=== MisterJones is now known as lostson | ||
Aquina | 'llo | 11:03 |
charlie-tca | Good morning | 15:01 |
mr_pouit | charlie-tca: hey. Did you check the translations for the slideshow today? | 15:52 |
mr_pouit | I think a new upload was done yesterday, and it should include more translations | 15:53 |
charlie-tca | no. I have to have jibel check them, I think. I can't read french | 15:53 |
mr_pouit | hehe | 15:53 |
charlie-tca | I can check in korean, though | 15:53 |
mr_pouit | it was only for French? | 15:53 |
charlie-tca | No, that was the one he used | 15:53 |
charlie-tca | I think it was all translations | 15:54 |
charlie-tca | I believe there were several languages looked at | 15:54 |
charlie-tca | I will give it a go today. Got a nomal desktop install running now | 15:54 |
mr_pouit | yep, I looked at the French translations when the bug was filed: everything was translated as "proposed", but not validated yet | 15:54 |
charlie-tca | Then we should be in good shape now? | 15:55 |
mr_pouit | I don't know, maybe nobody validated them? | 15:55 |
charlie-tca | I will try it to verify. I guess I can look and see if it is english in any language, right? | 15:55 |
charlie-tca | It is a test machine, so if I hit the wrong button, it won't matter | 15:56 |
charlie-tca | Translations did mark the bug triaged | 15:56 |
mr_pouit | I'm looking at the changes in yesterday's upload | 15:58 |
mr_pouit | ast.po | 15:58 |
charlie-tca | I will go look at a few languages today, then | 15:58 |
mr_pouit | bs.po, ca.po | 15:59 |
charlie-tca | I can run the install up to the slideshow and see if it is translated in some of the major languages, at least | 16:01 |
mr_pouit | da.po, el.po, en_*.po, etc. | 16:02 |
mr_pouit | and fr.po has been updated, and it looks like the bug is fixed | 16:02 |
mr_pouit | but very few languages will have complete translations apparently for our slides :/ | 16:02 |
charlie-tca | Great! You know how to read those things, I have to actually try it to do that. | 16:02 |
charlie-tca | Ubuntu translates the text only, the images are all in English | 16:03 |
charlie-tca | But, he said there were only two lines translated dur | 16:03 |
charlie-tca | ing testing | 16:03 |
mr_pouit | yep, but they translated (all|most) strings now | 16:04 |
charlie-tca | That counts. | 16:04 |
charlie-tca | If some text is still not translated, it should be okay | 16:04 |
charlie-tca | At least we get most of it in the readers language | 16:05 |
charlie-tca | mr_pouit: slideshow is fully translated in german | 17:33 |
charlie-tca | mr_pouit: two paragraphs only translated in Korean | 18:23 |
aroman | hey everyone. can anyone tell me a little about/point me to somewhere I can learn about how Xubuntu takes Ubuntu and turns it into Xubuntu? | 19:09 |
TheSheep | aroman: um, it doesn't? | 19:37 |
aroman | TheSheep: hmm? | 19:37 |
aroman | I mean the process by which an ubuntu base becomes xubuntu | 19:37 |
TheSheep | apt-get install xubuntu-desktop ;) | 19:37 |
holstein | aroman: have you checked out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization ? | 19:38 |
aroman | holstein: I'm looking for what Xubuntu does like that. | 19:38 |
aroman | like some tarball or launchpad project that has the scripts that create a Xubuntu liveCD | 19:38 |
aroman | not just the desktop metapackage | 19:38 |
charlie-tca | Check the manifest on the livecd | 19:39 |
aroman | will do. downloading a Xubuntu iso now. | 19:40 |
charlie-tca | This gives the logs from the daily build, too - http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/cd-build-logs/xubuntu/natty/ | 19:42 |
charlie-tca | which might be more confusing than helpful | 19:43 |
charlie-tca | !manifest | 19:43 |
aroman | charlie-tca: I think what I can take away from this is that I need to investigate "germinate" | 19:44 |
charlie-tca | Here is what 10.10 was built from: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseManifestOverview | 19:46 |
charlie-tca | We are under "Flavors" | 19:46 |
aroman | charlie-tca: so basically just a lot of packages? | 19:47 |
