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amedeelogging in early for the 3 may meeting about the shutdown of the Sounder list, as proposed by Alan Pope (popey). I'll keep this line open until then, thanks to irssi+screen, but I'll be silent until that time.09:43
dholbachamedee, the meeting was yesterday already - check out http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/04/19/%23ubuntu-meeting.html#t12:0009:58
jelmerhi barry :)12:00
barryjelmer: hi :)12:00
barryi stupidly agreed to change the meeting time right during spring break.  good thing the insomnia has kicked in :)12:00
barryjelmer: any signs of poolie and jam?12:01
jelmerjam should be around12:01
pooliehi guys12:02
poolie9pm seemed earlier when i scheduled this12:02
barrypoolie: hi12:02
barrypoolie: as i was saying, spring break started this week, so i actually didn't need to get up this early :)12:02
barryshall we try to track down jam before we start?12:03
pooliehe was around, he may also have child school run or something12:03
poolielet's just start12:03
barrysounds good12:04
MootBotMeeting started at 06:04. The chair is barry.12:04
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]12:04
barryhello and welcome to this week's udd steering committee meeting12:04
barry[TOPIC] agenda12:04
MootBotNew Topic:  agenda12:04
barry[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DistributedDevelopment/2011042012:04
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DistributedDevelopment/2011042012:04
barrynot a whole lot on the agenda, but let's dive right in12:04
barry[TOPIC] action items12:05
MootBotNew Topic:  action items12:05
barry   * jam to propose/report plan for quilt imports12:05
barryi know jam wanted to keep this on the agenda, so let's come back to it if he joins us later12:05
pooliegosh, what a good idea12:05
barry   * poolie to talk to LOSAs about getting new bzrs rolled out to jubany12:06
poolieah, yes, i did12:06
barrypoolie: eta?12:06
pooliei think it's unblocked and waiting in their queue12:06
poolielet me find it12:06
pooliealready done!12:06
barrywow, fantastic!12:06
pooliethanks to spm and maxb12:07
pooliehm it's still on hardy12:07
barrypoolie: what are the big wins with the upgrade?12:07
poolieso that took us to 2.3.1 apparently12:07
james_wthe main thing was that it fixed a bug that was causing a lot of import failures IIRC12:07
james_wI don't know what we upgraded from though12:07
pooliewhich is the latest on the 2.3 series12:08
poolieit was 2.3.0~beta5-0~1.ISPATCHED.8.0412:08
barry[LINK] http://package-import.ubuntu.com/status/12:08
MootBotLINK received:  http://package-import.ubuntu.com/status/12:08
poolieso, a fair bit of stuff including some of jam's memory usage improvements12:08
barrycool, thanks12:09
barry   * barry to send email about meeting times given dst dance '''(done)'''12:09
barry 12:09
barryand here we are :)12:09
barry[TOPIC]  * Package importer progress12:09
MootBotNew Topic:   * Package importer progress12:09
barrysee link above12:09
pooliethe specific thing it fixes is https://bugs.launchpad.net/udd/+bug/72658412:10
ubottuUbuntu bug 726584 in Bazaar "flash-kernel import fails apparently mismatching maverick and natty branches" [Critical,Fix released]12:10
pooliehm, not a lot of changes this last week i think12:10
poolieaside from that one12:10
barryimport failures appear to have a little spike right at the end12:11
pooliethere was a big canonical network hardware outage which caused some failures last week12:11
james_wan LP service issue seems to have spiked in failures12:11
pooliei see a lot of connectionreset type errors12:11
pooliethat would be good to look in to12:11
pooliealso for better re-scheduling12:11
james_wlikely just needs a ./requeue_package.py --auto kiwi12:12
poolieshall i just run that now?12:12
james_wyou could remove the --auto and add --priority to see if that one succeeds, and then run that command on another to retry the rest12:12
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barryanything else of interest in package importer status?12:14
barry[TOPIC] bugs of interest12:14
MootBotNew Topic:  bugs of interest12:14
barry[LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~mbp/kanban/canonical-bazaar-kanban.html12:15
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~mbp/kanban/canonical-bazaar-kanban.html12:15
poolieso, a fair number of bugs fixed12:15
barryas always, an impressive amount of work!12:15
pooliefaster working trees from john12:15
pooliemany git and hg fixes from jelmer12:15
poolieoh and bzr-builddeb12:15
barryjelmer: do you think now would be a good time to re-try the import of python's hg?12:16
pooliedo you two want to mention any in particular?12:16
poolieoh, not really a bug, but we did get the 2.2 SRU into maverick12:16
pooliewe still need to push through 2.1 into lucid12:16
poolie2.0 is essentially eol now that karmic is12:16
