
LogicallyDashingaar: as of KDE4 you have a "Run Command Interface" summoned by alt+f2 by default that acts quite a lot like katapult. You can make it *look* more like katapult in the settings.00:20
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vladislavbHello all, Anyone know if the kde integration of the OpenOffice Save As dialog has been fixed in 11.04?01:12
vladislavbIt is very slow here01:12
vladislavb(in libreoffice)01:12
vladislavbi guess not.. as the whole kde integration thing is a bit buggy in libreoffice too i would guess01:18
vladislavbI'll see when 11.04 comes out, then perhaps it'll look nice and work nice!01:18
arkanabardunno, seems to work ok for me in PCLOS.01:19
arkanabarin fact, the save-as diaog box pops up almost instantly.01:20
nfrsusing 10.04.2: I drag-and-dropped an application to a panel, how do I change its icon? right click->icon settings only allows to "edit file type", which I don't want01:51
kaiyin_I have installed texlive2010 from their iso image, is there a way install kile without installing its dependencies (such as texlive2009)?02:04
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katsrchey, is ubuntu-minimal a dependency for Kubuntu desktop?03:15
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mole_Daskreech: i spoke to soon about my graphics04:03
mole_Daskreech: when i have gwenview open my display stalls :(04:03
yixin_what's this channel for??04:15
mase_wkyixin_: Kubuntu support04:16
yixin_o,I see04:16
Daskreechkatsrc: not .. really but04:32
Daskreechyixin_: What's 3Q ?04:32
Daskreechmole_: Just Gwenview? As in with no images loaded?04:32
mole_Daskreech: i need to debug more.04:38
mole_i can file a bug04:38
mole_i have like one bug on the bug tracker but i i don't think i've tested it with current version yet04:38
mole_stupid queing on remote stuff using like smb:// fish:// fuck it sucks04:39
mole_kde 3.5 was so sick in this manner04:39
mole_hasn't yet ever been as good in 4.0 and it pisses me off i wish i could fix it myself04:39
mase_wkmole_: what issue are you having ? Also please use family friendly language in this channel. I understand you are frustrated but the channel is for everyone04:51
mole_sorry... it's my upbringing i swear ;)04:51
mole_business rules apply04:51
mase_wkmole_: so what issue are you running into ?04:53
mole_oh umm04:53
mole_give me a sec i got a bug filed on the one about the queing of the remote protocols04:54
mole_but not on my intel graphics yet04:54
mase_wki have a 3.5 test machine handy and a 4.6.2 test machine04:54
mole_on my netbook04:54
mole_so do i04:54
mole_i haven't tested most recent upgrade from yesterday04:54
ubottuKDE bug 264557 in kioslave "multiple smb:// fish:// sftp:// requests to same server are blocked by ongoing file transfer" [Normal,Unconfirmed]04:56
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katsrcDaskreech: why is ubuntu-minimal install on Kubuntu?05:19
Daskreechkatsrc: it's the smallest set of packages that are needed to make Ubuntu boot05:20
katsrcis there a way to get pure KDE, and un-install the unused components?05:20
katsrcDaskreech: ah, ok05:20
Daskreechkatsrc: Umm.. Which unused components?05:20
katsrcDaskreech: but totally not a requirement for Kubuntu?05:20
katsrcis it for the live CD only?05:21
katsrcDaskreech: anything non-KDE?05:21
DaskreechI'll just note here if you get pure KDE you are likely to leave a lot of it unused so you have a conflicting statement :)05:21
DaskreechKDE relies on lots of things that are not KDE05:21
katsrcDaskreech: a lot of GTK packages?05:21
DaskreechIf you are worried about having things from other toolkits you have OO.o and that's about it05:22
DaskreechOr Libre office05:23
katsrcDaskreech: like this for example: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde05:23
Daskreechkatsrc: You could just follow that :-p05:23
DaskreechBut there aer not a lot of gtk packages in Kubuntu05:26
Daskreechif Koffice/Calligra ever went stable they would probably take them all out05:27
katsrcyeah i tend to use KOffice more05:29
mole_heh... bug confirmed!05:35
mole_never hang out here but i've seriously run kde since 1997 lol05:35
