
DavieyAlanBell, If you are bored... grep for request.params._theme ... that needs replicating to sections that call request.params.username  (not quite sure if username or userId is the one we care about)00:01
DavieyI need to walk away from the pooter.00:01
AlanBellme too, tomorrow seems to have just happened00:01
AlanBelljono: jcastro: did you see http://ubingo.libertus.co.uk/ I need to update it with some new buzzwords00:02
jonoAlanBell, haha00:02
AlanBellclickable words and they are different if you refresh00:03
jonoAlanBell, you missed off "Crisp" and "Clean"00:03
AlanBellthey are in the list!00:03
DavieyChasm ?00:03
AlanBellyup, it is there00:04
AlanBellas is "windicator"00:04
Davieybanana hammock ?00:04
AlanBellbacon is in there too somewhere00:05
AlanBellneed to take out Florida and add Budapest00:05
jonojcastro, http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermouth.net/news.aspx?mode=Article&newsitemID=15703601:06
mhall119Daviey: different vhosts can have difference aliases, correct?01:40
mhall119dyed easter eggs with the kids today.  Mine: http://imagebin.org/14915901:51
mhall119back: http://imagebin.org/14916001:52
mhall119Michelle's: http://imagebin.org/14916101:53
nigelband good nes for today, I just bricked the package management on my new laptop04:33
pleia2why'd you go and do that?04:33
nigelbpleia2: ran the installation script for work. It did some crazy mess04:33
nigelb(of note, I wrote the installation script)04:34
nigelbI'm thinking its because I'm running 10.10 and work laptop is running 10.0404:34
nigelbs/work laptop/the laptop I wrote the script on/04:35
mhall119holy moly I'm tired05:12
paultaghey guys.05:22
paultagTechnoviking: wjat05:23
paultagTechnoviking: what's new?05:23
paultagdamn keyboard.05:23
Technovikingnot much05:23
Technovikingon irc instead on finishing paper due tomorrow05:24
paultagTechnoviking: know the feeling, for sure05:24
paultagTechnoviking: got stood up by a girl tonight. That was fun.05:25
paultagfirst time that's ever happened05:25
paultagwow, why am I saying this on IRC05:25
Technovikinglater, I do need to finish before I hit the sack:)05:28
paultagTechnoviking: night, good luck!05:29
nigelbmhall119: the bad new is, its only tuesday. good news -> long weekend ahead :)05:48
jussiMorning peoples!06:33
jussijono: ping?06:34
jonohey jussi06:35
jussijono: if you would, Id love it if you could retweet this super tweet? http://twitter.com/#!/JustMeAmber/status/6040601723785625606:35
jussiespecially as its music related :)06:35
jussi(if you havent already - I didnt actually look)06:36
jonojussi, you just want to use my twitter account? ;-)06:40
jonodone :-)06:41
jussijono: :D06:41
nigelbmorning jussi, evening jono06:44
jonohey nigelb06:44
nigelbPhew, reintstall ubuntu after bricking it :p06:45
duanedesignmorning all07:42
jussinigelb: "bricking it" ?07:43
nigelbjussi: I installed my work thing on it, broke a bunch of stuff :\08:03
nigelbjussi: (I wrote the install script myself :p)08:03
nigelbso now I have ot fix laptop and install script08:03
duanedesignnigelb: oh no your new laptop?08:09
nigelbduanedesign: buhaha, already reinstalled Ubuntu, re-running the setup script to see if it bricks again ;)08:17
duanedesigngood luck!08:25
duanedesignnigelb: is this a script you wrote?08:25
duanedesigni have noticed you have been messing around with BASH lately08:26
nigelbduanedesign: yup, it is08:28
nigelbI've been messing around massively. There was an existing script, which I was asked to fix, but it was broke, so I rewrote the whole thing :-)08:29
dpmgood morning all08:34
dholbachgood morning08:52
nigelbhey dpm, hello dholbach09:01
dholbachhey nigelb09:02
kim0morning all09:04
kim0nigelb hey09:04
nigelbhello kim009:04
dholbachhey kim009:05
kim0dholbach: hi there09:05
duanedesign'lo kim0 dholbach09:13
dholbachhey duanedesign09:13
kim0duanedesign: hello o/09:14
* duanedesign just spent the lst hour deleting spam from the forums09:15
duanedesignhello huats10:03
huatshello duanedesign10:03
huatsI have seen your email10:03
huatsI plan to answer it later this week :)10:03
duanedesignhuats: great. Thank you10:04
=== daker_ is now known as daker
czajkowskiaddcitive tune :/11:57
czajkowskihttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4Wy7gRGgeA CODE MONKEY11:57
popeypip pip!12:13
