
jasoncwarnerrobert_ancell TheMuso RAOF bryceh https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Meeting/2011-04-19 Meeting time!00:01
jasoncwarnermorning everyone...hope everyone is enjoying these last few weeks before the release ;)00:02
TheMusoJust over a week now till the release.00:03
jasoncwarnerAlright, lets get to it!00:03
jasoncwarner[TOPIC] X Update00:03
RAOFOne broad class of compiz freezes fixed.00:04
* DBO pokes RAOF00:04
RAOFBut bug #740126 has a different cause, seems to be intel-specific, and I'm working on it.00:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 740126 in unity "compiz hangs randomly several times per day" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74012600:05
RAOFApart from that, there seems to be an Xserver crasher still lurking around, possibly associated with fullscreen flash.00:06
jasoncwarnerah flash...00:06
jasoncwarnerok...thanks, RAOF00:07
RAOFBug #764456 is an exemplar of that; the server dies in CallCallbacks.00:07
ubot2Launchpad bug 764456 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "X crashes frequently with flash video playback" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76445600:07
RAOFbryceh: Anything you want to add?00:07
brycehbeen focusing on the Arrandale external monitor issues this week, there's about a dozen bug reports notably 747205 as the primary.  I suspect there are at least 3 distinct bugs that are getting mixed up.00:08
brycehof the three, the primary issue might be a DPMS issue in the kernel; possibly this can be worked around int he X driver; I have a patched driver in my ppa I'm having folks test00:08
brycehlast week I worked on gpu lockup bugs for -intel and did some testing for unity/-ati corruption issues, but haven't nailed down any noteworthy fixes there.00:10
* robert_ancell loves the random X crash00:10
* jasoncwarner agrees with robert_ancell00:10
RAOFJay pinged me about that; I've filed a bug upstream about misrendering on r300g00:10
RAOFrobert_ancell: Lies!  X crashes are myths perpetrated by evil aarvarks!00:11
jasoncwarnerOk...anything else of note?00:12
jasoncwarneror, moving on to [TOPIC] AOB ;)00:12
brycehI also wrote a GUI tool called xdiagnose to help people turn on debugging in the kernel00:12
brycehanyway, guess nothing else of note.  lamenting loss of wayland, etc.00:12
robert_ancellloss of wayland?00:13
RAOFbryceh: We should discuss what to do with that at a session of UDS.00:13
jasoncwarneryes, I think so...00:13
RAOFrobert_ancell: Linking cairo with libGL causes a significant memory use increase for people with nvidia's libGL.00:14
brycehRAOF, *shrug*00:14
RAOF(On the order of 5MiB per process linking to cairo on x86-64, apparently up to 20MiB/process on i386)00:14
RAOFbryceh: Well, we *will* want to have wayland in the archive - even in main - in the not too distant future.  Even if we just decieded to say “sucks to be you, nvidia users”, we should probably decide that :)00:16
brycehRAOF, to be honest I'm kinda worn out... was a lot of work and is kind of a let down that it all ended up for naught00:16
jasoncwarnerbryceh: might feel like that now, but we'll be using that soon enough!00:17
brycehanyway, I suppose if/when people start caring about wayland, the work can be undertaken again00:17
jasoncwarnerjust a stumbling block ;)00:17
jasoncwarnerAnyway...sounds like we are about done...so thanks everyone...appreciate it!00:18
chrisccoulsonis everyone looking forward to UDS?00:29
DBOi dont want to go to hungary00:30
desrtis it because of the new constitution?00:30
RAOFI always look forward to UDS.00:31
TheMusoMe too.00:31
broderI'm excited. I haven't gotten a chance to go to Europe in years00:31
chrisccoulsoni have to make sure i don't let my daughter find my passport!00:33
chrisccoulsonshe's already hidden it in the bin once already ;)00:33
chrisccoulsoni don't want her to do that just before UDS :)00:33
DBOchrisccoulson, high shelves00:34
chrisccoulsonDBO - yeah, it's on a high shelf now :)00:34
DBOaltitude is the natural enemy of children00:35
DBOif you cant go for altitude, go for weight00:35
DBOdude budapest is like 1.7 million people... thats like twice as many as detroit... but probably a whole lot cleaner00:36
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lifelessRAOF: hey, around ?00:54
lifelessRAOF: my dad has this happening -00:54
lifelessError mounting location: DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)00:54
lifelessRAOF: I've seen a few inconclusive bugs/forum posts00:55
lifelesshe's running maverick; are you interested in more data / helping get him functional ?00:55
RAOFlifeless: I've seen something like the reverse of that when unmounting twice quickly enough that the first hasn't gone through before the second is triggered.00:56
RAOFBut more context would be good - what's your dad doing to get that message?00:56
lifelessgvfs-mount ssh://
lifelessor via the GUI connect-to-server00:56
lifelessoriginally only the gui failed, so I got him running gvfs-mount as a (fugly) workaround00:57
lifelessdbus-monitor didn't show anything obviously bogus to me [but I don't practice enough to be sure whats good/bad]00:57
RAOFI think that's a reasonably common gvfs error mode that gvfs has terrible reporting for.00:58
RAOFI don't really have any suggestions on how to proceed, though.00:59
RAOFIt's not something that I'm particularly familiar with; robert_ancell might know more :)00:59
robert_ancellunfortunately I don't know enough about gvfs to say01:00
lifelessso, if network connectivity is up01:06
lifelessand the machine on the other end is ubuntu01:06
lifelessand ssh <host> works01:06
lifelesshtf does one debug this?01:06
* RAOF is clueless01:08
GunnarHjkees: Pls see bug 766672. Were Martin's changes intended for Maverick?01:15
ubot2Launchpad bug 766672 in language-selector "package language-selector-common 0.6.8 failed to install/upgrade: sub-processo script post-installation instalado retornou estado de saída de erro 2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76667201:15
lifelessRAOF: robert_ancell: also worth noting is that it returns effectively instantly when it fails01:22
lifelessnot some arbitrary point later01:22
RAOFI win at reading the entrails of X.01:31
cyphermoxRAOF, what does it tell you? ;)01:34
RAOFThat if I cast 0xb78f660 to a DrawablePtr then I've found the drawable compiz is waiting on.01:35
TheMusoRAOF, bryceh, seems that with newer kernels/x bits on my ThinkPad, I can leave NVIDIA Optimus enabled in the BIOS, and natty now comes up and uses the intel controller only. So I can leave optimus turned on now for whenever I use windows.02:29
RAOFThat's pretty nice.02:29
TheMusoYeah it is.02:29
lifelessRAOF: robert_ancell: so, should I file a bug? Minimally the inability to debug network share access seems uhm important ?02:29
RAOFlifeless: Please do file a bug.  I'm not sure who we've got who'll be particularly good at looking at it, though.02:30
lifelessRAOF: I'll pop round to his place in a bit and ubuntu-bug it up there02:35
robert_ancelllifeless, :P02:46
robert_ancelllifeless, oh I thought you meant my place, but of course you're not in this neighborhood now!02:47
lifelessrobert_ancell: indeed ;)02:48
lifelessrobert_ancell: Would be happy to drop in some day but needs a little more coord :>02:49
brycehTheMuso, good to hear02:52
brycehok, /me -> EOD.  time to go play in the garage02:53
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pittiGood morning07:17
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pittirobert_ancell: btw, the gtk-doc upload keeps being in the queue; TBH I'm quite nervous about breaking package builds with a new version at this point07:46
robert_ancellpitti, should I make a package with just the patch? It completely breaks distcheck at the moment07:47
pittidistcheck of gtk-doc?07:49
pittiI am looking forward to getting out of tree builds fixed, I painfully remember the workarounds I had to do in udev and other places07:49
pittibut it changes quite a bit more, too07:49
GunnarHjpitti: Good morning, Martin! Can you please upload a backports update due to yesterday's security update? I suppose it's pretty urgent. https://code.launchpad.net/~gunnarhj/ubuntu/maverick/language-selector/backports-sec-update/+merge/5841707:51
