
mhall119jamalta: let me know when you'll be around, I work from home now, so it kind of makes it easier01:39
jamaltamhall119: would a get together at stardust in winter park work? :)01:40
jamaltai'll see if anyone else is interested in meeting up.. i'll let you know :)01:40
mhall119dyed easter eggs with the kids today.  Mine: http://imagebin.org/14915901:54
mhall119back: http://imagebin.org/14916001:54
mhall119Michelle's: http://imagebin.org/14916101:54
=== Guest48044 is now known as debarshi
rishidantalizing: Testing https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/telepathy-idle/+bug/38850413:51
debarshidantalizing: testing13:53
rishiSeems ok.13:53
maxolasersquadDid everyone see that Google anounced you can now work on their maps product for free, and they even be so kind as to keep it under the same lock and key the rest of their map data is in?14:01
maxolasersquadIt's so exciting that they are looking to branch out from not just creating volunteer community for the free culture, but also around proprietary locked down systems too.14:02
maxolasersquadIt's like scabbing when there isn't even a strike.14:03
chaynieMorning all14:38
mhall119morning chaynie 14:38
chayniemhall119: I was wondering, could read feeder be used to act as a feed demuxer of sorts, basically allowing one person to troll the internets, find interesting stuff, and push their findings into various sub feeds?14:40
mhall119chaynie: I don't see why not14:41
mhall119it wouldn't be hard to make new feeds based on tags and queues14:41
chayniemhall119: cool.14:45
chayniemhall119: I added a note to your initial blueprint so we don't forget.14:49
maxolasersquadAre new guy is asked me about WYSIWYG PHP editors.  :(18:07
mhall119maxolasersquad: I'm sorry18:10
maxolasersquadI just explained as gently as I could as to why we don't use them.  I hope I didn't come off as, "Oh you like WYSIWYG editors?  Here's why they suck ..."18:11
DammitJimhey guys, what should I do with my server that is still running 9.04?21:26
munz_werk10.04 lts?21:27
DammitJimis there an easy way for me to upgrade it?21:27
DammitJimhow do you find the os version?21:30
DammitJimcat /etc/debian_version says lenny21:30
DammitJimam I dead in the water?21:31
munz_werksorry on a call :(21:34
munz_werkDammitJim, lsb_release -a will give you the versiojn info21:40
DammitJimholy crap, I'm on 8.1021:40
munz_werki think21:40
DammitJimwhat can i do to upgrade?21:41
munz_werkyou have to go 8.10 to 9.04 to 9.10 to 10.04 to not loose settings21:41
DammitJimshut up!21:41
munz_werkopen update manager and hit the settings button in the lower left21:42
DammitJimmunz_werk, I'm on terminal21:42
munz_werklol, ok21:43
munz_werkok DammitJim here is a post: http://askubuntu.com/questions/22265/updating-ubuntu-server-from-8-10-to-10-0421:46
munz_werkyou also may want to wait and ask mhall11921:46
DammitJimok, thanks21:46
munz_werkno prob, wish i could have been more helpful21:47
munz_werkyay! 5pm!22:01

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