
minion35plut0: thats the full size00:00
minion35KXTwo: whats the logic problem?00:00
plut0minion35: i haven't even partitioned it yet00:00
cybrhumanKXTwo: if it isn't too advanced I can give it a shot00:00
KXTwoits FAIRLY simple cybrhuman I should knwo how to do it but im drawing a blank00:00
cybrhumanKXTwo: then I will try :)00:01
ephedrandroxSo who's put ubuntu on their HTC? Direction?00:01
KXTwoI have an 9 element array that keeps the score of 9 holes of golf00:01
minion35plut0: I know but its the same with every drive.00:01
KXTwoI just need to know how to add the scores together00:01
KXTwofor loop is my instinct00:01
cybrhumanKXTwo: yup00:01
KXTwofor x 0 to 800:01
stanman246ephedrandrox, xda fora?00:02
plut0minion35: http://pastebin.com/M627WD5x00:02
cybrhumanfrom i =0 to i < 9 I would say00:02
ephedrandroxWell I got it rooted off thief00:02
KXTwothats about as far as I got lol00:02
cybrhumanKXTwo: which language?00:02
KXTwonext line maybe: totalScore = scoreArray[x] + scoreArray[x+1}00:03
KXTwothen x = 2  maybe00:03
KXTwoits just logic00:03
KXTwono lagunage00:03
KXTwono that wont work00:04
KXTwobecause total score will continue to be overwritten00:04
KXTwooh I got it00:04
KXTwototalScore = scoreArrray[x]00:04
brightsparkKXTwo: totalscore = totalscore + scorearray[x]00:04
KXTwoyep thats where I was thinking00:05
KXTwobefore the foreloop00:05
cybrhumantotal = 000:05
KXTwoor in declaratons declare totalscore = 000:05
KXTwothen for x 0 to 900:05
KXTwototalscore = totalscore = scorearray[x]00:05
KXTwobrightspark, thank you00:06
sirgadHi. I'm trying to set up a VPN server on Ubuntu. What's it called when you have a gateway that you connect to from public wifi to secure your data before sending to the general web?  Is that a VPN Gateway?00:06
KXTwotoo bad there wasnt a programming logic channel lol00:06
cybrhumandeclare it and initialize it to zero and add it up like that, assuming the second = should be + :)00:06
brightsparkKXTwo: no prob00:06
cybrhumanKXTwo: np :)00:06
KXTwothanks to everyone sorry00:07
KXTwohey when im finished would anyone mind reading my finished product and tell me what you think?00:07
multipasshey, anyone have recomendation on music players other than rythembox?00:08
cybrhumanKXTwo: if I am awake :) (I won't answer if I am not)00:08
aeon-ltdmultipass: mpd if you don't mind configuring, then with sonata as a gui frontend or ncmpcpp if you like cli00:08
Nisstyreyeah, ncmpcpp is the best00:08
Nisstyrempc is good too for quick access to mpd00:09
KXTwocybrhuman, im almost done00:09
KXTwoits just an edit I wanted to try myself for an old project00:09
cybrhumanmultipass: Amarok is usable again :) if you don't mind the qt loading00:09
multipassdoes it require a crazy ammount of dependencies if im using ubuntu?00:09
aeon-ltdmultipass: nope, iirc00:10
cybrhumanmultipass: amarok, kde-stuff at least00:10
psychoticdadwhy doesn't tcpdump run as nobody ;( it just runs as root!00:10
psychoticdadyou have to specify it with the -Z on 10.1000:10
multipassmy rythembox is using 350mb of ram which seems alot for a music player00:11
psychoticdadred hat was clever here and made a tcpdump user just for the purpose00:11
cybrhumanmultipass: amarok requires a huge load of deps... about 255 MB to get it in on my system ...00:12
multipasscybrhuman, 17.5MB to download, 59.1MB when installed00:13
multipassmaybe i have some of the kde stuff actually00:13
cybrhumanmultipass: you got KDE already?00:13
multipasswell i did try out Kate editor00:13
multipasswhich is KDE00:13
cybrhumanoh, yes00:13
sje46hey, how do you downlload just the package with apt-get, without installing it  I tried the -d option, but it said that was an invalid option00:13
plut0is there a way to see a 3tb drive on ubuntu 10.04? looks like i'm missing a kernel option, i can only see 2199gb00:14
multipassI also tried foobnix and deadbeef, they were decent..00:14
Nisstyremultipass, mpd has ~16 dependencies00:14
cybrhumanplut0: try calculating between KiB and KB and you'll see that that might be all the disk you have00:14
Nisstyreincluding sqlite and avahi00:15
plut0cybrhuman: disk size should say 3000gb not 2199gb00:15
plut0cybrhuman: i haven't partitioned it yet00:15
NisstyreANY program using 350 mbs of memory is ridiculous00:15
Nisstyreunless it's some kind of science program00:15
Nisstyreor media editing00:16
minion35Nisstyre: well thats media players in linux :(00:16
Nisstyreminion35, nope00:16
Nisstyreuse mpd + ncmpcpp00:16
itiliousif i'm using tightvncserver how can i know which port its running thru?00:16
itiliousso that i can tunnel the port in putty00:16
multipassim trying ncmcpp atm00:16
multipasswhats mpd?00:16
Nisstyremultipass, ncmpcpp is useless without mpd00:16
Nisstyrencmpcpp is just a client to mpd (Music Player Daemon)00:17
multipasso ok00:17
Nisstyreit works like a server/client architecture. Similar to Xorg.00:17
Nisstyreso you can control your music remotely, and from multiple clients00:17
multipassno ubuntu package for MPD?00:17
Nisstyrethere should be one00:18
demonsporkbackground music for everyone's tech support: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtPk5IUbdH000:18
plut0is there a way to see a 3tb drive on ubuntu 10.04? looks like i'm missing a kernel option, i can only see 2199gb00:18
=== INeedHelp is now known as ineedafreenick
cybrhumanplut0: how much do you expect to see? you do know that HDD manufacturers use KB=1000 bytes and most others count KB = 1024 bytes?00:21
ZykoticK9cybrhuman, you still wouldn't expect close to 1/3 of the drive to be missing...00:22
plut0cybrhuman: i think you're thinking of formatted size, the disk size should still state 3000tb00:22
plut0er 3000gb00:22
CannotTakeOwnersHello?  I can't see any chat00:23
Tornei'm booting ubuntu with a non-ubuntu kernel and i get a SEGV for plymouth on every boot. Boot seems to have succeeded though. ANy idea what's happening?00:23
ohsixTorne: drm/kms support in that kernel?00:24
multipassncmpc++ have a high learning curve?00:24
Torneohsix: not sure00:24
CannotTakeOwnersI can't take ownership of a root owned file; even though chown -v tells me I have00:24
Torneohsix: it should only be the text plymouth though i think.. i have a base install only00:24
Torneohsix: only ubuntu-standard00:24
CannotTakeOwnersCan anyone help me with taking ownership of a directory?00:25
Torneohsix: it does have drm, going by dmesg00:25
ohsixTorne: dunno brah, that was my short checklist of kernel things with plymouth00:26
Torneohsix: it doesn't have initrd/initramfs, though, which may be relevant to plymouth00:26
minion35CannotTakeOwners: whats the problem?00:26
TorneI am booting directly to the ubuntu rootfs00:26
ohsixTorne: relevant to a lot of things agh00:26
ohsixcreate one00:26
Torneohsix: kernel doesn't support it00:26
ohsixupdate-initramfs -k <your kernel> -c00:26
ohsixwell fix that00:26
Tornethis is a cr48 with the stock EFI bios00:27
Tornethere's no way to load an initrd/initramfs image00:27
Tornebecause, yaknow, no real bootloader.00:27
delkinI have sony vaio vpcf1. I installed ubuntu 10.10. My micro is not working when i speak in skype. Can someone help, please ?00:27
Tornei could build a kernel with initramfs embedded but that's a lot of effort given that it seems to work as it is, despite the weird crash00:27
plut0is there a way to see a 3tb drive on ubuntu 10.04? looks like i'm missing a kernel option, i can only see 2199gb00:27
minion35delkin: what microphone is it?00:27
ohsixif you can load a linux image you can load a grub image00:27
Torneohsix: Not true00:28
delkinminion35, i dont know00:28
CannotTakeOwnersThere seems to be more questiosn than answers on here... Can anyone help me take ownership of a directory, I have a very odd bug00:28
ohsixCannotTakeOwners: what bug?00:28
Torneohsix: the boot stub only has a partial implementation of EFI, it doesn't pass the required hardware descriptoins to make egrub work00:28
delkinminion35, how can i know?00:28
Torneohsix: or to boot an unpatched linux kernel.00:28
CannotTakeOwnersohsix, I go chown excels -v /media/filename00:28
Torneohsix: it can only boot chromeos's patched kernel ;)00:28
trihopeNoob question: I'm downloading the Ubuntu-restricted-extras, it popped up a End-User License Agreement, and there is an "<Ok>" at the bottom but I can't figure out how to continue with the installation. Help?00:29
CannotTakeOwnersthen I go ls -ld00:29
CannotTakeOwnersAnd it says its owned by root00:29
ohsixCannotTakeOwners: is /filename ntfs?00:29
CannotTakeOwnersohsix, its on virtualbox00:29
ohsixtrihope: hit tab00:29
minion35delkin: 10.10 apparently works with the mic00:29
trihopeohsix: thanks00:29
ohsixCannotTakeOwners: nonnative filesystems don't often support posix permissions00:29
CannotTakeOwnersSo... I don't know if its NTFS00:29
ohsixtrihope: depemding on your terminal emulator you can also click with the mouse :]00:30
CannotTakeOwnersum... so what am I supposed to do, ohsix00:30
codex84how u change your nick00:30
CannotTakeOwnerscodex, use /nick newnick00:31
brightsparkdelkin: check whether input devices are muted00:31
codex84oh register a new nick00:31
rcconfI sshed into the server added my user to sudoer then did a reboot... but it didnt restart00:31
rcconfmaybe that user doesnt have permission to reboot?00:31
rcconfor should i add nopasswd option?00:31
rcconf1m left of connection :P00:31
delkinbrightspark, in Soud Prefferences the check box for mute is not checked. But when I speak to the micro i cant see the bars moving.00:32
rcconfalmost diconnected00:32
delkinbrightspark, "bars" i mean 'Input Level'00:33
plut0is there a way to see a 3tb drive on ubuntu 10.04? looks like i'm missing a kernel option, i can only see 2199gb00:33
brightsparkdelkin: check if another mic in the dropdown works00:33
ohsixplut0: you need to use another partitioning scheme than mbr00:33
ohsixplut0: thats the limit with mbr00:34
brightsparkit did for me00:34
brightsparkdelkin: ^00:34
plut0ohsix: none of the partition tools recognize the disk as 3000gb, they state 2199gb instead00:34
plut0ohsix: before anything is even partitioned00:34
CannotTakeOwnersohsix:  So my virtualbox shared folder is permanently under root control?00:34
plut0is there a way to see a 3tb drive on ubuntu 10.04? looks like i'm missing a kernel option, i can only see 2199gb. http://pastebin.com/M627WD5x00:37
delkinbrightspark, from "Choose a device for sound input:"  i have only : "internal audio analog stereo"00:37
=== david is now known as Guest4718
delkinbrightspark, i also checked alsamixer, and every single bar is at max level00:38
Guest4718hello can anyone help me i need to get nvidia working on my laptop00:38
brightsparkdelkin: try in alsamixer then (run from terminal)00:38
themoebiuswhat can I do if a process just won't die even with kill -9?00:38
ohsixthemoebius: leave it, it's dead already, but you might want to figure out why00:39
minion35right im off. bye all.00:40
ohsixthemoebius: that usually happens when somethiing is stuck in a syscall; which is bad news00:40
delkinbrightspark, nothing seems to be working00:40
CannotTakeOwnersohsix:  I think something is broken with my OS, it just told me I'm very rich00:40
CannotTakeOwnersBecause my hd is 128 tb00:40
themoebiusohsix: I'm trying to unmount a file system because I suspect it has problems. But I can't unmount it because some phantom processes have open files for the past week00:40
CannotTakeOwnersPerhaps its because  of virtualbox's dynamically expanding storage thingy00:41
themoebiusohsix: you're probably right about it being stuck in syscall. What can I do without restarting?00:41
ShapeShifter499CannotTakeOwners, can I have one tb or that? lolz00:41
ShapeShifter499*of that00:41
ohsixthemoebius: umount with -f, or remount ro00:42
ohsixhope for the best00:42
plut0is there a way to see a 3tb drive on ubuntu 10.04? looks like i'm missing a kernel option, i can only see 2199gb. http://pastebin.com/M627WD5x00:42
brightsparkdelkin: sorry, out of ideas and need to go.  back later; if you're on i'll see you then00:42
CannotTakeOwnersoh wonderful.  I dragged my window into the taskbar.  How do I get it out?00:42
themoebiusohsix: umount -f still says Device is busy :(00:43
CannotTakeOwnersnvm, fixed it00:43
steinerwhat is the reason for my usb keyboard and mouse to randomly stop working, and then work when i plug them in again?00:44
CannotTakeOwnersOhsix, are you the only person helping here?  Sure seems like it :s00:44
sirgadCan someone tell me what would be required to set up a server that receives data over a secure tunnel (VPN) from devices attached through Public Wifi, and channels internet data on their behalf?00:44
ohsixi'm currently  not busy, that's about it00:45
ohsixsirgad: just installing the vpn server00:45
cryptopsyhow can i sync an ftp server with a local directory?00:45
=== DrM is now known as DrManhattan
BajKhm, how can I make recordmydesktop record the sound, for example when playing a game and such? and also capture sound from my usb headset?00:46
sirgad@ohsix: no offence, but are you sure? I set up a vpn server on my Mac for this purpose, and it only allowed access to the remote network, not the www.00:46
sirgadThere must be something else.00:46
delkin2nd question: I have sony vaio vpcf1. I installed ubuntu 10.10. How do I change the brightness? How do i bind it to keys?00:47
Maro__Could anyone tell me where the Network Manager config files are? I'd like to copy some settings from one PC to another rather than have to re-enter them manually, but can't find anywhere referencing the network connection file location(s)...00:48
* izinucs thinks irssi has got to have one of the worst man pages in existance.. 00:49
onoez_omghow it comes out that blacklisted nouveau module loads after reboot anyway?00:50
* rww has deja-vu00:50
histoizinucs: why?00:51
histoizinucs: there is /help in irssi00:51
dasbootcapitanHow can i get the install itunes to ubuntu00:52
=== nihil is now known as Guest58176
ctmjr!itunes | dasbootcapitan00:52
ubottudasbootcapitan: itunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee00:52
izinucshisto: /help has lots of commands.. I was just trying to figure out how to save a configuration with nick/password and open channels so the next time I start it up I don't have to manually enter anything.00:53
=== markin is now known as deko
histoizinucs: you add channels so they autojoin. Try /help channel01:00
histoizinucs: i've got mine set to identify with nickserv and join the channels I frequent.01:00
tripelbizinucs, i'll help but I just came in and if I can help with your client. -- I'm like histo01:01
histoizinucs: trying to remember where I added nick password in irssi01:02
tripelbizinucs, What program are you using to connect to irc???01:02
tripelbwhat is your client means the same thing izinucs01:02
histotripelb: he's using irssi01:02
* tripelb bows out, grinning.01:02
jioolI notice that on all linux distros the caps lock response is too slow. I dont have this problem on windows.... is there anything that can be done about this?01:03
izinucstripelb: irssi01:04
=== eliezer is now known as clik
sirgadHey. Can someone tell me what would be required to set up a server that receives data over a secure tunnel (VPN) from devices attached through Public Wifi, and channels internet data on their behalf?01:04
nmaxchatQuestion after switching from Windows to Linux. I understand Linux is safer. Do I or do I not need an anti virus ? A firewall ? Does one scan for viruses ever ?01:04
nerdy_kidany way to disable the underlined letters in Skypes menu?  (when you right click the tray icon)01:04
arandnmaxchat: In practice, linux is as safe, or safer, without a AV; than windows is with one. You may want to use one if you share files with unprotected windows machines though.01:05
izinucsnmaxchat: nope.. not really unless you need to make changes.. yes to help keep our friendly window users safe.. but I don't :)01:05
arand*desktop linux, rather, I guess01:07
nmaxchatarand, izinucs So when a bank says all their thing about having a firewall and an AV, what do I answer ?01:07
nmaxchatdj, hi01:08
=== dj is now known as Guest86512
sirgadmmaxchat: many banks will NOT cover you for internet fraud if you use internet banking but don't meet their security requirements, eg. supported browser and platform. Confirm with each bank before considering yourself covered.01:08
Guest86512i have install ubunto via virtualbox and i wont to use my wirless card as a wirless card onm ubunto01:08
Guest86512it is possible?01:08
sirgadmmaxchat: many do not cover linux users AT ALL, so dont be surprised.01:09
PolahGuest86512: Possibly. Knowing what card it is would help.01:09
nmaxchatsirgad, good advice thanks01:09
Guest86512intell 510001:09
arandnmaxchat: Whereas again, some banks advice you to run a linux distro liveCD to make sure your banking safely.01:09
Guest86512on lap top01:09
d_edGuest86512: if ubuntu is in virtualbox it doesn't need to know about the network card at all. Virtualbox will bridge it for you to a fake network card01:09
d_edso ubuntu will think it's connected via a wired connection to the host computer01:10
sirgad@arand: not the ones I banked with, unfortunately. :/01:10
PolahGuest86512, http://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_Desc.aspx?agr=Y&DwnldID=17045&lang=eng perhaps01:10
nmaxchatarand, " run a linux distro liveCD to make sure your banking safely" meaning ?01:10
KM0201now which version of xchat are you using?01:10
zeroedoutI'm adding an hp printer and it gives me two options under model- hpijs and hpcups. Does anyone know the difference between hpijs and hpcups?01:10
Polahnmaxchat: Boot temporarily from a clean LiveCD/USB to do your banking.01:10
nmaxchatPolah, I guess I''l just ask my bank ehat they want so I am covered01:11
arandnmaxchat: Doing banking from a liveCD ensures that you always have a clean environment to start out with, regardless of what may be on your harddisk.01:11
Guest86512ok i will try to download the fw01:11
nmaxchatarand, Thanks01:11
constlI've been receiving "dpkg: error processing language-selector-comm" with every install from Ubuntu Software Center. Any hints?01:11
sirgad@nmaxchat: trying looking at UCK to modify your LiveCD and tailor it more to your needs.01:12
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nmaxchatsirgad, will do Merci beaucoup01:12
sirgadlol de rien01:13
sirgadanyone recommend a Windows Server IRC channel?01:14
sirgadfinding nothing in Google01:14
chipmenki want to change the directory the pan newsreader uses for files it creates     how?01:14
izinucssirgad: they've all migrated to linux01:14
sirgadbut seriously01:14
gartral_sirgad: I say: when in Rome...01:14
izinucssirgad: you could ask in ##windows01:15
sirgadwill do, ta :)01:15
DiamondciteThat will probably point you to ##windows-server01:16
nduganI want to put in a simple keyboard macro... I notice that xbindkeys seems to do this (but isn't installed) is there a standard way to do this (i.e. some else that is installed)01:16
sirgadi asked in windows-sever, bit elitist and didn't like me using 2000/2003. gave me short shrift :/01:16
DiamondciteIt's.. 7 years old..01:16
sirgadyeah but i can geta free license legit01:16
izinucsbut still being used a lot01:17
DiamondciteThat's like asking for help with Ubuntu.. before it had names...01:17
izinucssirgad: are you learning it or using it for work or...?01:17
SnappleseedHello everyone, here on my win 7 computer while I try to get my wireless adapter to work on my newly installed ubuntu. Apparently I'm using a broadcom chip, BCM4318 with a PCI-ID 14e4:4319, and I've got the b43-fwcutter tool for use on extraction of driver codes from windows XP drivers. But I don't know where to go from here, how to use it on the drivers, or where to find them for my chip.01:18
sirgadi'm just trying to set up a home server to as a secure proxy.01:18
cryptopsywhy does ubuntu suck ?01:18
Diamondcitesirgad: It's off topic to your decision.. but this channel would probably gladly teach you how to do that in Linux ^_^01:18
izinucssirgad: use linux01:18
godzirraKhisanth: So I was wrong... SSH didn't suddenly start working yesterday..  I can now ssh into my router when I connect to my domain name. :/01:18
izinucs!proxy | sirgad01:19
ubottusirgad: Several Ubuntu channels prohibit access from open proxies and other anonymous connections due to a high level of abuse. The supported ways to hide your IP address on freenode are to use !Tor or get a !cloak01:19
SnappleseedI have tried to follow the instructions on this page, and even read the FAQ, but it is too advanced for me mostly.01:19
godzirraWhen I turned off SSH management on the router, it suddenly stopped letting me connect.01:19
sirgad@ Snappleseed: it's actually to act as a sevrer to secure connections to the web from public wifi01:19
Diamondcitecryptopsy: To answer your question.. they suck because.. ... ... They are straying too far ahead of certain standards which makes them a little harder to work with for certain older apps?01:19
Snappleseedsirgad: so how would i get my wireless adapter that's built into the laptop to work on ubuntu01:20
Diamondcitesirgad: I think I do that quite often.. I just use an SSH tunnel ^_^01:20
DiamondciteSnappleseed: Please be more specific like what is your built in wifi?01:21
austinhey guys, i've been using ubuntu for about a week now after reinstalling, and I just can't get the game Global Agenda to run... would anyone be able to help me out?01:21
Snappleseedit's called a  Dell WLAN 1370 Mini-PCI, for a Dell Inspiron 1300.01:21
godzirraKhisanth: huh.  Nevermind.01:21
alphaI can connect to a remote computer using ssh. I would like to enable a remote desktop environment, how do I do that? Currently, when connecting using "remote desktop viewer", I only see a shell, no GUI01:21
sirgadsorry snapple, i replied to the wrong person :)01:21
izinucsSnappleseed: in terminal type .. sudo lspci .. and the output will typically have info on your wireless card.. it won't say dell however01:22
sirgad@Diamondcite: SSH tunnels can't be used in this fashio from an iPhone, though.01:22
Diamondcitesirgad: I see that can be an issue.. I have a netbook + 3G usb stick, no iphone =P01:23
Snappleseedizinucs: I it says for Nework Controller: Broadcom Corp. BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 01)01:24
KM0201trihope: test01:24
DiamondciteSnappleseed: Do you see anywhere on the top that says additional drivers? It should be offering to 'Activate' a broadcom-sta driver...01:24
GeO`hey guys01:25
sirgadAll I'm trying to do is: iPhone > Public WiFi > VPN > Home server > Interwebz.  How do I do that?01:25
GeO`Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on01:25
GeO`none                  7.9G  7.4G  473M  95% /dev01:25
SnappleseedNo Diamondcite, I don't see anything like that.01:25
GeO`tho I can't find anything big in /dev, what's the matter ?01:25
izinucsSnappleseed: follow Diamondcite advice.. he's more conversant in wireless then me01:25
DiamondciteSnappleseed: Have a look at System -> Administration -> Additional Drivers ??01:25
MaRk-ISnappleseed: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#Installing b43 drivers01:26
Diamondciteizinucs: Unfortunately I don't have a dell, this is just leftover knowledge =P01:26
SnappleseedDownload package indexes failed, please check your network status. Most drivers will not be available. then the window says No Proprietary drivers are in use on this system01:27
izinucsDiamondcite: he listed the card to me in a line above.. it's not made by dell.  BCM431801:27
GeO`someone can help me please ?01:27
DiamondciteSnappleseed: Can you temporarily hook up to a wired connection?01:27
SnappleseedI can't, actually. I only have wireless taken from the library next door.01:28
Diamondciteizinucs: I only have Ath5k and Ath9k chips..01:28
SnappleseedI've been out of money for a fair bit now.01:28
plut0i fixed my 3tb drive issue, i needed a firmware update01:28
ohsixplut0: for the controller?01:28
izinucsDiamondcite: and I'm brain dead when it comes to wireless that "just doesn't work"..01:28
DiamondciteSnappleseed: So how are you ONLINE right now?01:28
plut0ohsix: actually it was a usb enclosure01:29
ohsixah, nice01:29
j_dulaneyAlright, I've got 10.10, using Fluxbox, and I keep having to unlock the keyring01:29
SnappleseedSo how, other than hooking up to the internet, can I obtain the relevant firmware? Diamondcite: I'm online on my Windows 7 HP, on a seperate computer.01:29
plut0lucky me :)01:29
ohsixSnappleseed: get the debs you think you'll need then venture over to the dark side01:29
DiamondciteIs the laptop in question and the connected one too different systems? Consider using a crossover network cable to share the connection?01:30
Snappleseedwhat dark side?01:30
j_dulaneyIt is most annoying when I click on the auto-remember on login option and it is ignored01:30
DiamondciteSnappleseed: Okay I need more info.. 64 or 32bit for the ubuntu? Also which version?01:30
SnappleseedI'm not sure exactly how that would work, i've never done it before. An ethernet cable will do?01:30
izinucsSnappleseed: packages.ubuntu.com have all the programs in the repos.. you just need to know what package(s) you need, download to a usb stick and move it to the ubuntu computer01:30
Snappleseed32bit ubuntu, 10.10 i think?01:30
SnappleseedI'm not sure how to figure out what package I would need.01:31
MaRk-ISnappleseed: the broadcom help page tells you how to install with no internet access01:31
DiamondciteSnappleseed: Download this package? http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/broadcom-sta-common01:31
j_dulaneyI guess no one is going to help me01:32
kuromarublender.org :/01:32
Diamondcitej_dulaney: Annoying is a less important problem at the moment.. and the type of login isn't specified.01:33
macoj_dulaney: do your keyring password and login password match? and are you logging in by *actually typing your password* or autologin?01:33
Guest18105hi evry1!01:33
Guest18105i have question about 10.04 server. What kind of web GUI do you prefer? (now i use ispconfig for web server ) but i think it's too simple.01:33
j_dulaneymaco:  Yes, and type in my password01:33
kuromaruhello world :O01:34
macokuromaru: could you please skip to the part where you ask a tech support question?01:34
=== Jon__ is now known as Jonii2
izinucsGuest18105: "web gui" and server ... hummm.. most linux servers don't have a gui.. and which type of server? web, print, ftp etc??01:34
MaRk-IGuest18105: might try #ubuntu-server01:34
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Guest18105MaRK-i: thx i'll try01:35
MaRk-IGuest18105: yw01:35
j_dulaneymaco:  What is the name of the keyring software, and where does it keep its options file?01:35
macoj_dulaney: seahorse01:36
StuckMojohi. i've got a problem updating/installing language-selector-common: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 201:36
StuckMojowhere can i see the output of that script?01:36
SnappleseedDiamondcite: that website doesn't follow what I usually do to download files. How exactly would I download that using windows?01:36
macoj_dulaney: i dont know where its config is. i'd guess gconf01:36
StuckMojoi.e. how can i debug the issue?01:36
j_dulaneymaco:  Righteo, thanks01:36
izinucsSnappleseed: right mouse click save as.. probably01:36
Guest18105iziuncs WEB gui. for faster work. U don't nead ssh or anything else just a browser01:36
izinucsGuest18105: to control what kind of server? apache?01:37
Jonii2So, one day, without me changing anything, grubs Timer to auto boot linux disappeared. Now i can't boot linux, it sends me straight to busybox after giving me this error: "mount: mounting /proc on /root/pro failed: No such file or directory."  Some other errors follow, but they look like they are based on this first one.01:37
Jonii2any ideas?01:37
Snappleseedalso, using the ethernet as a common connection between computers doesn't seem to be working, Auto eth0 is the network that comes up, but it keeps failing to connect.01:37
Guest18105iziuncs: yes for apache01:37
brightsparkStuckMojo: a bug was filed and a fix has been committed IIRC01:37
gartral_Snappleseed: you may need too make a crossover cable01:37
micromI need to install juniper network "ncsvc" program from a package called ncui, but I don't know where to find it01:38
StuckMojobrightspark: yeah i expected that, but I'm curious how to see the output01:38
DiamondciteSnappleseed: Here are links and 2 dependencies, I  REALLY hope you have the rest. http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/all/broadcom-sta-common/download     http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/all/module-assistant/download     http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/all/quilt/download01:38
StuckMojobrightspark: besides digging around and running it by hand...isn't it logged somewhere?01:38
StuckMojobrightspark: this is more of a general question now about how dpkg works01:38
izinucsGuest18105: http://www.webmaster-forums.net/server-management/apache-gui-ubuntu01:38
DiamondciteJonii2: Did you add/remove any physical drives?01:38
Guest18105thx i whatc theme01:39
brightsparkStuckMojo: then your guess is as good as mine01:39
StuckMojobrightspark: ;)01:39
j_dulaneymaco:  I'm getting all sorts of 'Error creating directory, permission denied' errors, so I'm going to try to find where it's trying to create a directory01:39
nsdDoes anyone know how to change the behavior of empathy so that it doesn't snap the cursor to the window when I receive a message?01:39
Jonii2Diamondcite: No, that was my first reaction, but we haven't changed anything hardware wise, except i plugged in and xbox controller. Problem occurs with the controller in our out01:39
Snappleseed!ping FloodBot101:39
StuckMojobrightspark: i remember i figured it out once way back when on debian sid, but i've long since forgotton01:39
ohsixgartral_: just about anything made in the last 10 years is auto switching01:40
gartral_ohsix: you'ed be surprised.01:40
ohsixi probably would01:41
gartral_i have 3 gigabyte boards, each has 2 nic ports, all of them are non-auto switching.01:41
ChubcorpIs there substitute for poulsbo? It doesn't seem to let me play video off of the HDD.01:41
gartral_they were bought last year01:41
DiamondciteJonii2: Maybe you can boot a livecd/usb and see if any new /dev/sd* devices showed up?01:41
DiamondciteJonii2: Another thing the liveCD offers the the ability to boot from the first drive.. assuming that can get past grub on the HD..01:42
Jonii2Diamondcite: how would i know if they are new? I have windows on here, but I don't remember what /dev/sd was on there before01:42
Jonii2Diamondcite: i can get past grub, its just ubuntu that won't work01:42
DiamondciteJonii2: How many physical drives do you have?01:42
DiamondciteJonii2: If it's busy box, then it's not past grub yet..01:43
gartral_Jonii2: and have you resized any partitions recently?01:43
Jonii2Diamondcite: 1 hard drive  1(maybe 2?) CD drives, 1 floppy01:43
Jonii2but i don't know if the floppy is in01:43
ohsixDiamondcite: if it's busybox it's still running the initramfs, but grub is done already01:43
Jonii2i haven't resized any partitions01:43
witeshark so i have a question about elevated privileges from update manager: if the icon does not turn off in panel, the elevation is still present right?01:43
Jonii2yeah i get (initramfs)01:43
Jonii2and i can type stuff it01:43
Jonii2and grub boots to windows just fine01:43
gartral_Jonii2: sounds likr your drive that has Ubuntu on it is hosed.01:44
Jonii2gartral_: its the same drive that windows is on, just a different partition01:44
DiamondciteJonii2: Did you do a kernel update recently?01:44
ohsixwiteshark: you mean the key? it just means while its there additional prompts will automatically succeed01:44
SnappleseedDiamondcite: okay, downloaded and installed the driver, thanks a lot. now to just see if it works, should I re-boot or something?01:44
ohsixwiteshark: which is usually desirable, but the icon is in the tray so you can click it and lock it up tight again immediately01:45
DiamondciteSnappleseed: it's recommended to reboot yes.01:45
Jonii2Diamondcite: not that i know of, but maybe, i tried booting the old kernel with the grub menu though, it did the same thing01:45
witesharkohsix, okay thanks01:45
DiamondciteJonii2: If you can ever get it to boot fully. I might suggest re-installing one of the kernels? It feels like grub was interrupted..01:46
Jonii2Diamondcite: I can get it to boot fully only into windows01:46
ohsixor the initramfs id damaged01:46
Jonii2does that count?01:46
ohsixJonii2: how big is your /boot partition? or is it part of/01:46
Jonii2all of ubuntu is on one partition, home, boot, and /01:47
DiamondciteJonii2: Not really.. but I don't have enough time to go into great detail at the moment..01:47
Jonii2Diamondcite:  ok01:47
j_dulaneyOk, I'm thinking that part of the problem is that the coffee shop I'm at is constantly changing the wireless security code.01:47
Jonii2Diamondcite: so in other words my computer is dead and i get to reinstall everything again?01:49
charliei am new to xubuntu01:50
DiamondciteJonii2: Assuming you didn't get hurt by extremely room shortage.. a liveCD/USB can rescue any ubuntu system with the use of a 'chroot'. But I don't have time for this.01:50
Jonii2Diamondcite: ok i'll try that01:50
bonnyhow do i enable partner repository01:50
DiamondciteJonii2: The basic idea is to chroot into the HDD and re-install a kernel to trigger grub again to see what happens01:51
SnappleseedDiamondcite: everything is working now. Thank you very much!01:51
DiamondciteSnappleseed: Great to hear it ^_^01:51
SnappleseedI've got to head off to bed now, thanks again. See you.01:51
cryptopsyhow to sync two ftp severs?01:52
bonnyhow do i add sun-java to the repositories01:53
izinucsbonny: it's in the partner repo.. just enable that01:53
Jordan_UJonii2: You should be able to get to the grub menu by holding shift during boot.01:53
ohziecryptopsy: You could rsync01:53
Jonii2Jordan_U: I can get the grub menu, thats not an issue01:54
nduganI am looking for a way to get a key (e.g. shift F1) to type out a sequence of characters (e.g. "This is some text") can this be done?01:54
cryptopsyohzie: no you can't01:55
Jordan_UJonii2: Ahh, I misunderstood your initial comment in the channel. Just so you know, the automatic timeout was disabled *because* it was detected that Ubuntu wasn't booting successfully.01:55
cryptopsyrsync is its own protocol01:55
cryptopsyohzie: you don't know what you're talking about01:55
Jordan_UJonii2: Have you tried booting an older kernel?01:55
Jonii2Jordan_U: ahh ok that makes more sense, but i'm still stuck :P01:55
Jonii2Jordan_U: yep, same thing01:56
Jonii2fail at (initramfs)01:56
ohziecryptopsy: I use rsync to sync my ftp servers. :|01:56
ohziecryptopsy: I don't use the FTP protocol to do it01:56
ohziecryptopsy: you can install rsync on an ftp server and it still works01:56
cryptopsythat's because rsync is running on both servers01:56
ohziecryptopsy: Right01:57
cryptopsyexactly, now put 2 and 2 together01:57
ohziecryptopsy: I don't understand why you can't sync your servers with rsync01:57
Jordan_UJonii2: What is the output of "cat /proc/partitions" from the initramfs shell?01:58
ohziecryptopsy: I feel like you possibly misunderstood my suggestion.01:58
cryptopsybecause not all ftp servers are running rsync daemon, ssh daemon01:58
cryptopsyno i didn't misunderstand, you're the one who's jumping to the nearest possible assumption because you don't know how to do it any other way01:58
Jonii2Jordan_U: I'll be back in 5 minutes with an answer :)01:58
ohziecryptopsy: I was offering assistance. If my suggestion doesn't work for you, I'm sorry. Don't try to invalidate my help just because it doesn't apply to you. O_o01:59
orugamanhola a todos02:00
orugamanhi all02:00
kurochanubunchuw :$02:00
orugamani have a problem with my via thechnologies vga onboard drivers02:01
orugamani download a driver from the web02:01
izinucsorugaman: you aint the only one.. most do02:01
orugamanbut i dont know how install02:01
aaron_wayneok, i have a network, is there a way to increase the speed of a download, or to dedicate a certain amount of bandwidth to a download?02:01
aaron_waynenetwork question*02:02
cryptopsyyour help doesn't apply to anyone asking the question i asked02:02
orugamanizinucs, but i had the solution but i dont remember how install this driver02:02
orugamancose i reinstall ubuntu02:02
izinucsaaron_wayne: priority for that type of thing is sometimes done in your router.. for large legal downloads sometimes torrents help alot02:02
izinucsorugaman: sorry I don't know02:03
frybyewhat to do when setting up new mail account in evoloution and need to give it the password right there on settin up - (otherwise it freezes on trying to access the new account before I get the window asking for the pw.?)02:03
Jonii2Hey i'm back Jordan_U02:03
bonnydoes ubuntu server support lubuntu because i asked a question in lubuntu and its been 6 hours an d no one has answer :|02:03
orugamanif i show u the file02:03
orugamancan u explain me how install it?02:03
orugamanim new in linux02:03
kurochanhmm... usb_modeswitch didn't work well02:03
Jonii2Jordan_U: it gave me a table, no errors, do you want me to type out the table?02:03
orugamanthe other time i found a tutorial but now02:03
orugamani cant find02:04
aaron_wayneizinucs, well, i am trying to download frostwire, and normally my rate is up around 700-800kb or so, i am pulling excellent speed on the downside right now, 6m, but trying to download that my rate is like under 10k, i dont know whats up, its taking for ever to download a 6.3mb file02:04
orugamanthis is the file02:04
IKSSEis there anyone experienced with ubuntu 10.10 on the thinkpad T43? if so can you query me for a few questions02:04
orugamanfor a cn896+vt8251 plataform02:04
Jordan_UJonii2: Just the last column, and a picture works as well. Basically I'm wondering if your root filesystem's partition is being detected at all. The next step would be to try to mount it from the initramfs shell.02:05
izinucsaaron_wayne: has to do with the servers you're connected to.. why frostwire? you have a torrent app built in that's pretty good02:05
orugamananybody can helpme?02:05
Jonii2sda, sda1, sda2, sda3, sda4, sda502:05
Jordan_U!helpme | orugaman02:06
ubottuorugaman: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude02:06
aaron_wayneizinucs, not very familiar with it, do u recommend what comes installed or is there a better one out there?02:06
Jonii2thats the last column02:06
izinucsaaron_wayne: you on unity?02:06
Jordan_UJonii2: Do you know off hand which of those would be your root filesystem?02:06
orugamanim doing that02:06
aaron_wayneizinucs, nope maverick, but still running gnome02:06
orugamanhow install via technologies vga drivers?02:06
orugamani have the file downloaded alrready02:07
izinucsaaron_wayne: transmission is the default torrent program that's installed.. I've never really had an issue with it.02:07
Jonii2er, uh, no.  I believe windows and windows recovery are the first to though02:07
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aaron_wayneizinucs, k, i will check that out, any other idea with the download issue, while that is my current problem, i have run into it before and never really understood why i have a 6m downstream but cant actually download at that, you say it should be setting in router?02:08
ubbonebHi all! Just installed Ubuntu 10.10 Netbook Remix on my PackardBell DOTS2 netbook: everything work fine! :D Just wanted to know 2 things: A) why Unity DE is slow and default GNOME runs more smoothly?; B) I'd like to have a launcher on Unity dock from where I can click on it and mount my windows partition (*not auotomount at boot*, but I want to click on it, insert my pwd and then get the partition mounted on my choosen path: /home/MY_U02:08
MaRk-Iorugaman: unpack the file then in terminal go to the "utilities" folder and type ./install  it will ask you if you're using ubuntu 10.10 select it02:09
izinucsaaron_wayne: you could be choked by your isp.. lots of them don't like torrents02:09
orugamani want to learn how install a drivers downloaded for  a via thechnologies vga onboard02:09
aaron_wayneizinucs, well, this isnt a torrent, just a regular old download through a browser02:10
orugamanthanks mark02:10
ubbonebHi all! Just installed Ubuntu 10.10 Netbook Remix on my PackardBell DOTS2 netbook: everything work fine! :D Just wanted to know 2 things: A) why Unity DE is slow and default GNOME runs more smoothly?; B) I'd like to have a launcher on Unity dock from where I can click on it and mount my windows partition (*not auotomount at boot*, but I want to click on it, insert my pwd and then get the partition mounted on my choosen path: /home/MY_U02:10
izinucsaaron_wayne: then it's server related.. maybe someone else on your LAN is playing xbox, streaming video,music etc ??02:10
orugamani try and come to tell if this work02:11
aaron_wayneizinucs, nah, cant be that, no one else on here but me, and i ran speedtest, shouldnt be any traffic issues, stats look real good, low ping times and pullin about 6m down02:11
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Jordan_UJonii2: From a LiveCD, could you run boot info script as explained here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and pastebin the RESULTS.txt?02:11
chipmenki want to change the directory the pan newsreader uses for files it creates  can anyone help me create the link...02:12
IKSSEim running 10.10 on an intel based thinkpad T43 with 2gb ram but anything invilving video seems sluggish. nothing as far as proprietary drivers to download so im at a loss for what to do02:12
Jonii2Jordan_U: ok i can try that, but its getting late here.  hopefully you will be on tommorow?02:12
izinucsaaron_wayne: then it has to be the server you're connected to for the download..02:12
ultrixxhi i have a program that is startet at runlevel 3 on startup. i want to change it so that it gets started, when computer is runlevel 502:12
ultrixxhow can i do that?02:13
Jordan_UJonii2: I don't know.02:13
aaron_wayneizinucs, k, thats cool, i have one more question for you if you dont mind02:13
banisterfiendhey guys, i just bought a macbook air 11" and i'd like to instal linux on it and dual boot to both linux and macosx02:13
Jonii2Jordan_U: ok hopefully someone else can help me later than02:13
banisterfienddo i just procede exactly as i would if i was installing linux on a windows system?02:14
banisterfiendor is ther something extra i should know about?02:14
MaRk-Iorugaman: yes?02:14
orugamanwhere i must tu unpack the file?02:14
aaron_wayneizinucs, actually, nevermind, i appreciate the help, i can probably find some info for this, thanks :)02:14
MaRk-Iwhere ever is easier for you, home, downloads as long as you know where it is02:14
MaRk-Iorugaman:  ^^^^02:15
banisterfiendanyone know?02:15
orugamanbash: ./install: No existe el archivo o directorio02:15
izinucsaaron_wayne: yep..np02:16
orugamani cant02:16
MaRk-Iorugaman: are you inside the utilities folder already?02:16
