
Eurekawiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/UbuntuHours edited00:22
=== Algo1 is now known as Algo
AlgoToo little, too late01:53
Algoespecially as the community went and did that alone already01:53
Algobut, can anyone say RHL and Fedora?01:54
nightmorphokay, so tomorrow's/today's thing at Starbucks in La Jolla: what time does UTC translate to?11:30
nightmorphi plan to be there; i just gotta figure out what time it'll be at11:30
nightmorphi can never remember how PDT converts to UTC11:31
nightmorphi was thinking of bringing a couple of small bits of musical equipment and my laptop to show folks; "see, you can use ubuntu to make music, too! not just for your desktop!"11:33
nhainesnightmorph: the UTC on the LoCo directory is a bug, since it doesn't support local time zones yet.  Ubuntu Hour San Diego tonight will be from 7pm-9pm PDT.  :)16:43
projectdphi aak16:56
akkhi projectdp16:57
projectdpakk* :)16:57
projectdpisn't there a name for a mistake like that?16:57
projectdpa neurological term16:57
akkundoubtedly :)16:59
akkRe the discussion yesterday about apps and when they read from disk: I just remembered how if you upgrade firefox while you're running firefox, things gradually start breaking in weird ways.17:09
iheartubuntudoes anyone here use Zoho email?17:10
projectdphm, interesting17:10
akkI've never understood why a firefox that's been running for 6 hours already would still be going to the disk to re-read its libs/jar files.17:10
projectdpiheartubuntu: never really used zoho products17:10
akkAll that stuff *should* be long since cached in memory.17:10
nhainesakk: maybe it detects a change and marks the cache as dirty.17:10
akknhaines: That could be. But since it causes the running firefox to break, maybe that's not what it should be doing. :)17:11
akk(I guess that depends on whether "it" is the kernel or firefox)17:12
nhainesakk: I don't disagree.  :)17:12
nhaines"It" must be firefox.17:12
nhainesAnd by "must be" I mean "groundless assertion."  :D17:13
akkMakes sense, though. It's hard to imagine the kernel replacing libs in memory with something suddenly read off disk.17:13
nhainesActually, you're supposed to be able to keep running any program... the kernel keeps all the libraries around until all processes that used to use it have stopped17:15
nhainesI think it was the XUL chrome files changing that caused Firefox to break.17:15
akkYeah, I could imagine firefox noticing and reloading its jar files more easily than I could imagine the kernel doing such a silly thing.17:16
akkInside the jars, I'd expect JS as a more likely culprit than XUL, but that's another "groundless assertion."17:16
nhainesI'm just glad the browser alerts you now.  Very clean.17:17
akkAlerts you that files have changed and you need to restart?17:18
nhaines"Your browser has been updated and needs to be restarted" with a restart button.17:18
nhainesIt's an info bar.  :)17:19
pleia2nhaines: the loco directory actually does handle local timezones, they just need to be set on the venue, I fixed SD's venue17:19
nhainespleia2: did they get that working finally?17:19
pleia2nhaines: for events yeah, not meetings :(17:19
pleia2since meetings are on IRC, no venue17:19
akkI hadn't hit that yet (just installed natty Sunday). I did get one alert at the end of apt-get that "you will need to restart firefox if it's running".17:19
nhainesTimezones are tricky.  :)17:19
akkBut it was a text alert, not something inside firefox.17:19
nhainesakk: yeah, it notifies you there but if Firefox is actually running it tells you.17:20
pleia2nhaines: yeah, and it wasn't built with them in mind so shoehorning is tricky17:20
nhainespleia2: that's another reason the LoCo Directory is disappointing.  :/17:20
akkIt's coming from apt-get? Does that mean I can send any notification I want to a running firefox?17:20
* akk tries to think of why I'd want to do that, aside from "it sounds like a cool thing to do"17:21
nhainesakk: there's something either in the post-installation tool or in Firefox that detects the change and triggers the notification, but it's not a free form message thing.  :)17:21
