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dholbachgood morning08:01
dholbachtumbleweed, never let me have to reformat that license text again :-P08:47
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tumbleweeddholbach: aren't CC licences fun :)09:13
dholbachI guess there's fates worse than that :)09:14
dholbachas soon as the license is in I'll set up daily builds09:14
dholbachand we can get it into oneiric09:14
dholbachnow that the wiki license is sorted out we should be ready to go and can reformat wiki content easily09:14
dholbachtumbleweed, it's time the CC licenses get into base-files ;-)09:16
tumbleweedI tend to crib from packages I've already used them in09:24
dholbachI saw "License: CC BY SA 3.0" somewhere else :)09:25
dholbach(without the verbatim license text)09:25
dholbachtumbleweed, does it look OK to you now?09:25
tumbleweeddholbach: Format-Specification -> Format, bump the revision09:26
dholbachtumbleweed, done09:29
tumbleweeddholbach: maybe add something about CC-BY-SA to epub_copyright in conf.py ?09:33
tumbleweedoh, no that's for dublin core metadata09:33
tumbleweedah, "copyright"09:34
dholbachthere's nothing regarding licenses in there09:34
dholbachjust copyright09:34
tumbleweedyeah :/ but IIRC the value of copyright is displayed in the footer09:35
dholbachcan we maybe make that a separate discussion?09:35
* dholbach hugs tumbleweed09:38
abhinav-Hi, I have a debdiff patch for tomboy which I want to be included in debian/patches. Here is what I am trying to do: http://paste.ubuntu.com/595990/ . At the end of all steps the patch generated in debian/patches has code merged from all the patches present in there. What's going wrong ?13:09
m4n1shI am not a packaging geek, but please upload the debdiff patch too13:18
abhinav-Here is the diff: http://paste.ubuntu.com/595995/13:20
paultagabhinav-: attach it to the LP bug, and let ubuntu-bugs know (or tag it yourself)13:21
paultagabhinav-: oh, I misread -- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuPackagingGuide/BuildFromDebdiff?highlight=%28debdiff%2913:22
abhinav-paultag: it is already attached to bug for last one week I guess, I also had a merge proposal but I was told that it should be included through debian/patches13:23
abhinav-paultag: I followed this one https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PatchSystems13:23
paultagabhinav-: no, a debdiff is a delta on debian it's self, not a delta for debian/patch -- apply the debdiff to the vcs and checkin the changes, propose that for merge13:25
paultagabhinav-: please note license etc very strictly13:26
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gusis this the channel to ask for packages updated in maverick ?21:13
gusis there a problem with language-selector package ?21:17
ScottKYes.  There is and it's being worked on now.21:18
gusoki thanks ScottK21:19

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