
=== bjf[afk] is now known as bjf
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* RAOF intrepidly wonders whether he can lock up his GM45 gpu as easily as his Q96505:10
jk-RAOF: I have a tool that might help05:14
jk-ls -l libflashplayer.so05:14
jk--rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12127284 2011-04-18 09:46 libflashplayer.so -> /usr/lib/libfreezemyGPU.so05:14
RAOFjk-: I've got a better one - “while true ; do xset dpms force off ; sleep 5 ; xset dpms force on ; sleep 5 ; done”05:16
jk-oh awesome05:16
RAOFOf course, in order to get that to hang the GPU I need to get *compiz* to stop freezing first :)05:16
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RAOFWhat?  And *now* I can crash the X server by playing with the screensaver?05:18
RAOFOh, no.  That's because I got compiz to freeze.05:29
* apw yawns07:58
RAOFapw: Are you aware that drm-intel-next has been failing to build for a while? (one of the staging drivers is breaking the build)07:59
apwRAOF, nope :)07:59
RAOFConsider it reported!07:59
apwla la la can't hear you08:00
RAOFI wanted to test an easily reproducible GPU hang against drm-intel-next before reporting upstream.08:00
RAOFI'm now a sad panda.08:00
apwdid drm-intel-next-proposed build08:01
RAOFDo we even build that?08:02
RAOFhttp://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ doesn't think so.08:02
apwyeah we do, doesn't work either by the look of it, grrr08:02
SarvattRAOF: i386?08:05
Sarvatti've got a drm-intel-next-proposed from 2 days ago built08:05
RAOFYes, as it happens, i38608:06
Sarvattgot the intel 2011Q1 release kernel too if you want to try that http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~sarvatt/2011Q1/08:11
RAOFdrm-intel-next-proposed will do nicely.08:13
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apwRAOF, ok i think i have the problem isolated, and possibly fixed ongoing, i'll let you know when zinc grinds out a build08:51
RAOFI've got sarvatt's drm-intel-next-proposed build that looks like it might not suffer from the same problem.08:52
apwRAOF, and manline v2.6.38-rc3 (ish) is affected?08:53
RAOFYou mean
apwi meant 2.6.39-rc3 ish ...08:53
RAOFAh.  I'll check that, too.08:53
apwas -proposed is presumably based on that08:53
RAOFAt least, “while true ; xset dpms force off ; sleep 5 ; xset dpms force on ; sleep 5 ;done” hasn't caused the GPU to fly through the case yet.  And seems like it might also help with the missing vblank problems.08:54
apwRAOF, have you also tried drm-intel-backport ?08:57
RAOFNo, I have not.08:58
RAOFI'll leave dpms cycling while I make dinner.  Once this has demonstrated it's really not going to blow up, I'll start going backwards.08:59
apwRAOF, sounds good, i am considering adding backports to the builds list08:59
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apwogasawara, on the config summary, how are you generating that, i have the scripts here that i used last year12:07
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* apw is dropping to shift locations (again), will be a couple of hours13:26
tgardnerapw, have you upstreamed your frame buffer locking patch?13:43
tgardnerapw, see on LKML: [2.6.39-rc2, framebuffer] use after free oops13:43
smbtgardner, note he is currently on the move13:44
tgardnersmb, oh, I thought he was finally back home13:44
ogra_tgardner, wrt bug 766764, do we have all triggers and postinst scripts in the omap4 package ?13:44
ubot2Launchpad bug 766764 in linux-ti-omap4 "flash-kernel not run during kernel upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76676413:44
smbtgardner, He is, sort of13:44
ogra_(i havent confirmed the bug here yet, might be a red herring)13:45
tgardnerogra_, as far as I know it should be identical13:45
tgardnerwrt postinst, etc13:45
tgardnerogra_, it is, however, somewhat complex _and_ written in perl (not my best language)13:46
ogra_yeah, i just looked at it ... still rubbing my hurting eyes13:47
ogra_someone should reimplement that in shell some day13:47
ogasawaraapw: I hacked together some scripts to generate it.  care to point me to your scripts?  I wouldn't mind running them to make sure we got the same output.13:58
tgardnerJFo, what tag do you use for a bug that only applies to a specific release? verification-done or verification-done-maverick ?14:03
JFoI believe the latter14:03
JFoI haven't been using them, but I know the SRU team does14:04
JFobut for bugs that affect multiple releases the latter jogs a memory14:04
tgardnerJFo, oh, well then I should be able to find it in a wiki. (famous last words)14:04
JFoindeed :-/14:04