iheartubuntui notice all the flyers i put up at CSULA and Caltech are still up :)17:21
akkiheartubuntu: Now you have to put up flyers that electronically update their date to the next event. :)17:21
iheartubuntuhaa! i suppose those will all be removed at some point or people will eventually staple over them17:22
akkI think somebody must clean those boards off periodically. At least, I've been putting up MakerFaire flyers in Mountain View and it's not all "staple things on top of older flyers".17:23
akk(BTW, you can get free passes to Maker Faire by posting flyers -- see their "street team" page)17:23
projectdpi'll donate a laptop lcd for the electronically updating flyers17:28
projectdpjust signed up for maker faire street team :)17:37
projectdphey seidos17:45
seidoshey projectdp18:41
nightmorphnhaines: ah, okay, thanks for clarifying. 6PM it is!18:45
pleia2nightmorph: 7pm!18:45
nightmorpher, right, 718:46
nightmorphhello, typo18:46
nightmorphso...what all goes on? this'll be my first18:46
pleia2drink coffee, eat muffins, talk about ubuntu18:46
pleia2if you scroll down to the bottom you will see some photos from other ubuntu hours: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/609/detail/18:47
nightmorphmmm, muffins18:49
iheartubuntuas with most new ubuntu releases i notice more programs in the software center. for all the gals running Natty already, you can do a search on "cycle" to monitor your cycles. very simple program that can also be password protected18:51
* pleia2 cli person, prefers mencal ;)18:52
iheartubuntudo u have a link to that18:53
pleia2package is mencal, http://www.kyberdigi.cz/projects/mencal/english.html18:53
iheartubuntuis it in software center?18:54
iheartubuntuit is18:54
iheartubuntu(blog post material)18:54
nhainesHuh, I immediately assumed you were talking about CPU cycles and almost made a TRON light cycle joke.18:54
pleia2"gals" is what tipped me off :)18:55
nhainesSounds like useful programs, though.18:55
iheartubuntui thought "mencal" was to track mens moods or something18:55
iheartubuntucause , ya know, we dont have moods :D18:55
pleia2yeah, but they are unpredictable ;)18:55
iheartubuntumencal is thru terminal, the cycle one (which is old) is graphical18:57
iheartubuntuim surprised cycle wasnt in software center long ago18:57
pleia2there aren't a ton of women doing debian development (statistics! http://wiki.debian.org/DebianWomen/Statistics) and such things tend to get overlooked by guys, these days the debian-med maintains mencal18:59
pleia2(amaya@debian was the original packager of mencal, ana@debian does cycle)19:00
iheartubuntui would think that would be a big plus in getting more women using linux... more apps for the gals19:16
nightmorpheh, i showed my wife a couple such apps, but after some vague interest, was met with "meh"19:16
nightmorphapparently the little pillstrip is an adequate calendar19:17
pleia2iheartubuntu: I am not sure I'd say "big plus" :) but it doesn't hurt19:18
iheartubuntuand there is an app now in chrome called strawberry op something19:19
iheartubuntui prefer apps that are offline if i can help it19:20
iheartubuntustill wish i had an easy way to use evolution and keep it synced between my home comp and work comp19:21
akkThat's a tough problem that I never see anyone address.19:22
akkI guess most people don't care because they just keep their mail in the cloud on gmail or wherever, and depend on being always-online.19:23
akk(or they have good email discipline and don't keep 100 unread messages sitting in their mailboxes :)19:23
pleia2there used to be google gears for gmail, so you could sync offline, but that was abandoned by google for some reason (sadness!)19:23
iheartubuntui really like evolution and *want* to use it19:24
nightmorphthat sucker's way too slow. plus having to run it all the time just to get mail notifications in the appindicator tray...19:25
nightmorphthe alternatives are thunderbird and claws, though; neither of which i'm happy with. i stick to claws on gentoo, though, since it's a smaller compile.19:26
iheartubuntuthunderbird is slow for me on any computer19:26