SweetsharkMorning all!07:52
pittirobert_ancell: that patch is the main change of that version, so I think if we take it we can just as well take 1.17 completely07:52
pittiGunnarHj: ah, yes07:52
pittiSweetshark: guten Morgen!07:52
robert_ancellpitti, well, if we deliver 1.16 any project that uses gtk-doc.make and doesn't have it checked in is going to fail make dist :(07:53
pittiGunnarHj: you apparently have a conflict in debian/changelog, but I'll sort it out during merging07:53
pittirobert_ancell: that bug is ages old, though; why do07:53
pitti... did it suddenly become worse?07:53
GunnarHjpitti: I saw that bzr believes it's a conflict, but...07:54
robert_ancellpitti, I don't know how no-one noticed it! It's only occurred in 1.16 right?07:54
pittirobert_ancell: I first noticed it maybe two years ago07:54
pittiI don't think that ever worked right07:54
pittiit's great to see it fixed, though; less crappy workarounds in udev, pygobject and friends07:55
robert_ancellhmm, but it was working for me previously, so from my experience it has got worse07:55
pittithere was a previous failed attempt to fix it, so perhaps that made it worse07:55
pittirobert_ancell: do you have time to try and build udev, pygobject, and perhaps a GNOME library against the new version and debdiff the binaries to check that doc files are still where they belong?07:56
robert_ancellpitti, ok, will do07:56
pittithanks; that07:56
pitti.. that'll give me a lot more confidence in it07:56
* pitti needs to get used to this laptop keyboard again07:57
Sweetsharkpitti: there is a nice little libreoffice-3.3.2-1ubuntu4.dsc on chinstrap fixing bug 765010.07:59
ubot2Launchpad bug 765010 in libreoffice "LibreOffice StartCenter’s desktop file has an empty value for Name[en]" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76501007:59
didrocksgood morning08:03
robert_ancellpitti, pygobject and udev seem identical08:19
pittiwell, they both have workarounds to copy the full source tree into the source dir because of that :)08:21
pittirobert_ancell: ok, accepting08:21
pittilooking forward to trying it08:22
Sweetsharkdidrocks: good morning ...08:22
Sweetshark... traitor! ;)08:22
didrockshey Sweetshark, pitti, robert_ancell!08:22
didrocksSweetshark: ahah :-)08:22
robert_ancelldebdiff is very odd when it returns nothing.  Makes you wonder if it's done anything!08:22
didrocksSweetshark: sorry, LaTeX only annoys me when I need to upgrade with latex-full :-)08:22
robert_ancelldidrocks, morning!08:22
pittirobert_ancell: it should at least report some noise in the control files?08:22
pittirobert_ancell: and it says "file list identical" usually08:23
robert_ancellpitti, should it?  I'll double check08:23
didrocksSweetshark: TBH, the first version of my book (in 2006), was in gOOo, but it couldn't handle the number of images and I had to split it two files :/08:23
pittirobert_ancell: LP queue page timed out again, so not too late to hold it back :)08:23
Sweetsharkdidrocks: how did was it not able to handle the images? crashes? or hangs and mindboggling slowness?08:28
didrocksmindboggling slowness… 500 pages, 250 images (most of them < 100x100px)08:29
Sweetsharkdidrocks: there is a solution to that: http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/OOoAuthors_User_Manual/Writer_Guide/Working_with_Master_Documents something that works in OOo/LO better than on MS Office \o/.08:40
Sweetshark(I learned about that rather late too, unfortunately).08:41
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone08:42
robert_ancellpitti, hey, how much longer before no more uploads?  I'm fixing up a few gcalctool bugs, should I upload now, or can I wait another 24 hours?08:42
pittirobert_ancell: gcalctool should be okay tomorrow, too08:42
robert_ancellpitti, can you check my debdiff logic.  I compile once with my gtk-doc package, and once with the current natty one.  Then debdiffed like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/596430/08:43
Sweetsharkpitti: but the LO fix should be uploaded today, right?08:44
* Sweetshark looks nervous.08:44
pittirobert_ancell: that looks fine08:44
pittiSweetshark: would be better, as it takes ages on arm08:44
pittiand we should have room for another emergency upload if that one fails08:44
Sweetsharkpitti: well, its on chinstrap already08:44
seb128hey desktopers08:45
* Sweetshark waves at seb128.08:45
seb128hey pitti Sweetshark08:45
seb128hey robert_ancell08:45
robert_ancellseb128, hello08:45
pittiSweetshark: oh, want me to upload, or do you want to do more changes?08:46
Sweetsharkpitti: upload please!08:47
pittiSweetshark: would you mind uploading the debian.tar.gz, too? :-)08:48
chrisccoulsondidrocks, have you seen something like bug 766630 before?08:49
ubot2Launchpad bug 766630 in firefox "firefox have a "gap" between tabs and the panel " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76663008:49
chrisccoulsoni've seen it before, but not for a while08:50
chrisccoulsonbut someone reported that yesterday08:50
* Sweetshark grumbles.08:50
Sweetsharkpitti: yes, beacuse you asked so nicely ;)08:51
* pitti bats eyelashes08:51
didrockschrisccoulson: yeah, seems to be a compiz bug. I've reproduced it sometimes, smspillaz can't reproduce it08:51
chrisccoulsondidrocks, thanks. is there a master bug already?08:51
didrockschrisccoulson: there is one in compiz, I can find it later08:52
chrisccoulsonthanks :)08:52
didrocksmy computer is in a pain with all the rebuilds right now :)08:52
* Sweetshark just had Jehovas wittnesses at the door.08:52
chrisccoulsonSweetshark, you answered the door?08:53
chrisccoulsoni always leave it to jo to answer the door in the daytime :)08:53
chrisccoulson(for that reason)08:53
pittiSweetshark: "Ich habe auf Euch gewartet!!!"08:54
* pitti remembers Michael Mittermeier08:54
SweetsharkWhat a disappointment: a) I was expecting a Notebook delivery. b) I wasnt playing Iron Maiden at maximum volume.08:54
chrisccoulsonpitti - i had to use google translate there ;)08:55
pittiSweetshark: thanks, it just looks a lot more beautiful with a debian tarball! that talked me into uploading it08:55
Sweetsharkpitti: *hrhr*08:55
pittichrisccoulson: it's a German comedian, there was an act where he describes what he does with Jehova's witnesses at the door08:55
chrisccoulsonheh :)08:56
chrisccoulsonseb128 - any more bugs you want me to look at today?09:01
seb128chrisccoulson, not right know but I'm doing my daily bug review so I will tell you if I find something ;-)09:02
chrisccoulsonthanks :)09:03
chrisccoulsoni will carry on hacking on my new firefox extension for now :)09:03
=== rodrigo__ is now known as rodrigo_
pittihey rodrigo_09:10
* pitti assigns 58 bugs to rodrigo_, now that he's part of desktop team for real09:11
pitti*cough* I meant "great that it worked out!"09:11
* pitti hugs rodrigo_09:11
seb128did it?09:12
seb128hey rodrigo_09:12
didrocksmorning rodrigo_09:15
rodrigo_hey pitti, official now?09:18
rodrigo_hi seb128, didrocks09:18
seb128rodrigo_, congrats ;-)09:18
* rodrigo_ stops working and goes out to celebrate :D09:19
* pitti is quite pleased with https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus#rcbugs now09:20
* didrocks hugs rodrigo_, welcome! :)09:21
rodrigo_thanks didrocks09:21
Sweetsharkrodrigo_: welcome!09:21
rodrigo_thanks Sweetshark and seb12809:22
rodrigo_so to celebrate, can someone sponsor this -> https://code.launchpad.net/~rodrigo-moya/ubuntu/natty/webkit/fix-header/+merge/58395 please?09:22
pittirodrigo_: oh, sure09:23
didrockspitti: (btw, nux waiting, nux waiting, nux waiting… it's kind, it won't bite :-))</whispering>09:23
pittididrocks: already processing the queue09:23
rodrigo_pitti, it's not critical, but needed for empathy in the gnome3 ppa, so can it go in?09:23
pittirodrigo_: looks ok to me09:23
didrockspitti: you're too fast! :-)09:23
pittiand still time to build on arm09:24
rodrigo_when's the final timeline?09:24
pitti"The Unapproved queue is empty." yay09:24
pittirodrigo_: practically, tomorrow; today for large pacakges like LibO/webkit09:24
pittiEaster holidays get in the way..09:25
rodrigo_pitti, ah cool, because I found a bug in evo-couchdb yesterday with jono, so I'm working on a fix09:25
rodrigo_hopefully will get it done today09:25
