
cyberangerpace_t_zulu: true, still the issue of seemingly random timing01:21
cyberangerand since firefox keeps everything reletave under it's profile by default, it's odd01:22
cyberangerand I would ask what addons he uses, but that should be ruled out by the new profile01:22
cyberangershame xpistos left, he caught me on my commute home01:24
pace_t_zulucyberanger: reason i asked if FF was his default browser was the possibility that another application was firing it off01:47
pace_t_zuluXpistos: is it just your work machine that you experience the problem on?02:18
* pace_t_zulu thinks ^ that was bad grammar02:27
pace_t_zuluanyone else around?02:42
chibihogoshinotornado watch for knox ..08:04
chibihogoshinoand all of tn i guess08:05
cyberangerchibihogoshino: in peices yes09:57
cyberangernot getting alot of reports here yet09:58
cyberangermorning vychune12:55
vychunehows it hanging12:55
cyberangernot too bad13:04
vychuneo/ wrst13:08
wrsthello vychune13:08
vychunebrb gotta clean sum13:09
Xpistosmorning all13:55
Xpistoscyberanger: Let me know when you have time for this sshfs/rsync deal13:56
=== Dan9186[MM] is now known as Dan9186
Xpistospace_t_zulu: you mean my firefox? Yes.14:28
cyberangerXpistos: ok, better now then15:23
Xpistosit was but started doing it this morning15:24
chris4585man I feel dumb, I've just spent 2hrs working on this http://pastebin.com/ynCHtATX18:46
chris4585but in the fruit of my labor I learned of dirname18:46
chris4585dragging and dropping can be really useful with files and launchers in unity18:49
pace_t_zuluchris4585: i am unfamiliar with dirname.... what is its functionality?19:29
XpistosHey pace_t_zulu, I need a solid. I am trying to setup an email back .sh file to run on cron but I havent' done this before.22:11
XpistosI think I have the syntax right, but not sure where to put it?22:11
Xpistos0 1 * * * root /usr/src/ oZimbraBackup_1.0.1/oZimbraBackup.sh22:11
XpistosI want this to run every night at 1 in the morning.22:12

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