czajkowskii really do wonder about you popey at times12:20
popeyWelcome to the club.12:21
cjohnstonShould I file a bug to ensure that all nuts and bolts in popey's head are tightened properly?12:24
jussiawww: There are currently no bugs filed against popey.12:25
* jussi resists making jokes abour the driver of popey packages. :D12:26
salgadomorning mhall11913:05
* popey read jussi's comment as "popey pancakes", now I want pancakes13:05
popeybut not popey pancakes13:06
PiciTheres a joke there, but I'm not touching it.13:06
jussiI want pancakes too! but I cant eat flour :(13:07
PiciGluten intolerance?13:07
mhall119czajkowski: awesome video13:10
jussiPici: no, low card diet currently13:11
mhall119salgado: your merge proposal was approved, and landed in trunk13:17
mhall119well, landed in light-django-theme anyway13:17
nigelbmorning mhall11913:17
mhall119you'll need to have IS do a pull from within the ubuntu_website directory13:17
mhall119but I think we need some extra work in summit code to make the new theme work right13:18
mhall119cjohnston might be able to answer that though13:18
salgadomhall119, superb, thanks!  I already have changes to the summit code to give it a linaro look13:18
salgadomhall119, are you thinking of anything specific that we're missing?  I was able to get it to use the new theme just by using separate media (css/images) files13:19
salgadounder the new apache vhost I pointed the existing /media and /ubuntu-website/media aliases to the newly created directories with our own media13:20
akgranerjcastro, I have a silly question...What do I put on the UDS Registration under "Who is your attendance requested by?"  would that be Canonical since I'm sponsored? or other?13:30
Pendulumjcastro: I've noticed questions similar to akgraner's all over the place (even more confusing for people who are self-sponsoring). Maybe it should be reworded, removed, or made non-required in the future?13:31
mhall119salgado: the latest theme adds the white "mothership" bar at the top, and things like login should be moved up there13:32
mhall119we did it for loco-directory, but I don't think we've done it for summit yet13:32
akgranerI haven't finished filling out the reason for attending yet...let's see if I have enough room in this box..13:33
salgadomhall119, I think it's already done; at least I see a white stripe at the top, with login links at the left and other links at the right13:34
salgadooh, no, login is not there yet13:34
salgadojust the username, favorites and logout13:34
jussiPendulum: akgraner: Hrm, I didnt notice it - where is this? did I forget to register somewhere?13:40
akgranerjussi - https://forms.canonical.com/udsreg/13:41
jussiooh, I hadnt noticed that - I just did the LP form. thanks13:43
akgranerand I hate the dd/mm/yy layout...it confuses the heck out of me13:43
akgranerI am so used to mm/dd/yy format...:-/13:43
akgranerno wonder my calendars get screwed up :-)13:44
jussiakgraner: mm/dd/yyyy seems so illogical to me? surely it should go from smallest to biggest?13:45
akgranerhehe - only when I was in the military did I use day month year but always written as 20 APR 11 for example13:46
akgranerevery other place was until now has been Month, Day, Year...:-)  but I adapt and overcome...13:47
Pendulumakgraner: most of the world outside the US does dd/mm/yy (or day month year)13:48
akgranerPendulum, yeah I know..:-)13:49
akgranerI'm just venting about how it confuses me...;-p13:49
jussihrm, Im staying for a extra day... does that qualify for another event? why are they even asking me this?13:49
akgranerok so in the t-shirt information box it asks for male or female...I'd love to put female but they are so not true to size...and you it's a required field...13:51
akgranerand wouldn't you know it's a required field (I meant)13:52
mhall119salgado: yeah, so we need to fix that in summit's code before we roll out the new theme13:52
jussiakgraner: put something in the comments?13:52
mhall119jussi: no, it should go from largest to smallest13:53
mhall119so you can sort it like a string and it still sorts correctly13:53
jussimhall119: either or, but all mixed up doesnt seem correct...13:53
mhall119jussi: yup, but that's still how they teach all of us over here13:54
mhall119just like how we still haven't converted to metric13:54
