
edlik1I can not get my scanner to work. Brother mfc-6490. I installed the software through the software center but I must be missing something03:18
holsteinlooks like duanedesign has experience with that device03:21
UbuntuN00banyone know how to use 7zip through terminal to unrar 2 files of the same archive05:24
bioterror!man  | UbuntuN00b05:25
ubot2UbuntuN00b: The "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the  command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | Manpages online: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/05:25
bioterrorafter some reading, you know it too05:26
drzaius12Can anyone tell me if it is possible to install a different kernel in ubuntu?08:13
bioterrorit is possible08:16
bioterrorbut most of the time generic works juuuuuust fine08:16
drzaius12Well, I was feeling that I was getting the hang of Ubuntu, and decided to take the plunge into Natty territory. The upgrade went fine, and the system works great, but the newer kernel does not work with my wireless network. Would I be able to install a version of the older kernel on th newer OS?08:19
bioterroryou can do it by hand fetching couple of files and dpkg -i08:20
bioterrorhttp://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ there you go08:21
drzaius12So, if I do this with dpkg, it will take care of dependencies and links and stuff so that Natty still runs, just on an older kernel (Except for stuff that requires certain kernel updates of course)?08:23
bioterroruno momento08:24
bioterrorhttps://launchpad.net/~kernel-ppa/+archive/ppa or you can add this ppa08:24
bioterrorand use apt-get08:24
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Brady_1Hello all. I'm trying to backup a file from my unbuntu 10.4 server vps to my desktop. Can anyone help?10:38
geirhaPlaces -> Connect to server -> Type: ssh, Host: your.vps.hostname, ...10:39
geirhaThen drag and drop the files you want to copy10:40
geirhaAssuming of course you have ssh access to it.10:40
Brady_1Places under windows or Pidgin or..?10:40
Brady_1I'm using PuTTY10:40
geirhaOh, I assumed you were using ubuntu on the desktop too10:40
Brady_1Sadly no10:40
geirhaI'm not so good with windows, but I know there's a program named WinSCP10:41
geirhaWhich you can use to connect via ssh, then drag and drop files10:42
Brady_1It's GUI based?10:42
Brady_1I see10:43
Brady_1Very nice10:43
Brady_1Thank you10:43
Brady_1This is actually exactly what I've been needing. As someone who just started using VPS's and Unbuntu yesterday I'm ecstatic.10:45
Brady_1Hmm. So I should be able to use WinSCH the same way I use my command line pretty much?10:51
Brady_1I'm not able to connect to the Ubuntu server via WinSCP10:53
Brady_1"Cannot initialize SFTP protocol. Is the host running a SFTP server?"10:56
Brady_1when trying SCP- "Error skipping startup message. Your shell is probably incompatible with the application (BASH is recommended).10:58
Brady_1any ideas?10:58
rayI am looking for an add-on as good as Bookmark Duplicate Detector but for Firefox 3.6.1611:07
rayNever mind, I found checkplaces11:23
rayfor finding duplicate bookmarks11:23
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avinashhmHi guys , I am on ubuntu 10.10 .. I am trying to start trace32 application, which used bitmap fonts .. but X-windows is ending with fatal error saying, bitmap fonts may be disabled .. more logs @ http://paste.ubuntu.com/596533/ .. can any one help me pls.14:05
javatexanwhat is a good api for creating pdfs from templates.....with like annotated fields filled out via db pull type of thing?14:48
s-foxjavatexan,  Is this for a web application?14:50
javatexanor it doesn't have to be, I could make it a gnome app too, I guess14:51
javatexanthe ui doesn't exist yet... ;)  its officially vaporware14:52
javatexanjust trying to get all the tools in place14:54
s-foxI would create an xfdf file using php simple xml  and then "stamp" it onto the template using pdftk14:54
javatexancool, I will look into i14:55
avinashhmHi , i am getting bitmaps error, when i start my application .. more logs @ http://paste.ubuntu.com/596533/..can some one please help ?15:18
holsteinavinashhm: i'll look around some more about that15:19
holsteinwhats the application?15:19
holsteinwhere did you get it?15:19
holsteinthe repos?15:19
avinashhmholstein, it is lauterbach software ...debugger ..15:21
avinashhmgot it from http://www.lauterbach.com/frames.html?home.html ..15:21
holsteinavinashhm: is it compatible with ubuntu?15:22
avinashhmholstein, yeah .. it is .. it used to run with 9.04 on my pc ..15:22
