
=== bjf[afk] is now known as bjf
bjflifeless, tgardner is having the exact same problem00:46
wgrantbjf: Is there a public bug that you know to have a similar issue?00:48
bjfwgrant, this was the best example, right now i don't have one that I can point to00:48
wgrantOK. Just makes it a bit harder to debug if we can't see it :/00:49
wgrantlifeless: Do we know that someone else in the team didn't mute it?00:50
lifelesshowever the team is never the actor00:51
bjfwgrant, i can subscribe you if that would help00:51
lifelesswgrant: they don't have mute available yet00:51
wgrantbjf: That would probably be helpful.00:51
wgrantlifeless: You can mute team subscriptions if you're in ~malone-alpha.00:51
lifelesswgrant: https://launchpad.net/~malone-alpha/+members#active00:52
wgrantHmm, OK.00:52
lifelesswgrant: if you're going to look into this, thats great, I'll switch to a different issue00:52
lifelesswgrant: [I would love it if you do that]00:52
wgrantlifeless: I plan to.00:52
wgrantAnd/or am.00:53
bjfwgrant, i think i subscribed you00:53
lifelessok, handoff done.00:53
bjfwgrant, I subscribed some "wgrant"00:53
bjfwgrant, can you see the bug now ?00:55
wgrantbjf: Hmm, no.00:55
wgrantI am 'wgrant'00:55
bjfwgrant, yes, and I subscribed "wgrant"00:56
wgrantTo bug #759176?00:57
ubot5Error: Launchpad bug 759176 could not be found00:57
wgrantI still cannot see it.00:57
bjfwgrant, when i choose "subscribe someone else" and put wgrant in the edit box and hit search i am presented with: "William Grant", "Bill" "grantcentral", and "wgrant <email address hidden>". I chose "wgrant <email address hidden>"01:00
wgrantAh, that's billgrant-central.01:01
wgrantMy username is wgrant, display name is 'William Grant'. billgrant-central looks like a ShipIt-only person.01:01
wgrant(this UI is absolutely awful)01:02
bjfwell, that's kind of difficult to figure out01:02
bjfso I should subscribe "billgrant-central" ?01:02
wgrantNo, you *did* subscribe billgrant-central.01:02
wgrantI am 'William Grant' in that list you gave.01:02
wgranthttps://launchpad.net/~wgrant is me, but that is not the 'wgrant' in the list you gave.01:03
wgrantThat 'wgrant' is https://launchpad.net/~billgrant-central01:03
bjfso that is "William Grant me@williamgrant.id.au" ?01:03
wgrantThat's the one.01:03
wgrantMy Canonical address is not primary because I have heaps of filters that I really don't want to port over to procmail.01:04
bjfsubscribed, now we have to somehow remove "wgrant"01:04
wgrantspm may already be on that :)01:05
wgrantHi spm.01:05
bjfspm, we need to get "wgrant" unsubscribed from bug 75917601:12
ubot5Error: Launchpad bug 759176 could not be found01:12
wgrantbjf: What do you see at https://bugs.launchpad.net/dell/+bug/759176/+subscriptions?01:15
ubot5Error: Launchpad(https://launchpad.net) bug 759176 not found01:15
spmbjf: removed01:16
wgrantPossibly nothing.01:16
wgrantThanks spm.01:16
bjfwgrant, correct, nothing01:17
bjfwgrant, however, i see the same thing for https://bugs.launchpad.net/apport/+bug/765178/+subscriptions which i _am_ subscribed to01:18
ubot5Ubuntu bug 765178 in Apport "remove user-input questions from linux source package hooks" [Undecided,New]01:18
wgrantbjf: Yes. The page only works for alpha testers at the moment :(01:19
bjfwgrant, heh, ok01:19
bjfwgrant, if it would help in some way for me to be an alpha or other tester, just let me know01:20
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wgrantbjf: I've tracked down the issue. canonical-kernel-team has an unvalidated email address but no validated ones, which breaks a corner case in code that was added the day of the last email.01:56
wgrantbjf: We should probably remove the unvalidated email address, since they don't do anything (... well, apart from breaking this)01:56
bjfwgrant, that's great that you found it02:00
bjfwgrant, did you remove the unvalidated email address or is that something I need to do ?03:07
wgrantbjf: I could probably convince a LOSA to do it, but probably better for a team admin to do it.03:09
wgrantI hope there's UI to do that.03:10
wgranthttps://launchpad.net/~canonical-kernel-team/+contactaddress might be helpful.03:10