akgranerjussi I only see comments available under accommodations and if I put something there about t-shirts I am sure someone will say "why did she comment about t-shirts under the accommodation area"13:55
mhall119akgraner: you can comment about why you commented about t-shifts under the accommodations area13:56
akgraneralso why does it say "Please note that you should make your own arrangements for accommodation."13:57
mhall119akgraner: this form, is it on summit.ubuntu.com, or somewhere else?13:57
mhall119thought so13:57
jussishould be linked from summit, methinks13:57
akgranerok so if you put Canonical as who requested you the you don't get that make you own arrangements statement13:58
akgranerif you put other the add sponsored you will get that statement13:58
mhall119I guess because Canonical can't guarantee that they'll be able to accommodate people who come for other companys13:59
Pendulummhall119: I think the real problem is what do people who aren't coming from a company and aren't sponsored put?14:01
mhall119Pendulum: IIRC, you can put "Other" and write-in14:02
Pendulumyeah, they're just not sure what to write in14:02
Pendulum(so far I've heard of people putting their LoCo and 'community')14:02
mhall119Pendulum: heck, put your own name if you're self-sponsored14:04
jcastroI don't know why the form says that14:06
Technovikingdholbach, popey, pleia2: ping14:06
popeyTechnoviking: pong14:07
TechnovikingI'm going ahead and putting the Sounder on moderation14:08
popeyits done already14:08
popeydholbach: did it this morning after sending his mail14:08
jcastrohey I saw some guy's blog yesterday about sounder14:08
jcastroand why it was anti community to shut it down14:09
jcastroyeah I was on my phone though14:09
jcastrolet me check14:09
TechnovikingI was on the fence about shutting down sounder, but after last night14:10
jcastrowhat happened last night?14:10
mhall119jcastro: everything Canonical does is anti-community, didn't you know?  That's why Ubuntu has the smallest community of any distro14:11
popeyjcastro: the community council were douchebags for shutting down sounder14:12
akgranermhall119, if you put other - the a read statement shows up and says you have to make your own accommodations14:12
akgranerred even14:12
jcastropopey: is this anywhere or just private mails?14:12
popeyall on the list14:12
akgranerwhich can be confusing if you are sponsored...:-)14:12
mhall119akgraner: agreed, I think sponsored people are supposed to list canonical, since that's who's sponsoring them14:13
jcastrooh man14:13
jcastrothis is "awesome"14:13
jcastroI would suggest a "Vote of No Confidence" in the current Ubuntu14:13
jcastroCommunity leadership.  The current CC needs to be removed and a new14:13
jcastroone voted in.  They're proven they cannot be trusted with the burden14:13
jcastroof leadership.14:13
akgranerI know but the wording is confusing..14:13
akgranersince most sponsored people requested the sponsorship not the other way around14:14
mhall119akgraner: I see them as two different thing14:14
mhall119you request "sponsorship" from Canonical14:15
Penduluma better wording would probably be 'Who is sponsoring you?' with an opition for 'self'14:15
jcastrothe form is like to get your name and stuff14:15
mhall119but, by sponoring you, Canonical is requesting that you attend the "summit"14:15
akgranerBut the forms asks "who requested you to attend"14:15
jcastroI don't think it matters what you put in there14:15
akgranerjcastro, yep it does.. b/c if you put other when you get to the hotel info it will tell you that you have to make your own arrangements for accommodations14:16
mhall119akgraner: put another way, you don't ask canonical if you can go to UDS14:16
akgranermhall119, I'm not arguing I'm just saying it was confusing14:16
akgranerthat's ll14:16
mhall119well that we agree on14:17
akgranerand if it confused me I am sure it confused others14:17
mhall119people are destined to be confused beings14:17
mhall119or something like that14:17
akgraner(not that I am not the measuring stick for confusion)14:17
mhall119doctormo: where's the akgraner quote link?14:17
Pendulumakgraner: I know it has because you're at least the 4th person I've seen ask that question (and in fact the 2nd today)14:18
akgranerI just thought I would bring it up...14:18
mhall119wow popey, did you drown this guy's puppy or something?14:19