KaleidoscopeAnyone alive?06:30
valorie!ask | Kaleidoscope06:32
ubottuKaleidoscope: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:32
KaleidoscopeIs there a way I can change my Audio Card Driver?06:33
KaleidoscopeOr failing that, A way I can use a windows one on Linux06:34
mole_what is the problem exactly?06:35
mole_no sound?06:35
KaleidoscopeI got sound, But my Headphone Port doesn't work at all06:36
mole_have you run alsamixer and made sure it is not muted?06:36
mole_does the one at hte back work?06:36
mole_are you using a front port?06:36
KaleidoscopeOnly one port06:36
KaleidoscopeI'm on a laptop06:36
mole_and no hardware mute?06:37
mole_head phones known to be good?06:37
KaleidoscopeYea, work fine on windows06:37
mole_lspci | grep -i audio06:39
mole_paste that to the channel06:39
Kaleidoscopelspci | grep -i audio06:39
mole_the output of that command smartass06:39
KaleidoscopeSorry, I'm kinda half asleep here06:40
mole_sure sure06:40
Kaleidoscope00:14.2 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA)06:40
Kaleidoscope01:05.1 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc RS880 Audio Device [Radeon HD 4200]06:40
mole_you have to select your default sound card in .asoundrc in /home/username/06:41
mole_you have 2 sound cards06:41
KaleidoscopeI set Azalia as the default06:42
KaleidoscopeThe Radeon one only handles the HDMI port06:42
mole_and for sure it's not muted?06:42
KaleidoscopeFor sure06:42
mole_sounds like a weird piece of hardware06:43
mole_sometimes u need special options in /etc/modules.autoload.d/06:43
mole_or whatever that file is06:43
mole_just so that when it modprobes it works properly06:43
mole_is this a nettop by chance?06:43
mole_could be this06:44
mole_edit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base06:44
mole_add at the end of the file:06:44
mole_options snd-hda-intel model=laptop06:44
mole_no guarantees tho06:44
FloodBotK2mole_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:44
mole_you will obviously have to reload alsa06:45
mole_if u don't know what you're doing then probably reboot would be best bet06:45
KaleidoscopeWarning: unknown mime-type for "/etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base" -- using "application/octet-stream"06:45
KaleidoscopeError: no write permission for file "/etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base"06:45
KaleidoscopeI'm still new to this stuff =P06:46
mole_it's all good dawg06:46
mole_just becareful06:46
mole_always good to back up anything u modify06:46
mole_but before you modify it06:46
mole_u know?06:46
KaleidoscopeWarning: unknown mime-type for "/etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base" -- using "application/octet-stream"06:46
KaleidoscopeError: no "edit" mailcap rules found for type "application/octet-stream"06:46
mole_u are using some sort of gui?06:47
KaleidoscopeNo, I typed all that straight into the terminal, If that's what you mean06:47
mole_just go alt+f206:48
mole_if u are running kubuntu of course06:48
mole_and type kdesudo kate06:48
mole_then open /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base06:48
mole_and add06:48
mole_options snd-hda-intel model=laptop06:49
mole_to the bottom06:49
mole_and because you are noob06:49
FloodBotK2mole_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:49
mole_if it it exists06:49
mole_if it doesn't list the files that do exist that sound like that06:50
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KaleidoscopeAlright added and saved that, So back in a few06:51
mole_good luck06:51
mole_no guarantees06:51
mole_best bet it's something like that tho06:51
mole_so google the shit out of it06:51
bazhangmole_, watch the language06:51
bazhang!google > mole_06:51
ubottumole_, please see my private message06:51
mole_lol stupid bot06:52
gn0m3boymole:  'tis ok.  your not the first to ever get busted on that   :)06:52
KaleidoscopeWOO, That worked, Mane thanks Mole_06:54
mole_maybe u r'nt so noob06:54
Kaleidoscopeoh shi06:55
mole_ye yee06:55
KaleidoscopeNow the Laptop speakers don't work XD06:55
KaleidoscopeI know, right06:55
mole_u have to unplug headphones for them to work06:55
KaleidoscopeI did that, nothing06:55
