
hallynjbernard: btw, you had no objection to my adding 'devices' and 'memory' cgroups to the default config?00:00
hallynSpamapS: my newest update works perfectly for me, so just waiting for your smackdown to give me some more busywork to do after i cry a bit00:01
SpamapShallyn: ugh.. aclocal changes.. :-P00:02
hallynSpamapS: don't look at me00:02
SpamapShallyn: its a borken rules file most likely doing the wrong thing in clean. :-P00:02
hallynrules file doesn't touch clean00:04
SpamapSoh this is an actual upstream sync00:04
SpamapSwhich, oddly enough, seems to have been built with an older version of autoconf :-P00:05
hallynSpamapS: you're looking through the online diff, instead of 'bzr branch' followed by 'bzr log -p' ?00:06
hallynin this case, given the sync being in there, the latter would be less confusing00:06
hallynDaviey: just fyi, i don't know if you thought you'd sent it, but i've not seen your email on docs yet00:07
Davieyhallyn, no not yet... will be first thing tomorrow now.00:09
Davieyi've spent all night doing something i didn't want to :/00:09
genii-aroundSleeping? ;)00:10
sirgadHi. I'm trying to set up a home server that functions in the same way as companies such as PublicVPN.net for securing connections through public wifi.  What is that called? A VPN Gateway?00:12
hallynDaviey: np - just making sure it didn't go to a list i wasn't on!00:12
SpamapShallyn: I'm looking at the diff in email, but yeah.. would be easier if I pulled the whole branch down. ;)00:14
hallynit's a tiny branch00:14
hallynnot like libvirt, which is a bastard to pull down the first time00:15
SpamapStry samba some time00:17
SpamapS~/pkg/samba/bzr$ du -hs .bzr00:17
diffraHi, I've got a 10.04.02 server build, installed apache2 and php5 but php isn't working -- apache sends a test php file in plain text as a download.00:18
diffraI've removed/purged the packages and reinstalled, same thing.  Any advice?00:18
ScottKRead the relevant docs in the server guide.  See /topic for where to find it.00:19
patdk-nbdiffra, sounds like you expect to use mod_php and it's not enabled, cause you didn't enable it00:21
diffraIn the past, even with 10.04, It's been enabled by default when the packages were installed. That's what I found odd00:23
diffrabizarre, now after purging and recreating it, it's not creating /etc/apache200:24
diffraah, aptitude remove apache2 doesn't remove apache2.2-common or apache2.2-bin00:28
diffraThe following packages are BROKEN:  apache2-mpm-prefork apache2-mpm-worker00:35
patdk-nbin what way are they *broken*00:39
patdk-nbthey have worked fine for me00:39
diffrapatdk-nb: that's what I'm trying to figure out01:11
diffraAptitutde is reporting that they're broken, not me01:12
hallynSpamapS: still there?01:15
hallynSpamapS: you say to use 'env OPTIONS=', but doesn't that mean it'll try to get it out of the boot arguments as well?01:16
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
hallynjbernard: do you have a ubuntu.com address?01:29
hallyn(package doesn't seem to want to build without a maintainer with ubuntu.com address, bc it has -ubuntu1 in the version)01:29
zulhallyn: run update-maintainer in ubuntu-dev-tools01:30
hallynzul: hm, i did it by hand.  wonder what update-maintainer will do01:31
* hallyn tries01:31
zuldo the same thing01:31
hallynso it did :)01:31
hallynthanks, it'll save me opening another packags control file next time to see the format :)01:32
diffraOne more round of apt-get remove --purge of both apache2 and php5 and all related packages did it.01:51
diffra*no* idea why01:51
diffraand removing mpm-worker and mpm-prefork as well01:51
ScottKdiffra: apache2.2-common provides the Apache config files, so until you got that one purged they wouldn't be regenerated.02:06
diffraScottK: I discovered that in the course of troubleshooting it.  Not sure why removing apache2 wouldn't remove apache2.2-common since it was installed as a dependency but no longer required.02:07
ScottKAutoremoving everything that's no longer required is not standard.02:08
diffrahrm, weird.02:08