pittirodrigo_: gosh, it complains about () and wants (void)?09:25
pittihow stupid is that..09:26
rodrigo_pitti, that's for stuff compiled with --strict09:26
rodrigo_yeah, quite dumb indeed09:26
pittiI still think these should be synonyms09:26
pittioh, btw09:26
pittirodrigo_: you aren't in ~ubuntu-desktop yet?09:26
rodrigo_pitti, I was, but then I was removed because of the process to accept people09:27
rodrigo_someone complained when I started the rotation09:27
rodrigo_that I hadn't followed the process to be accepted09:27
pittirodrigo_: who except seb128 and me sponsored your work?09:28
pittiwe need to find three people09:28
pittiI'll send an invite to the list09:28
rodrigo_dholbach a couple of times iirc09:28
rodrigo_pitti, ah, and kenvandine, although that was before my rotation09:29
pittirotation doesn't matter09:29
rodrigo_ok then09:29
rodrigo_pitti, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RodrigoMoya/PerPackageUploadApplication09:30
rodrigo_if that's useful09:30
seb128didrocks, pitti: so you do you have any opinion on those geforce cards not working with unity and nvidia but "working" with nouveau09:30
seb128it's likely users will go and activate nvidia and get no desktop09:31
rodrigo_btw, can I propose this -> http://git.gnome.org/browse/couchdb-glib/commit/?id=f8765589465b16610e73fb37906716bade83efe6 for upload?09:31
didrocksright, I think we should blacklist them in jockey then09:31
glatzormorning mvo seb128  and pitti09:31
seb128do we consider nouveau to be solid enough and that they should use?09:31
seb128or should we send them to classic?09:31
seb128hey glatzor09:31
rodrigo_it's not critical neither, but it removes a lot of warnings in the logs that people send09:31
pittiglatzor: Servus!09:31
pittiseb128: 2D yes, but on nvidia you currently get classic by default, don't you?09:32
seb128rodrigo_, seems fine to me09:32
mvohey glatzor09:32
seb128pitti, do you?09:32
glatzormvo, it seems that the forzen_status context manager is still called in the forked child process if we just use os._exit. Very strange behavior09:32
pittiI don't think we should install nouveau-3d by default yet09:32
rodrigo_seb128, ok, and since I have upload rights, I just dput and it will get reviewed, right? or do I need a merge proposal?09:32
mvoglatzor: oh, that is indeed puzzling, no atexit should be called for _exit()09:33
seb128pitti, well, whatever you get by default manage to run unity but nvidia gives you a frozen desktop on geforce 7300 and 7400 cards09:33
pittiseb128: classic for natty IMHO09:33
seb128pitti, so people get unity working, install nvidia, restart and get no desktop09:33
glatzormvo, but this only happens if you send a ctrl+c to the forked client09:34
didrockspitti: we can only blacklist by pcid right now, not pcid + driver09:34
pittididrocks: oh, bummer; the nux testing tool doesn't check the driver?09:34
didrockspitti: right, only pcids09:34
didrocksand I don't feel we should change that now09:34
pittidoor bell, brb09:34
pittididrocks: but I still think blacklisting is safer at this point09:34
didrocksso "sorry" for people wanting to try with nouveau?09:35
seb128didrocks, you just hate users admit it ;-)09:35
didrocksseb128: damned, my secret!! :-)09:35
mvoseb128: nowdays it works ok-ish for my 8400, but its not that smooth and I get a crash every now and then09:35
seb128didrocks, tseliot's point that the nouveau driver is not very efficient and will lead to other issues09:35
didrocksseb128: do you have the pcid btw?09:35
didrocksyeah, I see a lot of people using it, but they get artifacts and such09:36
glatzormvo, you can reproduce by adding a import pdb; pdb; pdb.set_trace() in the finally statement of the frozen_status  method , and abort an installation with Crtl c09:36
seb128didrocks, we should probably recommend unity only when it will give a solid experience09:36
tseliotseb128, didrocks: I really think the check should be in either unity or nux, so that users can still use nvidia with the classic desktop or with unity 2d09:37
seb128didrocks, #728745, it has some, like the apport infos has09:37
seb128"nVidia Corporation G72M [GeForce Go 7400] [10de:01d8] "09:37
didrocksok, looking to add it09:37
seb128we can ask for lspci infos from other commenters09:37
didrocksseb128: can you handle that? I'm chasing a bugs in theme with unity09:37
seb128didrocks, yes09:38
didrocksadding 10de:01d8 meanwhile09:38
didrocksseb128: thanks :)09:38
didrocksit will blacklist unity and compiz FYI09:39
pittididrocks: is the blacklist in the code, or in any text file?09:42
seb128didrocks, the --unity and --compiz part of the helper don't have different lists?09:42
didrockspitti: it's in the code unfortunately09:42
pittididrocks: can it be ignored with an environment variable or a command line optino? (that might also be useful for people testing drivers in a PPA, etc.)09:42
didrocksseb128: no, despite my repeated demands09:43
pittinote that a full option is not required, just a very small "optino" one!09:43
didrockspitti: can add that09:43
rodrigo_Changes file must be signed with a valid GPG signature: Verification failed 3 times: ["(7, 9, u'No public key')", "(7, 9, u'No public key')", "(7, 9, u'No public key')"] : Permission denied.09:43
rodrigo_Note: This error might indicate a problem with your passive_ftp setting.09:43
rodrigo_      Please consult dput.cf(5) for details on this configuration option.09:43
pittirodrigo_: argh, that again?09:43
pittirodrigo_: just ignore it, it'll work anyway09:43
rodrigo_again? it's the 1st time I see it09:43
rodrigo_ah ok09:43
rodrigo_pitti, I ran dput twice, so there are 2 identical uploads, can you remove one of them?09:46
pittirodrigo_: yes, no problem09:46
pittirodrigo_: yeah, it has haunted people in the last couple of weeks09:46
rodrigo_also, can someone please merge this -> https://code.launchpad.net/~rodrigo-moya/ubuntu/natty/couchdb-glib/remove-warnings/+merge/58453 ?09:46
rodrigo_pitti, well, haven't used dput myself much in the last couple of weeks, that's why I didn't see it, I guess :)09:47
pittirodrigo_: isn't that the very one you just uploaded?09:47
rodrigo_pitti, yes09:47
pittirodrigo_: done09:48
huatsseb128, I was wondering where to find some updates to do )10:05
huatswell may be not for natty, it is too late I assume10:05
huatsbut I'd like to work again for oneiric...10:05
huatsand the page versions.html gave me a 40410:05
huatsso it is not used anymore ?10:06
pittibonjour huats10:08
pittihuats: it just moved to http://people.canonical.com/~platform/desktop/versions.html10:08
huatshey pitti !10:08
huatsthanks for the info10:08
pittiwe'll have plenty of work to do for O :)10:08
huatspitti, I know there is10:09
huatsand I'll do my best to help again10:09
seb128hey huats, yeah new url is in the topic, we moved there like in start of the cycle, you have been away from packaging for a while ;-)10:10
huatsseb128, you know I have been away :)10:11
seb128huats, it's getting close from natty, hard freeze is tomorrow, so not really the best time for updates though, maybe universe ones10:11
huatsthat was my idea (to not work on natty because of the hard freeze)10:11
huatsbut to start update my tools :) to be able to work quite soon on oneiric10:11
huatsI'll give a look on universe10:12
pittihuats: sounds awesome! you have some more time to spend on FOSS stuff again?10:13
pittihuats: if you are interested, there's still plenty of work to do on the gnome 3 PPA10:13
pittiwhich isn't bound by the natty freeze10:13
pittihuats: it's kind of a staging area for oneiric anyway, but should also be useful for natty users who want to try it10:14
huatslet's say that I have spent sometime working on FOSS but I couldn't find time to work on ubuntu desktop :)10:16
huatspitti, and yes I should be able to find some more time in the next months !10:16
pittitres bien!10:16
huatsindeed the gnome3 ppa is something quite interesting too10:16
huatspitti, I'll give a look right now10:17
seb128mvo, have you seen bugs about http://paste.ubuntu.com/596474/ or similar before?10:18
seb128the error in english says that broken packages are in "keep in state" mode10:18
rodrigo_huats, we have lots of things todo in the gnome3 ppa, like packaging e-d-s, evolution, gnome-panel, the new network manager, etc, so feel free to do it :)10:19