JFoI have a plan to update the /Tagging page once all of that is nailed down and reviewed14:05
tgardnernot that it isn't there. I just won't be able to find it14:05
JFosame problem I always have14:05
JFowe need a google appliance14:05
tgardnerbjf was talking about an external wiki site just for kernel info14:05
JFothat actually sounds like a great idea14:06
JFotgardner, another bug with many duplicates: bug 76655014:07
ubot2Launchpad bug 766550 in linux "WARNING: at /build/buildd/linux-2.6.38/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon_fence.c:248 radeon_fence_wait+0x36f/0x3e0 [radeon]()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76655014:07
JFodid we ever hear anything on the other?14:07
tgardnerJFo, remember that LP bug bjf and I were complaining about yesterday? where you don't get bugmail even though you're on the right teams? turns out its a real regression.14:07
JFoso they added something that broke that?14:08
JFoto LP I mean?14:08
JFoit was inevitable that you guys would notice given the sheer amount of bugmail we generate14:09
tgardnereven though I don't read it all, I do kind of watch the flow.14:09
JFoyeah, it is a rather good health indicator14:09
tgardnerJFo, hmm, I'm not seeing any fixes for bug #76655014:12
ubot2Launchpad bug 766550 in linux "WARNING: at /build/buildd/linux-2.6.38/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon_fence.c:248 radeon_fence_wait+0x36f/0x3e0 [radeon]()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76655014:12
JFonot sure exactly when it popped up14:13
JFolooking now14:13
JFome slaps LP search14:29
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JFobjf, did you replace markAsDuplicate with something else in the arsenal scripts? /me forgets15:01
JFoI'm trying to 'put new tires' on the suspend test finish script :-)15:02
JFobrb, some one is knocking on my door15:02
bjfJFo, nope15:05
* ogasawara back in 2015:10
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GrueMasterppisati: ping.  You around to discuss bug 588243?16:02
ubot2Launchpad bug 588243 in linux "kernel BUG at /build/buildd/linux-ti-omap-2.6.33/drivers/video/omap2/dss/core.c:323! " [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58824316:02
tgardnersconklin, whats up with ara's email on the SRU list? are there other packages blocking its promotion?16:21
sconklintgardner: it lacked the certification-done tag, but I don't think that's the hold up. I think that Pitti has just been waiting to be asked before publishing packages.16:24
sconklintgardner: afaik there's no reason it shouldn't have been published. I just added the cert tag, but I don;t think that matters16:24
tgardnersconklin, that is something Brendan should have added? the cert done tag?16:25
sconklintgardner: it's a little ambiguous. Pitti was adding them when he saw comments indicating completion. I would like for the teams completing the work to do it. But - as soon as we roll out the workflow manager scripts this will all be moot. And I'm hoping to test that during the next cycle.16:27
tgardnersconklin, ah. I thought the workflow stuff was already in place16:28
eagles0513875hey apw as this is a kernel specific issue im having how can one trace a kernel loop16:31
apwi presume you mean kernel oops16:31
eagles0513875ya 16:31
apwapport should report a bug with the relevant information16:32
eagles0513875i let it report it but it failed to report it cuz it said isnt a valid kernel package16:32
eagles0513875and i had to switch to gnome and gdm as i kde and kdm arent working for me16:32
apweagles0513875, is that with my test package ?16:33
eagles0513875no with the 2.6.38-9 kernel in the ppa would you like me to try the test package16:33
apwahh thats why then, its too new a package, not an official one16:34
eagles0513875well wifi is working fine on gnome16:34
eagles0513875with the kernel in the ppa16:34
eagles0513875:) 16:34
eagles0513875now to swear at kde and kdm16:34
apwyou should have the error in your dmesg or /var/log/syslog16:34
eagles0513875ya ill take a look there trying to wrap my head around unity16:34
eagles0513875nothing odd in dmseg16:36
ppisatiGrueMaster: yep16:36
GrueMasterppisati: Did you see my email & ogra_'s reply?16:37
eagles0513875and nothing out of the ordinary in syslog either apw16:38
ppisatiGrueMaster: just read it, fine16:38
ppisatiGrueMaster: then i'll write some stuff about kexec in the bug report but i'll leave it there16:39
ppisatiGrueMaster: since lucid/ti-omap is dead16:39
GrueMasterAre you going to be helping with Oneiric armel kernel issues as they come up?  I hope so, as you have been doing a great job on backlog armel stuff.16:40
