
ali1234is it possible to reconfigure the UI on OS X?00:01
shaunonot really00:07
shaunonot sure how else to answer that.  impossibly vague :)00:09
ali1234is it possible to make the buttons be on the right?00:10
ali1234is it possible to turn off global menu?00:11
ali1234is it possible to replace the dock with a traditional task list?00:11
ali1234basically i want to turn it into windows00:11
mattiali1234: Install Windows then ;p00:12
mattiali1234: Mac is just a PC nowadays ;p00:12
popeyyou can have the dock on the bottom, left or right00:12
ali1234can i run Xcode on windows?00:12
ali1234popey: i don't want any kind of dock, docks are rubbish00:12
popeydunno if you can turn it off entirely00:13
popeypretty sure you can't make global menu go away00:13
popeyoh, you said buttons, sorry, i thought you meant dock00:13
popeydidnt realise you meant window controls00:13
ali1234is it possible to install KDE as a desktop and run native apps through it?00:14
Azelphurpopey: I was asking you about rsnapshot the other day, how do you get around the permissions/file problems with rsnapshot? :p00:14
popeywhich problems?00:15
popeyali1234: you can run x on it, dunno about DEs00:15
popeyi have x on mine so i can do ssh -x to ubuntu00:15
shaunoyou can install gnome/kde, it's just a lot of work because no-one builds it for you anymore00:16
Azelphurpopey: you say you back up the entire filesystem, but surely to do that as a normal user is impossible?00:17
shaunobut if you launch 'native' apps thru them, they'll appear on your regular desktop, instead of thru X.  because they're not X apps00:17
ali1234yeah i'm aware of the brokenness of OS X's X1100:17
popeyAzelphur: i dont do it as a normal user, I do it as root00:17
Azelphurpopey: ah, so you've enabled the root user on your server? :p00:18
ali1234i just hope the same thing doesn't happen when we're all forced to switch to wayland00:18
dogmatic69anyone know how i can make vsftp upload files to 644 and folders at 755?00:18
Azelphurthat makes more sense :)00:18
dogmatic69it keeps doing 022 and random things00:18
popeyno Azelphur00:18
Azelphurback to being confused then xD00:18
popeyi added an ssh key to /root/.ssh/authorized_keys00:18
popeyso rsnapshot can connect as root to those boxes00:18
Azelphurah I see00:19
dogmatic69local_umask=077 is close, but only for the current user00:19
=== hamitron1 is now known as hamitron
dogmatic69doing 755 is not actually doing 755, its 042 or something00:19
ali1234is it difficult to use a mac if you don't have a mac keyboard?00:30
shaunonot really.  f12 will become your eject key, super_L will become your cmd key.00:30
ali1234super L being left windows key?00:31
shaunoit's a bit odd if you're actually used to using a mac keyboard, because they have alt & cmd the other way around  (ctrl, alt, cmd, space).  but if you're not used to it, you won't notice00:32
ali1234i used a mac once before and the keyboard layout was noticably different hence my question00:33
ali1234i never got used to it though00:33
shaunothe mac's uk layout is closer to a US layout than windows'00:33
ali1234will that cause me a problem?00:34
ali1234will i always get " when i type @?00:35
shaunoit'll be a bit annoying if you're not used to US keyboards.  @ is on shift-2 :)00:35
ali1234no way to reconfigure it?00:35
shaunonot sure actually.  haven't looked00:35
shaunowas in the US when I started moving form ubuntu/debian to osx, so didn't think of that at all :)00:38
shauno(the remap modifiers bit is handy tho.  turning useless caplock key into a ctrl key is pure win.)00:39
ali1234i'd be happy if things just did what was written on them00:39
HazRPGman I'm boreddddddddddd00:40
HazRPGneed something to do >_<00:40
HazRPGtempted to turn on the c64 to waste some hrs00:40
shaunoonly pc keyboard I have atm is ps/2, so I can't really test :/00:41
HazRPGshauno: heh, I use to have to use a US layout keyboard at one point00:42
shaunoeveryone does at one point or another00:43
HazRPGcouldn't avoid it, because the US layout is so different to the UK... you loose keys when you switch it to UK00:43
HazRPGlaptop has a US/Ar layout00:43
HazRPGWhich I think is daft, there should be a UK/Ar layout :/00:44
shaunoI remember finding some quake build (possibly glquake) that actually understood my keyboard layout.00:44
shaunowas very odd actually having ~ open the console.  quake originally assumed a US layout, so it was always "the key left of 1", no matter what was written on it00:44
HazRPGah, yeah I remember that00:45
HazRPGI use to associate that key with the "console/terminal" key00:45
shaunothat's still my system-wide "give me a terminal" key :)00:48
shaunoespecially since the mac-uk keymap puts the most useless characters possible on it00:49
HazRPGheh you mean the "¬`|" keys?00:49
HazRPG(which I think is daft cos | is also at the bottom next to shift!)00:50
shaunoI can't type it anymore, because that key doesn't do what it oughta anymore :)00:50
shaunobut that's gotta score major points for being the most useless glpyh to ever earn it's own key00:50
HazRPGshauno: might be useful for lawyers :P00:52
HazRPGwhich is probably why its there :P00:52
ali1234and publishing00:52
HazRPGwas going to say that too00:52
HazRPGbecause its their demographic they use to aim for - and well its too late now to change a standard keyset for them00:53
shaunoI'd think if that was the logic, it'd be on the US keymap too00:53
HazRPGoh, isn't it?00:53
HazRPGhmm, seems the americans called brackets as parenthesis... always wondered what that word meant :/00:54
ali1234well this sucks01:12
ali1234i dunno if it's the driver or a windows starter limitation but i can't do dual head and i can only do maximum res of 1680x105001:13
ali1234also the picture is really brown for no reason01:14
hamitron1680x1050 on a netbook?01:14
ali1234that could be the monitor though01:14
ali1234external monitor01:14
hamitronMS probably want you to pay them some of your hard earned £££££01:15
ali1234i need to install visual studio express so i can compare it to xcode01:15
ali1234and this netbook is the only windows machine i have01:15
ali1234damn windows is slow01:18
hamitroncould be the netbook ;/01:20
ali1234it works in ubuntu01:20
hamitronwindows 7 kinda needs more01:20
hamitronI found win7 on my old machine with 2gb ram too slow01:21
hamitronbut putting it on something "good", and it has actually won me over01:22
ali1234anyone got an idea of a simple app i could try to make to test all these things out?01:33
ali1234should be something that i can make in a day or less01:33
popeytest what?01:34
popeythe screen res problem?01:35
ali1234"every mobile app development environment"01:35
popeya twitter app :)01:35
popeythe world needs more twitter apps!01:35
ali1234that will take more than a day01:35
popeyrss reader?01:35
ali1234rss reader is what i was going to do01:35
ali1234but only because it's what the ovi app wizard makes01:36
ali1234and as such i have something i can already compare with01:36
ali1234although i already tried to make a RSS reader on android and failed01:36
ali1234but i only tried for about half an hour01:36
popeyyou comparing mobile development environments to what end?01:37
popeydecide on what platform to make your world domination app on?01:37
ali1234evaluating them for someone else01:37
ali1234i already know Qt is the best :)01:40
ali1234(for me that is, not necessarily in general)01:40
ali1234the windows phone 7 emulator just bombs out04:24
ali1234i think it needs more ram, or hardware vx support04:24
ali1234but it isn't saying. it just crashes.04:25
* ball is confused04:53
TheOpenSourcererMorning campers :-)07:37
MooDoohello all07:53
MooDoooo dropbox security terms of service changed......07:59
MooDooguess it's not as secure as they make out.08:00
MartiiniI need to clone files from a partition to partition (preserving paths, permissions .. etc) - do I use copy, xcopy, rsync ??08:29
DJonesMorning all08:43
nperryAnother tuesday, only tomorrow and thursday to go08:46
DJonesI woke up thinking it was wednesday08:47
MooDooi woke up :( lol08:47
MartijnVdS♫ I woke up this morning08:47
DJonesMooDoo: Always a good thing though, not waking up would be a sign of a serious problem08:48
MooDoook let me rephrase it.....i woke up 3 hours too early :D08:48
nperryI'm tempted to go and buy portal 208:48
DJonesMooDoo: Not so good then08:48
MartijnVdSnperry: get a console version, you'll get the PC/Mac version for free08:49
nperryFor free?08:49
MartijnVdSnperry: PS3 version includes a code that you can use to get Portal 2 on Steam on your PC/Mac08:49
nperryOh, but I don't have a PS308:50
MartijnVdStime to get one :P08:50
nperryMaybe I can get some one to get it for there ps3 and i'll have the code08:50
nperryIts my girlfriend birthday today, I half wrapped a present and then used a sainsbury carrier bag to wrap the rest.08:51
nperryI ran out of wrapping paper :(08:52
MooDoonperry: oooops :) wrapped with a sainburys kite :D08:52
stuphiMartiini: http://www.ymeme.com/recipe-copy-files-directories-recursively-tar-111.html08:53
JamesTaitHello, good morning and welcome!09:19
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wintellectMornin all09:26
bigcalmGood morning peeps09:27
MooDoowilly1977: morning09:35
