
Nik__Hi, is it ok to ask a question?00:35
paultagOh he left00:40
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YoBoYgood morning06:36
dholbachgood morning08:52
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megaribiCan someone help me?10:42
YoBoYhi megaribi, what is your question ?10:45
megaribiWe want to organize release party in Bosnia scheduled at 27.04.2011, but we haev two problems:10:46
megaribi1) LoCo Bosnia and Herzegovina is not registered, so I can not put this anouncment10:47
megaribi2) It seems that there will be no 11.04 RC, so could I rely on daily build?10:47
YoBoYhum... for the first point, you can always ask to add your locoteam https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-ba on the Ubuntu Local community team on launchpad (https://launchpad.net/~locoteams) for that just write to the loco council (see here : http://loco.ubuntu.com/loco-council/ )10:51
YoBoYwhen this is done, you can appear on the loco.ubuntu.com website and add events (don't know if you need to be approved...)10:52
YoBoYfor the second point, having a release party before the real release is always more difficult, you can use the last beta if there is no other pre-release10:54
czajkowskiyou dont need to be an approved team to appear on the LD 10:55
czajkowskibut usually people have the release party on or after the date 10:55
czajkowskinot before as well ... it's not released :) 10:55
YoBoY(and to add events ?)10:55
czajkowskiall events can be added to a team when they are on there10:59
megaribithanks for infos11:00
robbo_hi all!12:16
robbo_I would like to attend in UDS-O, I started to fill the register form (https://forms.canonical.com/udsre), but there is a question, which I don't understand12:17
robbo_"Who is your attendance requested by? *" And there are companies. But if I am only a community member. :(12:18
cjohnstonAre you sponsored?12:19
robbo_No, I'll  paying my travel (live in Hungary) 12:20
czajkowskirobbo_: s just put down loco community team name 12:20
cjohnstonI'd click other and put community or something12:21
robbo_Thanks czajkowski and cjohnston12:22
robbo_bye all12:24
YoBoYwhere is this form ?12:46
IshwonHi :)14:19
IshwonHi all :)14:19
Ishwonanybody here?14:24
mhall119hi Ishwon 14:28
Ishwonneed some info. i followed instructions from wiki.ubuntu.com to start a locoteam in Mauritius. created the team in launchpad, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mu.14:30
Ishwonbut i can't find contacts, or links, where we can register this team officially.14:30
Ishwoncan you please guide me here?14:31
ubot4Factoid 'loco-council' not found14:32
mhall119czajkowski ^^14:33
Ishwoni didn't understand.14:33
popeyhi Ishwon 14:33
mhall119I'm trying to get the attention of someone on the loco-council14:33
ubot4lococouncil is The Loco Council is itnet7, czajkowski, paultag, huats, leogg, popey - they are there to help, just ask! :) You can send them an email at loco-council@lists.ubuntu.com14:33
Ishwonyes popey.14:33
mhall119anybody but popey14:33
czajkowskimhall119: less of it 14:33
Ishwonyes popey, can you help?14:33
mhall119less blaming popey?14:33
popeyIshwon: what do you want to achieve?14:34
popeyTeams dont need to be "official". You just create a team and start doing awesome stuff.14:34
popeyLater on you can become "approved" which entitles you to stuff.14:34
popeyBut initially you dont need that.14:34
mhall119popey: I think he means, being part of ~locoteams14:34
mhall119so it'll get imported into LD and such14:34
Ishwonwe're a bunch of Ubuntu enthusiasts/users, we already organized a few events. but this time, we're organizing a Linux Workshop in collaboration with University of Mauritius.14:35
Ishwonthey've been nice enough to give us a conference hall that can accomodate some 500 ppl.14:35
popeymhall119: he already is14:35
mhall119oh, sweet14:36
popey"“Mauritius Ubuntu Team” is a member of these teams:14:36
popeyUbuntu Local Community Teams"14:36
mhall119Ishwon: in that case, you should fill in your team's details here: http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-mu14:36
Ishwonyep, we created the Mauritius Ubuntu Team to group these ppl.14:36
mhall119you'll need to log in14:36
mhall119then you can register your events14:37
Ishwonah...ok...doing that right now. 14:38
Ishwonalright, gathering some info to post as event details.14:43
Ishwonguys, tell me something, for such events, can we get posters, banners, flyers, cds, or any other kinds of promo materials from ubuntu. i read about Conference Pack B, but seems it's discontinued.14:44