diffraso in the course of normal events, if I were to install apache2, then decide I want to use lighttpd so I remove apache2, but it leaves all its dependencies?02:09
diffraJust trying to make sure I understand.02:09
diffraHmm.  Noted, thanks.02:09
ScottKsudo apt-get autoremove will take care of it.02:09
ScottKThat removes everything that was pulled in by something else and is not longer needed.02:09
diffrao.O d'oh.  I knew that.02:10
hallynjbernard: http://people.canonical.com/~sergeh/cgroup_0.37.1-1ubuntu1.tgz has the source package and the amd64 .debs, wich all work for me02:13
hallynjbernard: if you wanna take aquick look before I upload....02:13
hallynjbernard: in particular, the bzr workflow seems to have created an extra patch in debian/patches.  I want to make sure that the end result has all the little nits the wya you wanted them (i.e. changes to the manpages are in there for some reason)02:14
uvirtbotNew bug: #766731 in exim4 (main) "sieve not working with i386 build" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76673102:36
van7huhello, is there a case when I do dhclient, I receive a DHPACK from an IP that I could not ping to it?02:40
ScottKIf the remote host is configured not to respond to pings would be one.02:42
sarthorHi, i am setting vpn server on ubuntu machine, i am not able to connect the  client xp and ubuntu both to the server, logs are here, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/596358/ ,I followed this  http://www.ewdisonthen.com/how-to-setup-pptp-vpn-server-on-linux-tutorial-07577.php how to03:45
van7huwhere is www folder in ubuntus-erver03:46
sarthorvan7hu, /var/www/03:47
david234It says "Kernel panic - not syncing : VFS : Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)", I have a KVM-IP connected to the machine but CTRL+ALT+DELETE won't reboot it. What do I do? It's a prod machine...03:54
mattyfailanyone have experience installing netflow collectors/ analyzer? nfdump, nfsen, etc?04:08
* mattyfail hears crickets 04:15
van7huhello, is there ipfwadm in lucid?04:16
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.04:22
twbvan7hu: apparently not.04:22
twbvan7hu: I recommend you write rulesets directly in iptables-restore format; see #netfilter for more information.04:22
twbvan7hu: simple allow/deny rulesets can be generated using the ufw wrapper.04:23
van7hutwb: ok, I'll try that04:24
twbApparently ipfwadm is for linux 2.0; Lucid ships 2.604:24
twbSo anything that tells you to use ipfwadm is about ten years out of date04:24
smoserSpamapS, around ?04:25
SpamapSsmoser: am now, sup?04:37
smoserthats a mix of shell, and python04:37
sarthorHi, i am setting vpn server on ubuntu machine, i am not able to connect the  client xp and ubuntu both to the server, logs are here, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/596358/ ,I followed this  http://www.ewdisonthen.com/how-to-setup-pptp-vpn-server-on-linux-tutorial-07577.php how to04:37
smoseri have one python library04:37
smoser(a single file)04:37
smoserhow should i package that ?04:37
smoserSpamapS, ^04:39
CrazyGirhi, I have 2 physcial ubuntu-servers running kvms for me, which when I use nmap to scan a particular subnet shared by the hosts and guests, I see the two physical hosts by IP just fine, but the VMs do not show up04:48
CrazyGirI know the guests are up and running, I know one is even actively providing services, but I can not see either with nmap.04:49
CrazyGirone of the 'missing' guests can be pinged just fine (I know its IP, but I'm trying to find the other)04:50
SpamapSsmoser: sorry I pong'ed then got distracted from IRC05:06
smoserno problem05:07
SpamapSsmoser: best bet is to create a setup.py05:07
SpamapSsmoser: then try out 'pkgme'05:07
smoserSpamapS, i dont know thats helpful. how / what am i supposed to do there?05:23
sakois it a good idea to run 10.10 on my prod webserver or should i keep it at 10.04?05:28
sakoim in a situation where i need the latest puppet package (which is on 10.10)05:29
SpamapSsmoser: you should be able to run 'pkgme' in a dir w/ a setup.py and it creates the entire package for you05:32
SpamapSsmoser: you can also just use boring old dh_make05:32
SpamapSsmoser: but pkgme strives to do more for you. :)05:32