scoundrel50aCan I install iTunes insto Ubuntu 10.10?09:37
MartijnVdSscoundrel50a: What do you want to do? Listen to music? Buy music?09:38
scoundrel50aAttach my iPhone to Ubuntu09:38
scoundrel50aI suppose listen mostly to music09:38
MartijnVdSRhythmbox and Banshee support iPods and iPhones afaik09:38
MartijnVdSjust plug it in and a dialog should appear :)09:39
scoundrel50aoh, I didnt know that, I'll give that a go now, thank09:39
DJones!itunes | scoundrel50a This may help as well,09:50
lubotu3scoundrel50a This may help as well,: itunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee09:50
lubotu3Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs09:50
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scoundrel50aDJones: sorry just saw this now, thanks I will have a look at them. I suppose they also work on HTC phones as well?10:17
MartijnVdSscoundrel50a: yeah, all MP3-playing devices should be supported10:18
MartijnVdSif they aren't support can usually be added easily10:18
DJonesscoundrel50a: I'm not sure about HTC phones, its something I've not used, I always just copy music as a files to my HTC10:18
MartijnVdSIt worked on my HTC Magic and Nexus One10:18
scoundrel50aok, thank you.10:19
MartijnVdS(it should work on any Android device really)10:19
danfish\o/ natty t-shirt has arrived10:22
MartijnVdS"nat" is Dutch for "wet"10:22
dogmatic69im trying to mount something but its not working... im pretty sure the same command worked yesterday.  sudo mount /dev/sdf /media/ec6-clone/10:41
dogmatic69getting : mount: special device /dev/sdf does not exist10:41
dogmatic69anyone know what i can check?10:41
MartijnVdSdogmatic69: are you sure you need to mount manually?10:41
MartijnVdSdogmatic69: is it a removeable device?10:42
MartijnVdSdogmatic69: try mounting using the GUI tools (either the file browser or the Disk Utility in System->Administration)10:42
dogmatic69MartijnVdS: its a AWS drive10:42
MartijnVdSWhat's an AWS drive?10:42
dogmatic69no gui tools on 10.10 server :D10:43
directhexdogmatic69, what are you using to create the EBS device node?10:43
dogmatic69elastic block store volume10:43
dogmatic69directhex: aws console, i had it mounted yesterday... just cant do it today :/10:43
dogmatic69console as is 'https://console.aws.amazon.com'10:44
dogmatic69what is the command to show all the drives available?10:45
dogmatic69hmm, its not there in fdisk -l10:45
dogmatic69stoped it, removed the drive, added it back and started. now works10:53
dogmatic69not like i did not try that 5 times already10:53
davmor2morning all11:01
davmor2AlanBell: No pimping circleof friends much then :D11:01
brobostigongood morning everyone.11:04
AlanBelldavmor2: who me?11:04
MooDoobrobostigon: morning11:05
brobostigonhttp://www.geeksaresexy.net/2011/04/18/how-to-fix-any-computer-in-2-easy-steps/ very funny, :)11:05
brobostigonMooDoo: good morning,11:05
scoundrel50aok, anybody know if there is a fix yet, of the backlight problem with Natty? Have asked in #ubuntu+1, nobody is there.11:06
davmor2MooDoo: Morning dude11:08
MooDoodavmor2: hello buddy...how's it going11:18
davmor2MooDoo: Sound although I hope czajkowski gets better soon it's not the same not picking on her :D11:23
gordgreat, i just installed blender on my server. that was a clever thing to do11:25
MooDoodavmor2: yes i know, kind of miss her to be honest :)11:25
MooDooczajkowski: hugs, get well soon i miss you !!!! <3 :)11:25
davmor2MooDoo: you don't need to be that honest ;)11:26
MooDoodavmor2: just being nice to her for a change11:26
davmor2gord: D'oh now you got to uninstall X and the random desktop environment it installed and ......11:26
gordactually no it didn't pull that in :)11:27
gordblender doesn't *require* X so i guess it did some cleverness11:27
brobostigonany grphical html designers, i cant remember enough html, :(11:27
davmor2gord: ohhhh I wonder.  I know blender must be able to do headless for server farm I guess?11:28
selinuxiumMorning all   o/11:40
AzelphurIs there a tool I can run in the background to monitor connection stability? logging downtime/disconnects etc?12:14
dogmatic69ping google.com > log.txt :D12:15
TommehAzelphur, smoke ping?12:16
Tommehmtr might be worth a go, too.12:16
MooDoo doesn't nagios do something like that?12:17
AzelphurTommeh: yea, I more want a log of when the connection goes down so I can use it as ammo against the ISP :P12:20
MooDoolucky isp to have you as a customer :p12:21
TommehSmokeping would show graphs over time. It's almost as useful to have some form of 'loss' statistic (which mtr can provide)12:21
TommehBut unless you get the logs directly from your router/modem, you won't be able to get anything accurate.12:22
AzelphurMooDoo: totally, that said since I started this conversation I've had 3 disconnects.12:22
TommehBetter yet: get a better ISP that logs such things from their end.12:22
MooDooAzelphur: ah!  not with virgin are you?12:22
Azelphurnah, good ol ADSL12:22
Azelphurfound a nice perl script, downtime.pl12:27
Azelphursending IMCP pings to my gateway every second, and logging disconnects that last more than 30 seconds :)12:27
Neotihas anyone had any experiance with the Intel HD graphics chip set on a i3 CPU on a laptop?12:39
MartijnVdSIt works great for me :)12:39
AlanBellNeoti: yes, do you have a wobbly vga port?12:39
MartijnVdS♫ H-D-M-I ♬12:40
Neotino i am just looking at buying the HP G62-452SA laptop and have reed people have had problems with the intel HD graphincs etc ...12:40
Neotithough some people report it fixed as of 10.10 ?????12:40
MartijnVdSNeoti: the only current problem is "wobbly" output on VGA ports, but that's being worked on.12:40
MartijnVdSNeoti: Laptop displays and HDMI/DVI are fine12:41
Neotiah... cool bean ..... thanks ...12:41
Azelphurknocked up a little hack using a python ping library xD12:43
MartijnVdSAzelphur: to do what? ping people? :)12:44
MartijnVdSAzelphur: or a radar display? :)12:44
AzelphurMartijnVdS: ping my ISPs gateway and log the results12:44
Azelphura whole 4 lines :o12:45
Azelphurpython gives you wings :D12:45
DJonesNeoti: Just for in, somebody was just asking about the G62-465DX in #ubuntu and couldn't get wifi working12:58
DJonesIt could be a different driver12:59
* MooDoo hugs i miss youuuuuuuu <313:00
DJonesGet a room :)13:01
MartijnVdSMooDoo: that virus was called "I love you" and it's been 11 years, let it go. :P13:03
DJonesNeoti: I've just bought a HP G72 http://goo.gl/t0W76 The only issue I had was that I had to connect via cable to update before wifi worked, but graphics wise there's been no problem13:03
MooDoodamn missed off the czajkowski from that last statement, pah moment passed!13:04
MooDooyay stag do tonight :)13:04
MartijnVdSMooDoo: your own? or someone else's?13:05
MooDooMartijnVdS: someone else's i've been married for too lon...er a few years now13:05
bigcalmAll hail the wonderful Virgin Media for going tits up while I was out for lunch13:11
MooDoobigcalm: you as well :) ok then HAIL HAIL HAIL13:11
NeotiThanks Djones13:25
Neotii have found that with my last laptop ... i now always make sure i have an internet connection while installing ubuntu and always do an update after installing via cable connection to make sure everything works etc.... Ubuntu rocks.13:26
Neotibigcalm what problems are you having with virgin media and where abouts in the country are you as i have a client who is having some problems with vm13:27
NeotiMooDoo ... i guess you are having problems too with virgin media ?13:28
MooDooNeoti: on and off all day....Nottongham13:28
bigcalmMy connection is obviously back now :) Restarted the modem13:28
Neotii have a client on voip on vm and latency to there router was just crap looking at 10-30% packet loss...13:29
Neotiguess vm are having some core network problems or something ...13:29
davmor2bigcalm: I've had it for a couple of months,  by all accounts it's down to high usage,  ie a lot of new customer are taking the 30 meg option that is screwing everyone else up :(13:38
DJonesbigcalm: May be relevant http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/04/19/virgin_media_superhub_still_wobbly/14:02
oimonhmm, received junk mail from AV campaign despite being on the restricted electoral roll & being on the MPS - surely that's not allowed?14:03
MooDoooimon: with your address or just posted through the door?14:04
oimonmy name + address, posted via royal mail14:04
bigcalmDJones: I can't have the 30mb connection unless I stop getting matesrates. If that were the case, I might as well go to 50mb14:04
bigcalmPortal 2 just crashed on me though14:05
oimonMooDoo: the funny thing was, junk mail comprised some pics of some talentless goons who are supporting their cause, as if to say, well if it's good enough for Eddie Izzard and Stephen Fry, it's good enough for me. i couldn't pick 2 worse role models if i tried14:09
davmor2hello czajkowski how you doing?14:10
czajkowskidavmor2: hi14:11
* MooDoo hugs czajkowski and davmor2 14:12
czajkowskiMooDoo: hi14:12
DJonesoimon: Political parties seem to think they're above & beyond the regulations, I had a similar thing before the last election with phone calls from various parties despite being on the TPS, when I pointed that out they said it didn't apply to them because they weren't selling anything so it wasn't marketing....TPS said otherwise after a complaint & said they would contact them & warn them14:12