jelmerbarry: unfortunately I haven't had time to land it on launchpad yet as I was planning12:17
jelmerbarry: It should happen this week instead.12:17
james_wit's great to have watch file support, thanks for that jelmer!12:17
barryjelmer: cool, no worries.  thanks12:17
jelmerbarry: I'll try to remember to ping you when I do12:17
barryjames_w: seconded.  i've already used it twice and it ROCKS12:17
barryjelmer: thanks12:17
jelmerthanks, that's great to hear12:17
barryanything else on bugs of interest?12:18
poolie'warn when out of date' is still high on my list12:18
poolielp is shortly going to deploy a change that should make things more stable when branches are renamed12:19
pooliejames mentioned um12:19
barryreally great to hear!12:19
ubottuUbuntu bug 766757 in Ubuntu Distributed Development "creating mps for collisions isn't helpful" [High,Confirmed]12:19
poolieto me, which is not the whole story in itself12:19
pooliebut a string we can pull on to make the package importer better12:20
pooliei was really happy to see michaelh1 summarize some performance issues and then jam fixed many of them12:20
pooliehm, what else12:20
poolieany nominations for bugs we ought to do next?12:21
barryjust the out-of-date warning one from me12:21
jelmerpoolie: +1, it's really exciting to see those performance fixes from John12:21
barry[TOPIC]  * Any other business?12:22
MootBotNew Topic:   * Any other business?12:22
poolielet's see12:22
pooliedo we know sessions are booked?12:23
poolieand, if we're going to do a short plenary, we should prepare one12:23
pooliei don't know if they have been chosen yet12:23
jelmerthe session appear to be booked12:24
barryagreed about the plenary.  they're really short this year.  i think 15m max.  can we do something reasonable in 15m?12:24
pooliei think so but it will have to be well chosen12:24
poolieobviously not a tutorial12:24
jelmerconfirmed we have 3 sessions booked12:24
poolieyet not waffle12:24
barrywhy don't we add an action item for all of us to think about a plenary session, and we can brainstorm next meeting (which will be the week before uds)?12:25
poolielet's do more than just think :)12:25
james_wI think plenaries have to be proposed before then :-(12:25
poolielet's send some outlines12:25
barrypoolie: +112:26
pooliei have proposed one, i just do not have slides yet12:26
barrypoolie: can you send a link to your proposal and we can use that to start off with?  we can help w/slides too12:26
barry[ACTION] poolie to send link to plenary proposal.  all to help finish that12:28
MootBotACTION received:  poolie to send link to plenary proposal.  all to help finish that12:28
barry(hopefully that captures it ;)12:28
barryany thing else for today?12:28
pooliewe got a lot of good feedback12:29
pooliei still have a few flagged to reply to12:29
pooliei don't know good answers to all of them off hand12:29
pooliefor instance the thread on ubuntu-desktop about switching to merge-mode versioning, which is good, but raises questions12:29
pooliejelmer: anything else from you?12:30
jelmerno, though I should probably have a look at that ubuntu-desktop thread12:30
pooliei would appreciate that12:30
poolieoh, of course, there was one more12:31
pooliebfbia; can you talk about that jelmer?12:32
jelmerah, good point12:32
jelmerWe've talked about build from branch into primary earlier. There are some things that still need to be ironed out for that, in particular the security requirements.12:33
jelmerThere is another milestone that would be useful to aim for, and for which all the requirements seem to be clear - building from branch into a PPA12:34
jelmerThe changes to e.g. bzr-builder, the buildds and the API we have to make for this are the same as for bfbip.12:35
pooliei think it would be a good step towards it12:36
james_wthat's not already there?12:36
poolieit's essentially recipes with a null recipe12:36
poolieis that a fair way to describe it?12:36
jelmerpoolie: yeah, I think so12:36
jelmerjames_w: also, e.g creating. .orig.tar.gz is not supported at the moment12:37
james_wso building a "distribution-acceptable package" in to a PPA12:37
jelmerjames_w: yeah, basically12:38
pooliethat's a good metric for it12:38
poolieso then to go from that to 'into primary archive' is mostly12:38
jelmerand with the same constraints we set for bfbip - an API call to request them and without requiring a recipe12:38
pooliegetting approval it's an ok thing to allow12:38
pooliepossibly more security checks-12:38
poolie... teaching lp to put the source into there, which apparently is a small change12:39
barrysounds good, thanks for the update.  anything else for today?12:41
pooliei think that's it12:41
poolieit's late here12:41
jelmernothing else from me12:41
MootBotMeeting finished at 06:42.12:42
barrythanks everyone!12:42
pooliethanks guys12:42
pooliecould probably run a bit faster in future but that was good12:42