SpamapSsmoser: now that I think about it, you are a terrible guinea pig.. so just do dh_make05:32
smoseri'm not asking how to get a package made.05:32
smoseri'm asking how you'd recommend doing a python and non-python package as easy as possible.05:33
smoserkirkland put together some initial packaging.05:33
uvirtbotNew bug: #766833 in postfix (main) "package postfix 2.7.0-1ubuntu0.1 failed to install/upgrade: el subproceso instalado el script post-installation devolvió el código de salida de error 75" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76683306:42
=== twister004_ is now known as twister004
koolhead11hi all07:30
koolhead11why the /etc/lsb-release does not say natty beta2 instead DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu Natty (development branch)"07:32
fishorhallo all, i home this is correct place about apparmor07:32
fishori get warnings in dmesg about evince. "apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" parent=1 profile="/usr/bin/evince" name="/dev/.udev/data/b8:13" pid=3292 comm="evince" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=1000 ouid=0"07:33
fishormy question is, do apparmor rule should be corrected, or evince has nofing lost in /dev/.udev ?07:34
fishorthe file it ask is information about the block dive  it opens file from07:34
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SpamapSsmoser: well I'm sure you're asleep by now.. but I have a mixed package, gearman-interface, that builds python and ruby.. I just cd into each dir and run 'dh_python2' or 'dh_ruby' .. seems to work.07:48
smoserSpamapS, stupidly, i'm not asleep07:49
smoserbut this seems to do the rigth thing for debian/rules07:50
smoser                    dh $@ --with-python207:50
twbActually I think it's --with python207:54
SpamapSsmoser: oh, so you just have a python package and that sit?07:58
* SpamapS is always overcomplicating things07:59
SpamapSspeaking of sleep07:59
smosertwb, you're right.07:59
twbYay me07:59
smoserSpamapS, no. there are some scripts and other stuff. one python "module"07:59
twbSpamapS: yes, debian-python are throwing out the two old, competing ways for it to work07:59
SpamapSsmoser: ah, well in that case just use regular debhelper stuff on those08:00
SpamapStwb: indeed I'm converting mine to dh_python2 now08:02
* SpamapS is reminded he has to package ruby-echoe to finish that work. :-P08:02
twbOf course that wil lpiss off backporters...08:02
SpamapSok sleep08:02
SpamapStwb: dh_python2 will just need to be backported. ;)08:02
* SpamapS goes <poof>08:02
twbIt's part of the base python package08:02
twbgoiod luck with that08:02
=== TheKernel is now known as Guest37138
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mynameistuxI have debian server installed on sda1, and an LVM using sda2, and sdb. If I install ubuntu server on sda1, will I be able to use the same LVM without making it again?09:49
mynameistuxlike, can i just run vgscan, or lvscan and have it show up?09:50
_rubenmynameistux: should be doable, you'll likely have to import it or something, forgot what exactly09:51
_rubenbeen there, done that, was a bit of a struggle ;)09:51
_rubenbut once i had the proper commands, it worked just fine :)09:51
mynameistuxI'd really like it if I could find out exactly what I have to do09:51
mynameistuxit's not like I have irreplacable photos and stuff, I just want to loose all my data09:52
_rubenmynameistux: i guess you *dont* want to loose all your data ? :)10:04
mynameistuxhehe, yeah I'd like to keep it10:04
mynameistuxlike, it's a bunch of TV shows and movies that I don't particularly want to loose10:05
_rubenfrom what i recall is that without doing anything the vgs/lvs/etc are marked as "foreign" and you need to tell lvm otherwise, it should be hidden somehwere in those manpages :)10:05
_rubenhttp://c-mills.ctru.auckland.ac.nz/lvm_import.html .. i dont recall the export/import part, but the vgchange part does look very familiar10:06
_rubenfirst hit on google for import foreign lvm ;)10:07
mynameistuxaah, that looks good10:08
mynameistuxok, LETS DO THIS10:08
* mynameistux installs ubuntu server10:08