huatsrodrigo_, I'll give a look quite soon10:20
huatsrodrigo_, how do you coordonate inside the team ? (well if there is coordination :))10:20
mvoseb128: what bug is that?10:21
seb128mvo, it's happening on my box, it's not a bug (yet)10:21
mvoin what context did it happen?10:21
mvoit usually mean that the poor reslver is confused10:21
seb128mvo, it seems that's when clicking a binary for upgrade in  update-manager10:22
seb128like I click on of the firefox-... which should make firefox to be checked as well10:22
seb128like firefox-branding10:22
seb128but instead of checking firefox as to upgrade as well it triggers apport10:22
seb128mvo, it's my way to select updates I want to do first, I tend to unselect all, click a few I want to try without waiting for other download, install those and then upgrade the remaining10:23
seb128mvo, bug #75210410:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 752104 in update-manager "update-manager crashed with SystemError in mark_install(): E:Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75210410:24
mvoseb128: right, I suspect its just confused over one dependency somewhere or a inconsitent archive10:24
seb128I'm not the only one ;-)10:24
seb128mvo, well I'm my system in that buggy state if you want, but it's easy to trigger with a natty box from yesterday where you didn't upgrade firefox yet10:24
seb128clicking on firefox select the other depends as it should10:24
rodrigo_huats, there's a mailing list https://edge.launchpad.net/~gnome3-team10:27
huatsrodrigo_, yeah I have seen that :)10:27
rodrigo_huats, also, there are branches -> https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~gnome3-team10:27
rodrigo_huats, so, if you start working on something, just tell the list, and propose a branch merge10:27
rodrigo_that's all :)10:28
huatsrodrigo_, ok that is way to coordonate :)10:28
huatsrodrigo_, thanks for letting me know10:28
rodrigo_huats, for the stuff we don't have branches yet (e-d-s, evo, etc), just branch from the ubuntu-desktop branch and we'll push that to a gnome3-team branch10:28
rodrigo_huats, well, to be honest, we haven't used the list much to tell what we were working on :)10:29
huats(I have seen that since I gave a look at the archives since :) )10:29
huatsrodrigo_, I don't know if you used the url I mentioned (andthat I was looking) but it worked quite well in the past in the desktop team10:30
huatsmay be having smething similar might be a good idea :)10:30
rodrigo_huats, hmm, which url?10:30
huatsrodrigo_, http://people.canonical.com/~platform/desktop/versions.html10:30
rodrigo_ah yes, we use that10:30
rodrigo_robert_ancell changed it to show the 3.0 versions10:31
seb128chrisccoulson, oh, if you feel like it might be worth trying to clean some of the unity or indicator warnings spamming .xsession-errors10:31
chrisccoulsonsure, i can look at that10:31
huatsrodrigo_, do you have the url for the 3.0 ppa ?10:31
rodrigo_huats, https://edge.launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome310:31
huatsno I might misunderstood you, but I thought you mention that robert  set up a web page like the one I just  showed you but focussed on the gnome3 ppa10:33
huatsand I was asking if you have that ur l :)10:33
huats(or may be I should ask robert directly :))10:33
rodrigo_huats, no, it's the same page, but it shows the 3.0 versions also10:33
huatsrodrigo_, pfff I think I might need some sleep : I just realized the 2 versions separated by a / :)10:35
rodrigo_huats, see the Ubuntu and Upstream columns10:35
rodrigo_huats, heh10:35
seb128chrisccoulson, ok, other goal for you, can you make unity print the g_debug output in a log rather than spamming .xsession-errors?10:35
seb128didrocks, ^10:35
mvoseb128: hm, not on my (slightly outdated box, will try on a second one in a bit, just finishing some code)10:36
huatsrodrigo_, thanks10:36
didrocksseb128: I thought you told that you would tackle it some weeks ago?10:36
huatsIneed to go right now, but I'll come back later and try to start workng on something10:36
seb128didrocks, yeah, you know how it goes ;-)10:37
seb128didrocks, well it's stable time now I would turn debug off by default10:37
seb128but anyway let's see if chrisccoulson can help there10:37
didrocksyeah, I've other more important things to fix now10:38
pittiseb128, didrocks: WDYT about turning off apport by default tomorrow?10:42
pittido you still depend on it for tracking down stuff?10:42
seb128pitti, the later the better this cycle10:42
seb128pitti, I want to see what segfaults are still there in the new unity10:42
seb128but one day should be enough10:43
didrockspitti: sounds good to me, most of people reporting stacktrace now are using the "light" report, so we get unuseful stacktrace though…10:43
pittioh, they do? why10:43
pittiah, I think it sometimes displays vastly inflated numbers for the size of the full one10:44
pittiI saw it display "130 MB" or so, but it's counting uncompressed size10:44
pittithe core dump usually melts down to more like 510:44
seb128because people judge they don't have enough upload for those10:44
pittimeh; let's hope it's usually enough to at least identify it as a dupe10:44
pittimost of the time when I tried to report one, I already got several existing ones with teh same title10:45
pittisorry about that; need to fix for o10:45
seb128no worry10:45
didrockspitti:  no worry, but yeah, being more incitating on the "full" version can be nice :)10:46
seb128I've restarted the amd64 retracer10:46
seb128it had a lock and a log with no error but not updated since 3am this night10:46
seb128not sure why it stopped, let's see if just removing the lock is enough10:46
abhinav-pitti: Hi, smb approved this proposal yesterday, I made a few small changes again today. is it too late for natty now ? https://code.launchpad.net/~er-abhinav-upadhyay/ubuntu/natty/tomboy/patch-757635/+merge/5830310:47
seb128chrisccoulson, yeah, ok, so if you have time try to clean warnings and errors in the bug, those might point real issues and maybe for bonus point make unity g_debug calls log into a unity.log10:47
seb128didrocks, ^10:47
ftapitti, most people don't upload full report for chromium because of the announced size, which is always wrong, stuff like 230MB, 370MB, ...10:48
pittifta: same problem I guess10:48
chrisccoulsonheh, my ~/.xsession-errors is 150kB, and i restarted my session less than 1 hour ago10:48
ftapitti, yep, that was just a +1 :)10:48
pittichrisccoulson: (nautilus:1700): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_value_get_object: assertion `G_VALUE_HOLDS_OBJECT (value)' failed10:48
pitti800 kB/2 hours10:49
chrisccoulsonpitti - mostly "(xchat-gnome:3012): Gdk-CRITICAL **: _gdk_pixmap_new: assertion `(width != 0) && (height != 0)' failed"10:49
chrisccoulsonand some similar ones from nm-applet too10:49
seb128the spamming is mostly that here:10:53
seb128(<unknown>:8523): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid (NULL) pointer instance10:53
seb128(<unknown>:8523): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_signal_handler_disconnect: assertion `G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE (instance)' failed10:53
pittididrocks: did a test install in kvm (for testing another bug), and now got the dialog about "you can't run unity blabla" (but not on the live system); so that works as it should, nice!10:54
didrockspitti: excellent! thanks for confirming :)10:54
pittiseb128: hm, seems that everyone got a different spam source now :/10:54
didrocksseb128: pitti: on bug #728745 seems people are trying nvidia with nouveau when the other driver doesn't work. Hoping that the environment variable to set won't upset them :)10:56
ubot2Launchpad bug 728745 in unity "[nvidia, 7300, 7400] display freeze when using unity desktop" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72874510:56
seb128pitti, yeah... :-(10:57
seb128didrocks, well those are technical users, most users which a frozen session will not know what to do10:57
seb128they will just think their install and screwed and reinstall10:58
seb128or install another os10:58
didrocksok, let's put them in the classic "no effect" then10:58
seb128didrocks, bug #764379 might be in a similar case11:07