barryagreed.  and we'll get jam here one of the days :)12:42
poolie"jam this meeting runs too slow.  i guess you don't really have time to look into it but..."12:45
poolietappety tap12:45
* jelmer chuckles12:45
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cjwatsonhi folks16:01
MootBotMeeting started at 10:02. The chair is cjwatson.16:02
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]16:02
cjwatsonall right, muggins gets to do it I guess16:03
cjwatson[TOPIC] Lightning Round16:03
MootBotNew Topic:  Lightning Round16:03
barrybug 758037 (pyopenssl fix for py27); bug 753900 (f2py broken); bug 759684 (landscape-monitor); bug 671131 (winpdb); bug 759943 (mod_wsgi); bug 458872 (cj deleting manually installed packages); bug 719214 (pyepl import failure); bug 719212 (hocr import failure); bug 742384 (sphinx/jquery incompatibility); helped w/ debug of 735577 (s/c log perms); udd; dmb application update; network manager debugging; done.16:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 758037 in pyopenssl (Ubuntu Natty) "pyopenssl breaks all ssl apps because of changes in python 2.7" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75803716:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 753900 in python-numpy (Ubuntu) "f2py broken in natty" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75390016:03
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 759684 could not be found16:03
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 671131 could not be found16:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 759943 in mod-wsgi (Ubuntu) "mod_wsgi.so-3.2 gives errors" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75994316:03
mvo\o/ 73557716:03
cjwatsonalso, I believe barry is up for core-dev next Monday ...16:04
cjwatsonDone: On holiday Monday and Tuesday.  Rest of the time:16:04
cjwatson - Installer: debootstrap dependency resolver fix (740167), ports mirror setup fix (756719), new AMD CPU family (760490), keyboard configuration adjustments for OEM (741304), parted gptsync fixes (757201), make console-setup actually set keymap again in d-i.16:04
cjwatson - GRUB: make grub-mount run single-threaded (756297), background configuration for derivatives (696915).16:04
cjwatson - Repaired Ubuntu Studio task dependencies.16:04
cjwatsonTo do:16:04
cjwatson - Make partman reuse existing BIOS Boot Partition (746313).  Proving a bit more complicated than I expected. :-(16:04
cjwatson - md5sum collection for /etc/default/grub upgrade (759545).16:05
cjwatson - Try to find time to analyse GRUB/memtest86+ failure (683904).16:05
barryyep!  feel free to add your glowing recommendations to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BarryWarsaw/MyApplication16:05
cjwatson - Free software option on powerpc images (759519).16:05
cjwatson - Make os-prober handle our btrfs subvolume layout (764893).16:05
evSpent two days trying to unbreak the upgrade/reinstall option when no Internet connection is available, with a debate that ultimately resulted in me disabling it when no Internet connection is present (bug 766171). I did fix apt-clone related bugs in ubiquity and dpkg-repack along the way though.  Fixed synchronization between debconf instances, which had broken the download updates box (bug 761094).  Set up country-specific translations in the slidesho16:05
ev(bug 758658). pitti and I fixed installing the nvidia driver in ubiquity when a PAE kernel is selected (bug 759804). Moved the "hostname exists on the network" error to a warning (bug 760884). And fixed some more minor issues.16:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 766171 in apt-clone (Ubuntu Natty) "apt-clone does not repack debs that it will not be able to download when there isn't an Internet connection" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76617116:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 761094 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Natty) ""Download updates while installing" checkbox does nothing" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76109416:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 758658 in Ubiquity Slideshow "Natty slideshow uses en_GB for all English users" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75865816:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 759804 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Natty) "Installation of -pae kernel happens after jockey -C, causing removal of built DKMS modules" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75980416:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 760884 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Change of proposed computer name causes error" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76088416:05
cjwatsondoko seems to have fallen off the network16:06