mynameistuxwhen I'm setting up the partitions during install, can I set set it up then?10:13
mynameistuxor best to do it after install?10:13
_rubenmynameistux: well, if the installer sees the vgs and stuff like that, you might as well assign mountpoints to the lvs, be sure to not format 'em though ;)10:41
uvirtbotNew bug: #766975 in dovecot (main) "dovecot-postfix changes the SSL, IMAP, POP and maildir settings in dovecot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76697510:42
sarthorHi, i am setting vpn server on ubuntu machine, i am not able to connect the  client xp and ubuntu both to the server, logs are here, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/596358/ ,I followed this  http://www.ewdisonthen.com/how-to-setup-pptp-vpn-server-on-linux-tutorial-07577.php , any help ?12:07
=== DigitalFlux_ is now known as DigitalFlux
adacHi guys. I can login via phppgadmin but not on command line. When I try: "psql -U openerp -W" I get: "psql: FATAL:  Ident authentication failed for user "openerp"" any ideas?13:24
hallynjbernard: any objection to my pushing http://people.canonical.com/~sergeh/cgroup_0.37.1-1ubuntu1.tgz13:39
m_tadeuI'm using ssh to connect to my server. why after a few minutes without typing anything, ssh client just locks and I can't do anything, except close the console and connect again?13:51
xampartafter latest update&&safe-upgrade i have duplicate login-message as follows: http://pastebin.com/zteL4tKf13:56
kirklandsmoser: initial packaging for ... ?14:01
RoAkSoAxmorning all14:05
RoyKafternoon :)14:06
* hallyn gnashes his teeth at the popup windows14:09
=== dendro-a` is now known as dendro-afk
RoAkSoAxTREllis: there's lots of stuff that currently don't work with koan :). So don't get dissappointed and just keep filling bugs14:27
TREllisRoAkSoAx: heh14:35
TREllisRoAkSoAx: that's what I'm doing... tbh most are just RH-isms14:35
TREllisRoAkSoAx: we'll get there :)14:35
RoAkSoAxTREllis: yeah. At least we can now deploy Ubuntu VM's with koan (and even with No questions Ask presseed :) )14:36
TREllisRoAkSoAx: indeed :) cobbler makes that so simple and now koan has your patches it's all good14:42
RoAkSoAxTREllis: yeah next steps are to hopefully fix the rest :)14:43
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
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uvirtbotNew bug: #759711 in samba "smbd crashed with SIGABRT in raise()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75971115:42
RoyKLOL! I blogged about very good support from my ISP, and silently, they have quadrupled my datarate :D15:46
uvirtbotNew bug: #759579 in php5 (main) "php5-fpm crashed with SIGSEGV in _efree@plt()" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75957915:48
hallynzul: jbernard and i (wiht review help from SpamapS ) have been working on libcgroup fix for several bugs . But my upload rights for libcgroup don't seem to be working.  Can I get you to sponsor for me/us?16:17
zulhallyn: sure16:17
hallynzul: http://people.canonical.com/~sergeh/cgroup_0.37.1-1ubuntu1-src.tar.gz16:20
hallynzul: thanks16:21
zulhallyn: 40416:22
hallynzul: d'oh.  serge, not sergeh16:33
hallynzul: ok, i want to review a kernel patch, then i'mb ack to trying to install openstack.  My last attempt actually failed, somewhere in the instructions a step had to be missing.  Will start over and report back something more useful16:36
zulok lemme know if you need help16:37
uvirtbotNew bug: #759657 in net-snmp (main) "snmpd assert failure: *** glibc detected *** /usr/sbin/snmpd: double free or corruption (!prev): 0x09ae1910 ***" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75965716:38
Error404NotFoundI have installed psad on server and i get all sorts of emails regarding IPs attempting scans, but when i do iptables -nvL | grep "IP_HERE" i don't see anything16:53
alanrHi I have question: is there some way I can see current disk activity on my server16:55
colealanr: the package sysstat comes with a tool called iostat16:57
alanryeah that sounds good16:58
alanrwill it show a realtime thing like top or mtr16:58
zulhallyn: done16:58
SpamapSalanr: there's iotop too16:59