ubot2Launchpad bug 764379 in nvidia-graphics-drivers "Partial screen corruption and poor performance on GeForce 6150" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76437911:07
seb128didrocks, though nouveau doesn't work for that one11:08
didrocksseb128: blacklisting then11:09
didrocksUNITY_BLACKLIST_DISABLE is a good env name for you?11:09
seb128didrocks, we should maybe tag those card specific issues in some way and do a sru a bit later11:09
pittididrocks: UNITY_DONT_CHECK ?11:10
pittior UNITY_FORCE_START to avoid a negation?11:10
seb128I was going to suggest something around pitti's suggestion11:10
didrockspitti: it's not FORCE_START, it's just for the blacklist11:10
didrocksyou want to totally disable the checking?11:10
pittididrocks: you don't?11:10
pittimight be interesting for testing11:11
didrocksI was just disabling the blacklist11:11
pittididrocks: but really, doens't matter much either way11:11
didrockshum, checking on gnome-session11:11
pittiit's a secret option only which should only come up in bug reports11:11
didrocksdon't remember if I added that ;)11:11
seb128well the check tools is only used by gnome-session?11:11
didrocksseb128: yeah11:11
seb128i.e those people can tweak their .session?11:11
seb128if they want to skip the checking11:12
didrocks(until the next gnome-session update)11:12
didrocksseb128: wait, on bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nux/+bug/728745, rereading it, isn't the xorg freeze?11:49
ubot2Launchpad bug 728745 in nux "[nvidia, 7300, 7400] display freeze when using unity desktop" [High,Fix committed]11:49
didrocksseb128: people don't report that freeze from the start of the session11:49
seb128didrocks, seems like that when unity start it screw things11:51
didrocksseb128: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nux/+bug/728745/comments/711:52
ubot2Launchpad bug 728745 in nux "[nvidia, 7300, 7400] display freeze when using unity desktop" [High,Fix committed]11:52
seb128didrocks, it doesn't render things as it should or doesn't react to clicks11:52
didrocksseems like after a grab rather11:52
didrocksseb128: there is the xorg (which is in fact a kernel) freeze as well11:52
seb128well it doesn't happen in a constant way?11:52
seb128but anyway feel free to do what you judge best for the bug11:52
didrocksI'm afraid we are rushing on blacklisting card we shouldn't11:53
seb128even if it's unity making xorg lock it's still a broken unity session imho11:53
seb128ok, got to go, food is ready and i've a call at 211:53
didrocksseb128: it happens here to, (once a day), and for chrisccoulson as well11:53
didrocksif we were going to blacklist our cards… ;)11:53
seb128didrocks, well that bug seems it happen on login every time11:53
didrocksseb128: not from comment 7, I asked for more info11:53
seb128ok thanks11:54
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
rodrigo_hmm, huats sent a request for joining gnome3-team12:22
rodrigo_seb128, pitti: I assume yo know him well right?12:22
rodrigo_so can I just accept him?12:22
seb128rodrigo_, yes12:22
seb128he has been an active contributor for some years and used to help on GNOME updates12:22
rodrigo_oh, I can't accept people it seems12:23
seb128he has been less around recently and busy with other things but it's fine to add him to the team12:23
rodrigo_seb128, yes, that's what I thought, just wanted to confirm12:23
rodrigo_seb128, can you accept him -> https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+member/christophe.sauthier please?12:23
huatsrodrigo_,  and seb128 thanks :)12:24
seb128rodrigo_, huats: done12:24
seb128doh 20 members pending12:24
rodrigo_huats, nah, you need to send us some French wine or food :)12:24
seb128do we know any of the others?12:24
rodrigo_seb128, who are they?12:25
seb128rodrigo_, list on https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+members12:25
didrocksrodrigo_: and he's french, that's a ack on its own :)12:25
* huats needs to run give a prensentation on the "Ubuntu community"12:25
seb128rodrigo_, but the names don't ring any bell12:25
rodrigo_didrocks, well, I thought that before meeting you, so now I'm more careful with French people :)12:25
huatsrodrigo_, please remind me that before we met :)12:25
huats(about food and wine)12:25
rodrigo_huats, :)12:25
didrocksrodrigo_: ok, where is your application for ~ubuntu-desktop already? :-)12:26
rodrigo_didrocks, :)12:26
rodrigo_seb128, JC Hulce is one of the guys from the gnome remix. we told him to send some merge proposals first12:26
seb128rodrigo_, I guess I should go through the list and add a comment for each saying that12:27
rodrigo_seb128, Jeremy Bicha has sent a few merge proposals, not sure if we should accept him for now12:27
rodrigo_seb128, no idea about the others12:27
rodrigo_seb128, ok12:27
seb128rodrigo_, let me know if you know of anyone that should be acked12:27
seb128I didn't watch the ppa a lot recently but I will catch up once natty is wrapped12:28
rodrigo_seb128, not really, no idea who they are12:28
chrisccoulsonhmmmm, is xchat still working?12:41
chrisccoulsonseems to be12:41
chrisccoulsonnice :)12:41
chrisccoulsonand no critical errors12:42
TheMusopitti: hrm ok you filled powerpc alternate, but we need to decide what to cull from powerpc desktop as its oversized. I can't make up my mind as to what we can cull, as we are at the point where functionality will have to be culled. The question is what.12:47
mvochrisccoulson: do you mind if I upload  http://paste.ubuntu.com/596518/ ? helps the upgader and should do no harm12:48
chrisccoulsonmvo - sure, that's fine12:48
chrisccoulsoni'll push it to bzr too12:48
chrisccoulson(or you could propose a merge) :)12:49
chrisccoulsonlp:~mozillateam/nss/nss.head, i think12:49
mvochrisccoulson: sure, will do that12:49
chrisccoulsonthanks :)12:49
mvohttps://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/nss/nss.mvo/+merge/58479 fyi, uploaded now, its waiting in the queue12:54
pittiTheMuso: TBH, at that point I'd just declare it done and document that you need a DVD or an USB stick12:55
dpmhey seb128, what was the context of the "Drop To Add Application" string in unity? Is it to drop an application icon to the launcher?12:55
TheMusopitti: Right, DVD it will have to be then, due to powerpc not being able to boot from USB.12:56
seb128dpm, yes, do a dnd from the dash to the launcher12:56
TheMusopitti: Whats the task for release notes? There is a bug against ubuntu-meta for this, so I want to make sure its mentioned.12:56
seb128dpm, ie in the application view for example12:56
seb128dpm, it display it as a tooltip while you dnd over the launcher12:57
pittiTheMuso: feel free to directly add it to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyNarwhal/TechnicalOverview12:57
TheMusoOk will take care of that tomorrow. Thanks.12:57
pittiTheMuso: thanks; good night!12:58
dpmthanks seb12812:58
seb128dpm, sorry I didn't send the email about it yesterday I was waiting the template import which has been taking a while, seems someone beat me to it today12:59
dpmseb128, yeah, no worries, all is good :)12:59
* rodrigo_ lunch13:11
didrocksseb128: you imported the pot yourself on Monday, isn't it?13:22
seb128didrocks, unity?13:23
didrocksseb128: yeah, I remember we discussed this13:23
seb128didrocks, dpm did yesterday but the launchpad side takes a while to process uploads13:23
seb128didrocks, it's in now and already translated in frencg13:24
didrocksok, nice :)13:24
seb128in french13:24
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
=== alecu-away is now known as alecu
mterryRiddell, ping13:34
Riddellhi mterry13:40
Riddelloh aye, you had a dbusmenu patch13:40
Riddellmterry: have you run it by agateau?13:41
mterryRiddell, nope.  shall I jump in the kubuntu channel?13:41
Riddellcan do13:41
seb128he's off this week13:42
seb128he = agateau13:42
Riddelloh ok, thanks for letting us know seb12813:44
Riddellmterry: in that case I'll just upload it and hope you know what you're doing :)13:44
Riddellit looks sensible to me13:44
mterryRiddell, :)13:45
mterryseb128, I'm testing the keyring patch, hopefully won't blow up in my face and I'll upload13:47
seb128mterry, oh nice, did you get upstream to review it?13:48
mterryseb128, oh, I assumed that guy was upstream.  :)  Let me look at his history again13:48