nit-witbanisterfiend, I would find a mac channel it is a bit tricky02:17
ubbonebHi all! Just installed Ubuntu 10.10 Netbook Remix on my PackardBell DOTS2 netbook: everything work fine! :D Just wanted to know 2 things: A) why Unity DE is slow and default GNOME runs more smoothly?; B) I'd like to have a launcher on Unity dock from where I can click on it and mount my windows partition (*not auotomount at boot*, but I want to click on it, insert my pwd and then get the partition mounted on my choosen path: /home/MY_U02:17
MaRk-Iorugaman:  no02:17
MaRk-Igo inside the first folder you get when you unpack02:18
landonwoAnyone know how to view dhcp tables when using dhcp3?02:18
orugamanmm ok02:18
banisterfiendnit-wit: i did and they said i should come here02:18
MaRk-Iorugaman: cd /
nit-witbanisterfiend, well thats not helpful it it. ;) There is a apple section at the Ubuntu Forums I would look over there and maybe post.02:19
landonwoAnyone know how to view dhcp tables when using dhcp3?02:19
nit-witbanisterfiend, http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?s=98b4fd8c92b6d4313d85d4fa4a8249ce&f=32802:20
MaRk-Iorugaman: open the "via install user guide" it's a word document tells you how to install02:20
IKSSEim running 10.10 on an intel based thinkpad T43 with 2gb ram but anything involving video seems sluggish. nothing as far as proprietary drivers to download so im at a loss for what to do02:21
folivoraups :D02:21
orugamanim trying02:21
ubbonebHi all! Just installed Ubuntu 10.10 Netbook Remix on my PackardBell DOTS2 netbook: everything work fine! :D Just wanted to know 2 things: A) why Unity DE is slow and default GNOME runs more smoothly?; B) I'd like to have a launcher on Unity dock from where I can click on it and mount my windows partition (*not auotomount at boot*, but I want to click on it, insert my pwd and then get the partition mounted on my choosen path: /home/MY_U02:22
landonwoAnyone know how to view dhcp tables when using dhcp3?02:22
nduganI am looking for a way to get a key (e.g. shift F1) to type out a sequence of characters (e.g. "This is some text") can this be done?02:24
trismndugan: xdotool type 'this is some text'; (you'll need to install xdotool)02:25
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems.02:25
maoxian help02:25
Logan_!ask | maoxian02:26
ubottumaoxian: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:26
orugaman-------- Begin to install VIA Display Utility 2.2 ----------02:27
orugamanWhich OS do you use ?02:27
orugaman1. Ubuntu 10.1002:27
orugaman2. SLED 11 SP102:27
FloodBot2orugaman: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:27
landonwoAnyone know how to view dhcp tables when using dhcp3?02:27
orugamani press 1 and the terminal close02:28
MaRk-Iorugaman: ok no go back with: cd ..02:28
MaRk-Igo to the first folder /
orugamani think is a different file u have02:29
MaRk-Iorugaman: I downloaded the one you posted, make up your mind02:29
orugaman /Escritorio/$02:30
banisterfiendhow do i make a window full screen?02:30
orugamanhere i am02:30
banisterfiendwhen i click 'maximize' it is not full screen02:30
MaRk-Iorugaman:  oke type: sudo ./vinstall         and follow the instructions carefully02:30
ndugantrism, ok.. I am having a look atm... thanks02:31
IanWizardbanisterfiend,  E?02:31
IanWizardbanisterfiend, what WM?02:32
orugamanyes it works02:32
landonwoAnyone know how to view dhcp tables when using dhcp3?02:32
orugamanbut the vinstall is in the other folder inside the with the same name02:32
orugamanthere is the problem jeje02:32
orugamani said done02:33
orugamaninstall the via driver!02:33
banisterfiendIanWizard: macosx02:33
tjiggi_fobanisterfiend, F1102:33
orugamannow i restart the system to take a look02:33
orugamanthanks mark-i02:33
MaRk-Iorugaman: yw02:34
MaRk-Iorugaman: next time when you download something, most of them include "readme " or "install" files read them first02:34
KimmagIs it normal that "Running after-installation menu" (95%) takes long time during install ?02:34
IanWizardbanisterfiend, then why are you asking here?02:35
orugamani will do!02:35
MaRk-Iorugaman: cheers y suerte02:35
orugamangracias amigo!02:36
ubbonebHi all! Just installed Ubuntu 10.10 Netbook Remix on my PackardBell DOTS2 netbook: everything work fine! :D Just wanted to know 2 things: A) why Unity DE is slow and default GNOME runs more smoothly?; B) I'd like to have a launcher on Unity dock from where I can click on it and mount my windows partition (*not auotomount at boot*, but I want to click on it, insert my pwd and then get the partition mounted on my choosen path: /home/MY_U02:36
freaky[t]hi all. is it possible to start the alternate installer from within a normal cd?02:37
KimmagIs it normal that "Running after-installation menu" (95%) takes long time during install ?02:38
ohsixubboneb: you can change the volume name if you want to change the mount point02:38
ohsixubboneb: oh, nevermind; you said out of /media02:39
freaky[t]can i resize partitions with the alternate installer CD?02:39
ubbonebohsix: yep02:39
L4nce0hey all, so I'm trying to run a make file, and just parse out the errors. I'm trying make all | grep 'error' and it's just printing all02:39
ohsixubboneb: you can do what you want but nothing is going to make it as nice as the stuff that labels and puts it in /media02:40
van7huhello, is there a case when I do dhclient, I receive a DHPACK from an IP that I could not ping to it?02:40
KimmagHOw long does " running post-installation trigger menu " last?02:40
ubbonebohsix: no problems; what I want is a launcher in Unity tha can me mount the partition with pwd request02:41
ohsixif you can find out how to add a launcher; gksudo mount ... should suffice02:41
ohsixthe password doesn't really serve any purpose, you can make the mount point mountable by users02:42
ubbonebohsix: can't find the way to add a launcher to unity! :p02:42
ubboneband I *need* pwd request to mount 'cause i want a *safe* mounting02:43
ohsixi don't know what an unsafe mounting is and why the password gets you a safe mounting02:43
sunziis it possible to to have certain application open on certain workspaces from startup?02:43
ubbonebohsix: 'cause I don't want accidental mounting with simply click on the launcher02:45
kukuNutwill maverick firefox ever get to 4.x or stay at 3.x?02:46
L4nce0any ideas?02:46
L4nce0or is there a shell scripting room?02:46
ohsixubboneb: i see02:46
ohsixkukuNut: it will stay at 3.x, but getting 4 to run on it is not difficult02:46
MaRk-I!ff4 | kukuNut02:47
ubottukukuNut: Firefox 4 is the current stable version of Firefox. Current versions of Ubuntu do not have it (see !latest), but there is an unofficial and unsupported PPA that you can use by running the following command: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install firefox02:47
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE02:48
L4nce0.... hello?02:49
L4nce0I just need help with a grep command >_>02:49
nit-witkukuNut, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/03/firefox-4-ppa-for-ubuntu-10-04-and-10-10-users/02:49
rumpe1sunzi, maybe this: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/07/25/how-to-set-default-workspace-size-and-window-effects-in-gnome/02:51
trismL4nce0: errors will be on stderr, pipe is usually just stdout, but you can try: make all 2>&1 | grep 'error'; to redirect stderr to stdout first, then pipe02:51
L4nce0thanks trisw02:51
L4nce0thanks trism~02:52
Jordan_UL4nce0: command |& grep error02:52
micromanyone using the juniper network VPN? I need the ncui package but somehow it's not trivial to find02:52
L4nce0Jordan_U: worked like a charm! |& means stderr?02:53
Jordan_UL4nce0: It means to pipe both stdout and stderr of the preceeding command into stdin of the command following.02:54
ksbalajiI've a text file with extn .pmd to view. OO cannot open it. Guide please02:55
rumpe1ksbalaji, sure it's a text file? whats the error message?02:55
ksbalajirumpe1, unable to open02:56
ksbalajiI also used document viewer. same result02:57
rumpe1ksbalaji, well... there could be a number of reasons for "unable to open"... e.g. permissions02:57
izinucsksbalaji: what was the doc made with?02:57
ksbalajirumpe1, This file, I think is made with page maker?02:58
rumpe1ksbalaji, don't know pagemaker, but again: sure, it's a textfile?02:59
ksbalajiizinucs, The sender told it should be pagemaker.02:59
izinucsksbalaji: if it's made with page maker then it's not a text file.. perhaps scribus or inkscape can import it.02:59
ksbalajirumpe1, The sender told it contains document.02:59
rumpe1ksbalaji, a textfile is a file, which only contains text03:00
ksbalajiizinucs, I tried scribus. It could not open. It is not corrupted. I shall try with inskscape.03:00
GeekManim building a program and i get this message when i run cmake ........................       CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/FindBoost.cmake:894 (message): Unable to find the requested Boost libraries. any ideas03:00
ksbalajirumpe1, Sorry. I mean - a document file.03:01
freezwayGeekMan, u need the boost libs03:01
izinucsksbalaji: the other option is to have your friend xport it from page maker in postscript or .eps .. that is if he created it... those file types will import into scribus03:01
freezwaylook in synaptic for boost libraries03:01
irulehow many gigabytes are transfered by dd from hard drive to hard drive? both are 5400 something03:02
GeekManhow do i get them? freezway03:02
Jordan_Uirule: It depends on what options you passed to dd.03:02
GeekManoh ...03:02
freezwayGeekMan, uh, im on arch, i dont have pat on this comp, but open synaptic and look for lib-boost or something like that03:02
freezwaysystems > administration > synaptic i think03:02
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GeekManyeah yeah03:02
iruleJordan_U no options, just if and of03:03
Aurigafreezway, Are you proficient in Arch?03:03
Jordan_Uirule: if and of are options :)03:04
freezwayAuriga, meh, proficient enough to use it03:04
iruledd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb03:04
ksbalajiizinucs, unfortunately, my friend did not create this .pmd file and cannot convert it.03:04
Aurigafreezway, Lol, I know that feeling, which WM are you using?03:04
Jordan_Uirule: That will copy as many GiB as the smaller of the two drives. dd is a bit for bit copy.03:04
freezwayAuriga, xfce03:04
gartral_irule: dd is short for "Data Dump" btw03:05
ksbalajiizinucs, rumpe1 is there an application to view .pmd files?03:05
iruleJordan_U yes I know that, but I am copying a 15 GB partition and did not specify the partition number so now I have to guess the time it takes for the whole partition to go through303:05
kassiusirssi is really fun 8)03:05
iruleand not wait for the 80 gigs to be over haha03:06
GeekMani think it might work now thanks03:06
Aurigafreezway, That was a simple install? Any time I try to install anything other Gnome, on it's own. I run into problems.03:06
kassiusAnyone know if it is possible to use widescreen at real console?03:06
freezwayAuriga, yeah. pretty simple, just follow the wiki for it03:07
ksbalajiizinucs, rumpe1 inkskape also cannot view this file.03:07
ayrtonhey guys whats the newest intel driver version?03:07
freezwaykassien, you have nvidia/ati right?03:07
Aurigafreezway, Yeah the documentation is awesome, though I still run into issues. lol.03:07
freezwayayrton, whatevers in 2.6.3803:07
freezwaythats what #archlinux is for Auriga03:07
Jordan_Uirule: Please explain in detail your situation and your end goal. The command you gave will read bits from /dev/sda and write then to /dev/sdb untill it runs out of bits to read from or write to.03:08
freezwaykassien, there is, but its extremely complex and annoying, i'd avoid it.03:08
Correnif I was running 5-10 simultaneous vms for virtualizing my production environment, what kind of hardware would you think is reasonable?03:08
ayrtonfreezway i successfully installed kernel
Correnfor functional, not perf testing03:08
ayrtonso im using a different driver?03:08
freezwayayrton, congrats, you have the lastest driver03:08
ksbalajiIs there a reader for pagemaker pmd extn files in ubuntu please?03:08
kassiusfreezway, do you know any site that explains how to it?03:09
ayrtonfreezway i tried glxgears before update and after but there the same03:09
GeekManUnable to find the requested Boost libraries.  Boost version: 1.40.0  Boost include path: /usr/include  The following Boost libraries could not be found:          boost_filesystem          boost_system  No Boost libraries were found.  You may need to set Boost_LIBRARYDIR to the directory containing Boost libraries or BOOST_ROOT to the location of Boost. Call Stack (most recent call first):  CMakeLists.txt:159 (find_package)03:09
freezwaykassien, uh, the archwiki has an article on it, you'd have to do things differently on ubuntu, but you could give it a shot. lemme grab the link03:09
iruleJordan_U ok, 2 drives, a 80 sda w 15gb part, and a new 160 drive w 15gb part, both 1, then I did "dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/dev/sdab" with no part numbers! so now I am trying to guess when 15 gb are done hehe03:09
kassiusoh ok03:10
ayrtonfreezway, so updating to the newest driver didnt help. im trying to get a game native to linux to play03:11
ayrtoni think i should check if the driver supports opengl, i gotta google the terminal command for it i think03:12
trismGeekMan: you could try libboost-all-dev if you don't want to track them all down one by one, what are you building? if it is something that has a version in the repo you can: sudo apt-get build-dep package_name; to get most of what you are likely to need03:12
IKSSEim running 10.10 on a thinkpad T43 with integrated Intel gfx and cant seem to get more than 5FPS playing games with java. Any info on enabling 3D acceleration or anything else that would help?03:12
GeekManim building light spark lightspark03:13
Jordan_Uirule: pkill -SIGUSR1 dd03:13
izinucsIKSSE: pull the intel card out and put in an nvidia .. ebay is a great source03:14
Jordan_Uirule: That should print how much dd has copied so far. Though this is an odd way to go about copying a partition.03:14
iruleJordan_U that is not the problem, I just want to know how many gigabytes are transfered in a minute or any other factor to measure trnasfer status03:14
freezwaykassien, https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Uvesafb03:14
irulethis pkill command will not kill the process? Ive used that  to logout gnome users haha03:15
Jordan_Uirule: That information will be printed as well.03:15
ksbalajiizinucs, rumpe1 thanks for trying - I've to quit. bye!03:15
SaethI have a quick question, is there a limit on how many files you can ¨cat¨ at one time?03:15
freezwayayrton, give me lspci03:15
kassiusfreezway thank you very much03:15
freezwaykassien, be warned03:15
freezwayit could FUBAR ur system if ur not careful03:15
zookaHey a quick question for anyone who's familiar with rsync. I'm writing a script for backups, but due to the roundabout way my drive is connected, I have to use "sudo rsync -av ....etc". Now I know that '-a' retains permissions, but what I'm concerned about is using sudo with it. Will using sudo change the permissions of the files I'm backing up to being owned by root? Or will they still be owned by my non-root user? Thank you in advance.03:16
katsrchey, is ubuntu-minimal a dependency for Kubuntu desktop?03:16
IKSSEIzinucs: so its basically just a hardware issue moreso than a software or config issue?03:16
Saethfreezway, depending on how much ram you have ?03:16
freezwaySaeth, what?03:16
Jordan_Uirule: No. Kill and pkill both send signals to processes, the most common being SIGTERM and SIGKILL, but SIGUSR1 does not terminate a process.03:17
Saethfreezway, sorry thought you were answering the question I asked.03:17
ayrtonfreezway here : http://pastebin.com/qMPGYFsD03:17
freezwaySaeth, no03:17
freezwayayrton, looks fine... hmmm03:17
freezwaySaeth, what be ur issue03:18
ayrtonyeah and iv seen vids of the game running great on my chipset03:18
Saethfreezway, just wondeing if there is a limit on how files you can ¨cat¨ at one time? all the examples if have seen are cat file 1 file 2 but ive never seen anything longer then that.03:18
freezwayayrton, its not sandy bridge is it?03:18
ayrtonno amnesia the dark descent03:19
freezwaySaeth, i think 2, but idk. try #bash or something03:19
freezwayayrton, i was refering to ur cpu03:19
Saethfreezway, alright thanks for the help and advice.03:19
ayrtonwhat does sandy bridges mean then?03:20
ayrtonmy intel card is a gma 4500m03:20
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freezwayayrton, the newest intel cpus (i7, i5, i3)03:20
freezwayoh ok03:20
freezwaythats fine03:20
freezwayshould work better03:20
izinucsIKSSE: i'd say so.. I've got a t42.. depending on the game it's pretty slow03:20
ayrtonfreezway game installs fine and runs fine but when its time for gameplay it crashes.. so i think it was driver related03:21
Jordan_USaeth: The only limit is the limit imposed by the kernel on the number of arguments that can be passed to a process.03:21
IKSSEizinucs: apparently minecraft takes its toll on the integrated card. cant seem to find an nvidia card for the T43 on ebay either  =/03:22
freezwayayrton, oh it crashes? is it under wine03:22
ayrtonno native to linux03:22
freezwaynice! um... idk. sorry03:23
SaethJordan_U, alright, so I should be fine with 3 files. Thank you.03:23
linuxmonkeySup everyone03:23
Jordan_USaeth: Yes. You're welcome.03:23
ayrtonfreezway i found a vid of the game playing on my chipset and the guy says he is running xf-video-intel 2.13.003:24
GeekManCMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/FindPkgConfig.cmake:259 (message):  A required package was not found Call Stack (most recent call first):  /usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/FindPkgConfig.cmake:311 (_pkg_check_modules_internal)  CMakeLists.txt:150 (pkg_check_modules)03:24
freezwayayrton, idk. google03:25
ayrtonfreezway, in synaptic is says im using the driver for i7,i8,i9 chipset...03:26
freezwaylook for somehting else 1 sec03:27
wcchandlerNot even a 3.166 Ghz processor with 2 nVidia Quadro FX 570s can play 1080p without hesitation :(03:28
IKSSEizinucs: found this while googling; It is not possible to add a new video card to the ThinkPad T43 because of the fact that it ships with onboard video, meaning that the video card is on the motherboard.03:28
trismGeekMan: the natty package lists the following build deps: nasm llvm-2.7-dev llvm-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev zlib1g-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libpcre3-dev libavutil-dev libftgl-dev libx11-dev libglu1-mesa-dev fontconfig libglew-dev libpulse-dev libavcodec-dev libgtk2.0-dev libnspr4-dev xulrunner-dev libsdl-dev libxml++2.6-dev gnash-common03:29
raidowcchandler: ??? there are no HDTV that even com close to tht power03:29
trismGeekMan: try installing those (that's besides cmake and the boost deps)03:29
freezwayayrton, idk03:29
raidowcchandler: I have a AMD Zacate that does it fine03:30
ayrtoni downloaded that driver now i need to install it03:30
ayrtonits a .tar.gz file03:30
shanganyone knows what is the default Ubuntu remote desktop server?03:30
wcchandlerDo you get lines in the middle from it refreshing half the screen at a time?03:30
wcchandlerraido: ^03:30
raidowcchandler: no03:30
wcchandlerI hate you :(  /*sarcasm/*03:30
wcchandlerWhat's your refresh rate?  I can only get mine to operate at 59hz03:31
raidowcchandler: maybe you have a driver issue.03:32
trismshang: vino03:32
wcchandlerI was using the default restricted that Ubuntu suggested.03:32
wcchandlerUsing the beta of whatever's coming out03:32
raidoIm at 60 hz03:33
raidowcchandler: I dont know what is causing you issue but its not lack of processing power03:34
wcchandlerHmm... are you using multi-cores/multi-threaded?03:34
ayrtonfreezway u wouldnt know how to install this intel deriver i just downloaded would u03:35
wcchandlerI tried in VLC and Mplayer/SMplayer03:35
raidowcchandler: are you watching it at 1080 or are you pushing it up?03:35
wcchandlerYou mean the video resolution?03:35
wcchandlerGood question03:35
raidowcchandler: i.e. areyou watching a 1080 source at 190003:36
wcchandlerOh man..  It's only 720p...  so ermm..  And TV is set for 1080p03:36
wcchandlerThen in theory, it playing in a window, no upscaling, no "tearing"03:37
freaky[t]anyone can help me with the alternate installer? i want to resize a partition. i did that but now there is a new unused partition but when i try to use it it only tells me that i can view where it starts and where it stops ... y is that i want to use it for ubuntu?03:37
wcchandlerraido: Thanks :)03:38
raidowcchandler: :-)03:38
ayrtoncan any 1 tell me how to install this driver i downloaded a xf86-video-intel-s.13.0.tar.gz file and i need to install it03:39
linuxmonkeyI have a hardware raid (NTFS) yeah i know..anyways i need access to it and i'm not seing it anywere. any ideas03:40
wcchandlerayrton: tar -xvzf xf86-video-intel-s.13.0.tar.gz03:40
ayrtonterminal command?03:40
wcchandlerThat will extract the package contents and give you a readme file.03:40
wcchandlerYes, in the same directory as the package03:40
wcchandlerOr right click > Extract Here...03:40
ayrtonyeah i got that -_- what do i do with the file now03:41
wcchandlerCould be a bunch of different things.  Should say in the readme.  :(  Sorry it really depends on the packager03:42
Hack3r0932could anyone tell me how to use voIP?03:42
wcchandlerMain commands you're looking for are ./configure, make, make install03:43
folivoraI assume that you mean Voice over IP?03:43
tioxPopping in real fast to share a recent discovery of mine.03:43
ayrtonwcchandler read the readme all it says is that its a 2d driver and doesnt say how to install03:43
tioxFor some odd reason, keeping secondary right click (hold left) on messes with KDE oxygen cursors in Ubuntu.03:43
Hack3r0932FUCK THE WORLD03:43
tioxLeast on mymachine anyway/03:43
wcchandlerwhat's the list of directories and files?03:44
tioxWhat now?03:44
tioxWhat exactly are you trying to access?03:44
tioxIf you're just looking to access available drives on your machine, then go to Places > Computer03:45
tioxFrom there, go to File System.03:45
tioxOr, up-up-up your way to the directory where /bin, /usr, /etc are, etc.03:45
tiox(Rather, use the breadcrumbs, lol03:45
ayrtonwhats Mesa3D 7.11-devel03:47
danialwahs good ubuntuz!03:49
JygenIm new to ubuntu03:50
Jygenwhat are some fun things to play around with03:50
danialJygen,  ubuntu is new to you03:50
XylchI am trying to get some data off of a nearly dead windows hard drive. I have it connected to my ubuntu machine as a slave, but with it connected ubuntu won't load, it goes to a shell prompt called 'ash', any suggestions?03:51
Jordan_UJygen: Open Applications > Ubuntu Software Center and look around.03:51
danialJygen,  you can play around with a bouncy ball... have you got one?03:51
Jygeni dont have one03:51
Jygenive been throught the software center03:51
danialJygen,  ok so log out, why are you sitting by a computer, just go outside and by yourself a bouncy ball!03:51
Jygenim trying to familiarize myself with the terminal03:52
Jygenmy goal is to be able to use gentoo by the end of this year03:52
danialJygen, sounds like a good plan!03:52
Jygenbut im starting off with ubuntu because its noob friendly03:52
micromhow do I get a 32-bit java?03:53
Tyroneneed help please any one knows what package of ubuntu that can cache video?03:54
danialJygen, you should try Fedora in a month or so03:54
danialJygen, then try openSUSE03:54
Tyronelike youtube cache03:55
ctmjr!java | microm03:55
ubottumicrom: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.03:55
micromJygen: go for linux mint, it is by far the easiest; or jump right into gentoo and follow the handbook03:56
sarthorHi, i am setting vpn server on ubuntu machine, i am not able to connect the  client xp and ubuntu both to the server, logs are here, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/596358/ ,I followed this  http://www.ewdisonthen.com/how-to-setup-pptp-vpn-server-on-linux-tutorial-07577.php how to03:56
Jygenmicrom: i was going to jump right into gentoo, but im waiting until i get a new labtop. I plan on running it on there.03:57
tamara__should install the new version 11.04 on ubuntu 10.10?03:57
devino21had to run the upgrade in order to get 11.04 beta on a Lenovo T6103:58
devino21it worked!03:58
connor_Hi, could someone help me install the "XMatrix" Screensaver in xubuntu 10.10? Thank you :)03:58
pfifoanyone else having trouble with SD cards/readers?04:00
micromJygen: I heard pardus linux is also quite easy04:01
tripelbFYI a no I havent pfifo what's your version of ubuntu? what else do you have plugged in. -- You can check and see what UBUNTU thinks you have plugged in with lsusb04:01
Jordan_Uconnor_: install xscreensaver-data-extra04:01
tripelbthat's LSUSB in lowercase04:01
Jygeni like the feel of ubuntu though04:01
Jygenthats kind of why i started with it04:01
connor_Jardan_U: Thank you, I'll try that04:01
micromJygen: oh, I though you had nothing installed. okay then. you're doing fine.04:01
Jordan_Uconnor_: You're welcome.04:01
Jygeni have ubuntu 11.04 installed04:02
Jygeni tried 10.04 back when it was first released but it wouldnt detect my graphics driver04:02
Jygenso i went back to windows04:02
Jygenand i decided to give it another shot so i installed 11.04 yesterday04:03
connor_Jordan_U: Thank you, it worked :)04:03
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Jygenthats why i asked if there was anything i could try playing around with in ubuntu for fun04:03
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pfifotripelb, Both on 8.04 and 10.10 with a bag full of card about %10 work on my computer while all of them are fine with any of 3 cameras/1 wii/2 mp3 players04:04
Jordan_Uconnor_: You're welcome :)04:04
shawnguoHello everyone04:05
shawnguoI need a support here04:05
oliveira_boa noite a todos04:05
tripelbpfifo, I am listening. what is a bag gul of card? etc. lets get simple. so some cards work on your computer and some dont, right04:05
shawnguowhen I upgrade my maverick server to natty beta, I found dante-client is missing04:06
tripelbshawnguo-- you cant hook someone in for you. You must just blurt it out and see who can answer. make sure you tell your setup, program etc..04:06
pfifotripelb, I have 6 cards at my disposal and 1 of them actually works.04:06
tripelbshawnguo, now I see I know nothing about your proglem.04:07
shawnguoand I got dante-client : Depends: libdsocksd0 (= 1.1.19.dfsg-3ubuntu4) but it is not going to be installed04:07
tripelbok pfifo, it seems like your computer works. maybe the cards done. when you put a card in and then go lsusb it will tell you what it sees in the USB slots. -- Do the cards work in other different devices?04:08
ctmjrshawnguo, you should ask in #ubuntu+104:08
tripelbpfifo, correction.  done should be don't04:08
shawnguoctmjr: ok, thanks04:08
pfifotripelb, card is working, works fine with the camera/wii/mp304:09
tripelbpfifo, oh.04:09
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tripelband when you put it in pfifo the lsusb shows nothing?  I go back to basics (dont you hate it?) Is it plugged in? Might try cleaning the contacts. Could be your card reader is fussy.04:10
Dracofodderlooks like I'm getting the same issue as in Bug #766534... where would I get the update described?  there is a note about it being in the "security repository" but I don't know where that is04:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 766534 in language-selector (Ubuntu) "Regression on maverick when updating to 0.6.7 (security upload)" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76653404:10
pfifotripelb, it shows my card reader in lsusb, no actual change04:11
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tripelbcould also try reformatting it pfifo04:11
van7huhello, what is the name of ipfwadm in lucid?04:11
tripelbpfifo it shows in the card reader but not on the desktop. Is that right?04:11
tamara__should install the new version 11.04 on ubuntu 10.10?04:11
pfifotripelb, reformatted with working camera to fat1604:11
pfifotripelb, no04:11
pfifotripelb, on lsusb, it has my reader listed, there is not an addidtional entry for the card however04:12
tripelbpfifo, I'm thinking. are any of the cards that get recognized FAT16?04:13
tamara__should install the new version 11.04 on ubuntu 10.10?04:13
Logan_!natty | tamara__04:13
ubottutamara__: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems.04:13
spark666better wait till the official release04:14
zinadorkDoes anyone know if Natty will support Synaptics Clickpads?04:14
Logan_!natty | zinadork04:14
ubottuzinadork: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems.04:14
tamara__ohh ok04:15
spark666u like the new unity interface04:15
zinadorkI'm aware of that, but Maverick didn't support Clickpads and it was  major problem04:15
tamara__but u can upgrade the version04:15
pfifotripelb, yes, i  have 1 card that works in both machines that is formatted fat16 with my digital camera.04:15
Jygentamara_: If you upgrade it now it shouldnt cause u any problems.04:15
spark666yes but there are some bugs04:16
Jygentamara_: Im using 11.04 and i dont have any issues with it04:16
spark666no crushes04:16
Jygenruns smooth for me04:17
Jygeni did a fresh install with it though04:17
Jygeni didnt upgrade it04:17
spark666ive did it to04:17
greensimianHey so what is the command to report how much physical memory is installed in my puter?04:17
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Jygenyou had crashes?04:17
spark666but now i returned to 10.1004:17
spark666yes i had04:18
spark666specialy compiz04:18
Jygenwell then04:18
Jygeni dont seem to have a problem with ti04:18
spark666i wait till the final release04:18
spark666but by the way04:18
spark666whats ur opinion about unity04:19
Jygeni like it04:19
Logan_!poll | spark66604:19
ubottuspark666: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.04:19
ultrixxunity is great04:19
spark666sorry didnt know it04:20
pfifotripelb, I was just able to get a 2nd card to work04:20
devino21I like that you can snap 1/2 windows in the middle of dual monitor systems!04:20
van7huhello, is there ipfwadm package in lucid lynx?04:21
ctmjrJygen you should not give that advice unless you are prepared to fix any issues they might have604:21
pfifotripelb, I was charging my phone via USB, it was taking too much power and hence the cards were not working04:22
LAcanctmjr, youre asking a lot for free tech support, buddy04:22
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codex84i have virtual machine with windows 7 on it and vnc server install on it04:26
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codex84cant connect to it by useing remote desktop viewer on ubuntu04:26
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codex84i went to the router to port foward but is only 192.x.x.x.x04:27
codex84and the ip address on the virtual machine and the vnc server is 10.x.x.x04:28
Dcitecodex84: How is it setup? bridged or NAT?04:28
codex84it gave a error sayin u behind a nat04:29
codex84or a router04:29
DciteBy default virtualbox shares the network in NAT mode04:29
I-are-does anyone know how to fix this error?  http://pastebin.com/bFAgyJf404:29
Dcitecodex84: I suggest trying to put your VM into bridged mode in order to make connections easier04:30
codex84alright i try04:30
I-are-codex84, to get through nat you will either need bridge mode or a vpn04:30
I-are-bridge mode is easiest.04:31
pfifoI-are-, what made that message?04:31
I-are-pfifo, trying to run QQ international from command line.04:31
codex84whats the difference04:32
I-are-pfifo, ./qq: /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.11' not found (required by ./qq)04:32
codex84between nat and briged?04:32
pfifoI-are-, they are using a different version of glibc++04:32
pfifoI-are-, compiled aginst rather04:32
itiliouswhy would an ssh portforward be working for port 80, and others, but not VNC ports?04:33
I-are-codex84, bridged uses a tap adapter, at least in windows, which is a virtual nic that is routed through your os rather than a nat04:33
Dcitecodex84: NAT, it uses a VirtualBox network adapter to share you connection, no additional config outside the system is needed to use the same line..  Bridged mode, treats it like it has its very own network card, even though in reality it is sharing your only card.04:33
pfifoI-are-, compile it from scratch04:33
I-are-pfifo, not opensource04:33
itiliousi get "chanel 3 open failed" and more this ring a bell for anyone?04:33
pfifoI-are-, ask them to release a 8.04+ deb package04:34
Dciteitilious: That message comes up frequently for me, doesn't seem important04:34
codex84i see04:34
codex84i got it now thanks alot man04:34
codex84appreicate it04:35
revilodrawsorry, i know this is offtopic, but i need a genius nerd to tell me, how different are these processors? http://ark.intel.com/Compare.aspx?ids=36697,42779, which is best, and by how much?04:35
itiliousDcite, are you still able to connect your vnc viewer thru the ssh forwarded port? which port?04:35
quuxmanHaving trouble starting X04:35
I-are-codex84 you get it.  Virtual nic on host system is bridged, virtual nic nated through a virtual router in vBox is NAT04:35
quuxmannot sure what I did that broke it, but I can't boot unless in rescue mode, and if I try to start X from rescue mode I get a blank screen, but not crashed because power button still works04:35
codex84right the ip change on the server04:36
quuxmanI have the gma500 poulsbo chipset :-/04:36
codex84i was on the nat04:36
Dciteitilious: Don't you usually need a socks proxy setup in order to pass things through it?04:36
I-are-codex84, yep, you are grabbing the DHCP from the same source as you host machine with Bridged.04:36
quuxmanit doesn't even work with the failsafe xorg.conf that uses vesa04:37
sarthorHi, i am setting vpn server on ubuntu machine, i am not able to connect the  client xp and ubuntu both to the server, logs are here, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/596358/ ,I followed this  http://www.ewdisonthen.com/how-to-setup-pptp-vpn-server-on-linux-tutorial-07577.php how to04:37
codex84intel core duo04:37
codex84is better04:37
codex84i-are: i see04:37
revilodrawcodex84: yes, but how much better?04:38
=== Chad is now known as Guest1493
quuxmanThere are no errors in the X11 log04:38
codex84well 1.40 still04:39
codex84slow but better than 1.20 lmao04:39
quuxmandon't know where to even start trouble shooting this04:39
codex84need upgrade lol04:39
revilodrawcodex84: lol yeah i know, but would you say the difference between the two is very slight?04:39
=== jack is now known as Guest97480
revilodrawcodex84: http://www.kogan.com.au/shop/agora-pro-12-ultra-portable-laptop-computer/ i'm looking at this04:40
Chad___I'm getting the "frequency out of range" error. Can anyone help. I'm using a LiveCD as of now.04:40
ohsixChad___: from your monitor? are you using an intel or nvidia card?04:41
Chad___However, I have Ubuntu installed already.04:41
Chad___ohsix: nvidia04:41
Chad___ohsix: And yes, from my monitor. I need to go and change the Xorg settings, don't I?04:42
ohsixdepends on what happened, if an updated driver broke; or the edid is wrong on your monitor and it finally started caring04:44
Chad___ohsix: I removed the Nvidia drivere right before this occured. I had the same problem before this, but I was at least able to log in.04:45
hilarieSo..., I gksudo'd a virtualbox guest to get something done... and now... root owns that guest os... how can I take things back from root, he stole my windows xp install04:46
hilarieAny idea's on how to take it back?04:46
Chad___ohsix: Any way I can reinstall the nvidia driver from a live cd?04:47
ctmjrChad___, do this in rescue mode sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.config and change the driver to vesa then reboot hopefully it will fix X not starting04:48
ohsixyou can chroot into the other system04:48
ohsixctmjr: there usually isn't an xorg.conf04:48
ctmjrohsix there is if he installed the nvidia driver iirc04:49
hilariestartx has fixed xorg not starting for me in the past04:50
Chad___ctmjr: Thanks, I'll give it a try04:50
aajjbbhi.. i'm new here;04:51
aajjbbwhere are you guys from ?04:51
ohsixhilarie: it fixed it?04:51
taglasshilarie: chown is the command to change permissions back to your user04:52
hilarieoh so cd to the directory where the things are04:52
hilariethen chown <filename>?04:52
taglassand do chown hilarie:hilarie <filename>04:52
taglasswell sudo chown04:53
itilioushas anyone here been able to create a vnc over SSH connection sucessefully?04:53
sheena1hi all. I'm hoping to get some help. I'd like to make a window transparent and put it over a program running in wine.. but compiz doesn't work very well on my laptop. is there any other way to do this? i'm running Gnome..04:53
hilariety taglass :)04:53
hilarieis there a GUI way to do it?04:53
hilarieroot has almost 50 files of mine04:53
trismitilious: yes, with x11vnc and the -localhost switch, and then ssh -L 5900:localhost:5900 host04:55
LAcancan anyone recommend an internet search bar for panels?04:55
itilioustrism, i'm using tightvncserver tho04:55
ctmjrhilarie, gksu nautilus then click the properties tab and then the permission tab on the dir you want to change04:55
taglasshilarie: you could gksu nautilus and do ith trough gui04:56
hilarieThank you both, that sounds better04:56
itilioustrism, is x11vnc better/newer or just a different "flavor" of a vnc server versus tightvncserver?04:56
taglassor you could just use wildcards.  if all of the files are in one directory sudo chown hil:hil *.*04:56
taglassor add the -R flag if you want to do it recursively04:56
trismitilious: I can't really say, I've barely used tightvnc04:57
itilioustrism, is it possible to get x11vnc to have "session" logins like tightvnc does? basicaly another desktop instead of the one logged on locally?04:58
=== blackcode is now known as Guest98823
Guest98823Who better to recommend a Chinese input method05:01
Jygendoes anyone have the commands to get doom3 through the terminal05:01
codex84not bad05:02
sheena1hi all. I'm hoping to get some help. I'd like to make a window transparent and put it over a program running in wine.. but compiz doesn't work very well on my laptop. is there any other way to do this? i'm running Gnome..05:02
ctmjr!ch | Guest9882305:02
ubottuGuest98823: Das Schweizer Team finden sie unter #ubuntu-ch, deutschsprachigen Support bekommen sie aber in #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de. Aus regionalen Gründen ist im Schweizer Channel nur Englisch erlaubt. Geben sie einfach /join #ubuntu-at ein! Danke für ihr Verständnis.05:02
Guest98823Who better to recommend a Chinese input method05:03
trismitilious: I don't know, I don't see any reason why tightvnc wouldn't work over ssh too though05:03
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit05:03
Diamondcite!zh Guest9882305:03
Diamondcite!cn Guest9882305:03
Diamondcite!cn | Guest9882305:04
ubottuGuest98823: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk05:04
itilioustrism, its the port, i can't seem to pin down the port that tightvncserver is using05:04
rohan233is there something faster than aria2c?05:04
ctmjrthank you Diamondcite05:04
=== Cosmonaut is now known as archmagos
trismitilious: usually it increases with the display, so :1 would be 5901, etc05:04
itiliousevery time i seem to get the port right, the vnc viewer locks up05:04
archmagoshi all ...  could anyone direct me to a good place to discuss configuring directory colours in gnome-terminal using the solarized pallette?05:05
itiliousis vnc "old school" anyway is it much more efficient to forward x?05:07
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx05:07
=== kevin_ is now known as glendanzig
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
itiliousugh, it just hangs on "connected to localhost 5901" anyone with any ideas why ssh wont forward VNC traffic?05:10
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codex84tryying to connect to the vnc server05:11
codex84keep saying connection closed05:11
Jygenupdating takes forever05:11
itiliousi can connect to the vnc server thru local network AND public ip, but neither thru ssl05:11
itiliousi've tried every guide i can find on the topic and nothing seems to work05:12
mickster04izinucs: well then your ssh server isn't running05:24
mickster04izinucs: oops05:24
=== Ben65 is now known as Ben64
Jygendoes anyone on here play tremulous05:29
jdavisI am trying to get a scanner to work, but it's attached to my network. Where do I configure SANE to find my scanner?05:32
pentester5746anyone use zentyal05:36
=== apricot is now known as plum
danialanyone has mastered gnome3 yet?05:40
test000danial, mastered?05:40
danialtest000, I'm trying to change the theme, I can't figure out the window manager05:41
test000mdadm: no recogniseable superblock on /dev/sda5    yet it mounts fine as mount /dev/sda5  directory      before the reinstall it was one of 2 disks in mirrored raid.05:41
plumBen64: are you there?05:41
test000how does it mount w/o a superblock?05:42
test000danial,  lol I am considering kde05:42
Ben64plum: yep05:42
danialtest000, hmmmm me too05:42
plumBen64: i don't mean to bother you again, but i wanted to let you know i successfully recovered my partition table last night, using testdisk05:42
Jordan_Utest000: Presumeably because it has an extn superblock and not an mdadm superblock.05:42
psaikrishnaI've an issue with Policykitd05:43
Ben64plum: cool05:43
psaikrishnait is eating up the memory05:43
psaikrishnain 10.10 Ubuntu05:43
psaikrishnaI tried lot of Google search, it ended up in a bug at Ubuntu forums05:43
test000Jordan_U,  it was a mdadm superblock before.. how can I make it one again?05:43
psaikrishnaCan anybody provide a escape from it05:43
plumBen64: i was wondering, do you know how to restore the contents of my /boot though? that partition was restored as a linux partition, but doesn't seem to boot anymore05:44
Jordan_Utest000: I don't know, sorry.05:44
Ben64plum: would have to reinstall grub and kernel(s)05:44
pentester5746anyone use zentyal?05:44
Jordan_Uplum: By default Ubuntu does not use a separate /boot partition. Are you sure you had one?05:45
mickster04!anyone | pentester574605:45
ubottupentester5746: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.05:45
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.05:45
plumJordan_U: when i installed ubuntu, i made another ext partition besides my regular ubuntu partition, and i assigned my /boot to that05:46
plumBen64: is it possible to reinstall the kernels from a live cd? i've heard it's sort of a paradox because you need /boot to install kernels or something05:46
Jordan_Uplum: Can you run boot info script (from a liveCD) as explained here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and pastebin the RESULTS.txt?05:47
danialwhat is the latest KDE and how u install it/.05:47