ogra_ppisati, dont get me wrong, its a nice to have but there are far more important things to manage atm and we dont have the resources for doing QA on unsupported releases16:40
* ogra_ agrees with GrueMaster 16:41
ppisatiGrueMaster: sure, point me to some stuff and i'll look at it16:41
GrueMasterWell, we aren't there yet.  :P  We do have some natty kernel bugs that will probably be SRU candidates at this point.16:42
ppisatii just thought we were still supporting lucid/ti-omap since it'll be alive till $somewheninthefuture16:43
GrueMasterLike I said, lucid omap was a tech-preview.  The image work wasn't started until after the Lucid platform sprint (actually iirc it was only 10 weeks of work).16:44
GrueMasterFor Lucid Armel, we only support Dove & Babbage.16:45
GrueMasterArmel is kind of a tricky issue, as it is mainly contract generated.16:45
GrueMasterAnd we don't have LTS rules for armel.16:46
GrueMasterSo 18 months is tops.16:46
ppisatiok, so, i'll pick some stuff from linux-ti-omap4 and see what i can do16:46
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bdmurraybjf: I was looking at the apport-package hook for linux and report['Title'] = '[STAGING] ' + report.get('Title', '')17:45
bjfbdmurray, looking17:46
bdmurraybjf: bug titles with staging drivers end up always being [STAGING] as 'Title' doesn't exit17:46
bdmurrayer exist17:46
bdmurraywell or doesn't exist if people use 'ubuntu-bug linux'17:47
bjfbdmurray, i was seeing some of those before making my change, though I will concede that I may have made it much worse17:49
bdmurraybjf: no I think that bit hasn't changed17:50
bjfbdmurray, so, you are pointing out a bug that existed prior to my latest hackage? 17:50
bdmurraybjf: yes, because I'm not certain what the kernel team wants to do here and you seem interested in the package hook17:51
bdmurraybjf: I'm guessing people figure [STAGING] is enough of a title and don't add anything else.17:52
bdmurrayif [STAGING] wasn't there they'd have to enter something and staging might be best as a tag17:52
bjfbdmurray, good point17:52
bdmurraybjf: actually they are already tagged staging so I'd just remove the title bit18:01
bjfbdmurray, i'm thinking that as well18:01
bdmurraybjf: if it helps to have staging in the title you could have some bot preprend it then18:02
bdmurraybjf: I'm happy to do this is there someone I should check with though?18:12
ogasawaraapw: you're away Fri ya?  If so, I'll handle the release meeting.18:15
apwogasawara, oh yeah ... hrm18:15
apwthanks ;)18:16
ogasawaraI suspect it'll just be a final bug scrub type of meeting18:16
JFoyeah, skaet said she was doing a final sanity check of the bugs :-)18:16
JFospeaking of which...18:17
ogasawaraJFo: yet get all the bugs we went over updated?18:17
* JFo goes off to check the cleanup bugs18:17
JFomost of them18:17
JFoonly ones left are waiting for an answer from the OR18:17
JFogonna look at them now18:17
JFoapw, any idea if a fix will be coming for bug 751689 before release?18:18
ubot2Launchpad bug 751689 in linux "Thinkpad x201* overheats due to slow fans when on 'auto'" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75168918:18
apwwe are not plannign on any updates before release18:18
apweverything on that one points to a bios bug, and anything we do would be a work around18:18
JFothought as much, just wasn't sure if there was any patch needed18:19
JFothanks :)18:19
apwits not a regression as maverick was also affected18:19
JFoapw, were you ok with me closing as Won't Fix for natty but adding a comment saying that we are only closing this for Natty and we will re-evaluate for SRU if a fix comes through?18:20
apwi would have though just leaving it open and milestoneing for natty-later ?18:20
JFocan do that18:20
* JFo adjusts18:20
JFosmb, you around?18:22
JFowas looking at bug 53946718:22
ubot2Launchpad bug 539467 in linux "SATA link power management causes disk errors and corruption" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53946718:22
JFoguess not :-)18:23
apwJFo, that one is fixed in userspace, and i'd say mark it -updates too18:27
JFook, thank you sir :)18:27
JFoapw, have we still been seeing PowerPC build failures? bug 73380518:29
ubot2Launchpad bug 733805 in linux "[powerpc] ftbfs (ql4_nx.c:788:3: error: implicit declaration of function)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73380518:29
apwnot recently18:30
JFothat is the last one I will pester you with :-)18:30
fred__what is the most efficient process to request a bugfix to be backported from 2.6.39 to natty's kernel? 18:44
ogasawarafred__: open a bug since it'll need SRU, post a reference to the patch in the bug, let us know the bug #18:44