seb128mterry, "that guy"? I didn't read the bug for a while13:48
mterryyeah, upstream Stef provided a new patch13:49
seb128ok, Stef is upstream ;-)13:49
mterryseb128, oh sorry  :)  I thought you were subscribed13:49
seb128sorry I was a bit out of context for this one13:49
mterryseb128, yeah, he provided a new patch13:49
seb128yeah, seems like I'm subscribed to gnome-keyring but not the lib13:49
mterryI can't reproduce, but as long as it doesn't crash for me, I think it's fine to put in, since it came from upstream13:49
seb128quite some users get it13:49
seb128the retracer run into 2-3 of those a day13:50
seb128natty starts feeling pretty solid, I don't find new bugs that really need to be worked by reading daily reports13:50
pittigreat to hear!13:51
mterryseb128, hahah.   now I get a different assert  ;)13:56
seb128mterry, :-(13:56
Sweetsharkseb128: I still have bug 746375, which is not easy to reproduce. I will release a ppa version for that and ask the guys if it is gone. And I have bug 754562 which unfortunately will require some heavylifting in the code -> risk of regressions, release to ppa13:59
ubot2Launchpad bug 746375 in libreoffice "soffice.bin crashed with SIGSEGV in uno_type_sequence_construct()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74637513:59
ubot2Launchpad bug 754562 in libreoffice "soffice.bin crashed with SIGSEGV in g_hash_table_lookup()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75456213:59
mterryseb128, oh my mistake.  Same assert.  Which isn't much better13:59
* Sweetshark lunches.14:00
mterryseb128, but I can reproduce now.  Using gvfs-mount on the command line over and over gets it pretty fast14:00
seb128mterry, ok well at least being able to trigger it will be useful14:00
seb128Sweetshark, right, you better target a sru for those, the sru updates get at least one week of testing before going to updates14:01
seb128pedro_, hey14:24
pedro_hello seb12814:28
seb128pedro_, how are you?14:28
pedro_seb128, i'm good, thanks.  what about you?14:29
seb128pedro_, I'm fine thanks ;-)14:29
pedro_seb128, finally a week with no kernel testing, so time to catch up with some desktop bugs ;-)14:29
seb128pedro_, we are getting close from natty, is there any desktop bug you can think about that need to be worked and didn't yet?14:29
pedro_evolution is a mess...14:30
seb128nothing new there14:30
pedro_m there's a couple of minor annoyances like bug 74010414:30
ubot2Launchpad bug 740104 in compiz "Windows appear in the window list on adjacent workspaces" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74010414:30
pedro_but looks like that's being tracked already, but haven't seen any progress yet14:31
pedro_that'd be nice to fix though, is pretty confusing14:31
seb128it's a compiz bug yeah, not sure if smspillaz can work on it14:31
seb128pedro_, but it's in classic GNOME only right?14:31
pittithe shadow spillover isn't, though14:32
pedro_seb128, yeah on classic, since it's related to the window list14:32
pedro_bug 753369 is also something that's affecting lot of users14:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 753369 in compiz "compiz artifacts in chromium, xchat, opera... you name it" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75336914:32
seb128that one is assigned and being worked14:33
pedro_the others are being tracked already, so nothing on the top of my head atm14:34
pedro_besides the ones already mentioned14:34
seb128pedro_, there is a brasero one easy to trigger if you want to check upstream, try to run it twice14:35
seb128pedro_, it's one of the recent bugs which have the same titles, they are not duplicates though so don't close it if you triage it ;-)14:35
pedro_seb128, ok i'll have a look ;-)14:36
seb128ok, nothing special in today retracing, unity is table14:36
pedro_you're welcome monsieur14:36
chrisccoulsonseb128 - so, i figured out why nm-applet spams xsession-errors (which seems to be one of the biggest offenders for me)14:42
chrisccoulsonbut i'm not sure what to do about it. it's a broken theme (bug 767186)14:43
ubot2Launchpad bug 767186 in ubuntu-mono "nm-signal-* icons break nm-applet" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76718614:43
seb128chrisccoulson, can you talk to sladen about the issue see if he can get it fixed for natty or in a sru?14:43
seb128he's maintaining ubuntu-mono14:44
* ogra_ hopes we advance one day to ubuntu-stereo14:45
chrisccoulsonogra_, lol ;)14:50
chrisccoulsondo you want to bring the tumbleweed, or shall i? ;)14:50
ogra_that probably requires a dual-core sladen though :P14:51
ogra_yeah, sorry, couldnt resist that one :)14:51
seb128chrisccoulson, do you get such warnings?14:52
seb128(<unknown>:8523): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid cast from `(null)' to `BamfView'14:52
chrisccoulsonseb128 - no, i don't have any of those14:53
chrisccoulson"unknown" - that's useful :)14:53
seb128that's unity14:53
seb128chrisccoulson, you don't have those either?14:57
seb128(<unknown>:1657): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: instance of invalid non-instantiatable type `(null)'14:57
seb128(<unknown>:1657): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_signal_handler_disconnect: assertion `G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE (instance)' failed14:57
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, i've got those14:58
seb128can you check on that next?14:58
chrisccoulsonyeah, sure14:58
seb128I think I got the bamf ones after play a bit adding launcher by dragging those from the dash and deleting those14:58
seb128chrisccoulson, thanks14:58
chrisccoulsonseb128 - do you get these from nautilus too: (nautilus:8232): GConf-CRITICAL **: gconf_value_free: assertion `value != NULL' failed ?14:59
seb128would be nice to debug as well14:59
seb128    203 (<unknown>:8523): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_signal_handler_disconnect: assertion `G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE (instance)' failed15:02
seb128    219 ** (process:1683): DEBUG: zeitgeist-datahub.vala:174: Inserting 1 events15:03
seb128     22 (<unknown>:8493): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_signal_handler_disconnect: assertion `G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE (instance)' failed15:03
seb128    328 (<unknown>:8523): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid cast from `BamfWindow' to `BamfApplication'15:03
seb128    168 (<unknown>:8523): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid (NULL) pointer instance15:03
seb128quite some spamming15:03
seb128(the first number are the counts)15:04
seb128go unity :p15:04
seb128nautilus is first spammer though it seems15:04
chrisccoulsonah, debugging unity sucks. there are some gdbus related errors first, and i'm not sure how i can skip those and catch the ones that happen more often :/15:04
chrisccoulsonif i do G_DEBUG=fatal_criticals, it will abort on the less interesting errors first15:05
seb128try to break on the function from the other ones, with some luck it's not hit a lot before15:05
seb128or try the test-panel binary in the vcs15:06
seb128it's handy since it let you run a standalone unity-panel service15:06
seb128which loads indicators etc which seem to be what create most of the warnings15:06
=== alecu is now known as alecu-errands
mpthey and47116:02
and471hey mpt16:02
GunnarHjpitti: It looks like you in effect redid the l-s backports merge this morning. For next time I'll try to figure out the proper way to do it. Bazaar Explorer tells you that the branches diverged (which is true)...16:02
GunnarHjpitti: Thanks for your patience!16:02
mptpitti (or anyone), what's the package that does the "Install Multimedia Plugins" process?16:02
pittiGunnarHj: not really, I merged and just updated teh changelog16:02
pittiGunnarHj: there's no need to copy the previous changelog entry, as the locale handlnig didn't actually changed in this version; you just merged the security fix16:03
pittimpt: I believe it's gnome-codec-install16:03
mptthanks pitti16:04
seb128mpt, gnome-codec-install iirc16:05
seb128oh, pitti replied already16:05
GunnarHjpitti: Yeah, it's the "merge the security fix" part, i.e. merge particular revisions only, that I need to learn. Or have I got it wrong completely?16:06
