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koolhead11hi alll07:09
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jahilhi everyone17:27
jahilis there any ubuntu 10.04 HVM based ami available for ec217:28
jahilor how i can run ubuntu 10.04 with Compute Cluster Instance17:29
kim0jahil: hey .. yeah I think there is17:33
kim0lemme try to find out17:34
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kim0not sure about 10.04 though17:37
kim0jahil: seems only natty has one ami-3ec23e5717:38
kim0why can't you use natty :)17:39
jahili tried it but there some issue with adobe air17:39
jahilunable to install air dpkg -i --force-architecture adobeair.deb17:40
kim0your cluster compute application involves adobe air ?!17:40
jahilon lucid its work fine17:41
jahilon para-virt instance we have issue with pulseaudio17:42
jahilbut on HVM instance we don’t have audio glitches17:43
kim0check those instructions ? http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/521/cpsid_52132.html17:43
kim0this might be useful too (same thing basically) http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/01/how-to-install-adobe-air-on-ubuntu-64bit-2/17:44
jahiltried but no luck seems air 2.6 depends on lzma and xz-utils both are installed but not i386 version17:46
jahilif i extract deb file and place files manually im getting errors ELF mismatch17:47
kim0jahil: do you have ia32-libs installed17:50
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jairIs this the wednesday UEC ubuntu cloud?18:17
jairis there anything different today compare with other days in the channel?18:18
kim0jair: hey18:20
kim0jair: well yeah .. it starts in 40 mins18:20
jairI am getting all my questions and diagrams together :)18:21
jairkim0: thank you so much18:21
kim0woot diagrams :)18:21
obinoo/ kim018:22
kim0obino: hey how are you :)18:22
obinogood thanks :)18:22
obinowill you be at the UDS?18:22
kim0obino: yeah! will you18:22
obinoit looks like18:23
obinoperhaps we can have some time then18:23
kim0oh sounds great then!18:23
kim0sure thing18:23
kim0jair: so what kinda questions and diagrams you have ready :)18:23
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jairkim0: I am using the "At least 2 physical systems" topology with two virtual machines18:35
smoseroops. sorry about intruding on meeting.18:35
kim0smoser: nah it's not even started yet18:35
jairI will be pasting a link to my diagram in a second18:36
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jairkim0: here is my current environment I am using 64bit 10.10 server edition ====> http://i51.tinypic.com/5c0zfn.jpg18:44
kim0jair: and what's the question :)18:47
TeTeTjair: seeing the physical systems for a 2 system cloud, I'd use the beefier system for node, unless you want to add dozens of nodes later on18:49
TeTeTjair: given that the beefier system has KVM support18:49
jairwell this is a virtual environment they are both running in a 16GB memory and 8 cores IBM laptop very powerful18:50
TeTeTjair: the node controller in a vm will probably not work as kvm support is not working18:51
jairbut It is not for production at all, will be more for demonstrations on how the system works, and for me to understand it18:51
jairTeTeT: hmm I got a few messages about virtual acceleration not being available18:52
TeTeTjair: well, just realize if no h/w virtualization is available, the best you can get is qemu and then a boot takes minutes instead of seconds and any workload will be rather slow18:52
TeTeTjair: that is a boot of an instance18:53
kim0"physical" by definition means not a vm :)18:54
kim0Hi everyone19:00
kim0Welcome to ensemble cloud community meeting19:01
kim0let's run through weekly updates19:01
kim0Who'd like to start19:01
jairwell I am new here hello everybody19:02
kim0jair: Hi there19:02
* hazmat waves19:02
kim0we're starting off the meeting with an update on ensemble wiki.ubuntu.com/Ensemble19:02
jairI am brand new to UEC I have some experience working with kvm and xen, but mostly of my experience is with debian and vmware19:02
kim0jair: it's a next gen cloud service orchestration framework ..19:02
jairI will check that link19:03
kim0jair: I propose we go through the ensemble updates .. then I can try to help with your questions19:03
kim0hazmat: can you get us started please19:03
hazmatkim0, we've had few things land this past week, i've written up a summary of the development for the past onto the list (Ensemble Development Report #3)19:04
jairsure, thanks19:04
kim0jair: awesome :)19:04
niemeyerhazmat: That news report was awesome, thanks for that19:04
kim0hazmat: Yeah, it was incredible indeed ;)19:04
hazmatbut the highlights i think are  adding formula-upgrade support, and ensemble status showing workflow.19:04
hazmatsince our last cloud weekly meeting19:05
hazmatoh and a few minutes, maybe an hr, ensemble will default to using a natty image19:05