avinashhmholstein, is there any way to check is bitmap enabled or not in my ubuntu 10.10 ?15:22
avinashhmbitmap font ?15:22
holsteinnot sure15:23
holsteini used to install ubuntu-restricted-extras15:23
holsteintheres a bunch of stuff in that meta package15:24
holsteinincluding a bunch of fonts15:24
avinashhmi see that its already there .../etc/fonts/conf.available/ ... but by default only no-bitmaps is linked ..15:24
holsteinwould those fonts be in msttcorefonts ?15:25
avinashhmI changed the symlink to 70-yes-bitmaps.conf .. ran fc but no use ..15:25
avinashhmholstein, sorry , i don't know .. how can i check ?15:26
holsteinavinashhm: well, you can install that package15:26
holsteinand try it15:26
holsteinthis looks relevant15:27
avinashhmholstein, i followed exact same thing ;-) .. but still didn't work ..then linked to 70-yes-bitmaps.conf15:27
holsteinavinashhm: i would explore the support outlets of the package maintainer15:28
holsteinor try oler versions of the software maybe15:28
holsteini mean, feel free to hang here15:28
holsteinand repost every couple hours15:28
avinashhmholstein, i have written to lauterbach .. may be ll take a day / 2 .. i though t i ll check if it is enabled ...15:29
holsteinbut i think http://www.lauterbach.com/frames.html?home.html is where to go15:29
avinashhmholstein, ;-) .. ppl ll kill if i repost every couple hours ..15:29
holsteinavinashhm: i dont think anyone will care much in here15:29
avinashhmsupport -> download center -> download updates .. linux , debugger, arm .. search15:30
holsteinand you already started that trend earlier anyways...15:30
avinashhmi know that was bad ..15:30
holsteinnah, its a tough one15:30
ShoryuUbuntu 10.10 x86: Hi... how do I enable core dumps for just root without logging into root and doing a ulimit -c unlimited? I already set the rules in /etc/security/limits.conf, but they don't seem to have any affect.15:31
avinashhmholstein, thanks for u r time dude .. i appreciate ..15:33
holsteinavinashhm: wish i had more for you.. good luck15:33
holsteinShoryu: you could pastebin that rules file i suppose15:34
holsteini used to edit in there for audio work15:34
holsteinbut havent needed to for a couple releases now15:34
holsteinand i never needed that exact funcionality*15:35
ShoryuOh snap. Didn't finish my question...15:35
ShoryuReason I want ulimit -c unlimited to be automatic is for *cron* jobs.15:35
Shoryuand scripts run with *sudo*. It doesn't seem you get the ulimit's of the user your suddoing.15:35
Shoryuafaik, ulimit stuff is for bash only.15:36
ShoryuSo if I want a java process to automatically dump a core if it crashes, how would I do that if it's run outside of bash?15:36
holsteinthats a bit over my head15:37
holsteinmaybe ##linux ?15:37
Shoryui thought so... ##linux looks like a development channel, not a support channel, but i'll try15:38
popeyShoryu: why dont you want to do it as root?15:38
popey" without logging into root"15:38
popeyjust do "sudo -s" then do it15:39
Shoryuwell I might as well do that, but i don't log in as root unless I need to.15:39
popeywell, you need to :)15:39
Shoryuthanks anyways15:42
deuceneed help16:20
bioterror!ask | deuce16:20
ubot2deuce: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:20
ubot2Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:21
deucei plan to use ubuntu server to handle 10 windows workstation16:21
deucewhere should i begin with?16:22
holsteindeuce: define 'handle'16:23
deucei mean use linux as server for sharing file , because winxp has limited connectivity for network sharing just for 10 pc16:25
holsteinso, a samba server is the goal?16:25
deuceany distro can u suggest for me?16:25
holsteinthe server CD is there16:26
deucei already download it. not install yet16:26
deuceim not familiar with linux server distro16:27
holsteini like http://freenas.org/downloads too16:27
holsteinits an easy way to set up a samba server or whatever16:28
deucefor network setting .. is it auto dhcp or?16:28
holsteindeuce: whatever you want to set it up to use16:28
holsteini usually give my servers a static IP16:28
holsteinso i can find them16:28
holsteinand forward ports to them16:28
holsteinbut, thats up to you16:29
deuceand im not good in terminal command for network setting16:29
deuceis it got gui?16:29
holsteinyour server doesnt have to be command line only16:30
bioterrorholstein, I assume you can put 50/50 deuces salary ;)16:30
holsteinyou can istall the normal ubuntu16:30
holsteinand run a samba server on it16:30