mhall119it's like reading sounder emails was the only joy he had left in life14:19
PiciHeres another one: http://putt1ck.blogspot.com/2011/04/open-letter-to-ubuntu-community-council.html14:19
akgranerTechnoviking, we've pulled all reference to the sounder mailing list from the Official Book...14:19
vishhttps://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/sounder/2011-April/016559.html "I would suggest a "Vote of No Confidence" in the current Ubuntu Community leadership . The current CC needs to be removed and a new one voted in." haha! who is gonna vote, i dont think that most of the people commenting there have a vote ! ;p14:22
vishi guess, the truth is also out: CC is Canonical Council ;)14:24
jcastrohey you can't blame canonical for this, blame popey!14:26
mhall119yeah, the community should elect a handful of representatives to represent us, instead of allowing some "community council" to do whatever the please14:26
vish https://bugs.launchpad.net/popey/+filebug14:26
akgranerLet's make today - International Blame Popey Day14:26
mhall119popey: this is kind of like how, in the USA, people like to talk about the politicians that "the people" keep electing are not properly representing "the people"14:28
dpmfree software ftw! After not being able to run unity in my laptop since the latest xorg upgrade, I've just noticed the 3D support in nouveau works like a charm14:29
mhall119every year we have a "replace them all with new people" campaign that ends up with 80% or more of the same people being re-elected14:29
* dpm trows nvidia to the bin and starts enjoying a projector-friendly laptop14:29
vishdpm: now, how do we blame that on popey ?!14:30
vish*something* is wrong there.. ;)14:30
Technovikingthe FC just got this email: Thank you very much for getting us our independence from the clutches of Microsoft.14:33
Technovikingakgraner: thanks14:33
akgranermy response to all requests today I've decided will be, "No, I don't have your pancake mix! See popey if you need further assistance!" ;-)14:35
PiciI feel like starting all the emails I write today, regardless the recipient, with "An open letter to Alan Pope"14:35
akgranerhaha - see popey everyone here <3's you!14:36
jcastroI just think it's awesome that "blame popey" has so much mindshare that people actually are blaming popey14:36
jcastro"I'm getting fat, ugh, I hate you popey."14:36
akgranerdon't worry jcastro - we'll have a blame you day soon :-)14:37
jcastro"Bills due, sigh, stupid popey...."14:37
jcastroI have a confession to make, popey was the shooter on the grassy knoll14:37
popeyI like the word "knoll"14:37
popeyI dont know why though.14:37
popeyElvis killed JFK!14:37
Technovikingjcastro: I'm pretty sure I can find poster from the 1960's that clearly state Blame Castro:)14:37
mhall119popey is D.B.Cooper14:38
popeybet there's already a conspiracy about that14:38
* dpm hugs popey14:39
jcastrothis one is the best so far14:39
* mhall119 blames popey for hugs and other forms of affection14:39
jcastroI mean, planet of the apes reference and everything14:39
mhall119and rainbows, rainbows are all popey's fault14:39
popeyI HATE YOU ALL14:40
* nigelb hugs popey 14:40
* Pendulum hugs popey 14:40
nigelbEVERYONE HUG popey14:40
JFowhat an interesting finding.... Reggaeton music makes haters sound less interesting.14:40
* JFo hugs popey14:41
JFoand squeeze him and call him George14:41
JFoand stroke his bill14:41
mhall119JFo: quick, sing the sounder emails in Reggaeton14:41
JFothat is what I have been reading mhall119 :-D14:41
JFoit just happened to fit with popey's statement :-)14:42
jcastroI will miss sounder14:42
jcastroit was my first ever post to an ubuntu list14:42
mhall119I think I've heard about sounder maybe once before14:42
JFoI never read it... until today14:42
jcastrosounder the idea, not sounder as it is today14:42
JFojcastro, agreed on that14:42
nigelbAll I've heard of sounder is popey ranting about how it should be shut down :p14:43
akgranerdapper drake, Ubuntu 6.06 was the first LTS server release right?14:44
mhall119um, was there a server version of 6.06?14:45
mhall119I know it was the first LTS14:45
jcastroI think it was all one thing back then14:45
JFoyeah, I don't see a Dapper server kernel14:45
nigelbmhall119: we just EOD'd on the server edition14:45
akgranerok just making sure - it's before my time ;-p14:45