kim0ah awesome19:06
hazmatcut from today's natty daily19:06
* kim0 goes through the report on mailing list .. absorbing19:06
niemeyerAn important highlight is also that the principia formulas at launchpad.net/principia are working again with trunk19:06
niemeyerThanks to SpamapS for that19:06
kim0yeah, that was great19:06
hazmatdefinitely, that's huge19:07
niemeyerBut really, in terms of getting up to speed, I'd really advise reading the whole email from hazmat19:07
* niemeyer looks for a link19:07
kim0hazmat: when you say ensemble status shows workflow status19:07
kim0does that show hook triggers, or is that different19:07
niemeyerhazmat: Aha, thanks19:07
hazmatkim0, its a bit different19:07
hazmatkim0, internally ensemble tracks the state of all the service units of a service, and if something goes wrong in a hook, it tracks that, depending on which hook it is it will cause an error state for the unit or unit relation.19:08
kim0koolhead17: hey19:08
hazmatnow ensemble status shows the workflow state for units and unit relations.. if their working, the unit is in the started state, and if the unit relation is working its in the 'up' state.19:09
jimbakerpulling up an ensemble status output to demonstrate...19:09
TeTeTtalking about status, any thoughts about exporting a 'traditional' sys v init script like status info for services, that could then be fed into openview, tivoli, other management system?19:09
koolhead17hi kim019:09
jimbakerhttp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/596634/ - example of ensemble status output19:09
koolhead17TeTeT: supp19:09
kim0koolhead17: join the meeting :)19:09
niemeyerTeTeT: No, not at this point.. this is a bit orthogonal to what we're striving for at the moment19:10
koolhead17kim0: channel plz19:10
hazmatTeTeT, we'd rather facilitate direct integration of tivoli or monitoring tools and the managed services via modeling them as a formula i think.19:10
kim0koolhead17: it's right here, we're talking wiki.ubuntu.com/Ensemble19:10
hazmatthere's some interesting distinctions on it, wrt to gathering machine level data vs. service level data or container for monitoring purposes.19:10
jimbakerthe implementation ensemble status command demonstrates how this can be done - it's pretty small19:11
jimbakeralthough it could be refactored to simplify this type of reusue19:11
hazmatout of the box, for example munin-node will collect a bunch of machine level data on memory/disk/cpu/io etc, but we also want to facilitate the munin-postgres plugin to talk the postgres service and get detailed stats on a service level19:11
kim0hazmat: that involves changes in munin-postgres and the formula right ?19:12
hazmatkim0, it involves configuration for munin-postgres in the /etc/munin/plugins directory on where to find the postgres service, much like the relation we have now between mediawiki or wordpress and mysql19:13
hazmatthe hooks can retrieve the relation/remote config and write it out to their local service config files19:14
* koolhead17 thinks of landscape19:14
hazmatso taking mysql which we already have a formula.. it would effectively  be the same relationship as mysql establishes with other related services/apps, modulo perhaps some additional privileges for monitoring.19:15
kim0hazmat: wouldn't that still be monitoring per machine not per service ?19:15
kim0like if I have 5 wordpress service units .. any way to get global info on the word press service19:16
kim0instead of on 5 machines19:16
hazmatkim0, we'd be deploying a munin service, and watching all the service units of it.. whether or not we aggregate that really depends on the reporting tool and what it supports19:16
hazmatif supports multi-node service rollups19:16
niemeyerkim0: Yeah, there's a lot that can be done there19:16
niemeyerkim0: We still haven't even scratched the surface of the monitoring support19:17
kim0Yeah true19:17
hazmatagreed, definitely been thinking about it.. i think there is also room for additional consideration of machine level monitoring, but we're not there yet.19:17
niemeyerWe've just landed formula upgrade support, which was a big blocker19:18
jimbakerkim0, one could readily implement an integration with munin (assuming it's similar to other tools out there) that provides for topology discovery and monitoring of info as known to ensemble19:18
hazmatour primary focus for the next uds, has been making the formula author story as smooth as possible, and covering core use cases.19:18
jimbakerthis would build on what is done with "ensemble status" now19:18
TeTeTniemeyer: what's meant with formula upgrade support? Giving advice when an old formula breaks, like a syntax check?19:18
hazmatTeTeT, it means live upgrading of service formulas19:19
niemeyerTeTeT: No, being able to say "ensemble formula-upgrade mydatabase" and have Ensemble taking care of the upgrade on all service units19:19