holsteinbioterror: ;)16:30
holsteini started doing that16:31
holsteinwith xubuntu actually16:31
JoeMaverickSettdeuce: Although this guide is for 5.10, most of it can still be applied on/to 10.04 and others; http://www.howtoforge.com/samba_setup_ubuntu_5.1016:32
holsteinconnecting to the headless server with VNC16:32
deucei want to share my problem here , i hope u can give me opinion from your experience16:32
holsteinsince i was more comfortable with a desktop GUI at the time16:32
holsteinnow i just SSH16:32
bioterrorremote desktop to windows server 2003/2008 kicks ass16:33
JoeMaverickSettdeuce: you would probably want to hold on to this; http://goo.gl/ZXM9D16:33
JoeMaverickSettbioterror: <3 :D16:33
bioterrorthat's "like a boss" -solution16:33
deuceactually, company that i work for still using winxp as server.. its sound suxk16:33
bioterrorwindows xp was never ment to be a server16:33
bioterror2000, 2003 and 2008 are16:33
deuceand we are running visual fox pro program16:33
deucevery2 lag16:34
deucevery suxc16:34
holsteinmaybe its the network16:34
holsteinif you're just serving audio, i found http://sockso.pu-gh.com/ to be easy16:34
deuceok for network problem.. i just connect a wifi router to 24port switch16:35
deucethey all just connect from port with auto dhcp16:36
deuceim not good in network setting16:36
holsteini have a hard enough time maintaining my network16:36
bioterrordeuce, where can I send my CV?-)16:36
bioterrorcurriculum vitae16:36
holsteinjust dont rule out a network problem16:36
holsteinlinux is great, and i prefer it to windows16:36
holsteinbut its not magic16:36
deuceman... im not good enough in english.. but i try to talk with it16:36
holsteinif you have a network problem, it'll be a problem for linux as well16:37
holsteini like using http://www.dd-wrt.com/site/index where possible16:37
deuceso can u all suggest me the proper networking setting16:37
holsteinnot really16:38
holsteindepends on your needs16:38
deuceany diagram or whutever that i can learn from16:38
deucethe visual fox pro database getting bigger everyday.. more that 2gb now16:39
deuceso every pc use the same database for searching, keying and etc16:39
holsteinthese are handy too http://www.turnkeylinux.org/fileserver16:41
deucedd-wrt is for what?16:44
holsteinthats the router firmware i like to use16:45
holsteinwhen possible16:45
holstein*not that you need it16:45
deuceim just using d-link wifi router , provide from isp16:48
deuceis it good?16:49
holsteinyou tell me :)16:50
holsteini use as little as possible from my ISP16:50
holsteini have my own modem and routers16:50
holsteinbut, my ISP might not be as knowlegable as yours16:50
deuceman.. can this router manage the whole network for over 40 pc?16:52
deucei need to restart this router many time.. because always lag16:52
holsteindepends really16:53
deuceim not sure ., is it because of windows or this router16:53
holsteinsupplying internet to 40 machines16:53
holsteinthat can require a lot of bandwidth16:53
holsteinfrom the ISP16:53
deuceyeah... and my isp really suxc16:54
holsteinbut, if most of the traffic is on your local network16:54
holsteinthat will help16:54
deuceactually , we are not really use internet so much16:54
holsteinif i had 40 boxes16:54
holsteinand i needed to share big files often16:55
holsteini would want gigabit lan probably16:55
holsteinif possible16:55
holsteinsomething fast and hard-wired16:55
holsteinthat *should* allow for really nice speeds on the local network16:55
deucemy companye use 10/100 only16:55
holsteindeuce: and i do here too16:56
holsteinbut im not dealing with 40 machine16:56
holsteinon the hardware the ISP provided me16:56
deucedo u have any idea for LAN setting in proper way?16:57
holsteinwell, like i said16:59
holsteini would probably be aiming for gigabit where possible17:00
deucefor router modem?17:00
holsteinwell, whatever17:01
holsteinjust between the computers on the local network17:01
holsteinif thats where speed is an issu17:01
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Newby2011is this active19:18
charlie-tcaNewby2011: yes19:18
coz_Newby2011,  what's up?19:22
Newby2011I'm looking for help dual booting ubuntu 8.10 with xp. Not sure how to manually partition the disk. XPcrashed with a virus and am wondering if it is safe to save documents and photos etc to ubuntu. I am usng a live boot disk now.19:22
coz_Newby2011, ` first ,, no windows virus will transfer over to ubuntu  so dont worry about it19:23
coz_Newby2011,  secondly  are you going to reinstall xp?19:23
