, and ecuador21:05
czajkowskiJanC: like a discount code or something ?21:05
JanCI'm also thinking about things that are not in the regular store21:06
JanClike the table cloth & banner21:06
popeyperhaps they _should_ sell them in the store21:06
popeyand give discounts to approved teams21:06
czajkowskipopey: +1 idea yes21:06
JanCwe could use more of these, and other things like rollups etc.21:06
huatspopey, I am sure it is a good idea for canonical to sell that in the store21:06
paultagI could see that being really useful21:06
Cracknelthis sounds great21:07
paultagand I think everyone would make out fairly well from it21:07
popeywould make it easier for people to buy them21:07
czajkowskiJanC: so the table cloth and bannner are good examples of this21:07
popeyvia a legitimate store21:07
huatsit is clearly soemthing aimed at large groups21:07
czajkowskican you think of anything else21:07
huatslike LoCos21:07
JanCof course if they are much more expensive than making them locally it's not going to work well21:07
czajkowskiwe then can ask canonical would it be possible for teams to purchase these things via the store ?21:07
czajkowskiJanC: of course, but the idea being they'd all be the same so more professional looking21:08
JanCthat's one point indeed21:08
paultag[IDEA] Sell LoCo Conf-SWAG (such as tablecloths or banners) in their store, at a discounted rate for approved teams21:08
MootBotIDEA received:  Sell LoCo Conf-SWAG (such as tablecloths or banners) in their store, at a discounted rate for approved teams21:08
czajkowskiok so I guess what I'm wondering is21:08
czajkowskibefore we go to canonical and ask for this21:08
czajkowskiis it just these two items21:08
czajkowskior is there anything else that springs to mind21:08
paultag+1 czajkowski21:09
JanCrollups are another thing21:09
czajkowskiI dont want to go back and forth every few months asking for another rhing21:09
huatsonce again putting that in the store might only put some "pollution" in the store or at least to have that in a separate category21:09
popeywe should a) ask canonical if they're willing first, then b) if they are, go to loco-contacts and ask when people want most21:09
popeyfeed that back to canonical21:09
YoBoYczajkowski: lanyards21:09
paultagpopey: +121:09
huatspopey, +121:09
popeyAIUI there were some changes afoot in the store21:09
popeyso this might work well, or badly depends21:10
JanCthere are lots of lanyards in the conference packs currently  ☺21:10
czajkowskiYoBoY: lanyards are already there21:10
YoBoYyes but not discounted ^^"21:10
serfuswhat's nice in banner and such imo is that most of the loco teams have it localize, this will cancel that21:10
popeyYoBoY: anything can be discounted21:10
czajkowskiYoBoY: they are also in the conference packs.21:10
JanCbut selling regular store items with the discount might be nice too21:10
popeyyou can get vouchers for the stores21:10
YoBoYczajkowski: the conference pack don't have enought for me21:11
czajkowskiserfus: not the approved ones, it's a generic one.21:11
huatsserfus, I think the idea would be to find items that don't need localisation21:11
czajkowskiYoBoY: france team is a bit of an unusal one :)21:11
czajkowskihuats: back me up here!!!21:11
huatsczajkowski, no way21:11
huatsstanding next to YoBoY :)21:11
czajkowskiok well if you like I'll take this on as an action item21:12
czajkowskiand write to jane and petra and ask them would this be even possible and report back either via next mweeing or via the mailing list21:12
paultag[ACTION] Contact Canonical about offering LoCos products in the Store21:12
MootBotACTION received:  Contact Canonical about offering LoCos products in the Store21:12
paultag+1 czajkowski, thanks :)21:12
paultagJanC: really great idea21:12
czajkowskiis there anything else21:13
czajkowskialso can I please ask all locoteams when contacting us to mail the entire team21:13
czajkowskiif you mail us personally the team may miss out due to people not getting their email21:14
czajkowskipretty please :D21:14
czajkowskimail loco council mail address21:14
paultagwe are in most timezones, so we get back to you faster :)21:14
czajkowskidoes anyone have anything else ?21:15
paultagAnyone have anything they'd like to bring up?21:15
JanCBTW, czajkowski: with "rollups" I mean roll-up banners that come with a metal stand to hang them on  (Canonical has those already for internal use)21:15
paultagwhat Laura said :)21:15
paultagitnet7: you have the floor :)21:15