hazmatit will deploy a new version of the formula to a machine, extract it, run the formula-upgrade hook first, and continue on.19:19
kim0new upgrade-formula hook19:19
newbie|2am totally new to ubuntu cloud19:19
kim0newbie|2: Hi o/19:20
koolhead17newbie|2: hello19:20
newbie|2koolhead17: hello19:20
niemeyernewbie|2: So are we, so to speak, so welcome!  ;-)19:20
hazmatkim0, yes.. thanks.. typo on my part.. the new hook is called 'upgrade-formula'19:20
koolhead17welcome to the club19:20
koolhead17hazmat: how will it be different from existing solution19:20
newbie|2niemeyer: thanks19:20
kim0newbie|2: we're running through ensemble updates ( wiki.ubuntu.com/Ensemble)19:20
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kim0That's a lot of great progress19:21
niemeyerkoolhead17: What existing solution?19:21
hazmatkoolhead17, at the core its a service orchestration framework, that is much more dynamic and allows for real reuse, and a higher level of service management, than what existing configuration management tools offer.19:21
newbie|2don't know what to do here. am just watching the process .. its funny19:22
niemeyernewbie|2: Enjoy, having fun is an excellent indication19:22
hazmatnewbie|2, typically if you have a question you ask, else you sit back and enjoy the show ;-)19:22
newbie|2hazmat: sure19:22
kim0m3ess4: Hi there19:22
newbie|2hazmat: i am enjoying this show19:22
koolhead17cool newbie|2 :)19:23
kim0For everyone very new around here .. Be sure to check out   http://j.mp/ensemble-docs19:23
m3ess4kim0: Hey :)19:23
newbie|2kim0: thanks i am clicking the links19:23
koolhead17hazmat: niemeyer regarding monitoring as the conversation was going we have munin19:23
niemeyerOk, so in terms of what's coming up, jimbaker has started working on the "exposure" functionality, which will enable formulas to flag ports which they depend on19:24
koolhead17so are we having something better more flexible than it :P19:24
niemeyerand then will follow up with the "expose" command, which will enable an admin to flag that a service should be exposed (IOW, have its ports made available for external use)19:24
jimbakerthis introduces two new ensemble commands, to expose and unexpose a service, plus supporting functionality19:24
* kim0 proposes .. questions are fired once the update is complete @everyone19:25
niemeyerThe other major area being worked on is being pushed by bcsaller, which is configuration options for services19:25
jimbakerthe current firewall scheme we have in place is not for production - machines are provisioned on EC2 with all ports open19:25
jairwell I am sure everybody is very busy with different levels of collaboration to improve the UEC thank you all for your hard work and for helping the new people like me as well.19:25
jairas I said I have been reading about UEC, requirements, topology, etc... and decide to put together a testing environment running on a linux debian squeeze 64bit with the "at least 2 physical systems" topology19:25
niemeyerThis will enable users to provide custom options to formulas19:25
niemeyerand the formula will get a new hook giving it a chance to react to such changes19:25
kim0niemeyer: custom options ? like parameters ?19:26
niemeyerhazmat started working on the "resolved" functionality, which is related to problem solving19:26
hazmatkoolhead11, more like the management of the service deployment and configuration.. say i have 5 mediawiki nodes connected a load balancer, a memcached, and a db.. if i want to add a sixth unit, ensemble makes it just as easy the first, and will configure all those relations for you, so its added to the loadbalancer rotation, gets its db credentials, etc.19:26
niemeyer(if a formula gets into a bad state, the admin can poke at it and mark it as resolved so it can move on)19:26
niemeyerkim0: Yes, like runtime parameters19:26
hazmatyeah. that's the nutshell19:26
hazmatresolved lets you manually recover from hook or formula errors.19:27
kim0are those parameteres provided only at launch time I suppose?19:27
niemeyerkim0: No, that's the beauty19:27
hazmatthey can be changed at runtime19:27
kim0Yes, that is beautiful indeed19:27
kim0niemeyer: can you mention a use case19:27
niemeyerkim0: The formula may define a new hook which is fired whenever the configuration changes19:27
niemeyerkim0: I can mention hundreds.. :-)19:27
niemeyerPretty much anything that the formula author want to make configurable rather than static can be made so through that mechanism19:28
kim0wow, that sounds very flexible indeed19:28
niemeyerE.g. a blog title, a db cache size, etc etc19:28
kim0hooks get triggered, check the passed value, and act on it19:28
koolhead17newbie|2: cool. seems like i have to dig my nose lttle more inside the docu,entation. :P19:29
kim0sounds great19:29