coz_Newby2011, ok  then first reinstall xp  and divide the hard drive in half with its partitioner19:24
coz_Newby2011,  that will make it easy when you install ubuntu  after you install xp... the secondary partitioin will be picked up with ubuntu's partitioner19:24
Newby2011won't i lose my docs if i do that?19:24
coz_Newby2011,  ah19:24
coz_Newby2011,   well  so you want to install ubuntu...pull the documents from xp  and then reinstall xp ?19:25
coz_Newby2011,  can you just back up the documents/ files on xp to a flash drive or cd  and then just reinstall xp first?19:25
Newby2011xp will not load at all19:25
coz_Newby2011,  oh! it is preventing back up?19:26
Newby2011yes, it will not boot.19:26
charlie-tcaum, 8.10 is really old19:27
coz_Newby2011,  mm  the only problem I see wiht installing ubuntu now is that xp is not defragged19:27
coz_Newby2011,  there is a possiblilty that when you partiion the drive with ubuntu,,, some files from xp may be on the new partion and they will be lost19:28
Newby2011charlie i know its 4 years old but it is what i have :)19:28
Newby2011ubuntu will overwrite ex files?19:29
coz_Newby2011,  if they are on the ubuntu partiion they will yes,,  because you cannot defrag  xp at this point19:29
coz_Newby2011,  however,.,, if you install ubuntu and use just a few gigs of the hard drive for ubuntu right now  so that you can pull off the files you need,,, then start over with the xp install ,, creating a partion from there and then install ubuntu19:30
coz_Newby2011,  ubuntu's partiioner has a "slider"  that allows you to adjust the amount of space for the ubuntu partiion19:31
coz_Newby2011,  it is pretty self explanetory19:31
Newby2011i can try that, thanks19:34
Newby2011how do i pull spific files fron the drive with ubuntu?19:35
Newby2011spific, i cant spell19:36
Newby2011you said i could pull off the files i need19:37
holsteinyou mean copy?19:37
holsteincopy and paste them somewhere else?19:37
holsteinmount the drive19:37
holsteinthe source drive19:38
holsteinand mount the destination drive19:38
holsteinand copy and paste in whatever fashion you feel comfortalbe19:38
Newby2011i am using a laptop and have no where to mount the drive19:38
holsteinwhat drive?19:39
holsteinif you cant mount the drive19:39
holsteinyou cant get anything off of it then19:39
holsteini thought you were talking about the internal hard drive19:39
holsteincopying to a USB drive/stick or something19:40
Newby2011yes on my laptop19:40
holsteinyou can do that with a live CD19:40
holsteinthe source would be the internal drive19:40
holsteinNewby2011: however you want19:40
holsteini usually just open the file manager19:40
holsteinand click on it19:40
holsteinbut, you can do it however you feel comfortable19:40
Newby2011ok i will try that, thanks19:41
holsteinNewby2011: well, dont try it19:41
holsteinjust mount the source and destination19:41
holsteinand move the data19:41
holsteinits a machine19:41
holsteintell it what to do :)19:41
Newby2011how do i mount the source and destination.?19:42
holsteinwell, like i suggested19:42
holsteini usually open the file manager19:42
holsteinand click on them19:42
holsteinBUT, if you boot the live CD19:42
holsteinyou should see the volume on the deskop19:43
holsteindepending on what live CD you have19:43
holsteinand when/if you insert a USB stick19:43
holsteinyou'll see that volume on the desktop too19:43
holsteinNewby2011: do you have a LIVE cd burned?19:43
holsteinif you want, get one19:44
holsteinburn it19:44
holsteinor make a bootable USB stick19:44
holsteinand boot into it19:44
Newby2011yes, I expalined that before. That is how i am here now19:44
holsteinit'll be much easier for me to talk you through the process if you are on the desktop19:44
Newby2011ubuntu 8,10 live19:44
holsteinget you a 10.04 live at least19:44
holsteinNewby2011: i thought you were here for help and suggestions?19:45
holsteinmy suggestion is to get a newer iso19:45
holsteinbecause 8.10 is not supported19:46
holsteinand you are obviously having issues with it19:46
holsteinfor one reason or another19:46
Newby2011can i download that live cd using the one in the machine now?19:46
holsteinand i think for troubleshooting purposes19:46
holsteinit would be easier for you to download a newer more modern and appropriate iso for a live CD19:46
holsteinthan to figure out what, if anything, is wrong with the outdated one you have19:47
holsteinNewby2011: what is the issue with the live CD you have?19:48
holsteinit wont boot?19:48
Newby2011my inexperience is the issue. im here looking for help.19:48