davmor2czajkowski: How's the back?14:12
oimonDJones: and nothing was done i assume14:12
DJonesoimon: They said they contacted them and I didn't get any more calls14:13
DJonesThats all I can say14:13
czajkowskigettng there thanks14:13
oimonit's a sure fire way to get my back up.14:13
oimonjust got back from the infosec event at earl's court. pretty lame, hardly any freebies, & dominated by AV vendors of course. not much of note for enterprise linux users as far as i could see14:14
oimongot my details scanned a few times and lost a little bit of my soul each time14:15
DJonesoimon: That wouldn't have been "Alternative Vote" vendors would it :)14:15
oimonthe bigger the stand, the lamer your product usually14:15
oimonsymantec & sophos had the biggest stand14:15
n1md4hi guys.  I'm trying to a new os but each time it tries to boot it's mounting the root file system read-only?  n.b. Debian testing, but I've chatted more here than on debian channel ;)14:17
n1md4ah!  fstab says errors=remount-ro :(14:22
DJonesHeh, anybody interested/vain enough to buy a short domain with their initials http://www.nominet.org.uk/digitalAssets/49223_Reserved_domains_status_table_130411.pdf Wonder if Slumberland beds will bid for zz.me.uk14:24
AzelphurYay, landlines completely gone again14:29
AzelphurSo far it's been Lots of short (20-120 seconds) drops, followed by an entire day of outage, then it came up, then more short drops, and now it's completely down again :(14:30
Azelphuranyone have ideas on what might cause that? XD14:30
Azelphurthe ADSL light on the router isn't even coming on any more \o/14:31
DJonesAzelphur: Which ISP?14:32
MooDooVIRGIN :)14:32
DJonesAzelphur: Possibly a faulty router? I had a problem with mine a few months back, turned out to be a faulty power supply which wasn't giving enough power to the router so it couldn't connect, although I was getting some lights on so gave the impression that it was working14:33
hamitronAzelphur: 22 days 17 hours, no drop ;)14:33
Azelphuryea it could be14:33
Azelphurhttp://pastebin.com/yzMfXaCf the last results from my little python script I wrote before it went terminal :p14:34
DJonesIf you've got a spare power supply, try swapping it & trying again, the Sky support said it was a fairly common problem although not publicised14:34
hamitronyou could disable wireless to reduce power to test for that?14:34
AzelphurDJones: I did try my belkin router using a password generator and it wouldn't connect14:34
AzelphurI could.14:35
AzelphurThe server for took too long to respond. It may be overloaded. xD14:35
hamitronmy wrt54gl sometimes does that :/14:35
hamitronAzelphur: you have 2 internet connections now?14:37
Azelphurhamitron: 314:37
hamitron2 dsl i mean14:38
Azelphurif my mum has her way, 4 :D14:38
hamitronomg, why?14:38
MartijnVdSBackups, baby :)14:38
hamitronbetter to just get a better single line :/14:38
oimonDJones: when are those domains being released?14:38
Azelphurhamitron: Step 1) Azelphur tries to get an internet connection, Step 2) Mum gives asshole dad control of internet connection, Step 3) Asshole dad either sabotages or tells me I can't use new connection14:38
AzelphurSo far I got the second line, my dad stole it, she wants me to buy a third line14:39
DJonesoimon: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/04/19/short_domain_landrush/14:39
Azelphurhamitron: yea, that's all I ever wanted to do, but sanity doesn't exactly reign in this house :D14:39
ali1234there's some real serious dickmoves you could pull under that situation14:39
dogmatic69anyone know if its possible to move a ssl certificate from one server to another14:40
ali1234for example, register third line under her name and then don't pay the bill14:40
Azelphurali1234: if I don't get my connection back I'll start playing, don't worry :)14:41
hamitronAzelphur: as you are the techy of the house, just make up some likely story14:44
hamitronthen you can use them all secretly14:45
MartijnVdSdogmatic69: you can move certificates and keys to another server, yes14:45
MartijnVdSdogmatic69: but not another hostname14:45
Azelphurhamitron: so far the only thing my dad did was call sky and cancel the engineer that was going to repair the problem xD14:46
hamitronI have a 60Gb download limit... but if my sister downloads 500Mb it is her fault for putting us over the limit ;)14:46
Azelphurhamitron: but behaviour like that from my dad is reasonably mild on the scale of things xD14:46
* MartijnVdS sidestepped the problem by moving out of his parents' house :P14:46
Azelphuryea, I'm planning on doing that soonish xD14:46
shaunoheh, ditto.  sounds like it should be pretty high up the todo list atm14:46
shaunoeither that, or replace the dad ;)14:47
Azelphuryea, me and my cousin want to go halves on a place14:47
hamitronI like it at home tbh14:47
hamitronthere are advantages and disadvantages I suppose14:47
Azelphurhamitron: heh there's no point in me staying here, my relationship with my dad is 100% over and has been for well over a year14:47
Azelphurwhen I move there won't be any contact.14:47
DJoneshamitron: s/are advantages/is freedom s/disadvantages/bills14:48
Azelphurme and my mum get on good :p14:48
Azelphurindeed bills ftl :(14:48
hamitronDJones: I also like mumsy's cooking14:48
Azelphurbut I bought lots of good stuff while at home and now I can move out and be poor since I bought all the good stuff anyway haha14:48
hamitronI have 3 sunday roast dinners per week here14:49
hamitronwhen i had my own place, it was pizza or fish and chips14:49
Azelphurmy dad starts arguments about food, I'm damned if I eat and I'm damned if I don't :D14:49
Azelphurbut yea turning wireless off on the sky router, see if I get anywhere :)14:51
dogmatic69MartijnVdS: cool, its a *.domain.co.uk one. is it possible to have it on many servers, one ec2 instance per sub domain14:51
Azelphurminecraft 1.5 is out :D14:53
Azelphurtime to break everything14:53
willy_1977jeesh when I moved out I realised exactly how much my folks had been doing for me - I remember the first pay packet the first time after I'd moved out I thought there'd been a muck up with the banks when I saw the available balance after all the bills had been paid :o14:53
hamitronI've not played 1.4 much yet14:53
DJonesAzelphur: Have you got anything left thats not broken left to break?14:54
AzelphurDJones: yep, I havn't broken you yet :p14:54
* DJones hides14:54
hamitronAzelphur: you fixed the arduino?14:54
Azelphurhamitron: nope14:54
hamitronI want one of these: http://www.terasic.com.tw/cgi-bin/page/archive.pl?Language=English&CategoryNo=53&No=83&PartNo=314:55
hamitronnot really wanting to spend that much money atm though14:56
Azelphuryea, even with wifi disabled it doesn't even seem to be dialing14:57
hamitronbrb, delivery arriving14:58
Azelphurhamitron: shiny :o14:58
DJonesProbably a Graze box15:02
MartijnVdSgaze box 8-)15:02
AzelphurI've got 3 of those haha15:03
Azelphurgot them for mothers day, my mums into healthy things.15:03
DJonesMy mum got a box of chocolates & a bunch of flowers, Dad ate most of the chocolates15:05
oimoni had my first mcdonalds meal for ages today...felt good :)15:05
ali1234mobile SDK evaluation is failing horribly15:06
DJonesI've never seen mcdonalds and good used in the same sentance before15:06
oimonwas getting dirty looks from some girls in the park cos i'm skinny and eating bloater food while they were eating soups and salads15:06
ali1234WP7 SDK doesn't work, blackberry is so confusing it's going to take me two days to figure out how to install it15:07
Azelphurali1234: why are you using SDKs for dieing phones xD15:07
MartijnVdSWhat's wrong with Java2ME?15:09
ali1234Azelphur: because i was asked to evaluate them15:10
AzelphurI see :)15:10
MartijnVdSali1234: s/asked/paid/ :P15:10
ali1234MartijnVdS: i dunno, i've heard of J2ME, what does it have to do with me?15:10
MartijnVdSali1234: J2ME is Java for VERY old mobile phones15:11
MartijnVdSali1234: like Nokia S4015:11
MartijnVdSand earlier15:11
ali1234well that's not on the list15:11
MartijnVdSali1234: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_Platform,_Micro_Edition15:11
ali1234i'm only covering smartphones15:11
ali1234the WP7 SDK was super easy to install, there's just one thing to download that does it all15:13
ali1234it's a pity it doesn't work really15:13
ali1234because it actually looks quite good15:13
willy_1977doesn't work?15:13
ali1234yeah the device emulator just bombs out instantly when you start it15:13
ali1234no error message15:13
ali1234i think my netbook doesn't meet the requirements15:15
ali1234would be nice if the installer told me that before it started though15:15
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hamitronI hate installers that refuse to install on certain specs, just a warning is enough though :)15:16
ali1234well the SDK covers xbox and windows too15:16
ali1234and those probably work15:16
ali1234only the wp7 emulator fails15:16
oimonaargh halifax have deleted all of my online statements :(15:16
ali1234but i'm not interested in the other stuff15:16