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information.05:47
mickster04danial: good enough?05:47
Jordan_Uplum: That's where the magic of chroot comes in :)05:47
plumJordan_U: i don't have my live cd here at the moment, i will save that and try later on :)05:47
danialmickster04, thanx05:48
ZiberI'm trying to get Samba to work as a public share on my network, but it still prompts me for a password. What am I doing wrong?05:48
ZiberPasting my config right now05:48
mickster04Ziber: you will want to set guest ok = yes05:49
plumJordan_U: chroot will let me re-download my kernels?05:49
mickster04Ziber: and the folder permissions will have to be correct?05:49
jdavisI'm trying to get a scanner to work that's on the network. It looks like 6566 is the normal "scanner" port number, but that's closed on the scanning device that I'm using. Any ideas?05:49
jdavisIt's a Brother multi-function device05:49
ZiberSamba config: http://paste.ziber.org/5728505:49
ZiberI have guest ok = yes05:49
Jordan_Uplum: It will let you run commands as if you were booted into your installed system, when you're actually booted from a liveCD.05:50
=== Jay is now known as Guest57885
mickster04Ziber: as far as i have experienced, samba doesn't like sharing mounted drives as the folders have high permissions05:50
plumJordan_U: thanks for the information :)05:51
Jordan_Uplum: You're welcome :)05:51
Zibermickster04: any other network share programs you can recommend which will allow me to do that?05:51
plumBen64 and Jordan_U , you guys have been really helpful. probably have each saved my setup at least three times hahaha05:51
Jordan_Uplum: :)05:52
test000when using mdadm how does it know which drive is the one out of sync and which is the master?05:52
IKSSEhi what is the terminal command to make sure my graphics drivers are up to date?05:53
IKSSEor to see what version they are rather05:54
psaikrishnapolicykitd eats up memory05:55
psaikrishnain 10:1005:55
mickster04Ziber: try using the gui to do it. it might work. but basically i haven't worked out a way of sharing mounted folders :(05:56
mickster04Ziber: but i haven't tried very hard05:56
mickster04IKSSE: system>admin>hardware drivers05:56
=== Kasjopaja23 is now known as Kasjopaja
mickster04IKSSE: and if you run the update manager before hand you should be fine05:56
izinucsjdavis: you have to get the drivers and instructions from brother.  It's a pain to install but it works.. I have an MFC 7440n .. scanner works well including the printer function.. faxing can only be done from cli and is cumbersome05:56
=== Kasjopaja is now known as Guest8144
izinucsjdavis: use xsane not simple scanner..05:57
YerushalmiHey folks, question: how can I password-protect access to a folder and/or a program?05:57
ZelozelosYerushalmi, use a compression tool would be an easy way05:57
mickster04Yerushalmi: folders in your home folder are inaccessable except to root users?05:57
Jordan_Uplum: Be sure whatever LiveCD you grab is 64 bit (if your installed system is 64 bit). A 64 bit live system can chroot into either a 32 or 64 bit system. A 32 bit liveCD can only chroot into a 32 bit system.05:57
plumuh oh05:58
bradyWhat is portable mp3 player which works with Ubuntu?05:58
plumi think i installed 32 bit ubuntu on my 64 bit machine though05:58
mickster04brady: any of them will do05:58
YerushalmiZelozelos: Without having to uncompress it every time I want to use it would be preferable. Just something that prompts you for a password if you try to open the program or the folder.05:58
mickster04plum: not a major issue05:58
IKSSEmickster:  i dont have a hardware drivers option in admin and there is nothing in update manager or proprietary drivers.05:59
plumah k05:59
mickster04Yerushalmi: try http://newtoubuntu.wordpress.com/2008/12/18/password-protected-folders/05:59
bradymickster04, I don't think your claim is true.05:59
ZelozelosYerushalmi, why would you want a folder to lock from yourself?05:59
mickster04IKSSE: well then all is up to date05:59
jdavisizinucs: I think I have the right driver installed, but it doesn't work over the network.05:59
plumokay guys i gotta go though05:59
plumi'll find that log text and put it on later05:59
YerushalmiZelozelos: To lock from others who use the computer, obviously :p05:59
izinucsjdavis: did you get the driver from brother?06:00
mickster04brady: oh? anything less than 3 years old should be good at least06:00
ZelozelosYerushalmi, user accounts?06:00
jdavisizinucs, yes, I just did   546  dpkg --install /home/jdavis/Downloads/brscan4-0.3.0-2.amd64.deb06:00
IKSSEmickster04: im trying to see because using java for games is keeping me at ~15fps and 85-90% cpu usage06:00
jdavisizinucs, and then I do "scanimage -L" and nothing shows up.06:00
mickster04IKSSE: java isn't hardware accelerated is it?06:01
izinucsjdavis: you might want to re-read the instructions.. there's typically another file you have to install06:01
Yerushalmimickster04: Thanks, that looks like it'll help06:01
jdavisI put "" (the printer address) in /etc/sane.d/net.conf06:01
mickster04Yerushalmi: don't mean to be a douche, but second google result for password protect folder ubuntu06:01
IKSSEmickster04: not 100% on that. i think it may be a 3D acceleration problem but im not certain06:01
mickster04IKSSE: i don't think java IS accelarated, meaning it doesn't use graphics cards especially06:02
Yerushalmimickster04: Heh. I guess I've become too jaded with actually getting results  through google, the sheer number of times I've had Unique Problems with this computer that needed human insight to solve.06:02
mickster04IKSSE: flash has only just implemented that in the last couple of releases06:02
jdavisizinucs, thank you, I am installing the scan key tool now. I ran it, and still no luck, but I'm still poking around.06:03
IKSSEmickster04: so java will just keep pouding away with straight cpu usage more or less?06:03
bhaveshThis is my boot sequence pic : http://i.imgur.com/A42ln.jpg , I cannot boot from my windows 7 CD it directly loads ubuntu06:03
mickster04IKSSE: yes06:04
bhaveshLights on the DVD drive blink for some time06:04
bhaveshand it loads ubunut directly06:04
bhaveshI installed windows from the same drive earlier...06:04
bhaveshub ubuntu*06:04
mickster04right guys, i'm off home see y'all later06:05
bhaveshI even tried boot menu...06:06
cl0seis your cdrom installed properly?06:06
bhaveshyes.. actually I have a DVD..06:07
cl0sethis question is not an ubuntu related question, just FYI...06:07
bhaveshI can open its contents from my ubuntu06:07
cl0seDVD using IDE or SATA?06:07
cl0sewhat CD are you trying to boot?06:07
bhaveshwindows 7 DVD06:07
Zeu5hi i need help06:08
jdavisizinucs, thanks! it worked! I just needed the extra push to read the docs more carefully.06:08
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:08
Zeu5i downloaded this lotus notes demo which is 8.5.2.i586.deb06:08
Zeu5but i get an error: wrong architecture '386'06:08
Zeu5what shd i do ?06:08
hiexpoZeu5, than it won't work06:08
Zeu5to install the lotus notes deb successfully?06:08
Zeu5hiexpo: what do u suggest?06:08
Zeu5cause at the download page i cannot find a i386 version06:09
hiexpoZeu5, what did it tell you when you tried to install it ?06:10
atpa8aany idea what manages mounts under /media? is it ok to mount nfs shares under it?06:10
cl0seZeu5, dpkg -i --force-architecture ibm-lotus-notes-8.5.2.i586.deb06:11
Zeu5cl0se: i am trying itnow06:12
cl0selemme know how it goes06:12
Zeu5cl0se: i get a Errors were encountered while processing:06:12
Zeu5 ibm-lotus-notes06:12
Zeu5and then it stopped06:12
hiexpoprobally missing dependencies06:13
cl0sesudo apt-get install ia32-libs06:13
cl0seinstall getlibs from http://frozenfox.freehostia.com/cappy/06:13
cl0sesudo getlibs -p libavahi-client3 libavahi-common3 libavahi-glib1 libbonoboui2-0 libcroco3 libdbus-1-3 libdbus-glib-1-2 libeel2-2 libgnome2-0 libgnomecanvas2-0 libgnome-keyring0 libgnome-menu2 libgnomeprint2.2-0 libgnomeprintui2.2-0 libgnomeui-0 libgnomevfs2-0 libgsf-1-114 libgsf-1-dev librsvg2-2 librsvg2-common libselinux1 libsepol1 libstartup-notification0 libxkbfile1 gtk2-engines-ubuntulooks06:13
cl0sedpkg -i --force-architecture ibm-lotus-notes-8.5.2.i586.deb06:13
cl0seTHEN enjoy.06:13
Zeu5cl0se: sudo: getlibs: command not found06:14
cl0se...... did you install getlibs?06:14
fennngany software can be used to login to gtalk under command line?06:14
Zeu5cl0se: what is getlibs?06:15
hiexpoZeu5, it is a get libries app06:15
Zeu5nw checking the synaptic for getlibs06:15
cl0seZeu5, ... i gave you the download link to the .deb. I just gave you exact instructions.06:16
hiexpoZeu5, he gave you a link to get   > getlibs06:16
Zeu5oh sorry06:16
cl0seyou are not reading everything I am saying. Chances are you didn't read the lotus notes install docs, either.06:16
hiexpo< exactly thats why i don't spoon feed they never try to find or read the doks > just want someone to tell them instead of learning06:18
phrantikquestion, my computer keeps going into hibernation.  its doing it randomly so i know its not a battery problem.  i have looked in gconf-editor to uncheck can_hibernate but it is not there06:19
Zeu5sorry cl0se and hiexpo06:19
phrantikany other ideas?06:19
Zeu5i need to log off and login again cause the getlibs is not fetching the files from the mirrors properly06:19
LAcani keep getting "configure: Libtar NOT found, disabling libbarrybackup" when doing a build yet Libtar is installed... any thoughts?06:19
Zeu5i will be back.06:19
lightamay someone give me a good tool to edit .dat files ? I've tryed allegro-dev-tools but it return some error.06:20
hiexpophrantik, system/preferances/powermanagement06:20
hiexpolighta, http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/archive/index.php?t-8337.html06:22
lightathx hiexpo I'll take a look06:23
hiexpolighta, not sure if thats what ya want but you can look06:23
phrantikhiexpo i dont even have a preferences under system06:23
hiexpophrantik, in ubuntu06:24
lightayep, I'm looking at atm but it sound like windows..06:24
hiexpophrantik, ubuntu what version ?06:24
hiexpophrantik, try !11.0406:25
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems.06:25
axscodehi guys, i have this usb cable that coverts to mic-jack as input to speaker.  my PC dnt have audio card, is it possible to use a virtual audicard or let say pseudo audio device that outputs to usb?06:28
cl0sepossible? sure.06:29
cl0sehow to do it? no idea.06:29
axscodethats helpful, thanks..06:29
bullgard4Why does not exist the process ssh-agent although the file /usr/bin/ssh-agent exists?06:29
hiexpoweird ?'s tonight06:31
bhaveshdoes Ubuntu's GURB stop booting from UDF-DVD anythime?06:32
bullgard4axscode: Use Standard English in order to raise your chances to get a meaningful answer.06:32
bhaveshI cannot boot from a UDF-DVD which has windows 7 setup, I tried all the things (changing bios settings etc) but still it directly loads into ubuntu06:34
SyriaHello, I bought a usb wireless adapter and it is supported by linux and i have its driver but I don't know how to install it please help me, I have the read me file.06:34
robertothat maybe its a problem with the MBR06:34
bhaveshroberto: any way to fix it?06:35
bullgard4!wireless | Syria06:35
ubottuSyria: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:35
robertou got the w7 installation dvd?06:35
Syriabullgard4 it doesn't include information about installing drivers.06:36
hiexpoSyria, what wireless card is it06:36
Syriahiexpo:  Edimax. usb wireless adapter06:36
bhaveshroberto: yes06:36
bhaveshrobertoL its a UDF-DVD06:37
Syriahiexpo:  EW-7612 APN Edimax.06:37
hiexpoSyria, just plug it in and open a terminal and type iwconfig06:37
robertowhatever basically u should try this06:38
bhaveshroberto: this?06:38
robertoboot from the dvd and choose the option of repair06:38
dn4What happens when the plasmon resonance of the carbon  nanotube antenna matches the surface plasmonic resonance of the  carbon nanotube antenna06:38
robertoand them06:38
bhaveshroberto: I cannot boot from dvd06:38
bhaveshroberto : It directly loads into ubuntu06:39
robertoand the bios ?06:39
robertoits ok?06:39
hiexporobertf, yes06:39
bhaveshroberto: my bios : <img src="http://i.imgur.com/A42ln.jpg" title="Hosted by imgur.com" />06:40
bhaveshroberto: http://i.imgur.com/A42ln.jpg06:40
Syriahiexpo:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/596397/   please note that I am connected to the internet using wifi on my laptop.06:41
robertou just got one dvd or cd unit on ur pc?06:41
bhaveshroberto: its only one .. it can play both DVD and CD06:42
robertou bios can boot from a usb flash drive?06:43
hiexpoSyria, you got 2 wireless cards connected to dlink on there wlan0 and wlan106:43
bhaveshroberto: what?06:43
rob_pdn4: you get perfect cancelation and theoretically zero radiated emission from the antenna, duh! :)06:43
bhaveshroberto: O.. but can I use the same file to boot from a USB?06:44
Syriahiexpo: I will use this usb adapter with my desktop later, so i am trying to install its driver now so I can make an access point of it.06:44
dn4rob_p: is the antenna a wave and could we even classify such a thing as an antenna ?06:44
rob_pdn4: Only if it's counterpoise exists06:44
robertowell there is a way to do it with the dvd of w7 in the usb and the u can boot06:45
hiexpoSyria, that cd driver you got is for windows   > toss it06:45
dn4rob_p: How do you conclude theoretically zero radiative emissions exist while the wave resonances match each other even with the interfacing?06:45
robertoif ur bios can do it of course06:45
bhaveshroberto: ok ill try that06:45
hiexpoSyria, use it for a frisbee06:45
Syriahiexpo:  I have downloaded its linux drivers from their website.06:45
rob_pdn4: but even then, the rules only apply (loosly) to conventional physics.06:45
robertobut wat u need its the ms-dos command prompt06:45
robertowell check this out w806:46
hiexpoSyria, what wireless cards you have plugged in now ?06:46
rob_pdn4: How do I conclude... it's just a, "feeling!"06:46
Syriahiexpo:  I have the wirelesss which is built in my laptop and the new edimax usb adapter.06:46
rob_pdn4: Sorry... just talking out my... umm.. ya know! :)06:46
hiexpoSyria, they are both working06:47
dn4rob_p: ahh well on that note; I believe you are wrong06:47
rob_pdn4: Let's save this for another channel and keep it on Ubuntu support though. :)06:47
Syriahiexpo:  How can I make an access point of that edimax wireless usb adapter? it needs a driver right?06:47
robertowhen u are in the cmd write this two commands06:47
robertobootrec /fixmbr06:47
robertobootrec /fixboot06:48
rob_pdn4: Yeah, probably.  But you can't prove it!06:48
robertotha is with any kind of windows06:48
bullgard4Why does not exist the process ssh-agent although the file /usr/bin/ssh-agent exists?06:48
hiexpoSyria, no it already had the driver for it in ubuntu it is fine get over that it is connected to your dlink now it works06:48
Zeu51cl0se: hi there06:48
Zeu51i think i have lotus notes installed06:49
robertobut as u told me u  go directly with ubuntu and theres should be a way to do it in linux06:49
Zeu51but when i click on the launcher nothing happens.. i have alreadyrestarted06:49
robertoas well06:49
Syriahiexpo: But when i connect the same usb adapter to my desktop nothing happens. :( i can't add or connect to wireless.06:49
hiexpoSyria, you mean differant computer?06:49
Syriahiexpo:  Yes but both are working under Ubuntu 10.10 Meerkat.06:50
Syriahiexpo: And when I turn the wireless off on the laptop that i am using now I get the same result.06:50
hiexpoSyria, the wireless must be turned on to work06:51
Syriahiexpo: But when I connect that usb adapter to my desktop which is also running under Ubuntu 10.10 nothing happens.06:52
thumb1040Zeu51 is lotus notes installed with wine. It doesn't come in the repositories does it?06:52
dn4rob_p: do not doubt that I can or cannot prove anything for I merely asked a question that very few have even asked or know anything about. For you to answer though is noble and my feelings are different that yos06:52
hiexpoSyria, ok do the same thing i told you before plug it in and do iwconfig and see the output06:53
Zeu51thumb1040: nope i donwloaded the trial version and just installed it with the help from cl0se06:54
thumb1040oh. i see. so you manually installed it then?06:54
Syriahiexpo:  I am at work now and the desktop is at home I will do that later.06:55
Syriahiexpo:  Thank you for helping me. :)06:55
rob_pdn4: Well, if you can prove it, you're far ahead of me or anyone else I know involved in quantum physics.  Anyway, interesting stuff for sure! :)06:55
hiexpoSyria, no problem and i am usually on here so good luck06:55
dn4interesting indeed; now I just wish I had the money and people nessary to answer that question06:56
rob_pdn4: Don't we all, hehe!06:56
dn4assuming we all do is a logical fallacy06:56
* dn4 laughs06:57
rob_pdn4: What...too much credit to human kind?06:57
kesori have Urban Terror folder installed in my home map, how can i add an shortcut to the games folder of the run file??????????+?06:58
rob_pdn4: Yeah, you're right.  I should have said, "We all should."06:58
drzaius12Does anyone know if it is possible to install a 2.6.35 version kernel in Natty/11.04?06:58
rwwdrzaius12 : #ubuntu is for supported versions of Ubuntu only. Please use #ubuntu+1 for natty until it's released (probably on the 28th). Thanks!06:59
dn4rob_p: that is a bit more idealistic and my fingers smell like tuna fish; FML06:59
drzaius12Sorry. Thank you.06:59
rwwdn4, rob_p: try #ubuntu-offtopic ;P06:59
kesori have Urban Terror folder installed in my home map, how can i add an shortcut to the games folder of the run file??????????+?06:59
cl0seZeu51, how'd it go?06:59
dn4rww: we are already there; oh wait this is #ubuntu I will helpz the masses07:00
dn4kesor: right click said icon for game and create shortcut07:00
kesordn4: and how do i add it to the Games folder?07:00
dn4hmm this is tricky but you can go to the menu right click it07:01
dn4then you get options right07:01
dn4hmm isn't there a command for ubuntu to where youc an update your entire applications menu in the top left07:01
dn4like updatedb07:01
thumb1040Hey guys, I've been trying to figure out an elegant way to move some directories around in bash. For instance here are the file/directory names that I'm working with right now: http://pastebin.com/P0T5bu9V Anybody have an Idea how I could move everything except "alt" into the directory by the name of "directory"?07:03
kesordn4: nope07:03
kesorwhere is the Games folder located ?07:03
cl0semv * directory | mv directory/alt .07:04
Zeu51cl0se:  didnt work07:04
Zeu51after installing lotus notes, i cannot get it to run07:04
cl0sewhat's the error?07:04
Zeu51cl0se: no error. simply nothing happened07:04
cl0sego into a command prompt07:04
cl0setype the lotus notes command07:05
Zeu51i see a launcher for lotus notes tho07:05
cl0setell me if there is an error then.07:05
Zeu51cl0se: gimme some time.. i am checking for the command07:05
codex84wanna tranfer a video from my virtual machine useing windows 707:05
codex84to my ubuntu07:05
thumb1040cl0se what are you piping to the second mv command?07:06
bahamashello. i'm upgrading to ubuntu 9.10 and there's a prompt saying that if i don't have universe enabled certain packages are going to be removed07:06
Iimitkwhich is more reliable, add users one wants to be able to run as root to the 'sudo' or the 'admin' group?07:06
pfifothumb1040, i would use a combination of ls, sed and grep to make a shell script07:06
_genuser_hello people07:07
bahamashowever, looking at /etc/apt/sources.list i see that the line referring to universe is commented because of the upgrade. how do i need to proceed so i can keep my packages?07:07
_genuser_anybody here using using luks on netbuntu?07:07
thumb1040pfifo: isn't grep for searching the contents of files? don't i need to do an operation on the file names themselves?07:08
taglassthumb1040: grep is for searching any stream07:10
taglassthumb1040: like say input from a pipe07:10
pfifothumb1040, ls|grep -v directory| grep -v alt| sed 's/.*/mv & directory/' >> outfile && chmod 0777 outfile07:10
pfifothumb1040, but dont blame me if it dosent work right, better test it first07:11
axscodehttp://images.maplin.co.uk/300/A58JQ.jpg  <-- i have this cable, but i dont have an soundcard, so i want to output sound from usb going to my stereo-in.07:11
thumb1040pfifo: ok. leme work on that07:12
rob_pthumb1040: ...another approach:  for i in `ls ./ | egrep -v 'directory|alt'`; do mv $i ./directory; done07:12
bazhangbahamas, edit it by removing the # in front of it and apt-get update again07:12
pfifothumb1040, sometime strings and xargs help too07:12
bahamasbazhang: ok, i'll need to cancel my upgrade for now, because i'm passed that point. i thought that it was going to offer me a choice whether to remove them or not07:13
thumb1040pfifo: hey what's the proper syntax to see what I get from ls|grep -v directory         ? Would that be something like ls|grep -v directory|echo      ?07:17
pfifothumb1040, just dont pipe the last command to a file, this part ">> outfile"07:19
fennngset theme clean07:22
ben42hi, my screenset doesn't turn off automaticaly, i set up the screensaver @ 10min and "put display on sleep" @15, what did i missed?07:25
=== galigio is now known as spartx
ooxihi i have extreme io problems with my ubuntu desktop. whenever i do an svn *something* it takes like ages and while one cpu is complete idle the other has 100% iowait07:25
ooxican somebody give me hints how to debug that?07:25
cache_surplusooxi: doesnt sound good07:27
cache_surplusooxi: pastebin some errors/logs07:27
ooxicache_surplus: where to get the errors?07:28
ooxisvn does not throw any07:28
ooxiand it works07:28
ooxibut is very slow07:28
FloodBot3ooxi: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:28
cache_surplusless /var/log/messages, dmesg for starters07:29
=== Vladislas is now known as udin
ooxicache_surplus http://paste.ubuntu.com/596411/ <-- iostat07:29
cache_surplusooxi: are you on linux?07:30
ooxicache_surplus, yes ubuntu linux 8.0407:30
ooxinothing special in dmesg (only bootup messages)07:30
cache_surplusooxi: did you load iostat or was that default installed07:30
cache_surpluspastebin your top07:30
cache_surplusu = root07:30
ooxicache_surplus i installed the sysstat package in order to get iostat07:31
cache_surplusu = yourusername07:31
ooxiyes iostat was run as root07:31
cache_surplusyah, thats a freebsd cluster of progs07:31
cache_surplusjust wondering07:31
WhiteDHey, my windows in GNOME won't appear, to close out of the windows or such07:31
cache_surplusas your user and root07:31
WhiteDI'm on my K desktop right now07:31
FloodBot3cache_surplus: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:31
cache_surpluspb = pastebin07:32
ooxicache_surplus, how to copy from top ^^07:32
=== udin is now known as Vladislas
ooxiwhenever i want to copy it the screen refreshes07:32
orngjce223Quick, does someone know a command line program that plays stdin to a JACK sink? Nothing fancy07:32
WhiteDcache_surplus: go to http://paste.ubuntu.com07:32
WhiteDI have a problem with my window manager in GNOME07:33
orngjce223*as a JACK source, sorry07:33
rob_pooxi: What version of Ubuntu are you running?07:33
ooxirob_p, 8.0407:33
Sonicadvance1so, xdg-screensaver makes the screen flicker in my dual monitor setup with Nvidia drivers, anyone know why? Ubuntu 10.10 :D07:34
ooxihttp://paste.ubuntu.com/596412/ <-- rob_p, cache_surplus top of my user07:34
Sonicadvance1arguments xdg-screensaver suspend <id>07:34
cache_surplusis sadc enabled? in sysstat conf?07:35
ooxicache_surplus, don't know i'll have to look it up, will take a sec07:35
cache_surplusooxi: your load is 7.X!!!07:35
cache_surplusmy gawd07:35
rob_pooxi: There's a known issue with high iowait time with *some* of those older kernels around the time of 8.04 and 9.1.07:35
ooxicache_surplus only svn update running07:35
cache_surpluswhat are you doing, whats your top and ps -aux like?07:35
cache_surplusupdating what?07:35
ooxicache_surplus, only running svn update on one branch (max 50mib in size)07:36
ooxicache_surplus, ps -aux only shows my processes :-(07:36
cache_surplusooxi:  ps -aux07:36
cache_surplusand free07:37
cache_surpluspastebin all that im asking in one nice neat file ok...07:37
ooxicache_surplus http://paste.ubuntu.com/596414/ <-- apache is the svn backend07:37
=== rchavik is now known as CakeBot
cache_surplusyour top was not in length07:38
mehmetaliHi. ksoftirqd/7 always is working. (proccess time is same as uptime)07:38
ooxihttp://paste.ubuntu.com/596415/ cache_surplus <-- free07:38
rob_pooxi: Anyhow, you're not the only one to experience that issue.  Have a look here:  http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1322161.html07:38
ooxirob_p, hmm but i cannot upgrade :-(07:39
rob_pooxi: Maybe a kernel update will fix it.  What kernel are you running?07:39
cache_surpluswhat cmd did you use for svn07:39
ooxirob_p how to tell?07:39
ooxicache_surplus ,,svn update''07:40
rob_pooxi: uname -r07:40
ooxirob_p 2.6.24-29-generic07:40
rob_pooxi: Ok. That is as recent a kernel as you're going to get for 8.04, I believe.07:41
=== nickmoeck_ is now known as nickmoeck
ooxirob_p, damn ^^07:41
rob_pooxi: I'm afraid you'll either need to compile your own, or upgrade to a later Ubuntu to get later kernels...07:42
ooxirob_p do you definitly think it's a kernel issue?07:42
rob_pooxi: Still, I'd have thought the issue would have been worked out in 2.6.24-29 kernel. Hmm...07:42
itiliousdoes having 4 different instances of vino-server running and using up 100% of my cpu between them mean i pretty much have been hacked?07:43
rob_pooxi: Not 100%, no.07:43
ooxirob_p, it's a dedicated server running on sas drives. i think the io performance should be ok :/07:43
simax2Hello simax07:43
aboSamoorcan someone help me with this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/766417 ?07:44
ubottuUbuntu bug 766417 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "package grub-pc 1.99~rc1-13ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: η υποδιεργασία installed post-installation script " [Undecided,New]07:44
itiliousbecause i'm not using it and i'm the only one that administers this system07:44
ooxiitilious, i don't think a hacker would use vino-server ^^07:44
ooxibut kill the offending processes07:44
itiliousooxi, i use tightvncserver and xvnc4viewer to view, do i even need vino-server?07:46
rob_pooxi: Yeah, you'd think so anyway.  Wish I could be of more help.  Did you read over that URL I gave.  Perhaps there's something in there you can try (mtime options, etc.) to put a bandaid fix in place until you figure out what's causing the problem.07:46
itiliousis it seperate or still needed?07:46
ooxirob_p, yes thanks for the link. i've already told the admin to enable noatime mount option07:47
ooxiitilious, no, probably not07:47
rob_pooxi: Good luck with it.  I'm glad my 8.04 system hasn't seen that issue!  Mine is using 4 SATA drives in raid1 so its not the same configuration as yours.07:49
rob_pooxi: ...and mine is running the server kernel...07:50
ooxirob_p, am i not running the server kernel?07:52
rob_pooxi: You're running generic.07:52
ooxirob_p ah ok. can i swap the kernel without pain?07:53
raven_10.10 and trust drawing board: left mouse click freezes when i touch anything on the board. known problem/any solution?07:53
kippiI have installed Ubuntu 11.04 it was working great, upgrade went really well. I did the normal updates yesterday and now it's getting stuck on the ubuntu loading screen. If I load into recovery i am unable to select any of the options, could someone help.07:54
rob_pooxi: You're on a desktop system, right?  Anyway, you *should* be able to run the server kernel on it but I've not tried migrating to a server kernel after the fact, at least on a desktop system.07:55
ooxirob_p, no it's a headless server my company uses for development07:55
raven_10.10 and trust drawing board: left mouse click freezes when i touch anything on the board. known problem/any solution?07:56
rob_pooxi: Well, first get the blessing of those who matter, and then give it a try.  Just don't uninstall your current kernel so that you can go back to it if you need.07:56
ooxirob_p, ok thanks :-)07:56
rob_pooxi: welcome, good luck! :)07:57
gamla_kossanhi people, what wm will 11.04 run?07:59
gamla_kossan(by default)07:59
rwwgamla_kossan: Compiz08:00
gamla_kossanrww: that's.. not really a wm :)08:00
rwwgamla_kossan: Yes it is.08:00
rwwgamla_kossan: The answer to the question you meant to ask is Unity.08:00
gamla_kossanrww: oh? could you elaborate?08:01
raven_10.10 and trust drawing board: left mouse click freezes when i touch anything on the board. known problem/any solution?08:02
rwwgamla_kossan: By default, Ubuntu 11.04 will run Unity as a shell, which requires Compiz as a window manager, and GNOME 2 as a desktop environment.08:03
gamla_kossanrww: wow, that's.. confusing :)08:03
mulphey Ben6408:04
rwwgamla_kossan: by comparison, Ubuntu 10.10 uses gnome-panel as a shell, Compiz as a window manager, and GNOME 2 as a desktop environment. Upstream GNOME 3 uses gnome-shell as a shell, mutter as a window manager, and GNOME 3 as desktop environment.08:04
mulpit's plum08:04
mulpi'm in a live cd right now, would you be able to help me to get my /boot partition back?08:05
Ben64kinda busy : /08:05
yuskhanzabhello all, gd evening :)08:05
gamla_kossanrww: interesting, I obviously need to read up on this. thanks!08:05
=== taka is now known as Guest30215
mulpah okay08:06
MarGarinaI have an ancient Interpid Ubuntu which I'd like to upgrade, but I cannot even do apt-get update, because all interpid mirrors seems to be removed08:08
mulpJordan_U: i got that boot info script's results if you would like to see them08:08
MarGarinado-release-upgrade fails because it doesn't know about new releases08:08
MarGarinaany idea how can I upgrade either way?08:08
=== krabbe is now known as Krabbe
Jordan_Umulp: Sure.08:08
Ben64MarGarina: try a cd08:09
MarGarinaWhat about just replacing the sources.list lines to jaunty and doing apt-get upgrade, would it be stupid?08:09
Jordan_Umulp: I'll be away for a few minutes though.08:10
mulpah okay08:10
mulpJordan_U: here is the info though: http://pastebin.com/q5AUpTGk08:10
Ben64MarGarina: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades08:10
llutz_MarGarina: jaunty is outdated too, makes no sense to upgrade to08:11
MarGarinaben64: awesome, looks like what I need! thanks08:11
Ben64google is your friend08:11
gaelfxIn the SMART status portion of Disk Utility, what do all the different values mean? I see Normalized, Worst, Threshold and Value, but I don't understand what they're trying to really tell me08:13
gamla_kossanzetsu: myes?08:14
zetsuis it being calm here today?08:14
gaelfxto borrow from BC, that depends what the meaning of 'calm' is08:14
zetsuoh, well, this is not really ubuntu-related that much but maybe point me out to a better channel if you can think of something08:15
Gurke__i need help08:16
llutz_gaelfx: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S.M.A.R.T.08:16
van7huGurke__: I need help08:16
LLStarkshi, i can't get tty anymore. not through recovery boot or ctrl+alt+fn.08:17
zetsubut I was trying to figure out what would be a lightweight-ish distro for older computers, and also easy to use08:17
zetsuand relatively easy to install and set up, as I'd be installing it 1-3 times a day08:17
zetsuwould there be any better place to ask for that?*08:18
gamla_kossanzetsu: maybe you could look into fluxbuntu and kickstart installing08:19
High_Priestzetsu, what do you want to do with it? what are the requirements ?08:19
zetsuumm, to put it on older used computers08:19
zetsu1,5ish ghz and up08:19
zetsu256mb ram08:19
zetsunot like, dead ancient but old08:19
gamla_kossanwell, I should do some work, so long suckers :)08:20
zetsuquick-ish to set up, easy to use, pretty light08:20
zetsufor random people08:20
zetsuinternetz, basic everyday use08:20
zetsuword process maybe, etc. etc.08:20
[deXter]zetsu: Puppy linux or puppy based distros ould be a good choice08:21
[deXter]zetsu: I would recommend TurboPup.. it uses like 10MB of RAM and runs a modern X.Org server.. you can run all your usual apps and stuff08:21
zetsupuppies are nice but are they that fitting for people who have never touched linux08:22
=== irvee is now known as irv
[deXter]Yeah I've loaded puppy on quite a few old machines for people who never heard of linux08:22
kardielIve just added a modeline 1280x1024 through xrandr. How can i save it so when i reboot its 1280x1024 resolution?08:22
[deXter]zetsu: In my experience the problem I've had is not with the newbies but with the techies08:22
zetsudeXter: how so?08:23
[deXter]zetsu: because the techies have some obscure windows program/scripts that they're used to and want it to use in Linux.. all the newbies basically use the internet and word08:23
[deXter]zetsu: for the newbies all I do is put aptly named shortcuts "Internet", "Word", "Chat" and they're good to go.08:24
[deXter]If there are  further issues and I don't mind helping them out08:24
llutz_zetsu: the distro isn't the problem with 256MB, the apps are. Using bloated stuff like openoffice, firefox etc. makes working no fun08:24
josvukHi, what ubuntu version to use with iBook 500 it has a powerpc cpu with 500MHz. Can someone point me to the download site?08:25
LLStarksanyone? i have zero tty access and can only boot to x.08:25
zetsubut even something not so light like xubuntu ran alright on a 256ram machine08:25
zetsuwith firefox too08:25
zetsuat least firefox 408:25
SoulPropagation2josvuk: powerpc08:25
ubottuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ08:25
zetsudidn't try 3.6 or whatever08:25
[deXter]Well, Lubuntu itself uses like around like 128 MB RAM, so there isn't much left for heavy apps08:25
zetsuyeah...maybe I should check on some other puppies08:26
stimpieLLStarks: I had something similar08:26
zetsuwhat about just some xfce distro? is the mint xfce any good?08:27
kardielhow can i install firefox 4? ive tried with adding ppa source but it wont work08:27
SoulPropagation2how can I block access to writing to /stuff/usb hard drive/ unless /dev/usb hard drive is actually mounted?08:27
stimpieLLStarks: I had to install startup manager and change the boot display resolution08:27
[deXter]zetsu: IIRC the xfce version is just a bit more heavier than the LXDE one..08:27
thevishyi am not seeing the resolutio in my moitor08:27
stimpieLLStarks: ofcours that could be solved without startup manager (but I dont know  how exactly)08:28
zetsudeXter: haven't tried LXDE, I think I heard it's kind of unusual?08:28
[deXter]Eh, not at all08:29
SoulPropagation2there's some xorg config program. I don't remember the name but it's like xorg-setup or something along those lines08:29
zetsudeXter: the user interface, I mean08:29
llutz_zetsu: xfce is not really lightweight anymore08:29
GCrabCan I use my apple IR Remote controller with Ubuntu, Moveida application?08:29
[deXter]Nah, LXDE is all good.. looks a lot like gnome at first glance08:29
thevishyI am connecting my comp to a LCD but cat see th cimesion08:29
zetsudeXter: hm, then perhaps I should give LXDE a try, have been meaning to check it out anyways08:29
zetsuwasn't there fedora LXDE spin?08:30
icerootzetsu: ask fedora08:30
SoulPropagation2have you tried the netbook remix (forget the precise name)?08:30
SoulPropagation2of course that might still be tuned for 1gb08:30
zetsuSoulPropaganation2: netbook remix of what?08:31
zetsuI like fedora, maybe I should give the LXDE spin a try08:31
zetsuand check on some puppies08:31
SoulPropagation2zetsu: http://www.ubuntu.com/netbook08:31
thevishyfolks how can I see see  display resolution more tha 800 * 64008:32
zetsubut I kind of didn't consider puppies because they are very very light08:32
zetsubut then again, how is that a bad thing08:32
Gurke__i need help08:32
zetsuand about the ubuntu netbook, isn't it just ubuntu with a bit tweaked look/gui to fit small screen?08:33
thevishyzetsu its ubuntu unity gui I persoally like old gnome08:33
zetsuthevishy: oh...haven't been on ubuntu in a long time, been thinking about giving it a go again, maybe when natty gets out (is it already?)08:34
zetsubut alright, thank you for the thoughts people08:35
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems.08:35
Gurke__i need help08:35
zetsuoh it's beta..08:35
thevishyhow can I see more resolution for my monitor ?08:36
Gurke__i need help08:36
thevishyi am just seeing 800 * 640 and 640 * ...08:36
Gurke__i need help08:36
DJones!ask | Gurke__08:36
ubottuGurke__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:36
thevishyI have connected netbook to a lcd via VGA cable08:37
susundbergthevishy: do you see both monitors there08:37
rypervencheI just bought a 1TB external HDD and used fdisk to format it to ext4. Now it shows that 46.8GB are used already. Isn't that a lot? What could be causing this? http://ryper.no-ip.org/Pictures/HDD.png08:37
susundbergyou might need to toggle of the 'mirror image' or what is it called -- the feature that sets same picture on both monitors08:37
susundbergthevishy: i usually turn off laptop monitor and set external monitor with higher resolution08:38
thevishybut how do I do that ?08:38
thevishyI ca see the mirrorig is on08:38
susundbergthevishy: it should be on display settings afaik, i am currently using KDE so i cannot give direct advices ..08:38
DJonesrypervenche: From memory, I was under the impression that when a disk is formatted, a percentage (I think 5%) is reserved for system use, sounds like it could be that that has used the 46.8Gb08:39
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zetsurypervenche: as DJones said, a persentage of any disk is reserved for system use or something like that08:40
susundbergthevishy: this might be helpfull: http://library.gnome.org/users/user-guide/stable/goscustdesk-70.html.en08:40
bessarabovjoin #dancer08:40
zetsurypervenche: not sure if there is differences in ntfs and ext08:41
Arcaswhois Arcas08:41
susundbergzetsu, rypervenche : http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/archive/134087408:41
thevishythanks susundberg  its working now08:42
[deXter]rypervenche: That's normal; the higher the drive the higher the wastage of space08:42
susundbergthevishy: np!08:42
DJonesrypervenche: If you look at the "Gain Just a Bit of Space" section near the bottom of this link, it explains why and gives a suggestion using tune2fs to reduce the reserved space https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoverLostDiskSpace08:42
SoulPropagation2anyone know how to make a mount point not writable to unless that point is mounted? otherwise my other computer tries to run its backup to the internal hard drive which doesn't have room08:43
kesorhow do i install wireshark-1.4.6.tar.bz208:43
mateoburI'm trying to read the cyphered /home08:43
mateoburI know the password08:43
zetsususundberg: thanks, informational link08:43
mateoburbut the specified command doesnt work08:44
valiumkesor - tar -xjf foo.tar.bz208:44
rypervenche[deXter]: DJones: Thank you. Also is this message bad? http://pastebin.com/CNwd7XDj08:44
kesorwhat valium?08:44
valiumkesor - then take a look at the docs included inside08:44
kesorwhat are u trying to say?08:45
valiumkesor - didnt you just ask how to install the wireshark package?08:45
DJonesrypervenche: I'm not sure about the error message, its not something I've come across08:45
kesorvalium: yes, but what are u saying? is that commands?08:45
kesordident work08:45
valiumkesor - hmmmm ... you may need to try a simpler way.  find the package $sudo apt-cache search wireshark08:46
rypervencheDJones: Ok, thank you. I'll look into into it then.08:46
allorderkesor: or just go back in windows, better for you08:47
valiumkesor - Then install the package based on the name that was presented.... which looks like its this.   $ sudo aptitude install wireshark-common08:47
valiumallorder - give him a go.08:47
[deXter]rypervenche: You did unmount it before running it, right? If the drive is empty you could try formatting it again.08:47
valiumkesor - if you are struggling with installing packages then you may be punching above your weight with wireshark08:48
rypervenche[deXter]: I did. It works fine when I use /dev/sdb1 and not /dev/sdb. Is that just a mistake on my end? I'm not sure if it should give me proper results for both inputs.08:49
[deXter]rypervenche: Aha, yeah it should be /sdb108:49
[deXter]rypervenche: /sdb refers to the entire device: It doesn't describe a filesystem/partition in particular08:49
rypervenche[deXter]: Ahh, I see. Thank you very much. :)08:50
valiumkesor - proper usage of wireshark has a high 'geek' factor.08:50
zahdoes it though08:50
rypervenche[deXter]: This is my first time formatting an external hard drive and I chose to do it using fdisk as well. :P08:50
zahquestion for wireshark users, is it just tcpdump with bells and whistles?08:51
llutz_zah: kinda08:51
zahi get what I need out of tcpdump filtering and grep08:51
zahdo i really need a clunky gui08:51
valiumzah - yeah but he is struggling with apt-get08:51
zahoh i cut in halfway08:52
zahi was actually thinking about getting wireshark the other day08:52
edwinkcwhow to disable screen saver automatically when I was watching youtube or movie?08:52
zahbut im wondering if it would be best to just master tcpdump08:52
zahsince its included with most distros anyways08:52
kesorhow do i install GTK?08:53
valiumzah - i havent had much use for it.  I use it occassionally when I am trying to hunt down bandwidth hogs and things that might be causing broadcast storms08:54
allorderkesor: google a bit08:54
[deXter]rypervenche: Congrats; and good choice on ext4.. I wish I could use it too.08:54
valiumkesor - you gotta help yourself a little dude -- ask a considered question and then you'll get help.  Its not the spoon feed channel08:55
ejvhow do i make ubuntu?08:57
* ejv laughs08:57
SoulPropagation2Very carefully08:58
zahOpen a terminal and type "make ubuntu"08:58
ejvim on my windows lappy no can do :p08:58
hgeldenhuyson my ubuntu I'm running 2 identical Python executables, except for their interpreter paths. the 1 executes a URL post perfectly, the other one gives me a 503 Error response. Exactly the same code, 2 different python interpreters. what am I missing?08:59
ejvhgeldenhuys: possibly a question for #python ?09:00
ikoniahgeldenhuys: how can they be identical if they are in two different locations ?09:00
valiumalthough that is an interesting question09:00
hgeldenhuysikonia their code is identical09:00
hgeldenhuysejv, cool09:00
SoulPropagation2ikonia: if you have two cans of beer, they're the same thing even if one's in a different fridge09:00
bubbles|what's the equivalent of /sbin/chkconfig --list on ubuntu?09:01
ikoniahgeldenhuys: are they the ubuntu packaged python versions ?09:01
ikoniaSoulPropagation2: sorry, that's not how it works, more so if something is statcially linked09:01
ikoniaallorder: any reason your posting that in a support channel ?09:01
