
jrmyhow do i choose with audio device is my default in lucid?00:47
jrmyor choose the devices firstly00:47
migueluxim installing xubuntu02:42
=== MisterJones is now known as lostson
zaapielgood evening gentlemen03:53
zaapielim about to install xubuntu 11.04 but want to use full disk encryption, does xubuntu have an alternative install like ubuntu does?03:53
zaapielfound it03:54
cudaok so I installed Xubuntu to this laptop but am failing to get the wireless working for it.06:28
cudaits a Dell Vostro 172006:28
cudaI went into additional drivers in the system menu, and installed both (one at a time) of the drivers that are available06:28
cudabut neither of them seem to work. The network tool in the tray shows  "Enable Wireless" greyed out, and I cannot enable it.06:30
t105hi :)11:56
t105can somebody give me a hint... i upgraded 10.04 to 10.10 and now i'm facing the login-loop problem. searched the web and found some tips but none of them are working. xerrors show nothing, ice-authority permissions are okay...11:58
t105in syslog i can see 2 things, gdm-session-worker: GLib-GObject-CRITICAL  and gdm-simple-greeter: Gtk-WARNING12:11
t105and in auth.log there is also gdm-session-worker telling me that "pam_succed_if(gdm:auth): requirement "user ingroup nopasswdlogin" not met by user12:16
t105after login it closes the session immidiately12:17
TheSheept105: try checking your .xsessionerrors12:27
TheSheept105: in ~12:27
t105i did... there is only one line12:28
t105beginning session setup...12:28
t105that's all12:28
TheSheepyou are logging in with no password?12:29
t105the question is in some way reasonable, because of the gdm messages above... but i really DO enter a password and the press enter...12:30
t105at least i do, maybe it doesn't "get" it?12:30
t105that would be more than strange12:30
t105first i thought it might be an x11 issue, but there are no errors... weird12:32
t105i had problems with video a year or so ago, that where because of this strange dell onboard video card ati ES1000, but since it was resolved it worked okay12:34
TheSheepI don't have any ideas either12:36
TheSheepyou could try logging in the text console and trying startx12:36
t105do i need some parameters?12:36
TheSheepor startxfce412:37
t105oh... x is already running12:38
t105i'll boot into console12:39
t105well startxfce4 did12:42
t105there is a desktop12:43
t105it works as root, maybe there is a session issue with my user account?12:44
TheSheepargh, you were supposed to do it as the user12:45
t105are there any files/dirs i could delete to get a clean session?12:45
TheSheepnot as root12:45
TheSheepdon't run x as root :)12:45
TheSheeplog in as the user12:46
t105well i started from grub as root12:46
TheSheepsu your_username -12:46
TheSheepyou can also switch to text console with alt+ctrl+f112:47
t105after i closed the session i can see some messages in console12:47
TheSheepthat's what nromally goes to .xsessionerrors I think12:48
t105some of these i saw on the net which are parsing errors "invalid preprocessing directive #Those .. #or ..#Xft12:48
t105yes but it dowsnt appear there12:48
TheSheepsomeone tried to use # comments in C-like file?12:49
t105when i searched on my problem i saw people stating these12:49
t105and there are gtk errors12:50
t105well, starting normally again and i end up in this login loop again13:06
TheSheept105: did you try choosing a different session?13:11
t105yes, you mean the selection at the bottom of the login screen13:13
t105had no effect13:13
t105but i could log in and use xfce when i started from shell13:17
t105maybe it used x in some failsave mode13:18
TheSheept105: you can try creating a new user and seeing if there is the same problem13:18
t105created user "test" and it does the same login loop ;(13:22
t105thank you sheep so far, i'll try again later... need to have a break o_O13:24
t105auth.log has some info13:28
t105gdm-session-worker sais again requirement "user ingroup nopasswdlogin" not met by user "test"13:29
t105session opened13:29
t105nox11 mode, ignoring PAM_TTY :013:30
t105pam_unix: session closed13:30
TheSheepyou didn't mess with PAM?13:31
TheSheepwhat if you add an user to that nopasswdlogin group?13:31
t105added test to nopasswdlogin, effect was when clicking on user in login screen, no pass is asked, tries to login, fails&comes back o_O14:23
t105so thats not an issue, just the question of how to log in14:25
t105what worries me is the message: "gdm-session-worker: pam_ck_connector(gdm:session): nox11 mode, ignoring PAM_TTY :0"14:26
t105but i think it's just due to being logged in on tty014:26
t105i dont see any messages x11 is failing14:27
t105it must be something in xfce14:27
t105maybe it starts some tool/widget/whatever that fails and kicks me out?14:28
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TheSheept105: btw, you might try removing the window manager settings15:09
TheSheept105: there was one theme that crashed xfwm415:09
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t105hm.. still caught in a login loop, and it's no x11 issue :/15:58
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems.17:12
vineAnyone mind helping me getting my video drivers working properly?17:49
aromanhey everyone. can anyone tell me a little about/point me to somewhere I can learn about how Xubuntu takes Ubuntu and turns it into Xubuntu?19:08
Sysii don't know eaxctly, but basically by adding packages to ubuntu server19:11
aromanah, so Ubuntu server is the base image?19:12
Sysiit's the core system, or minimal-iso maybe is the actual one19:12
aromanSysi: any idea where I might be able to find out exactly?19:13
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »19:14
Sysisomewhere around there are packages listed19:14
cheeseboythere a way to install ubuntu using the old non-gui installer?20:52
Sysithe alternate installation disk means that20:53
cheeseboyim having trouble finding that20:55
charlie-tcacheeseboy: grab it here then - http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/maverick/release/20:56
charlie-tcadesktop is gui installer, alternate is the non-gui20:57
cheeseboymy computers too old for gui installer20:58
cheeseboykeeps freezin20:58
Sysihow much RAM?20:59
t105@TheSheep got it working now21:02
t105login loop was caused by: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm/+bug/66313521:03
ubottuUbuntu bug 663135 in gdm (Ubuntu) "gdm broken after update to 10.10 - instant session end - signal 15 - after login" [Low,Invalid]21:03
t105deleted directory /etc/X11/Xsession.d/70fglrx_32bit_dri21:03
t105no crash anymore.... damn! ;)21:04
t105yes i tried fglrx ... 4! years ago21:04
LinXnutHi, I need help with networking...21:45
LinXnutYou may remember me from yesterday "LinuxNut"...I have a Dell Latitude D52021:47
charlie-tcaI don't, who were you talking with?21:47
LinXnutI installed Xubuntu without any problems....The only thing I am having trouble with is connecting to the internet through wireless or ethernet21:47
LinXnutI tried pluggin in my ethernet, but nothing happened...The same happened when I put in a "Wireless G Notebook" card it said "Firmware not installed." So, I am kinda stuck :(21:49
charlie-tcaThe people in #ubuntu-beginners are great with networking, if no one here is able to help you21:51
LinXnutOk thank you! :D21:51
gogquick question22:19
gogwhy is my default browser setting being ignored22:19
TheSheepgog: hah, in terminal?22:20
TheSheepgog: I spent last night trying to figure that out22:20
Sysithird one i hear telling about that problem22:20
gogI thought I saw an update that fixed this22:20
TheSheepgog: turned out it's the /usr/share/applications/defaults.list22:20
TheSheepgog: and the http handler defined there22:20
gogokay making it chromium.desktop fixed my problem22:21
TheSheepeasy :)22:22

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