bjfwgrant, i don't have permission to access that page03:16
wgrantbjf: Right, that page is only accessible by admins. But it seems we'll need SQL to remove the unvalidated address.03:20
bjfwgrant, you have someone in mind to perform that surgery ?03:20
wgrantbjf: I believe we have a candidate victim, yes.03:24
bjfwgrant, cool :-)03:24
lifelessbjf: we're going to not mangle the db; the code fix will be ready to go live in ~ 7 hours, so within 24 is a solid bet for having it fixed.03:35
bjflifeless, hmmm, i guess i have no choice but to wait, it _is_ good to know that you know what the problem is and have a fix, hopefully i will have an inbox full of bug mail when I get up tomorrow03:50
lifelessbjf: theres risk everytime we do manual SQL on the db03:59
lifelessbjf: we reserve it for zomg style issues, which I don't think this is (because its affecting a limited group of folk, and we'll have a fix shortly.)04:00
bjflifeless, i can understand that, and the want to be conservative04:00
bjflifeless, however, it does feel like this is something that should be "fixed" for this team, but if it's safer to leave it for now, then that's probably the right answer04:01
lifelessbjf: we have caused entire site-wide outages doing 'safe' sql in the past.04:03
lifelessbjf: its a Big Deal to do sql.04:03
bjflifeless, like i said, safe is probably best04:04
lifelessbjf: by analogy, if I had a fix to my wifi driver dropping off on N networks a lot, you'd still go through your normal QA process etc before shipping the deb in the archive ;)04:04
lifelessbjf: its a shame that theres no ability for you to run a custom variant till we have the main code deployed, but web services are like that :(04:08
bjflifeless, you assume we have a qa process :-)05:24
lifelessI'm sure you do ;)05:26
wgrantYes, it makes our PPA queues huge :)05:26
bjfyou'd be surprised, if you are going to uds, i'll buy you a beer and tell you about it, have a good day, i'm going to get some shut eye05:27
wgrantNight. Thanks for letting us know about the bugmail issue. It may well be fixed by tomorrow.05:27
marvin2Hi, could someone tell me how to create a private branch on launchpad? We've paid for it and applied the code to a project, but can't restrict the visibility of any branches we create.05:35
lifelessthat needs a policy setup for you, which our sysadmins can do05:36
lifelessspm: yo05:36
spmahh I see05:36
marvin2lifeless: Do we need to mail someone to get that done?05:36
spmmarvin2: if you could PM me the project name?05:36
marvin2spm, just one second.05:37
marvin2spm, it's willow-code.05:38
spmta. gimme a sec....05:38
spmmarvin2: I've set it so that members of https://launchpad.net/~willowit-team have access, see how that goes?05:40
marvin2spm: Perfect!05:40
spmmarvin2: I'd advise to a trial push of a dummy branch first. make sure that goes up and is private, so you don't have any accidental leaks.05:42
marvin2spm: Yeah, gonna try that now.05:42
spmparanoid is, as paranoid does. ;-)05:42
marvin2spm: :)05:44
marvin2spm: Thanks for that, it worked. I pushed a branch under that project, but Launchpad says I'm the only one that can upload files to it. How can I authorise other people to push their changes to the branch hosted on Launchpad?07:10
spmmarvin2: hrm. let me have a look...07:10
wgrantmarvin2: How did you push it?07:11
wgrantmarvin2: The owner of the branch can write to it.07:11
wgrantSo bzr push lp:~TEAM/PROJECT/SOMENAME will let anyone in ~TEAM push to it.07:11
marvin2wgrant: OK. I'd like to just take the version already on launchpad at lp:~USER/.... and move it to lp:~TEAM/...07:14
marvin2Is it possible?07:15
wgrantmarvin2: Sure. Click on 'Change details' on the branch page.07:15
wgrantmarvin2: You'll see a team selector up te top.07:15
marvin2wgrant: Cool, I'll try that.07:15
marvin2wgrant: Thanks, that worked.07:48
wgrantmarvin2: Great.07:49
=== henninge changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: henninge | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
pooliejam i really like your +inprogress idea10:37