willy_1977oimon, that's been on the cards for months now... they've been warning you to print them off if you need them...15:17
hamitronif it fails to do that you want, it is a fail... simple15:17
oimonwilly_1977: months ? :(15:17
oimondidn't notice till today..1 day late15:17
ali1234"if you need them" - everyone needs bank statements15:18
willy_1977oimon, you may have clicked through the nag screen and said don't show me again I guess? but they did also snail mail me about it?15:18
oimonmy pay slips have gone "online" now, don't receive anything in paper form anymore - how am i supposed to prove anything anymore?15:18
* hamitron gets statements through snail mail15:18
ali1234me too15:19
hamitronbit of a technophobe ;)15:19
willy_1977some things need filing...I'd feel a bit lost without a payslip...15:19
hamitronI assume everything can and will go wrong also15:19
oimonthats a really poor show from HBOS removing the pdfs of statements15:19
* hamitron sighs15:24
hamitronnokia E7 looks nice15:24
dogmatic69anyone know why this would happen with my ssh? was working before15:30
ubuntuuk-planet[Alan Lord] How to install OpenERP 6 on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Server (Part 1) - http://www.theopensourcerer.com/2011/04/19/how-to-install-openerp-6-on-ubuntu-10-04-lts-server-part-1/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-to-install-openerp-6-on-ubuntu-10-04-lts-server-part-115:31
shaunodogmatic69: 'name' isn't a resolvable name is it ?15:32
dogmatic69no error, just hangs15:32
shaunotry ssh -vv <name>.  ssh can be very verbose if you ask it :)15:33
shauno(that's two V's, not a dubyah)15:33
dogmatic69ok, its got configs from ~/.ssh/config, then /etc/ssh/ssh_config15:34
dogmatic69i see...15:34
dogmatic69connecting to <ip>15:34
dogmatic69which is the internal ip o.o15:34
shaunoyeah, that's what I meant about 'name' being resolvable.  if 'name' is an actual host, it won't fall thru to the one in config15:35
dogmatic69easy fix then, had the config in ~/ and /etc..15:35
shauno-vv is well handy.  ssh will tell you as much as you want to know :)15:35
dogmatic69one was wrong :)15:36
dogmatic69-> 0011101011...15:36
shaunoI don't know why I'm even pretending to put this tower back together.  the internal layout is so idiotic I can't actually use it ;/15:41
shaunoit just keeps getting repopulated just so I know where the parts are15:42
shauno(I can't seem to convince the loom for the motherboard power, not to make contact with the cpu fan.  which is a very awkward noise)15:43
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neallmclhi all16:20
oimongood news..much needed unity functionality is arriving : http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/04/how-to-display-unread-pidgin-count-on-unity-launcher16:23
AzelphurDragonKeeper: :D16:33
DragonKeeperhey lol16:33
DragonKeeperill use openbox16:33
AzelphurDragonKeeper: fun16:33
AzelphurI use 11.04 myself, but I don't use unity16:34
Azelphurwell I do use unity on my laptops, but not on my PC16:34
dogmatic69what is the 'correct' way to run a bash script again?16:34
Azelphurdogmatic69: ./scriptname ?16:34
dogmatic69where the wrong way is '. <script>'16:34
dogmatic69could be16:34
DragonKeeperas Azelphur said ^16:34
oimondogmatic69: it helps to understand why too16:35
dogmatic69oimon: i was told . <script> does other things16:35
dogmatic69line by line or something16:35
DragonKeeperAzelphur  i installed it didnt like it  swapped back to 10.10  :L   the whole side bar and menus at top panel  just was to weird to get used to16:35
AzelphurDragonKeeper: yea, when you do update next time just login in "Classic Desktop" mode xD16:36
Azelphurand it's back how it was.16:36
DragonKeeperAzelphur oh i didnt know that  .. ill stick to where im comfortable untill there is a release lol16:37
oimonit helps if you understand . as a shorthand for the current directory, and that . doesn't usually exist in the path (for good reason). if it did, you could just type <script>16:37
AzelphurDragonKeeper: :)16:37
DragonKeeperwhats the command for the program usb creator ..  im sure its preinstalled :s16:41
DragonKeeperahh ty16:41
AzelphurDragonKeeper: where abouts in uk are you btw?16:42
* Azelphur is curious16:42
DragonKeeperi guess16:42
Azelphurthat's where all the interesting stuff happens haha16:42
DragonKeeperyeah dunno where i find time to be on irc  to much fun going on16:43
* DragonKeeper notes the sarcasm 16:43
* oimon looks at the sunny weather outside16:43
Azelphurthe ubuntu release parties / bug jams / other goes on in London usually16:43
AlanBelland this one is no exception16:43
DragonKeeperAzelphur public access, tickets, or invite only ??16:45
davmor2the sun it burns16:45
AzelphurDragonKeeper: never seen a Ubuntu meet that wasn't public access16:45
* DragonKeeper is a vampire and almost died going outside16:45
=== AlanBell changed the topic of #ubuntu-uk to: Welcome to #ubuntu-uk! http://ubuntu-uk.org | This channel is publicly archived http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Mailing List http://tinyurl.com/uukml | Support Guidelines http://tinyurl.com/uuksupport | Meeting 5th May 21:00 BST #ubuntu-uk-meeting http://tinyurl.com/uukmeet | release party: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/889/detail/
AzelphurDragonKeeper: although usually they like you to put your name on the wiki so they know roughly how many are gonna turn up.16:45
DragonKeeperAzelphur cool  you know when next one is  o.O  ?16:46
AlanBells/wiki/loco directory/16:46
AzelphurDragonKeeper: AlanBell just put it in the topic xD http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/889/detail/16:46
AlanBellI *just* added it to the topic!16:46
DragonKeeperi might go   its soon16:47
davmor2DragonKeeper: possible around the time the bunting goes up to celebrate Natty's release16:47
AlanBellDragonKeeper: we arranged a bank holiday for you on the following day as well16:47
oimonyeah, and the bank holiday we get to celebrate the natty release too16:47
oimonAlanBell: beat me by 2 seconds16:47
AzelphurAlanBell: we can make bank holidays now? nice :p16:47
oimonAzelphur: apparently we can print money too16:47
Azelphurthat's handy.16:48
DragonKeeperyou can print 3d objects as well ... big deal  lol16:48
Azelphurtodays like the waiting game xD16:53
Azelphurwaiting for bukkit update so I can update my minecraft server16:53
Azelphurwaiting for portal 2 fix so I can play it16:54
ali1234waiting for delivery on mac mini so i can try out Xcode16:54
Azelphurwaiting for steam to stop sucking and let me connect so I can actually play some games xD16:54
oimonhmm having problems choosing a corporate drive imaging solution - any suggestions?16:54
Azelphuroimon: dd?16:55
oimonsorry forgot to clarify  ,for windows machines16:55
ali1234"corporate drive imaging" - send CEO to golf course with digital camera16:55
Azelphurali1234: ++ XD16:55
oimonenterprise :P16:55
Azelphuroimon: but still dd just use a livecd16:55
ali1234dd doesn't care what OS you use16:55
oimonAzelphur: time is money16:55
ali1234dd is the fastest and easiest to use software, and also the cheapest16:56
oimonturns out that acronis requires 1 licence per machine that you image onto16:56
Azelphuroimon: and it doesn't require licensing either.16:56
davmor2ali1234: did you just say fastest?16:56
ali1234you can also automate it with a script16:56
davmor2oimon: Clonezilla16:56
oimonali1234: dd is not the fastest when you want to PXE boot multiple machines over network16:56
ali1234drive imaging has nothing to do with PXE boot16:56
oimondavmor2: have you used clonezilla in a corp. environment?16:57
oimonali1234: drive imaging solution does involve methods of delivery in an efficient manner to multiple machines16:57
Azelphurali1234: no it doesn't16:57
Azelphurdrive imaging involves drive imaging xD16:57
davmor2oimon: Nope I have a friend who uses FOG in a corporate environment though16:58
oimontempted by clonezilla but if it's less than 100% good i look like a chump16:58
davmor2oimon: clonezilla just seems to work, I've not tried the server version with the added bells and whistles though16:59
oimondavmor2: in the dim and distant past (prob >3 years ago), i tried clonezilla and it failed on me..so i'm a bit wary16:59
davmor2oimon: I've not had it fail to date but I've only used it for maybe a 2 years17:00
davmor2oimon: http://www.fogproject.org/17:00
oimonif clonezilla uses dd i don't see how it should have any probs17:01
DragonKeeperAzelphur had to use unetbootin to make a usb from iso    usb creator didnt recognise  that o/s as a linux version o.O17:01
ali1234"For unsupported file system, sector-to-sector copy is done by dd in Clonezilla."17:01
Azelphuryea I usually use unetbootin :(17:01
davmor2oimon: it uses dd as a fallback if none of the others work, things like clonentfs are faster than dd17:01
DragonKeeperAzelphur slow as hell tho17:02
oimonDragonKeeper: i had the same prob on lucid - something to do with syslinux bug?17:03
davmor2oimon: My friend uses fog to remotely backup servers and desktops in order to redeploy on updated machines etc17:03
oimondavmor2: i might try a image-off between the 217:03
oimonfed up with good money being spent on acronis licences17:04