rypervenche[deXter]: I'm going all out with Linux :)09:01
valiumbubblesj - you can install a tool which will give you the rpm system style chkconfig management09:02
valiumbubblesj - ill find it for you one sec.09:02
hgeldenhuysikonia the one python executable is yes09:02
allorderikonia: wrong window09:02
raven_10.10 and trust drawing board: left mouse click freezes when i touch anything on the board. known problem/any solution?09:02
ikoniahgeldenhuys: that can't be, as the ubuntu package would not install to different locations09:03
Seven_Six_TwoI'm writing a script to rename files "unpapered-###.pgm" to "ocr-###.odt" as a variable to pass another command. What have I done wrong?   http://pastebin.com/FLewbdVv09:03
scoundrel50ahi, I was doing an update earlier, Maverick 10.10 and this appeared and wont go away. I have tried changing servers, but that doesnrt help. Anybody know how to get rid? http://imgur.com/KeGOe09:03
ikoniaSeven_Six_Two: try in ##bash09:04
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valiumbubblesj - the tool you actually want to use is called update-rc.d .  but there is a chkconfig style replacement tool for people who are used to RPM based systems09:05
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rypervenche[deXter]: Oh, and another quick question. In that picture, (http://ryper.no-ip.org/Pictures/HDD.png) it shows my HDD's capacity at 916.9GB. Hasn't the partition space already been accounted for? Why would another 46.8GB be removed?09:05
bubbles|what's the equivalent of /sbin/chkconfig --list on ubuntu?09:06
valiumbubblesj - just trying to find it09:06
raven_10.10 and trust drawing board: left mouse click freezes when i touch anything on the board. known problem/any solution?09:06
[deXter]rypervenche: Blame the HDD manufacturers for that09:06
[deXter]rypervenche: HDD manufacturers think 1MB = 1000 KB , but we all know it's 1024 KB09:07
llutz_rypervenche: 5% root-reserved?09:07
[deXter]rypervenche: So in the early days it didn't matter as HDD capacities were low; but as MBs became GBs and GBs became TBs, obviously the disparity increased.09:07
ejvi still love the newegg drive reviews of noobs complaining they were misled when the reported size is 'lower than expected'... *facepalms*09:07
raven_10.10 and trust drawing board: left mouse click freezes when i touch anything on the board. known problem/any solution?09:08
[deXter]rypervenche: Which is why there's a new unit or rather, the official term for the correct unit is MiB / GiB / TiB09:08
valiumbubblesj - its a tool called sysv-rc-conf .... go here to find out more.... http://sysv-rc-conf.sourceforge.net/09:08
valiumbubblesj - sudo aptitude install sysv-rc-conf09:08
[deXter]rypervenche: More reading: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_prefix#Disk_drives09:08
bubbles|thanks valeriup09:08
bubbles|*thanks valium09:09
rypervenche[deXter]: But wouldn't that be backwards then? Shouldn't I have more than 1000GB then?09:09
ejvwas that really necessary ikonia lol...09:09
SoulPropagation2I have a computer set to network backup to a USB hard drive. When the drive isn't plugged in, it still backs up to the folder that the hard drive mounts to. How can I make it stop doing that?09:09
llutz_rypervenche: sudo dumpe2fs -h /dev/sdXY | grep Reserved          change sdXY to your drive09:09
ejvhe didn't appear to be disruptive...09:09
[deXter]rypervenche: No, 1TB = 1024GB, but the HDD manufacturers only put in 1000GB09:09
llutz_SoulPropagation2: sudo chmod 000 /backupfolder09:10
valiumSoulPropagation2 - do a check to make sure the block device is present09:10
llutz_SoulPropagation2: when drive is NOT mounted09:10
valiumllutz - even simplier ...nice one09:10
daedaluz10.10 loses wlan connection from time to time on T6009:11
rypervenche[deXter]: Ahhhh09:11
rypervenchellutz_: http://pastebin.com/T88bSzc709:11
daedaluzdoing sudo ifconfig wlan0 down && sudo ifconfig wlan0 up doesn't help09:11
[deXter]rypervenche: Actually again that 1000GB is just rounding off, if you calculate the actual binary bytes it comes to 931.32 GB09:11
llutz_rypervenche: if that fs just contains data, set reserved space to 0 (tune2fs -m0)09:12
SoulPropagation2llutz how can I make that persistent? chmod 000 /mnt/usb and add rw to options in fstab?09:12
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llutz_SoulPropagation2:it is persistant if you're not deleting/creating that dir randomly09:13
bubbles|where do i find sysv-rc on ubuntu?09:13
AntonisIn ubuntu how do I access a help document that I have installed? Let's say I have installed package-doc how do I open this specific doc file?09:13
damnoanybody knows how to make the compiz boxmenu work?09:13
rypervenchellutz_: Do I need to input my /dev/sdb1 in the command as well?09:14
llutz_rypervenche: sure09:14
SoulPropagation2llutz_: thanks, will let you know how it goes09:14
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llutz_SoulPropagation2: when mounting the drive, permissions of the folder will change to let you write. it changes back to 000 when umounting09:14
damnoanybody knows how to make the compiz-boxmenu work?09:15
valiumLluts - alternatively you could put the backups into a subdirectory that is only seen when the disk is mounted then test with: somthing like: directory="/media/usb0/daily"    if [ -d "$DESTINATION" ]09:16
valiumlluts sory that shoudl say DESTINATION not directory09:16
llutz_valium: i'd prefer using an udev-rule, starting the backup when the ext-drive is plugged in09:16
solarshey, does anyone know why dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig-config does not open a dialog in 10.10?09:17
solarsI am not able to install artwiz fonts in 10.1009:17
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valiumllutz - isnt the usb drive plugged into a remote LAN system?09:17
rypervenchellutz_: That fixed it! Thank you :D09:17
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llutz_valium: as usual: lots of ways09:17
valiumllutz - i do like the simplicity of the 000 method.  very nice indeed.09:18
llutz_valium: "network backup to USB harddisk"09:18
cavej03can anyone help me with LIRC09:21
allordercavej03: like everywhere don't ask to ask just ask09:21
llutz_rypervenche: that happens whenever you create a ext2/3/4 fs, since those stupid 5% are reserved by default. you can use mkfs.ext4 -m0 to prevent it (or tune2fs later). that reserved space makes only sense for / or /tmp + /var09:22
raven_10.10 and trust drawing board: left mouse click freezes when i touch anything on the board. known problem/any solution?09:22
rypervenchellutz_: Ahh, I see. Good to know :)09:22
mateoburI'm trying to mount a cyphered directory09:23
allordermateobur: ask your question in one line09:23
mateoburIm following a manual, and it says" your home directory has been mount"09:23
mateoburbut in my home directory I only see ECRYPTFS_blahblah, a lot of files likes that, instead my info09:24
mateoburallorder, sorry09:24
rypervenchellutz_: Thank you again. Very very good to know. :)09:24
cavej03ok can anyone help me setup an apple remote with lirc and a mce receiver09:24
allordercavej03: ask your question09:25
raven_10.10 and trust drawing board: left mouse click freezes when i touch anything on the board. known problem/any solution?09:25
mateoburany solution to this?09:25
allordermateobur: http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html09:26
NicolaasAfter running update-rc.d script_name defaults, my script is still not starting on start up. Would this be logged somewhere? Where can I start looking?09:26
llutz_!upstart | Nicolaas read about upstart scripts to make it running09:27
ubottuNicolaas read about upstart scripts to make it running: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/09:27
rypervencheWhat filesystem should I use for my USB drive? I only use Linux computers and I don't care about needing Windows compatibility. I'm looking for performance. Any recommendations?09:27
NicolaasThanx, I knew there was something new09:28
zetsuum, how come I cannot install firefox 4 on mint with the add-rep ppa:mozillateam/firefox-staböe?09:28
ORi|rypervenche: ext4 ?09:28
allorderzetsu: is isnt mint there, bye09:29
zetsuallorder: huh?09:29
mateoburanyone knows why I can see only cyphered files after providing a correct password for my home dir?09:30
allorderits ubuntu09:30
allordernot mint09:30
allorderchange channel09:30
raven_10.10 and trust drawing board: left mouse click freezes when i touch anything on the board. known problem/any solution?09:30
=== raven_ is now known as _raven
zetsuyes I know09:32
zetsuallorder: I apologize09:32
allorderzetsu: ok09:32
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=== everybody is now known as tuxx-
bullgard4What command-line command determines the currently used desktop environment?09:33
zetsubeing lazy...is there mint channel on freenode09:33
SoulPropagation2llutz_: chmod 000 /mnt/usb didn't work. perms are set right but /mnt/usb/* isn't set to 00009:33
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Gurke___10.04 or 10.10 ?09:34
silveryzetsu: http://en.lmgtfy.com/?q=is%20there%20mint%20channel%20on%20freenode )))09:35
Gurke___10.04 or 10.10 ?09:35
llutz_SoulPropagation2: so /mnt/usb isn't your backup-dir? if /mnt/usb is 000, you cannot wrote to any dir inside09:36
zetsusilvery: thankyou very much, I told you I was being lazy and expected it to be a free pass09:36
PreZLaptopFYI - Guest43476 is spamming on join09:36
PreZLaptopif an op is around ;)09:36
_raven10.10 and trust drawing board: left mouse click freezes when i touch anything on the board. known problem/any solution?09:36
Gurke___10.04 or 10.10 ?09:36
allorderzetsu: linux isnt for lazy, thank you09:37
zetsuallorder: I know, but I can cut corners somewhere can I not09:37
valiumanyone here recommend an OpenLDAP web interface that can be used by a non-technical user (the receptionist) to maintain a company address book?09:37
allorderzetsu: then choose a proper distro for you09:37
allorderzetsu: with bigger comm.09:37
SoulPropagation2ls -l /mnt gives d--------- 2 root root 4096 2011-04-20 03:31 usb09:38
[deXter]zetsu: /server irc.spotchat.org09:38
chegibarihello. is there a way to download "a lot of packages" for ubuntu so that you don't always lack something when working offline?09:38
[deXter]zetsu: and join #linuxmint-chat09:38
zetsudeXter: thankyou09:38
valiumchegibari - only way that i can think of doing that is by making your own local repository and syncing it each time you are connected09:39
Gurke___10.04 or 10.10 ? not SURE09:39
allorderGurke_: think09:39
Gurke___WHAT should i install09:40
allorderGurke_: or ask09:40
allorderGurke_: ask why09:40
allorderGurke_: why you think so much, why not 10.1009:40
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valeraukohey people09:44
valeraukocould someone help me with pppoe dsl problems on 10.10?09:45
allordervalerauko: as always, 1 line for 1 question, dont ask to ask09:45
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Gurke___!ask | velrauko09:46
ubottuvelrauko: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:46
yehudahhow can you change the icon size of the launcher09:46
allorder!ask | yehudah09:47
ubottuyehudah: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:47
matteppiiHow can i mesaure how many data is tranfer do single ip, in a single port?09:47
mynameistuxI asked this once before, but I want to check again becasue I don't have enough HDD space to do a backup09:48
valeraukoPPPoE DSL, a japanese provider. I don't really know what the problem is myself. With default settings, it works for most cases, but at certain FTP and most secure hosts (be that HTTP or FTP) it doesn't connect or times out. It works all right with windows with default settings.09:48
mynameistuxwait, I need the server channel, sorry09:48
allordermynameistux: ask your question in one line09:48
mynameistuxit's alright, I was in the wrong channel, I moved to the correct one09:51
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valeraukoyehudah, right click on the panel, settings (or properties, i'm not using english) and you can set the size there09:51
yehudahright click has no effect09:52
valeraukothat's strange, right click on the panels should bring up at least some kind of menu09:53
matteppiiHow can i mesaure how many data is tranfered to single ip, in a single port?09:54
_raven10.10 and trust drawing board: left mouse click freezes when i touch anything on the board. known problem/any solution?09:54
dm_大家好,请问一个问题:我在virtual box 里面装red hat虚拟机,但是总是在硬盘格式化的时候失败,求指教09:55
valerauko_raven can you use the drawing board as a pointing device?09:56
Kimmen!cn | dm_09:56
ubottudm_: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk09:56
_ravenvalerauko, yes09:56
valeraukoit could be disabling the mouse automatically, i had similar problems with my old laptop's touchpad09:57
administrator_have you use Ubuntu?09:57
niteshadehow do i completely kill the keyring manager?  It keeps asking me for a password that i don't know (since i don't even remember setting it) and then restricting programs just because i said "cancel."  I want it gone.  Completely and totally GONE!!!!09:59
WidowGday guys09:59
progre55hi guys. are there any tools to merge several pdf/jpg files together? other than inserting them into an open office word document and exporting as pdf =)09:59
Gurke___10.04 or 10.10 ? not SURE10:00
Gurke___WHAT should i install10:00
psycho_oreosyou have asked that several times Gurke___10:00
niteshadeanyone know how to get rid of keyring manager?10:00
Gurke___what was the answer10:01
xskydevilxIs there a way to restore the nautilus file manager to the original (default) state?10:01
progre55Gurke___: depends on what you need it for10:01
lugkhastGurke___: Personally, I go with the latest version available unless my hardware has an issue with it10:01
progre55Gurke___: if it's a server, and want long term support, go with 10.04, if for your pc, 10.1010:02
niteshadethe newer the distro, the more secure, and up-to-date your system will be.10:02
bullgard4What command-line command determines the currently used desktop environment?10:02
niteshadebullgard4: go into the login screen, and when it prompts for the password, look in the bottom-right corner of the screen.10:03
llutz_bullgard4: echo $DESKTOP_SESSION            (not sure)10:03
mynameistuxI know of a program that does that10:04
niteshadehow do i completely kill the keyring manager?  It keeps asking me for a password that i don't know (since i don't even remember setting it) and then restricting programs just because i said "cancel."  I want it gone.  Completely and totally GONE!!!!10:04
progre55mynameistux: what's that?10:04
ooxihi is it possible to remount / online?10:04
mynameistuxit's a kde application10:04
mynameistuxI THINK it's in the repos10:04
progre55mynameistux: swell, I'm on kde actually =) let me have a look at it..10:04
ooxii want to mount it with noatime flag10:04
progre55mynameistux: I'm on kubuntu.. let me see if it's in the repos..10:05
Gurke___I NEED10:05
Gurke___it for m< pc10:05
Gurke___not server10:05
twiggy_is there anyone here who knows how to hard reset a router without the password? i'm plugged in to it via ethernet btw10:05
progre55Gurke___: 10.1010:05
twiggy_and without physically accessing it10:05
BlouBlouGurke_: Why are you asking it every days? I said you, if you want new programs, 10.10. If you want stable OS, 10.0410:05
Gurke___ok but progre55 : kde or gnome e10:06
bullgard4llutz_: This obtains "gnome" in Lucid but nothing (empty) in Natty.10:06
mynameistuxprogre55: It's in the repos on ubuntu10:06
BlouBlouGurke_: I prefer KDE, but whatever you want10:06
progre55mynameistux: "posterazor - splits an image into multiple sheets for assembly into a poster" thanks man, I'll install and try it now10:06
BlouBlouGurke_: Install both10:06
Gurke___kde okay why do you prefer kde bloublou ??10:06
progre55Gurke___: I personally have kde10:06
Chris_HIs there any screen capturing (video and not screenshot) software for linux10:06
BlouBlouGurke_: I think it's 'cooler'10:06
mynameistuxthe program can be a bit of a pain to use, but once you get used to it, does the job really well10:06
Gurke___one thing, i dont want unity10:06
progre55Gurke___: looks nicer =)10:06
Gurke___thats important, i dont want unity10:07
BlouBlouGurke_: Then install KDE, ubuntu comes with Unity10:07
valeraukodoes kde still have the penguins misc app?10:07
Gurke___and gnome 3 i hate too10:07
bullgard4niteshade: This is no command-line command.10:07
FloodBot1Gurke___: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:07
red2kicGurke___: I wonder if 'sudo apt-get install *' will work -- then that way, you aren't missing anything out.10:07
yehudahhow can you change the icon size of the launcher in 11.0410:07
andrea_does anyone know why I am not about to send to the python channel10:07
andrea_im new to python10:07
BlouBlouvalerauko: penguins misc app? What's that?10:07
andrea_i meant IRC10:08
progre55red2kic: lol xD10:08
DJonesandrea_: You probably need to register your nick before you can send the that channel10:08
DJones!register | andrea_10:08
ubottuandrea_: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode10:08
progre55Gurke___: and also, make sure your graphics can handle kde =) cause it's really heavy when it comes to graphics10:08
andrea_thank you DJones10:08
MaRk-IChris_H: there's several, gtk-recordmydesktop, xvidcap and kazam to name a few10:08
valeraukoBlouBlou: ages ago there was a "game" in kde... all it did was that penguins started falling across the screen, walking on and in the windows and stuff10:09
rob_ptwiggy_: Nope.  You will need physical access. A router that can be hard reset without a password or physical access would be too vulnerable to local miscreants.10:09
forceflowChris_H: I recommend xvidcap10:09
Gurke___progre55: i have got INTEL GMX 450010:09
Gurke___GMA X450010:09
Gurke___@ progre5510:09
BlouBlouvalerauko: Oh, no idea, I didn't see it :P10:09
shomonhi - I often find middle button pasting doesn't work.. I have to use gedit as a middle ground to paste from tomboy to thunderbird for example.10:09
shomonis there a way to get it workign more?10:09
valeraukono surprise there, it was in a release like 8 years ago10:09
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progre55Gurke___: not sure, but I guess should be okay10:10
progre55I've got radeon..10:10
=== Andrea_d4 is now known as andrea_d4
Gurke___progre55: future there is now way not to gnome 3 or unity or ?10:10
Gurke___is it ?10:10
_raven10.10 and trust drawing board: left mouse click freezes when i touch anything on the board. known problem/any solution?10:10
progre55Gurke___: no idea10:11
shomonubuntu 10.10 is where middle button pasting suddenly gets less and less support10:11
valeraukoPPPoE DSL, a japanese provider. With default settings, it works for most cases, but at certain FTP and most secure hosts (be that HTTP or FTP) it doesn't connect or times out. It works all right with windows with default settings and HTTPS works via Tor. Any ideas?10:11
Gurke___progre55: future there is now way not to gnome 3 or unity or ?10:12
Gurke___is it ?10:12
Gurke___or bloublou or so10:13
BlouBlouGurke_: I don't understand your question10:13
progre55Gurke___: donno, you should ask the ubuntu developers =) I'm just a user10:13
Gurke___I hate !! gnome 3 and i hate unity tooo10:14
BlouBlouThen install Kubuntu10:14
andrea_d4 if i am writing "/msg nickserv register myPassword myEmail@gmail.com"10:14
jinkJust get rid of the gui entirely. :P10:14
Tm_TGurke___: wrong channel for this10:14
andrea_d4but not working, am i missing something10:15
valeraukoandrea_d4, write /msg nickserv help, read and learn.10:15
BlouBlou!pm | Gurke_10:16
ubottuGurke_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.10:16
Gurke___!pm | BlouBlou10:16
ubottuBlouBlou: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.10:16
BlouBlouGurke_: ??10:16
andrea_d4valerauko: do I write that on the freenode or the channel10:16
Hans_Henrikim running ubuntu 10.04 desktop and i want to reformat and re-setup everything from scratch.. i dont got any USB drives or simmilar, i dont got a ubuntu CD, and i wish to avoid burning 1 here. can i format this PC without burning a CD? and if so, how?10:16
shomondoes anyone know how to improve middle button/unix style cut & pasting in ubuntu 10.10?10:16
Gurke___Hans_Henrik: why not 10.1010:17
BlouBlouGurke_: Install whatever you want!!!10:17
shomonHans_Henrik, maybe you can do a web install?10:17
Gurke___noo i recommend him10:17
Hans_Henrikgurke___: gonna use it as a server, and then id perfer a LTS10:17
Hans_Henrikshomon: how?10:17
Gurke___Hans_Henrik : ah ok start on an cd10:17
shomonis it connected to the net? I think there should be a link from ubuntu's website10:18
Hans_Henrikshomon: yup, im sitting on it right now :p10:18
shomonouch get off you'll get electrocuted!10:18
shomonok I found it once just looking on ubuntu's site...10:18
smr2is this channel for 11.04 beta also?10:20
psycho_oreosHans_Henrik, the only way apart from not burning a CD or putting ubuntu setup on USB and installing from there is probably to do a PXE boot10:20
red2kicsmr2: #ubuntu+110:20
psycho_oreos!11.04| smr210:20
ubottusmr2: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems.10:20
shomonah Hans_Henrik I see the windows installer edition is what I used. I'm sure you can from inside an existing ubuntu but I'm not sure how10:20
Tm_TGurke___: stop harrassing other users and ranting in wrong channels10:20
anyingisyewatsup guys10:21
psycho_oreoshave you got a ubuntu related question to as?10:22
Hans_Henrikpsycho_oreos: its possible to do a full ubuntu install from Windows* OS's without using a CD, im quite sure its possible from a ubuntu install as well.. question is, how? :p10:22
EyesIsMine|iPodHans_Henrik: Mount the .iso :S10:22
_raven10.10 and trust drawing board: left mouse click freezes when i touch anything on the board. known problem/any solution?10:22
rypervencheIf I want to format an external disk, do I have to do fdisk and mkfs again, or can I just do mkfs if I want to keep the partition?10:23
llutz_rypervenche: you can10:24
psycho_oreosHans_Henrik, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromLinux <-- that?10:24
Jibblit anyone run 11.04 under vmware workstation 7*?10:24
psycho_oreosrypervenche, you don't need to use fdisk if you want to keep the size of the partition10:24
rypervenchellutz_: Is there any special command to erase what exists on it or do I just do as I would to put a new one on there?10:24
psycho_oreos!11.04| Jibblit10:25
ubottuJibblit: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems.10:25
llutz_rypervenche: if you create a new filesystem, all old stuff will be erased10:25
Hans_Henrikpsycho_oreos: thanks10:25
valerauko_raven i'm not sure but this might be relevant: http://technomagus.wordpress.com/linux/trust-slimline-widescreen-tablet-in-linux/10:25
llutz_rypervenche: sudo mkfs.ext4 -m0 /dev/sdXY10:25
rypervenchellutz_: Great, thank you :)10:25
valeraukoPPPoE DSL, a japanese provider. With default settings, it works for most cases, but at certain FTP and most secure hosts (be that HTTP or FTP) it doesn't connect or times out. It works all right with windows with default settings and HTTPS works via Tor. Any ideas?10:26
psycho_oreosvalerauko, probably a thing to to do with iptables or mtu settings10:27
valeraukopsycho_oreos, could you go into details?10:28
deeeeddo you know on which package I can find nbtstat ?10:29
Hans_Henrikwhere can i find the ubuntu netinst ISOs?10:30
Draco_Hi, I've installed 7z from the software center, but it doesn't appear in the application list, any ideas?10:30
psycho_oreosvalerauko, its not specifically ubuntu related, but there's clues on how one can go about on it by looking at linux router howto for instance. There's software based router OS like ipcop which has all those settings preset.10:30
red2kicHans_Henrik: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/10:30
hoth1c3Draco_: I think that just gives you command line access to 7zip formats, or through the normal archive manager. It won't install a GUI10:31
red2kicDraco_: If you install 7z, file-roller (Gnome Archiver) will support it.10:31
bazhang!cn | dalin_10:31
ubottudalin_: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk10:31
MaDiNfO_Workcan somebody help me installing ssl on apache2 ?10:32
bazhangdalin_, #ubuntu-cn  english here10:32
=== Nathan is now known as Guest63367
MaDiNfO_Workonly found outdated how toos10:33
valeraukopsycho_oreos: i don't use routers, direct connection10:33
PrasathHi how to delete large amount of file s (100 000) efficiently. Nautilus takes a lot of time??10:34
Guest63367...Not sure?10:34
Guest63367Sorry, typo10:34
tuxx-rm doesnt work on that amount of files i believe10:34
valiumPrasath - rm -fr /path/10:34
Guest63367I'm having problems using Oracle's VM VirtualBox running FreNAS10:35
Jibblitanyone know a workaround for the timeserver problem during install on vmware?10:35
Prasathvalium: Thanks10:35
psycho_oreosvalerauko, I didn't mean you use routers, I meant that some software based routers such as ipcop have those settings preset, the things one usually needs to fiddle with when it comes to maximising the capabilities of the connection10:35
valiumPrasath - run as sudo10:35
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Guest63367Just going to reconnect10:35
=== Guest76884 is now known as Araneidae
gaurav_helphow i copy iso image to usb device10:36
bazhanggaurav_help, unetbootin10:36
ginbun2bazhang, now they also banned me from #ubuntu-ops?10:36
bazhangginbun2, try now10:36
AraneidaeHow can I get host names in /etc/hosts to take precedence over DNS server names?10:36
ginbun2bazhang, I don't have time to deal with it now.. I am taking a break of 5 min10:37
AraneidaeI'm stuck with a netgear router DNS server, but I need some local names10:37
tripelbpfifo, thanks for telling me. I appreciate that. Info filed away for the future. USB has limited power. I knew that but didnt ever apply my knowledge.10:37
MaRk-I!usb | gaurav_help10:37
kwtmIs LibreOffice available for Ubuntu 10.04?  I did "apt-cache search libreoffice" and found nothing; I did http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=lucid&section=all&arch=any&searchon=names&keywords=libreoffice and it said my keyword was too generic (ie. there were too many packages found and could I please narrow it down).10:37
ubottugaurav_help: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent10:37
skyw4lk3rHow can I install iTunes? I can't find it in the software center10:37
ubottuTo set up a Domain Name Service see the !serverguide - https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/dns.html10:37
=== iszak is now known as Guest17137
ginbun2skyw4lk3r, there is no itunes for Ubuntu10:37
ginbun2Araneidae, stop it. you POS10:38
trond-skyw4lk3r, There is no iTunes for Linux - call Steve Jobs for that. You have to use either Banshee or Rhythmbox (or how that one is spelled).10:38
Araneidaeginbun2, what's the problem?10:38
bazhangginbun2, stop that now10:38
gartralskyw4lk3r: another alternative is yamipod10:38
bullgard4Seahorse = »Passwords and Encryption Keys« > Other Keys  shows a "Secure Shell Key" together with a KEY ID and a key symbol having a terminal emblem. On another Ubuntu computer another "Secure Shell Key" does not appear. What is the function of this "Secure Shell Key"?10:38
skyw4lk3rDoes Banshee or Rhythmbox have the iTunes store?10:38
gartralAraneidae: he's calling you a "Point of Service" :P10:38
gaurav_helpubottu, i have an iso image which is bootable but it is not ubuntu  of image i want to copy all data of that image to my usb device10:38
trond-skyw4lk3r, no10:38
nbookhamRythmbox is good, you can download a UPNP plugin from the Ubuntu Software Centre10:39
Araneidaegaurav_help, ubottu is a bot!10:39
jansendDoes someone over here has some experience with ubuntu and tablets?10:39
skyw4lk3rtrond-: Why not? Is there no way to enable it?10:39
nbookhamSo in theory you can use dlna to stream10:39
silveryubottu is a bot!10:39
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:39
silveryno way!10:39
MaRk-Igaurav_help: just copy it like a regular file to the usb10:39
bullgard4jansend: Please put a specific question here in this channel.10:39
etienneroeschHi all10:39
gartralgaurav_help: are you on ubuntu or windows right now?10:39
AraneidaeAny suggestions for my name lookup problem?  `host myname` (and I have a myname entry in /etc/hosts) goes to the DNS server10:40
AraneidaeI've looked in nsswitch.conf which has files first on the hosts line, so I'm at a loss10:40
jansendwell, i'm currently trying to find a tablet which is supported by ubuntu (the hardware itself), but because the makers of the tablets are very limited by providing information about there hardware10:40
etienneroeschSpecific question: I am using 10.10 (server) and want to compile pyopencl, which needs a sdk; for some reason I don't manage export /pathtosdk/include to the search path for the includes in compiling10:41
gaurav_helpgartral, i am on ubuntu when i am trying to copy as regular my iso image get unmouted10:41
etienneroeschI am new to programming on ubuntu, and am wondering what's the correct procedure for adding includes to the search path is10:41
etienneroeschthx in advance.. :)10:42
trond-skyw4lk3r, Well as you may know, Mr Steve Jobs is a bit paranoid and he does not want anything else than apple product getting access to the iTunes Store. So, afaik, no Linux music software can connect to the iTUnes store. And I have a feeling that Mr. Jobs will do any changes to that. Also: I doubt that there will be a Linux version of iTunes. It might be that you can install Wine and run iTunes there. Search the web for Wine and Itunes10:42
ikoniatrond-: it has NOTHING to do with paranioa, so get a grips on the reasonsing behind it before spouting nonsense to people10:43
nbookhamwine is a bit buggy though10:43
Prasathvalium: Even its slow (sudo rm -fr /path/)10:44
gaurav_helpi want 2 copy my iso image files 2 my usb how i do that ... through terminal10:44
trond-ikonia, i know.10:44
Jibblit@etienneroescho - it could be as easy as 'export PATH=$HOME/foo/bar:$PATH' at the bottom of .bashrc10:44
ikoniatrond-: if you know, then why did you say it ?10:44
etienneroeschJibblit well that's what I did... on C_LIBRARY_PATH (which appeared to be empty beforehand!) but that doesn't work...10:45
Araneidaeikonia, trond-, it's more greed than paranoia IMHO, but very OT10:45
ikoniaAraneidae: it's neither10:45
etienneroeschso I was wondering if I am using the appropriate variables to begin with10:45
trond-ikonia, well, what I meant was that I should not have done it. And I am sorry.10:45
skyw4lk3rtrond-: Thanks for your help, I'll look at Wine or otherwise try an alternative store10:45
Araneidaeikonia, desire for full control?  Hunger for power?  What do you call that then?10:46
trond-skyw4lk3r, with banshee you get access to amazon mp3 store and the ubuntu one store.10:46
Jibblitprobably, what's your exact code you included?10:46
etienneroeschJibblit cp /pathtoyourimage/ /mnt/nameoftheusb/10:46
ikoniaAraneidae: I call it not developing for a unstable/moving platform, and developing for two stable platforms in mac and windows10:46
Jibblitwell, do you want to copy everything or just use it?10:46
AraneidaeWell, as I say, this is very OT, so I'm reluctant to open an argument here!10:47
etienneroeschJibblit export C_INCLUDE_PATH=$C_INCLUDE_PATH":/home/eroesch/AMD-APP-SDK-v2.4-lnx64/include/"10:47
ikoniaAraneidae: join #ubuntu-offtopic and discuss10:47
AraneidaeGood idea.  Trying to resolve my damned /etc/hosts lookup problem now, though :(10:48
trond-Araneidae, what is your problem with it?10:48
AraneidaeNo idea how to ensure that /etc/hosts takes absolute priority over DNS?10:48
Jibblit@etie, what upbuntu version?  i assume you are using bash?10:48
AraneidaeMy problem is that I have entries in /etc/hosts that don't seem to be being picked up reliably, for example `host myname` doesn't see them10:48
trond-Araneidae, have you restarted networking?10:49
AraneidaeUm.  I suppose it's worth a try...10:49
trond-Araneidae, /etc/init.d/networking restart10:49
bullgard4Seahorse = »Passwords and Encryption Keys« > Other Keys  shows a "Secure Shell Key" together with a KEY ID and a key symbol having a terminal emblem. On another Ubuntu computer another "Secure Shell Key" does not appear. What is the function of this "Secure Shell Key"?10:49
AraneidaeFWIW, on n/w restart I get the message: "postconf: fatal: open /etc/postfix/main.cf: No such file or directory"10:50
AraneidaeDoesn't fix my name resolver problem10:50
Chousukebullgard4: an ssh key maybe?10:50
trond-Araneidae, installing a webserver with postfix email support?10:51
bullgard4Chousuke: Yes. But I'd like to know it more exactly.10:51
gaurav_helphow to run an apllication through terminal10:51
Araneidaetrond-, ok, I'll ignore that issue for now10:51
Jibblit@etie, regardless, have you tried juist hardcoding the directory before using variables in the pathname?10:51
trond-Araneidae, you could just do touch /etc/postfix/main.cf just so that you get a file there.10:51
gaurav_helprunning application through terminal10:52
trond-Araneidae, last line is not recommended though. I would finish the postfix installation first.10:52
trond-gaurav_help, ./applicationname10:52
Araneidaetrond-, I'm not too excited about my postfix install at the moment, but alas I'm not getting much traction on my name lookup issue10:53
AraneidaeWhy is my /etc/hosts file being ignored?  How can I find out?10:53
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ikoniaAraneidae: why do you think your hostfile is being ignored ?10:53
AraneidaeBecause when I type `host myname` when myname is in /etc/hosts I get a response from the DNS server10:53
gaurav_helptrond-, i want 2 open Unetbooien through terminal as u tell that is not working10:54
ikoniaAraneidae: host references dns, not host file10:54
AraneidaeOh crap10:54
ikoniaAraneidae: host is a DNS tool10:54
dydhi guys10:54
AraneidaeBeen barking up the wrong damned tree for the last half hour :(10:54
AraneidaeThanks ikonia , I'll step back a stage.10:55
dydi have a problem with gedit... i have to create a list of names and make a TAB space between them, the problem is that when i press TAB the first time it puts a space, then i have to press it again to put a true TAB. This is annoying.10:55
trond-Araneidae, it happens to all of us :)10:55
AraneidaeI guess `ping` is the tool to use then?  Or is there some other name resolution tool that uses libc resolution order?10:55
gaurav_helpikonia, i want 2 open an application through terminal how i open that10:55
fuzzybunny69yHey guys is there anyway to tell what file is being edited when you are using a program?10:56
erUSULAraneidae: dig? nslookup?10:56
Jibblit@fuzzy - depends, emacs creates #file#10:57
Jibblittoo easy?10:57
dyllanhi guys10:57
red2kicfuzzybunny69y: lsof /path/to/file -- Maybe?10:57
=== steveire_ is now known as steveire
fuzzybunny69yhmmm well I was wanting to see what file is being edited when I use the software sources to remove a 3rd party repository for example10:58
erUSULfuzzybunny69y: /etc/apt/sources.list and or /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* files10:58
erUSUL!xy | fuzzybunny69y10:58
ubottufuzzybunny69y: The XY problem is when you need to do X, and you think you can use Y to do X, so you ask about how to do Y, when what you really should do is state what your X problem is. There may be a Z solution that is even better than Y, but nobody can suggest it if X is never mentioned.10:58
dyllanIm trying to mount an nfs share via PXE boot, when it boots it complains about Read-only filesystem, but my /etc/exports file has the rw option, i even chown & chmod the directory 777 but still no luck, any ideas?10:59
xro2Hi, i did a nmap tcp port scan on one of my server... It report that the port 554 is open... when  do a netstat -atunp on my server i don't see this port... but if i try to connect throught telnet it repond.... have you an idea?11:02
ikoniaxilo: possible compromise11:02
ikoniaxilo: if you telnet to the port, what does it respond with11:03
mickster04xro2: what is the problem?11:03
ikoniaxro2: sorry, that was for you, it's a possible compromise, what does it respond with if you telnet to it11:03
ikoniaxro2: possible it's also something that's launched from xinetd11:04
xro2ikonia, Connected to x.x.x.x Escape character is '^]'.... but with wireshark i saw that it respond...11:04
ikoniaxro2: issue a command, anything, what does it do11:05
xro2mickster04, servers doesn't have to respond to a port i haven't specified!11:05
xro2ikonia, nothing special...11:05
AraneidaeerUSUL, I though dig was a dns only tool.  WIll try nslookup11:05
ikoniaxro2: what does it respond with exactly11:05
tripelbI've a question about packing things in so that I can break up my huge partition into something smaller and not lose information. How can I do this? Can I do this? I've got a 1T drive, say 1/6 full at most.11:06
ikoniatripelb: what do you want to change ?11:06
tripelbubuntu 10.04, default.11:06
AraneidaeerUSUL, no, they both seem to go straight to DNS (unless there's some command line option I haven't looked for yet)11:06
ikoniatripelb: first question, why do you want to change your partition layout ?11:06
xro2ikonia, nothing in the telnet session but I saw that it ack every command in wireshark11:07
Mrokiihello. Does somebody know how I can undelete files on an SD-card?11:08
MrokiiI mean, a flashcard from a camera.11:08
llutz_Mrokii: maybe photorec (testdisk package) helps11:08
Mrokiiokay, thanks.11:09
etienneroeschDamn router!11:09
tripelbI want to have a couple of partitions.  why, one to have some ntfs. two I have a hard drive with issues. I want to dump what is there into it's own partition to keep things clean. -- are there any other good reasons to break up a partition? I should have made a separate home, tho I found out we can now (or soon) update the system without trashing home. Another reason is I coudl run two versions of ubuntu. Fear is keeping me from updat11:09
tripelbing 10.04 and I'd rather have both.11:09
etienneroeschJibblit sorry got disconnected11:09
tripelbikonia ^^^^11:09
etienneroeschright when you were about to give me the solution to my include problem... :)11:09
rob_pxro2: When you do, "sudo netstat -lpnt" does port 554 show up in the list?  Obviously you have some service listening on that port.  But if netstat refuses to show it as listening, that could suggest a hacked netstat (possible rootkit, etc.). The responsible process will be listed in the far right column.11:10
xro2rob_p, no... This is why i don't understand...11:11
llutz_xro2: "sudo lsof -i :554" "pgrep xinetd"11:11
ikoniatripelb: the first thing to do is to boot from a livecd and shrink your root partition (/) down to the zie you want it to be11:11
Jibblit@etie, lol, maybe11:12
etienneroeschh?h? :)11:12
etienneroeschis C_LIBRARY_PATH the correct include variable on 10.10?11:12
xro2llutz_, nothing11:12
Jibblit@etie not sure, but have you tried hardcoding the directory instead of using an $ variable?11:13
etienneroeschJibblit well, nop I haven't but technically I (want to) have little control over that because it's for compiling pyopencl, which is "self-compiling" from pip, the python package manager11:14
PodMan99hey guys and gals, I have a ubuntu 10.10 installation x86, is there a way I can upgrade this to the x64 version without rebuilding my machine.? i know its a long shot but worth a go.11:15
etienneroeschit is including <CL/cl.h> in one of its own include, which gcc fails to find in the search path11:15
bazhangPodMan99, upgrade from 32 to 64 without a full reinstall?11:15
mickster04etienneroesch: no? how did you expect that to work?11:15
rob_pxro2: What don't you understand?  There *is* something listening on that port. *If* netstat refuses to show what process is bound to that port, then it's likely a hacked netstat.  And yes, even xinet will show up as a process in the list if it is bound to and listening on a port.11:15
PodMan99bazhang: yes11:15
bazhangPodMan99, no11:15
mickster04etienneroesch: wrong nick sorry11:16
PodMan99bazhang: clears that up :) thanks11:16
etienneroeschmickster04 no problemo :)11:16
xro2rob_p, hacked netstat??? do you think that a hacker penetrate my system and then change the netstat soft?11:16
rob_pxro2: It's possible, if everything you are telling us is true.11:17
rob_pxro2: It would usually be part of a rootkit.11:17
etienneroeschJibblit hence my question: what is the search path for includes on 10.10? and what is the correct system variable to update?11:18
lxs-makotocrisis. i need help. servers suddenly, out of the blue, came up with "no space on device"#11:18
lxs-makotoand i dont even know whats caused it11:18
xro2rob_p, i will check it... but that appears a bit strange! my system is not so old and patched...11:18
lxs-makotoi can only get into a bash11:18
tsimpsonetienneroesch: you don't use C_LIBRARY_PATH (whatever that is), you add the directories with the -I and -L flags of gcc, there are no environment variables for it as it will vary from project to project11:19
jriblxs-makoto: verify there is no space left on the device and find out why?  If you're not comfortable in bash a « sudo apt-get clean » may free up some space so you can login11:19
rob_pxro2: Well, I don't want you to panic, but you should definitely look into what's going on because it's a pretty fishy scenario...11:19
Jibblit#etie try this: http://www.linux.com/community/blogs/to-add-new-library-path-in-ubuntu-1010.html11:20
Jibblitsubstituting gedit if you wish of course11:20
princohow do you list all the active processors ?11:21
bazhangprinco, in top ?11:21
princoin terminal11:21
etienneroeschfor completeness: that is where I found C_LIBRARY_PATH http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=153580811:21
kernelpnc_In ubuntu 10.10, I successfully configured /etc/network/interfaces ( http://paste.ubuntu.com/596486/ ) to use wpa_supplicant and dhcp to connect to an AP ("UHH-WPA"). Now I want the machine to connect to an ad-hoc network ("bensotec") instead when that ad-hoc network is available. But I think for that network I need to specify an ip manually. How do I do that?11:21
etienneroeschadmitedly an old page11:21
bazhangprinco, assuming you mean processes and not processors11:21
princoyep processes11:21
MrBushidodoes iptables block localhost to localhost connections unless otherwise told?11:21
princosorry not processors.11:21
lxs-makotox wont start,11:21
bazhangtop in terminal princo11:22
etienneroeschprinco sudo apt-get install htop; htop11:22
airtonixprinco: htop gives a nice coloured output of both processors and processes11:22
princookay let me try. thanks11:22
jribetienneroesch: no you didn't :)11:22
etienneroeschjrib what do you mean? :)11:23
jribetienneroesch: there's no "C_LIBRARY_PATH" in your link11:23
princoexcellent just what i was looking for. thanks :)11:23