pooliei wish those views were a bit more opinionated about how you probably want to use them, in choosing their defaults-10:37
pooliehistorically bugs like that have not had a high chance of being fixed10:38
lifelessstill don't :)10:39
lifelessI nearly duped it on 'make columns configurable'10:39
poolieit would be neat if lp's dupefinder was extended to predict the chance the bug will ever be fixed10:40
pooliea smart enough keyword matcher could probably say "don't even bother" before you finish typing10:40
tsimpsongeneral question, is there a timeline for when the +text bug interface is going away?11:23
ftawgrant, hi, did you have time to investigate the ppa-stats issue since last time we discussed it?11:26
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hrwis it 'normal' that each bug query which uses tags == OOPS?14:32
hrwhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=ftbfs+natty+multiarch&field.tags_combinator=ALL (Error ID: OOPS-1936CC361)14:32
bigjoolsadeuring: ^14:34
bigjoolshis analysis is wrong but still ...14:34
henningeadeuring: do you know anthing about the +text bug interface?14:34
adeuringhenninge: no14:35
hrwin previous days it was oopsing too but gave answers usually on 2-3rd reload14:35
adeuringhrw: seems that our new timeout settings is too strict...14:35
henningetsimpson: sorry for missing your questions earlier.14:36
hrwadeuring: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.searchtext=&orderby=-datecreated&search=Search&field.status%3Alist=NEW&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=CONFIRMED&field.status%3Alist=TRIAGED&field.status%3Alist=INPROGRESS&field.status%3Alist=FIXCOMMITTED&assignee_option=any&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=&field.bug_supervisor=&field.bug_commenter=&field.subscriber=&field.comp14:36
henningetsimpson: why do you think it is going away?14:36
tsimpsonhenninge: because I know the LP devs hate it :)14:36
henningetsimpson: ;)14:37
henningetsimpson: I only found out about it just now. Can you be more specific about a hater? ;)14:37
hrwadeuring: does LP do 'lets do DB query and if it not give results in <XYZ ms then raise timeout'?14:37
henningetsimpson: IOW I don't know anything about such plans.14:37
tsimpsonhenninge: well we use it in ubottu and the like, and we have internally deprecated support for +text in the bug tracker plugin, but we don't have any time-line for removing the code14:38
tsimpsonso I was mostly just curious if the devs had any concrete plans or not14:39
henningetsimpson: I guess you switched to the rest api?14:39
tsimpsonyeah, we just use launchpadlib and fallback to +text if it's not installed14:39
henningetsimpson: Are you on the launchpad-dev mailing list?14:44
tsimpsonhenninge: not currently14:45
abentleyadeuring: with deryck away, I guess I'll take his help contact rotation.14:45
tsimpsonbut I can subscribe easily enough14:45
henningetsimpson: yeah, I think it would be a good place to kick of a discussion about defining a time line for this.14:46
henningetsimpson: please do that ;)14:46
tsimpsonok :)14:46
hrwadeuring: is there a bug for LP timeout issue where I can leave some complains and example queries?14:48
adeuringhrw: yes14:51
adeuringhrw: yorry, the yes was for your previous question; let me check if we already have a bug about this specific timout14:51
hrwadeuring: would be useful to add "if query.contains(tag) then timeout=10*timeout" kind of change14:54
hrwas I understand timeout change for simple queries like 'show me bugs in package X' but more complex ones takes more time by default14:55
adeuringhrw: right, but we don't have anything like that in place right now. Anyway, did you try a search on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty14:57
adeuring(that would make the tag "natty" obsolete14:58
adeuring...in theory14:58
adeuringhrw: bzg 75742614:59
adeuring...bug 75742614:59
ubot5Launchpad bug 757426 in Launchpad itself "Distribution:+bugs timeout with combinator ALL" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75742614:59
davidgilukI'm getting repeated timeout/oops's on a tag search I commonly use    https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=arm-porting-queue  giving OOPS-1936EC40315:09