DragonKeeperoimon   said not a valid GNC/LINUX   then i just tried it anyway and laptop said cant  find a system file  so im on attempt 217:04
dogmatic69popey: only just joined facebook?17:04
davmor2DragonKeeper: usb creator only works on Ubuntu live iso's if your trying something else it won't work17:04
popeyleft and rejoined dogmatic6917:04
dogmatic69too much withdrawals eh17:04
DragonKeeperdavmor2 ok  im trying #!17:05
popeyneeded to ask my wife what was for tea ;)17:05
MooDoodogmatic69: facebook is rubbish and convenient at the same time17:05
davmor2popey: they've invented this wonderful devise a phone I think they call it :P17:05
MooDoodavmor2: `what's wrong with cups and string?  new fangled gadgets17:06
dogmatic69MooDoo: just dont add 5000 people17:06
MooDoodogmatic69: there is that......17:06
davmor2MooDoo: string prices have trebled since you made that comment17:07
popeydavmor2: yes, I have facebook on my phone ;)17:07
MooDoois all this info about dropbox storing their keys on the server right then?17:07
davmor2MooDoo: got to store them some where ;)17:08
MooDoohe says reading this this morning - http://tirania.org/blog/archive/2011/Apr-19.html17:08
DragonKeeperAzelphur i just get a boot error with this iso o.O17:22
AzelphurDragonKeeper: weird, lots of people here use crunchbang so maybe someone can help :p17:22
DragonKeeperAzelphur i will try  it from a CD  i think it might be the laptop not booting from my usb17:24
DragonKeeperthe thing is ancient compared to me desktop17:25
DragonKeeperbut at lest it has a DL drive17:31
hamitronpopey uses facebook now? :-o17:39
markie-hamitron, yea but he only accepts the friend requests from those he knows in real life, which is quite fair, i suppose17:42
gordpeople accept friend requests from random people on facebook? o_O17:43
markie-women do it all the time17:44
brobostigongord: or peoplei am interesred in, yes.17:44
DragonKeeperAzelphur  just as i suspected .. disk works17:44
brobostigongord: i dont accept random people, no.17:44
* hamitron still facebook free17:44
markie-Yea I don't have one either, am i missing out?17:44
* brobostigon uses facebook as a valid communication and information gathering tool.17:45
hamitronthe BBC helped me decide to not use facebook17:45
hamitrononce the likes of them start quoting a facebook page for a program, it has gone too far17:46
* brobostigon has his facebook pretty locked down.17:46
Azelphurgah, steam is stupid :(17:46
Azelphur"Cannot connect to the steam network" <Retry> <Start in offline mode> *clicks offline mode* "Cannot connect to steam network"17:46
hamitronso I've decided, not using anything that requires farcebook17:47
markie-some people find love on facebook and marry, and then go on to live very happy lives :)17:49
dogmatic69hamitron: i wish i could use twitter/fb to log in17:49
popeymost dont17:49
hamitrondogmatic69: to login to what?17:49
dogmatic69im the opposite, if it does not have oAuth/openid I'm not really interested17:50
hamitronI can't see how having to login to pages helps make information freely available to the majority17:50
hamitronand I don't like putting all my trust in 1 site/company17:52
dogmatic69the login is just to show you recommendations17:52
dogmatic69for the bbc one17:53
hamitronit is still dangerous making 1 site a standard for the whole of the internet17:54
dogmatic69well stackoverflow are good, they have almost all + openid that you can host your self17:54
hamitronputting aside the attitude of the owner, it makes one big fat target17:54
hamitrondogmatic69: openid isn't something I have a problem with17:56
dogmatic69i just dont like filling out 10k signup forms17:57
hamitronbut I still think the bbc should not be giving out websites for their programs as www.facebook.com/someprogram17:58
dogmatic69anyone know how to scp a file when ssh needs -i <key> in it?18:00
dogmatic69scp <source> ssh -i <key> <user>@<server>:~/ says permission denied18:01
dogmatic69ssh -i <key> <user>@<server> works though18:01
dogmatic69nobody :(18:04
hamitrondoes it need ssh in it?18:04
dogmatic69does not work witout it18:04
hamitronscp <source> -i <key> <user>@<server>:~/18:06
dogmatic69permission denied18:06
dogmatic69its not using the -i bit18:06
hamitronwhat about putting the <source> after the key?18:07
dogmatic69tried that too18:07
dogmatic69ah well, got to go now18:07
dogmatic69getting kicked out18:07
hamitronbbl, food18:08
hohohosomeone from the uk?18:11
Azelphurhohoho: most of the people here are?18:11
czajkows1iivanka: ping18:14
ivankahello czajkows1i18:14
czajkows1iivanka: poke luisbg on irc just told him18:15
ivankaczajkows1i: thank you! Someone has volunteered to help me out but will ping luisbg too18:15
czajkows1iivanka: he's on irc waiting on a pm from you now18:16
ivankaczajkows1i: we are chatting18:16
czajkows1iI have a use :)18:17
brobostigonwow, onthe news theyjust said, in southampton, there are 21 tesco's stores, amazing.18:19
Azelphurneed moar tesco.18:20
brobostigonimagine the stifled competition in southampton, competition willbe non-existant.18:20
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gr33npeaceafternoon all18:29
gr33npeaceinstalling ubuntu on an acer aspire 1551 at the moment, but can't connect to the wifi.  the "rfkill list" function says it's soft-blocked... but "sudo rfkill unblock all" doesn't get me anywhere18:30
gr33npeaceany pointers?18:31
* hamitron isn't coding atm18:33
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hamitrongeeez, too much email18:45
hamitronunread emails going up 5 per day18:46
davmor2hamitron: only 5 my god your a wimp man18:53
hamitrondavmor2: I get more than that, I am just not reducing my backlog :)19:05
hamitronhad a lot of orders recently, so flooded with invoices to print19:06
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Azelphurhmm, this years ubuntu party venue seems smaller than last years by the photos xD19:50
Azelphuror are the photos lies?19:50
Azelphurhamitron: /topic xD19:50
hamitronon the edge of the world \o/19:51
AlanBellAzelphur: it is apparently quite large and spread over three floors19:53
AlanBellI didn't go to the one 6 months ago, but the one 12 months ago was rather smaller19:54
AzelphurAlanBell: yea I went to 9.04 and it was jam packed :D19:55
Azelphurbut yea 3 floors sounds better19:55
hamitronreckon going to the release party, and its costs could be put down as a business expense?20:01
hamitronAzelphur: you use wine on 64 bit ubuntu?20:22
hamitrontbh, seems a lot do according to the appdb20:23
hamitronso :)20:24
X3Nguy on train next to me is using ubuntu on an aspire one20:29
shaunoguy on the train next to me keeps trying to read over my shoulder :/20:30
hamitronshauno: type something rude and offensive20:31
hamitron"HEY YOU NOSEY *, LOOK AWAY!!!"20:31
X3Nshame i dont have any ubuntu stuff on me20:32
shaunohamitron: lol.  I kid :)  just thought it'd be a funny mental picture if they were both in here20:32
hamitronah :))20:33
hamitrony brain is fried :/20:33
hamitronI moved 2 bags of pea gravel yesterday around the back of the house, and today 7 sacks of flasking plaster up into loft20:35
DragonKeeperwhats a good program to stream video to another pc  ?20:35
hamitronhurting all over20:35
hamitronwell, vlc is easy20:35
hamitronprob not the best or even good20:36
DragonKeeperi mean like media centre kinda thing ,,, same as windows media centre does20:36
brobostigonffmpeg which vlc uses,is a good streaming medium.20:36
hamitronbrobostigon: I found it lacks quality, or did when i tried20:37
X3Nis a really good media server (upnp)20:37
hamitronright, brain is dying, need coffee20:38
n1md4hello.  Anyone had a problem with empathy, one where you can't access the account settings?  I click on accounts, but nothing happens!20:38
brobostigonhamitron: i havent tried it in a while, but last time i did, it streamed the video iget with get_iplayer, same quality over my lan.20:38
DragonKeeperill try rygel  ty20:38
brobostigon!info rygel20:38
lubotu3rygel (source: rygel): GNOME UPnP/DLNA services. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.0-1 (maverick), package size 425 kB, installed size 1340 kB20:38
ali1234i approve of this20:42
ali1234most upnp solutions leave out the mediarenderer part, which makes them useless20:42
ali1234this one doesn't20:42
DragonKeeperhow would i connect to rygel from another pc ?20:47
shaunoblah.  NTL playing silly buggers again21:19
* DJones is shocked to read that Elizabeth Sladen has died21:39
MartijnVdSDJones: where do you read that?21:40
DJonesBBC breaking news21:40
dwatkinsYeah, she was awesome, and will be missed.22:07
Azelphuroh dear, we're screwed xD22:22
gordhrm, i seem to have a weird video file. its encoded at around 133kbps but streaming it at around 1.5mbps causes xbmc to stutter and buffer all the time...22:25
ubuntuuk-planet[Tony] Elisabeth Sladen - http://tonywhitmore.co.uk/blog/2011/04/19/elisabeth-sladen/22:31
Seeker`Portal 2 \/22:37
AzelphurSeeker`: doesn't work for half the planet :D22:37
Seeker`why not?22:37
dwatkinsAzelphur: it doesn't?22:37
Azelphurdwatkins: http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=184751722:37
brobostigongood night everyone, sleep well.22:38
popeylol FAT3222:38
popeyit should say...22:38