etienneroeschjrib Ha, correct! Wrong link: that is the one   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=153580811:24
princowhat other cool things can you do with ubuntu? :P11:24
xro2rob_p, ohhh, i cannot connect it from: telnet 554!   really strange...11:24
jribetienneroesch: same link11:24
tsimpsonetienneroesch: C_LIBRARY_PATH/C_INCLUDE_PATH may be for some other OS/compiler, but not for Linux/GCC11:25
etienneroeschjrib then look on abt 1/3 from top of the page ;)11:25
lxs-makotohow (from bash) can i find whats somehow managed to nom 400gb?11:25
mehdihey guys if my modem doesn't support linux is it possible to use it in linux11:25
jribetienneroesch: I am.  "C_LIBRARY_PATH" is no where on that page.  There are other include variables (valid ones).  « man gcc » documents them11:26
rob_pxro2: It may not be listening on local loopback.11:26
etienneroeschjrib you're right, my bad, I meant C_INCLUDE_PATH :p11:26
etienneroesch(i need more coffee)11:26
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jribetienneroesch: yes11:27
etienneroeschtsimpson jrib Jibblit .. well, thx guys! I'll dig in a bit more, shouldn't be that difficult :) I'll stay online, if you have ideas don't hesitate ;)11:28
RACER-Xγειά σου11:28
susundberghello, this is english speaking channel11:29
bazhang!il | RACER-X11:29
ubottuRACER-X: לשיחות בשפה העברית ולגישה לקהילת המשתמשים העברית אנא הקלד:11:29
ubottu/join #ubuntu-il11:29
RACER-XNie rozumiem, co mówisz11:29
bazhangRACER-X, #ubuntu-pl then11:29
RACER-XPotrzebuję pomocy z moim ubuntu system komputerowy11:29
jrib!pl | RACER-X11:30
ubottuRACER-X: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.11:30
RACER-Xmoże ktoś mi przyjemność ustnej11:30
xro2rob_p, or it could be a firewall property?11:30
bazhangRACER-X, english not hebrew, greek or polish11:30
Gurke__hi @Hemanth11:30
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:30
gaurav_helphow do i import my ls result in txt file11:31
Hemanthhow u doing11:31
Jibblitls * > foo.txt11:31
rob_pxro2: The packet filtering rules won't affect netstat's ability to list ports/processes.11:31
bullgard4Seahorse = »Passwords and Encryption Keys« > Other Keys  shows a "Secure Shell Key" together with a KEY ID and a key symbol having a terminal emblem. On another Ubuntu computer another "Secure Shell Key" does not appear. What is the function of this "Secure Shell Key"?11:31
Hemanthhow to install cool  softwares t11:32
tsimpsongaurav_help: you can send output from a command to a text file by using the '>' operator, eg "ls > output.txt"11:32
pdebruicis there an irc channel for glibc in Ubuntu?11:32
bullgard4Hemanth: Use Synaptic.11:32
Gurke__!offtopic | Hamanth11:32
ubottuHamanth: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:32
jribbullgard4: probably your ssh key?11:32
xro2rob_p, yes... but i have to check that the answer really comes from my server (not created by a FW)11:32
Rick77Hi! I'm having a problem with the keyboard in the new version of ubuntu: it sort of behaves like a mac one, merging grave keys and letters ('+ a = á): is there a way to disable this?11:32
tsimpsonpdebruic: not really, but it would depend on your question11:33
lxs-makotooh my god. backup script gone terribly wrong. its making 145GB backups :|11:33
jribRick77: you can probably explore System → Preferences → Keyboard a bit11:33
lxs-makotoalso how do you fix fragmentation in ext311:33
lxs-makotobecaus once the disk is full, its gonna fragment11:33
lxs-makotothe only bug in ext3 i am aware of11:33
Rick77jrib, did already (freenode is usually my last resort ;-) (11:33
jribRick77: in options11:34
pdebruictsimpson: I'm trying to see if in crypt(3) the blowfish password encryption scheme is supported.  I don't think it is but could be doing it wrong11:34
rob_pxro2: I see where you're going... ok.  But you should remove all extraneous variables.  Plug in directly to the server (if possible) and rerun your analysis.11:34
jribRick77: layouts → options11:34
jribRick77: or it could even be the layout you have chosen.  What layout is selected?11:34
etienneroeschtsimpson jrib Jibblit .. from man gcc: CPATH11:35
etienneroesch       C_INCLUDE_PATH11:35
etienneroesch       CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH11:35
etienneroesch       OBJC_INCLUDE_PATH11:35
etienneroesch           Each variable's value is a list of directories separated by a11:35
FloodBot2etienneroesch: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:35
etienneroesch           special character, much like PATH, in which to look for header11:35
cowslammeris there a command that tells me all the system specs?11:35
jribcowslammer: sudo lshw11:35
bazhangcowslammer, sudo lshw11:35
durammxHi! I have a weard problem on my Asus laptop. the sound driver is loaded but when I use lshw-gtk says that this device hasn't been claimed11:35
Rick77jrib: both USA alternative international and USA international with dead keys do that. Itś more likely that the layout options will be the answer11:35
bullgard4jrib My personal ssh keys are in »Passwords and Encryption Keys« > »My Personal Keys«, are thy not? And this special Key is not there.11:35
tsimpsonpdebruic: the man page suggests it's likely supported, you'll have to try and check the errno result11:35
tsimpsonetienneroesch: maybe in some OS/compiler, not in Linux/GCC11:36
Rick77I was already browsing them, but no dice. I'll search better11:36
tsimpsonetienneroesch: unless it's talking about some configure script11:36
pdebruictsimpson: thanks.11:36
jribbullgard4: where is this special key?11:37
etienneroeschtsimpson .. it's the man gcc from 10.10 I did :) In the section about environment variables for gcc11:37
bullgard4jrib:  Seahorse = »Passwords and Encryption Keys« > Other Keys  shows a "Secure Shell Key" together with a KEY ID and a key symbol having a terminal emblem.11:37
jribbullgard4: key id?11:38
tsimpsonetienneroesch: the fact that no one knows about it shows how ugly it is and that you probably don't want to use it11:38
durammxit was working fine, since the last update is dead11:39
etienneroeschtsimpson hehe that's very true :)11:39
tsimpsonetienneroesch: use -I to add include paths and -L to add library search paths, and you'll avoid confusing errors11:39
xro2rob_p, i will do it... i just checked my other servers and they all respond to this port... So, i get totally cracked or my firewall is playing with me...11:40
dyllanIm trying to mount an nfs share via PXE boot, when it boots it complains about Read-only filesystem, but my /etc/exports file has the rw option, i even chown & chmod the directory 777 but still no luck, any ideas?11:40
bullgard4jrib:  FC 2C B7 F911:40
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jribbullgard4: don't know11:40
etienneroeschtsimpson yeah I know, but I have little control over that because it is a compilation called by pip (the python package manager) I should talk to the package maintainer instead11:41
bullgard4jrib:  Ok. Thank you.11:41
jribbullgard4: fwiw in "Other keys" I have keys added through apt-key.  Maybe check what other directories seahorse searches11:41
etienneroeschanyway, it's just been 30+ min playing with it, so I am not ready to give up just yet ;)11:41
bullgard4jrib:  Ok. I'll try.11:42
dhaithamhello, i got skype process going on but it's not showing the little skype icon on system tray  (near the indicator applet) - how can I add it there?11:42
martin_Can I prevent my laptop screen going  dim when on battery.11:42
dhaithamit exists on the processes (from system monitor) but not on the system tray11:42
jribetienneroesch: is the "problem" that you have some sort of dependency installed in a non-standard path?  Because that's pretty much what the purpose of C_INCLUDE_PATH is afaik11:43
rob_pxro2: Good luck!  Hope you find out what's going on.  Perhaps you have a firewall rule that redirects inbound tcp port 554 to some other server (or something along those lines) because that would explain it.11:43
DJonesmartin_: It should be a setting in screensaver settings and then power management tabs11:44
xro2rob_p, i have a rule that drop all traffic i didn't permit... so it could drop traffic to 554 port...11:44
martin_D.Jones I thought I had looked there. But I will have another look.11:44
xro2rob_p, thanks... for your help11:45
dhaithamhello, i got skype process going on but it's not showing the little skype icon on system tray  (near the indicator applet) - how can I add it there?11:45
DJonesmartin_: I'm pretty sure thats where it is, not on ubuntu at the minute so can't double check quickly11:45
etienneroeschJibblit jrib tsimpson   .. well, as you may expect   sudo cp -R /pathtosdk/ /usr/include/ solved the problem  (it's my least preferred solution though, but it works) Thanks for your help!11:45
martin_D Jones ok thanks11:46
durammxsnd-hda-intel module loaded but no driver11:46
durammxhow do I enable the driver?11:48
dhaithamRerunning an application after killing it doesn't help bringing it back on the system tray (it's on visible on system monitor), how can I make it's tray icon appear again on sys-tray?11:49
An_Ony_MooseHow can I get the PID of the process that created an X window?11:50
mang0hey guys! I'm installing ubuntu as soon as my HD arrives, but I just wanna check something.11:52
mang0This is probably a very stupid question, but I have a live CD of 10.10...can I install from the CD then update from ubuntu?11:52
jribAn_Ony_Moose: xprop returns a _NET_WM_PID(CARDINAL).  What that exactly means is for you to find out :)11:52
mang0or do I have to do a fresh install...11:52
Diamondcitemang0: You can update fine from ubuntu.11:53
mang0k thy11:53
An_Ony_Moosejrib: or, alternatively, could you tell me the name of the process that opens a window when access to an SSH keypair is requested?11:53
gartralmang0: Ubuntu doesn't come in "Distribution/live" cds.. Ubuntu is one cd that boots live and you install from the live OS11:53
An_Ony_Moose(why didn't I ask that instead)11:53
GeekManhow do i burn a podcast to a cd that i got from rhythm box11:53
prokwasmI have problem with accessing ntfs partition.11:54
jribAn_Ony_Moose: maybe seahorse; don't know11:54
gartral!ntfs | prokwasm11:54
ubottuprokwasm: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE11:54
prokwasmI'm using ubuntu 1010 amd64, after updating some packages, now my system cannot write to ntfs disk.11:54
An_Ony_Moosejrib: that name rings a bell, I'll take a look. Thanks11:54
jribprokwasm: can you even mount the ntfs disk?11:54
prokwasmWhat packages could be the problem?11:55
GeekManis your linux partition a ntfs cause its not recomended to do so11:55
gartralprokwasm: sounds like ntfs-3g11:55
prokwasmI can mount, and it can read, but not write11:55
jribprokwasm: I had issues with updates of libfuse2 and fuse-utils11:55
Rick77jrib: it was the layout (everything with "USA international" merges the quotes. I was just unlucky to pick 2 which where behaving the same). Thank you for your help11:55
edwinkcwjust wonder if it is useful to build a personal cloud? I just read a magazine about eucalyptus11:55
GeekManyes you can mount ntfs11:55
GeekManiv done it before i dule boot vista and 10.10 on my other computer11:56
prokwasmjrib: libfuse2 and fuse-utils. thanks. I may try that11:56
xiaobaojkl2000someone there have used quartus in ubuntu ?12:01
MK``The key allowing me to "drop all elevated privileges" is still there, and when I select that nothing happens. Is this a bug or...12:01
=== XuMuK is now known as XuMuK|ZNC
GeekManwhere do i find where rythmbox puts my podcasts12:05
shomonfind . -name "podcast*" in your home dir?12:06
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shomonit's in .gnome or somewhere like that off the home directory anyway12:06
sarthorHi, i am setting vpn server on ubuntu machine, i am not able to connect the  client xp and ubuntu both to the server, logs are here, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/596358/ ,I followed this  http://www.ewdisonthen.com/how-to-setup-pptp-vpn-server-on-linux-tutorial-07577.php , any help ?12:07
bastidrazorGeekMan: ~/Podcasts is a good place to look12:07
gaurav_helphow to list all usb device which is attached 2 my system through terminal12:08
GeekMan:( no12:08
BlouBlougaurav_help: lsusb12:08
GeekMani think it was under like gnome and then rhythm box and then podcasts or something i forgot someone told me last year12:09
MK``The key allowing me to "drop all elevated privileges" is still there after I closed the program that had privileges, and when I select that nothing happens. Is this a bug or...12:09
MaRk-IGeekMan: edit > preferences > podcasts tab12:10
BlouBlougaurav_help: Type 'lsusb' (without quotes) in a terminal and press enter12:10
gaurav_helphow i format my usb in NTFs format through terminal12:10
GeekMan*smacks forehead :P12:10
BlouBlougaurav_help: I would recommend using a GUI app, try gparted12:10
pcquadhi @all12:11
Hansi89Good day @all12:11
gaurav_helpin my gparted it not showing the option for formatting12:11
gaurav_helpwhere i find that12:11
Hansi89 Hello pcquad12:11
GeekManproblem now is that its an m4a and ill need it to be an mp3 but thanks i can take it from here :)12:12
Hansi89 yo jhesketh12:12
Hansi89 good day pirx__12:12
PolahDoes rain only go through glass, or other transparent blocks as well?12:12
BlouBlouHansi89, pcquad: You may want to continue this in another channel or via PM (I mean you both because you have same IP)12:12
Hansi89 yo Soothsayer12:13
GeekManis m4a supported by gstreamer12:13
Hansi89 autogreet deactivated12:13
jiltdilgaurav:if u want to do this use mkfs -t whatever12:13
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bazhangpcquad, remove the bot12:14
jiltdilgaurav:read man mkfs12:14
KNUBBIGHey, I'm trying to install the Creative X-FI drivers, but I get the error "sound/driver.h not found", I know there was a solution to this but I can't find it. Anyone who knows what to replace in the files?12:16
CannonFoddai have hardware raid 1 controlled my mb with 2 x 500gig tried ubuntu desktop 10.10 as livecd. rebooted to vista & my raid was degraded. one drive was removed as member. is there an issue with hardware raid?12:16
ikoniaCannonFodda: it's fakeraid, not hardware raid12:16
josvukUpdating my ubuntu system I get some errors, how can I read the Details in the bash? Where is the log file stored?12:16
BlouBloujosvuk: you can try 'sudo apt-get update' and 'sudo apt-get upgrade'12:17
CannonFoddaikonia: ok, is the an issue that i need to address b4 going to ubuntu?12:17
ikoniaCannonFodda: I wouldn't be using it with ubuntu if I where you, fake raid has terrible support on linux12:18
josvukBlouBlou: I used the update manager but I want to have a look inside what is going wrong12:18
BlouBloujosvuk: then do what I said, you'll get errors (if you have them) in a terminal12:19
CannonFoddaikonia: thanks, so i'd need to use a software solutuion then?12:20
ikoniaCannonFodda: in my opinion - yes12:20
ikoniaCannonFodda: or a true hardware raid solution12:21
Metallicodoes anyone know how to force ubuntu re-detect sound hardware. I've installed a new sound card but it's not picking it up. If I load the live cd i do get sound.12:21
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damnoin windows after a real long time...damn i feel so impatient12:22
overridesalve a tutti12:22
jiltdilMetallico:try installing restricted modules perhabs it helps12:22
SoothsayerI installed ubuntu on a laptop... i completely formatted it to ext3 with a 3gb swap space partition12:24
Soothsayerbut for some reason, my laptop will never shutdown or hibernate12:24
Soothsayeralways gets hung in the process / ubuntu logo animation12:24
MK``Soothsayer: can it suspend?12:24
SoothsayerMK``, hmm.. not tried a suspend12:24
Soothsayerlet me try now12:24
Soothsayerbrb if i get disconnected12:24
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josvukI did sudo apt-get upgrade and get some errors http://paste.ubuntu.com/596498/ how to remove the package ibm-j2rel.5?12:27
SoothsayerMK``, ok no, i can't suspend either.12:28
Metallicojiltdil, is that the ubuntu-restricted-extras package?12:28
Soothsayerit got hung on the loading battery state... screen12:28
Hans_Henrikwhat is the package openssh-blacklist and openssh-blacklist-extra for?12:28
MK``I see :( I am not an expert though12:29
tsimpsonHans_Henrik: they have lists of known bad default/non-default SSH keys12:30
llutz_Hans_Henrik: apt-cache show openssh-blacklist12:30
Pumpkin-Hans_Henrik: they block the use of known bad SSH keys (created by a bug where random numbers were notably less random than they should have been :/)12:30
red2kicThey are still random numbers. :P12:34
=== Lorthirk`ZNC is now known as Lorthirk
dyllanGuys i accidentally removed a file from /etc/init.d/xx so i thought best way to get it back was to remove the package then reinstall the package but the file that starts the service in /etc/init.d/xx has not returned, how can i fix this?12:37
josvukWhat about such automatically installed packegs which are reported to be no longer required? can I savely use autoremove without destroying my system? http://paste.ubuntu.com/596509/12:38
BlouBloujosvuk: I wouldn't use autoremove, better 'remove' and 'purge'12:39
almoxarifedyllan: service? did the service start?12:39
tsimpsonautoremove is fine, as long as you _read_ the list of packages to be removed12:39
josvuksome seems to me to be importent like linux-headers and libboost-program-options I don't won't a system in which the gcc don>'t work properly12:39
glenn1794Why do some of my removable storage devices have icons as if they are text files?12:39
=== Lorthirk is now known as Lorthirk`ZNC
dyllanalmoxarife, no when i try start the service it says it is unrecognised12:39
ActionParsnipglenn1794: you can set the icon to anything you want12:40
tsimpsonjosvuk: the headers are for older kernels which have been upgraded, so that's fine. as for the libboost stuff, obviously something that did depend on it was removed, and so that package isn't required any more12:40
almoxarifedyllan: what package?12:40
dyllanalmoxarife, atftpd12:41
shomonI've installed a vbox with xp in my ubuntu 10.10. But how do I copy stuff in to it from ubuntu?12:42
Hansi89Good day @all12:42
glenn1794ActionParsnip, Thanks12:42
shomonhi Hansi8912:42
Hansi89 hi shomon !12:42
Hansi89heyho shomon12:42
ActionParsnipshomon: i'd ask in #vbox12:42
shomonok no problem12:42
Hansi89 Hello nbca12:42
nbcaDoes Ubuntu support lvm partitions with the standard installation medium?12:43
red2kicnbca: No. Only alternative, I believe.12:43
rzx237shomon: use virtualbox shared folder12:43
LjLpcquad: seriously, no bots here12:43
nbcared2kic: damn, thanks12:43
shomonwell I just set one up but no clue where to go in vbox to access it12:43
almoxarifedyllan: does it require a re-boot?12:43
shomonthanks though rzx23712:43
dyllanalmoxarife, no sir12:43
ActionParsnipshomon: power off the vbox and go into the settings, there are shared folders there. It also shows how to map them to the OS12:44
ActionParsnipshomon: if you are using samba to share on the LAN you can use a bridged network connection and access the shares as if the virtual system was a real system of it'sown12:45
=== Lorthirk`ZNC is now known as Lorthirk
shomonaah thanks ActionParsnip12:45
shomonI'll probably have to switch to bridge mode or something in vbox12:45
ActionParsnipshomon: can be easier although not as graceful, the #vbox guys will help. You will also find youtube vids detailing it too12:46
Hans_Henrikis there some console command/program i can install/call to get the external IP of the computer?12:46
almoxarifehttp://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-setup-advanced-tftp-server-in-ubuntu.html <-- have a look dyllan12:46
rob_pdyllan: Do, "sudo apt-get --purge remove atftpd" and after it finishes do, "sudo apt-get install atftpd" and the init script for it should be back.12:48
dyllanthanks almoxarife. I know how to do it but the problem is that the file that starts the service is missing, there must be a way to get that back?12:48
dyllanrob_p, thanks thats what i was looking for, appreciated12:48
dyllanthanks almoxarife as well12:48
almoxarifedyllan: getting it back is easy if you had a backup running, I assume you don't though, forensic data recovery I don't have a clue about12:49
Dr_WillisHans_Henrik:  last i googled for that - i found proberly a dozen scripts, or other ways to do that task.12:50
Dr_WillisHans_Henrik:  ive seen conky scripts that also do it.12:50
dyllanalmoxarife, of course i dont, that would be against IT protocol ;)12:50
josvukBlouBlou: I used the update manager but I want to have a look inside what is going wrong12:50
almoxarifedyllan: I thought you re-installed the package?12:50
dyllanalmoxarife, I did, but i needed to --purge remove to then install again and the service file was installed12:51
almoxarifedyllan: cool, btw, I finally resolved my lazy ass to keep 'sbackup' running for these kind of rainy days12:52
josvukWhat is the Hibernate shut down? Is it right to use it if I will shut down the comp and the next time I restart it all the programms what was running are back again without starting its all again?12:52
dyllanalmoxarife, nicely done! ;)12:52
Soothsayerok, I realized the shutdown problems don't happen if I switch off my wifi.12:53
Hans_Henrikhow do i get the contents of a spectific URL printed as text? (WITHOUT any html parsing, i wish to get the contents of http://ip2.dynupdate.no-ip.com/ )12:54
Hans_Henrikprinted as text in a shell*12:54
jribHans_Henrik: wget -q -O - URL12:54
Dr_WillisHans_Henrik:  ivve seen some html2text commands/scripts - but not sure if any re in teh default repos.12:54
jribHans_Henrik: now the better question is, why do you want to do this?12:55
almoxarifejosvuk: yes12:56
Hans_Henrikjrib: just a way to get external IP via a shell12:56
ActionParsnipjosvuk: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hibernation_(computing)12:57
MaRk-IHans_Henrik: wget -O - -q icanhazip.com12:57
ActionParsnipHans_Henrik: WANIP=`wget -q -O - http://ip.keithscode.com`; echo $WANIP12:58
kavurtdoes anybody have a logitech c250 webcam?12:59
Hans_Henrikall described methods works, thanks guys. my problem is solved12:59
ActionParsnip!anyone | kavurt12:59
ubottukavurt: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.12:59
ActionParsnipHans_Henrik: my way adds it to a variable so you can use it in scripts and the like ;)12:59
Hans_Henrikhow can i make a permanent alias in gnome term?13:01
Dr_WillisHans_Henrik:  in the .bashrc or .profile or some other similer file.13:01
* jrib puts Dr_Willis on factoid-writing duty13:01
Dr_Willisi submited a bunch once.. they never got implimented. :)13:02
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jribDr_Willis: well if you submit now and poke me when you're done, I promise I'll take a look :)  Sorry about that13:02
Dr_WillisI must of had my old irc client setup with like 100+ 'faq' answers also.. but i lost the files :)13:02
facmewho can help me please?13:04
jribfacme: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)13:04
Dr_Willisfacme:  and the problem is?13:04
uabn93Hey, does anyone have experience with burg, the graphical bootloader?13:05
Dr_Willisuabn93:  i tried it once.. it dident work. :)13:05
Dr_Willisbut that was 6+Mo ago.13:05
Hans_Henrikhow can i search for files in current directory and all sub-directories with gnome term?13:05
Dr_WillisHans_Henrik:  find command or the locate command.13:05
uabn93Dr_Willis: why didn't it work?13:05
Hans_Henrikty willis13:05
Dr_WillisHans_Henrik:  you may want to check out some bash tutorials and command line starter guides.13:05
facmeunder  text command mode chinese ambiguousness13:06
Dr_Willisuabn93:  i installed it.. it dident work.. so i went back to grub2..13:06
Dr_WillisHans_Henrik: locate uses a database, find does not. Which one to use. deends on what you want to do with the  found names.13:06
facmeunder  text command mode chinese ambiguousness who know why?13:07
uabn93Dr_Willis: I want to install it on my system but was wondering if there were any risks i should know about before doing it.13:07
Dr_Willisuabn93:  worse case.. system wont boot..13:07
kyxzmeWell well well13:07
uabn93Dr_Willis: then i would have to simply repair grub from live cd? or what would i fix that scenario13:08
Dr_Willisuabn93:  yep. live cd, chroot in, reinstall grub2 or somthing like that.13:08
Hans_HenrikDr_Willis: i just need to get a list of all files with a specific name on the filesystem (perferrably with wildcard * support)13:09
Dr_Willisfacme:  if i knew what you were talking about. I would answer.. no need to PM me.. I have no clue what you are refering to.13:09
ActionParsnipuabn93: burg isn't supported here. You can reinstall grub2 from live cd13:09
Dr_WillisHans_Henrik:  find would give you teh list at that time.. locate would access the 'database' so may not be current.13:09
Hans_HenrikDr_Willis: what database? o.013:10
Hans_HenrikDr_Willis: is there some "search-indexer" function in ubuntu im not aware of?13:10
Dr_WillisHans_Henrik:  the locate database.. see man locate, and the 'sudo updatedb' command13:10
jubelechHi there all, I have a question pertaining to tomboy notes. I love this software, but I was wondering if there is a way to have multiple words link to the same note (e.g. have 'USA' and 'America' both link to the 'USA' note)?13:11
Dr_WillisHans_Henrik:  locate used a database.. updaed daily. theres othe5r search tools out there as well.13:11
Hans_Henrikso i assume "locate" gives reults much faster than "find"?13:11
facmeI will learn English well~13:11
uabn93ActionParsnip: and reinstalling grub would remove "burg," the thing i cant talk about here? srry.13:11
Dr_WillisHans_Henrik:  thats the trade off.. speed vs 'accuracy'13:11
ActionParsnipuabn93: it will put the default stuff in the MBR and reference Grub instead of burg. Your system should then be ok13:12
Dr_Willisuabn93:  you would have to remove burg i imagine.. and reinstall grub2.. i dont recall how i did it13:12
Dr_Willisi tend to remove silly eyecandy :)13:12
uabn93great. i think that's enough support. thanks for the help.13:13
ActionParsnipHans_Henrik: for locate to be accurate you will need to run: sudo updatedb   every time before searching with: locate13:13
Hans_Henrikthat would kinda kill the "locate is speedy" part right?13:13
Dr_Willisor less often if your files dont change as much13:13
ActionParsnipHans_Henrik: if the filesystem changes very little then locate is great, personally I use find13:14
Dr_WillisHans_Henrik:  locate scans the WHOLE system by default :) you can use it on a per user/directory setup also13:14
Dr_Willisso its back to depending you how you want to use the data. :)13:14
susundbergHmm, no but how about for example sshfs mounted directories ?13:14
susundbergi guess it is resctrited to somewhat 'local' directories ..13:15
Dr_WillisI can use (for example) locate to index my 3TB of video files.. and easially find what i need quickly. keeping the locate database on that drive as well.13:15
susundberg(or how about crypted home directories -- the database should not (?) contain those filenames ..13:15
susundbergye, for that it is good ;)13:15
Dr_Williswith sshfs - it would see it as a local dir.  locate by default does ignore speififc fileysstem types.13:15
ActionParsnipsusundberg: if you can connect to ssh, you can mount sshfs (usually)13:16
Hans_Henrikwhy is locate's index much faster than the filesystem's list? i kinda find that strange13:16
Dr_WillisHans_Henrik:  it indexes and sorts the whole directory listing...13:16
ActionParsnipHans_Henrik: locate keeps a database of files which is a file and is scanned, rather than the actual files themselves13:16
ActionParsnipHans_Henrik: hence the need to updatedb13:17
nbubuntu1hi anyone able to install gimp ? I am having problem installing at synaptic 404 file not found ?13:17
jribnbubuntu1: pastebin the error13:17
ActionParsnipnbubuntu1: what is the output of:  lsb_release -d13:17
Dr_Willisnbubuntu1:  could be the servers are updateing, or similer. whats the server you are using?13:17
nbubuntu1Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gimp/libgimp2.0_2.6.10-1ubuntu3.1_i386.deb 404  Not Found [IP: 80] Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gimp/gimp_2.6.10-1ubuntu3.1_i386.deb 404  Not Found [IP: 80]13:17
nbubuntu1That's all it said13:18
jribnbubuntu1: did you see ActionParsnip's request for « lsb_release -d » output?13:18
nbubuntu1ActionParsnip : 10.1013:19
ActionParsnipnbubuntu1: that's not what it outputs13:19
jribnbubuntu1: run « sudo apt-get update » and try to install gimp agani13:19
nbubuntu1ActionParsnip : The output is Description:Ubuntu 10.1013:19
ActionParsnipnbubuntu1: thats better, when people ask for output, give the FULL output13:20
nbubuntu1ActionParsnip : sorry I though 10.10 is enough13:20
Dr_Willisarchive.ubuntu.com is one of those 'picks from a list of servers' type addresses? or not? ive nver noticed.13:20
ActionParsnipnbubuntu1: see above ;)13:21
sipiornbubuntu1: it was. some people like to be pedantic :-)13:21
* Dr_Willis gets out the dictionary13:21
ActionParsnipnbubuntu1: the filenames aren't the same as in the folder, the update command which jrib gave may fix that13:21
jribto be fair it's pretty frustrating not to get full output but to get things paraphrased.  In this case it didn't really matter, but it's a good habit to get into13:22
ActionParsnipsipior: it also shows if folks are using non-ubuntu distros ;)13:22
ActionParsnipnbubuntu1: there is libgimp2.0   version 2.6.11 which may work but I'd try and stick to letting apt-get do stuff13:23
nbubuntu1ActionParsnip : I am installing right now "apt-get install gimp"13:23
ActionParsnipnbubuntu1: cool, so all is well?13:23
nbubuntu1ActionParsnip : yep , things really mess up when I try to install some plugin13:24
ActionParsnipnbubuntu1: as long as it's installing, that's cool :)13:24
nbubuntu1ActionParsnip : if you could help me abit with the package , having error compiling a refocus-it plugin which it outdated13:25
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nbubuntu1ActionParsnip : it required gimp-2.0 gimpui-2.0 but using gimp 2.6 now13:26
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Dr_Willistheres been lots of changes i imagine since 2.0 to 2.6  - it may not be doable very easially13:28
Dr_Willisnbubuntu1:  theres numerous gimp plugin sites and packages not in the default repos  - whatever that one does. may be another plugin can do that same13:29
ActionParsnipnbubuntu1: you may find a ppa for gimp-plugin-registry some place, or a deb13:30
nbubuntu1Dr_Willis : I know that , but it's hard to find a good plugin , do you know any plugin for gimp to fix camera shake ?13:30
ActionParsnipnbubuntu1: maybe: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/07/gimp-plugin-registry-351-gets-129-new.html13:31
crystal-colawhat's the key in the top bar? It says "Drop all elevated privileges"13:31
ActionParsnipcrystal-cola: thats to drop the gksudo you used a little while ago13:32
crystal-colaI don't remember running any gksudo13:32
ActionParsnipcrystal-cola: by default it has a grace period but you can make it end no (saves you having to re-enter your password a lot)13:32
ActionParsnipcrystal-cola: or sudo...13:32
crystal-colawel I don't think I've been using that13:32
crystal-colaso I don't know how that got there13:32
crystal-colawhen I tell it to drop it doesn't go away13:33
crystal-colawhat should I do?13:33
crystal-colaI can't see any thing suspicious in top13:34
Dr_Willisi never recall seeing any key. :) perhaps i neer looked13:36
zvacetcrystal-cola: just click on it and it should go away13:37
red2kiccrystal-cola: Do you see it still?13:37
crystal-colait's still there, even after I click on it13:37
red2kiccrystal-cola: "ps -aux | pastebin"13:37
ActionParsnipcrystal-cola: try:   gksudo gedit     then close gedit, then kill the key13:37
red2kiccrystal-cola: "ps -aux | pastebinit" <---13:37
red2kiccrystal-cola: Install pastebinit first.13:37
red2kicThen we'll look at your processes. Whoops.13:37
Dr_Willisif he runs 'gksudo apt-get install pastebinit' :) then see if its goes away.13:38
red2kiccrystal-cola: Try "sudo -k" -- See if that kill.13:38
* ActionParsnip thinks guake and pastebinit should be in the default install 13:39
red2kicNo way. For many good reasons -- Particulary security.13:39
linjanonly english?13:39
* red2kic tells newcomers to run "this command" and obtain juicy information on pastebinit site.13:39
zvacetlinjan: yes13:40
jabooyes sorry13:40
nbubuntu1ActionParsnip : thanks it does have more plugin ;-)13:41
ActionParsnipnbubuntu1: indeed ;)13:41
red2kicActionParsnip: Dunno if you know about tilda. :)13:41
crystal-colaps -U root -u root u13:42
crystal-colathat tells all the stuff running as root13:42
MDCorehey all. I'm having a problem with apache and php that no amoutn of googling seems to be fixing. Apache keeps serving my php files for download insteading of executing them. Does anyone have any ideas?13:43
ShapeShifter499I noticed that after a few hours of file system checks and fixes, that I could mount my drive just fine (even though the checks and fixes never got to the end) in a live cd and the data looked fine... so I searched and found out ANY ERRORS AT ALL would prompt the system to mount in read-only via fstab settings, so I changed that, should I be worried about my data? or can I just pickup and continue where I left off?13:43
ActionParsnipred2kic: yes, and yakuake for kde13:43
red2kicYay! PHP files for downloading!13:44
ShapeShifter499I'm currently in the affected system right now, using the OS just fine13:44
ActionParsnipShapeShifter499: i'd grab the ultimate boot cd and test the drive as well as make SMART test the drive13:44
am4zing`hi gents what cammnd or series of commands would i use to track down the controller for a harddisk13:44
am4zing`for example sdc13:45
ActionParsnipam4zing`: sudo lshw | less13:45
crystal-colawell I rebooted and it went away13:45
ShapeShifter499ActionParsnip, what about deleting all non-personal files, resizing the partition, then reinstalling onto a new partition, then taking my personal files and moving them to the new partition then resizing back to full space ?13:47
am4zing`ActionParsnip should this take forver to execute?13:47
ActionParsnipShapeShifter499: not sure, depends where the issue lies13:47
madPJKfanHi - what is the best way to get media streaming from my karmic box to my PS3?  Is there an easy "outa the box" method?13:47
ActionParsnipam4zing`: it will take a while, then you will get output, use cursosrs to scroll and Q to exit13:47
ActionParsnipmadPJKfan: can PS3 access windows file shares?13:48
ActionParsnipmadPJKfan: there is no best way, just options13:48
madPJKfanActionParsnip, can set up smb share, is that the trick?13:49
sipiormadPJKfan: you'll want to have a look at ushare.13:49
Dr_Willisushare is nifty.13:49
ActionParsnipmadPJKfan: I also suggest you upgrade to Lucid soon as Karmic support ends when Natty is released (or very close)13:49
madPJKfanActionParsnip, read a thing on fuppes - wondering what is the best - looked a bit urk.13:49
ShapeShifter499ActionParsnip, well on a newer live cd (version 10.10)  I was originally resizing the drive to make room for windows and the live cd crashed and became unresponsive, so I HAD TO REBOOT, then I got the errors, the thing is it seems gparted never got to the point of resizing... so it just seemed to effect a few blocks, idk but my system seems fine right now as I'm able to use it right now13:49
ActionParsnipmadPJKfan: if it can, it's an option. You can also use mediatomb or vlc to setup a stream then connect to it with your PS313:49
ActionParsnipmadPJKfan: there is no best anything in life dude13:50
am4zing`i assume lshw doesn't work on dom0 in xen13:50
madPJKfanRight - selection criteria is defined as "easiest/minimum effort, acceptable results"13:50
ActionParsnipam4zing`: I've not used xe so can't comment there13:50
ActionParsnipmadPJKfan: if it can access samba shares then that will be easiest, I don't own a PS3 so am not familiar with its capabilities in this sense13:51
madPJKfanDr_Willis, cheers - easy setup?13:51
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Dr_WillismadPJKfan:  read the docs.. edit 1 config file.13:51
Dr_Willisrather simple. Mediatomb is more guish13:51
ShapeShifter499ActionParsnip, what do you think?13:51
Matr|xmy network card not working13:52
Matr|xhelp me plz13:52
ActionParsnipShapeShifter499: the random power off may have damaged the drive or/and data. I'd also test your RAM to be sure that it is not causing the issue13:52
madPJKfanDr_Willis, once upon a time I used to edit smb.conf files, nowadays, I can't even find the built in gui for file sharing.13:52
Matr|xmy network give 00:00:00:00:0013:52
ActionParsnipmadPJKfan: you can use nautilus to setup shares. I always use smb.conf personally13:52
Dr_WillismadPJKfan:  i dont need a gui to enable samba..13:52
Matr|xplz any body help me13:52
am4zing`needed lshw -disable dmi :)13:53
am4zing`thanks mate13:53
Dr_WillisMatr|x:  perhaps give some details instead of flooding13:53
ePaxHere comes onquestion about bugzilla. I run bugzilla on 10.04 LTS. Is it possible to change langugage on bugzilla?13:53
ActionParsnipam4zing`: sweet, lad you got the data :)13:53
ActionParsnipMatr|x: have you been messing with mac address changers?13:53
madPJKfanI seem to remember you could get samba going with about 3 lines of conf - this was Redhat 4/5 days...13:53
Sk|CIOwherer sql bot13:54
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:54
ActionParsnipmadPJKfan: i add a few more, i'll pastebin my smb.conf   you need the bottom bits: http://paste.ubuntu.com/596532/13:54
Dr_WillismadPJKfan:  i edit the smb.conf to set the right workgroup . and enable the homeshares.. is about alli have to to the defaults13:54
Dr_WillisSk|CIO:  ask a proper question please.13:54
madPJKfancheers guys13:55
ActionParsnipSk|CIO: please cease scrolling the channel, state your issue and if people can reply they will13:55
ShapeShifter499ActionParsnip, I don't think its the ram... because a official ubuntu 9.04 live cd works fine (I got it though canonical)13:55
ActionParsnipSk|CIO: spamming the channel not only is pointless and annoying, it also doesn't help you13:55
ActionParsnipShapeShifter499: i'd still test it so you know its good rather than assuming13:55
Sk|CIO!sql usr_netsh20_2.shop_order usr_netsh20_2.shop_order13:55
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:55
ShapeShifter499ActionParsnip, ya13:56
ActionParsnipSk|CIO: ask a question in english and it helps13:56
Matr|xsudo service networking start13:56
Matr|xnetworking stop/waiting13:56
ActionParsnipMatr|x: ok, if you run:  sudo lshw -C network     does it say the device is disabled or anything like that?13:56
madPJKfanActionParsnip, Dr_Willis:  Hm, in other news, PS3 does not appear to support samba13:57
madPJKfananother reason to hate sony13:57
Sk|CIOidiot is bot fake13:57
Dr_WillismadPJKfan:  it does UPNP i belive.. i dont own one.. so dont really care one way oranother :)13:57
Dr_WillismadPJKfan:  thats  one of the things ushare was made for. playing videos on a ps313:58
PiciSk|CIO: Stop that.13:58
ActionParsnip!ask | Sk|CIO13:58
ubottuSk|CIO: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:58
Dr_WillisSk|CIO:  what part of ask a 'question' are you not understanding?13:58
madPJKfanrightio - XBOX, unsurprisingly, supports smb...13:58
madPJKfandaft sony gits13:58
madPJKfan(got PS3 with my sony telly - package deal)13:58
ActionParsnipglad s/he went13:58
Dr_WillismadPJKfan:  so install ushare, or mediatomb and get on with it.13:58
madPJKfanDr_Willis, on my way!  Have gone slack for mediatomb - both are supported in the nifty ubuntu software centre14:00
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ManDaywill 11.04 come with gome 3 ?14:00
Soothsayer_how do I install flash in firefox 4 in ubuntu ?14:00
Dr_WillisManDay:  no.14:00
ManDayDr_Willis: does ubuntu plan on going gnome3 anytime ?14:01
ManDayor is unity long term plans?14:01
Dr_WillisManDay:  doubtfull14:01
ActionParsnipSoothsayer_: same as in the other versions14:01
Dr_Willisunity the next release also14:01
ActionParsnipManDay: natty is offtopic here until release day, ask in #ubuntu+114:02
avinashhmHi guys , I am on ubuntu 10.10 .. I am trying to start trace32 application, which used bitmap fonts .. but X-windows is ending with fatal error saying, bitmap fonts may be disabled .. more logs @ http://paste.ubuntu.com/596533/ .. can any one help me pls.14:02
ManDayDr_Willis: what is doubtful? that unity will stay?14:02
barfis there a way to have sftp supplied by the sshd service?14:02
ManDayok ActionParsnip14:02
ActionParsnipbarf: it is by default14:02
Dr_WillisUnity is to be the default.. for the next relase also14:02
sarthorksis the latest stable kernel version for ubuntu 10.04 "2.6.32-30-generic"?14:03
Dr_Willissee all the blog sites for info :)14:03
barfActionParsnip: I am not able to make it work, where is it configured?14:03
ActionParsnip!info linux-image lucid | sarthorks14:03
madPJKfanok - so mediatomb is odd14:03
barfDo I have to enable it?14:03
ubottusarthorks: linux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 4 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all armel)14:03
ActionParsnipbarf: connect to it with something like filezilla14:03
ActionParsnipbarf: with zero config after install openssh-server will give you X forwarding, sftp and sshfs14:04
ManDayAre there any prospects of Gnome3 in ubuntu?14:04
barfI am trying to connect to it with ecconectics DDR2 RAM backup14:04
ActionParsnipbarf: try with filezilla to test14:04
ActionParsnipManDay: you can add PPAs and get it14:04
lugkhastManDay: There's a thread about that on the Natty testing forum14:05
Soothsayer_ActionParsnip: how do you install in the other versions?14:05
barfActionParsnip: can ncftp do it?14:05
ActionParsnipSoothsayer_: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree14:05
ActionParsnipbarf: not used it14:05
barfI can d/l filezila to my mac...14:05
ActionParsnipbarf: a quick websearch would have given you this: http://filezilla-project.org/download.php?type=client14:06
ActionParsnipbarf: you should try that a little instead of simply asking14:06
Picibarf: Does ncftp support sftp? If it only supports FTP it will not work.14:06
Soothsayer_ActionParsnip, doing so :)14:07
ActionParsnipSoothsayer_: it will also make flash work in other browsers most times too14:07
ManDayActionParsnip: I was concerning plans to ship it as default14:08
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Soothsayerworked :)14:08
ActionParsnipManDay: not sure there14:09
SoothsayerI'm considering installing Nautilus elementary, any reason not to ?14:09
ActionParsnipSoothsayer_: sweet14:09
avinashhmHi guys, i am getting error related to bitmaps font when start my application .. more logs @ http://paste.ubuntu.com/596533/ .. can some one pls help ?14:10
SoothsayerActionParsnip, im assuming that will remove the default Nautilus ?14:11
ActionParsnipSoothsayer_: i believe it "upgrades" it..14:13
