
ScottKJontheEchidna: How goes that kde4libs update?02:51
JontheEchidnaScottK: somebody accepted it 15 minutes after I uploaded it this morning without any prompting from me. Guess it went fine02:52
ScottKOk. Cool.02:52
ScottKWasn't me.02:52
JontheEchidnahuh, I assumed it was. I sort've uploaded and ran since I had to get to class02:52
ScottKJontheEchidna: It's there.  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde4libs/4:4.6.2-0ubuntu402:54
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=== emma is now known as em
bambeeDoes someone find kdevelop-l10n-de_4:4.1.2~maverick1~ppa1 in kubuntu-ppa ? or someone has this package ? look at bug 764820... I don't find it... however I can confirm that kdevelop-l10n-de from maverick archives install translations files.07:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 764820 in Kubuntu PPA "kdevelop-data conflicting with kdevelop-l10n-de" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76482007:34
bambee(fortunately kdevelop-l10n-de install translation files...o_O I mean it installs the same files as kdevelop-data)07:38
steveireScottK: That's odd. Akregator hasn't changed that much and it's depends on not much from kdepimlibs.07:48
steveireI asked the maintainer here beside me and he can't think of anything either, but please make a bug report.07:48
steveireI'll try later. I've still got 4.4 on a laptop at home07:48
ScottKWould it matter I'm starting it through Kontact?07:49
ScottKI'm just about to go to sleep.  I'll try and get the bug report done tomorrow.07:49
steveireThat shoulnd't matter, no07:49
steveireAlthough it might if the config stuff uses the wrong application name...07:50
jussiaww, the updater wants to remove my kde again08:25
ScottKjussi: Are you using aptitude?08:26
jussiScottK: no, just the gui updater (kpackagekit)08:26
ScottKOh.  OK.08:26
nigelbjussi: that's a good update :p09:10
* nigelb rrruns09:10
Artemis_FowlRiddell: ping10:04
bambeeScottK: do you still use maverick ?10:06
Riddellhello Artemis_Fowl 10:11
Artemis_Fowli've got a question for you10:12
Artemis_Fowlis there a standard way for a KDE app to determine if it is on a LiveCD?10:12
Artemis_Fowlah ok10:13
Artemis_Fowlguess I'll go the wild guessing route :)10:13
Artemis_Fowlthanks anyway10:13
Riddelltypically I just do if exists(/usr/bin/ubiquity)  but that's not very elegant since you can have ubiquity installed on a full install and if not cross distro of course10:14
Artemis_Fowlyeah doesn't fit10:16
Artemis_FowlI'll have the user confirm the speculations10:16
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devurandomThe libpolkit-qt-1-1 from kubuntu-ppa/backports conflicts with libpolkit-qt-1-0 from maverick. And something seems to depend on the latter, breaking updates.12:38
moonfluxqapt-batch is the one depending on 1-0 here12:40
devurandommoonflux: How did you figure that out? I.e. what commandline?12:40
moonfluxdevurandom: aptitude :)12:40
devurandomaptitude <what> ?12:41
tsimpsonyou can use "apt-cache rdepends <package>" to get a list of packages that depend on <package> too ;)12:41
moonfluxjust aptitude. then U and e for examine the solution. then staring at the dependencies12:41
devurandomthx tsimpson12:41
devurandomaptitude why <pkg> also works12:42
tsimpson"why" only works if you have the package installed12:42
devurandomHm, sure? I dont have polkit-qt-1-0 installed and it shows something12:43
devurandom$ aptitude why libpolkit-qt-1-0 \\ i   kubuntu-desktop      Depends language-selector-qt \\ i A language-selector-qt Depends qapt-batch           \\ i A qapt-batch           Depends libqapt-runtime      \\ p A libqapt-runtime      Depends libpolkit-qt-1-012:43
tsimpsoninstalled or in the database, apparently12:44
devurandomBut yes, maybe that works if I have something installed that depends on it.12:44
devurandomWouldnt work for a completely new package12:44
devurandomAnyway, someone should fix this conflict. :)12:45
yofelbug 76671112:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 766711 in Kubuntu PPA "packages will be upgraded: libqapt-runtime" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76671112:45