mole_double check alsamixer for levels and mute06:56
KaleidoscopeUgh, How do I open that again?06:56
mole_type konsole06:56
mole_then type06:56
FloodBotK2mole_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:56
KaleidoscopeEverything is unmuted06:58
mole_so u want headphones and line out working at same time?06:59
mole_or speaker ot don't work at all?06:59
KaleidoscopeNo, Headphones when they're plugged in, Internal speakers when they're not06:59
mole_what kind of computer is this?07:01
mole_like make / model07:01
KaleidoscopeHP Laptop G61-631nr07:02
mole_are you running kubuntu?07:04
KaleidoscopeYea, 10.1007:05
KaleidoscopeI <3 KDE07:05
mole_i'm pretty tired07:07
mole_so i could probably figure it out07:07
mole_but basically read this07:07
KaleidoscopeAlright, thanks =D07:07
mr_bamboostickhi. i'm on a German kubuntu 10.10 and updating through Taiwanese package sources. Updating the package cache sometimes produces a strange error message that roughly translates to: "unable to lock module — system settings: explicitly locking the module is not possible. please close all other package managers accessing it."07:08
mr_bamboostickanybody familiar with this kind of message?!07:09
bazhangmr_bamboostick, yes, you can only use one instance of apt at a time.07:09
valorieyes, it means you have something else running with sudo07:09
bazhangmr_bamboostick, close other package managers or let them finish, then close them07:10
mr_bamboostickhmmm... well, i actually don't07:10
mr_bamboosticknothing else running07:10
bazhangmr_bamboostick, open a konsole and type top07:10
mr_bamboostickok, hang on…07:10
bazhangor use sudo as valorie suggested07:10
mr_bamboostickwhat does "top" do?07:11
bazhangshow running processes07:11
mr_bamboostickah, right07:11
bazhangif its not running then its a sudo issue07:12
mr_bamboostickwill logging out and back in again possibly solve the problem?07:13
bazhangnot a good idea if apt is running. try with sudo first07:14
mr_bamboostickok, i killed a process displayed as "kpackagekitsmar" by top. Was that good or bad? :)07:18
mole_why not07:19
mole_i would too...07:20
mole_u know?07:20
mr_bamboostickIf a GANGster is someone who is inside a gang I'd sure like to be a molester…07:24
mole_wb Kaleidoscope any luck?07:25
ubsafdercan i upgrade from ubuntu DVD with 10.10.386 desktp i found reinstall only did i miss an option07:25
KaleidoscopeAlright Mole_, Things have gotten silly07:25
KaleidoscopeIt'll use sound based on bootup07:26
mole_it's time to light the linux candles07:26
KaleidoscopeIf the headphones are plugged in, It'll use them, and disable the Internal, If they're not, The internal work but headphone port is disabled07:26
mole_u need some linux candles for sure07:27
mole_u'll figure it out07:27
KaleidoscopeLinux Candles are?07:27
mole_u light them07:27
mole_and meditate07:27
mole_and then the answer comes to you07:27
KaleidoscopeWell wish me luck then, Hopefully It won't to too long to get this down07:28
mole_it's a small problem07:28
KaleidoscopeYou say that like you have the answer already <.<07:29
mole_i watched nhl on the bus today on my phone that says it runs 9.04 ubuntu out of the box07:29
mole_that pumps me up07:29
Kaleidoscopelol, awesome07:30
mole_motrolla atrix ftw07:30
mole_not rooted or anything07:31
mole_cat /etc/lsb-release says 9.04 ubuntu07:31
mr_bamboostickOkay, now I get this error message details: "W: GPG error: http://linux.dropbox.com maverick Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY FC918B335044912E; E: Error http://tw.archive.ubuntu.com maverick Release.gpg - Could not connect to tw.archive.ubuntu.com:80 (, connection timed out."07:35
mr_bamboostick(all when trying to update through software management)07:36
mole_saw off the back of the computer07:36
mase_wkmr_bamboostick: is linux.dropbox.com an apt repo ?07:36
mole_and clip the transistors07:37
mase_wkmr_bamboostick: if not then why are you adding it as an apt repository  ? Or are you just following some random howto on the net somewhere ?07:37
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valoriethat looks a bit hosed, that URL07:50