nigelbmhall119: well, we will. In 10 days.14:45
JFonigelb, Explosive Ordinance Disposal?14:46
JFooh, EOL14:46
akgranerJFO it's ETS'ing14:46
mhall119JFo: yours sounds like more fun14:46
JFoakgraner, LOL14:46
JFomhall119, without doubt14:46
jcastrodholbach: man dude, old times! https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/sounder/2006-January/003623.html14:46
nigelbJFos ideas are generally fun :p14:47
JFoI always enjoyed EOD duty14:47
akgranerinitial success or total failure  - EOD motto14:47
nigelbwhiprush.org -> nice domain jcastro14:47
JFoakgraner, (=14:47
jcastrohah yeah, old14:47
JFoakgraner, I had a shirt that said "Keep up with me if you want to live."14:48
dholbachjcastro, WOW14:48
nigelbjcastro: I <3 item g14:48
JFowith Ahnuld on it14:48
jcastrodholbach: I was just looking at old archives. jerome gontancgo!14:49
jcastrodholbach: daniel robitaille14:49
jcastrodholbach: I love you bro.14:49
* dholbach hugs jcastro back :)14:49
popeyyeah, i went back looking at some posts from 2004 recently14:50
popeyjcastro had the first post iirc14:50
jcastroI did14:50
dholbachwhat the people in this discussion really want to say is: we're old14:51
jcastroif someone ever says I don't care about the list then I have total trump ability.14:51
jcastroI also have a forum account older than most people14:51
jcastroday it launched iirc14:52
nigelbdholbach: hahaha, nice perception :p14:52
dholbachpad.lv is just awesome14:54
Technovikingyeah, that is a given. My son now listen to music I don't understand:)14:54
salgadoDaviey, mhall119, so, we'll need a copy of the 'media' and 'ubuntu_website/media' dirs for the linaro website; would you prefer it as part of the summit code base (simplifies deployment) or in a separate similar to how the light-django-theme is used?  the size of both dirs is around 400kiB14:54
mhall119salgado: it should be separate, IMO, since it'll mostly be copied from light-django-theme anyway, not summit14:55
vishhmm, actually reading the meeting logs, popey wanted to discuss this sounder again at a convenient time too, and dholbach's announcement blog has positive comment too..  but i guess everyone just likes blaming popey  :D14:56
salgadomhall119, well, the 'media' dir is copied from summit.  maybe what's copied from summit should live in the summit codebase and what's not goes in a separate branch?14:56
mhall119salgado: oh? I thought most of it was in ubuntu_website/14:57
mhall119the parts that you'd be changing anyway14:57
salgadoI see a lot of stuff under summit/media/, but maybe it's no longer used?14:57
mhall119salgado: or it's used for things like the schedule table14:58
salgadooh, yeah, up to now I've only changed stuff that comes from ubuntu_website14:58
mhall119everything for the theme should be in ubuntu_website/media14:58
salgadook, cool, then I probably don't need a copy of media/14:59
dholbachkim0, jcastro, dpm: I assume there's no team call today?15:14
jcastroI don't know if he was leaving today or not15:14
dpmdholbach, I thought there were. Is jono not leaving tomorrow?15:14
dpmyeah, he's off tomorrow, but not today15:15
dholbachok ok15:15
dpmdholbach, so no party yet ;-)15:15
salgadomhall119, do you know what revision of light-django-theme we're using on summit.u.c?15:27
mhall119salgado: not specifically, but it's several versions old at least15:27
mhall119Daviey: can you check on that?15:27
cjohnstonmhall119: im working on fixing it right now so that the theme can be upgraded15:29
salgadoDaviey, mhall119, does https://code.launchpad.net/~salgado/summit/linaro/+merge/58503 seem reasonable to you?15:43
mhall119salgado: why not just define a separate summit for linaro?/15:44
salgadomhall119, separate summit?15:45
mhall119yeah, have UDS-O and then Linaro-something15:46
mhall119that way you can define your own rooms, schedule, meetings, attendees, etc15:47
mhall119there's no technical reason I know of for trying to do it in the uds-o summit record15:47
salgadomhall119, if we do that we'd lose the ability of avoiding clashes for required participants when scheduling meetings, wouldn't we?15:48
salgadothere may be other reasons, though; let me check15:48
salgadosome people are required participants in both linaro and ubuntu sessions15:48
mhall119salgado: I'm not sure, but we could make the schedule conflicts check based only on date, not summit15:49