devurandomthx yofel12:46
yofelhm, I think I've found the reason12:52
yofeldevurandom: you have the updates PPA enabled too right?12:53
* yofel uploads new muon to backports too12:55
moonfluxyofel: you mean kubuntu-ppa/ppa? I've got that one enabled12:56
yofelyes, jonathan uploaded a muon update there, which gets built against maverick polqt and is now higher than qapt/muon in backports - thus the conflics12:57
moonfluxhm, I don't have muon installed12:58
yofelmoonflux: well, qapt's the issue not muon right, but I need to fix both12:59
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moonfluxanyway, as long as its fixed... :)12:59
Riddellagateau: mterry wants me to upload dbusmenu with this change, ok with you? https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/libdbusmenu-qt/dont-show-more-icons-than-desired/+merge/5838713:42
ScottKbambee: My kid's system is still on Maverick.14:00
bambeeScottK: which version of kdevelop-l10n have you ?14:04
yofelbambee: we dropped all -l10n packages a while ago14:06
yofeliirc -data now has all translations, so it would need conflicts against every -l10n package14:06
yofelsame for kdevelop-php kdevelop-php-docs and kdevplatform14:06
bambeeyofel: why does Ralf find kdevelop-l10n-de in the bug ?14:07
bambeeyofel: I agree with your solution, but it's not my question :)14:08
yofelbambee: well, 4:4.1.2-0ubuntu1~maverick1~ppa1 was the last one we shipped, 4:4.2.0-0ubuntu1~maverick1~ppa1 is the first package that dropped the translation packages14:09
yofellaunchpad doesn't remove old packages if the source package is superseded but the new package doesn't contain the old package anymore14:09
yofelif you want 4:4.1.2-0ubuntu1~maverick1~ppa1 to vanish go to launchpad and explicitely delete it14:10
bambeenow I understand...-_-14:10
bambeethanks :)14:10
yofelthat's a PPA-only issue, as the archive strips the translations14:10
yofelsomeone just needs to do all of the typing for all 4 packages...14:11
bambeeyofel: I just need to read some docs about that, then I can fix it14:12
yofelyou need to add Breaks/Replaces against kdevelop-l10n-de, kdevelop-l10n-fr, (and a few dozen others)14:12
yofelsame for the other 3 packages, they each had their own set of translations they shipped14:13
yofelhow does one open an URL in kde with the default browser other than calling kfmclient openURL ?14:48
yofelhm, ok - problem is apport which uses kfmclient for KDE which of course isn't installed by default as it's from konqueror14:50
JontheEchidnaoh, so you can do it via code14:51
JontheEchidnain that case14:51
yofelJontheEchidna: a) I need to do that in python somehow b) I need to be able to run that as current user even if sudo is used - apport right now does http://paste.ubuntu.com/596553/14:54
yofelso xdg-open sounds easier if it works14:54
JontheEchidnaah, yeah14:54
JontheEchidnadoing that in python would probably be the easy part :P14:55
JontheEchidnaso xdg-open sounds good if it works14:55
Riddelldoesn't xdg-open just use kfmclient?14:56
debfxxdg-open calls kde-open on KDE14:58
bambeeapparently xdg-open uses both kde-open and kfmclient15:02
yofelsince we're already in KDE, kde-open works better. xdg-open doesn't do anything useful with sudo15:17
yofelwell, it works, but opens x-www-browser instead15:18
c2tarunmy network-manager is not able to detect any wifi connections :/ is there any way to force it via terminal?16:04
c2tarunwhy is my n-m giving me so much trouble :(16:08
bambeeyofel: apparently kdevelop-php( it installs kdevphp.mo) and kdevelop-php-docs (it installs kdevphpdocs.mo) don't conflict with kdevelop-l10n (which does not install kdevphp*.mo)16:10
steveireshadeslayer: I have no idea about multilingual dox.16:10
bambeeso there is just kdevelop-data to fix16:10
steveireshadeslayer: But I'll take another look at the package if you've uploaded them yet.16:11
bambee(I have checked all .install files and also buildlogs)16:11
yofelbambee: no, but kdevelop-php should conflict with kdevelop-php-l10n-*16:17
bambeeyofel: indeed16:18
