
tuhinsalam tarunno and Tanvir10:24
tuhinAvro team did a great job!10:26
tarunnotuhin, thanx10:47
tuhinhow many members in avro team in total?10:47
tuhinthey all should be awarded big monetary award too10:48
tuhinby the government 10:49
tuhinavro team got anymoney from election comision?10:49
=== Tanvir is now known as bare|sleep
tuhinhi tarunno 19:45
tarunnotuhin: hi19:45
tuhinu were saying the other day abt autocratic linux community leaders19:46
tuhinpls continue19:46
tuhinwhat mistake one of the leader did at/after the buntu-mintu event?19:48
tarunnowhy are you so interested about the down side?19:55
tarunnowhy not you are asking how many good things happened 19:55
tuhinnot askign abt downside19:56
tuhini want to know why the linux irc rooms are like desert19:57
tuhinmore people = more help = more spread of linux use in BD19:57
tarunnoIRC was never that much popular like forums and blogs19:59
tarunnoand I thing that is a good thing19:59
tuhinhmm , bd people talks too much 19:59
tuhinbut IRC = faster response20:00
tarunnoand too much repeatation of same information20:00
tarunnoand it is not search engine friendly20:00
tuhini saw abt a linux event last month in DU20:01
tuhinwas that organized by same people as buntu-mintu ?20:01
tarunnoactually there is a problem20:01
tarunnoBontu-Mintur adda was a brain child of mine20:02
tarunnoand with the help of some wonderful people we had made it great20:02
tuhinit was a good idea20:02
tarunnoand when the community got a momentum, the problem arised20:03
tuhini didn't attend it but saw and read abt it20:03
tuhinwhat was the problem/mistake?20:03
tuhini think all problems in this world can be overcome if we try20:04
tarunnowhen Bontu mintu r adda got a huge response the community grew double over night 20:04
tarunnoand the old forum.linux.org.bd launched it's bangla version20:04
tuhinic , that site doesnt exist now and i was wondering why its like that20:05
tarunnobut there were some mistakes by the admins20:06
tuhinlike what?20:06
tarunnowhen you get some power what someone earns cheaply, mostly people misuse it20:07
tarunnolike edit people's post without warning, threatning people20:07
tarunnoetc etc20:07
tuhinhow the admin power was misused?20:07
tuhinso it was fault of 1 people or more?20:07
tarunnoand that thing made some enemies as well20:07
tuhinenemity among admins? or some admin vs users?20:08
tarunnoother people20:09
tarunnonot mod panel20:09
tarunnotuhin, I need to join a skype conf. 20:10
tuhinohok, so why the site disappeared?20:10
tarunnotalk to you later20:10
tuhinok 20:10
tuhinnice to talk with u20:10
kaziHi all!21:08
kaziHow are you?21:08

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