coleiotop is good but it has a ton of info! if you're looking for basic disk activity i find the iostat output is very efficient17:00
SpamapScole: I find iostat's info to be almost totally worthless in actually solving problems. :-/17:02
SpamapSlike.. big surprise, the disks are really damn busy. :)17:02
SpamapSI want to know what process is slamming them, and not just "disk wait" but are they reads, writes, etc.17:03
colespamaps: fair enough but i didn't know alanr was triaging anything17:03
alanryeah thats great thanks17:08
alanrjust to check kps 1300 means its going at 13 mb per sec17:08
nealmcbHowdy, alanr!17:08
alanrim not - im just seeing how fast my backups are going17:09
alanrbackups to a usb drive17:09
TheEvilPhoenixalanr:  no17:15
TheEvilPhoenixalanr:  1300 KB == 1.3MB give or take some number of kilobites that's a multiple of 2417:16
uvirtbotNew bug: #767352 in vsftpd (main) "Virtual Users rules with @ in the username" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76735218:12
uvirtbotNew bug: #381991 in clamav (main) "clamscan crashed with signal 7 in memcpy()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38199118:15
uvirtbotNew bug: #645097 in bacula (main) "bat crashed with SIGSEGV in e_msg()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64509718:17
smoserSpamapS, why would i see:18:35
smoser mountall: Event failed18:35
smoseri see it "normally" on ec2, but on lxc it seems like it might be something18:35
=== erichammond1 is now known as erichammond
thielmann_I moved my system from Ubuntu 8.04 to Ubuntu 10.04 (on a different system). Now every website hosted on my system has a strange character at the very end of the site (shown as a black squared question mark, see http://goo.gl/Dzws for example). I  can't seem to figure out if it's the file format, mysql, apache or something else. I tried everything I can think of. Any ideas?19:18
thielmann_It seems all files delivered are in latin1, while they should be utf-8.19:22
patdk-wkwhat strange little thing?19:23
ChmEarlthielmann_, I don't see it19:25
thielmann_patdk-wk: At the end of the site. Check http://straightbourbon.de/ as another example.19:26
thielmann_It's a "�" when copied here.19:26
ChmEarlthielmann_, when I `Get /` I only see text without any control chars19:26
patdk-wk Iunderstand the whole, end of site (bottom of page right?)19:27
patdk-wkI see now odd things19:27
patdk-wkthat second page does though19:27
patdk-wkbut not that first site19:27
ChmEarlyes junk after </html>19:27
patdk-wkhow is that page generated?19:28
patdk-wkjust a .html file?19:28
thielmann_It's on every site (maybe not on the first, since it's cached and I'm logged in uncached).19:28
thielmann_patdk-wk: No, it's MODx (PHP+MySQL).19:28
thielmann_But I do have the same problems on sites without MySQL.19:28
thielmann_So it seems to be a filesystem or apache error.19:28
thielmann_Here's another example: refa-berlin.de19:29
patdk-wkhow did you upgrade mysql?19:29
patdk-wkthough, I can't believe that would do something after the html tag19:29
thielmann_I didn't. I mysqldumped and reimported to the new system.19:29
patdk-wkthat would be an upgrade, wouldn't it?19:30
thielmann_Well, yes :-). From 8.04 to 10.0419:31
patdk-wkand can't believe it's a mysql issue, to put it in that location19:32
thielmann_Tried already adding a default charset to apache, but it doesn't solve the problem. Maybe I fucked up the files? But how?19:32
patdk-wkcharset won't matter19:32
patdk-wkcause it's not a charset issue19:32
patdk-wkmost likely your php app isn't php 5.3 friendly19:33
uvirtbotNew bug: #767450 in ntp (main) "package ntp 1:4.2.6.p2+dfsg-1ubuntu5 failed to install/upgrade: error al escribir en `<salida estándar>': No existe el fichero o el directorio" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76745019:36
thielmann_patdk-wk: You seem to be right. Static files seem to be unaffected, but as soon as I start to create a new php file (even with a simple "echo") it starts adding trash. Might be related to apache/fcgid communication.19:40
=== ksx4system_ is now known as ksx4system
kirklandjamespage: howdy, around?19:54
