
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
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txomonHi!, I am testing an upgrade form amd 64 and I dont know how to report bugs for compiz09:52
jibel_hi txomon , to report a bug against compiz, run 'ubuntu-bug compiz' from a terminal or the run dialog (ALT+F2)09:55
txomonok! (I just didnt remember the command xD)09:55
txomonjibel_, is there any other tag to mark it as a qa test?09:59
jibel_txomon, none that I know10:00
txomonI just submited a bug in which compiz doesnt work, with id 76566410:10
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xdataphi everybody16:24
xdatapjibel, hello16:24
jibelHey xdatap , how are you ?16:24
xdatapjibel, i'm fine thanks :)16:24
jibelGreat :-)16:25
xdatapjibel, I just received an email from desktop tracker about the ayatana scrollbars16:25
xdatapjibel, are we expected to tested the version actually in natty, not the one in the ppa, right?16:25
jibelxdatap, wow you already ready !16:26
jibelwe will test the scrollbars currently in natty to ensure that it rocks.16:27
jibelI need to change the wiki page which is not current16:27
xdatapjibel, ok, great16:28
xdatapjibel, I would suggest to add the terminal in the list of the application known to not working16:28
xdatapjibel, it's a common question because it's one of the first application you notice during the tests16:29
jibelxdatap, I think it's been blacklisted because it used to work.16:30
xdatapjibel, yes, I mean in the wikipage16:30
xdatapjibel, last question: people can perform tests with scrollbars with the live desktop or only with an installed versione?16:33
jibelxdatap, live is fine and 2d as well if the hw is not supported by unity.16:35
xdatapjibel, ok, perfect, thanks16:36
xdatapbye bye16:44
charlie-tcajibel: we seem to have gotten xubuntu slideshow translated17:35
charlie-tcaat least, german is17:35
charlie-tcaThe translations were awaiting verification17:35
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