Chronoshi, i suppose 400MB of RAM for Kubuntu (with nepomuk and some useless services disables) is too much, do you agree with me?07:53
valoriemr_bamboostick: where did you get your repository link from?07:54
mr_bamboostickvalorie: i don't quite recall but it was a website explaining how to implement dropbox in kde07:55
valorieah, OK07:55
valorieI know the site07:55
mr_bamboostickanything wrong with that?07:56
valorieis up-to-date and works07:56
mr_bamboostickoh, okay07:56
valoriedid you use 32-bit or 64?07:57
valorienixternal is a kubuntu devel07:57
valorieit's important to do your research -- there is bad advice out there07:57
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valoriehttp://www.getdropbox.com/download?plat=lnx.x86_64 < --- so that was the link you used?07:57
valoriethat isn't an apt repository07:58
valoriebest to follow his directions, or do a wget http://www.getdropbox.com/download?plat=lnx.x86_6407:58
valorieeither will work07:58
KaleidoscopeWell Mole_, I can't get it to switch beteween the two while on, But I can deal with using Headphones only07:59
valoriebut that isn't a repository, and can't be added like one07:59
mole_sorry dawg07:59
mole_i got to crash out tho07:59
mole_good luck in solving07:59
mr_bamboostickhmm, okay thank you. i'll try to resetup dropbox following the nixternal site08:00
KaleidoscopeXD Wb08:53
KaleidoscopeOr not08:53
KaleidoscopeHi again08:53
KaleidoscopeWhat's up?08:53
emrefine u08:54
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apersonis there something similar to gnome's typing break option in kde?09:36
cortex_skaperson: maybe "rsibreak" is what you're looking for10:02
apersoncortex_sk↳ it does look like it, though it doesn't look like it can lock me out of my desktop session, hmm10:04
apersonI will give it a try, thanks10:05
bassoim still wondering, why kde :O10:16
BlouBlouBecause it's cool10:19
bassoIs it now?10:22
Tm_Tbasso: KDE offers wide variety of functionality and flexibility with relatively easy use10:23
bassomaybe i could testpilot kde when 11.04 arrives10:24
grawcho_[Bug 247839] OpenGL Compositing Corrupted on Intel 945GM is back in KDE 4.6.2 ... dose anyone know if11:04
grawcho_it is going to be fixed ... or is it the end of good desktop effects for me on this laptop?11:04
grawcho_P.S - is there a workaround besides downgrading back to maverick ?11:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 247839 in buglog-data "[testbug] auto-created by python-launchpad-bugs" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24783911:04
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grawcho_my bad ... number probably wrong ... though problem stays the same.11:07
grawcho_OpenGL Compositing Corrupted on Intel 945GM (K.D.E 4.6.2)11:07
bigjoolsi915 locks up for me if I have compositing on :/11:10
Tm_Tgrawcho_: I presume that's a mix of graphics drivers, Kwin and several other factors11:10
jussigrawcho_: I think martin posted a blog post with a fix for this, wait a sec, let me find it.11:12
jussigrawcho_: this _may_ be your issue? http://blog.martin-graesslin.com/blog/2011/04/why-blur-does-not-work-in-kubuntu-natty-with-intel/11:14
grawcho_jussi: yeah ... just saw it again ... read it before ... disabled blur everything works just fine ... thanks11:18
jussigrawcho_: theres a fix at the end of the blogpost11:18
jussior rather "workaround"11:19
grawcho_jussi: read it to ... tring now...11:19
jussithank Martin :D11:19
grawcho_thank you martin :)11:19
jussigrawcho_: do let us know how it works for you. :)11:27
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cba123I'm running 4.6.2 from backports on Ubuntu Maverick.  I can't seem to find anything.  I found the one in "System Settings -> Input Devices" but my mouse still scrolls way too fast.  Anyone know how I can slow it down?13:00
cba123Peace-, You did say to come here from #kde...  haha13:01
Peace-cba123: did you seen this ? http://wstaw.org/m/2011/04/20/plasma-desktopCr5847.jpg13:02
cba123Peace-, Yeah, I changed mouse scrolls by to less, and still having that issue13:03
Peace-cba123: mm seems a driver issue13:03
Peace-cba123: i have an hp mouse wifi and i can't get it too13:04
