[07:14] Assalam alaikum everyone [07:14] How are we all doing it today? [07:15] And welcome jussi to the channel, its always nice to have someone from the LoCo council on a LoCo channel :) [07:57] cdbs: Im not on the loco council... [08:18] jussi: s/loco council/irc council/ [08:23] cdbs: Anyway, the reason Im here is a practical one - Im looking to find a open source arabic font - can you point me at any? [08:24] jussi: hmm, /me is not the right person for that [08:24] S4RY: You know any open source arabic fonts? [08:24] S4RY: ^^^ [08:24] oh [08:24] :D [08:24] jussi: Tried googling? [08:24] cdbs: yes, and I fail [08:24] feel free to point out my google deficiencies though [08:25] S4RY isn't around for most of the time AFAIK [08:26] jussi: Unfortunately the Arahic sphere of the world hasn't been hit with open source magic yet :) [08:26] *;( [08:26] *:( [10:59] Assalamu alykum , [11:00] jussi, Have you checked with Arabeyes Project. [11:14] S4RY: found some :) http://www.wazu.jp/gallery/Fonts_Arabic.html [11:24] Okay good , because Arabeyes.org didn't open here.