yofelc2tarun: does 'sudo iwlist <interfacename> scanning' list networks?16:20
shadeslayersteveire: i can push the packaging to my personal bzr branch, note that it's not very ... clean atm :P16:34
shadeslayersteveire: bzr branch lp:~rohangarg/kdepim/ubuntu-4.616:45
Riddellshadeslayer: what version of kdepim are you packaging?16:46
shadeslayerKDE PIM 4.5.9516:46
Riddellshadeslayer: are you planning to put it into experimental?16:47
shadeslayerRiddell: but it has alot of new stuff16:48
shadeslayerand i mean *alot*16:48
Riddellshadeslayer: how come it's in your own packaging branch, why not just use the ~kubuntu-members/kdepim/ubuntu-4.6 one?16:48
shadeslayerRiddell: because it's not finished yet16:48
shadeslayerme and steveire are working on it, and i'm just showing him what i've done till now :)16:48
Riddellgroovy, carry on then :)16:49
Riddellshadeslayer: did you work out what's needed in respect to strigi?16:49
yofelaren't the translations going to conflict?16:49
shadeslayerRiddell: it builds fine without the new strigi16:49
shadeslayerkdepim-runtime i uploaded to ninjas16:49
Riddellshadeslayer: which new strigi?16:50
shadeslayerno .. builds fine with natty strigi16:50
shadeslayeriirc they solved the problem upstream16:50
shadeslayer"According to my fellow KDEPIM devs, the strigi analyzers are not critical on the desktop.however, the mobile version should definitely have a strigi version > 0.7.2"16:51
* shadeslayer hugs Riddell16:52
shadeslayerRiddell: does that mean we at Project Neon can poke you with bzr crashes and bugs now? :D16:53
Riddellshadeslayer: not until natty is released! :)16:55
shadeslayerheheh :P16:55
shadeslayeryofel: okay, looked at kde-devel today?16:55
yofelI did, didn't have anything to add to what you said so I stayed quiet16:56
shadeslayerokay, but that guy has some weird bug... since he didn't give out details, i haven't looked into it myself16:56
* apachelogger hates waiting for test files to finish downloading17:04
apacheloggerRiddell: what file did you try gstreamer 4.5 plugin install with?17:04
apacheloggerworks for mp3 here17:05
shadeslayerapachelogger: don't you have a flipping fast connection ?17:05
apacheloggershadeslayer: that does not help if the file is like 5 gib 17:05
shadeslayerapachelogger: 5 GB ... test file ... :O17:05
apachelogger.prn is superHD these days17:05
apacheloggeralso it got subtitles and multiple audio channels and all that stuff17:05
steveireshadeslayer: I'm not sure what to do with that paste17:06
shadeslayersteveire: oh look at the missing files17:06
shadeslayersteveire: line 115 onwards17:06
shadeslayerwe need to adjust thos files in proper packages17:06
steveireOoh, how do you get it to list everything at once? --list-missing only shows me one at a time17:06
shadeslayersteveire: there's a pbuilder hook17:07
shadeslayerdon't you have the awesome ninja pbuilder hooks installed? :O17:07
apacheloggerhooky hooky17:07
steveireNope :)17:07
apacheloggeronce more that reminds me that I have to rewrite some hookers17:07
steveireI've only followed orders17:07
apacheloggerand setup arm boxes17:07
shadeslayerapachelogger: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/BuildEnvironment17:07
shadeslayersteveire: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/BuildEnvironment17:07
apacheloggershadeslayer: yeah, keep tellin' me :P17:08
apacheloggerKubuntu/Ninjas/BuildEnvironment (last edited 2009-01-15 18:58:47 by Harald Sitter)17:08
Riddellapachelogger: dragon and random mp3 podcast17:08
shadeslayerhahah 17:08
apacheloggerRiddell: a podcast url or a downloaded podcast?17:08
shadeslayerapachelogger: so is kubotu ready to protect us from skynet?17:08
Riddellapachelogger: downloaded17:08
shadeslayeror are we going to face Judgement Day after all17:08
apacheloggerRiddell: anything on stdout when you try it?17:09
Riddellapachelogger: yes, although I don't remember what17:09
steveireStarting at the top, I don't get the error about tasks-mobile being missing17:09
steveireDo you disable mobile in your repo?17:09
apacheloggerRiddell: if you have time, please try again17:10
shadeslayersteveire: nope17:10