Peace-wth the logitech maybe i can13:04
cba123Peace-, It is a Microsoft mouse.  Maybe that's it.  I'd think there would be some software fix though.13:05
Peace-cba123: mm personally i i ahve seen a lots of problem on mouse13:06
Peace-i have a trust mouse that doesn't work at all xD13:06
Peace-only scroll works13:07
Peace-cba123: lsusb ?13:08
cba123Bus 004 Device 004: ID 045e:0745 Microsoft Corp.13:09
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mterryRiddell, oh, agateau isn't here either  :)13:42
Riddellmterry: #kubuntu-devel :)13:42
spikebis there a good video transcoder/converter for kde?13:56
BlouBlouI know WinFF, but I doubt if there is for KDE or not13:59
yofelthere is kdevnlive if you want to try it, don't know much about it though14:01
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* spikeb is quite impressed with kubuntu and kde thus far14:11
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Peace-spikeb: you coukd try dvc14:26
spikebwinFF will work. going to poke the KMediaFactory folks and see if they're planning on adding automagic conversion or not14:35
Peace-kde apps = dvc14:36
Peace-dolphin video converter service menu14:36
* spikeb adds that too, looks good14:39
BluesKajhi folks15:09
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LarsTorbeni am kubuntu freak15:46
James147Hello LarsTorben15:47
LarsTorbenhello james14715:48
c2tarunmy network-manager is not able to detect any wifi connections :/ is there any way to force it via terminal?16:10
James147c2tarun: "sudo iwlist wlan0 scan" << will attempt to scan on the wlan0 device16:11
david00700help me16:12
c2tarunJames147: I am getting no scan results :(16:12
James147!help | david0070016:12
ubottudavid00700: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:12
david00700ok i got i16:12
david00700i got it16:12
david00700my kubuntu is sometimes frozen16:13
James147c2tarun: then it looks like the problem isnt with network-manager :(16:13
James147!details | david0070016:13
ubottudavid00700: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."16:13
david00700thank your guide16:13
James147c2tarun: whats the output of "iwconfig wlan0"?16:13
c2tarunJames147: well my bluetooth is working fine so I guess no problem with wifi card. My wifi modem is working fine because my roomie is using it16:14
James147c2tarun: bluetooth and wifi are generally not on the same card16:14
c2tarunJames147: http://paste.ubuntu.com/596585/16:14
James147^^ or at least will act like two different devices16:14
James147c2tarun: what chipset?16:15
c2tarunJames147: well in my case I guess they are same because I have just one switch that activates both bluetooth and wifi16:15
c2tarunJames147: how can I check my chipset?16:15
James147lspci | grep -i network16:15
James147c2tarun: means they share a hardware switch, not that they are the same device16:15
c2tarunhmmmm.......       my chipset http://paste.ubuntu.com/596586/16:16
James147:( Broadcom are the more anoying of the cards... what version of kubuntu are you on?16:16
c2tarunJames147: natty beta216:16
James147c2tarun: hmm, you may want to ask at #ubuntu+1 ^^16:17
James147they are better able to deal with natty issues16:17
c2tarunJames147: ok, let me try few things, switching of everything and then rebooting and all :(16:17
c2tarunthen I'll ask on ubuntu+116:18
david00700"my kubuntu is 10.10, my computer Intel core(TM2) duo 6300 1.86hgz memory 4gb ,vga geforce 7600 gt , sometimes My kubuntu is frozen. in this time, kubuntu's booting image screen is appeard. and reboot itself16:21
James147david00700: so it sometimes freezes during boot up?16:23
david00700no boot up,during i work well, surprisingly16:24
david00700it happend16:24
david00700so about this problem, i want to know whether this problem is reported, or how to see a log about this.16:26
david00700in fact I have been met a unlimited reboot in ubuntu 10.10 on my computer.16:27
BluesKajdavid00700, I have the 7600gt and my nvidia driver that installed before the new kernal upgrade wouldn't run on it after rebooting . I had to remove the recommended driver , then reboot into recovery mode of the new kernel and reinstall the recommended drriver (nvidia-current )16:32
