
Nivexwow... is anyone still running Dapper Drake?01:52
NivexI just got the EOL notice in email today01:52
marco_polosome display glitches02:40
marco_polo500M ram box usable as a desktop, not too shaby03:53
marco_poloi wouldn't be editing large image files, etc...03:53
holsteinyeah, natty is probably lighter than karmic or intrepid was03:53
marco_polonot ubuntu03:54
holsteinwhatever DE03:54
holsteini like lxde03:54
marco_polocrazy dist-upgrade path too03:54
holsteini just always miss something03:54
holsteinand go back to gnome03:54
marco_polo10.04 server to current lubuntu, current being natty03:55
=== jack is now known as Guest97480
thorsten11good evening all04:40
jack_akgraner: you watching Adam drew atm?19:34
akgranerjack_, nope :-(  I have a deadline I'm under for something else atm...I'll watch it later though19:37
jack_ah righton19:37
jack_i sit right next to him at work :O heh19:37
akgranercoool - :-) I'm excited though that he is hosting this one I can't wait to watch it...19:41
jack_yeah i love this presentation. i've watched it twice haha19:46
_marx_Question: where or how does one change the time that update manager runs? The gui only goes down to the day level.20:41
holsteini cant remember when i started turning update manager off20:42
holsteini think it was around 9.04 or so20:42
holsteinim usually using PPA's for audio packages so i need the dist-upgrade a lot20:42
_marx_that's an option20:43
_marx_i just don't want the check to run at 7:30 am20:45
holsteini dont want it to run after i hit the record button ;)20:45
_marx_i can see that being a bad thing20:47
akgranerI don't use update manager either...22:13
akgranerfor once I actually use the command line for stuff...:-)22:13

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