apacheloggerRiddell: also FWIW it could just be a corrupted packagekit database, that happend to me once17:10
shadeslayerwe don't disable anything, and since we also have a tech preview of Kubuntu Mobile, i think it's best to keep it that way17:10
yofelsteveire: --list-missing will show one at a time if it doesn't install files you have in an .install file. But it will show all installed files at once that aren't in any .install files17:10
steveireDo you have all the dependencies so that it's not excluded as an optional?17:10
steveireOh, so the list you have is files that arent in any install files?17:11
apacheloggerthat + are not listed in not-installed17:11
steveireThe thing is that kubuntu mobile should use different packages17:11
shadeslayeroh, i don't think these packages are built on ARM yet17:12
steveireIt needs kdepimlibs and kdepim build with -DKDEPIM_MOBILE_UI17:12
steveireAnd kdepim-runtime17:12
steveireAnd the mobile packages should conflict with the desktop ones.17:13
steveireThat's only if the packages are going to run on an actual mobile target. The define makes kdepim use more mobile suitable dialogs etc.17:13
steveireFor people interested in trying out kdepim mobile on the desktop it's fine as is.17:14
shadeslayersteveire: should we build the mobile packages only on ARM or on i686 and x86_64 as well?17:14
steveireBuild them everywhere I guess.17:14
steveirePeople should be able to try them out on their desktop etc17:14
steveireBut if deploying to a small/touch screen, build different packages17:15
* shadeslayer was playing with KDE PIM Mobile on Neon17:15
steveireAnyway, back to the issue at hand...17:15
shadeslayersteveire: so do we seperate out the localized HTML Docs into seprate packages?17:16
steveireMy tasks-mobile.install has a /usr/bin/tasks-mobile Does your not17:16
* shadeslayer looks17:16
steveireshadeslayer: Re localized docs, I have no idea. What has kubuntu always done in the past?17:17
steveireI thought docs were separate17:17
steveireEspecially localised docs17:17
shadeslayersteveire: i haz /usr/bin/tasks-mobiletoo17:17
* yofel played around with plasma-mobile in neon once... felt odd17:17
shadeslayerRiddell: heh i was using emacs wrong all this log17:17
shadeslayeri used emacs with -nw :P17:17
shadeslayersteveire: localized docs sound good17:18
shadeslayerseperate packages for the docs i mean17:18
steveireRiddell: Any idea about the localized docs issue? Are they usually made for betas?17:18
yofelhm... how does one quit emacs?17:18
shadeslayeryofel: C-x C-c17:19
steveireshadeslayer: If you have the tasks-mobile then the tool is giving a false positive, right?17:19
shadeslayersteveire: i don't see /usr/bin/tasks-mobile listed under list-missing17:20
steveireline 11517:20
shadeslayersteveire: yes it's a false positive17:20
steveireAnd the .desktop file too?17:20
Riddellsteveire: normally doc translations are in the kde-l10n-xx language packs17:22
Tm_Tuh, Kubuntu isn't official edition? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DerivativeTeam/Derivatives17:22
steveireDoes that mean we can exclude them? Any idea why my computer ignored them, but shadeslayers didn't? How do we fix that?17:22
Riddellsteveire: but since they can't be for this release they could go in kdepim-doc, but it would mean a lot of replaces/breaks on all the kde-l10n-xx language packs17:23
Riddellsame for translations17:23
steveireShould we bother?17:23
steveireIs that what you usually do?17:23
steveireWhy can't they be in the proper packages for this release?17:24
Riddellsteveire: usually upstream doesn't change its release packaging :)17:24
Riddellsteveire: they can't be in kde-l10n-xx because this release isn't being made alongside a KDE SC release17:24
steveireI mean why can't they be in the kde-l10n-xx 17:24
steveireWhat is the release packaging change?17:25
Riddellsteveire: we could script kde-l10n-xx to download the current docs, that's what we do for kdepim 4.4 translations17:25
Riddellsteveire: the release packaging change is that kdepim isn't part of KDE SC17:25
steveireIt's not? O_o17:25
Riddellwell no, it missed KDE SC 4.5 and 4.617:25