Azelphur"Anything not NTFS" :P22:38
popey"Originally Posted by BurtonJ22:38
popeyAre you from the past?"22:39
Seeker`like I said22:39
Seeker`Portal 2 \o/22:39
Azelphurwould be \o/ if I could play it :(22:39
dwatkinsAzelphur: thanks, I'm waiting for it to decrypt, but have an hfs root disk...22:40
Seeker`Its goooooooooooooooooooooood22:40
Azelphuryay there's a valve reply on that thread that they are working on the issue22:40
Azelphurso hopefully it'll be fixed in an update :D22:40
dwatkinsAzelphur: yeah, I hope so - I imagine it's a bit embarassing considering the number of people likely to be affected22:40
dwatkinsChances are there is a significant percentage of players hit by this, therefore it's in their interst to pull-out all the stops and work their behinds off to get it sorted asap22:41
Azelphurobviously since I'm using ext4 and wine, it doesn't work for me xD22:42
Seeker`really? How many people use FAT32 still that don't have an NTFS drive at all?22:42
AzelphurSeeker`: don't most external drives ship as FAT32 now days?22:42
Seeker`why are people installing games on external drives?22:43
Azelphurbecause portal is pretty big and a lot of people buy machines with small internal drives22:43
Azelphurand an external one is a easy solution to that22:43
Seeker`Seriously? Computers came with 300GB HDDs 5 years ago22:44
Seeker`500GB is a small drive now22:44
AzelphurSeeker`: and yet most pc shops still ship crap :D22:44
Azelphurbut yea when your running steam, 500GB isn't exactly a huge amount of space22:45
AzelphurI know people with 4TB game collections on steam, it isn't that uncommon22:45
Seeker`Move something you aren't playing to the external drive then22:46
Seeker`you can't be playing 4TB of games at the same time22:46
ali1234"hey they last 1000 games i downlaoded sucked, maybe the next one will be good"22:46
AzelphurSeeker`: shuffling games is totally the answer :D22:46
gordeh i have a lot of steam games, wouldn't say it eats up more than 500mb though22:46
ali1234500mb is like 1 game22:47
ali1234not even a very big one22:47
ali1234you meant gb right?22:47
Azelphurali1234: more like a 40th of a game22:47
gordof course22:47
Azelphurgames usually pop 20-40GB now22:47
Seeker`40GB? Not likely22:48
gord... no they don't22:48
Azelphursure they do22:48
Seeker`7 DVDs worth?22:48
ali123440GB for a game... no22:48
gord20gb is an exception, most still hit 4-8gb22:48
Azelphurali1234: *points at blurays*22:48
popeywhy not just delete the games if you're not playing them22:48
gordthats only ps3 exclusive games that hit that Azelphur22:48
ali1234unless you count the orange box and all extras as "a game" then no22:48
Seeker`Azelphur: link me to a PC game shipped on a Bluray rom amazon or play22:48
Azelphurali1234: WoW for example is 23.8GB :D22:48
Seeker`Azelphur: no, it isn't22:48
Seeker`Azelphur: delete your cache folders and it'll shrink a lot22:49
Azelphurok then I'm imagining looking at the properties for my world of warcraft folder22:49
Azelphurcache folder is 16.2MB lol22:49
Seeker`not that one22:49
shaunowow's roughly half that.  most likely you've never cleaned out any of the patches it downloads22:49
Seeker`The WTF one (I think)22:49
gordi installed a game over the weekend and was shocked that it was 10gb, >6-8gb is still the exception22:49
Azelphurbut yea, normal users arn't going to be deleting the cache folder22:49
AzelphurSeeker`: I dunno why your trying to debate it with me lol, you asked me why it's a problem and I told you :p22:50
Seeker`You have 4TB of games you play regularly atm?22:50
Azelphurand I never said I did :o22:50
ali1234it's a problem because some guy can afford to buy 1000s of games on steam but is too cheap to buy a new HD which probably cost the same as 1 game22:50
shaunofwiw my steam folder is just shy of 40Gb, and that's only a small handful of games22:50
hamitronthe 4Tb includes his pr0n collection ;)22:50
Seeker`If you can't play portal 2, move something you won't want to play for the next 15 hours off the drive temporarily22:51
hamitronlike.... portal 122:51
AzelphurSeeker`: yea, I can't myself because I don't have any NTFS partitions and it'd be irritating to get one I'd rather wait :p22:51
Azelphurbut just pointing out that shitloads of people can't play atm and it took up until a few minutes ago to figure out it was FS related22:52
hamitronwon't only Mac users be affected?22:52
Azelphurhamitron: and Linux *Waves*22:52
hamitronnot officially supported ;)22:53
Azelphurhamitron: and most of the people who install games to an external HDD because they are usually FAT3222:53
shaunoit's not affecting mac users, we don't use fat32 :p22:53
ali1234heh, so basically they royally screwed up the release?22:53
ali1234is this why it fails in wine too?22:54
Seeker`ali1234: "royally screwed up"?22:54
Seeker`If you are installing games you currently want to play to an external drive, you are doing it wrong22:54
Azelphurali1234: yea, It seems to be the same issue22:54
hamitronhow dare you Seeker`!!!!!22:54
hamitronsub 3 ftw ;)22:54
ali1234i would say that "fails to run from filesystems other than NTFS" = royally screwed up22:55
gordget, i just scp'ed a file from my media server to my netbook, whilst my netbook was cd'ed into the media servers samba share. concluding one giant pointless roundtrip =\22:55
Seeker`what fs do macs run on?22:55
gordshould never do network admin late at night22:55
Azelphurali1234: me too :D22:55
Seeker`Any window computer sold in that last, what? decade? shipped with NTFS. It works on Macs22:56
ali1234i don't get it what are we arguing about anyway?22:57
ali1234my computer didn't ship with NTFS22:57
shaunomacs use hfs+22:57
shaunono ntfs here either :)22:57
Azelphurali1234:  me either XD22:57
popey:( Elisabeth Sladen22:58
Seeker`it fails on people installing stuff to external drives - I think it is very unliely that someone has a computer that is capable of running portal 2 that *has* to install portal2 on an external drive, and can't shift any other data on to an external drive22:58
Seeker`ali1234: what did it ship with?22:58
popeySeeker`: i can believe people install portal2 to an external drive22:58
popeypeople hoard tv programmes and films22:59
popeythey fill their disks with crap they download22:59
Azelphurexactly xD22:59
popeyand chuck cheap usb disks at it to 'fix' the issue22:59
Seeker`popey: yeah, but they could shift the crap to an external drive, rather than portal 222:59
popeythey could22:59
popeybut they are normal people22:59
czajkowskipopey: had any luck with a mini 9 usb giving it life?22:59
popeythey put their clothes on the floor22:59
ali1234typical computer still comes with what, 250GB hard drive?22:59
Seeker`popey: you mean brainless? :P22:59
popeynot the cupboard where it makes sense22:59
czajkowskijammy dodgers are way too addictive22:59
AzelphurSeeker`: most people don't know that it's that causing the problem22:59
gord... clothes don't go on the floor?22:59
popeyno, just not aspergers sufferers22:59
ali1234please try expanding the internal storage on a mac mini22:59
AzelphurSeeker`: the game just hard crashes, or puts up a relatively useless error message23:00
Seeker`ali1234: £300 computer from PC world comes with > 300GB23:00
popeySeeker`: today23:00
ali1234so what?23:00
Azelphurso nobody actually knows this unless they are geeks that follow the forum thread :D23:00
popeymany people didnt buy their computer today23:00
gordczajkowski, mentioning jammy dodgers when the shops are shut and i can not go out and buy some. you madam, are getting added to "the list".23:00
popeySeeker`: stop being captain logic, it doesnt work23:00
ali1234basically you're saying that anyone who doesn't know how to install a new internal hard drive deserves not to be able to play portal 223:00
hamitroncaptain logic, haha23:00
ali1234and people call me a troll23:00
popeyawww, do they?23:01
* popey hugs ali1234 23:01
popeyI probably have in the past tbh ;)23:01
hamitronali1234: I just call you a misrible git ;)23:01
czajkowskigord: awwwwwwwwwwwww.... but surely there is a 24hr23:01
popeynot fair!23:01
czajkowskigord: and you surely have a secret stash of cake somewhere in your place23:01
Azelphurbe interesting to see how well/if portal 2 runs in wine once this bug is fixed though :D23:01
AzelphurShame I wanted to show off about portal 2 working on day 1 in wine :(23:01
gordi have a not so secret stash of cookie dough ice-cream...23:01
Seeker`ali1234: No, i'm saying that the odds of someone filling the hard drive with stuff that absolutely *cannot* be moved to an external drive is slim, so instead of shifting the game to the external drive, they can shift some other data to the drive23:01
ali1234have you ever tried copying 500GB of data over USB?23:02
hamitronare there no computers with SSD only?23:02
ali1234it takes several hours23:02
czajkowskigord: I also have custard creams23:02
popeyalan@bishop:~$ grep ali1234\> irclogs/freenode/#ubuntu-uk.log | grep -ic ":)"23:02
ali1234and as pointed out, the people this is affecting may not even realise what the problem is23:02
Seeker`ali1234: well, they only need to clear off enough for portal 223:02
ali1234but they don't know they need to do it23:03
