
ibeardsleeumm afternoon01:26
Atamirawhat a beautiful day01:44
Atamiraabsolutely beautiful01:44
Atamiraa tad chilly ..but still beautiful01:44
ibeardsleeit is nice out there, sadly I'm inside ripping up icky carpet off the concrete floor02:01
ibeardsleerot in the walls will be ignored for now, at least until I have the funds (or the bank does) to deal to the exterior as well02:02
Atamiramildew sucks02:37
Atamiratho, icky carpet is worse02:37
ibeardsleealready spent about $40k doing 1/2 the house02:38
ibeardslee3/4 of the raming in one wall was replaced02:38
ajmitchsounds expensive02:48
ajmitchthe house is reasonably old, or did it just rot from the inside out?02:49
ibeardsleeyeah the other side of the house has the plumbing got the kitchen and the upstiars bathroom02:49
ajmitchbit of a worry that you're having to replace framing02:49
ibeardsleethe sheets of hardiplank don't seem to have been joined properly and have moved over the years02:50
ibeardsleewater has been driven in through the small cracks02:50
* ajmitch hopes it's been sealed properly this time :)02:51
ibeardsleeajmitch: the walls that have been done, yes02:53
mwhudsonibeardslee: ugh, bad luck on that02:55
mwhudsonwhereabouts are you?02:56
mwhudsonhopefully not completely exposed to the wind then i guess?02:57
ibeardsleeexposed enough that I blame the wind for moving the house enough for cracks to appear and then driving the water in02:58
hadsThat sounds annoying.04:02
snailmorning all21:52
=== Nameeatr is now known as Nameeater

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