pittiGunnarHj: no, the actual code chagnes/merge were quite perfect16:08
pittiGunnarHj: just the changelog was a bit fiddly; partly because bzr likes to mess up changelogs, and partly because you described the changes of the original backport instead of the changes _since_ the previous -backports version16:09
pittiGunnarHj: i. e. conceptually what you do is to merge *from* -updates *into* -backports; you don't re-do the backport from scratch on a new -updates base16:09
pittias for how to read/write the changelog16:10
GunnarHjpitti: You are right about how I did it conceptually. Reason: Bazaar Explorer complained...16:16
GunnarHjpitti: Maybe the problem simply is that these defensive backports updates are urgent, and for that reason I haven't really taken the time to figure out how to do it the proper way. Will be better next time. ;-)16:16
pittiGunnarHj: ideally you would just check out lp:ubuntu/maverick-backports/language-selector, and then run bzr merge lp:ubuntu/maverick-security/language-selector16:17
pittithat's how it's meant to work in the new world order16:18
GunnarHjpitti: I see. That's what I'll try first next time, then.16:19
mvoso sometimes pressing super in unity does not give me shortcuts for the 1-n keys, the numbers are not highlighted n the launcher, only "s", "a", "f". and super-1 does not launch my terminal. any idea what that could be? this is a upgrade from today with nouveau16:21
didrocksmvo: can you check you only have one compiz process running?16:22
didrocksjames_w: hey, I think you won't update bzr builder into natty anymore (and we will keep a broken "bzr: ERROR: Unable to determine the previous upload for --package-merge.") for some branches, isn't it?16:26
james_whi didrocks16:26
james_wjelmer was going to get it in to Debian so we could sync16:27
mvodidrocks: sure, just did that, just one compiz16:27
didrocksjames_w: excellent! :-) I still keep a trunk branch meanwhile ;)16:27
didrocksmvo: hum… weird  :/16:27
james_wdidrocks, yeah, hopefully we can have it in tomorrow, but you'll be building many packages before then I expect :-)16:27
didrocksmvo: the weird thing is that the shortcuts (keybinding don't work)16:27
didrocksjames_w: well, just the two latest, hopefully, no worry for now :-)16:28
mvodidrocks: well, super-s super-a work16:30
didrocksmvo: the code is really stupid in that area, so there is really something not attributing them :/16:31
dbarthCimi: are you really, really sure you want to make this change now?16:34
mvodidrocks: no worries, I will ignore it for now, let me know if I can do anyhting to help with this16:34
Cimi_dbarth: which change?16:34
didrocksmvo: I think this will certainly end up with printf at UDS :)16:34
lucazaderodrigo_ : ping16:38
rodrigo_lucazade, pong16:39
Sweetsharkpitti: ping?16:40
=== Cimi_ is now known as Cimi
lucazadei've tried the issue of gnome-settings-daemon with a physical installation and it is not present (only in virtuabox)16:40
lucazadeinstalled from scratch and with all updates16:41
rodrigo_lucazade, ok, good to know that the bug's severity is lower then16:41
lucazaderodrigo_ it seems related to vbox video drivers16:41
lucazadeok just to let you know16:42
rodrigo_lucazade, yes, xrandr plugin, not sure though what makes the indicator patch raise the bug though16:42
lucazaderodrigo_ mystery !16:42
rodrigo_lucazade, yeah :)16:42
dbarthCimi: the merge prop. tedg is talking about16:46
Cimidbarth: it's a feature requested by mark and rick16:48
pittiSweetshark: (on phone); just ask your question, I'll respond later16:50
Sweetsharkpitti: I tought I gave you a upload without regenerating control (and ending up with a LO-l10n control file), but it seems now that was a false alarm.16:53
pittiSweetshark: at least it built the expected packages :)16:54
pittiI haven't restarted unity yet to check whether the bug is fixed, though16:54
* Sweetshark drops his heartrate below 150 again.16:55
Sweetsharkpitti: Well, it did with my locally build *.deb16:55
Sweetsharkhmmm, I think I found a good way to reproduce a unity crash: Run claws-mail, minimize it, run "DISPLAY=:0 unity" on a vt -> uunity crashes16:59
seb128_well why would you run unity if it's already running?16:59
seb128_btw no need to set DISPLAY the unity wrapper will do that for you16:59
=== seb128_ is now known as seb128
dbarthCimi: where is the branch proposal?17:09
Cimidbarth: https://code.launchpad.net/~cimi/ayatana-scrollbar/hide-thumb-on-selection/+merge/5829617:09
Cimidbarth: and I need the new blacklist17:25
=== alecu-errands is now known as alecu
rodrigo_ok, going out for a bit. Will be on national holidays till Tuesday, but will check mail so if there's anything you want from me, please send mail17:40
rodrigo_have a nice week17:40
seb128rodrigo_, slacker!!!17:44
seb128rodrigo_, sorry... enjoy ;-)17:45
seb128still one day before the long weekend here17:45
pittirodrigo_: enjoy!17:50
jcastrohey seb128: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/68756718:02
ubot2Launchpad bug 687567 in unity "Global menu causes white "flashes" when scrubbing/moving with mouse fast over menus" [High,Confirmed]18:02
seb128hey jcastro18:02
jcastrosorry wrong bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/askubuntu-lens/+bug/75883918:03
ubot2Launchpad bug 758839 in gwibber/unity-lens-gwibber "Lens doesn't start on login" [High,Confirmed]18:03
jcastroso there's an issue with python lenses not loaded on login18:03
seb128the first one is a compiz setting to tweak, someone pinged didrocks about that today iirc but not sure if that's happening for natty18:03
jcastroand DX is sprinting now or something, I would like to escalate this bug (or whatever process)18:03
didrocksit's not happening in natty, it's sent to backlog18:04
jcastro(the first bug was just cruft from my buffer, I mean to talk about lenses)18:04
didrocksjcastro: I tried, but it won't be fixed for natty, maybe a 0 day SRU18:04
dbarthjcastro: what's up?18:04
jcastrooh ok, SRU would be fine18:04
seb128didrocks, well johnlea comment #20 suggested to disable the option in compiz as a workaround for this cycle18:04
jcastrodbarth: I am concerned that we talked to people to make lenses, and none of the python ones work18:05
didrocksseb128: right, but as told this will impact all the other fading effect18:05
didrocksseb128: and won't upgrade beta users, so we will still have those things18:05
seb128didrocks, ok, could you maybe add a comment on the bug saying so?18:05
didrocksseb128: it's sent to backlog, isn't it?18:06
seb128jcastro, we need kamstrup de look at your issue basically, talk to njpatel18:06
didrocksI pinged them for that already and kamstrup is aware of it18:06
keesokay, when I hit super, I get the app-search window thing (what's this called?). but clicking any of the top row doesn't do anything.18:06
didrocksseb128: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/687567/comments/1918:06
ubot2Launchpad bug 687567 in unity "Global menu causes white "flashes" when scrubbing/moving with mouse fast over menus" [High,Confirmed]18:06
didrocksit's on the bug report18:06
jcastrokees: that's the dash18:07
didrocksbug then,John commented, not sure he's aware that it won't work on upgrade18:07
keesjcastro: "dash"! okay, thanks.18:07
keesjcastro: any idea why the top row of buttons don't do anything?18:07
jcastrothat sounds like a bug18:07
seb128didrocks, I don't even know what that means, users don't know the unity team process, especially that the workaround suggested by john was a compiz one18:09
seb128kees, "dash"18:09
seb128kees, do you have unity-place-applications installed?18:09
didrocksseb128: see the comment18:09
seb128didrocks, right and in comment #20 johnlea replied saying to do it anyway18:10
keesseb128: I do not; how did that happen, I wonder. :P18:10
didrocksseb128: go for it if you want, I prefer to fix an intellihide for now18:10
seb128kees, you use command line tools that don't handle recommends correctly?18:11
seb128kees, bug #759262 on the topic, at least update-manager should ensure those are installed18:11
ubot2Launchpad bug 759262 in update-manager "Important Unity components not installed after update-manager -d upgrade" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75926218:12