Seeker`ali1234: if that is what they want to play. 10GB doesn't take that long.23:03
hamitronmy 2.2ghz c2d comp came with a 80gb hdd, does that meet min spec?23:03
popeySeeker`: you are conflating two issues23:03
Azelphurpopey: summary ali1234 smiles a lot? :D23:03
popeythe "can't" and "won't" move data23:03
popeyyes Azelphur, more than you'd think!23:03
ali1234and the "don't know that's what they need to do so why would they"23:03
gordczajkowski, yeah thats okay to mention, i always have custard creams ;)23:03
AzelphurSeeker`: how people are supposed to know to move data given a hard crash, or "R6025 -pure virtual function call" I don't know xD23:03
popeyi think you massively overestimate peoples skill with computers Seeker`23:04
hamitronare they intending to fix the bug? or just put a check with readable error message in place?23:04
popeythis is common in the young :)23:04
Azelphurhamitron: all that was said is they are looking into it23:04
Azelphurhamitron: I'd assume they'd fix it though.23:05
Seeker`popey: I'm assuming that people that know how to use steam know how to google23:05
gordvalve are good people, they will fix it, whatever it is23:05
popeySeeker`: BZZZZT fail23:05
hamitronI'd guess it may depend on if it means redownloading the whole thing23:05
popeyyou assume bad23:05
gordSeeker`, seriosuly, never assume anything when it comes to what people can do with computers23:05
ali1234well hey i'm glad i didn't preorder it23:05
ali1234i'm certain valve will fix this23:06
gordjust read the results from ubuntu/unity user testing we do at canonical, its very supprising23:06
hamitronis there still a free pc copy with a ps3 copy?23:06
ali1234but tomorrow it's going to be "portal 2 release marred by bugs" instead of "portal 2 release best thing ever" on all the tech blogs23:06
gordhamitron, yup23:06
hamitrongord: I am half tempted to get a ps3 copy.... just not got a ps3 :/23:06
Seeker`ali1234: its been out for about 17 hours, and it hasn't been reported as "marred by bugs"23:06
Azelphurgord: the one where most people crashed it? XD23:07
shaunothis is the first I've heard of it :)23:07
ali1234i've heard a lot of people saying "OMG i can;t play portal 2"23:07
Seeker`I've been hanging out in the ARG irc channels and haven't heard about the bug23:07
ali1234but they are all using wine soo.....23:07
* hamitron sighs23:08
gordhamitron, without the ps3 you won't get the pc copy23:08
hamitron*why* are new game releases so bugged these days?23:08
hamitrongord :(23:08
gordyou have to sign into steam on your ps3 and that activates the pc copy23:08
shaunonot seen it mentioned on quakenet yet23:08
hamitronguess I need a free ps3 then23:08
Azelphurhttp://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l280/MH_Strife/valve-lul.png?t=1303249919 shiny screenshots xD23:08
Seeker`"so bugged"? There is 1 bug.23:09
gordAzelphur, they were running with pre-release code, that was a mistake, course it was gonna crash23:09
ali1234one bug that we know of23:09
Seeker`which affects some small subset of people23:09
Azelphurgord: I agree23:09
ali1234we are all talking about it you can bet other people are too23:09
Seeker`ali1234: talking about it, maybe23:09
hamitronis there any reason to not have ntfs on an external drive?23:09
shaunoAzelphur: here's my screenie; http://dl.dropbox.com/u/23042/Screen%20shot%202011-04-19%20at%2023.09.27.png23:10
* hamitron holds up the flame shield23:10
Seeker`but how many people here are trying to play on a supported platform and are unable to when there is a viable solution?23:10
shaunoobviously the answer here is that windows is bad for gaming, and you should get a mac :p23:10
hamitronshauno: :(23:10
Azelphurshauno: fuuuuuuuuuuuu :p23:10
hamitronno mac!23:10
ali1234hamitron: i don't think games are more buggy23:10
Azelphurshauno: I'm on Linux though and it won't work for me :D23:10
shauno:)   the irony was too much for me23:10
ali1234i think you just hear about it more because of the internet23:11
ali1234and also, bugs get fixed a lot faster now too23:11
ali1234like, if this was a bug in the boxed copy of the game and it was 1998, have fun waiting 2 months for a patch23:11
hamitronali1234: codemasters aren't fixing the bugs in F1 2010, said they will fix them for F1 2011 ;)23:11
ali1234where as this will probably be fixed inside 24 hours23:11
shaunonegative impact is always disproportionate in volume.  anyone who isn't having problems relocating things to fat32 volumes is staying nice & quiet & busy with their new game23:12
ali1234yeah well if you play those sporting franchises you can expect to get reamed for updates every year23:12
hamitronali1234: yeh :(23:12
ali1234that's an entirely different issue23:12
hamitronali1234: but this was the first F1 game on PC since 2002!!!!!!!!23:12
hamitronbut I have personally found new games to have more major bugs on release23:13
shaunohas F1 changed much since 2002?23:13
hamitronbut I am maybe just unlucky with my selection of games23:13
hamitronshauno: hell yes, I believe there have been a few overtaking cars23:14
hamitrontbh, the PC hardware has moved on more than the sport....23:15
hamitronwhich is why i wanted the upgrade23:15
shaunoonly just picked up portal 'bout half hour ago.  I've been more excited about new tracks in minecraft :/23:17
Azelphurshauno: I'm waiting for bukkit update before I minecraft 1.5 :P23:17
shaunogood luck.  dinnerbone hasn't finished portal yet :p23:18
ali1234i'm having fun playing eve... i just bought a covops ship23:18
hamitronI should start eve again23:18
ali1234turns out people hate them... park one in losec and watch the system clear like a lift with a fart in it23:19
hamitronwell, continue, not starting again ;/23:19
AzelphurBulldog: is in a pm with me talking about laptop screens being too small for his liking, hehe :D23:19
hamitronali1234: you not played eve much?23:19
Azelphurnot being short on screen space is fun :D23:19
gordeve is waaaaaaaayy to interesting for me to ever play it, i love reading about it though23:19
ali1234hamitron: never been around losec before, i always get scanned down in about 2 seconds23:19
ali1234but now i can just sit there cloaked and they can do nothing lol23:20
hamitronali1234: I just love the pvp in eve, blowing up other peoples items.... and putting your own on the line :-o23:20
ali1234i don't care for pvp except in the sense of avoiding it23:20
hamitronI'm an industrialist who likes the risk :)23:21
BulldogAzelphur they are to small i normally have may windows open  ad now i have 4 open and it feels cramped23:21
hamitronso i suppose I try avoid it technically23:21
AzelphurBulldog: haha, http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3832397/Photos/August%202010/2010-08-21%2023.53.23.jpg :p23:21
Azelphurscreen space, I'm not short on it :x23:21
* Bulldog is jealous23:22
Bulldogspec of desktop ?23:22
hamitronali1234: what you do in eve?23:22
AzelphurBulldog: i7 950 @ 3ghz, GTX 570 for the right pair of displays, 8800GT for the left. 40GB Corsair SSD, 1TB /home, 2x 500GB for giggles. 12GB DDR3 1600Mhz corsair memory.23:23
hamitronand a small dick23:23
Azelphurhamitron: ow, my ego :(23:23
willy1977it's not your ego you should be worried about :p23:24
Bulldoglol  nice23:24
Azelphurwilly1977: inb4 it's your power bill23:24
hamitronAzelphur will sell his comp and get an i3 when you moves out and pays his own bills....23:24
ali1234hamitron: everything except pvp23:24
Azelphurhamitron: never :p23:24
ali1234i just try to accumulate as much money as possible :)23:25
Azelphurwilly1977: you should have seen what I used to run, 4 x 17" CRT's23:25
ali1234pvp is just a money sink23:25
BulldogAzelphur  how much damage that set you back ?23:25
hamitronali1234: how much you got?23:25
Azelphurwilly1977: now there's a power chugger :)23:25
AzelphurBulldog: everything on the desk? probably 2k+ total23:25
willy1977then there's the racking ;)23:25
hamitronover how long23:25
Bulldognice.. little out my price rage  i wet for amd ad got full system for about 1.2k23:26
AzelphurBulldog: yea, I spent less than that on the PC23:26
hamitronmy comp upgrade cost £330 :)23:26
AzelphurBulldog: a large chunk of that was the monitors.23:26
willy1977ooOOOO do I get a badge I've just been told I'm trolling yay 12 years or so with an internet connection that's all it's taken23:26
Azelphurwilly1977: welcome to the club!23:27
Azelphurwilly1977: are you a noob yet?23:27
willy1977not sure... do I get another badge then?23:27
Azelphuryes :p23:27
BulldogAzelphhur  yeah mine was about 1k new  and 200 for 32"23:27
hamitrongoing by his name, I reckon he has it already Azelphur23:28
AzelphurBulldog: yea, I spent like £188 a piece on my 4x 26" so that cost a bit23:28
willy1977definitely am - I'm a noob with linux I guess.23:28
Azelphurwilly1977: nooo, you have to have someone call you a noob in a game :p23:28
BulldogAzelphur  full hd ?23:28
willy1977Azelphur: darn :(23:28
AzelphurBulldog: 1920x120023:28
BulldogAzelphur  where did you buy from ? :P23:29
AzelphurBulldog: so total resolution 7680x1200 lol23:29
willy1977it's like geek porn chat channel on here...23:29
AzelphurBulldog: dabs.com iirc23:29
hamitron17" CRT @ 1280x1024 ;)23:29
hamitronI win \o/23:29
Azelphurhamitron: I used to run off 4 of those :D23:29