mvoApt-clone: fix deprecation warning and upload new version , fix in deboostrap mode, fixes in the restore code, auto-detect tarprefix, use to clone upgrade test16:06
mvoApt-ddtp update16:06
mvoAptdaemon: bug triage, merge latest fixes from upstream, upload, relax lintian checks for lsb packages, test latest bzr, prepare new upload, work on cdrom tests with glatzor16:06
mvoArchive-crawler: improve tests, look at branch from lp:~j-johan-edwards/archive-crawler/foreign-icons, work on improving the icon extraction16:06
mvoAuto-upgrade-tester: add euca-{nc,cloud} profiles and enable them on the auto-upgrade-teser, log reviews16:06
mvoManual upgrade-testing (server, ubuntu desktop)16:06
mvosoftware-center: discuss CJK xapian with DX, debug crash in accessiblity/httplib2 code, debug database reopen error (#507836), debug/fix (mostly) #636429, debug/fix one db-reopen crash (#757054),  fix bug in freshly enabled channels/components, fix two more issues around the db-reopen problem, kill multiprocessing for get-review-stats and us spawner code, test purchase, fix bug in aptdaemon, work on appdetailsview_gtk handling/refreshes16:06
mvoSudo: debug/fix upgrade issue (#761689)16:06
mvoUnattended-upgrades: fix crash in dpkg --configure -a code (#754330)16:06
mvoUpdate-manager: debug/fix #759262, improve sshd detection (using find parent)lalalala, improve DistUpgradeViewText16:06
mvoNext week: vacation mon,tues,wed16:06
psurbhi*) worked on plymouth bug: 56681816:07
psurbhi*) testing the initramfs code for cryptsetup - the debug messages go past the plymouth prompt and no input is taken - trying to solve this16:07
psurbhi*) added code in the handle pivot event - in upstart. modified the test cases.16:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 566818 in plymouth (Ubuntu Natty) "Cryptsetup passphrase prompt during boot: every character typed repeats the prompt" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56681816:07
mvocjwatson: the grub/memtest86 issue, any hints on this one? could it be a compiler/machine releated issue (becuase it appears to work in qemu?)16:07
cjwatsonmvo: (bring it up after the lightning round?)16:07
* mvo nods16:07
cjwatsonpsurbhi: I noticed that the cryptsetup change I sponsored was rejected by somebody, but didn't have any context for it - is that what your current work in plymouth is about?16:07
psurbhithe echo would not be displayed in a graphical plugin16:08
cjwatsonah, ok - that makes sens16:08
cjwatson(in theory anyway)16:08
jhuntObligatory Upstart Cookbook updates. Dash of Upstart Sprint planning.16:09
jhuntFixed out-of-memory scenario (bug 728531) which required a good deal of16:09
jhuntdebug and resulted in uncovering a D-Bus issue (bug 766953 - report needs16:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 728531 in upstart (Ubuntu Natty) "chroot support is not reliable" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72853116:09
jhuntto be sent upstream). Raised bug 766206 to cover some significant16:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 766953 in dbus (Ubuntu) "dbus_connection_register_object_path() leaks memory" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76695316:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 766206 in upstart (Ubuntu Natty) "user session support allows non-priv users to gain root privileges" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76620616:09
jhuntchanges in latest Upstart. Discovered what appears to be a bug in libnih16:09
jhunt(will raise a bug when I have a better handle on it). Currently working16:09
jhunton bug 767053 (rel critical).16:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 767053 in upstart (Ubuntu Natty) ""initctl status" no longer works as a non-privileged user" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76705316:09
stgraberMostly helping with quite a few different bugs: bug 759545, bug 746028, bug 665218, bug 742935, bug 760035, bug 756920, bug 727410, bug 747325. Also got hit by bug 766534 yesterday so had to wait for the fix before my netinstall would work again.16:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 759545 in grub2 (Ubuntu Natty) "user prompted to update unmodified grub configuration during Ubuntu server upgrade" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75954516:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 746028 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu Natty) "Wallpapers are not updated on upgrade to Natty" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74602816:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 665218 in aptdaemon (Ubuntu Natty) "Software-center reports a progamming error in aptdaemon but without any details" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66521816:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 742935 in aptdaemon (Ubuntu) "aptd crashed with OSError in release(): [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74293516:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 760035 in python-apt (Ubuntu Natty) "Ubuntu.info template doesn't allow deb-src lines using archive.ubuntu.com on ports architectures" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76003516:09