niemeyerPeople will be able to say something as simple as "$ ensemble set mydbcache=1024"19:29
niemeyerPeople will be able to say something as simple as "$ ensemble set mydbservice mydbcache=1024"19:29
newbie|2koolhead17: ya you are right19:29
kim0niemeyer: I get it now19:29
newbie|2koolhead17: its complicated for me19:29
niemeyerthe formula author can stipulate what are the options supported, and what they mean19:29
koolhead17newbie|2: for me too currently :P19:30
kim0ensemble feels like layering a management API on top of legacy services .. would you guys agree19:30
niemeyerIn a nutshell, that's what has been happening in Ensemble development world I guess19:31
hazmatwell on top of services in general i'd agree19:31
newbie|2koolhead17: just keep on watching the show... :-)19:31
niemeyerkim0: s/legacy//19:31
kim0Yeah ..19:31
kim0Thanks everyone for the updates19:31
kim0- open floor - All questions welcome19:31
niemeyerkim0: You can pick the latest cool aid and safely make an Ensemble formula for it :)19:31
koolhead17niemeyer: which language code is being written :P19:32
kim0Is there a current way to trigger a hook manually ?19:32
hazmatkoolhead11, any language, to ensemble the hooks written by a formula authors are just executables19:32
niemeyerkoolhead17: The project is being written mostly in Python internally, at the moment19:32
hazmatensemble coordinates and sequences when to call those hooks19:32
niemeyerkoolhead17: But, as hazmat says, the *formulas* can be written in any language at all19:33
koolhead17seems like have to pickup python ASAP. planning to start playing with django tonight19:33
niemeyerkoolhead17: Just like packages in Ubuntu don't have a specific language19:33
kim0koolhead17: you can do lots of magic with bash formulas :)19:33
koolhead17kim0: +119:33
niemeyerkoolhead17: If you want to develop Ensemble with us (which would be awesome), yes.  If you want to develop formulas for Ensemble, no, that's not necessary.19:33
koolhead17niemeyer: am in19:34
hazmatall of our examples and about half of the principia formulas are bash19:34
* kim0 hugs niemeyer :)19:34
* kim0 hugs koolhead17 :)19:34
koolhead17kim0: thanks to you  for taking me to this world :)19:34
kim0actually .. but it never hurts to hug two people hehe19:34
niemeyerkoolhead17: Jump into #ubuntu-ensemble after the meeting then19:34
kim0jair m3ess4 .. Hey folks .. Did you have questions or comments19:35
jairthank you kim0 sorry for being impatient :(19:35
kim0jair: no problemo19:35
kim0jair: I've read what you've written19:36
kim0just didn't find a question yet19:36
niemeyerYeah, this would be a good time if anyone has anything at all to say about Ensemble19:36
jairhere is my scenario: http://i51.tinypic.com/5c0zfn.jpg19:37
kim0niemeyer: jimbaker hazmat bcsaller thanks team!19:37
jair1. does the demo environemt I have works to demo the basics for the environment?19:37
jimbakerkim0, thanks!19:37
niemeyerkim0: Thank you!19:37
rsthdni am curious about  Ensemble19:38
jairI also thank the ubuntu-cloud team and wish one day be smart enough to help19:38
kim0jair: TeTeT had mentioned you need real/physical/metal machines .. otherwise you will only use "qemu" which is too slow (but good for proof of concept)19:38
kim0rsthdn: welcome!19:38
kim0rsthdn: http://j.mp/ensemble-docs19:38
jairkim0: perfect that is the requirement I have for now19:38
kim0rsthdn: feel free to shoot any ensemble questions at me19:39
rsthdnkim0: thanks19:39
kim0rsthdn: the ensemble devs hang-out in #ubuntu-ensemble19:39
kim0rsthdn: are you currently using the cloud somehow19:39
rsthdnkim0: i guess i am totally new on cloud19:40
kim0rsthdn: no problemo .. aren't we all19:40
jairI am new as well but I have some understanding on debian and ubuntu19:40
jair2. can I run windows guests on the uec?19:40
kim0jair: I think with the current version .. it's possible, but not supported19:41
rsthdnkim0: i use ubuntu one for music... is it also a cloud?19:41
kim0with the next version, it will be supported19:41
jairkim0: perfect19:41
jair3. What is the Eucalyptus client?19:42
jairIs this the node server?19:42
TeTeThas anyone succeeded with natty and lxc  and openstack yet?19:42
jairor node controller?19:42
TeTeTjair: 2 - no windows support in eucalyptus officially, though a google for it might reveal some hacks19:42
TeTeTjair: not sure what eucalyptus client might mean myself19:43
jairit is on the documentation and I was wondering what does that concept refers to19:43
jairis this referring to the node controller system?19:44
rsthdnI want to know about zookeeper19:44
TeTeTjair: can you point me to that part of the documentation? Out of context I do not understand what it means19:44
kim0jair: there's the "euca-xxx" cli tools .. also elastic-fox ..etc19:44
jairalso do you have documentation for UEC in other languages today other than English?19:44
