
_marx_22 killed in nc00:49
_marx_62 tornadoes00:50
jack_^akgraner, do you know if there is a release party scheduled in raleigh yet? a buddy at mine at work was talking about making the trip out to chapel hill but i told im we may have one here03:54
axisofentropyhey when's dat party?04:50
akgranerjack_, the one in Chapel Hill is the only one being planned in the triangle area (unless you or someone else would like to plan one) :-)11:46
akgraneraxisofentropy_, Thursday 28, 7-10 crunkleton in Chapel Hill - a more formal invite will hit the internets today :-)11:47
bacjack_ : the details for the CH release party are now up at http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/906/detail/21:17
jack_i'd rather go to a raleigh party to be honest :X21:18
jack_when is the release date?21:18
jack_damn. in like 9 days? i dont think thats enough notice. last time we had 3 people show up. the me, sascha, and my buddy i brought along21:18
bacjack_, i hear you.  otoh it would be kind of nice to have more people and let it rotate around the triangle21:18
billfarrowI posted the CH party details to the TriLUG mailing list a couple of days ago.21:31
billfarrowwhy does the natty release party registration not use the Name field from my profile and only the username21:38
bacthanks billfarrow21:54
bacbillfarrow: don't know why the difference between you and jon's display and mine21:55
billfarrowbac: weird huh. something is broken, oh well.21:59
bacbillfarrow: do you still have your launchpad account?22:35
billfarrowbac: yeah, but when the events page showed my username I went and changed it to something more recognisable, and the link is now broken22:36
bacbillfarrow: doh22:37
billfarrowkinda strange that launchpad allows you to change the unique key that other sites link to :-)22:39
akgranerbillfarrow, thank you - I got a couple of emails from people on the list...yay!22:39
bacbillfarrow: you may want to try to change your registration status22:39
bactoggle it off then on again and see if the link is recreated22:39
billfarrowtried that, didn't help22:39
billfarrowI guess I could change my username back and try again22:40
billfarrowArrg, I'll leave it as my old username and retain the links22:42
* marco_polo just went natty on an lubuntu install22:46
bacbillfarrow: i found this in the loco-directory code:22:46
bac# set real name as username for now,22:46
bac        # we get the name later on via cronjob22:46
bacso, maybe check back tomorrow?22:46
mhall119billfarrow: you changed your LP username?22:47
bacbillfarrow: btw, LP heavily discourages users from changing their LP id if they have internal resources addressed by it, such as a PPA22:48
mhall119billfarrow: there's a fix working it's way through the process that will allow loco-directory to follow LP username changes22:49
mhall119it'll probably take a few weeks before it's live though22:49
billfarrowI'm not in a hurry, I was just suprised that it broke22:50
mhall119billfarrow: it's a bug we've been dealing with for a while, but it's in the django-openid-auth project code, which links launchpad (SSO to be more specific) to loco-directory, so we've had to submit patches to them22:50

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