keesseb128: nope, I instlal recommends. I think the problem is that if a package is already installed and its recommends change, apt doesn't do it. not sure.18:12
keesbut yup, installing that makes the top line of the dash work.18:12
keesjcastro: and "dock" or "launcher" for the left edge dingus?18:13
seb128kees, mvo claims it should but also says that if the recommends are not installable it just skip those and doesn't suggest them later on18:13
keesseb128: ah, I bet that's what happened.18:13
keesseb128: actually, I lied, it still doesn't work. do I have restart unity after installing that?18:13
seb128kees, not sure I never tried to start without them18:13
seb128but doesn't hurt to alt-f2 unity if you don't mess your applications to be shuffled around18:14
seb128compiz is not great at keeping things where they are on restart18:14
jcastrokees: it's "launcher"18:14
keesjcastro: cool18:15
jcastrokees: http://askubuntu.com/questions/10228/whats-the-right-terminology-for-unitys-ui-elements/19166#1916618:15
keesjcastro: well hey, look at that. nice. :)18:17
didrocksseb128: are you uploading compiz?18:24
seb128didrocks, no, I've no clue what setting to change and how and where18:25
seb128didrocks, we can do it in a sru later on18:25
didrocksseb128: still won't upgrade people, so worthless18:25
seb128didrocks, I don't feel like tweakings settings I don't understand just before the freeze but I might check with smspillaz tomorrow18:25
seb128didrocks, it's the first impression you get on new installs18:26
didrocksseb128: same for me, hence the fact I didn't change18:26
seb128well I know on my nb it's very noticable18:26
didrocksseb128: I don't get it, I can't tell18:26
seb128oh, I do it18:26
seb128I will show you at UDS ;-)18:26
didrocksI don't have it either on my nvidia, nor intel card18:26
seb128weird, but at least it's not everybody getting it18:27
didrocksseb128: if we tweak the settings, the fade will disappear from all the change, hence the fact I don't want to change it in a rush (especially when we decided to push it back)18:28
nessitaseb128: thanks for the upload! you rock :-)18:30
seb128nessita, yw ;-)18:30
mterrytremolux, heyo!  Does software center have plans to keep track of installed applications?18:32
mterrytremolux, (in the sense that it could install them again on a fresh install)18:32
tremoluxmterry: heyo back!18:33
tremoluxmterry: I think that is the purpose of OneConf, and we have very regretfully unable to give it the attention it deserves during Natty18:34
tremoluxmterry: or, one purpose of OneConf, with didrock's plugin functionality for s-c18:35
didrocksright, I just have been able to update to the new s-c API18:35
didrocksnothing more…18:35
mterrytremolux, ah, interesting.  I remember discussions about oneconf, but didn't know that angle18:35
tremoluxmterry: I assume you are talking about a recent post about Deja Dup in the Oneiric discussions18:36
mterrytremolux, yeah18:36
didrocksmterry: it's in universe, you can install it (using desktopcouch, which should change for next cycle)18:36
pittigood night everyone18:38
tremolux'night pitti!18:38
tremoluxmterry, didrocks: it has such nice potential, hopefully we can really do it up for Oneiric18:39
kenvandinegood night pitti18:39
didrocksgood night pitti18:39
didrockstremolux: yeah, I agree, just need some time allocated to it :)18:40
tremoluxdidrocks: indeed!  :)18:40
tremoluxmterry: I wonder if you might make such a plugin for Deja Dup18:41
tremoluxmterry: I think that would TOTALLY ROCK (tm)18:42
mterrytremolux, a plugin that interfaced with software-center?18:43
mterryor oneconf?18:43
didrocksmterry: oneconf is a plugin to s-c18:43
didrocksmterry: so, ideally, we can use the same backend service18:44
didrocks(it's dbus-activated)18:44
didrocksand just write the Déjà-Dup plugin18:44
tremoluxmterry, didrocks: bbl, my family is clamoring for me to go have lunch (kids are off school this week)  :)18:53
didrockstremolux: enjoy18:53
tremoluxthx!  :)18:53
* didrocks waves good evening19:30
* highvoltage waves back19:30
highvoltageah I see I kind of misunderstood that one19:32
seb128pitti, bououh19:42
seb128tedg, mterry: users comment on the emacs bug saying it still get the menus stripped when started from the dash19:45
mterryseb128, indeed, or if you start it with the command "emacs23"19:48
mterrybecause that gives it a different window class19:48
* mterry works on a patch19:48
mterrytedg, https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/appmenu-gtk/emacs23/+merge/5855619:55
=== korn_ is now known as c_korn
tedgmterry, Are you going to distro patch that?20:18
mterrytedg, yea20:23
mterrytedg, I'm having problems uploading?  Something about "no public key" gpg error when I try to upload...  Can you distro patch it for me for today?20:44
mterrytedg, oh, nm20:45
mterrytedg, it apparently went through, but still gave me the error on the console20:45
tedgmterry, Oh, good, because I can't :-)20:45
* mterry should still probably figure out what the problem was20:45
chrisccoulsonmterry, another case which will fail for emacs is if you set it as the alternative for /usr/bin/editor ;)21:09
mterrychrisccoulson, guh!21:09
chrisccoulsonbut, i don't think there's any way around that with the current blacklist implementation21:09
chrisccoulson(you certainly don't want to blacklist editor, as that could be anything)21:10
mterrychrisccoulson, good point...   I suppose maybe we should set the env var UBUNTU_MENUPROXY emacs-side21:10
chrisccoulsonyeah, possibly21:10
chrisccoulsonwhat's the actual issue with emacs?21:11
mterrychrisccoulson, menus that get added dynamically (like, based on the type of file opened) by plugins don't show up21:12
mterrychrisccoulson, (they don't show because the menu isn't filled out) and emacs only fills them out when it receives an actual X button press to the menu, so it's hard to fake it and trick it into filling it out early21:13
chrisccoulsoni'm sure the bookmarks menus in firefox work in the same way (they are only populated when you open the menu), but that's working :/21:14
mterrychrisccoulson, depends on how it gets populated.  appmenu has some tricks for it (fakes a gtk activation signal), but emacs was looking for a very low-level X event that we don't want to be faking for all apps21:15
chrisccoulsonah, ok. that's probably why it works in firefox :)21:15
chrisccoulsonseb128, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~chrisccoulson/unity/lp767642/revision/1169 ;)21:35
seb128chrisccoulson, \o/21:36
chrisccoulsonso, that one, plus the nautilus issue (which i will look at now), and the nm-applet errors are the bulk of what is in my xsession-errors21:37
=== cypher is now known as czajkowski
chrisccoulson(and xchat-gnome too, but i fixed that one already)21:37
chrisccoulsoni hope the icon theme gets fixed, because nm-applet probably is the worst offender for me :)21:38
Sarvattnow thats odd..You received this email because you are an admin of the GNOME3 Team team via the Ubuntu Desktop team.21:58
* Sarvatt isn't in either21:58
chrisccoulsonSarvatt - are you subscribed to the ubuntu-desktop list?21:59
Sarvattah yeah, the mail went to my launchpad folder and threw me off21:59
Sarvatt(not the ubuntu-desktop list one)22:00
cyphermoxchrisccoulson, I agree for the nm-applet errors, it's really annoying22:07
cyphermoxI trying to mess with the icons myself but it's taking me forever22:07
chrisccoulsoncyphermox, yeah, i'm not that familiar with theming. i'm not sure if you can just edit the width attribute in the svg ;)22:11
Sweetsharkchrisccoulson: were is that chat on bug 740815 from?22:13
ubot2Launchpad bug 740815 in xulrunner-2.0 "[FFe] Updates to enable us to drop xulrunner from main" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74081522:13
chrisccoulsonSweetshark, that's from #ubuntu-devel a little while ago22:14
chrisccoulsoncyphermox, oh, editing the width attrbiute doesn't work ;)22:14
chrisccoulsonthat just chops off the edge of the icon :(22:14
cyphermoxyou need to adjust everything in like, inkscape22:16
cyphermoxI'll get started on this, maybe we can have it ready soon enough22:16
=== bjf is now known as bjf[afk]

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