steveireI'm getting your point now :)17:26
Riddellsteveire, shadeslayer: easiest thing for this beta release would be just not to package translations, it is only a beta after all17:26
Riddelltranslations or dos17:26
shadeslayerthat takes out alot of stuff from that paste17:27
shadeslayerthat means just fix up the icons from the paste and were done17:27
steveireChange the commenting out of pngs in the package to removal17:28
steveireAnd remove knotes-mobile.install17:29
steveireSo why did your tool try to install  docs and mine didn't?17:33
steveireDid you just do a make docs17:33
steveireFor all languages O_o17:33
shadeslayerokay /dev/stdout is fun17:33
shadeslayersteveire: nope, how did you build your package?17:34
steveireThen I guess I didn't have whatever deps are needed to build the docs ,and you used pbuilder which downloaded them automatically?17:35
apacheloggershadeslayer: emacs?17:35
yofelsteveire: dpkg-buildpackage should complain about missing deps, so that shouldn't be the case...17:36
shadeslayerapachelogger: what about it?17:36
apacheloggerit is emacs17:37
shadeslayerand it's awesome17:37
shadeslayerapachelogger: i don't like vim17:37
apacheloggeremacs != awesome17:37
Daskreechawesomewm = awesome17:38
Daskreechawesomewm = awesome + wm17:38
* apachelogger blinks17:38
DaskreechThere we go :)17:38
DaskreechBalance in the equation there is17:38
* apachelogger waves fist at hardware17:39
yofelvim = emacs - hurt hand from doing insane ctrl-key combos17:39
shadeslayerapachelogger: how is the ATi treating you?17:39
apacheloggerI presume you mean the ATI?17:39
shadeslayeriirc it's ATi17:39
shadeslayeror did they change stuff 17:39
shadeslayerapachelogger: okay ATI it is17:40
shadeslayerapachelogger: do drivers work on natty?17:40
shadeslayeroh and what card?17:40
apacheloggeryou are most weird these days17:41
apacheloggerxorg drivers do never work17:41
* apachelogger notes that his laptop apparently has overheating problems ^^17:41
apacheloggerI shall throw rants at dell until they send me other hardware17:42
shadeslayerapachelogger: never. buy. a. dell17:42
shadeslayernevar .... evar ... 17:42
bambeeit's possible to force an upload on launchpad without a revision bump ?17:42
shadeslayerbambee: no17:42
shadeslayerbambee: what's the problem?17:43
bambeeI forgot to remove a temp file ...17:43
apacheloggershadeslayer: s/a. dell/hardware17:43
apacheloggeralso what is with your .?17:43
bambeeI used a script to generated a well formed list with all kdevelop-php-l10n17:43
bambeethe script wrote into kdevelop-php-1.2.2/list17:43
bambeeI did not remove list,and now build fails17:44
yofelno, any content change requires a version bump17:44
bambee(it has nothing to do with build I know, but check the buildlog :D)17:44
yofelit doesn't matter if it's ~ppa2 or ~ppa128 anyway17:44
bambeeyofel: with ~ppa2 launchpad will blame me17:45
shadeslayerbambee: use ~ppa3 then17:45
yofelbambee: pro tip, try ppa3 :P17:45
bambeedoes not matter, I don't want to add "remove temp file" into the changelog... it's.... ugly o_O17:45
yofelWHO CARES...17:46
yofelit's not like people actually read PPA changelogs anway ^^17:46
* apachelogger really wonders why one cannot run natty on an old kernel17:47
yofelwhile unsupported it should work usually17:48
shadeslayerapachelogger: or just build the a newer kernel that is supported from source17:48
* apachelogger notes that even PPA changelogs, being changelogs, ought to reflect the complete set of important changes17:49
apacheloggershadeslayer: yeah, right, on omap17:49
apacheloggerif one architecture is fragmented it is omap17:49
shadeslayerapachelogger: cross compile it?17:49
shadeslayeri cross compiled a kernel for my Phone on my PC ( but then my phone is ARM )17:50
mfraz74Just tried getting new card thems in KPatience with Kubuntu 11.04 and was told Configuration file not found kcardtheme.knsrc18:14
shadeslayer!find kcardtheme.knsrc18:15
ubottuFile kcardtheme.knsrc found in kajongg18:16
shadeslayer!find kcardtheme.knsrc natty18:16
mfraz74it then crashes!18:16
shadeslayerit seems ... that file was lost in natty somewhere18:18