davidgilukany LP engineers around to give it a bit of a kick?15:21
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bjfis there a guestimate when the fix for bug 766561 will go live (it's being QA'd now) ?15:46
ubot5Launchpad bug 766561 in Launchpad itself "Bug notifications broken for teams with only non-preferred email addresses" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76656115:46
bjfthis is really impacting the kernel team15:46
jcsackettbjf: i'm checking our deployment queue now.15:49
jcsackettit's been qa'ed okay, so if there's nothing ahead of it in the queue that is broken, it should go out on the next deploy.15:49
bjfjcsackett, and that would be when ?15:49
jcsackettbjf: that, i'm not entirely sure of.15:50
jcsackettbjf: two things ahead of it, one is being qa'ed now. i'm looking into the other one.15:50
ftabug 76725816:01
ubot5Launchpad bug 767258 in Launchpad itself "weird PPA stats before Feb 10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76725816:01
bjfjcsackett, is there anyone that could tell me when it will deploy ?16:02
jcsackettbjf: it's dependent on when things get qa'ed. there's one thing still in the queue, and as i understand it, it's complicated.16:56
jcsacketthistorically though, we seem to do at least one deployment a day.16:56
benjicool, thanks17:03
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joshuahooveradeuring: ping18:12
adeuringjoshuahoover: yes?18:12
joshuahooveradeuring: do you know how i can get "answers" removed from a project site? i tried configuring to "not applicable" but the link still shows: https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone-servers18:13
joshuahooveradeuring: i set the "Configure support tracker" to not applicable, but somehow we still got a question18:14
joshuahooveradeuring: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-servers/+question/15345818:14
joshuahooveradeuring: i was surprised to see a question still got through even though the project is not setup for answers :)18:15
adeuringjoshuahoover: yeah, I undrstand, but let me check a bit...18:15
joshuahooveradeuring: k, thanks!18:15
adeuringjoshuahoover: You can simply append "/+addquestion" to the main answers URL  (https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-servers) and then you can submit your question...18:18
adeuringLooks like a bug18:18
joshuahooveradeuring: ah, ok18:18
adeuringabentley-lunch: can you take the role of the help contact?18:21
ovnicrafthello i am in bugs page18:35
ovnicrafti reported one18:35
ovnicraftand want to report another one18:35
ovnicraftso i need back18:36
ovnicraft to bugs18:36
ovnicraftclick on report a bug18:36
ovnicrafthow can i from reported bug page report another bug ?18:36
charlie-tcaovnicraft: if it is a bug in the same package, scroll down to the bottom of the page:  Report another bug in ???19:22
=== abentley-lunch changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contacts: abentley | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
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spinnyHello folks. Is there a way for users to query changes/updates in PPAs automatically such a via RSS?20:39
DNS__hi guys :)20:46
DNS__am i able to compile/make deb packages for debian squeeze too at lp?20:47
DNS__if so, idk how20:47
joeyabentley: help :-)20:50
abentleyjoey: What can I do for you?20:51
joeyhi abentley20:51
joeyI'm on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sprints/uds-o/+addspec20:51
joeyand under "For:" where you add in the project/product name,  if I select the chooser it doesn't put back in my chosen result20:51
joeyso.. search for "linaro-project", click on the result, and nothing20:51
abentleyjoey: It's as if you didn't invoke the chooser at all?20:52
joeyabentley: correct20:52
joeyblank field20:52
abentleyjoey: I saw that a few minutes ago with a Person picker.20:52
joeyyeah same base code as I recall...although it's been a few years :-)20:53
DNS__so, i guess im not able to compile packages for squeeze or?20:53
abentleyjoey: So I think this may be a launchpad-wide issue.20:53
