
jmayfieldhi.. natty beta + nvidia quadro (nvs440) here.. drivers segfault01:40
Samsagaxanyone got a "working" hybrid graphics?01:49
SamsagaxI know is still not supported, but i can't even use the dedicated GPU01:49
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mvojibel: I uploaded a fix for the sunbird/libnss3 issue now, did you notice any other interessting upgrade issue, i.e. anything there that looks like it needs love?13:03
jibelmvo, great.13:03
jibelmvo, I didn't notice other upgrade issues, so boring :-)13:03
* mvo hugs jibel13:04
* jibel hugs mvo back13:04
jibelmvo, the main issue are people installing drivers from xorg-degers ppa13:04
patrickmwjibel, ping16:33
jibelpatrickmw, hello16:33
pedro_QA Meeting in ~10 minutes at #ubuntu-quality18:50
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bdmurrayjibel: did you say something about isos not being installable?20:52
jibelbdmurray, I did.20:57
bdmurrayjibel: could you tell me more? ;-)20:58
jibelbdmurray, the partitioner was broken21:01
bdmurrayjibel: okay like bug 767402?21:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 767402 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Natty ubiquity 2.6.6 fails to ask where to install (affects: 2) (heat: 16)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76740221:02
jibelbdmurray, like this bug. but actually ubiquity installs nothing. I'm checking.21:04
jibelbdmurray, I confirm that nothing happens, it skips the partitioner and that's all. ubiquity didn't eat my dog.21:11
bdmurrayjibel: thanks, that's weird I wonder what they are doing different21:12
=== cypher is now known as czajkowski

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