mfraz74do i need to file a bug on launchpad?18:19
yofelwhich is odd, since I have natty, and have kajongg: /usr/share/kde4/config/kcardtheme.knsrc18:20
mfraz74i don't have kajongg installed18:20
Riddellyes it looks like it's in the wrong package18:20
yofeloh right18:20
yofelwho wants to move that?18:21
mfraz74shadeslayer: is that a yep for file a bug?18:21
shadeslayermfraz74: please do :)18:21
mfraz74shadeslayer: OK18:22
RiddellI can update the package18:22
shadeslayerok that file seems to be there from before i added stuff to kajongg .. :P18:23
Riddellmfraz74: let me know when you have a bug number for me18:25
yofelif I understand bzr annotate right though you were the one that added that :P18:25
shadeslayermaybe i'm looking at the wrong revision18:25
yofelwow, that's almost a year old now...18:26
Riddellit's not from debian though, they still havn't packaged it18:26
mfraz74Riddell: bug 76738318:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 767383 in Kubuntu PPA "kpatience missing configuration file kcardtheme.knsrc" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76738318:27
bambeewe should drop "Suggest: kdevelop-l10n" from kdevelop into archives, imho :)18:27
yofelbambee: agreed, forgot about it last time18:27
shadeslayeryofel: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kdegames/ubuntu/revision/106#debian/kajongg.install << that was there before18:27
shadeslayeri just changed the line numbers18:27
yofelsteveire: it's from http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kdegames/ubuntu/revision/67.1.118:28
yofeler, shadeslayer ^18:28
yofelnobody tried this for almost a year obviously ^^18:29
Riddellfix uploaded, will need approval18:30
mfraz74Riddell: thanks18:33
mfraz74Should kde-config-cddb be installed by default?]18:34
Riddellno, it's not in our seeds and nobody has so far suggested we need it18:36
bambeeRiddell: could you bump kdevelop for me ? (into archives). Look at this patch http://paste.ubuntu.com/596626/18:37
mfraz74If you configure k3b without it you get a setting just saying something like cddb configuration not available18:37
Riddellbambee: can you paste it into paste.kde.org?18:38
RiddellI can't easily download from p.u.c18:38
bambeeoh sure18:38
yofelmfraz74: then it would make sense to make k3b suggest it at least18:39
bambeeRiddell: http://paste.kde.org/15205/18:39
mfraz74yofel: then it might be worth adding as a required package for k3b?18:39
yofelNot sure, it's not a dependency, that's only if k3b wouldn't work at all without it, it might be a recommend if it *should* be installed together with k3b18:40
Riddellmfraz74: it's too late for natty, for oneiric we would have to consider the size on the CD against the benefits18:41
Riddelladding a "click here to install kde-config-cddb" button might be a better idea18:42
yofeldoes that affect the CD? IIRC k3b isn't installed by default18:42
mfraz74Riddell: that's what I would have preferred18:42
Riddellk3b is on the CD18:42
yofelah k18:42
ScottKbambee: None.18:43
ScottKI don't use kdevelop.18:43
mfraz74Just found synaptiks18:44
Riddellbambee: uploaded, thanks18:46
bambeeRiddell: thanks ;)18:46
=== c2tarun_ is now known as c2tarun
Quintasanyofel: it's magic19:13
yofelwb :)19:13
QuintasanScottK: I added report from upgrading to KDE SC 4.5.5 on Maverick19:18
QuintasanIt was successful and my brother said everything works as he wanted it to.19:18
ScottKQuintasan: Great.  Thanks.19:54
QuintasanI'm a genious.19:59
QuintasanMy 4.1 speakers wouldn't work no matter what I did20:00
QuintasanI plugged rear and front speakers to one port with http://www.dom-sklep.pl/_var/imgcache/100/2_klinkenbuchse1_kl_stecker_mo_1.jpg20:01
Quintasanand it works20:01
Quintasanyofel: ^20:01
* yofel remembers linking 2 sets of front speakers like that once ^^20:01
Quintasannope, still not working :/20:03
QuintasanI thought they were working because suddently it was louder than usual but still, rear speakers dont make any sounds :/20:04
QuintasanI still can't get those damn speakers to work :/20:07

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