c2tarunJames147: switched of lappy then modem, switched on modem and then lappy and it worked :)16:33
david00700you means kernel is problem, isn't i?16:33
david00700you means kernel is problem, isn't it?16:33
BluesKajdavid00700, yes16:42
david00700which kernel should I install ?16:44
BlouBloudavid00700: the newst one16:44
Daskreechunless you have hardware issues16:49
BluesKajDaskreech, it's a bug with the new kernel and nvidia and it's hard to determine which16:53
BluesKajis at fault16:53
genii-aroundBluesKaj: Actually I think the problem lays somewhere in rebuilding the DKMS modules when they are proprietary ones16:54
DaskreechBluesKaj: The combination most likely. If you can't change one change the other16:56
Daskreechkernel is easier16:56
BluesKajgenii-around, it's like the new kernel has the right module but doesn't rebuild it when it installs , one has to do it afterwards with the additional HW gui16:57
BluesKajlooks at the old module and sees it as the new already installed16:58
genii-aroundSomething like that, yes16:58
BluesKajanyway , there's a workaround for it ...a bit clunky but it works16:59
LarsTorbenKkubuntu is so cool !17:40
shadeslayerLarsTorbenK: great to hear you like it :)17:45
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joseph_hello, i was wondering if someone can help me. I installed KDE 4.6 on Maverick with the back-ports ppa. It is not working well with me system, how do i remove everything that was associated with that ppa so all the kde stuff is gone?19:21
joseph123can someone please help me. I used the kubuntu-desktop backports ppa to install kde 4.6 on Maverick. It does not work well on my system. How do I remove everything that came with  the ppa instead of removing them all one by one?19:38
James147joseph123: what dosnt work about it?19:40
joseph123hello james147, at login i always get bombarded with a recurring error message19:41
James147joseph123: what error?19:41
James147and how did you upgrade/.19:41
joseph123hold on a moment19:41
James147(I ask as I dont think downgrading will solve the issue... and that its probally easy to fix)19:42
joseph123ppa: kubuntu-ppa/backports19:42
James147joseph123: then?19:42
joseph123then i installed through apt-get in terminal19:42
James147joseph123: you started with kubuntu or ubuntu?19:43
joseph123i started with ubuntu19:43
James147hmm, I would suggest trying a upgrade ^^ "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"19:44
joseph123i'd like to remove it however19:46
joseph123is there a way to just nullify and remove everything that came associated with that ppa installation on my system?19:47
James147^^ ppa-purge then19:48
joseph123how would the command look like, "sudo apt-get ppa-purge kubuntu-desktop" ?19:49
joseph123genii-around, what would the correct command be?19:50
genii-aroundlike: sudo ppa-purge ppa:yadda-yadda/main      or so. Where you put the ppa:yadda-yadda/main in the add-apt-repository previously19:50
Sparky97i installed 10.10 twice on my hard disk so i could try kde 4.6. 4.6 is still buggy (i cant use my favorite desktop effects.). I get information overload when trying to find out how to remove the 2nd install of kubuntu. how can i remove it so that only the first one of kubuntu 10.10 is on my hard disk?19:54
James147Sparky97: format the partition, reinstall grub19:55
Sparky97James147: is there an article on how to do that?19:55
sudiptai have recently installed kde 4.6 in ubuntu 10.10...but my gnome apps looks ugly...any help?19:56
joseph123Thank you James147 and Genii-around19:57
=== genii-around_ is now known as genii-around
sudiptai have recently installed kde 4.6 in ubuntu 10.10...but my gnome apps looks ugly...any help?20:02
joseph123sudipta, i think there is a way to skin gnome apps so it all looks uniform20:03
misterxcomo hacer que amarok lea cd de musica20:04
sudiptajoseph123: how?20:04
misterxamarok no lee cd de musica20:04
BluesKaj!it | misterx20:05
ubottumisterx: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)20:05
BluesKajmisterx, pardon #kubuntu-es20:10
shaintВсем привет!20:19
BluesKaj!ru | shaint20:20
ubottushaint: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke20:20