sarthorksIs this site for downloading stable kernels reliable : http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ ? (According to this site, the latest stable Lucid kernel is v2.6.34. While my system is up-to-date at v2.6.32)14:13
ActionParsnipSoothsayer_: not used it personally, not seen the point14:13
Dr_WillisSoothsayer:  its also a discontinued project i think. but im using it. :)14:13
drdozerhi - I've sort of got my G-pen stylus working14:13
Dr_WillisI like its extra features. so i use it. Not a big deal really14:13
drdozerbut have got stuck14:13
drdozermy stylus is acting like a mouse for the entire desktop14:14
Camer0nwhat is the 375MB partition? I noticed, in windows, that there is another partition other than the one I created for ubuntu. Is it somesort of back up drive?14:14
drdozerwhich is 2x30" panels14:14
drdozerI want it to only be active within gimp, not as a desktop pointer14:15
Dr_Willisdrdozer:  those things often have a absolute, or relative setting. relative = works like a mouse. absolute - like a touchpad.14:15
drdozerDr_Willis: it's acting as absolute, addressing my whole desktop14:15
ActionParsnipCamer0n: may be a recovery partition14:15
Dr_Willisdrdozer:  gimp also has its own specific tableyt settings.14:15
Dr_Willisdrdozer:  i seem to recal my tablet had a mouse that worked one way. then the pen worked the other way.. but ive not had one in years.. :)14:16
ManDaythanks ActionParsnip14:16
drdozerDr_Willis: yes - I can turn on gimp's 'window' mode, but then I see the stylus pointer 2x - once addressing the whole screen as a standard mouse, and in addition addressing the gimp window14:16
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Camer0nalso windows is saying that the drive, that I thought was my ubuntu partition, is empty14:17
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drdozerDr_Willis: Ideally I want to dissable it from being considered as a pointer for the whole desktop14:17
barfActionParsnip: I tried Filezilla user pass 2214:18
kesori am about to install arch linux now, at the "select packages to install" should i select everything??? "space button and select everything on the list??14:18
ActionParsnipCamer0n: windows cannot do anything with Ext based partitions.14:18
barfWill that use scp? or sftp protocol?14:18
perlsyntaxHas anyone use  androind phone as a modem in linux for mobile Mobile Broadband?14:18
ActionParsnipbarf: sftp should do it. I use andftp and it connects to my ssh port with no issue.14:18
ActionParsnipperlsyntax: whic version?14:19
Camer0nokay, well for some reason I can only have 5 partitions on my drive, how can i give ubuntu some of the windows partition?14:19
perlsyntaxi want to know before i get one to make sure it work with ubuntu.14:19
ActionParsnipperlsyntax: yes it can be done14:19
hanshanshi all! send bank account via email or don't do so?14:19
ActionParsnipperlsyntax: http://egressive.com/tutorial/mobile-broadband-for-your-ubuntu-laptop-via-vodafone-3g-android-smartphone14:19
JasseTperlsyntax: htc wildfire & ubuntu 1004 work out of the box for me14:19
sarthorksIs this site for downloading stable kernels reliable : http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ ? (According to this site, the latest stable Lucid kernel is v2.6.34. While my system is up-to-date at v2.6.32. Why is that so?)14:20
ActionParsnipperlsyntax: I used my GT540 on Android 2.1 with Maverick and it was fine14:20
Camer0nany ideas?14:20
perlsyntaxActionParsnip,What package would i need just the data service14:20
barfActionParsnip: I see that Filezilla connects to sshd, but how can I check the logs, which protocol is used?14:21
perlsyntaxActionParsnip,I was thinkking of getting HTC inspire 4G14:21
ActionParsnipperlsyntax: when the system is ready to update, it will update. You may use those if you wish but people helping will see you have a weird kernel and probably not support you. Is your kernel misbehaving and/or is hardware not working?14:21
ActionParsnipbarf: sftp is the protocol14:22
ActionParsnipperlsyntax: should be the same gig14:22
barfeven on port 22?14:22
Camer0nActionParsnip, any idea?14:22
ActionParsnipbarf: yes, ssh is a swiss armyknife of tools14:22
perlsyntaxYor say i have prob when do update and i just need the data plan that it?14:23
barf cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config |grep sftp14:23
barfSubsystem sftp /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server14:23
ActionParsnipCamer0n: what version of Windows ?14:23
fairwindshi, am trying to do a bit of remote admin and getting 'sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo'14:23
Camer0n7 ActionParsnip14:23
ActionParsnipCamer0n: then resize the NTFS in Win7 then resize the Ubuntu partition into the freed space14:23
perlsyntaxActionParsnip,I take it i need tethe14:24
Camer0nyes but my hard drive only allows 5 partitions14:24
fairwindshad googled and found suggestion to comment  Defaults requiretty in sudoers14:24
ActionParsnipCamer0n: the drive can have a LOT more than t partitions. You are RESIZING, not making a new partition14:24
[TK]D-FenderCamer0n: then remove one14:24
[TK]D-Fender4 PRIMARY may be the issue14:24
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ActionParsnipCamer0n: resizing is making one partition smaller then making one bigger to give more space to the partition14:25
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Soothsayer_Dr_Willis, sorry back. discontinued project, really ?14:25
Ishwonanybody from locoteams?14:25
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Camer0nyes but ActionParsnip it makes the partition smaller whilst creating a new one therefore it creates 6 partitions and yes [TK]D-Fender but I need them all14:25
Dr_Willisive seen windows come with 4 primary partitions in use befor on new machines.. made it a pain to get linu on the boxc.14:25
Soothsayer_im just going by the recommendation of omgubuntu14:25
dhaithamHow can i add an already running process to sys-tray?14:25
PiciIshwon: #ubuntu-locoteams would be the best place to find a LoCo resource.14:25
dhaithammy skype exists only on sys-monitor (processes)14:26
Dr_WillisSoothsayer_:  check its homepage.  check omgubuntu. I think they re  focusing on their own filemanager replacement ., not just tweaking nautilus14:26
ActionParsnipdhaitham: install alltray, run from ALT+F2 and click the app14:26
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IshwonPici: joined...but no answer there :(14:26
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ActionParsnipCamer0n: resizing will only make free space, not anoter partition14:26
[TK]D-FenderCamer0n: Well it says "X max" and you have reached X.  I guess you have shot yourself down.14:26
barfCan I dist-upgrade to 11.04 by now?14:26
ActionParsnipbarf: you could a while back14:27
Dr_Willisbarf:  you could.. but its still in beta testing14:27
ActionParsnipbarf: if you ask in #ubuntu+1 they will help with that14:27
[TK]D-Fenderbarf: Not normally until it is actually released14:27
Camer0nActionParsnip, it still doesn't let me though becasue it only allows a max of five14:27
ActionParsnipbarf: but it isn't ready or stable14:27
Camer0nand no extra free space14:27
Camer0nits stupid but is there a way round it?14:28
ActionParsnipCamer0n: you can have an extended partition then make 15 more logical partitions therin and they will all work14:28
[TK]D-FenderCamer0n: Remove one14:28
Soothsayer_Dr_Willis, "But hold on, they have now decided to restart the Nautilus Elementary project and PPA's have been updated already for both Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick and Ubuntu 11.04 Natty."14:28
ActionParsnipSoothsayer_: I found a nautilus elementary ppa with a natty folder14:28
Camer0n[TK]D-Fender, I have my windows 7 one, a system one, a recovery one that come with my laptop that i can't delete, I then have the ubuntu one and apparenly an ubuntu recovery partition, I CAN'T delete any14:29
dhaithamActionParsnip - I installed that, it says 'click on a window to dock' - i click on skype but it minimizes it (windows style) to the bottom not to the top panel near clock / empathy and so on14:29
ActionParsnipSoothsayer_: https://launchpad.net/~am-monkeyd/+archive/nautilus-elementary-ppa?field.series_filter=natty14:29
Camer0nActionParsnip, how do I do that?14:29
[TK]D-FenderCamer0n: "Ubuntu recovery?"  I have never seen such a thing so yes that looks like an immediate target14:29
ActionParsnipCamer0n: you will need to delete a partition then make an extended partition, then make logical partitions on it. Deleting the partition will destroy the data14:30
Soothsayer_its going to be simple to upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04 when its out ?14:30
Camer0nlol okay [TK]D-Fender but I wouldnt wan't to delete one that I later find i actually need ?!14:30
[TK]D-FenderSoothsayer_: probably as much as from any other release14:30
ActionParsnipdhaitham: do you have the windows list item add to the panel and the system tray added also14:30
nylon100I need a good software to make a collage do you know one?14:30
[TK]D-FenderCamer0n: Do you understand the term "between a rock & a hard place"?14:30
[TK]D-FendercamYuo want to move forward you will have to make a choice.14:31
Camer0nhttp://vvcap.net/db/xEOBK_hlFPI-17xr8SUh.htp << is the mysterious partition [TK]D-Fender14:31
[TK]D-Fendernylon100: GIMP14:31
Dr_Willisnylon100:  Googles picassa has that feature also14:31
dhaithamactionparsnip - ya  i do14:31
Camer0nhow do I know what the partition is?14:32
Dr_WillisCamer0n:  window7 makes use of a boot type parittion also..14:32
[TK]D-FenderCamer0n: So you have a small OS partition and large data partition both Linux based and you still need another partition?14:32
nylon100hmm. thanks14:32
Dr_WillisCamer0n:  normally at the front of the HD.14:32
Matr|xmy network card not working14:32
karancan any one help me for kernel compilation in ubuntu14:32
KNUBBIGHey, I've got a problem with my creative X-Fi Soundcard, after I modified the open source drivers from creative so that they now finally install, my microphone isn't working, either it plays what I'm hearing (tested in Teamspeak) or it doesn't do anything at all. Any ideas?14:33
Matr|x../etc/init.d/networking start14:33
Matr|xnot starting14:33
Camer0nno [TK]D-Fender for some reason I can't create new space if i have five partitions, stupid I know14:33
Matr|xmy network card give 00:00:00:00:0014:33
Dr_Willis!kernel | karan14:33
ubottukaran: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)14:33
Dr_WillisMatr|x:  wired? wireless? what make/model...14:33
[TK]D-FenderCamer0n: No, so far you HAVE no free space14:33
[TK]D-FenderCamer0n: You don't create space, you use it.14:34
Milhuui need help14:34
Milhuu10.04 or 10.1014:34
Milhuu  ?14:34
FloodBot2Milhuu: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:34
bazhangMilhuu, with what14:34
bazhang!poll | Milhuu14:34
ubottuMilhuu: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.14:34
Camer0nI'll be a minute and boot into ubuntu14:34
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Milhuuokay the thing14:35
Dr_WillisMilhuu:  define your needs.. and pick the one that suits your needs.14:35
Milhuuunity, gnome3 is okay, but not my favourite thing.. so i must change kde ??14:35
Dr_WillisLTS or Not LTS ... thats the main point.14:35
bazhangMilhuu, not here14:35
Dr_WillisMilhuu:  use whatever desktop you want. they are easy to install.14:36
drdozerstill no joy :( How can I disable my stylus as an in put device for the desktop while keeping it visible to gimp/inkscape?14:36
MilhuuDr_willis, i want gnome 214:36
Dr_WillisMilhuu:  so your problem is what?  the classic gnome is going to be in 11.0414:36
Milhuuyes but not more in 11.1014:36
Dr_WillisMilhuu:  there may not even be a gnome 2 by then.. who knows..14:37
Milhuuok so i have to kde ??14:37
Dr_WillisMilhuu:  you do what you want.. you dont 'have' to do anything.14:37
Milhuui want gnome 214:37
Milhuubut i dont get14:37
bazhangMilhuu, thats enough14:37
Dr_Willisgo use icewm, or lubuntu, or worry about it when it gets here.14:37
Milhuuso i have kde14:37
lilstevieor keep the source so you can compile it yourself14:38
Milhuuno thats too much work14:38
Dr_WillisI imagine gnome2 will get backported  if its not in the repos..14:38
Dr_Willisor ppa's for some time.14:38
bazhangMilhuu, this is not the proper place for this14:38
Milhuuok come all to #ubuntu-offtopic14:38
* Dr_Willis goes back to using LXDE14:38
xskydevilxIs there a way to associate a shortcut (such as using gloobus-preview with a space bar... How do I do that?)14:39
drdozerI'm not finding anything on google to help me :(14:39
WXZif I wanted an external harddrive to only be mountable for certain users, how would I make that happen?14:39
slipkid08i need some help. im trying to boot meerkat from tge cd, but it just hangs at the splash screen. any suggestions?14:39
Dr_Willisslipkid08:  whats your vidoe chipset? have you tried the nomodeset option?14:40
slipkid08i cant even get to the live menu to do that14:40
Dr_Willisslipkid08:   the nomodeset options would be befor the Plymouth ubuntu..... screen..14:41
Dr_WillisHit space (i think) when theres a little man at the bottom of the scrren14:41
Dr_WillisI think its a man.. and a keyboard.. some sort of icons..14:41
slipkid08ok. is your name steven by chance?14:41
Dr_Willisvery very early when it starts booting the cd.14:42
Dr_WillisWXZ:  what filesystem? theres a user option for  mountpoints.. but not sure about limiting it to specific users.14:42
WXZDr_Willis: I'm not sure what you mean by filesystem14:42
WXZyou mean NTFS, ext4 etc.?14:43
slipkid08my professors name is steven willis is why im asking. so hit spacebar when the littl man pops up?14:43
Dr_WillisWXZ:  NTFS, Ext2/3/4, vfat.14:43
Dr_Willisthats the filesystem.. yes14:43
WXZit's an NTFS external hdd14:43
Dr_WillisWXZ:  you may want to check the ntfs-3g docs/faq/homepage. If you want a SINGLE user able to access it.. that could be doable via the UID/GID options perhaps.14:43
Dr_WillisWXZ:  but if you want just 3 users (for example) and not these other 3 to access it.. that may be harder.14:44
WXZDr_Willis: does ubottu have a link to the docs?14:44
ubottuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions14:44
Dr_WillisWXZ:  or hit google for the ntfs-3g homepage for their faq.14:44
slipkid08gonna try spacebar rught now. we'll see14:44
Dr_Willisman ntfs-3g          also :)14:44
slipkid08i got to the install welcome menu14:45
slipkid08ok i got the live cd to boot, how do i force install from here14:46
nylon100Dr_Willis: As for my previous question about the collage: picassa looks great but do you know what program can i use to make a collage that is built up from many pictures where every picture is a pixel and all pictures create one specific image ( sry about the English)14:46
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slipkid08usually it just hangs when i go to install14:47
slipkid08nylon100: gimp14:47
slipkid08sudo apt-get install gimp14:47
airstrikehi. i'm using screen in bash to work on different folders and for some reason, vim behaves differently within screen. after closing a vim editor in a screen, the bash log isn't displayed like it is on a regular bash session.14:47
airstrikehow can i fix this?14:47
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nylon100slipkid08: What function makes this ?14:48
slipkid08that should bring up a command prompt14:49
slipkid08then type in sudo apt-get install gimp14:49
awkHi, erm I have a bit of a funny problem here, I have files named as such, ${EXTEN}_1289474871.48087.WAV however I can't scp them too a destination it doesn't like the ${EXTEN}14:50
awkwhat I did was scp -r * root@.....14:50
nylon100slipkid08: Yes, but do you know how can I make this? did you make something similar at the past? I'm already asking #gimp but just in case that you can make it shorter for me.14:51
baude_ayo bibi waht's up ?14:51
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Dr_Willisnylon100:  theres tools for that type of image.. but ive never used them.. i cant recall what you call that kind of image.14:52
slipkid08gimp is like a free photoshop14:52
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* Dr_Willis pefers Gimp to Photoshop.14:52
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slipkid08Dr-Willis: i formatted the hdd, and its installing fime...so far14:53
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baldarishey guys , I am having trouble installing tata docomo estick with my latest ubuntu tried installing with wine , but it does not does anything...can someone point me in the right direction?14:55
nylon100Dr_Willis: I guess that is a moasic image14:55
nylon100Dr_Willis: I'm searching for photomoasic and stuff..see what I can get. Thank :)14:55
Dr_Willisbaldaris:  what Is a tata docomeo estick?14:56
baldarisDr_Willis, hey its a usb pen drive for internet connection14:56
Metallicoguys, have you heard of a service, where if your ip is not real you could hire one and redirect all the traffic to you? (if that makes any sense)14:56
hadont have14:57
Dr_Willisbaldaris:  a wireless b/g/n? or 3G? or somthing else?14:57
genii-aroundDr_Willis: 3G14:57
ePiratis there a way to "restart" the ubuntu ui?14:57
ePirati have the problem that i cant login because the ui crashed but i can still use ssh14:57
Dr_WillisePirat:  sudo service gdm restart   - will restart X  and get you back to the login screen..14:58
ePiratDr_Willis, how can i switch to command line?14:58
Dr_Willisgenii-around:  i would check the forums see what others have done with it.14:58
Dr_WillisePirat:  you said you can use ssh...14:58
Dr_WillisePirat:  so ssh in.14:58
baldarisDr_Willis, its 3G14:58
ConstantineXVIwant to set up dns on my LAN's ubuntu server that hosts a few webapps; want to redirect $webapp.foo.com to it but just ask internet dns for $otherjunk.foo.com (ie: only set DNS for our local stuff), is this easily possible?14:58
dumbihello ?14:59
dumbihello ?14:59
Pumpkin-ConstantineXVI: yes, you need to create a zone $webapp.foo.com, which contains all the usual zone SOA stuff, and the A/AAAA records for webapp.foo.com14:59
ePiratthanks a lot Dr_Willis you saved my life!15:00
baldarisDr_Willis, http://www.tatadocomo.com/3g-e-stick.aspx maybe this might help15:01
baldaristhere is not too much info with customer support guys for ubuntu15:01
Dr_Willisbaldaris:  wont help me much :) ive never used one. I would say check the forums. perhaos someone else has used one and there may efen be a guide/wiki for them.15:01
JuNeXdoes ubuntu have netOP remote control software? like if my guest is windows XP?15:01
Dr_Willisbaldaris:  dont expect help from the HW makers support. :)15:01
ConstantineXVIPumpkin-: so if i'm understanding right, just don't make a zone file for foo.com, only the webapp domains?15:02
baldarisDr_Willis, did that i use ircs as last resort to solve problems by google15:02
Dr_Willisbaldaris:  ive looked at those 3g thangs.. but not bought one yet. I can teather my ANdroid phone :)15:02
KNUBBIG Hey, I'm trying to install the Creative X-FI drivers, but I get the error "sound/driver.h not found", I know there was a solution to this but I can't find it. Anyone who knows what to replace in the files?15:03
slipkid08i can tether my iphone too lol15:03
noldoncan somone pass the word to the developers of ubuntu that they should inlcude oss into the kernel again have had huuuge problems to get sounds in both enemys territory and quake 3 whith no success15:03
KNUBBIGI got the drivers installed but now my mic is either not working at all or just repeating what I'm hearing in teamspeak. Any ideas?15:03
Dr_Willisnoldon:  i doubt if thats going to happen any time soon.15:03
popeynoldon: there's ways around that I believe, mods to make ET work15:03
noldonand i dont wanna install a custom kernel cuz then i probably mess things up15:03
Dr_Willisnoldon:  i was thinking the ET source got released a few months back. perhaps a updated port will come out soon.15:04
popeynoldon: pretty sure I have played ET ithout OSS15:04
Dr_WillisTheres that Quake3 tht runs from yoru browser also that worked very well15:04
KNUBBIGQuake live15:04
Dr_WillisBut i suck so badly at those games...15:04
sandkinghow can i make thing that when files lands in some directory ubuntu checks it and starts appropriate action?15:04
Dr_Willis!info fam15:05
ubottufam (source: fam): File Alteration Monitor. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.7.0-16.1 (maverick), package size 69 kB, installed size 264 kB15:05
noldonhmm ok ive been looking all around the net for that all i found was some version for 10.10 but still no sound15:05
Dr_Willissandking:  perhaps FAM. can do what you need. :)15:05
sandkingDr_Willis: is this some app?15:05
noldonwell well i always have windows15:05
sandkingah, got it15:06
slipkid08ill bbl guys15:07
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aarHello, I'm trying to install java on a Kunutu 10,04 AMD64 box. The package openjdk-6-jre 6b20 downloads OK, but just before installing it crashes. Any ideas why this is happening?15:09
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icerootaar: post the error15:14
kpettitcan you run default ubuntu gnome classic and gnome3 shell on the same system?15:15
kpettitI tried it on 11.04 but it seems to be one or the other.  Can't get both to work15:15
aariceroot, I was using kpackagekit rather than the terminal so the error message was very short (just "error installing blah blah"). I just tried again and got a "package already installed error". I did a "java -version" in the terminal and it seems to be installed now.15:15
intickhi all do you know a similar softwere to Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 ?15:16
rumpe1kpettit, theroticaly yes...  but gnome3 seems to have the bad habbit to damage gnome2 somehow..15:16
icerootaar: dpkg -l packagename  gives ii?15:16
kpettitrumpe1, that's what I've noticed.  Maybe when 11.04 final comes out15:16
Abhijitintick, to devleop linux app or windows app? you want it to run on linux or windows?15:16
icerootintick: luckily there is not something like that on linux15:16
Abhijiticeroot, lol luckily! :-D15:16
kpettitintick, depends on the language you want to do as well.15:17
KNUBBIGI got the Creative X-Fi drivers installed but now my mic is either not working at all or just repeating what I'm hearing in teamspeak. Any ideas?15:17
DragonKeeperhow can i stream music/video over a linux network (no windows pcs involved)15:17
icerootDragonKeeper: vlc can do that easily15:17
kpettitDragonKeeper, There are lots of different ways.  It depends on how you want ot have the other machines access it.15:17
shcherbakDragonKeeper: Music = shoutcast, isecast, mpd...15:18
kpettitDragonKeeper, There are lots of web apps, you can use upnp, samba, sftp, etc.15:18
avinashhmHi , i am getting bitmaps error, when i start my application .. more logs @ http://paste.ubuntu.com/596533/..can some one please help ?15:18
DragonKeepererm is it possible to get the HDD mounted on a remote pc15:18
kpettitDragonKeeper, Yes, that's very easy.  And a few different ways you can do it15:18
kpettitDragonKeeper, the easiest way I think is to use samba.  Or sftp.  If you turn on ssh you can mount any location from the remote machine and bookmark it in ubuntu15:19
genii-aroundavinashhm: I'm pretty sure thats a windows application and not a linux application15:19
mithranDragonKeeper: tsclient has an option, but i think it lasts only while the remote session is active15:20
avinashhmgenii-around, its trac32 .. its for linux ... basically has windows and linux , i have downloaded linux edition .15:20
DragonKeeperhmm samba i tried but it didnt work i just got errors15:20
kpettitDragonKeeper, if your just doing the normal ubuntu desktop thing you can mount anything you can ssh too.  That's a very easy way to do it15:21
leapy0yowindows 7 has it if you drag an ap to the edge of the horizontal parts of the screen then it changes the size and location of the app window... is that how do you do that in ubuntu?15:21
kpettitDragonKeeper, In ubuntu  click on the "places -> Connect to Server"  You can choose ssh or samba or whatever from there.15:21
hihihi100i exdecuted rm -Rf ~/.Trash/* to empty my trash, because the icon, trash icon, is gone, how do I make sure i have cleaned my trash?15:21
kpettitI'd suggest you try ssh sense it doesn't really require any setup other than making sure you've done "apt-get install ssh"15:22
DragonKeeperkpettit  ubuntu is the machine i want to stream from   a different linux used to  stream to15:22
rumpe1leapy0yo, depends on the desktop... kde-plasma has this behaviour as default15:22
iceroothihihi100: that is not the trash-dir15:22
kpettitjust make sure the machine you want to connect to has ssh.  Then on the ubuntu machine you want to connect from Click on "Places -> Connect to server"15:23
kpettityou can even bookmark it15:23
hihihi100iceroot, so what did I do?15:23
iceroothihihi100: ~/.local/share/Trash/15:23
intickAbhijit: actually it's a small database extraction ASPX or PHP with VB scrips15:23
iceroothihihi100: dont use rm on that dir15:23
kpettitDragonKeeper, that's how I connect to my local and remote Linux machiens to get files, edit stuff, etc.15:23
hihihi100iceroot, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/empty-ubuntu-gnome-trash-from-the-command-line.html15:23
iceroothihihi100: there are also info-files for the trash15:23
DragonKeeperkpettit  ok ill try that15:23
iceroothihihi100: from 200615:23
intickAbhijit: and Mysql ofc15:23
iceroothihihi100: changed since hardy to the path i said15:23
kpettitDragonKeeper, just make sur eyou have ssh installed.  Then in the file manager on or the desktop choose the "connect to server" option.15:24
Abhijitintick, no then there is no such app for linux. but you can program in .net using mono. also if you are just looking for that vb 'style' software then try gambas. there is also qtmaker and glade for gui making.15:24
yedek_p2i use ubuntu 11.04 beta2 updated. How can i make the gnome-panels to do not strt any panel on startup. Because i use awn as default panel. ?15:24
icerootyedek_p2: #ubuntu+115:24
kpettitDragonKeeper, and if you don't like that you can always do ssh, upnp, ftp, nfs, etc.  There are a bunch of different ways you can connect data from one machine to another15:24
JuNeXdoes ubuntu have netOP remote control software? like if my guest is windows XP?15:24
Abhijitintick, though i am no expert in windows issue. you try asking in ##widows and ##programming15:24
yedek_p2 iceroot: ok . thank you.15:25
AbhijitJuNeX, tried teamvier?15:25
JuNeXdoes ubuntu have netOP remote control software? like if my guest is windows XP? and im the Host?15:25
kpettitJuNeX, what is netOP?15:25
xangua!natty | yedek_p215:25
ubottuyedek_p2: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems.15:25
JuNeX@Abhijit nope but i will try it now15:25
Abhijitintick, ##windows i mean15:25
intickAbhijit: yes it's more about .NET  so15:25
intickAbhijit: mono you say ?15:25
Abhijitintick, if its .net then you can try mono15:25
kpettitJuNeX, what is it you want the machine to do?  remote control or support desk stuff?15:25
hihihi100iceroot, coul you please write the full command? Im a noob, what about rm -rf ~/.local/share/Trash/*  ?15:26
Abhijitintick, go to ubuntu software ccenter and type word mono15:26
iceroothihihi100: what about restoring the trash-icon and use that?15:26
intickAbhijit: kk find it on synaptic i'll try it thx mate15:26
iceroothihihi100: using rm -rf as a "noob" is ALWAYS a bad idea15:26
JuNeX@kpettit remote & support just for my LAN network..15:26
ShoryuUbuntu 10.10 x86: Hi... how do I enable core dumps for just root without logging into root and doing a ulimit -c unlimited? I already set the rules in /etc/security/limits.conf, but they don't seem to have any affect. Reason is I want cron jobs to dump cores if they crash15:26
hihihi100iceroot, my trash icon is gone since at least 5 weeks, and I cannot acces it, everytime I try it says that nautilus doesnt allow it15:26
Abhijiticeroot, in 'that' famours dangerous command is that /* or */  ??15:27
kpettitJuNeX, I like one called SimpleHelp.  it's a web app that uses java to basically do a vnc.  It lets you see os info/stats and remote control.  You can also setup agents and such.15:27
kpettitIf you don't need remote control I like using BigBlueButton which lets you share desktop kind of like a webex.  That ones free/opensource15:27
hihihi100iceroot, I just tried to add a trash icon to my panel, I cannot15:28
JuNeXi see. thanks! can i use that in XP too? coz my dad PC is using windows15:28
AlicelevequeHey, could someone please help me? I'm trying to print from Ubuntu 10.10 to a printer connected to a Windows 7 deasktop, but all the print jobs are called "remote Downlevel Document, when I go to properties it says the datattype is RAW15:29
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Franticguys, what's the easiest way to get php 5.2 on ubuntu server 10.10? php5 in the repos is at 5.3 :(15:29
hihihi100iceroot, I should see a local directory in my file system folder, right? Or do I have to go to usr? (~/.local/share/Trash/)15:29
ShoryuAnybody know about ulimit?15:30
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AbhijitJuNeX, teamivers runs on mac,win and linux15:30
kpettitJuNeX, simplehelp or bigbluebutton is cross platform and web based.15:31
JuNeXAbhijit, i see thanks! by the way where can i get it? software center?15:31
AbhijitJuNeX, no15:31
AbhijitJuNeX, http://www.teamviewer.com/en/index.aspx15:31
kpettitJuNeX, if you just want simple remote control and viewing VNC is the easiest.  VNC is cross platform as well.15:31
JuNeXkpettit, thanks i will try that one too..15:31
AlicelevequeCould someone please help me? I'm trying to print from Ubuntu 10.10 to a printer connected to a Windows 7 desktop, but all the print jobs are called "remote Downlevel Document, when I go to properties it says the datatype is RAW15:32
d1gitalI just sent something to the trash, (did not empty it) and when I try to move it back out I get "The URI "trash:///_AIM" does not refer to a valid resource in the trash".  How can I recover the files?15:33
van7huhello, is there any option that take 2 arguments in programming?15:34
iceroothihihi100: ~/.local/share/Trash/   who is the owner of that dir?15:34
hihihi100iceroot, you are asking for ls -l right? to do that I have to dir to that directory, right? If i write cd local I get nothing15:36
d1gitaliceroot:  I'm not sure if you meant to help me or someone else, but you solved my problem.  Thanks!15:36
hihihi100iceroot, ok, I won all of it15:37
hihihi100i OWN15:37
KNUBBIGI got the Creative X-Fi drivers installed but now my mic is either not working at all or just repeating what I'm hearing in teamspeak. Any ideas?15:37
hihihi100me, not root15:37
hihihi100im in ~/.local/share/Trash in the terminal, how can I empty it? Me, not root, is the owner15:40
terryIs the -p switch for tar relevant, or does tar preserve permissions anyway?15:40
icerootd1gital: great :) and i was not speaking to you :)15:41
ikoniaterry: it's needed15:41
iceroothihihi100: cd .local iinstead of cd local15:41
dotblankhihihi100, you should just be able to rm it15:41
dotblankhihihi100, rm -r ~/.local/share/Trash/*15:42
dotblankhihihi100, note it is really really hard to undo that operation15:42
ITOtu puta madre15:43
red2kic"rm -ri ~/.local/share/Trash/*" -- Yay! Interactive!15:43
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hihihi100dotblank, inside Trash, ls -l shows expunged, files and info, I should leave that tree structure untouched, if I execut your command, will it leave the folders there?15:44
dotblankno hihi15:44
Navion I'm looking for some very quiet SFF dual core machines I can get refurb'd (cheap). Any recommendations?15:44
dotblankit will delete them15:44
crescendowhat is this new chromium-browser-l10n shit?15:44
hihihi100dotblank, ok, so I will go to eaCH OF THE 3 FOLDERS AND CLEAR EM ONE BY ONE15:44
icerootcrescendo: we dont need that type of language here15:45
hihihi100sorry for the caps15:45
icerootNavion: ##hardware15:45
dotblankhihihi100, you could use some find magic then pipe it into xargs rm15:45
aeon-ltdNavion: does it have to be dual core?15:45
signornessunoi have this error message using synaptic o dpkg  failed to read on buffer copy for elenco dei file del pacchetto "libesd0": Input/output error15:45
hihihi100dotblank, im a noob, 1st time i hear of xargs rm15:45
dotblankhihihi100, its ok to delete those folders those.. if in the future a program needs it.. it will recreate them15:46
aariceroot, dpkg -l package name gives:15:46
Navionaeon-ltd: It's for broadcast automation and there is a lot of real time stuff going on. separate cores allows for some more real time threads.15:46
aarii  openjdk-6-jre                 6b20-1.9.7-0ubuntu1~10.04.1   OpenJDK Java runtime, using Hotspot JIT15:46
red2kichihihi100: Look in the Trash -- You don't want to save anything? -- Run "rm -r ~/.local/share/Trash/*" -- Get over with.15:47
KNUBBIGI got the Creative X-Fi drivers installed but now my mic is either not working at all or just repeating what I'm hearing in teamspeak. Any ideas?15:47
Navionireroot: is that the place to look for ubuntu HCL specific stuff?15:47
ruanwhere do i put a manually compiled package? it's lablgtk215:47
LarsTorbenhi ruan15:47
ruanhi LarsTorben15:47
genii-aroundruan: The usual convention is somewhere like /usr/local/bin15:48
dotblankruan, what do you mean manually compilied15:48
red2kic!hardware | Navion15:48
ubottuNavion: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection15:48
icerootaar: then everything is fine15:48
dotblankif you use ./configure and make + make install it will place it in /usr/local (by default)15:49
ruandotblank: ironically, i had to compile a dev package to compile another program15:49
dotblankif you use dpkg-buildpackage it should be in /usr15:49
aariceroot, yes thanks15:50
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AlicelevequeCould someone please help me? I'm trying to print from Ubuntu 10.10 to a printer connected to a Windows 7 desktop, but all the print jobs are called "remote Downlevel Document, when I go to properties it says the datatype is RAW15:50
dotblankAliceleveque, wow.. now that truely is a printer error15:50
hihihi100ok, done15:50
ruanwhere should i put the folder so that it's detected?15:50
andeeeukHey everyone15:50
dotblankhow stereo typical15:50
andeeeukhas anyone found a way to install flash player in wine?15:51
andeeeuki need it for some browsers i have installed15:51
signornessunossuno> i have this error message using synaptic o dpkg  failed to read on buffer copy for elenco dei file del pacchetto "libesd0": Input/output error15:51
ruanmaybe winetricks, maybe a proper install. lemme check wt15:52
xanguayou can install native flash and browsers andeeeuk15:52
dotblankruan, it depends on the project and how it is distributed if the program uses pkg-config you shouldn't have to do anything.. if it doesn't and fails to autodetect the include path you will have to manually pass linker and compile flags15:52
ruanandeeeuk: get winetricks15:52
red2kic!flash | andeeeuk15:52
ubottuandeeeuk: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash15:52
ruanred2kic: it's for wine15:52
crescendowhat is this new chromium-browser-l10n?15:52
ruan!info chromium-browser-l10n15:53
ubottuchromium-browser-l10n (source: chromium-browser): chromium-browser language packages. In component main, is optional. Version 10.0.648.205~r81283-0ubuntu0.10.10.1 (maverick), package size 1667 kB, installed size 14104 kB15:53
ruanlanguage packages, as ubottu says.15:53
fairuzHi, How to know the path of an executable that can be used systemwide15:53
genii-aroundred2kic: I'm not sure that applies to trying to run flash under wine15:53
fairuzlet say gedit15:53
andeeeukthanks guys!15:53
hihihi100i clicked yes to all those questions while clearing my trash folder, did I f*ck up? http://paste.ubuntu.com/596575/15:53
andeeeukI have installed winetrick though can install flash in the browser15:53
ruanfairuz: whereis [command]15:53
red2kicgenii-around: We can open swf under Mozilla or Chromium?15:54
ruanfairuz: or package15:54
fairuzruan: ty15:54
ruanfairuz: if you type whereis gedit, it will show you all locations15:54
red2kicfairuz: which gedit -- that works too15:54
genii-aroundred2kic: Yes, but that is not the question they asked. They want Windows flash for browsers they have installed under wine15:54
ruanwhich doesnt seem to show as much output as whereis15:54
fairuzred2kic: ok cool, thanks!15:54
Bluebill-Wolfsay does anyone know a good site that I can referance for apt-get commands?15:55
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)15:55
ruanBluebill-Wolf: the link above should explain it15:55
Bluebill-Wolfas well as how to update firefox >.>15:55
ubottuFirefox 4 is the current stable version of Firefox. Current versions of Ubuntu do not have it (see !latest), but there is an unofficial and unsupported PPA that you can use by running the following command: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install firefox15:55
Bluebill-Wolfthaknks i owe ya a tall cool one15:55
ruanff4 will also be in natty which will be released next week15:56
zookaliciousruan is there a list somewhere of the bang commands you're using?15:56
andeeeukxangua: can you install the windows version of flash in the browser then?15:56
ruanzookalicious: bang?15:56
zookalicious! keyword15:57
ruanuhh there is a command hold on15:57
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots15:57
ruanfactoids lists em all, there's prbably a search command too15:57
zookaliciousGreat thank you!15:57
terryikonia: tnx15:57
Kevin`andeeeuk: what's wrong with adobe's native linux flash that you would want the windows one?15:57
hihihi100how do I delete the contents of an external HD via terminal?15:58
ruanpossibly !search factoidquery15:58
ruanformatting via terminal. hmm15:58
Bluebill-Wolfi'll post it now on my forums15:58
wwwdI'm trying to get sensors data from my laptop. (HP Pavilion dv7). When I type sensors-detect I get a msg back saying  " No sensors detected...handled by acpi" When I type acpi -t I get no return. Anyone know how to monitor system temp in Ubuntu? btw I can do sensors in opensuse and get system temp.15:59
Alicelevequedotblank: I know, any ideas?15:59
Lord_Nikonhi to all15:59
ruanwwwd: xsensors?15:59
ruan!info xsensors15:59
ubottuxsensors (source: xsensors): A hardware health information viewer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.70-1.1 (maverick), package size 18 kB, installed size 152 kB15:59
andeeeukKevin`: I need a flash player working in a windows browser. I have installed the windows version of firefox in wine15:59
ruanandeeeuk: winetricks allows installation of the flash plugin16:00
wwwdhihihi100: I think it depends why you want to delete data.16:00
andeeeukruan: is there a command i can use as I looked this morning and it was not working16:00
Polahandeeeuk: Why did you install Firefox for Windows in wine? Firefox runs natively in Linux...16:01
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wwwdI'll check xsensors out thnks.16:01
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toad__silverlight for ubuntu?16:01
ruanandeeeuk: simply run: wget http://winetricks.org/winetricks && ./winetricks flash16:01
ruanthat'll take care of it16:01
andeeeukPolah: I have been trying to get some webconferencing software to run and its not working in linux16:02
Lord_Nikonsystem contorl everything16:02
elb0wGnome3 ubuntu 10.10 thoughts?16:02
Polahandeeeuk: And it requires Firefox or a web browser?16:02
andeeeukruan: thanks :)16:02
Lord_Nikonboy's pleace tell my any program for music16:02
andeeeukPolah: it needs a web browser16:02
Lord_Nikonwithput vlc16:02
PolahLord_Nikon, rhythmbox?16:03
ruanLord_Nikon: totem, rhythmbox, exaile16:03
Lord_Nikonaa 10x16:04
ruanLord_Nikon: for terminal there is moc16:04
PolahLord_Nikon, Banshee, Exaile, totem, Listen16:04
andeeeukI receive an sha1sum mismatch when installing with winetricks16:04
andeeeukslightly frustrating16:04
ruansha1sum mismatch? hmm16:04
ruantried again?16:04
pentester5746how can I check my memory usage?16:04
Lord_Nikon10x dude's16:04
ruanpentester5746: free16:04
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ruanpentester5746: also, system monitor16:05
ruanpentester5746: and top, htop16:05
Lord_NikonStereo MC's - Connected (music)16:05
ruanLord_Nikon: offtopic here16:05
wwwdAny idea why sensors-detect tells me there are no sensors and why acpi -t has no return in ubuntu?16:05
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:05
kpettitpentester5746, I usually just run "top" from the commandline16:05
pentester5746upon boot and a 512mb virtualmachine is taking 1.5 gigs or mem16:06
Polahwwwd: Perhaps you have no sensors?16:06
ruanwwwd: have you tried xsensors?16:06
wwwdthere is nothing returned16:06
genii-aroundI think you need the backend of lm-sensors or so16:06
wwwdI installed lm-sensros16:06
Oppehey, in new ubuntu is there way to install the php5.2 and not php5.3 in which my current softwares don't work?16:07
Oppei mean by commands like apt-get install etc.16:07
genii-aroundwwwd: Do you have some kernel boot option like acpi=off or noacpi ?16:07
wwwdIs'nt system monitoring part of the kernel and if so should'nt it wrk the same in ubuntu and opensuse?16:08
wwwdginii-around: How would I know that?16:08
ruanOppe: you could download the 5.2 package16:09
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ruanor as a very last resort compile the source of 5.216:09
genii-aroundwwwd: grep acpi /boot/grub/grub.cfg           and if you see a line with noacpi or acpi=off   that might be part of the issue16:10
AlkarexHello, I need to make a quick demo to illustrate that Ubuntu 11.4 supports multitouch (with a multitouch 3M screen). Does anybody know a multitouch-enabled application on Linux? For instance, is there a Linux version of the classical paint demo drawing several fingers in different colours when they touch the touchscreen? At least, I would need an application illustrating a 2-finger zoom, but I find nothing for Linux. Any idea?16:10
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Dr_WillisAlkarex:  ask in #ubuntu+1 . Ive not seen any Multi touych enabled apps..  Its possible theres a compiz setting for it.16:11
AlkarexDr_Willis: Thanks, I will try16:11
wwwdgenii-around: I get no return from grep...16:12
wwwdgenii-around: Does acpi have multiple modules?16:15
wwwdThe only info I am getting back from any option I try is battery16:15
Bluebill-Wolfsomone mind helping me trubel shoot my ustream brodcast?16:18
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genii-aroundwwwd: Apologies on lag, work required me. acpi has some different modules, yes, although I'm not sure what they all are. I believe it depends on the bios.16:19
wcchandlerBluebill-Wolf: xbox360?16:19
ubuntunewviehi! I want use a 64bits kernel with 32 bits userland. How do I do that with natty?16:19