popeyi think we (UK) call them 'pop-up' banners, but yeah21:15
YoBoYJanC: not so good, english presentation material...21:15
czajkowskiJanC: grand job shall ask also21:16
YoBoYor just with Ubuntu on it a bit ?21:16
huatsYoBoY, that is why I mention materials that don't need translation21:16
czajkowskiYoBoY: can just be the same Ubuntu info as on banner21:16
czajkowskiUbuntu and loco.ubuntu.com o them21:16
JanCYoBoY: considering that we often have to use it in a multilingual environment anyway...   ;)21:16
YoBoYthe banner have the english website, it's not a good info for me and people discovering ;)21:17
huatsJanC, it is something that is not true in France (the multilingual stuff)21:17
JanCah, but we have localised flyers etc.21:17
itnet7sorry finally got on21:17
JanCand posters21:17
paultagoh, righto21:17
itnet7was jyst saying present21:17
paultagitnet7: yessir :)21:17
czajkowskiYoBoY: but if this goes into the store it's not going to be in multilanguages21:18
czajkowskiit costs too much to get it done21:18
JanCthe banners are more to pull attention or be visible from further away21:18
paultagwe could ask for no english on it, I guess21:18
YoBoYyes I know, I don't want multilanguages stuff, I want neutral language stuff21:18
paultagwith just "Ubuntu" and the logo or something21:18
JanCand to make the booth recognizable21:18
paultagand stock photos of people having fun21:18
czajkowskiyes Ubuntu or loco.ubuntu.com as it's for locoteams21:19
YoBoYfor example yes21:19
YoBoYit's a translated website21:19
czajkowskithat's all that is going to go on these things21:19
czajkowskithat makes them suitable for all21:19
YoBoYor we could ask a special website like start.ubuntu.com where users are redirect to the right website21:20
YoBoYdon't know what's the best way21:20
huatsYoBoY, I think we'll figure out lter21:20
huatsfirst let's ask Canonicla21:21
czajkowskiwe have the LD lets not go creating more websites for others to develop :)21:21
JanC"find you local team on loco.ubuntu.com"21:21
JanCbut that's English again...21:21
huatsand then during the many exchange we'll find the right formula to have something language neutral21:21
YoBoYjust the website JanC :)21:21
vojtech_ti think just logo and ubuntu.com or loco.ubuntu.com is enough21:22
JanChi vojtech_t, you responded for the Czech team on the list IIRC ?21:23
vojtech_tJanC: yes21:23
czajkowskivojtech_t: thanks21:24
vojtech_ti think this is great idea, because we could use this materials, but it's to problematic for us to obtain them (create graphics, find a company to produce them...)21:26
vojtech_t*..too problematic...21:26
JanCvojtech_t: depends on what you have most: people to work on it or money  ☺21:26
YoBoYsame problem everywhere21:26
YoBoYhuats: where we produced our last banners ? :D21:27
czajkowskivojtech_t: I've taken an action item to follow this up so will do so and get back to people21:27
JanCbut there is also the scale issue, often making 1 or 2 items is relatively expensive21:27
serfusit might be easier and cheaper but i still think it's better for a loco team to have local merchandise21:27
JanCserfus: one doesn't exclude teh other21:28
huatsYoBoY, Peru21:28
huatsand it was really cheap21:28
czajkowskiat the end of the day folks, this is really only a discussion to see if people may be interested we still need to ask canonical if it's even possible21:28
serfusJanC, in case the team is not very wealthy it does21:28
czajkowskiso nothing really will be sorted till then21:28
huatswe asked someone from Ubuntu Peru (nxvl) to bring it to us on a UDS21:28
huatsand it costs us only 20€ for 3 banners...21:29
czajkowskiyes but not everyone is in that position21:29
JanCI've been thinking it might also be useful if Canonical wanted to pay the transport cost (now often the people who have least money pay most because they live further away...)21:30
JanCthat could be part of the "discount"21:30
paultagOK, I think we have had some good talk on this, and we have enough to move forward with this21:30
paultagI think we should end this topic -- does anyone else have a new topic to discuss?21:31
paultagif not, we'll close the meeting and take this to locoteams21:31
paultagthrice! That's a wrap!21:31
paultagThanks, all!21:31
MootBotMeeting finished at 15:31.21:31
JanCyep, thanks everybody for coming & discussing  ☺21:32
highvoltageohno I missed loco time21:44
huatshighvoltage, indeed :)21:47
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