jamespagekirkland: yep19:54
kirklandjamespage: i'm reviewing jonas packaging for iamfuzz19:54
kirklandjamespage: what is the debian/base directory?19:54
kirklandjamespage: there's like 79 files in there, a lot of xml and config stuff19:54
jamespagekirkland: its a base configuration for jonas - I considered two approaches when I did this packaging19:55
jamespage1) generate it as part of the packaging process and include in debian overaly19:55
jamespage2) generate it as part of the install19:55
jamespagehowever its interactive so only option was 1)19:56
kirklandjamespage: hmm, okay19:56
kirklandjamespage: so there's no way around this, really19:56
* jamespage goes to remind himself how this works exactly19:56
jamespagekirkland: I think so; basically the base directory contains all of the stuff the is r/w for the jonas user.19:59
jamespagekirkland: the upstream distribution does not include this - it gets generated19:59
kirklandjamespage: so you generate it one time, put in debian/base19:59
jamespagekirkland: and the distro is really all the stuff that you don't want the jonas user to change.19:59
kirklandjamespage: rather than every time at build?20:00
jamespagekirkland: hmm20:00
jamespagekirkland: thinking about I've had to regenerate that directory for each new release; some of the files changed20:00
jamespagekirkland: wanted to make it part of the build process - however its interactive :-(20:01
=== genii-around_ is now known as genii-around
jamespageit could be improved with a specific target in debian/rules to make it more repeatable20:01
jamespagekirkland: and some better README in the package20:02
kirklandjamespage: okay, thanks20:03
jamespagekirkland: I suspect most installs don't try to maintain the separation between r/w and r/o permissions on the files20:03
jamespage(I never did with JBoss installs....)20:04
jamespageso just run of the directory structure provided in the upstream distribution20:04
kirklandjamespage: thanks for the info!20:07
koolhead17hi all20:10
koolhead17i asked it some time back and will ask again.20:10
koolhead17why /etc/lsb-release does not mention like natty beta2 (clear state of the dustro)20:11
Picikoolhead17: Because the release beta number is nothing more than the state of the archives at a point in time, its an arbitrary milestone.20:12
koolhead17Pici: i got your point. but there are many people who are working and testing there development to sync with the final release, so they really monitor the state of release closely and for them its mention helps a lot20:14
koolhead17i suppose Centos does that20:14
Picikoolhead17: The problem is that the moment you upgrade once after installing 'Beta 2' you're no longer on 'Beta 2'.20:14
koolhead17Pici: i mentioned development purpose. So for them its just a development box. once final release comes they announce its launch for now say natty20:15
koolhead17one has to test his apps again and again so its becomes easier if we have complete information of the distributions current state20:16
koolhead17its for the good of the software and distribution both at same time. :)20:18
Picikoolhead17: It gets complicated when you start adding PPAs that could provide updates to any package though,20:22
=== cloakable_ is now known as cloakable
koolhead17Pici: my request was limited to a developer who uses barebone available software repository to test his application so that he gets the testing iteration as many times he can even moments before the stable release is announced. :)20:25
thielmann_If I rsync --preserve files from a system with locale "C" to a system with "UTF-8" via ssh, do I need to convert the files? They seem to be fine, but I'm trying to debug a problem with weird characters caused by apache2 or fcgid.20:40
=== cloakable_ is now known as cloakable
jMCgHey folks21:22
jMCgI put two lines in /etc/ufw/before* - and reseted the firewall. I put some stuff in /etc/ufw/sysctl.conf and rebooted, but none of this is having any effect.21:24
jMCgIs there someonething specific I'm overlooking here?21:25