Bluebill-Wolfnope lappie16:19
wcchandlerBluebill-Wolf: Sorry then :(16:20
Bluebill-Wolfi need to conferm that the feed is working16:20
Bluebill-Wolfwell if you can access ustream than it may work16:20
ar__Where can I find the ./configure in ubuntu 10.10??16:20
ruanar__: in the directory of the application you are compiling16:20
wcchandlerBluebill-Wolf: I actually misread your sentence, I thought you said ushare, not ustream...  so I'm no help anyways.16:21
Bluebill-Wolfwell then at least tell me this if what i've been hearing is correct16:21
ubuntunewvieis possible I install 64bits kernel in a 32bits base install?16:21
Bluebill-Wolfthat to enable sterio mix i just need to copy the output tunnel to the input tunnel16:21
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john__Hey everyone, I'm new to this16:23
aeon-ltdjohn__: welcome16:24
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john__what's the idea for all of the irc chats?16:24
john__just to help with problems and issues?16:24
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BlouBlou!irc > john__16:24
ubottujohn__, please see my private message16:24
BlouBlou!freenode > john__16:24
ar__I didn't see any ./configure in the package folder. Shouldn't it be located in the /usr/bin folder?16:25
knight19720208Hi everyone16:25
minimec_ubuntunewvie: You will not be able to do so, unless you force. It's not possible.16:25
BlouBlouknight19720208: Hi16:25
aeon-ltdar__: no, the configure is a file available in source tar balls16:25
tensorpuddingar__: what is this now?16:25
knight19720208Hi BB, do you know about bridge and transparent proxies?16:26
knight19720208I have been trying to make a box that include that functions but I have a problem with the iptables and ebtable16:26
Toxichii enybody to help me?16:27
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Guest56939I have some problems with instaling the game called Runes of Magic ... can you help me?! Please16:28
tjiggi_foGuest56939, why would you ask a question and then immediately change your nick?16:28
knight19720208does anyone know about squid, dansguar..., iptables ebtable? Please some help16:29
Guest56939it changed itself16:29
Picitjiggi_fo: its something that happens automatically for nicks that have ENFORCE enabled16:29
Guest56939i am new user of Ubuntu16:29
tensorpuddingGuest56939: are you sure the game runs on Linux?16:29
andeeeuksha1sum mismatch! does anyone receive this error when installing flash player in wine?16:30
Guest56939yea i saw on youtube...16:30
tjiggi_foGuest56939, Pici , I see, my apologies16:30
Guest56939they say i need to run instalation over Wine..16:30
Guest56939but i dont know how to use that16:31
tensorpuddingGuest56939: yes, you install wine from software center, just search for it by name16:31
Guest56939I dont know how!. can u help me with that...16:32
tensorpuddingGuest56939: open the Ubuntu Software Center16:32
tensorpuddingit's under16:32
Guest56939yes i did and i install wine..16:32
Guest56939and now?16:32
tensorpuddingwell, you downloaded the game's installer right?16:32
tensorpuddingyou double click it, and wine will run the installer16:32
tensorpuddingthen you just install it normally16:33
ruanmight have to mark it executable16:33
tensorpuddingoh, right16:33
Guest56939yes i marked it.16:34
Guest56939it started to install..16:34
ruanif anything fails, see the appdb16:34
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help16:34
Guest56939yes and now i got Program Error..16:34
ethenheartI cannot install ruby mechanize on my ubuntu 9.04 please some one help me.16:34
tensorpuddingyou're going to have to check out the appdb and ask them16:34
xanguaethenheart: upgrade to a supported ubuntu version16:34
Jesse088i just revieved a brand new i3. im installing on a new mobo. do i need to use TIM or is there already some on the heatsync???16:35
semitoneshey what is the command to install grub to the mbr?16:35
Jesse088i know that is not ubuntu related but you guys are always so helpful16:35
ethenheartxangua: I just cant get zlib file loaded for my gem16:36
xanguaJesse088: if is not related, then why do you ask¿16:36
xanguaetherneteth0: upgrading to a supported version will fix it16:36
tensorpuddingJesse088: visually inspect the bottom of the heatsink, does it look like there is thermal paste there? if not, add your own16:36
ruanJesse088: is it hardware related? if so, check ##hardware16:36
KNUBBIGIs there a way to get a microphone attached to a creative X-Fi Fatal1ty with the creative drivers working?16:36
xanguasemitones: trying to install multiple distros on a usb¿16:36
Jesse088tensorpudding, there are three gray areas on the bottom of the heatsink, they are kind of sticky, is this thermal paste?16:37
tensorpuddingJesse088: you ought to read the manual that the heatsink came with16:37
semitonesxangua, no, I installed natty on a spare partition, which installed its own grub2. I'm trying to reinstall burg to the mbr (it uses all the same commands as grub)16:38
random123Can someone explain this error http://thebrothersink.com/tmp/ss.jpg ?16:38
semitonesi think I found it -- it's sudo burg-install /dev/sda16:38
semitonesmy hdd is called /dev/sda dont' worry16:38
pfifowhere can i find the log of the channel?16:38
Pici!logs | pfifo16:38
ubottupfifo: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/16:38
pfifoty pici16:39
ruanrandom123: try marking it executable16:39
KNUBBIGrandom123, sudo chmod +x16:39
ruanif it tab-autocompletes, then it's executable16:39
ruanmarked executable16:40
KNUBBIGrandom123,  you might also have to copy the contents to the (virtual) hdd16:40
perlsyntaxanyone in here use Att there phone as a modem for the internet?16:40
KNUBBIGIs there a way to get a microphone attached to a creative X-Fi Fatal1ty with the creative drivers working?16:40
nhoc_t39do you know install Flashplayer on Ubuntu16:41
nhoc_t39help me!16:41
tazzcould you cat me /etc/default/mysql ? (if you have mysql-server installed)16:41
semitones!flash | nhoc_t3916:41
ubottunhoc_t39: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash16:41
semitonesnhoc_t39, actually that documenation seems a little out of date16:43
semitonesnhoc_t39, just search for "flash" in ubuntu software center, and it will come up16:43
ruantazz: i could install mysql-server quickly if it's not too large16:44
vilinyhey huys16:44
tazzruan, not needed, i am sure there are people here who have mysql installed :) Thanks for the offer though.16:45
vilinyi made a new user, for my friend, but when he connects via ssh he only sees "$" on his prompt line and no path names or anything instead of the usual "user@server-paths" stuff16:45
vilinywhat could be wrong?16:45
TheoreticianHey I got a quick question, I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 and every once in a while when a lot of CPU is being used, some process will fade and look like it is in shadow. How do I stop this?16:46
LarsTorbenTheoretician: which ubuntu version16:46
TheoreticianLarsTorben: 10.1016:46
ruantazz: you could also ask in #mysql16:46
LarsTorbenok 64 or 32 ?? kde or gnome ??16:46
LarsTorbenhi kippi16:46
TheoreticianLaresTorben: 32 bit, kde16:46
Tyronecan i ask, i have squid on my ubuntu and if i install firestarter is it ok? it wont be conflict?16:47
LarsTorbeni dont know, kde is much cpu16:47
tazzruan, i am pretty sure someone will get up and ask me to go to #ubuntu ;)16:47
Picitazz: I have mysql server installed and I don't have that file.16:47
kippiI installed 11.04 and all went fine, I then did the updates yesterday and now my machine gets stuck on the ubuntu loading logo. If I boot into recovery mode it gets stuck when you get the options, anyideas?16:47
TheoreticianLarsTorben: do you recommend switching to gnome?16:47
LarsTorbenwhats your pc ?16:47
TheoreticianLarsTorben: its a Dell16:47
ruanmy pc is a pc too16:48
LarsTorbenmemory ? ram ? Theoretician16:48
Picikippi : Natty/11.04 is not yet released. Please join #ubuntu+1 for further support and discussion.16:48
van7huthe boy is a boy :)16:48
macoTheoretician: the shadow thing is probably a feature in kwin similar to the one in compiz where applications that are non-responsive get dimmed16:48
TheoreticianLarsTorben: Its not mine, i dont know the details about it16:48
Theoreticianmaco: ah, is there any way to stop it?16:49
LarsTorbenokay but do you know how old is it ? Theoretician16:49
macoTheoretician: to stop the dimming or the non-responsiveness of the application?16:49
TheoreticianLarsTorben: maybe 5 years?16:49
Theoreticianmaco: just the dimming16:49
LarsTorbeni would recommend switch du lXDE lubuntu Theoretician16:49
LarsTorbendu = to16:49
macoTheoretician: let me check my settings16:50
macoLarsTorben: i have a 5 year old laptop running 11.04 Kubuntu just fine16:50
TheoreticianLarsTorben: ok, thanks16:50
macoLarsTorben: er no 10.10. didnt upgrade that one yet16:50
macothe 3 year old is on 11.0416:50
pentester5746on a subnet what is the "/24" mean16:50
LarsTorbenmaco and ??16:50
LarsTorbeni meant Theoretician16:51
macoLarsTorben: 5 years ain't that old?16:51
ayeceepentester5746: is not a subnet16:51
LarsTorbenMACO: yes.16:51
LarsTorbenits very very old16:51
pentester5746ayecee: ok i am setting up openvpn, what would be a good subnet to not interfere with 192.168.XXX.XXX16:52
ayeceepentester5746: it may be an ip address WITHIN a subnet16:52
TheoreticianLarsTorben: I disagree. I am running Ubuntu 10.10 on a 20 year old computer my dad built from scratch and it works fine16:52
EliripsHello all. How can I check which version of ubutnu that I have?16:52
ayeceeElirips: lsb_version16:52
macoLarsTorben: tell that to my pentium 2 that only finally kicked the bucket in december16:52
LarsTorben20 years ?!?!?16:53
DJonesNeoti: Can!version | Elirips16:53
ruanlsb release something16:53
LarsTorbeni dont think so16:53
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »16:53
DJones!version | Elirips16:53
ubottuElirips: please see above16:53
TheoreticianLarsTorben: yeah. It is ancient16:53
macoTheoretician: im not sure where the setting is, sorry. i normally have desktop effects turned off16:53
Theoreticianmaco: ok thanks anyway16:53
nmvictorWill the next version of ubuntu ship Gnome3?16:53
macoTheoretician: poke around in system settings -> desktop effects, i guess16:53
ruannmvictor: it won't ship it, but it may allow it to be installed16:53
DJonesnmvictor: No it won't, it uses Unity or a fall back of gnome 216:53
EliripsThank you! Nowthat I see that I have 10.04, how to upgrade to 10.10?16:54
Theoreticianmaco: ok, will do16:54
Tyronecan i ask, i have squid on my ubuntu and if i install firestarter is it ok? it wont be conflict?16:54
red2kic!upgrade | Elirips16:54
ubottuElirips: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade16:54
ruanElirips: you don't have to upgrade yet though16:54
macoTheoretician: there are a few effects that involve dimming windows.  turning off excessive effects will get you more responsiveness too, as will turning off system settings -> desktop search16:54
Theoreticianmaco: ok, I will poke around and try some things16:55
red2kicElirips: It's *just* me (and some for others) that we prefer clean installation over upgrades. You're on LTS (10.04) so you don't have to upgrade for more than a year.16:55
nmvictorDJones: Haa, unity? I hear it doesnt support Compiz? Is that still the case, if so I'd rather fall back to Gnome 2 or rely on HOWTOs to get Gnome 3 work(if ever)16:55
ruanalso, 11.04 is coming up really soon16:55
Roastedpretty sure compiz works in unity16:55
Roastedwhich was the argument against gnome shell, as gnome shell didnt support compiz originally16:56
Eliripsruan, red2kic, I hope, that in 10.10 the package python-scipy is a little bit newer.. That could maybe save me some time ..16:56
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Roastednot sure if that has changed, though16:56
xanguanmvictor: unity from natty uses compiz16:56
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems.16:56
Roastedman. that's only a few days away.16:56
nmvictorxangua: Good news,16:56
red2kic!info python-scipy maverick | Elirips16:56
ubottuElirips: python-scipy (source: python-scipy): scientific tools for Python. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.7.2-2ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 5174 kB, installed size 21996 kB16:56
nhoc_t39thu dam16:56
red2kicElirips: What version are you on (in 10.04).16:56
PiciCan we move the Natty/Unity discussion to #ubuntu+1 to keep #ubuntu clear for people that want support for current releases? Thanks.16:56
ruan!info python-scipy natty16:56
ubottupython-scipy (source: python-scipy): scientific tools for Python. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.0+dfsg1-1ubuntu1 (natty), package size 8816 kB, installed size 32788 kB16:56
red2kic!info python-scipy lucid16:57
ubottupython-scipy (source: python-scipy): scientific tools for Python. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.7.0-2ubuntu0.1 (lucid), package size 5193 kB, installed size 22028 kB16:57
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".16:57
Eliripsred2kic, atm, i Have 0.7.016:57
red2kicElirips: I see that. See above (version release for maverick + natty).16:57
Eliripsred2kic, and there are some symbols missing, that I need, I could either painfully compile the source manually, or just hope upgrading will work16:57
Eliripsred2kic, thanks for your help, i'll try to upgrade16:57
martin_Is rhere a list of supported wifi cards for ubuntu 10.1016:58
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection16:58
red2kicElirips: I'd suggest for you to find PPA if it exists.16:58
Eliripsred2kic, PPA?16:58
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.16:58
iqpidoes anybody know how can I difference between a hybrid .iso file and another that is not hybrid?17:00
ruannot sure what 'hybrid' means17:01
red2kicmultiarch, I guess.17:01
ikoniathere isn't an official multiarch image17:01
red2kicruan: Apparently it mean ISO for disc and IMG for usb.17:02
Piciiqpi: Are you asking about an Ubuntu cd image? or just in general?17:02
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iqpiPici: in general, i know that ubuntu images are not hibrid (or i think so)17:05
Dr_Williscould be its a APPLE and nonapple iso/disk.17:08
Dr_Willisive seen game disks that way befor.17:08
andrea_can anyone help my, im having trouble with my sound input17:09
Dr_Willisive also seen cd music + cd data disks.17:09
Vizzl3Does anyone know how to completely flush all static ip routes from 10.04? (I've tried {ip route del ipaddr dev ipaddr dev eth0} but it just repopulates with old routes moments later)17:09
andrea_it only works when I amplify the receiver all the way, and even then it's very weak17:09
Dr_Willisandrea_:  try the alsa-mixer program and be sure all the sliders are slid up perhaps.17:10
Dr_Willisor was it alsamixer17:10
tyler_dI'm trying to get the title of "gnome-terminal" to display the host of servers; even when I am ssh'd into other machines17:10
pfifoVizzl3, im pretty sure you have to remove them from /etc/network/interface otherwise they'll get added back in automatically17:11
Dr_Willistyler_d:  you would need to set the bash prompt to send the proper escape codes I belive.17:11
Dr_Willistyler_d:  if you are sshing  - then the prompt for the sshed box would be sending the coded.17:11
Dr_Willistyler_d:  check the bash prompt howto at tldp.org :)17:11
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Dr_WillisIf theres any other way to do it.. i dont know of it tyler_d17:12
pkkmHow to move a logical partition out of extended partition?17:12
andrea_I downloaded another program pulseAudio, the sliders are all the way up but it's very weak17:12
tyler_dDr_Willis: I set it in "Title and Command" and set the "Initial title:" to `hostname`17:12
bastidrazortyler_d: it should do it automatically, on 10.04 mine does and have not tweaked anything in that aspect.17:12
nhoc_t39do you know install Flashplayer for Firefox in Ubuntu?help me!17:12
nhoc_t39do you know install Flashplayer for Firefox in Ubuntu?help me!17:12
Dr_Willistyler_d:  the esc code method would work with any terminal program (in theory)17:12
tyler_dbastidrazor: can you confirm your setting in "title and command" for me please?17:12
andrea_will alsa-mixer configure my driver settings?17:12
xanguanhoc_t39: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer17:12
pfifotyler_d, you can always set it manually17:12
Vizzl3pfifo, I've removed the references to the old routes from /etc/network/interfaces but they still get repopulated17:12
atlef!flash | nhoc_t3917:13
ubottunhoc_t39: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash17:13
LAcan_guys my google results come back in a foreign language... the results are english but all the meta like date etc are in... cyrillic or something. know how i can fix it?17:13
tyler_dpfifo: I do; but that defeats the purpose of the question right17:13
bastidrazortyler_d: Replace Initial Title17:13
pfifoVizzl3, are you using the network-manager applet?17:13
tyler_dbastidrazor: ty17:13
victorhugo289Hello, how can I put a program on the menu?17:14
Vizzl3pfifo, are you referring to system-->pref-->network connections gui?17:14
bastidrazortyler_d: under command only Update login records.... is checkecked17:14
victorhugo289I mean a program that I run on the terminal, like "top"17:14
Vizzl3pfifo, are you referring to system-->pref-->network connections gui? (pfifo)17:14
tyler_dbastidrazor: it is.. still no joy17:15
pfifoVizzl3, yes17:15
ben42hi, how do i get back the volume control on the ppanel ?17:15
bastidrazortyler_d: the hosts i connect to i have an entry for them in /etc/hosts.. not sure if that makes the difference17:16
xanguaben42: add indicator to the panel17:16
Vizzl3pfifo, i never did before (this has been up and running with bonded nics for a while) but now that i look it has shown up with 'auto ethernet' and 'auto eth2'17:16
ben42xangua, indeed, thx17:16
ModFatherHey There Guys, i have an Ubuntu Linux Box, and i want to Tar a folder that had folders and subfolders inside, the overal size is 60Giga and is not possible to Download it at once, is it possible to make the Tar In Pieces? Thanks a lot, any help would be appriciate17:17
nhoc_t39not succes17:17
pfifoVizzl3, Ive always found that program to trump anything i do with ip, resolv.conf and interfaces. Perhaps try adjusting your settings there or remove it from your system17:17
chegibariIs there a way to download a great number of ubuntu packages and install them locally?17:18
chegibariI don't have a stable internet connection...17:18
Vizzl3pfifo, if i just delete these two listings form network connections, it'll work?17:18
pfifoVizzl3, im not sure, i always opt to remove the entire thing when its not doing what I want, so dont really know alot about it.17:19
nhoc_t39do you know install Flashplayer for Firefox in Ubuntu?help me!17:20
aeon-ltd!flash | nhoc_t3917:20
ubottunhoc_t39: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash17:20
atlef!flash > nhoc_t3917:21
ubottunhoc_t39, please see my private message17:21
tjiggi_fonhoc_t39, what is your home language?17:21
galeonchegibari, you may use Synaptic, then "File"->"Generate package download script"17:21
thedoot00Hi guys! How are you?17:22
thedoot00First time for me here17:22
thedoot00I'm searching help. I'm creating a digital board game about the Open Source and I need help to create the questions. Someone want help me? It's a cool project ;)17:22
chegibarigaleon: I can only download stuff in an internet cafe where I can't run arbitrary linux scripts17:22
FloodBot2thedoot00: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:22
ModFatherHow i can make my tar file into pieces of 15G each one?17:23
bastidrazorthedoot00: the awesome brains in #ubuntu-offtopic may be able to help.17:23
genii-aroundthedoot00: You would probably be better off to ask in #ubuntu-offtopic , this channel is primarily for support17:23
galeonchegibari: You may update the package list using your own internet connection, download the packages from another computer, then copy them to cache. You may edit the script to create a batch script for Windows.17:23
thedoot00thanks guys17:24
galeonchegibari: You may still use wget for Windows.17:24
thedoot00I'll check it out17:24
pfifoModFather, check out the program "split"17:24
andrea_I tried using Alsa, pulseAudio, and the standard volume control, and I can only get the mic to work slightly. Does anyone know what might be wrong17:25
Bluebill-Wolfsay whats the command for finding out a version?17:26
Bluebill-Wolfin thermanal17:26
Vizzl3pfifo, delete from synatpic package manager?17:26
pfifoandrea_, check your input controls, should be an option for it in the gui, if not, run alsamixer and press tab17:26
chegibarigaleon: ah it's a wget script. I may try that then. Thank!17:27
pfifoVizzl3, yes, i think its spt-get remover gnome-network-applet17:27
theoshi! i have an hp laptop. using ubuntu 10.04. it has a subwoofer. how can i test if the subwoofer is working or not?17:27
chegibarigaleon: there are no big images with extra packages to download?17:27
galeonchegibari: By the way, the cache is in /var/cache/apt/archives, I also used to do that.17:27
pfifoVizzl3, apt-get remove gnome-network-applet17:27
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minion35does anyone know the command to configure snmpd without manually editing the file?17:27
galeonFor ubuntu, as far as I know, none.17:27
andrea_pfifo the input sliders in all three programs are all the way up17:27
chegibarigaleon: ok. thanks for all the tips17:28
sipiortheos: crank up the bass, i would imagine.17:28
Bluebill-Wolfsay whats the command for finding out a version a program is in the termanal?17:28
pfifoandrea_, no idea then, that always worked for me.17:28
KM0201Bluebill-Wolf: usually programname --ver17:28
theossipior, well the bass can be heard from other speakers too :D cant identify17:28
mordoftrying to use isomaster, and upon trying to load an iso, it says "Failed to read directory tree: 'No posix extensions found'"  now.. i'm guessing that means i need to install something to enable this17:28
arandModFather: Alternatively http://paulbradley.tv/44/17:28
mordofbut i can't seem to find anything. anyone have any input on this?17:28
* Bluebill-Wolf nods thanks17:29
andrea_pfifo do you how I do I find out what sound card /driver I have17:29
Vizzl3pfifo, i don't have that package installed17:29
d1gitalI'm about to upgrade from Hardy to Natty, keeping my /home.  Should I wipe out the config files from the home directories?  If so, will "rm -rf /home/*/.*" do the trick?17:29
pfifoAndre_Gondim, `lspci` will give you the chipset and `lsmod` will tell you the module name17:30
sipiortheos: put your hand in front of the subwoofer, and crank up the bass until you can feel the air move.17:30
pfifoandrea_, `lspci` will give you the chipset and `lsmod` will tell you the module name17:30
galeonBluebill-Wolf: You may also need to use "--version" or "--help", depending on the program.17:30
mordoftrying to edit an ISO.. no idea how, anyone know of a program or a way to do this?17:30
* Bluebill-Wolf nods17:30
theossipior, i tried doing it but could feel nothing17:30
arandd1gital: That I think is not necessarily reqiured, I would rather keep all and delete only specific bits..17:31
atlefmordof, acetoniso17:31
tjiggi_foandrea_, in alsamixer F6 will show you a list of souncard(s)17:31
Bluebill-Wolfis playonlinux better then wine when useing programs?17:31
mordofatlef: that allows you to modify the contents?17:31
galeonmordof: There is also isomaster17:31
mordofgaleon: trying to use that, but i'm getting an error i can't figure out17:32
tjiggi_foandrea_, also press F5 to show all available sliders17:32
pfifoVizzl3, then im probbally getting the name wrong dpkg -l will give you the list of installed packages17:32
mordofgaleon: tells me no posix extensions found when i try and open an iso17:32
coz_Bluebill-Wolf,  I would guess close to the same thing... one for games specifically17:32
arandBluebill-Wolf: It is a wrapper for wine, so may simplify configuration somewhat.17:32
* Bluebill-Wolf nods17:32
andrea_tjiggi_fo the Gnome alsa mixer is not responding to F% or F^17:32
andrea_tjiggi_fo the Gnome alsa mixer is not responding to F5 or F6*17:32
coz_andrea_,  no  open a terminal   type   alsamixer17:33
minion35Bluebill-Wolf - depends on what programs your looking to run, for games with a native installer, doom3 quake 4 etc yes, but it uses wine for other programs such as office etc.17:33
coz_andrea_,  they hit F617:33
tjiggi_foandrea_, what coz_  said17:33
Bluebill-Wolfi was thinking along the lines of the game "shark attack"17:33
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andrea_all my audio card says is HDA Intel without a specific name, can that be right17:35
minion35Bluebill-Wolf: Don't know about that game off the top of my head, and I cant find it in the winehq site so i would suggest trying it with wine yourself and reporting to winehq if it works or what does and doesnt work.17:35
Bluebill-Wolfyou got it17:36
Bluebill-Wolf. . . it says its missing a libary17:36
Bluebill-Wolfone moment i'll post the messge17:36
galeonmordof: is that error always shows up in all iso files you tried to open?17:36
tjiggi_foandrea_, you don't have "default"?17:36
mordofgaleon: yep17:36
mordofgaleon: well, i'll try something considerably different and see17:37
minion35mordof: have you tried it with other programs?17:37
mordofminion35: i don't know of any other programs that can modify an iso17:37
mordofminion35: i've used the iso for burning/mounting and installing in a VM though - if you're wondering if it's corrupted, it's not17:37
mordofit works17:37
galeonmordof: Had you tried reinstalling isomaster?17:38
Vizzl3pfifo, i found four listings: one network manager framework daemon, gnome frontend, pptp plugin and pptp plugin/gnome ui) i take it the daemon needs to be deleted along with the other three?17:38
mordofgaleon: a different iso opens :\ that's rediculous17:38
mordofgaleon: an iso without a bootable section mind you - and a windows one at that17:39
lionzwis it dangerous to install applications via apt-get where there is a warning about security. i'm talking about codecs for dvd, mp3 and other items not supported by ubuntu?17:39
theoshi! i have an hp laptop. using ubuntu 10.04. it has a subwoofer. how can i test if the subwoofer is working or not?17:39
minion35mordof: have you tried kriso? its in the repos I think it allows you to edit it.17:39
mordofminion35: will do17:39
minion35lionzw: no its fine17:39
Vizzl3lionzw, yeah its safe as long as its a trusted source (reputable website)17:39
mordofminion35: not in the repos17:39
DRDRoDRohey dude man17:39
bedjoe000hi all i'm new in ubuntu17:39
dyllanHi guys, where do i get support for Ubuntu LTSP ?17:39
DRDRoDRowelcome dude man17:39
DRDRoDRowelcome to the ubuntu dude17:40
pfifoVizzl3, that sounds like the correct package, if you remove the base package, apt will tell you what deps are no longer needed, so you could them go remove them.17:40
mordofminion35: you sure you typed it right? not getting anything even in google under that name17:40
minion35mordof: sorry type its kiso17:41
GreenNerdWhat command do I use to update to Firefox 4?  I downloaded it from their site, but I am struggling to understand what I'm supposed to do.17:41
ubottuFirefox 4 is the current stable version of Firefox. Current versions of Ubuntu do not have it (see !latest), but there is an unofficial and unsupported PPA that you can use by running the following command: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install firefox17:41
mordofminion35: grabbing it now17:41
zaksoldierhow to repair the ubuntu 10.1017:41
zaksoldieris there code17:41
minion35mordof: good, hope it works man.17:42
minion35zaksoldier: whats wrong with it?17:42
rumpe1lionzw, the warnings arent about security but about licence issues17:42
mordofminion35: likewise, heh.. i got OS X 10.6 running in VBox, but i can't drop the EFI boot disc.. so i'm trying to change the resolution based on the data in the boot disc, lol17:42
soreauGreenNerd: Just use the ppa to install ff417:42
soreauway easier17:42
mordofminion35: the boot disc keeps resetting it afterall17:42
lionzwrumpel there are security related warnings also, in the sources file17:43
minion35mordof: Sounds like a horrible way of changing res.17:43
mordofminion35: indeed, but it won't matter once it's changed - i don't intend on constantly resizing it17:43
galeonmordof: If you're trying to open a Windows installer ISO, I won't recommend isomaster.17:43
=== thiago-- is now known as Thiago-Malcher
GreenNerdsoreau, PPA?17:43
mordofgaleon: nothing to do with Windows, trying to open an EFI boot disc17:44
soreau! ppa | GreenNerd17:44
ubottuGreenNerd: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.17:44
mordofminion35: worked :D17:44
galeonmordof: ah, ok.17:44
minion35mordof: glad to hear. :)17:44
zaksoldiersome times after the pc not properly shutdown and startup it says the ****** applet like this delete or not delete17:44
LarsTorbenKkubuntu is so cool !17:44
tjiggi_fo!ot | LarsTorbenK17:45
ubottuLarsTorbenK: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:45
lionzwkubuntu is so cool! NERD17:45
LarsTorbenK!ot > tiggi_fo17:45
LarsTorbenK!ot > tiggi_fo17:45
lionzwwell i'm paying one dollar per bloody five megs here in zimbabwe (CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT!) does anyone know on average how many megs per hour of bandwidth to idle in this channel?17:47
KM0201lionzw: probbaly enough that i wouldn't do it.17:48
sipiorlionzw: i'm guessing not very many.17:48
ruanirc doesnt take much bandwidth17:48
KM0201yeah, its just text, so.. in theory, it should be fairly low.17:48
mordofminion35: opened it.. didn't save the ISO or manage it very well ;_;17:48
red2kicfive megs? as in 5MB?17:49
KM0201red2kic: i was wondering fi that wsa a typo as well.17:49
theoslionzw, see the raw data/log. you wont use irc after that. but its just text dont worry :)17:49
HypothesisFroghi. Where would an audio CD be on my file system? I have it inserted, it shows up on my desktop, but there's nothing in /cdrom .17:49
Vizzl3pfifo, now upon a /etc/init.d/networking restart --> SIOCADDRT: No such process Failed to bring up bond017:49
red2kicKM0201: Indeed. If that's true, I wouldn't idle. Not for half hour.17:49
minion35mordof: sorry man only thing I can think of.17:49
red2kicGet in. Discuss. Get out.17:50
KM0201red2kic: i wouldn't idle for 10min... i'd take up model airplanes.. it'd be cheaper.17:50
minion35HtpothesisisFrog: Places > Computer > CD/DVD Drive.17:50
Vizzl3pfifo, I've had this problem before and I've scoured the forums looking for an answer17:50
lionzwjust dont portscan me once i leave anyway later17:50
HypothesisFrogminion35 thanks but I want to be able to find it via the terminal17:50
HypothesisFrogwhat's its location?17:51
galeonmordof: Maybe you need to tweak some options? Because windows iso's needs a lot of tweaking to work.17:51
minion35HypothesisFrog: cd /media17:51
GreenNerdWhat command do I use to update to Firefox 4?  I downloaded it from their site, but I am struggling to understand what I'm supposed to do.17:51
theoshi! i have an hp laptop. using ubuntu 10.04. it has a subwoofer. how can i test if the subwoofer is working or not?17:51
ruan!ff4 | GreenNerd17:51
ubottuGreenNerd: Firefox 4 is the current stable version of Firefox. Current versions of Ubuntu do not have it (see !latest), but there is an unofficial and unsupported PPA that you can use by running the following command: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install firefox17:51
mordofgaleon: again, this has -nothing- to do with Windows17:51
HypothesisFrogminion35 it's not there17:51
pfifoVizzl3, sounds like you may have removed something important. what all did you remover?17:51
mordofgaleon: this is a nawcomModCD17:51
mordofEFI boot disk17:52
* KM0201 <3's FF417:52
mordofgaleon: completely unrelated to windows17:52
HypothesisFrogminion35 it appears on my desktop, but I can't find it in the terminal17:52
minion35HypothesisFrog: check the desktop.17:52
Vizzl3pfifo, only network manager and its associated packages (4 in total)17:52
galeonmordof: I mean some type of ISO's needs some options, not only Windows ISO's.17:52
HypothesisFrogminion35 see above17:52
GreenNerdruan, Can you give me "the command" that can do this?  I do not understand how PPA works.17:52
Vizzl3how can i completely reset everything related to networking including static routes without reinstalling os?17:52
minion35HypothesisFrog: cd /home/"yourusername"/Desktop17:52
ruanGreenNerd: it gives you the command: sudo add-apt-repository  ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable && sudo apt-get update && sudo  apt-get install firefox17:52
mordofgaleon: possibly.. but i have no idea what those would be or how to put them into place17:52
Vizzl3pfifo, how can i completely reset everything related to networking including static routes without reinstalling os?17:52
galeonmordof: Is it an OS X boot disk?17:53
pfifoVizzl3, add those packages back in17:53
mordofgaleon: *nods*17:53
HypothesisFrogminion35 I can't find the file system location for it there either.17:53
mordofgaleon: i wonder if OS X has an iso modifier17:54
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mordoffor it17:54
mordofthat'd probably be more reliable, lol17:54
minion35HypothesisFrog: cd /dev/cdrom ?17:54
kazuki_what do you guys think of gnome3?17:55
kurthhello all17:55
HypothesisFrogminion35 bash: cd: /dev/cdrom: Not a directory17:55
kurthI'm having a bit of an odd problem with the 11.04 installer17:55
ruanHypothesisFrog: cd /media && ls17:56
Vizzl3pfifo, no address with hostname, i can't retrive any packages because i can't connect to the internet17:56
galeonmordof: I'll try searching in google.17:56
Vizzl3pfifo, *retrieve17:56
kurthin a nutshell, it does not progress pass the "slideshow" portion of the install....it just sits there, doing nothing.  There are no processes that are active, no net traffic....very odd.  Any help?17:56
HypothesisFrogruan it's not in there17:56
HypothesisFrogruan it's not in /cdrom either17:57
minion35HypothesisFrog: did you run Ruan's full command?17:57
HypothesisFrogruan gnome desktop has loaded it, and it appears in nautilus. But I just want to work out where the filesystem location is.17:57
pfifoVizzl3, use ip to setup your network17:57
HypothesisFrogminion35 yessir. It ain't in /media as I said before.17:58
PiciHypothesisFrog: Music CDs are not mounted normally. Your applications play music directly from their /dev/ entry.17:58
HypothesisFrogPici oh ok. What do I do if I really want access to the .wav files on there?17:59
Dr_Willistheres fake ways of mounting a audio cd. so it appears as a bunch of wav or mp3 or other type files ive seen17:59
pfifoVizzl3, but well, to get rid of that error, you need to modify networking startup scripts to your needs, right now its still using its setup for network daemon18:00
rizz1anyone know to open files on a locked microSD card18:03
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Dr_Willislocked as in write-protected?18:03
GreenNerdruan, Thank you very much.  That worked perfect!18:03
rizz1not sure, the icons show up ass the square with the gears in it18:04
=== administrator is now known as Guest99381
ThinkT510!cn | Guest9938118:04
ubottuGuest99381: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk18:04
Guest99381还有人在 吗18:05
galeonIs it ok to post a url here?18:05
ruangaleon: for?18:06
ThinkT510galeon: if its to do with your problem then yes18:06
erUSULgaleon: depends on the url18:06
galeonah ok, thanks18:06
galeonmordof: Try reading this: http://macosx.com/forums/howto-faqs/287382-editing-bootable-pc-iso-image-using-osx.html18:06
galeonmordof: It uses mkisofs, another tool to create/edit ISO images.18:07
rizz1Dr_Willis: its from a blackberry that i had a password lock on n forgot the password since ive switched phones18:07
joystickhelphello, im trying to get x11 to map the mouse scroll wheel to joystick buttons18:08
=== irvee is now known as irv
ubuntumam pytanko18:13
ubuntuco z instalacją?18:14
Kageis 11.04 out yet?18:14
ThinkT510!11.04 | kage18:14
ubottukage: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems.18:14
Logan_!pl | ubuntu18:15
ubottuubuntu: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.18:15
KageThinkT510: alright, thanks18:15
ThinkT510Kage: np18:15
ubuntui need some help18:15
ubuntuor some information18:15
bedjoe000is there anyone here from indonesia ????18:15
Logan_!indonesia | bedjoe00018:16
ubottubedjoe000: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia18:16
ThinkT510ubuntu: what do you need help with?18:16
KageThinkT510: about time for a reinstall... can't wait :)18:16
zaksoldieris there any code18:16
zaksoldierfor repair ubuntu 10.1018:16
ubuntui have a win on my computer and i want instal ubuntu18:17
bedjoe000hahaha... okay thanks a lot dude, are u from indonesia ?18:17
Kagethough.... debian does look interesting... maybe Ill put it on my laptop18:17
sipiorzaksoldier: i'm sure there's code, somewhere. care to be more specific about the problem you're having?18:17
Adomhaving a problem formatting an external drive using Disk Utility, says drive is busy no matter what i do. need a command-line command to force reformat of the drive. drive has two partitions, so location is /dev/sdb, /dev/sdb1, and /dev/sdb2.18:17
Logan_bedjoe000: Nope - just the bot response. :)18:17
ThinkT510!install | ubuntu18:17
ubottuubuntu: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate18:17
ubuntuon hard drive I have 3 partition18:17
kl_bedjoe000: It is a bot18:17
ThinkT510Kage: i'm looking forward to xubuntu myself, more of an xfce guy18:18
zaksoldiermaybe on the F1 while boot18:18
ubuntuon 1 i want ubuntu, but 2 other i want to keep safe18:19
KageThinkT510: I use kubuntu... but the issue I have... is I install a lot of packages, 90% I never use more then once... so about 6 months, a reinstall is nice because I have a fresh system :)18:19
amin_hi  about virtual box I have this Q? if you have installed freebsd for example in the ext4 drive does this mean that the  amount of hard which you determined while installation would change from ext4 to ufts which is the bsd filesystem???18:19
zaksoldierubuntu : is it good to install ubuntu 10.10 with windows18:19
KageThinkT510: of course, I backup all my personal data18:20
erUSULamin_: no18:20
tew88Fullscreen Flash playback is really quite choppy. Are there any well-known fixes for this problem? Ubuntu 10.10.18:20
ThinkT510!partition | ubuntu18:20
ubottuubuntu: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap18:20
bedjoe000i'm dual booting my ubuntu with windows18:20
erUSULamin_: you have a file in the ext4 filesystem that contains the ufs filesystem18:20
ThinkT510Kage: i keep my personal files on a seperate partition, nothing to backup really, then fresh install every release18:21
ubuntudo ubuntu work with ntfs?18:21
amin_you mean ctually no changer in the actual hard drive file sytem would happen18:21
zaksoldieron ext318:21
red2kicKage: Debian is nice. You get that gnome-desktop environment with slightly few more packages.18:21
KageThinkT510: I do to, but even the home directory gets dirty after awhile18:21
ThinkT510ubuntu: you can access ntfs partitions but you can't install onto ntfs18:21
red2kicKage: Dirty? As in too many .hidden folders?18:21
Kagered2kic: yes18:21
Kagefor example18:22
zaksoldierbut with windows he will make a file inside it is ext318:22
Kageand too much in Downloads/18:22
ubunturead and write?18:22
ThinkT510ubuntu: yes, with ntfs-3g18:22
red2kicKage: Heh. If you have the folders exposed, you get the mentality of dirty folders. Sure, clean them out every 6 months, not every day.18:22
zaksoldieron ext3 man18:22
red2kicKage: I have ~/Downloads and ~/Cesspool18:23
ubuntumany thanks ThinkT51018:23
ThinkT510ubuntu: no problem18:23
Kagered2kic: I really like to know what every file in my ~ is for18:23
ThinkT510Kage: you'll get the hang of it over time, i learned a lot when installing arch18:25
red2kicKage: Me too. Don't go after them too much. Files can overwrite files all times. I don't care.18:25
KageThinkT510: well I have been using Linux for....18:25
* Kage counts on his fingers18:25
Kage9 years18:25
KageThinkT510: I have used almost every distro you could think of minus Slackware and Arch18:26
* CrowX- gives Kage a medal18:26
Kagethough I hear lots of good things about Arch18:26
zaksoldieri think thats a code in the F1 to repair18:26
red2kicKage: Even gentoo?18:26
Kagered2kic: yes, even gentoo18:26
Kagefor 6 months18:26
red2kicKage: You compiled everything or you used some kind of LiveCD?18:26
aeon-ltdKage: heh only ever used *buntus and arch properly the rest i used dumped in less than 1 hour, i found arch was all i needed18:27
Kagered2kic: until I relized I compiled things more then I used my computer18:27
Kagered2kic: I compiled everything18:27
ohsixis there any way to change how many entries the run dialogue keeps? (alt+f2) i dug around gconf and couldn't find anything18:27
ikoniaany reason this is being discussed in #ubuntu rather than #ubuntu-offtopic ?18:27
ThinkT510Kage: that explains a bit, slack and arch tend not to hide configuration and actively encourage it, much like the bsds, but gentoo should have taught you quite a bit18:27
CrowX-ikonia, probably cause 'ubuntu-offtopic' is too long to type to join :p18:27
Kriss-|-Greetings, I'm trying to a "cp -R -p /* /media/newdisc/" to move the ubuntu installation to another drive, and i get: "preserving permissions for `/media/SYS/dev/sr0': Operation not supported" Any suggestions ?18:27
Kageanyways, I use ubuntu mostly now because I ubuntu requires the least maintence18:28
red2kicKage: Go for Arch. Give it a try. :) [end of the discussion on my part]18:28
Kageafter awhile you get tried of compiling, and just wanna do work18:28
CrowX-Kage, and it also randomly freezes the screen every once in a while18:28
ikoniaguys - enough please18:28
ikoniatry #ubuntu-offtopic, this channels for ubuntu discussion18:28
CrowX-sorry ikonia18:28
aeon-ltdikonia: yeah sorry for steering into !ot18:28
ThinkT510ikonia: sorry, shall keep it on-topic18:29
=== DragonKeeper is now known as help
=== help is now known as DragonKeeper
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DragonKeeperhow do i get a cloak on my host ?18:31
red2kic!cloak | DragonKeeper18:31
ubottuDragonKeeper: Want to hide your IP while connected to freenode? See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks - More information available in #freenode18:31
KageThinkT510: you in #ubuntu-offtopic ?18:31
CrowX-Kage, he is18:32
theoshi! i have an hp laptop. using ubuntu 10.04. it has a subwoofer. how can i test if the subwoofer is working or not?18:33
=== LouisJB_ is now known as LouisJB
mbeierlplay a really, really low note?18:34
theosi tried. 40-400hz. no sound :/18:34
theosno sound through the woofer i mean18:34