holsteinNewby2011: OK19:48
virgoi am looking for help to install something19:48
holsteinso, where are you?19:48
holsteindo you know what i mean by boot the live CD?19:48
holsteindo you know if the machine is capable of booting the CD?19:49
holsteinall bioses are different19:49
holsteinand usually, you ned to enter the bios19:49
Newby2011yes, i have done that. I'm running it now19:49
holsteinNewby2011: running what?19:49
holsteinthe bios?19:49
holsteinor the live CD?19:49
holsteinvirgo: shout it out :)19:49
Newby2011live cd19:49
holsteinNewby2011: OK, so you are looking at the ubuntu desktop then?19:50
holsteinbooted from CD?19:50
holsteinand the internal hard drive is?19:50
virgoi am trying to install anjuta-3.0.0 from source19:50
holsteinis that the only drive Newby2011 ?19:50
holsteinjust the one?19:50
virgobut i get errors with ./configure command19:50
Newby2011i have a usb external19:51
virgofor example on error from terminal: glib-2.0 >= 2.28.019:51
virgobut i did install all the newer versions19:51
virgobut it still says that there is no 2.2819:51
Newby2011holstein i'll b back if i need more help. thansk. bye19:52
holsteinNewby2011: they should just show up there19:53
holsteinin the file manager19:53
holsteinjust click on them19:53
holsteinlike you do (kind of) in XP19:53
holsteinvirgo: did you read the readme file?19:54
holsteinis there a good readme?19:54
holsteinvirgo: why not use the one in the repos?19:54
virgobut it is version 2. something19:55
holsteinhow about https://launchpad.net/~jacob/+archive/anjuta ?19:56
holsteinyou need 3.x ?19:56
virgoyes, i was trying to test it19:56
virgoi must say i did not fully read the readme file XD19:57
holsteini would say, not able to install with current dep's from the default repositories is a valid test result19:57
holsteinthe http://projects.gnome.org/anjuta/downloads.html area of the site lays it out pretty good19:58
virgoso i just should wait until i can install this automatically with apt-get command?19:58
holsteinwho knows what hoops you'll have to hop through though19:58
holsteinto satisfy deps19:58
holsteinvirgo: well, if you need it, you need it19:58
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virgoyeah, but why does the anjuta-3 ./configure command recognise that i have installed some dep's?20:08
holsteinvirgo: it should say20:09
holsteinit should complain specifically right?20:09
holsteinabout what it needs20:09
virgo4 deps it says are bad20:09
virgothen i downloaded them all20:09
virgoand installed same way20:09
virgofrom tar.gz packages20:09
virgothen run again anjuta-3 ./configure and still same20:10
holsteinvirgo: im not sure20:10
holsteinyou'd have to trouble shoot them one at a time20:10
virgomay be i should use some update command rather than make and make install20:11
holsteini like to stick to whats in the repos20:12
holsteinor PPA20:12
holsteinthen maybe a random .deb here and there20:12
holsteinbut, you should be able to sort that out20:12
holsteinand hopefully not break anything else20:12
virgoyeah, messing around like this can do some damage20:13
virgoafter installing these last packages and reboot, my system looks alot different :D20:13
virgoicons and stuff20:14
holsteinyeah, thats not good :/20:14
holsteinim sure you can sort it out though20:14
holsteinjust keep track of what you did20:14
virgothanks for help :)20:17
virgowho are most of the people who develop all this os software?20:23
pleia2a lot of companies20:25
pleia2some students, some folks who work in the industry and do development on the side20:25
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Brady_1can anyone tell me of a good windows based GUI program that can connect to an unbuntu server vps?22:45
Brady_1for the purpose of file transfer and such22:45
holsteinBrady_1: ssh?23:06
holsteinmaybe http://filezilla-project.org/23:07
Brady_1SSH.. yes I believe so. I have no prior experience with this sort of thing but I've been making progress. What I need is a GUI interface to drag and drop files as well as a command line. Someone suggest WinSCP but I can't get it to connect even though PuTTY does no problem. I will check those out and report back, thanks.23:10
Brady_1Both filezilla and winscp are timing out when attempting to connect to the VPS AFTER username and pass are authenticated.23:16
Brady_1In my console on my web based VPS control panel it asks me to log in to the powershell first and then the VPS, could this be the problem?23:16

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