rynopIm using apt-get install to install libqt4-dev on a ubuntu 10.10 64bit instance in Amazon EC2. Getting a dpkg error "No space left on device".  A df shows I have free space - anyone know what could b wrong?21:25
jMCgrynop: did you run out of fds?21:27
rynopjMCg, what is fds? error makes me think it was out of space on root file system: "unable to create `/usr/include/qt4/Qt/qnetworkconfigmanager.h.dpkg-new' (while processing `./usr/include/qt4/Qt/qnetworkconfigmanager.h'): No space left on device"21:28
jMCgrynop: wrong question. Are you new to this?21:28
jMCgrynop: fd is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_descriptor21:29
rynopyea pretty new21:29
jMCgrynop: which FS?21:30
rynopext4, root FS is /dev/sda1. not sure if that was the a to ur q21:30
* jMCg 's brain is currently in post-food lethargy21:31
jMCgrynop: man tune2fs will tell you that tune2fs -l /dev/yourpartition will tell you how many inodes you have and how many are free21:32
rynopjMCg, so ur askign did i run out of inodes? dont know how to tell.21:32
rynopk looing21:32
rynopInode count: 524288, Free inodes: 46021:33
jMCgah.. df -i also provides insight. Good to know.21:34
rynopjMCg, cool thx for link.  What would cause  my inode count to get so low? or is that too long of an explanation.21:36
jMCgrynop: something is creating lots of directories/files21:36
jMCgSeen that happen with mod_cache for instance: http://blag.esotericsystems.at/2010/02/introducing-more-caching/21:37
UppityTeapotMy server's motherboard has just been changed - beyond my control - and I've now seemingly got two network interfaces, which is confusing Ubuntu no end. How do I remove the old one?21:38
rynopjMCg, i see. I'm storing sessions on a tmpfs ramdrive for my webapp. Writes to tmpfs dont count against inode count on root fs woudl it?21:38
jMCgUppityTeapot: are they different vendors?21:38
UppityTeapotThe old one was a Winfast, the new one is an Asus, I believe.21:39
jMCgUppityTeapot: blacklist the module.21:39
UppityTeapotokay, how would I do that?21:39
jMCgOr maybe it would suffice to regenerate the initrd ¯\(°_o)/¯21:41
UppityTeapotThat sounds easier. Again, pardon my ignorance, how do you do that?21:42
jMCgWhich still doesn't answer my question: Why does ufw refuse my before.rules and my syscftl.conf settings?21:42
CrunchyChewieany idea why bash is not sourcing my .bashrc file21:46
jMCgUppityTeapot: google suggests update-initrd21:46
jMCgCrunchyChewie: What permissions does it have?21:47
jMCgI'm a retard.21:48
jMCgreset == disables firewall to installation defaults.21:48
CrunchyChewiejMCg: 64421:49
CrunchyChewiejMCg: even doing source .bashrc manually doesnt do anything21:54
UppityTeapot okay, this is strange21:54
jMCgCrunchyChewie: #bash has more insight on bash strangness.21:55
UppityTeapotifconfig is reporting no eth0, but a brvir0 that isn't connecting to anything.21:55
CrunchyChewiejMCg: will do, thanks for the headsup21:55
jMCgUppityTeapot: no it's not. You can have a bridge with no physical interfaces.21:55
UppityTeapotvirbr0, even21:56
UppityTeapotwell why do I suddenly have a bridge.21:56
thielmann_In case someone reads the irc log and is searching for an answer to my problem described above: remove libapache2-mod-php5filter. :-)22:00
jMCgthielmann_: cool, thanks.22:08
patdk-nbtheielmann, so you where double parsing php?22:09
=== ap0c is now known as is
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thielmann_patdk-nb: I wasn't even aware I installed php5-filter.  I'm not sure if it got double parsed, but it might be the case, since serving sites is much faster now.  I just searched for all apache related packages installed.22:31
RoAkSoAxsmoser: Finally had the time to work on  publish-image \again and I've changed the approach though I think can be improved even more: http://paste.ubuntu.com/596710/22:39
rynopjMCg, I use capistrano to deploy my webapp - had lots of old releases out there which were TONS of files - which caused high inode usage. Thanks so much for helping me track that down.22:45
rynopwoulda taken forever for me to track that down on my own22:45
jiboumansSpamapS: ping?23:01
jMCgrynop: you're very welcome.23:33

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