salgadomhall119, we also don't have our own rooms15:51
mhall119salgado: hmmmm.....15:51
mhall119we can probably change it to allow a room to be defined for more than one summit...but that might take extra work15:52
salgadoand people would have to register as attending both events15:52
salgadoand there may be other issues15:52
jcastrono no no!15:54
jcastrono seperate summits!15:54
mhall119I don't see dual attendence as bad15:54
mhall119jcastro: why not?15:54
jcastrowe'd add a bunch of complication with people's sessions15:54
jcastrobecause people need to be able to do both15:54
mhall119they would be able to do both15:54
mhall119and we can update schedule conflict checks to account for it15:54
jcastroconflict resolution for both systems?15:54
mhall119both summits, same system15:55
mhall119by 'separate summit' I mean create a new 'linaro-o' summit entry in summit.ubuntu.com15:55
jcastrough, no way, we'd have to copy the plenaries over every time there's a change?15:57
jcastroand what about blueprints?15:57
jcastroand then we'd have to teach them how to admin summit and make the slots, etc.15:58
jcastrowe only have like 3 weeks left15:58
mhall119I'd just rather make summit properly handle multiple simultaneous events, rather than continuing to add hacks everywhere to just support one additional event15:58
jcastrotrue, but we don't have time for that15:58
jcastrolinaro only started planning like this week15:58
mhall119true, but can we hold off on these new hacks until we have time to do it right?15:58
jcastroso we're trying to make it all fit15:58
jcastrosalgado: james_w: do you guys have work time allocated post O for summit improvements for UDS?15:59
salgadomhall119, we're making sure upper management talks to us earlier next time, so that we can do things properly15:59
james_wjcastro, not yet, but we will15:59
jcastromhall119: dunno, they have hard requirements, I say we put it in, and then at UDS you guys chat and figure out what we need to do for P15:59
jcastromhall119: at first I was like "oh we'll just make another summit in the system"16:00
jcastrothen I sat in this one call and joey and I figured out that that wouldn't work16:00
mhall119it would work, it just wouldn't be convenient16:00
mhall119cause you'd have to duplicate rooms and schedules and you wouldn't get conflict checks16:00
mhall119but all of those things we can (and, IMO, should) add16:01
jcastroI agree16:01
jcastrojust not 3 weeks before16:01
mhall119in case next time we have UDS + Linary + KDE at the same time and place16:01
mhall119Linaro, gah, I don't know why I keep mistyping that16:01
jcastrotbh I still don't like that we're touching summit too much, bu Daviey reassures me his code is gold.16:01
dholbachjcastro, dpm, kim0: hum............16:03
dholbachwhere's Bacon?16:04
jcastrodholbach: does that mean we can go drink beer?16:04
dholbachjcastro, I guess ;-)16:05
jcastrodholbach: I think we should take this time to reflect on what we can improve within ourselves16:05
dholbachjcastro, good idea16:06
cjohnstonI can't wait to have some beer!16:08
macoSarah Jane has joined the Brigadier16:12
popeyThat's it! I'm shutting down this IRC channel!16:12
dholbachpopey, thanks16:12
dpmnow mr. popey, I'd like to send you a letter before you do that!16:13
popeyOh goody.16:13
popeyIs it pink?16:13
popeyPlease say it's pink!16:13
dpmit comes in a multicoloured envelope16:13
popeyDouble rainbow!?16:14
dpmof course, plus unicorns16:14
* dpm stops16:14
dholbachdpm, I'm sure you're on popey's blacklist now16:15
czajkowskifor jono http://www.broadsheet.ie/2011/04/17/for-that-special-someone/16:15
nigelbpopey is back on facebook?16:17
popeyHe is.16:17
nigelbdpm: with ponies :p16:17
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
czajkowskican we rewind back to april 1st and restart the month please16:17
nigelbbwahahaha https://twitter.com/#!/lauracowen/status/6072478377980723216:23
Technovikingpopey: where are the forums?16:32
dpmdholbach, jcastro, kim0, as it seems we're not going to have the team call, I'll leave a bit earlier today, as I need to catch a train. Have a nice Easter break!. (I'll still be idling here for a bit, though)16:38
dholbachdpm, you took tomorrow off?16:38
dpmdholbach, yeah, it's bank holiday here16:39