nightmorphthat, too; it was okay for a few years, but it started bogging down far too much, even on an SSD19:27
nightmorphapparently the only other gtk mail client these days is Postler, but it's not much more than a glorified offline interface for gmail. and it doesn't have thread stacking the way gmail does, so i'm not attracted to its presentation19:30
iheartubuntuhave u heard of atmail? i would love if single users could use it20:12
seidosi want to use mutt, but apparently it's not easy to configure (surprise surprise)21:09
seidosgasho :)21:09
nightmorphhmm, should i bring a monome and little portable speakers to tonight's meetup, or just bring a laptop21:36
nightmorphi'm just looking to demo what all ubuntu can be used for, but since i've never been to one of these things...21:37
=== erichammond1 is now known as erichammond
erichammondJust started running Natty on my primary laptop used for all personal and work tasks.22:37
iheartubuntuso how is it going?22:40
erichammondpretty smooth sailing so far.22:41
erichammondSomething I didn't expect is that I am using the keyboard a bit more for things I used to mouse click.22:41
akkInteresting! I'd seen some people complain that there were fewer keyboard bindings.22:42
akkDo you print? Printing is the only big showstopper I've hit on natty so far.22:42
nightmorphi won't be able to use unity, since i do music production, which means i need a bunch of windows visible all the time22:44
nightmorphthankfully, ubuntu studio made the decision to stick with the default gnome desktop for the forseeable future22:44
erichammondPrinting under natty works fine for me to a network printer.22:55
erichammondI am hurting with only 4 workspaces, though.   I can't find a way to increase that which could make unity unusable for me.22:56
nhainesI haven't had any trouble printing to my network HP CJ C5499 either.22:56
erichammondInstalled compizconfig-settings-manager and increased the number of workspaces (desktop virtual size).23:19
nhaineserichammond: what was your install source?23:26
erichammonddownload & burn CD23:26
iheartubuntumy HP m2727 works, even my canon inket works at home (with some special debs out on the net)23:26
nhaineserichammond: Beta 2 or daily?23:26
erichammondnhaines: Good question.  Not sure but I did update/upgrade.  Woud that not bring it up to date either way?23:27
nhaineserichammond: Yes, but I'm asking for a specific reason.  Is your workspace switcher icon gray or purple?23:27
nhainesGreat, thanks.  :)  They've been switching that and the trash icon back and forth in the last two weeks.23:28
nhainesBut yeah, keep updateing and in 9 days you'll have Ubuntu 11.04 final.  :)23:28
erichammondtash is gray23:28
erichammondI had been running Lucid, but really messed up my CPAN packages, so figured I'd do a fresh install and beat the rush.23:30
erichammondUnity is feeling a little like the old NeXTSTEP which I guess makes sense if it has an Apple influence.23:31
nhaineserichammond: Trash has been moving from a lovely glass trashcan with chrome top back and forth to a stylized "neon glow" icon.23:31
nhainessabdfl finally decided to keep the glass/chrome icon for this cycle, though.23:32
erichammondI've always removed trash icons in the past.  Doesn't seem to be offered as an easy choice here.23:32
nightmorphboth unity and gnome3 seem to be taking away normal configuration options for folks23:35
nightmorphespecially window-management-wise23:35
nightmorphthere's not really a comfortable middle between the two, except "stick with gnome2". or move to a different DE, which is its own bag of issues.23:35
erichammondIn the 80's I used to make many dozens of personal customizations to my X window manager.  Every time I install or upgrade a system I drop one or two of the customizations I used to make until now I'm almost using the default given me.23:37
erichammondI can see that Unity is going to make it hard for me to use rollover-focus with that application menu moved to the top bar.23:37
erichammondPerhaps it's just another thing pushing me to use the keyboard (Alt brings up menu)23:40

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