charlie-tca | yes | 19:47 |
aroman | I'm curious about how Xubuntu customizes things like the boot splash | 19:47 |
charlie-tca | by picking and choosing packages, and making sure that there are packages to make things work with each other | 19:47 |
charlie-tca | That would be in bazaar | 19:47 |
aroman | does Xubuntu fork that package and then install it via that manifest file? | 19:48 |
aroman | charlie-tca: ah, where could I find that exactly? | 19:48 |
charlie-tca | um, no, we don't fork the package, we build a list of every package we want installed that is in Ubuntu's repositories | 19:48 |
aroman | charlie-tca: right, but surely there are things that aren't packaged as standard xfce or ubuntu stuff. | 19:49 |
aroman | like Xubuntu specific branding | 19:49 |
aroman | how does that get applied to the LiveCD? | 19:49 |
charlie-tca | As an official derivative, we are using ubuntu repositories. If the package doesn't exist there, we do not use it | 19:49 |
charlie-tca | We create a package for the specifics, usually as part of the Ubuntu package | 19:50 |
charlie-tca | rather, based on the ubuntu package | 19:50 |
aroman | ah | 19:50 |
aroman | and that ubuntu package "brands" the OS properly? | 19:50 |
charlie-tca | but, every package we use must be available to Ubuntu, also | 19:50 |
aroman | like via postinst or something | 19:51 |
charlie-tca | yes, for example, the slideshows | 19:51 |
aroman | okay now I'm getting it. | 19:51 |
charlie-tca | ubuntu uses ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu | 19:51 |
charlie-tca | we use ubiquity-slideshow-xubuntu | 19:51 |
charlie-tca | kubuntu uses ubiquity-slideshow-kubuntu | 19:51 |
aroman | and that includes the artwork/branding for xubuntu, and when installing the package it installs the files? | 19:51 |
charlie-tca | yes | 19:52 |
aroman | gotcha | 19:52 |
charlie-tca | It is all built in bzr, first | 19:52 |
aroman | so I think what I need is to see where the xubuntu package with all the postinst stuff lives | 19:52 |
aroman | I didn't see code at https://launchpad.net/xubuntu-desktop | 19:52 |
charlie-tca | let me see if I can remember where to look | 19:53 |
aroman | excellent, I appreciate that | 19:54 |
charlie-tca | I think - | 19:54 |
charlie-tca | bzr branch lp:xubuntu | 19:55 |
charlie-tca | but I won't take bets on it | 19:55 |
charlie-tca | I don't do any proh | 19:55 |
aroman | no dice I'm afriad | 19:55 |
aroman | bzr: ERROR: Invalid url supplied to transport: "bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/+branch/xubuntu": no supported schemes | 19:55 |
charlie-tca | I don't do any programming, myself | 19:55 |
aroman | ah | 19:55 |
aroman | charlie-tca: I think I've found the goodies: https://code.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev | 19:57 |
charlie-tca | there is also branches for /xubuntu-docs | 19:58 |
charlie-tca | and /xubuntu-artwork | 19:58 |
charlie-tca | Well, maybe I got you pointed there, at least, then | 19:59 |
aroman | https://code.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-art | 19:59 |
aroman | yep :) | 19:59 |
charlie-tca | Like I say, not doing any packaging or coding makes it harder to find things, sometimes | 20:00 |
aroman | yeah no worries | 20:00 |
aroman | I think I've got what I came in search of | 20:00 |
aroman | charlie-tca: thanks a ton for your help :) | 20:00 |
charlie-tca | You are welcome | 20:00 |
charlie-tca | no problem, glad we got you in the right direction, anyway! | 20:00 |
Unit193 | trigger-rally, gl-117 and gnibbles all crash in Xubuntu 11.04, would this be an OpenGL (or something like that) issue? (No, I don't only do games) | 23:05 |
TheSheep | wrong channel :) | 23:06 |
TheSheep | !+1 | 23:06 |
TheSheep | !ubuntu+1 | 23:06 |
ubottu | Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04 - Natty is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 | 23:07 |
Unit193 | Eh, didn't know if it was some dev thing... | 23:07 |
* Unit193 fails | 23:07 |
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