cjwatsonI guess ubottu has a cap on how many things it will do in response to one line16:10
dokoworking on opening natty (toolchain and basic library updates), test rebuild (tool changes and file bug reports)16:10
barrycjwatson: https://code.launchpad.net/~barry/ubuntu/natty/pyepl/bug-719214/+merge/5816416:11
ubottuUbuntu bug 58164 in Dapper Backports "firestarter backport" [High,Invalid]16:11
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.ubuntuwire.org/~wgrant/rebuild-ftbfs-test/test-rebuild-20110413-natty.html16:11
cjwatsons/natty/oneiric/, right? :)16:11
dokodoesn't look too bad16:11
* cjwatson wonders if it's possible to open oneiric PPAs in advance, with natty chroots ...16:12
cjwatson(might not be worth the trouble)16:12
cjwatson[TOPIC] Natty16:12
MootBotNew Topic:  Natty16:12
cjwatsonmvo: so you asked about grub/memtest86+16:13
cjwatsonmvo: it's hard to say, but one possibility is that we're leaving some registers uninitialised on entry, for instance16:13
* mvo nods16:13
cjwatsonmvo: it could also be that qemu gives us a different E820 memory layout16:13
cjwatsoneither of those would fit with what's changed, and seem eminently possible16:13
cjwatsonmvo: I'm not seeing an immediate reboot, but I am seeing "error: too small lower memory (0x99100 > 0x96000)"16:16
cjwatsonperhaps related, hard to be sure16:16
mvooh, interessting, on my box I don't see that or its happening too quickly to see it16:16
cjwatsonagain, probably indicates slight differences in memory layout given by the BIOS16:17
cjwatsonhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+bugs?field.milestone=33569 - 11.04 bugs16:17
cjwatsonev: are you expecting to have time for bug 740903 or bug 657086?  (sorry, haven't kept up with the bug comments)16:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 740903 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Natty) "return_to_partitioning fails when the replace option fails" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74090316:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 657086 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Natty) "No restart option after choosing to "Continue Testing"" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65708616:18
cjwatsonbug 758614 I'm guessing is either a lost cause or the Kubuntu folks are going to have to deal with it16:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 758614 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Natty) "Kubuntu Wubi - Black screen during stage 2" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75861416:18
evI've not had luck reproducing bug 740903 (which is probably a good thing) but am not yet convinced that it doesn't exist16:18
cjwatsonbug 529201 has had comments following your request for information16:19
evbug 657086 continues to baffle me, but I really don't think it's natty at this point16:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 529201 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Natty) "ubiquity shows scrollbar in installation slideshow" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52920116:19
mvoI look at 760035, stgraber fixed it, I just need to look at it again, the code is not that well covered with test-cases (there are some, but … ) so I'm a bit nervous16:19
evit has, but that's another one I cannot reproduce16:19
evI'm going to keep trying with a few more resolution combinations16:19
evI can't unmilestone tasks, which is slightly annoying, so I can't make these changes myself16:20
cjwatsonbug 764893 and bug 746313 are both on my list for today16:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 764893 in os-prober (Ubuntu Natty) "os-prober: does not detect Ubuntu in btrfs subvolume" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76489316:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 746313 in partman-auto (Ubuntu Natty) "partman should reuse existing BIOS Boot Partition" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74631316:20
cjwatsonev: you can't?  you did so for 766171 earlier ...16:21
evcjwatson: can't what? 766171 is the apt-clone bug.16:21
evI meant un nominate for series16:22
cjwatsonjhunt: is anything happening with bug 580319 for 11.04?16:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 580319 in upstart (Ubuntu Natty) "dhcp3-server launches before upstart brings all interface, thus failing to start" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58031916:22
cjwatsonev: the way to do that is to mark the series task wontfix16:22
cjwatsonev: it'll then magically grow a non-series task16:22
