
ScottLailo_, i think you were right about xfce not having a dock03:23
ScottLi'm not sure what i thought i saw when i deleted the bottom panel though03:23
ailo_ScottL, I find that the panel feels a little like a dock when you size it to a dock size. 03:24
ailo_Not like Gnome panel, where you can place things where you want03:25
ailo_But, you can get around that by adding spaces03:25
ailo_I used to use the bottom panel as a dock, with autohide03:26
ailo_But, I remember it was a little slow hiding03:26
ailo_ScottL, I was about to do CPU testing comparing -generic and -lowlatency. The reason why I stopped was that -generic had become useless. This was at the time I was submitting results to the realtime wiki page03:29
ailo_ScottL, I could try doing that again. I have a special puredata patch to do that03:31
ailo_ScottL, I'd rather we didn't do anything too complicated when doing these comparative tests. 03:32
ailo_ScottL, We could do another round of different tests later, if there is an interest for it03:32
quadrisproScottL, http://people.debian.org/~alessio/ladish/welcome_to_debian_ladish.png :)10:54
ScottLwow, that is awesome about ladish....if this hits for 11.10 this will help make 11.10 quite the release with everything else going on :)12:58
ScottLoh, and i still need to get kokito screenshots13:01
scott-workailo_: gnome3 cheat sheet:  https://live.gnome.org/GnomeShell/CheatSheet14:37
scott-worki found the screencast recordings particularly interesting as it defaults to a .webm file14:39

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