
MadnessRedjust commited an update to the branch for the user interface category, opinions?00:02
MadnessRedwhat do you think?00:28
MuscovyYou switched it back to the old UI for tours, right?00:34
MuscovySorry, gotta run.00:35
OmegaI missed everyone :<02:48
=== Omega changed the topic of #ubuntu-tour to: The Ubuntu Tour Project! | Meeting this Saturday? | http://ubuntutour.org | Join https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-tour | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuTour/Todo#List | Get the tour at http://ubuntutour.org/download
=== Anthony|Away is now known as MadnessRed
=== Anthony|Away is now known as MadnessRed

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