dholbachI'll still be here tomorrow, but I call it a day in a bit too16:39
dpmthanks, and the same for everyone else having a break, have a nice one!16:39
jcastroI'll be on travel!16:40
jcastroso I will see you next week!16:40
dpmcool, see ya!16:40
* dpm starts packing16:40
dholbachalright, I'm out of here too16:47
dholbachhave a great rest of your day - see you tomorrow - HUGS16:47
cjohnstonjcastro: what does the "register interest" in tracks do/what is it for16:49
cjohnstonI know what it means, I guess how is it used by you guys16:49
jcastroI don't remember what that's for16:54
paultaghey jcastro, you have a sense of humor, aye?17:34
paultagdoctormo: you too17:35
* pleia2 sends hugs around17:36
* paultag hugs pleia2 17:36
pleia2thanks to everyone who handled sounder, it feels very good to have it gone17:36
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
pleia2dpm: nhandler said you were having trouble logging into the classroom blog? I'm around if you want to work on getting it sorted17:40
dpmpleia2, I could log in fine. I just wanted to edit an article and I didn't have write permissions (only view)17:41
pleia2dpm: ah ok, that's because you're an author rather than administrator, so you can add new posts but you can't edit other peoples17:42
dpmpleia2, that's fine, I don't need to be an admin17:43
pleia2ok :)17:43
pleia2I updated the last post to link to your day 5 summary17:43
dpmpleia2, great, thanks!17:43
akgranerpaultag you around?  Ohio Linux Fest is interested in an UbuCon this year...17:56
jcastropaultag: I have a sense of humor about everything17:57
jcastroexcept ohio17:57
=== daker is now known as daker_
paultagakgraner: heyya amber :)18:01
paultagakgraner: awesome!!!!!18:01
paultagjcastro: I was thinking of doing a new tumblr blog (they let you have more then one)18:02
akgranerpaultag, who is the POC I can send them too?18:02
paultagjcastro: I'm thinking of making fun of Ubuntu once a week in an onion style mini-article or image or something -- I call it "The Eggplant"18:02
paultagakgraner: jacob is one of them, he's the only POC who's in the wider community18:02
paultagakgraner: there are two others, want me to email you them (with them CC'd) ?18:03
akgranerHow about I email you..and you can email them?18:03
paultagakgraner: sure :)18:03
paultagjcastro: want to help? I want to get a few @ubuntu'ers who can help make fun of Ubuntu18:03
akgranerok once you get the email...I've punted it to you all to do with as you see fit :-)18:04
paultagakgraner: righto! Cheers!18:04
akgranerpaultag,  thanks!18:04
paultagakgraner: thank you!18:05
akgranerjcastro, you'll see 4 or 5 emails hit your inbox shortly...not spamming you just finalizing emails to folks about open week and keeping you in the loop18:05
jcastrodon't worry I have an akgraner label in gmail18:06
jcastro(haha just kidding, I don't)18:06
mhall119paultag: I'd offer to join you, but it's probably frowned upon18:06
paultagmhall119: nah, just do it as your ubuntu side :)18:06
akgranerhehe pete says he sets my emails to him to /dev/null :-/18:06
paultagmhall119: it'll be in good taste18:06
paultagas far as satire can handle good taste, I guesss18:08
mhall119satire always tastes good to me18:11
salgadoDaviey, another thing we were asked to do for summit.l.o is to omit the non-linaro tracks from the main summit page.  I'd like to find a way to do that in the least intrusive way possible but I can't think of anything that's significantly better than http://paste.ubuntu.com/596653/.  do you have any ideas on how to do that?20:12
Davieysalgado, i guess +        tracks = tracks.filter(slug__contains='track1')   s/track1/liaro ?20:36
salgadoyeah, definitely; I changed to track1 just to test against the sample db20:37
Davieysalgado, i'm not a fan of $co-located-event stuff being part of the core code.. i'd rather it was a setting.. but TBH, it is the simplest approach20:38
Davieysalgado, that won't collapse rooms with no linaro sessions in tho?20:38
Davieysalgado, considering we now have 17 rooms IIRC, should the ubuntu display hide linaro sessions?20:39
james_wDaviey, a setting how?20:39
Davieyjcastro, you might have thoughts.20:39
james_w"only_show_tracks_containing = linaro"?20:39
Davieyjames_w, a python list of settings.COLOCATEDEVENTS.20:39
jcastrowhat are we trying to do?20:39