ogasawarafred__: do you know if the patch was CC'd to upstream stable?18:45
ogasawarafred__: if so, we'll get it automatically eventually18:45
fred__ogasawara, don't understand your question precisely. But the patch did not get into linux 2.6.38.x if that is your question18:46
ogasawarafred__: sorry, that's what I wanted to know18:46
fred__ogasawara, oh yes, it is now in "Btrfs: Fix uninitialized root flags for subvolumes"18:51
ogasawarafred__: cool, is already queued for the first kernel SRU18:51
ogasawarafred__: so you don't need to do anything :)18:52
fred__ogasawara, ah good news! do you know when it'll be released: as soon as possible, or after the natty's release only ?18:52
ogasawarafred__: it'll be after natty releases, as we'll currently frozen18:53
ogasawarafred__: but let me get you the details to run from our pre-proposed ppa which will have the fix18:53
JFomost of the regression-proposed for natty I am seeing are the sch_generic bug18:53
ogasawarafred__: https://launchpad.net/~kernel-ppa/+archive/pre-proposed18:54
fred__ogasawara, oh yes, I'll wait 12 hours to get these details!18:54
ogasawarafred__: install the linux-2.6.38-9.43~pre201104180902 kernel package from that ppa18:55
fred__ogasawara, is a -server kenel also included ?18:55
ogasawarafred__: yep18:56
ogasawarafred__: do you need i386 or amd64?18:56
fred__ogasawara, I guess I need that one for amd64, right ? linux-image-2.6.38-4-server_2.6.38-4.31~pre201102160903_amd64.deb 18:57
ogasawarafred__: yep that should be it18:57
ogasawarafred__: wait, that's not it18:57
fred__ogasawara, indeed, I need the -9 one..18:58
ogasawarafred__: https://launchpad.net/~kernel-ppa/+archive/pre-proposed/+files/linux-image-2.6.38-9-server_2.6.38-9.43~pre201104180902_amd64.deb18:58
fred__ogasawara, yep got it thanks18:58
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fred__ogasawara, thanks a lot... 10 VMs will be able to restart tomorrow :)18:58
* tgardner --> lunch19:08
yhagerHow can I upgrade my (maverick) kernel to latest? Are there binaries of latest kernels from kernel.org for ubuntu?\19:29
jjohansenyhager: you can either upgrade your whole OS to natty or you can choose to just upgrade your kernel.19:33
yhagerjjohansen: I just want the kernel19:34
jjohansenyou can download ubuntu kernels from packages.ubuntu.com (search for linux-image)19:34
jjohansenor mainline kernels from our ppa19:34
jjohansenyhager: install with dpkg -i19:34
yhager"mainline" means vanilla?19:35
jjohansenyhager: you may need to hold down the left shift key on boot to get to the grub menu to switch between kernels19:35
jjohansenyhager: yep, vanilla upstream19:35
yhagerso I guess that apt-get update'19:36
yhagerso I guess that 'apt-get update' takes the latest kernel for maverick, but if I want a later ubuntu kernel, I should remove 'maverick' from my search, right?19:36
jjohansenyhager: apt-get will use your sources from /etc/apt/sources.list19:38
yhagerso what has better chances to work with maverick (no guarantee, I know) - mainline or natty?19:38
jjohansenyhager: they should both work, natty has the ubuntu extras like aufs enabled etc.19:40
yhagerjjohansen: ok, I'll try. Thanks!19:40
jjohansenI would say go natty unless you really want to mess with mainline19:40
* jjohansen -> lunch19:57
njin hello guys, many times, expecially with overheating pc, I found this 'ACPI: BIOS _OSI(Linux) query ignored' , so i'm asking myself if it is not the case to have a tag for this particular branch of bioses?20:37
mjg59It's legitimate for a BIOS to ask that and it's legitimate for us to ignore it. It doesn't tell you anything about the machine.20:42
ckingapart from it implements _OSI(Linux) :-)20:43
mjg59Well, the spec allows that20:43
mjg59So, ok, it doesn't tell you anything *useful* about the machine20:43
pmceneryHi. Can this fix be included in Natty? https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3123221:12
ubot2bugzilla.kernel.org bug 31232 in IPV6 "/proc/sys/net/ipv6 has two neigh folders" [Low,New]21:12
pmceneryIts apparently been merged v2.6.38-8876-g036a98221:13
tgardnerpmcenery, it might be coming via stable already.21:13
pmceneryIs there a PPA that I can try? I've tried the 2.6.39-rc4 which is broken in some other way... get kernel panic21:14
tgardnerpmcenery, hang on, still checking21:15
pmcenerytgardner: thanks. I'm running latest natty as of not so long ago... which has this kernel: linux-image-2.6.38-8-generic21:15
pmcenerynot so long ago as in 30 minutes ago update...21:16
tgardnerpmcenery, hmm, its not marked for stable. I'll see about getting it included.21:16