BluesKajshaint, np20:21
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ponkIm new to ubuntu21:01
ponkand stuck at installing java -.-21:01
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.21:01
ponkI will try to read that21:03
ponkhow to click on ok in the konsole? -.-21:08
James147ponk: ok?21:09
ponkafter sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin21:09
ponkit installed21:09
ponknow there is a long text21:09
ponkand in the end there is ok21:09
FloodBotK2ponk: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:10
James147type 'y' then press enter21:10
ponkI did that21:10
ponkand it installed21:10
James147o you mean to select the sun licence? press tab untill its hilighted then hit enter21:12
ponkooh ty lol21:12
afiefWhile trying to install kubuntu it's stuck on "Getting the time from a netwrok time server" but it's not connected to a network" (animation still works though)21:20
mjobinhi there ! from a recent package upgrate... plasma-desktop and kdm got erased without me noticing? i dont know what other piece might be missing. but kwallet is not lunching anymore. and I see several errors about dbus ?21:21
mjobindbus-daemon run as user 102 (no ref in /etc/passwd)21:22
James147mjobin: install kubuntu-desktop it should pull in everything you need21:22
mjobinError message was:  "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown" : " "The name org.kde.kwalletd was not provided by any .service files" "21:22
mjobin  plasma-widget-networkmanagement: Conflicts: network-manager-kde but 1:0.9~svn1176084-0ubuntu1 is installed.  (which one is to be installed ? )21:23
mjobinthanks James147, very good recommendation21:27
mjobinnow, I wonder if I should switch to the plasma-widget-networkmanagement ?21:27
afiefWhile trying to install kubuntu it's stuck on "Getting the time from a netwrok time server" but it's not connected to a network" (animation still works though)21:27
mjobinalso, I thought kubuntu/kde/nvidia supported monitor hot plug ?21:28
mjobinmaybe with nouveau21:28
James147mjobin: the nvidia drivers still use the xorg.conf, so i doupt it, but the nouveau ones might21:29
James147mjobin: and I would recomend teh network manager widget as knetworkmanager is largly depracated now21:29
Peace-James147: spam :D http://nowardev.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/gnome-defaltt-panel-kde.gif21:31
Sparky97James147: sorry, i still cant find good instructions on how to eliminate the partition while keeping the kubuntu that has all my stuff on it. most of it his how to delete linux and go back to windows. how do i delete just the newer partition that has linux kde 4.6, and keep the old kubuntu that is kde 4.5?22:15
James147Sparky97: format the partition then install grub again22:16
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)22:16
James147Sparky97: ^^ though from inside the os you should jsut need to run "sudo grub-install /dev/sdX" where /dev/sdX is the drive you want to isntall it to (drive, not partition)22:18
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LINKSWORD2Hey guys, I could use a little help?23:11
LINKSWORD2help please?23:12
James147!help | LINKSWORD223:13
ubottuLINKSWORD2: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:13
LINKSWORD2All right. So I'm running Kubuntu 10.04 LTE on an outdated Dell Latitude D610, and unfortunately, I am unable to connect to existing wireless networks that are visible to other computers.23:15
LINKSWORD2Where can I find a driver or other package to help solve this issue?23:15
James147LINKSWORD2: sorry was bussy :) what chipset? "lspci | grep -i network23:29
LINKSWORD2I keep getting a reply from the system that no such file or directory exists.23:32
LINKSWORD2Ah, figured it out. Broadcom23:33
LINKSWORD2If you need additional info, here it is. Broadcom Corporation MCM4309 802.11 a/b/g (Rev 03)23:45
James147Broadcom have never worked teribally well... I would advice upgrading to 10.10, as support for them improved every version23:48
LINKSWORD2OK, I was thinking about doing that but wasn't sure.23:48
azimov#join lsucs23:48

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