DNS__(on launchapd)20:53
joeyabentley: yeah and it's affecting Linaro and others I'm sure20:54
joeyabentley: the good news is ubuntu should be unaffected20:54
joeyabentley: they use "ubuntu" in that field20:54
abentleyDNS__: Not deliberately ignoring you, but since you didn't use my handle, it didn't attract my attentionl.20:54
DNS__np :)20:54
abentleyDNS__: But you're right, we only support creating packages for Ubuntu distributions via our packaging system and build farm.20:55
abentleyjoey: you can work around this by putting in the actual project name manually, right?20:56
DNS__ok i was just wondering because i found debian debian/squeeze and debian/lenny on launchpad, and i thought maybe...20:56
DNS__thx for info20:56
joeyabentley: assume so. doing it now.20:56
joeyabentley: yes I can. https://blueprints.launchpad.net/linaro-project-management/+spec/linaro-other-project-management-enhancements20:57
joeyoops wrong naming20:58
abentleyjoey: I'm going to try to assess the scope of the problem.20:58
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joeyabentley: thanks. I have track leads in Linaro trying to do this and it impacts them20:59
abentleyjoey: Okay, it's not site-wide.  For example, assigning a person to a bug and assigning a branch to a productseries are working.21:02
ovnicraftcharlie-tca, LP help with UI21:16
=== abentley changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ Some pickers don't work: bug #761494 | Help contacts: abentley | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
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jaypipesare any LP admins around?22:41
lifelessjaypipes: whats up ?22:44
jaypipeslifeless: hi Robert, thx. was hoping someone could change a project name... https://launchpad.net/openstack-dbaas to https://launchpad.net/reddwarf. I was setting it up for another team and goofed the project name they wanted.22:45
jaypipeslifeless: I changed everything except the project identifier..22:46
lifelessyou can do that yourself can't you ?22:46
lifelessanyhow, done.22:46
jaypipeslifeless: no, only the display name...22:47
jaypipeslifeless: tyvm sir!22:47
lifelessde nada22:47
dokolifeless: you did send some traces for the search of <tag1> AND <tag2> reports22:49
dokois there some work ongoing?22:49
lifelessdoko: its in the pile of criticals22:49
dokook, thanks!22:49
lifelessthe search is triggering a very slow query path22:49
lifelessI'm not sure quite what we need to do22:49
lifelesswe may need to use arrays or whatnot22:50
dokoany workaround I could use in the mean time?22:50
lifelessif we need a schema change, this will have to wait to be fixed for the downtime deploy in may22:50
lifelessdoko: I'll have a look at adding a timeout exception for the page22:50
lifelessthere are some risks doing that22:51
lifelessdoko: it may work if you refresh a few times, part of the slowness is hitting the 500K row bugtag table which can be out of cache22:51
dokothanks, if it's worth filing reports with a "combined" tag, I'll do that too22:51
lifelessso the interesting thing about your query is that the tags you are searching on a reasonably common (some of them)22:53
lifelessbut the intersection is empty22:53
lifelessso no bugs should be found22:54
lifelessempty/near empty22:54
dokohmm, but nor for things like ftbfs+natty or ftbfs+oneiric22:55
lifelessthose I would expect to have matches, yes.22:55
lifelesswhy are they tagged natty22:55
lifelessrather than being on the natty series ?22:55
dokothe bug filing tool lacked support filing reports for a series ;-P22:56
lifelessour search schema can handle many more bugs on a series than bugs with a tag22:56
dokoso if you want to target these to a series, please do22:56
lifelessprobably best to do that with an api script22:59
lifelessanyhowm I'll see if I can get something going for you today23:00
lifelesswe're just dealing with a small crisis right now23:00
lifelessso it will be later today23:00
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bjflifeless, the bug email is starting to roll in, many thanks23:12
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