
j1mci have been told that 'bzr rebase' does the same as 'git pull --rebase'. requires the bzr-rewrite plugin to work. will have to try this out later.00:13
rickspencer3jasoncwarner, j1mc ...01:39
j1mcrickspencer3: thanks02:07
j1mcrickspencer3: i assume that help is licensed under a cc-by-sa 3.0 license?  :)02:08
rickspencer3j1mc, I will license it however you want03:23
rickspencer3in fact, attributions is not required03:23
j1mcrickspencer3: thanks, and thanks for doing that.03:24
rickspencer3j1mc, did it look at all like what you needed?03:25
j1mcrickspencer3: yes, i had been looking at having the intro topics (at the top of the help) being more unity-specific, and your notes are similar to what i had outlined.03:27
j1mcrickspencer3: your post does raise a couple of questions about terminology, though...03:28
rickspencer3j1mc, well, I just made my best stab at it03:28
rickspencer3please feel free to change the terms I used to suit03:28
j1mcok.  :)  i just wasn't sure if you were using terms that had been 'decided on' in some fashion. no worries, then.03:29
j1mcthanks again. i'll get going on this now.03:29
rickspencer3j1mc, if you'd like me to try my hand at writing anything else, let me know03:32
rickspencer3also, I have no ego attached, please just feel free to party on it03:32
j1mc:) i will get some pages stubbed-out based on your suggestions and what i had in mind earlier, and will enlist the help of doc-folk.03:43
j1mcwe will be ok.03:43
j1mcit is good to have your 'subject matter expertise' in the form of that posting, though.03:43
j1mcit's helpful.03:43
mdkeissyl0: afternoon :)13:07
issyl0mdke: Evening.20:56
issyl0(Wow, we might get to have a conversation soon...)20:56
=== cypher is now known as czajkowski
j1mcrickspencer3: i don't have many commits in, but i've been working on the intro sections. i am going through them pretty extensively, so it is just taking some time.22:51
rickspencer3j1mc, s'okay22:52

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