pmceneryThis one may be marked as low, but it borks lxc in a big way21:16
pmceneryBacially, any software in lxc doing sysctl check gets stuck in an infinite loop21:17
tgardnerpmcenery, do you have a Launchpad bug yet, or just the bugzilla one ?21:17
pmceneryI've just found the kernel bugzilla one, not created a lp one yet?21:17
sforsheetgardner, looks like it's already in greg-kh's stable queue to me: https://lkml.org/lkml/2011/4/19/39221:17
pmceneryShould I create one?21:17
tgardnerpmcenery, nope, looks like it won't be necessary. it'll show up in stable soon21:18
tgardnerpmcenery, point your apt repo at https://launchpad.net/~kernel-ppa/+archive/pre-proposed and you'll get it as soon as we commit it.21:19
pmcenerytgardner: thanks.21:19
pmcenerytgardner: how soon after commit in stable does the PPA get updated?21:20
tgardnerpmcenery, I generally get 'round to it within 24 hours.21:20
tgardnerkind of depends on when he releases.21:21
pmcenerytgardner: thanks. I'll keep an eye on it. Thanks for the help21:23
keesogasawara: random note for ubuntu-cve-tracker and upstream "released" versions: can you use "~" instead of "-" when specifying an rc release? i.e. 2.6.39~rc1 instead of 2.6.39-rc121:40
tgardnerkees, like we'll all remember that.21:40
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keestgardner: ah, sorry. she was last to touch it. it's just regular debian-style versioning, so 2.6.39-rc1 > 2.6.39 which isn't the intention.21:41
tgardnerkees, but upstream kernel rc versioning _isn't_ debian compliant.21:42
keestgardner: right, which is why I was asking, since u-c-t expects package versions.21:42
ogasawarakees: yep, smack me again if I forget in the future.21:45
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ogasawaraapw: ^^ just fyi since I saw you also making changes this morning21:46
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* tgardner is off to imbibe 2 or more mildly alcoholic beverages. cheers.21:53
ogasawaraI've added a blurb to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Dev/FixingCVEs about the above, not that anyone cares.21:56
bjf"Thank you for your attention to detail"21:57
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akgranerHi all you kernel teams folks - guess who is looking for a non-developer/non-technical session (you know for end users like me) on the Ubuntu Kernel...it's for open week...any takers...  I'll email the list as well, buth thought I would start here?22:09
akgraners/teams/team even22:10
akgraners/buth/but   jeez I suck at this typing thing today....22:10
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akgranerman I'm hearing the faint sound of crickets...:-D  if you think of anything else you or anyone else would like to share with new users about 11.04 let me know  - thanks y'all22:12
bjfakgraner, no habla22:14
ogasawarabjf: don't make eye contact22:14
akgranerbjf, haha, no big kid table for you...22:14
akgranerogasawara, why does everyone say that..;-)22:15
bjfakgraner, i think manjo is interested22:15
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akgranerbjf, something about a bus is coming to mind as I read that...22:16
* sconklin whistles22:17
akgranersconklin, ham radio with Ubuntu :-) yes!?22:17
sconklinakgraner: someday, after you show me how to capture screen video with audio commentary22:18
lifelessbjf: FYI the mail bugfix is deploying now22:18
akgranersconklin, you got it at UDS will take less than 10 minutes...22:18
bjfakgraner, i think our mgr. told us not to talk to you, can't remember exactly why right now22:18
bjflifeless, sweet!22:18
akgranerbjf, well there is that...o.O22:19
sconklinakgraner: and especially not to drink from any jars you offered. 22:20
sconklinor maybe that's my own memory22:20
akgranerthat's your memory...22:20
* akgraner goes away but if y'all think of some sessions that would rock to help end users become even better, more efficient users especially since we now have Unity...just let me know - I'll start hunting people down :-)22:22
bjfakgraner, users are not supposed to notice that a kernel even exists22:23
akgranerbjf, yeah but when they do they think is awesome they just aren't sure why...that's where you all come in..:-)22:24
bjfogasawara, i was pushing lucid master-next possibly the same time you were, I didn't see your cve on it so i hope i didn't stomp on it22:42
ogasawarabjf: I don't think so, I'd only pushed the CVE's to branches in my personal repo22:43
bjfogasawara, cool, i've just made it more difficult for you when you do go to push22:44
* ogasawara back on later22:51
=== bjf is now known as bjf[afk]

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