Davieyjcastro, should the ubuntu display hide linaro sessions? (hiding rooms with only linaro sessions)....20:40
salgadoDaviey, I'd rather have this properly designed to avoid special casing linaro in multiple places, but yeah, at this point this is probably the least bad options20:40
jcastroit's just one schedule for everybody20:40
Davieyjcastro,  concerned we have 17 rooms AIUI, and the display is going to be difficult20:40
jcastrothough iirc linaro sessions had a little logo or something20:40
salgadoyes, they still have a different logo and border20:41
james_wI'm not sure the rooms would reduce any if we did that given that we aren't keeping Linaro to specific rooms20:41
jcastroDaviey: it's only 2 more than last time20:41
salgadogood point; it worked for Linaro last time because the majority of the sessions were non-linaro20:41
jcastro(and plenary room isn't on the schedule)20:41
jcastrothe dedicated linaro rooms aren't on the schedule20:42
Davieyah, good point.20:42
Davieyjcastro, Are you sure on that last point?20:43
jcastrothey're not scheduled20:43
jcastrothey just say "linaro so and so will be in this room all day"20:43
jcastrolinaro tracks have access to these 16 rooms20:43
jcastro+ they have like 4 dedicated rooms for hackfests20:43
jcastroand some amount of like suites for meetings and stuff20:44
Davieysalgado, If that diff is functional, i would say go for it.  There is no point burning too much of your time in perfection, and I don't think we have time to be too picky.  Doesn't look inefficient code..20:44
salgadoDaviey, agreed, but I can at least mark these places with XXXs and file a bug so that hopefully we don't forget them after UDS, like we did last time20:48
Davieysalgado, XXX = grep -inr linaro summit/ :)20:52
DavieyOne reason i'm not keep on specific string mentions is that one other group uses summit for their event...  it would be unfair for us to refuse their patches in trunk which relate to a specific string we use.20:54
Davieysalgado, The idea i have is overcomplexing the issue, and no real gain... so just merge it :)20:55
salgadoDaviey, I'm not keen on this approach either, and I really hope to clean this up and come up with a proper solution which allows multiple summits to share rooms and stuff, before the next UDS20:57
Davieysalgado, Sounds good to me!20:59
=== cypher is now known as czajkowski
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
cjohnstonDaviey: you still around?22:27
Davieycjohnston, no22:44
akgranerpaultag, you have an email...moose is cc'd as she will be the POC on the OLF side of things...22:45
paultagakgraner: sent mail back as you poked me :)22:47
paultagakgraner: rock on, thanks so much22:47
akgranerpaultag, you're welcome....22:47
paultagakgraner: we're both now off the hook :)22:48
paultag^5 for delegating :)22:48
akgranerpaultag, woot woot - I learned that from jcastro....22:48
paultagso my license expired four days ago22:49
paultagso I dressed way up to hide the fact I'm actually this super huge terrorist22:49
paultagand now I'm stuck in the airport wearing a tie22:49
paultagI hate this so much, I need to change22:49
paultagI feel like such a choch22:50
akgranerhahaha...dude if you put on a suit and tie to fly  you deserve to be uncomfortable22:50
paultagakgraner: my license is expired!!!!!!22:51
akgranerok...you still deserve it ;-P22:51
paultagakgraner: I had zero valid forms of ODID22:52
paultagso I just need to snaz my way through22:52
paultaggoddamn lag in the airport is rough22:52
paultagyeah, I think I'll change in the airport bathroom22:52
akgranerI lost my ID once...they let me fly but it was an ordeal...22:52
paultagI wonder if that's considered weird22:52
paultagakgraner: yeah, they checked my prostate22:52
akgranerpaultag, haha (trying my best not so say anything inappropriate to that last remark - it's a difficult test of my willpower)22:55
paultagyeah. I'm doing this thang. down with the shirt!22:55
paultagakgraner: :P22:55
paultagoh wow, so much better22:57
paultagfeeling good now22:58
paultagOK, off to my flight. One love23:03
JanCpaultag: my dad once had that happen *because* he had a valid passport...23:30
JanC(it so happened that he had a visum for Columbia in it...)23:31
JanCafter that he "lost" his passport and applied for a new one  :P23:31

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