cjwatson(yes, this is odd)16:22
evgreat ui there16:22
jhuntnot at the present. I spoke to Daviey earlier and since we are unsure if it occurs with isc-dhcp (v4) at this stage, we don't think it's in the running.16:23
jhuntPresumably the milestone might need changing?16:24
cjwatsonjhunt: yes, that sounds like a good idea if it's no longer believed to occur16:24
cjwatsonprobably simply unmilestone it16:24
cjwatsonall the other items on that list seem to be either non-vital, not ours, or being handled16:25
cjwatsonanything else people are concerned about for natty?16:25
evunity *rimshot*16:25
jhuntcjwatson: I don't seem to have those powers.16:25
barryev: are you running natty natively on any mac laptop h/w?16:26
ev*ahem* I uh *coughs*16:26
evI have this lovely Thinkpad next to my Mac16:26
evallow me to divert your attention over to it16:26
cjwatsonjhunt: I'll take care of it, then16:26
jhuntcjwatson: thanks.16:27
cjwatsonI must admit, I expected to hate unity, and then switched to it to discover that (after a few configuration tweaks) the only noticeable effect on my workflow is that I have slightly more screen space for maximised terminals16:27
* cjwatson <- not a big user of desktop furniture16:27
barrycjwatson: i'm with you!  i sort of like the doc sitting there, once i found a workaround for the dual-monitor bug16:28
barryer, dock16:28
cjwatsonI just set it to autohide16:29
mvoagreed, I like most of it, but I still don't see why the menu is not always visible for the apps, I whish there was a option for this. and FFM is a problem, but f10 is my friend here :)16:29
barryafter getting my normal two emacs windows side by side, i have just enough unused real-estate for that dock, so i pretty much just leave it there :)16:29
barrymvo: agreed on that one!16:29
cjwatson[TOPIC] AOB16:30
MootBotNew Topic:  AOB16:30
evWho's coming to the release sprint / party?16:30
cjwatsonI have no meeting agenda items for Oneiric since (a) holiday and (b) laser-focus on Natty, but I appreciate not everybody may be that way :-)16:30
dokowhen should oneiric ready for uploads?16:31
cjwatsonI'll be at the release sprint, maybe party depending on how dead I am16:31
evI'm sure we can always find something to prop you up against :-P16:31
cjwatsondoko: I expect that I will open it for toolchain work either next Thursday (if time permits after the 11.04 release) or Friday16:32
cjwatsonthe latter's a bank holiday, but I think I'll be at home16:32
jhuntev: I'll be at the sprint, but not sure about the party as I'm travelling back by train Thursday (unless I can grab a room somewhere)16:32
cjwatsondoko: so after that it's just a question of when you're ready16:32
evjhunt: sprint> awesome, party> RUBBISH16:32
evyou're welcome to stay at mine16:32
dokocjwatson: I am =)16:33
jhuntev: do you know if we'll have hot running coffee at the sprint?16:33
jhuntev: ta!16:33
evjhunt: experience tells me that you'll have to fight cjwatson for it16:33
evbut no, probably not given how often we break coffee machines around here16:34
jhuntev: I'm not *that* brave!16:34
cjwatsondoko: I expect you can speed things up by arranging for us to be able to copy built binaries from a non-virtualised PPA16:34
evI keep putting in a request for a barista at the QBR16:34
evbut they always ignore me16:34
cjwatson(maybe, will need to check with wgrant et al)16:34
dokook, will do16:35
cjwatsongenerally it takes max half a day to actually set up the archive - usually less, it's been getting gradually easier16:35
jhuntev: I'm sure it makes a difference. Those frothy hearts'n'all! :)16:35
evit'd be cheaper than constantly buying coffee machines from NASA16:35
jhuntev: wow, that rocket fuel stuff must make a strong brew. Just don't drink+smoke!16:36
jhunt(don't try that at home folks!)16:36
cjwatsonOK, I take it there's not much left :)16:37
cjwatsonone note on natty16:37
jhuntsorry - we just ran clean out of jokes! :(16:38
cjwatsonpitti said earlier today that today was the last day for any big changes, and some little changes might get through tomorrow16:38
cjwatsonbut sometime tomorrow (probably), we'll be building release candidate images, and the only other things that will be accepted are fixes for showstopper bugs16:38
cjwatsonso be warned. :-)16:39
barrycjwatson: what's the cut of time today for bug fixes?  i don't think i have anything critical, but i might be able to get one or two in before cob16:39
cjwatsonif you have things that will slip past that (and don't *have* to be on the CD images for practical reasons, e.g. installer changes), then consider whether they can go to SRUs16:40
* barry nods16:40
cjwatsonbarry: whatever time all the archive admins have gone to bed, I guess16:40
cjwatsonoops, forgot to close this :-)16:45
MootBotMeeting finished at 10:45.16:45
cjwatsonthanks all16:45
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