paultagwhat's up, saw the ping15:49
dakermhall119, is the service api documented somewhere ?15:50
mhall119paultag: Ishwon just needed help getting his new loco off the ground15:50
mhall119daker: for LD?15:50
paultaghey Ishwon 15:50
paultagthanks mhall119 15:50
mhall119daker: yeah, in the wiki15:51
mhall119daker: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoDirectory/API15:51
dakerah ok15:51
mhall119daker: it hasn't been updated in a while, but I don't know of any recent changes to our models either, so it should be good15:52
Ishwonyes, paultag...15:54
Ishwonsorry was away for a while.15:54
paultagno worries15:54
Ishwonany update if conference pack B is still available?15:55
Ishwoni need to give a confirmation to university of mauritius about potential sponsors by next week.15:56
paultagIshwon: one moment, there was a thread on this15:56
Ishwonwe got sponsors for t-shirts, if we could get ubuntu posters, stickers, cds, & flyers...that wud be nice...15:57
Ishwonok paultag.15:57
paultagIshwon: just going through records, one moment15:57
Ishwonyep, no worries :)15:57
paultagIshwon: https://forms.canonical.com/lococd15:58
paultagIshwon: should be all set15:58
Ishwon"This form is restricted to certain teams. You are not a member of any of those teams. "15:58
paultagIshwon: what's your loco?15:59
paultagIshwon: did you access that before you were accepted into the locoteams goup?16:03
Ishwonjust now, when u gave me the link.16:03
paultagIshwon: and you're nitin-sookun16:04
Ishwonyeah, that's me.16:04
paultagIshwon: we were emailing someone from canonical just a bit ago16:07
paultagIshwon: and by the looks of it, canonical has not finished implemting conf-packs16:08
paultaglooks like locos are out to dry?16:08
paultagIshwon: from the email I got: "At the moment we are still working on final touches for conference pack requests, this should be implemented this or next week.16:08
paultagIshwon: it's in canonical's hands at this point16:08
paultagthat form is for CDs :)16:09
Ishwonbut no worries paultag, thanks for the help though...16:09
paultagIshwon: good luck, might be worth it to bug someone at canonical into doing it16:09
Ishwonthe linux workshop i told you isn't for soon.16:09
Ishwonwe got smething like 2 months to work it out...16:09
paultagIshwon: keep at it!16:09
Ishwonit'll be @ the end of May,16:09
Ishwonwell, 1.5 month then.16:10
Ishwonthanks again for ur help paultag :)16:11
paultagIshwon: godspeed!16:11
Ishwonhey paultag, one last thing to bother you...16:12
paultagsure sure16:13
Ishwonwe wanted to register a domain like ubuntu-mu.org to start our locoteam site. whom should we contact @ canonical, to get permission?16:14
locodir-userесть русскоязычные?:)16:14
Ishwoni believe we cannot just use the ubuntu like that.16:14
paultag!ru | locodir-user 16:14
ubot4locodir-user: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke16:14
Ishwonit's copyrighted by canonical nah?16:14
paultagIshwon: yeah, but it's OK. you're allowed to do that16:14
Ishwoncool :)16:14
paultagIshwon: have at it16:15
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mhall119Ishwon: see http://www.ubuntu.com/aboutus/trademarkpolicy, specifically the part about permitted use18:04
Ishwonwent through, seems ok for our purpose.18:08
Ishwonthanks mhall119.18:08
mhall119for loco teams, they're very allowing of it's use18:08
Ishwonthat's nice.18:08
Ishwonwe're planning ubuntu-mu.org for our locoteam's site & we'll request for ubuntuforums.org a subdomain for our forums.18:09
mhall119my team has ubuntu-fl.org, so there should be no problem18:11
Ishwonchecking ur site. it's nice :)18:14
Ishwonvery inspiring!18:14
mhall119thanks, dantalizing made it/runs it18:15
AlanBellIshwon: I think all the countrycode domains are already registered19:03
* YoBoY updated this page 10 days ago ^^"19:07
AlanBellor in fact http://ubuntu-mu.org/19:08
Ishwonoops! it's now that i notice that.19:09
Ishwonour locoteam hasn't got approval yet.19:09
Ishwonin fact, we haven't applied... we wanted to get everything up & working before applying for approval.19:10
Ishwonwhat do you suggest AlanBell?19:10
YoBoYIshwon: it's not mandatory to use the ndd, you can request it without being approved yet19:11
IshwonOk YoBoY! Cool then.19:12
IshwonI got to go buddies, will update you with progress of my locoteam setup next time i show up here :)19:15
YoBoYour team just receive a server composed by 8 Xeon 1.8Ghz, 16Go de RAM, 2To hdd to store our backups :D19:45
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