Azelphurhamitron: those are the shit, has yours got tube burnout yet?23:29
BulldogAzelphur  :) i think ill get a 3rd screen23:30
Azelphurhamitron: you havn't seen tube burnout yet? :P23:30
AzelphurBulldog: I wouldn't advise it on Linux, at least not yet. >2 display support on Linux is terribad.23:30
hamitronmine normally make a pop sound, go black and smell nice23:30
willy1977hamitron: fraid not mate, I'm on 1280 by 768 here at the minute :p23:31
Azelphurhamitron: after a really long time CRT's get tube burnout, the image gets darker and darker over time until it's impossible to see :)23:31
AzelphurMy laptop does 1920x1200 :D23:31
hamitronAzelphur: I obviously abuse mine then :)23:31
AzelphurI was very pedantic that I got a laptop with decent resolution23:31
Azelphurhamitron: by the time I shifted my CRTs I was running xgamma -gamma 2 to make it visible23:31
willy1977nah hamitron that's how mine went in the end hence I've commandeered an old 23" tv to use :p23:32
BulldogAzelphur  erm  i thought ubuntu supported quad graphics card23:32
ali1234hamitron: only about 1B. but i buy a plex every month23:32
Azelphur(xgamma -gamma 2 is also excellent hax for minecraft, it's like having a torch)23:32
AzelphurBulldog: sure for CUDA, but not so much for displays.23:32
hamitronali1234: i was finding earning 2 plex a month hard work23:32
AzelphurBulldog: what ever you do you are going to have to make big sacrifices to get a >2 display setup23:32
hamitronbut I was burning ships in pvp also :/23:33
hamitronand I love ECM, so i was always primary target \o/23:33
BulldogAzelphur  what kida sacrifices23:33
AzelphurBulldog: basically it's a choice between terrible performance and no composite/compiz, or not being able to drag windows between screens.23:33
willy1977right folks just a quick in and out (ooer missus) catch you around tomorrow.23:33
* Azelphur waves at willy197723:34
AzelphurBulldog: and the not being able to drag windows between screens option comes with enough bugs to fill a small lake with and nobody will be fixing those bugs any time soon.23:34
Azelphurso yea my advice is wait till your using a driver that has full xrandr support before you fork out for another display as it'll be largely bricked in Linux until then.23:35
BulldogAzelphur  do you ru windows with the 4 screes then o.O23:35
Azelphur(At least from what I understand, I'm still a bit murky on what exactly xrandr is)23:35
AzelphurBulldog: I took the not able to drag windows between screens + buggyness option23:35
BulldogAzelphur  how do you make use of the screes then23:36
Azelphuryou open the window on the relevant screen23:36
AzelphurBulldog: it's like having 2 pcs side by side, you can't drag a window between them23:36
Bulldogthat sucks23:37
hamitronAzelphur: why not run 2 then?23:37
Azelphurhamitron: huh? :p23:37
Azelphuroh why not run 2 displays?23:37
Azelphurpart masochist part because I'm so used to having 423:37
hamitron2 comps23:37
Azelphur2 comps because I don't really wanna run a second comp and I'm a masochist :D23:37
TheOpenSourcererThis looks worth a punt... http://aful.org/communiques/share-your-operating-system-bundling-tales-with-the-eu23:37
Bulldoghes got 2 laptops there as well23:37
AzelphurI'm waiting on xrandr to save me23:37
AzelphurTheOpenSourcerer: oO, I sound like I'm a perfect candidate I bought an Acer laptop and they refused to refund me23:39
AzelphurTheOpenSourcerer: I spent ages on the phone, and afterwards they offered for me to pay them to remove Windows xD23:39
hamitronI don't agree with the EU interfering :23:39
TheOpenSourcererDell wouldn't play ball with us.23:39
AzelphurTheOpenSourcerer: I don't remember the exact numbers but they said I had to use their courier service to ship it back to them so they could remove windows and refund me23:39
Azelphurand cost of shipping was greater than the refund23:39
TheOpenSourcererYeah. It's the same old story.23:40
hamitronyou could just buy stuff from somewhere else guys....23:40
TheOpenSourcererhamitron: This is about telling the EU that suppliers are in breach of Competiton rules.23:41
shaunolast I looked, 'somewhere else' was an incredibly short list of options23:41
TheOpenSourcererhamitron: somewhere elsewhere is extremely limited.23:41
hamitronTheOpenSourcerer: there is nothing to stop a supplier from providing ubuntu exclusively23:41
TheOpenSourcererThat isn't the point.23:41
shaunoit shouldn't have to be exclusively23:42
AzelphurTheOpenSourcerer: do you have a template up for the form?23:42
Azelphurso we don't all have to manually write it :p23:42
Bulldogyou ca get anything from Ebay :)  i oce saw someone trying sell their grannys teeth o.O23:42
AzelphurBulldog: the manufacturers ship the laptops with Windows on them, it's very difficult to get one without Windows on it23:43
TheOpenSourcererI do not use, nor want windows. But it is almost impossible to buy a decent spec PC without Windows. And since the Win7 EULA extremely hard to get any chance of a refund.23:43
Azelphuryou often can't get certain models of laptops without Windows on them period23:43
TheOpenSourcererAzelphur: Nope. Only just came across the page.23:43
hamitronthis is the entire problem with mass production for reduced costs.... everyone has come to expect cheaply built computers, so it is not as worthwhile for a smaller distributor23:43
AzelphurTheOpenSourcerer: I see :p23:43
TheOpenSourcererI'm off to bed now anyway. Will deal with this tomorrow. Just finished building another VM with openERP.23:44
hamitrontesco sell audio equipment now, and not offer the full service a specialist audio store offers... but the majority going to tesco will force the specialist to close23:44
AzelphurBulldog: I sold that acer laptop on and got a higher spec machine for less money though :D23:44
AzelphurMy brother knows a dell outlet guy :)23:44
BulldogAzelphur  yh thats laptops. i usually go for desktops as ca build my self (no windows)  laptop i got today guy tried sellig me it with the hdd  but i chucked it away and got £15 off price then put my hdd in with linux23:45
AzelphurBulldog: I mostly use a PC too, I just take my laptops with me when traveling23:45
AzelphurBulldog: I'm gonna try and get my hands on a inspiron mini duo, you seen those things? they are so cool :D23:45
hamitronsmaller than 15"?23:46
BulldogAzelphur  ahh  i dont travel much  i just wanted laptop to relax in garde with ad still watch tv/films  lol23:46
Azelphurhamitron: the mini duo is yea23:46
hamitronhow big?23:46
Bulldogneed get this dam n key fixed lol23:46
Azelphurhamitron: it's a netbook23:47
Azelphurhamitron: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xr78DvvYK6w check it out :D23:47
Azelphurnot sure of the exact size23:47
hamitronbah, no bandwidth available atm ;/23:47
hamitrondownloading a dental equipment catalogue23:47
Azelphurhamitron: the screen has a hinge half way up, and the LCD panel flips inside the screen frame to point backwards, then you close the lid and have a tablet23:47
shaunohttp://pdp11.aiju.de/   this is interesting.  someone with far too much time on their hands has emulated a pdp-11 in javascript23:48
hamitronkinda like the inspiron duo?23:48
Azelphurhamitron: ..I am talking about the inspiron duo xD23:48
hamitroninspiron duo is 15" init?23:49
Azelphurit is?23:49
hamitronbit pricey23:49
Bulldog10.1" scree23:49
Azelphurhamitron: that's where I reckon my dell outlet guy can help me23:49
Azelphurhamitron: we're proper evil to him :D23:49
Azelphurplus it's my birthday sooon I'm totally using that as leverage23:49
hamitronif someone sends one back ;/23:49
Azelphurgief money off it's my birthday etc23:49
hamitronI got mine from outlet23:50
Azelphurhamitron: last time he gave me an alienware for £800 and a XPS M1730 for £55023:50
Azelphurand it wasn't even my birthday!23:50
Azelphuronly problem with the mini duo is the battery life isn't great (4 hours) and the battery isn't removable either.23:52
Azelphurthat puts me off a bit23:52
AzelphurMy old netbook that I sold did 8 hours23:52
hamitronit has dropped in price since I looked23:52
Azelphursacrificing 4 hours for a touch screen seems a bit much23:53
hamitronwas about £600 when i looked23:53
Azelphuryea now it's more like £350ish23:53
AzelphurI'm trying to get one for £30023:53
AzelphurI'mma try and get one for £30023:54
Azelphurhamitron: can get it for 389 new :p23:54
hamitronwith a few extra included23:56
Azelphurhamitron: £363 new, and that's the best price for me I reckon I can't get it lower than that :)23:56
Azelphuryou suck at price hunting23:56
hamitronfrom dell i am talking!23:56
hamitronbut it is the sorta machine you get elsewhere23:56
hamitronnot much to config23:57
Azelphurso since I can find it for £363 new I figure I can bash the dell outlet guy to give me a refurb unit for 3300 :D23:57
ali1234i'll sell you a new one for £330023:57
Azelphurhe does a good job refurbing them too, if they are bashed up he usually gets a new case for the laptop and does it up nice before selling it on, had a number of laptops off him :D23:57
Azelphurali1234: that's a lot :o23:57
Azelphurthat's most of my savings :D23:57
Azelphuroops, I typed 3300 haha23:58
AzelphurI meant 30023:58

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