jairlet me check where I read about the eucalyptus client19:45
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jairI think kim0 is right19:46
kim0jair: I don't think much documentation in non-english exists today19:46
kim0jair: but hey .. you can help write it in your own language19:46
kim0that's how it works for ubuntu19:46
kim0everyone contributes something :)19:46
jairkim0: once I understand how the UEC works I can help with some spanish translation19:46
kim0jair: the main installation steps are https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC/CDInstall19:47
kim0for installing from CD19:47
jairin the future with help with some ...19:47
kim0or https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC/PackageInstall19:47
jairI guess the chat does not recognize other characters19:47
kim0for installing from packages19:47
jairI am installing from cd19:47
kim0great .. that's easiest19:48
jairso what does the documentation means with eucalyptus client?19:48
jairalso: 4. why do I need to install euca2ools?19:48
jairwhat does that package offers?19:49
kim0euca2ools .. is the "client"19:49
kim0it offers euca-xxx different commands19:49
jairhmm is this a CLI tool to control the images in the cloud?19:49
kim0jair: those are tools .. to launch and control image in  UEC yes19:50
kim0jair: the cd install document I pointed you to, mentions them and how to use them ..19:50
kim0read it and if you have questions later ask in this channel and wait for an answer19:50
TeTeTjair: so the eucalytpus client here is a machine (even a vm) from which to control your UEC19:51
rsthdnjust watching this show19:51
TeTeTjair: I personally refer to it as 'cloud control host'19:51
kim0which could just be your laptop19:52
TeTeTjair: the cloud control host needs the credentials for accessing the cloud. I like to place this on ~/.euca-<username>/19:52
TeTeTjair: with username being usually admin for the first default user19:53
TeTeTjair: it also needs the eucalyptus tools to access the cloud, this is the need for euca2ools19:53
jairgot it19:53
jairso looks like we will need to work on some name consistency I like eucalyptus client (my laptop, my desktop, my android mobile)19:54
jairwith the euca2ools19:54
jairI will check the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC/CDInstall and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC/PackageInstall I like to have understanding on the different scenarios19:55
jairso people running mac or windows clients will not be able to install the credentials to manage the UEC client at this moment will be supported only on gnu/linux clients19:56
TeTeTjair: generally the CD based install is easier for a first timer19:56
TeTeTjair: if you want to use windows/mac, you could either use the ec2tools from amazon or a graphical frontend like elasticfox19:57
TeTeTjair: albeit I have next to no experience with these tools on Windows/Mac19:57
jairgreat information I will probably give it a try20:06
rsthdnWhat is the difference between public and private cloud?20:07
koolhead17rsthdn: i would suggest you to do a simple google for that :P20:10
kim0rsthdn: yeah something like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloud_computing20:11
jairPublic: can be accessed from anywhere in the world without any vpn, special port, or firewall rule restriction. And most of the time is managed by a big company not by a small business or individual.20:11
jairPrivate: you manage the environment in your network no one know about the access this cloud but internally in your company or home network20:15
jairis landscape a tool we can use in the UEC for free?20:17
jairif I want to use a cloud management platform is this eucalyptus or landscape or this are two different things?20:17
koolhead17jair: as far as i know 5 instances can be managed with free account20:17
jairkoolhead17: it is provided by canonical only correct?20:24
jairI guess I will need to ask canonical20:24
jairwhat I am doing right now is only demonstration environment20:24
jairI am using both virtual machines20:24
koolhead17jair: true20:25
koolhead17jair: it will work for you even in that case i suppose20:25
jaircan I run other images in UEC other than the mediawiki and ubuntu ones? for example debian, redhat, sles?20:46
koolhead17jair: i think you can only if those images are bundled.20:47
obinojair: or you can use EC2 images and import them into the UEC20:48
obinoor build them yourself if you have the expertise20:48
koolhead17jair: http://j.mp/h2CEY5  see they have explained bundling as well i suppose.20:51
jairkoolhead17: thank you so very much21:22
jairobino: thank you so much21:22
jairI will defenitely lookinto that21:22
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koolhead17jair: mention not. its barter of knowledge here :D21:23
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