elf__good day, how to leave a messeage to the user that exists on ubuntu server and is not logged in on the moment?18:35
ThinkT510elf__: maybe the guys in #freenode would know18:36
cl0seThinkT510, I think you misunderstood his question.18:36
pfifoelf__, /msg memoserv help18:36
mbeierltheos: did you try going to System -> Preferences -> Sound, and on the Hardware tab use the Test Speakers to see if it's detected?18:36
stefgtheos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SurroundSound . There are specila test files available on the net which go through your speakers. google should turn them up18:37
zaksoldierdid any one went to the boot of ubuntu and pressed F118:37
cl0seHe is saying that on Ubuntu server, there are multiple user accounts, and he wants to leave a message for a user when they log in. on the server ioeratubg system, NOTHING to do with freenode.18:37
elf__pfifo: on ubuntu18:37
cl0seioeratubg = operating.18:37
theosmbeierl, mine doesnt have an option "test speakers"18:37
ThinkT510cl0se: oh i see, thanks18:37
mbeierltheos: sorry - on 10.10 here.  your version?18:38
anonymityanyone know anything about installing Themes? I have been trying to install one called Trinitry Adaptation. When I try to use the Themes installer in System/Preferences/Apperance it cant find the theme.18:38
theos10.04 mbeierl18:38
galeontheos: In Hardware tab18:38
fred__what is the best channel to discuss bugs in/modifications proposed for ubuntu kernels ?18:38
elf__kill fred__18:38
elf__kill fred__ -918:39
stefganonymity: trinity sounds KDE'ish ... you use gnome, right?18:39
zaksoldiercan any one help me18:39
elf__sounds like the lord of the ringings18:39
theosgaleon, hardware tab has "choose a device"18:39
stefg!pm anonymity18:39
stefg!pm | anonymity18:40
ubottuanonymity: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.18:40
galeontheos: There is a combo box and "Test Speakers" button below, but I'm currently using 10.1018:40
anonymityyes, I use it18:40
theosgaleon, ok thanks. but i dont want to upgrade. i like lts :)18:41
Athlon1600can any of you recommend me a file editor that works over SSH?18:41
stefganonymity: systemwide themes live in /usr/share/themes , personal ones in ~/.themes. Keep in mind you need the right gtk-engine for your theme18:41
ruanAthlon1600: nano, emacs18:41
theosAthlon1600, nano18:41
mbeierltheos: ah.  if I select my webcam audio, I do not have the option to test speakers, so it might be hardware capability related.18:41
CodeGnomeI'm trying to bind-mount my ecryptfs home directory automagically in a chroot, but schroot isn't happy with it. Anyone know how to get this working?18:42
mbeierltheos: urr... scratch that.  webcam does not have speakers.  ignore me18:42
Athlon1600ahh but i want graphical18:42
ruanAthlon1600: then gedit with ssh -X18:42
CodeGnomeAthlon1600: Use sshfs, then you can use anything you like because it will look like a local file.18:42
anonymityhow would I find that out?18:42
galeonBut as what I can remember, there's no difference in 10.04 and 10.10 in Sound Preferences, except for the Applications tab. Maybe I'm wrong.18:43
Athlon1600anything better? like some kind of notepad18:44
akashm1990how do I kill a process in sleeping state which is taking 100% CPU?18:44
mbeierltheos: what if you go to the volume applet on the panel... does it have any options settings?18:44
akashm1990sudo kill pid doesnt seem to work18:44
akashm1990taking the pid from system monitor18:45
oCeanakashm1990: is it in S or D state18:45
theosmbeierl, nop. same thing opens18:45
aeon-ltdakashm1990: got htop? if so you can kill it there18:45
akashm1990got it..  right click and kill worked18:45
stefg!kill | akashm199018:46
ubottuakashm1990: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal18:46
mbeierltheos: I fear that the sub might be powered in software and that you might need some tweaking.  what does lspci show for the audio device?18:46
CodeGnomeAthlon1600: apt-cache search graphical editor18:46
stefgakashm1990: kill -9 ....18:46
theosmbeierl, i have 2 audio devices. 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)18:47
=== claudio_ is now known as botinha
theosmbeierl, and 01:00.1 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc RV710/73018:47
=== eric-karmic is now known as eric-maverick
mbeierltheos: interesting.  I wonder which is which.  this is a laptop... what model?18:48
theosmbeierl, i currently use intel controller. it works well , just the woofer never works on ubuntu :/18:49
stefgmbeierl, theos : the ati one is the pseudo audio device for HDMI output18:49
mbeierlstefg: thanks!18:49
theosstefg, yes. thanks. i use the intel one for internal speakers :)18:49
mbeierltheos: is there any slider anywhere for LFE output?18:50
theosmbeierl, nop. not in gui. i tried tweeking with cmd line though. but LFE channel doesnt sound18:51
theosother channels sound fine.18:51
stefgtheos: checked the analog path already... trivial things like broken cable, worn-out jack or loose connections?18:52
theosstefg, it works on windows :/18:52
theosi can feel it THUMP :D18:52
aeon-ltdtheos: is it ICKY?18:52
* aeon-ltd looks away...18:53
theoswhats icky? :D18:53
stefgtheos: i see... you might need to pass special parameters to your card.18:53
aeon-ltdtheos: icky thump.18:53
stefg!intelhda | theos18:53
ubottutheos: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto18:53
theosstefg, thanks. i hope i didnt try that yet18:53
=== Douche is now known as dero
=== dero is now known as derp
dreiHello channel... I ubuntu18:55
dreiubuntu's samba file system guide.  I did command 'sudo chown nobody,sambashare /srv/samba/share/'..  But fails18:56
dreicat passwd shows there is a nobody user, yet it doesn't recognize?18:57
stefgtheos: installing padevchooser might help. there you can select different sound profiles, 5.1 is one of them18:58
stefg!info padevchooser18:58
ubottupadevchooser (source: padevchooser): PulseAudio Device Chooser. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.3-2ubuntu4 (maverick), package size 19 kB, installed size 132 kB18:58
theosstefg, awesome. thanks :)18:58
flaritycatAnyone who's got this working? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ps3MediaServer18:59
dreiflaritycat: looks cool, I'm going to try it once I come home.19:00
flaritycatdrei, could you let me know it you got it working. The program worked a while , now it wont start. But I didnt seem to find my comp on the network.19:01
MaimsterSup everyone.19:01
=== derp is now known as derp|class
dreiflaritycat: won't be for a while, I go home for the weekends.19:02
flaritycatAh okey! I'll try some troubleshootin instead :)19:02
dreiare you using a private network?19:03
AerHi, i was wondering if anyone could give me a hand, when i use the "update manager" i get the following error message "Not all updates can be installed" "Run a partial upgrade, to install as many updates as possible"19:05
theosthanks for helping. i will come back tomorow :) to thank when my woofer works :P19:05
AerWhat would a partial upgrade be ? would that upgrade me from 10.4 LTS to the latest non LTS ?19:05
brewsterhow do I make it so that I don't need aptoncd for upgrades?19:06
Aeranyone lol ? :P19:07
bastidrazorbrewster: in software sources uncheck the line with CDROM in it.19:07
jndlsnlhi, I install xp then i install the ubuntu but in the grub loader it is not showing the xp.how can i resolve this problem?19:07
stefgAer: that means that not all dependencies of updated packages can be satisfied (e.g. medibuntu is often overloaded, so w32codecs can't be installed) this is completely different from a version upgrade19:08
shcherbakAer: What does happend if: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade ????19:08
Aerok, thanks stefg, I will try now shcherbak19:08
Aeri get "the following packages have been kept back"19:09
shcherbakAer: Whatch update, it shows Hits and Skips for each repo19:09
Aer"sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" and "The following packages will be upgraded" "linux-libc-dev"19:09
Aeri got a lot of hits and a few "ign"19:10
Aerim guessing it ignored some19:10
guntbertAer: ign is normal19:10
shcherbakAer: So, here it is.19:10
Aerso should i run partial upgrade ?19:10
shcherbakAer: Yup.19:11
guntbertAer: usually not recommended19:11
Aerrunning a partial upgrade wont break my system will it lol ?19:11
jndlsnlhi, I install xp then i install the ubuntu but in the grub loader it is not showing the xp.how can i resolve this problem?19:12
shcherbakAer: Maybe follow guntbert, I need to update myself.19:12
Aercus the updates i cant do without partial upgrade are greyed out and they are below "important securioty updates" section they are the linux kernels19:12
guntbertAer: ooops - we contradicted each other - I never tried that, was always warned off19:12
guntbertAer: what I did in such cases was sudo aptitude safe-upgrade19:13
Aerok i will try that now19:13
zaksoldierhow to repair ubuntu system19:14
guntbertzaksoldier: hello,  Do you have an ubuntu support question?19:14
Aerthat seems to be working in terminal now :) ill let you know how it ends up lol19:14
Aerthanks for help so far though guys :)19:14
zaksoldieris it sudo touch /forcefsck19:14
guntbertzaksoldier: tell the channel what is wrong19:14
Balaba12is any1 here knows a bit chinese ?19:15
guntbertAer: Good luck :-)19:15
guntbert!cn | Balaba1219:15
ubottuBalaba12: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk19:15
=== yang is now known as Guest13866
Aerthanks :)19:15
jndlsnlhi, I install xp then i install the ubuntu but in the grub loader it is not showing the xp.how can i resolve this problem?19:15
Aer /afk for a moment whilst terminal upgrades :)19:15
flaritycatdrei, found out that it's a newer "version" of it , and I'm using the automated install script right now, maybe it works.19:16
brewstermy trashcan is missing and i can't mount any of my drives. how do i fix this?19:17
zaksoldieri use the ubuntu on usb the system and when the pc shut down not properly(from the electricity) i did startup from usb again and there is like three masseges in it is gnome_applet clock delete bottom and don't delete bottom19:18
arquebusbrewsterr-click on toolbar>add to panel19:19
brewsterthe trash can didn't show up19:20
unityproblemcan anyone help me to setup a samba server??19:20
unityproblemi am stuck..19:20
=== MennaEssa is now known as m3ess4
arquebusunityproblem: maybe try #samba19:21
brewsterand when i click on computer it says nautilus cannot handle computer locations19:21
unityproblemnobody in sama!19:22
unityproblemi am getting a message19:22
unityproblemsudo apt-get install samba smbfs19:22
unityproblem Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?19:22
unityproblemcorei5@TechnodicT_:~$ sudo apt-get install samba smbfs19:22
unityproblemsudo: unable to resolve host TechnodicT_19:22
unityproblemE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)19:22
unityproblemE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?19:22
FloodBot1unityproblem: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:22
thielmann_I moved my system from Ubuntu 8.04 to Ubuntu 10.04 (on a different system). Now every website hosted on my system has a strange character at the very end of the site (shown as a black squared question mark, see http://goo.gl/Dzws for example). I  can't seem to figure out if it's the file format, mysql, apache or something else. I tried everything I can think of. It seems to serve latin1 instead of utf-8. Any ideas?19:23
brewsterunityproblem: i had a similar problem and restarting seemed to fix it19:23
TheFuzzballIs there a better way to upgrade release than sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade?19:23
arquebusunityproblem: there are currently 129 nicks in #samba19:23
erUSUL!upgrade | TheFuzzball19:23
ubottuTheFuzzball: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade19:23
Mahjongghello, how can I create subdomains? (I do not want apache virtualhosts)19:24
* khagu is away: Gone away for now19:24
unityproblemarquebus  thanks ! i misspelt it!19:24
joystickhelpIm trying to get joystick in ubuntu 9.10 to use buttons for scrolling mouse wheel any help?19:25
unityproblemno ones repying on # samba though!19:25
Kickedwhat's the channel for ubuntu off topic? :)19:25
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:25
KINGOFSWORDSive just deleted windows partition in gparted but win7 is still showing in my boot menu19:27
KINGOFSWORDSdo i need to adjust the mbr?19:28
erUSULKINGOFSWORDS: run « sudo update-grub »19:28
Jeloumy ubuntu freexes on login screen, how can i fix it?19:28
aarHi, is it possible to create a symbolic link for a directory whilst excluding one of its subdirectories?19:28
ActionParsnipKINGOFSWORDS: run:  sudo update-grub    may help19:28
erUSULaar: no19:28
aarerUSUL, ok thanks19:29
aarerUSUL, plan b it is then19:29
goldenis there somes unity users?19:29
KINGOFSWORDShi action...ive reinstalled grub and linux works if thats what u mean19:29
unityproblemi am not able to open a locked  admin directory19:29
erUSULaar:  link everything except the one you do not want19:30
zaksoldierhow to repair the system on ubuntu19:30
joseph123hello, I was wondering if someone can help me. No one is helping in #kubuntu. I installed KDE 4.6 with the back-ports ppa. It is not working well on my machine. How do I remove everything that was installed with the kubuntu-desktop backports ppa?19:30
KINGOFSWORDSis grub and mbr same thing19:30
zaksoldierhow to repair the system on ubuntu19:30
ActionParsnipzaksoldier: what do you want to repair in particular19:30
OerHeks!ppa | joseph12319:30
ubottujoseph123: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.19:30
erUSULzaksoldier: what system; and from what damage?19:30
zaksoldieri have the ubuntu on usb19:31
ActionParsnipKINGOFSWORDS: the mbr starts the grub which then loads the OS you choose19:31
KINGOFSWORDSupdate grub doesnt work19:31
zaksoldieris there a code to repair the system of ubuntu19:31
KINGOFSWORDSits grub 2...is cmd any different19:31
brewstercan anyone fix this: it says 'Nautilus cannot handle computer locations' and i can't mount anything19:31
ActionParsnipKINGOFSWORDS: it's the same :)19:31
unityproblemi am not able to open a locked directory..19:32
zaksoldieris there a code to repair the system of ubuntu19:32
KINGOFSWORDSok ...says it cant open and no such directory19:32
ActionParsnipzaksoldier: if you give some details rather than annoyingly spamming the channel we can help you, you have given ZERO details so how do you expect anyone to give you any advise!!?19:32
guntbertzaksoldier: that isn't a "code to repair", it only tell the system to check the file system on the next boot19:32
unityproblemi am not able to open a locked directory..19:33
mamaladei need help19:33
unityproblemcan anybody help?19:33
Aerguntbert, are you still there ?19:33
guntbert!repeat | unityproblem19:33
ubottuunityproblem: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/19:33
guntbertAer: yes19:33
mamalade!pm | unityproblem19:33
ubottuunityproblem: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.19:33
mamaladei need help19:33
Aeri ran sudo aptitude safe-upgrade and it just finished and i got "Current status: 1 update [-3]" at the end of it19:33
Jeloumy ubuntu freezes on login screen, how can i fix it_ it happens since i installed the video drivers19:33
guntbertunityproblem: don't pm random people19:33
mamalade!pm | unityproblem19:33
Aerthat mean it upgraded or ?19:33
mamaladestop pming me unityproblem19:34
mamalade!pm | unityproblem19:34
mamaladei need help19:34
ActionParsnipmamalade: wassup?19:35
guntbertAer: that means one upgrade was not possible, but you should be fine for now, did you enable any ppa s?19:35
Aerahh ok19:35
mamaladeActionParsnip i have a questionn19:35
=== Rez is now known as LoRez
vasqthere are several new kernel updates moved to proposed yestoday, but some of virtual packages changed in main ubunto repos, who can help?19:35
Aererm yeah a while back which i probably shouldnt have done i used a PPA for my graphics card driver lol to use the latest driver19:35
IAMSASHAFIERCEOn fait quoi ici ?19:35
unityproblemi am not able to open a locked directory..19:35
Aerbut it seems to be fine the 1 thing its listing that wasnt updated is "Winetricks"19:35
mamalade!language | IAMSASHAFIERCE19:35
* khagu is back.19:35
ubottuIAMSASHAFIERCE: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.19:35
ActionParsnipmamalade: ok, ask19:35
mamaladeno sry19:35
mamalade!fr IAMSASHAFIERCE19:36
IAMSASHAFIERCEmamalade : learn before saying anything.19:36
guntbertAer: then that *could* be the reason, try, disable it and run the update/safe-upgrade sequence again19:36
Aerin my defence it was my first time installing linux properly with the intention of using it instead of windows i didnt know any better im still learning lol19:36
mamaladethis shit chanserv bott19:36
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:36
guntbertAer: no problem, we all learn :)19:37
mamalade!francais | IAMSASHAFIERCE19:37
ubottuIAMSASHAFIERCE: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.19:37
Aerok, im guessing to disable it i go into synaptic packet manager and uncheck the PPA in sources for my graphics ?19:37
erUSUL!es > mamalade19:37
ubottumamalade, please see my private message19:37
erUSUL!fr > mamalade19:37
Jelouhow can i start ubuntu in recovery mode editing the grub line? i have recovery mode disabled in grub19:37
guntbertAer: yes, that should work19:37
Aerok will try now19:37
erUSULmamalade: practice with the bot in a private chat ;)19:37
mamalade!ask | unityproblem19:38
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".19:38
ubottuunityproblem: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:38
guntbertunityproblem: tell us more details19:38
Aerhmm problem i seem to have a few in there and it isnt clear which one is the graphics one i installed lol19:38
ActionParsnipJelou: you can hold shift and select recovery mode,you can then go from there19:38
unityproblemi am not able to insatll samba server.. it says that Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock..19:39
JelouActionParsnip: you mean if i hold shift while grub is showing, the recovery mode appears?19:40
ActionParsnip!aptfix  | unityproblem19:40
ubottuunityproblem: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »19:40
ActionParsnipJelou: yes19:40
Bezbronnycan i turn off in IRC Xchat-gnome  message who leave #ubuntu or join ?19:40
Aerok i think i found it19:40
Jeloui will try it, thanks19:40
qbertis there a module in express, connect or node that given a parameter string like ?foo=bar&x=y , will parse that out into a document { foo: bar, x:y } etc ?19:41
unityproblemsudo apt-get install samba smbfs  this come up as i type sudo apt-get install samba smbfs19:41
mamaladei need help19:41
unityproblem Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)  this comes up as i type sudo apt-get install samba smbfs19:42
unityproblem   19:42
neckooxmamalade: sudo apt-get install help19:42
BezbronnyMamlade write here what you need19:42
ActionParsnipunityproblem: didyou read what ubottu said????19:42
mamalade @ bezbronn yi have a question19:42
unityproblemyes i did that i typed that in terminal19:43
Aerguntbert, i get "0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded." with safeupgrade after i disabled my PPA for the graphics19:43
ActionParsnipunityproblem: then it will fix the issue, copy and paste the command instead of trying to type it19:43
mamaladebut before i have to do an metabolic products19:43
Aerguntbert, I think this is the problem this is displayed also"The following packages have been kept back: winetricks{a}"19:44
unityproblemubottu :  Errors were encountered while processing:19:44
unityproblem postfix19:44
unityproblem  this comes up..19:44
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:44
guntbertAer: did it tell you which package was not upgraded (its a long time back for me)19:44
Mahjongghello, how can I create subdomains? (I do not want apache virtualhosts)19:44
Aeryeah "winetricks" wasnt upgraded19:45
mamaladeMahjongg you can creating an virtualbox in /etc/sites-available19:45
mamaladeäh virtualhost i meant19:45
mamalade!help | zaksoldier19:45
ubottuzaksoldier: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:45
guntbertMahjongg: are you talking about apache? then #httpd is the better channel for you19:45
marajitHi. When I scroll in OpenOffice or LibreOffice or open many files ubuntu 10.04 hangs. The fonts are ok and then they get screwed up in these programs. Ideas?19:45
vasqhi to all!  about kernel: there are updates moved to proposed yestoday, but some of virtual packages changed in main ubunto repos,19:45
vasqso update cause of removal linux-server and/or linux-image-server or any other (virtual) since they are depends on unavailable package version (these are in proposed for now)19:45
Mahjonggmamalade, guntbert no I do not want wirtualhost19:45
unityproblemtell me on channel then!19:45
Mahjonggreal subdomain19:45
mamaladehello i need help19:46
Mahjonggthat I can run a mail server on it for instance19:46
guntbertMahjongg: once again: is it about apache? if not please explain19:46
Mahjonggguntbert, I thought I did explain. No it is not related to apache at all19:46
mamalade!ask  | Mahjongg19:47
ubottuMahjongg: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:47
unityproblemguntbert.:Errors were encountered while processing:19:47
unityproblem postfix19:47
unityproblemthis comes up19:47
unityproblemwhat do i do?19:47
guntbertMahjongg: domains are handled in DNS, that has nothing to do with ubuntu support19:47
zaksoldierbut how to repair the system of ubuntu in usb without reinstalling the ubuntu to usb again and again19:47
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ActionParsnipunityproblem: can you pastebin the whole output as well as add the output of:  lsb_release -a19:48
Mahjonggguntbert, oh, OK. I tought it would be as simle as a line in /etc/hosts or something like that...19:48
Aerjust gonna restart to test something, brb19:48
ActionParsnipzaksoldier: you have said that SEVERAL times, it means nothing19:48
ActionParsnipzaksoldier: which part of the OS is broken?19:48
galeonzaksoldier: It depends on what specific problem you have19:48
mamalade!ask  | Mahjongg19:48
ubottuMahjongg: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:48
unityproblemActionParsnip:  i didnt get u.. what do u exactly need to solve my problem?19:48
guntbertMahjongg: I don't understand your needs - I guess ...19:48
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=== Guest99091 is now known as GauravButola
GauravButolaI was reading this question askubuntu.com/questions/33185 but I have a doubt, On an LTSP terminal where does the process take place, on server or on terminal?19:49
GauravButolaI mean the CPU processesing19:49
ActionParsnipunityproblem: copy alll the text and use http://pastebin.com to host the output, add the output of: lsb_release -a   as well19:49
GauravButolaand other resources19:49
Mahjonggguntbert, no I think you did. Thanks I'll checkout bind919:49
guntbertunityproblem: did you make sure that no other package manager is running?19:49
eric-maverick!search kernel19:49
ubottuFound: kernel, mainline, kernel-source, compilekernel, linux, highno, rt, kernelcompile, generic, pae and 18 more, see http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi?search=kernel19:49
ActionParsnipzaksoldier: no, which individual part of the OS..19:49
erUSULguntbert: server19:49
erUSULguntbert: sorry ;P19:49
unityproblemguntbert: no other pacage manager is running..19:50
Mahjonggmamalade, thanks19:50
erUSULGauravButola: server; the terminal only does the displaying work19:50
eric-maverick!search broken update19:50
guntbertunityproblem: do as ActionParsnip told you19:50
guntbert!askthebot | eric-maverick19:50
ubottueric-maverick: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".19:50
mamaladeshit i have to exabolite products excretion19:51
IdleOne!language | mamalade19:51
ubottumamalade: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.19:51
GauravButolaerUSUL: so, does it mean that I can eliminate parts of terminal like RAM and CPU?19:51
mamaladewait a minute please19:51
=== mamalade is now known as mamalade_excreti
eric-mavericksorry new at this, just looking for answers concerning this broken update19:51
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erUSULGauravButola: well the terminal needs a cpu and ram to do the displaying work ...19:52
guntberteric-maverick: what broken update? from where to where?19:52
unityproblemActionParsnip: i did paste it on paste bin what do i do now?19:52
guntbertunityproblem: tell us the link19:52
ActionParsnipunityproblem: copy the url in the web borwser and paste it here as an update19:53
Aerback :)19:53
marajitHi. When I scroll in OpenOffice or LibreOffice or open many files ubuntu 10.04 hangs. The fonts are ok and then they get screwed up in these programs. Ideas?19:53
GauravButolaerUSUL: fair enough, thanks for the help19:53
unityproblemActionParsnip: got it?19:53
=== Rez is now known as LoRez
ActionParsnipunityproblem: yeah thats cool19:53
eric-maverickI did an update this morning as all mornings and now the kernel has unmet dependencies already reported with http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=173461219:53
chriswkHey guys19:53
ActionParsnipunityproblem: what is the output of:  lsb_release -d19:54
mekeorchriswk: hello19:54
unityproblemActionParsnip: what is that?19:54
ActionParsnipunityproblem: another terminal command19:54
sammdo you know a room in spanishh???19:54
chriswkDoes anyone know how I can convert a VirtualPC image to VirtualBox in Ubuntu?19:54
zaksoldierwhen i used the ubuntu and the pc shutdown not properly then i do startup then the ubuntu boot up then error masseges comes it is like error gnome_applet of the clock and the other is for indicator and 2 bottoms are delete or don't delete19:54
guntbert!es | samm19:54
ubottusamm: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:54
zaksoldierthen i have to reinstall ubuntu in usb again19:55
unityproblemActionParsnip: Ubuntu Natty!19:55
ActionParsnipunityproblem: then your support isn't here, it is in #ubuntu+119:55
ThinkT510!natty | unityproblem19:55
ubottuunityproblem: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems.19:55
Kr0nZhey guys i seem to be having problems upgrading maverick to 2.6.38, after install the packages from http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.38.2-natty/ after reboot gnome doesnt launch, how can i fix this19:55
erUSULchriswk: see if qemu-img can do it ....19:55
justin__I have a problem with a game & GL19:55
ActionParsnipunityproblem: if you cannot solve issues like that,I suggest you DON'T use natty19:55
unityproblemActionParsnip: but still samba server installation is common i guess??19:55
justin__I keep getting a GL error or 128119:56
eric-maverickHi Konz me too19:56
ActionParsnipunityproblem: you need to get your packages square first, ask in #ubuntu+119:56
chriswkerUSUL: I found a guide for that that tells me to use various terminal commands that don't work19:56
eric-maverickKr0nZ sorry19:56
justin__What packages from Mesa do I need to install?19:56
KINGOFSWORDShi..after update-grub how do i get rid of things on my boot menu19:56
unityproblemActionParsnip: okk sure thanks for ur time BTW !19:56
justin__I've tried swx1119:56
macoKINGOFSWORDS: when you uninstall old kernels, they get removed19:57
justin__And I am on glx right now19:57
macoKINGOFSWORDS: computer janitor should be able to help you with that if you dontk now how19:57
ActionParsnipunityproblem: the pastebin is still useful for asking in the other channel19:57
justin__Can anyone help me?19:57
guntbertzaksoldier: maybe its easier in #ubuntu-arabic ?19:57
macojustin__: for something as specific as a GL error code, you might need #xorg19:57
etherneteth0justi whats the problem19:58
ThinkT510!enter | justin__19:58
ubottujustin__: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:58
galeonKINGOFSWORDS: Try editing /boot/grub/grub.cfg19:58
ActionParsnipgaleon: that isn't advised, the file is generated so changes will be lost next time a kernel is installed19:58
macogaleon: that's the file generated by update-grub. itd revert after KINGOFSWORDS's next kernel update or anything else that triggers update-grub to run19:58
ActionParsnipgaleon: the file itself even tells users to not manually edit it19:58
zaksoldier10min went for no answer19:59
BuzzzzI guess getting adobe flash to work with dual screen on an amd card is impossible?19:59
KINGOFSWORDShow do i edit the .cfg?19:59
macoKINGOFSWORDS: that's not the recommended way to do it19:59
ThinkT510galeon: the files that should be edited are in /etc/grub.d/19:59
galeonzaksoldier: When that happens to me, I only restart then all is fine.19:59
macoKINGOFSWORDS: it'll just revert when you get a new kernel update19:59
ActionParsnipKINGOFSWORDS: don't edit it, its a pointless execise19:59
=== UndiFineD is now known as hajour
macoKINGOFSWORDS: really, just uninstall the old kernels that you dont want on there anymore20:00
zaksoldierfor me not20:00
=== hajour is now known as hajour1
macoKINGOFSWORDS: it'll free up space on your hard drive too20:00
KINGOFSWORDSi dont know how20:00
macoKINGOFSWORDS: use Computer Janitor, like i said before20:00
KINGOFSWORDSive formated in gparted but windows still comes up20:00
KINGOFSWORDSok maco...is that in synaptic?20:00
macoKINGOFSWORDS: Computer Janitor is installed by default20:00
zaksoldierit comes again and i have to press delete or not delete20:00
chriswkAnybody know a somewhat simple way for converting the .vhd to .vdi?20:00
JeroenMCan someone give me a channel for Ubuntu beta? Or Ubuntu bugs?20:01
galeonKINGOFSWORDS: System->Preferences20:01
ikoniaJeroenM: #ubuntu+1 for natty chat20:01
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JeroenMok thank you20:01
ThinkT510!bug | JeroenM20:01
plucHey folks. I seem to have misplaced my CTRL+C binding. It doesn't do anything anymore - but simply highlighting text will copy it. How can I restore the Copy key binding?20:01
ubottuJeroenM: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots20:01
atpa8adoes anyone know what manages the mounts under /media?20:01
ActionParsnipKINGOFSWORDS: you may find it mentioned in /etc/grub.d/40_custom    if it is, comment it out then run: sudo update-grub20:01
macopluc: is this all over the desktop or just one app?20:02
ActionParsnipatpa8a: udisks I believe20:02
plucmaco: let me test20:03
crescendowhat is this new chromium-browser-l10n?20:03
plucThe highlighting-text-goes-in-the-clipboard is all over20:03
plucCTRL+C seems to work in xchat though20:03
atpa8aActionParsnip: fuse thing?20:03
Aerwhats the difference between "sudo aptitude safe-upgrade" and just running a "partiall upgrade" in update manager ?20:03
macopluc: highlight to copy and middle click to paste is a feature on *all* Linux distros20:03
ActionParsnipcrescendo: its a language pack according to dpkg20:03
KINGOFSWORDScomputer janitor just list unused programs?20:04
macopluc: ok so which app isnt letting you ctrl+C?20:04
plucmaco: I don't middle click. I just select text and it goes in my clipboard, replacing whatever I had.20:04
macoKINGOFSWORDS: it should list extra kernels too20:04
plucmaco: Chrome20:04
macopluc: if you middle click, you can paste what you've highlighted ;-)20:04
ActionParsnipatpa8a: not sure, I know udisks will be involved20:04
galeonIs there a way to tell grub to remove an entry everytime update-grub is used? Like when I don't want Windows to be added to the boot menu?20:04
atpa8aoh... dbus thing20:04
otorigkdebi sais there is a dependencie problem: libwxbase2.8-0 (>= does it mean this package must be over this version or lower??20:04
plucmaco: Well actually, it could be because I was trying to paste content of my clipboard over a selection20:04
KINGOFSWORDSgoogleearth and 2 ia32 files what ever they are20:04
cybrhumanmaco: what do you call that feature? I really like that feature20:04
macocybrhuman: it's X's clipboard. i call it mouse-paste20:05
atpa8aActionParsnip: just wondering if it's a good idea to make my own mounts under that20:05
ActionParsnipatpa8a: if you want, sure :)20:05
galeonIs there a way to tell grub to remove an entry everytime update-grub is used? Like when I don't want Windows to be added to the boot menu?20:05
macopluc: mouse & keyboard buffer are supposed to be two separate ones (ie, you can copy one thing with the keyboard and another thing with the mouse and choose which to paste based on which you use for the pasting. i find this handy)20:06
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atpa8aActionParsnip: i hope it's not like autofs tho :P20:06
macopluc: so trying to paste over highlighted text should work20:06
=== mang09 is now known as mang0
macopluc: i'm not really sure how Chromium handles keyboard shortcut stuff though :-/  i know in gnome apps you can turn on a setting where you're able to reset the shortcuts, which is what i was thinking you might have done20:06
plucmaco: I understand what you're saying, but say I'm writing a blog post and I want to paste my clipboard over a selected sentence... I can't, because the selected sentence goes straight in my clipboard20:07
macopluc: do you have a clipboard manager in use?20:07
plucmaco: Yes, Parcellite20:07
macopluc: because there should basically be two "slots" where copied stuff are stored, and the highlighted stuff should go into a different slot than the ctrl+c stuff. it shouldnt overwrite20:07
plucmaco: let me try something.20:08
macopluc: hmm i havent used that one. does it list the last few things you copied?20:08
KINGOFSWORDSok guys im getting nowhere with this20:08
macoKINGOFSWORDS: dpkg -l linux-image*20:08
atpa8aActionParsnip: thanks!20:08
macoKINGOFSWORDS: "sudo apt-get remove " then the ones with the lowest version numbers20:08
plucmaco: Fixed it by disabling "Use Primary (Selection)" in Parcellite. Thanks!!20:08
macoKINGOFSWORDS: for old kernels stuff. i dont know about windows20:08
macopluc: ooooh! the "combine both into one buffer" feature20:09
galeonKINGOFSWORDS: You may also use Ubuntu Tweak if you only want to remove old kernels20:09
plucmaco: exactly20:09
macogaleon: we don't tend to recommend that here.... it does things a bit dangerously20:09
macogaleon: not quite automatix but...20:09
KINGOFSWORDSi dont understand all this kernels stuff20:09
KINGOFSWORDSu just want to dual boot xp but have win7 and vista stopping me20:10
galeonsorry for that, but I do use apt-get to remove kernels20:10
ikoniagaleon: you don't need to use ubuntu-tweak to remove kernels20:10
macogaleon: oh so do i. its ubuntu tweak that i was referring to20:10
KINGOFSWORDSwhat subuntu tweak20:11
StarminnFor removing old kernels, I just use the Software Center.20:11
ikoniaKINGOFSWORDS: you should not use it20:11
macoKINGOFSWORDS:  a dangerous piece of software20:11
ikoniaKINGOFSWORDS: it is not needed20:11
galeonyes, I mean I use apt-get, but he's having problems in using it so I recommended a GUI. Sorry for that20:11
ubottuUbuntu Tweak is a tool that automates some things; however, it is potentially dangerous an informal review of its code is pending and most of the things it does can be done by the use of other tools. Please don't ask for or provide support for it in #ubuntu.20:11
macoKINGOFSWORDS: so is the thing you're trying to change A) that there are lots of ubuntu's listed or B) that there are lots of windows listed?20:11
tommishow can i get S3TC right now, on mesa?20:11
KINGOFSWORDSim gonna end up in a mental hospistala this rate20:11
Starminngaleon: So suggest Software Center. It's the GUI to apt-get (more-or-less)20:11
tommisi've heard talk about that it is in external library but i can't find it...20:12
KM0201KINGOFSWORDS: whats the problem? (or maybe i've missed it).. no need to go to a mental hospital over it20:12
KINGOFSWORDStheres wins7 listed(which isnt there) and theres windows vista somewhere which i dont want20:12
galeonSorry, I haven't thought of that.20:12
IAMSASHAFIERCENeither did I.20:12
KINGOFSWORDSi want to install game..doesnt work in wine so i partitioned and installed win7(which is crap) so now i try xp but it wont boot from cd or get rid of win720:13
mekeorMamaaloo: hi20:13
galeonKINGOFSWORDS: So, it's not kernels for Linux that you want to remove?20:13
Mamaaloohi mekeor20:13
Mamaaloohow are you20:13
Starminngaleon: Yeah, just search "linux-header" in the Software Center and just leave the ones you want (obviously don't remove what you're using)20:13
KINGOFSWORDSnow i just want to format windows partition so theres nothing on there20:13
ikoniaKINGOFSWORDS: that's nothing to do with ubuntu20:13
mekeorMamaaloo: thx, good. you?20:13
macoikonia: its the grub config20:13
KINGOFSWORDSno..i got no idea what kernels do20:13
Mamaaloook me too hehe20:13
KM0201KINGOFSWORDS: have you tried using Gparted to format the windows partition?20:13
macoikonia: oh nevermind20:14
KINGOFSWORDSyeh gparted formats it in like 3 seconds20:14
macoKINGOFSWORDS: your windows cd refusing to boot isn't a problem we can help with20:14
KINGOFSWORDSand win7 is still in boot menu20:14
KINGOFSWORDSim not asking bout win cd20:14
KM0201KINGOFSWORDS: did you run sudo update-grub   after you formatted the windows partition?20:14
KINGOFSWORDSim asking about formating win partition thru ubuntu20:14
ikoniaKINGOFSWORDS: you said you've done it20:15
KINGOFSWORDSyeh did update-grub cmd20:15
ikoniaKINGOFSWORDS: what's the problem now ?20:15
galeonKINGOFSWORDS: It seems your problem is not in Ubuntu. Windows XP CD will sometimes not boot if there are partitions it cannot read (like EXT4).20:15
KINGOFSWORDSwin7 is still there20:15
Mamaaloohi ikonia20:15
ikoniaKINGOFSWORDS: is that a problem at the moment ?20:15
KINGOFSWORDSor at least in options20:15
haroontoday I tried to to install 10.04 at lenovo new B560  and getting problem https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/76745520:15
ubottuUbuntu bug 767455 in Ubuntu "Lenovo B560 touchpad and internal microphone issues " [Undecided,Confirmed]20:15
KINGOFSWORDSwin7 is still in my boot menu20:15
Starminngaleon: He's not asking about the CD. He's seeing he wiped the partition but Win7 is still in his GRUB boot menu,.20:15
Mamaaloo+bug 76745520:16
KINGOFSWORDSi dont care about windows...hope i never have to use it again in my life20:16
IdleOneKINGOFSWORDS: stop typing for a minute.20:16
galeonBut I thought its already removed?20:16
IdleOneKINGOFSWORDS: did you run: sudo update-grub ?20:16
KINGOFSWORDSyeh sudo update-grub and rebooted and still in menu20:17
Jordan_UKINGOFSWORDS: What is the output of "sudo os-prober"?20:18
KINGOFSWORDSnow sudo update-grub ..cmd not found20:18
galeonKINGOFSWORDS: Are you sure that the Windows partitions no longer exists? Grub shouldn't be able to add it to the boot menu if the partition is no longer there?20:18
galeon"there." rather20:18
KINGOFSWORDSjordan /dev/sda2:Windows7 (loader):Windows:chain20:18
hiexpomaybe sudo apt-get update-grub20:19
macoKINGOFSWORDS: did you format the partition or delete it?20:19
Jordan_UKINGOFSWORDS: Then you still have a Windows partition. Specifically /dev/sda220:19
macohiexpo: there's no such command20:19
KINGOFSWORDSinvalid operation update-grub20:19
hiexpomaco, i know was goofing20:19
KINGOFSWORDSformatted it b4 and then deleted20:19
macoKINGOFSWORDS: can you do "sudo fdisk -l" and put that on paste.ubuntu.com ?20:20
IdleOnehiexpo: goofing when someone is having a problem and others are trying to help is not helpful.20:20
hiexpoIdleOne, kk20:20
KINGOFSWORDSerm im on differnt pc so will take while to type out20:20
IdleOnehiexpo: thank you :)20:20
hiexpoIdleOne, yeppers20:20
minion35since the newest batch of updates has anyone noticed anything weird about java and CPU usage ... laptop went through a massive slow down, ran top and java was apparently at 200%20:20
samm#ubuntu es20:21
IdleOnesamm: /join #ubuntu-es20:21
macoKINGOFSWORDS: well can you tell us the /dev/ names then at least? like /dev/sda1 /dev/sda2 etc?20:21
phonex01is there any software for ubuntu to manipulate images ? i dont mean something like gimp i mean something for personal picutres like changes faces and such things20:23
Jordan_Umaco: His windows partition is /dev/sda2.20:23
Starminnphonex01: Shotwell?20:23
phonex01i have it20:23
KINGOFSWORDSdev/sda1  linux...sda2 hpfs/ntfs...sda3 extended and sda 5 linux swap/solarisis20:24
Jordan_Umaco: Probably just the small Windows "System" partition20:24
phonex01i mean something to make fun with pictures20:24
galeonKINGOFSWORDS: Does /dev/sda2 have any files?20:24
hayati need help20:24
minion35since the newest batch of updates has anyone noticed anything weird about java and CPU usage ... laptop went through a massive slow down, ran top and java was apparently at 200%20:24
flaritycatsecondphonex01, you can try picasa.20:24
macoKINGOFSWORDS: then your partition has not been deleted20:25
macoKINGOFSWORDS: if its still showing up in fdisk, the partition still exists.20:25
KINGOFSWORDSi think it had 500meg of win7 left on it for some reason20:25
phonex01apt-get install picasa ?20:25
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flaritycatsecondwww.google.com > picasa20:25
tjiggi_fohayat, ask, and if we can help we will20:25
hayatwhy unable to mount USB20:26
KINGOFSWORDSso i need to delete it in gparted.....btw im using alternate version of ubuntu20:26
razanofDo not use google, use Ixquick instead20:26
macoKINGOFSWORDS: sudo fdisk /dev/sda20:26
macoKINGOFSWORDS: then hit d20:26
macoKINGOFSWORDS: then tell it 220:26
IsmAvatarHey guys. My U10.10 has 2 user accounts (my wife and I), and we switch back and forth. When she puts her USB in, it mounts, but when I switch to my account, it says "Unable to mount <usb name>" in a popup - and vice versa.20:26
macoKINGOFSWORDS: then w    to commit the changes20:27
KINGOFSWORDSok so which partition number?20:27
IsmAvatarand by "it says", I mean I'm literally immediately greeted by a popup after logging in.20:27
macoKINGOFSWORDS: you can do "p" before "w" to have it print out what its gonna do20:27
KINGOFSWORDScommand (*m for help):20:27
hayatwhy unable to mount USB20:27
KINGOFSWORDSwhat p and w?20:27
macoKINGOFSWORDS: p is print, w is write (ie save)20:28
macoKINGOFSWORDS: if you hit "m" like it says, it'll list these20:28
KINGOFSWORDSok should i p then?20:28
macoKINGOFSWORDS: if youd like to check what it did, sure20:28
KINGOFSWORDSdid both20:28
macoKINGOFSWORDS: and p shows sda2 being gone?20:29
KINGOFSWORDSahhh yeh20:29
KINGOFSWORDSbut surely it take like 20 mins to delete a partition?20:29
macoKINGOFSWORDS: ok so now the partition should actually be deleted. so do the 'sudo update-grub' again20:29
macoKINGOFSWORDS: nahh a low-level format takes a while, but deleting a partition is just removing a pointer to its starting/ending blocks20:30
macoKINGOFSWORDS: its like crossing out a line in the index of a book20:30
hayatwhy my ubuntu 10.04 is unable to mount USB20:30
KINGOFSWORDSok.....building a new sun disklabel.......20:30
BlouBlouhayat: try 'lsusb' and check if it detects it or not20:30
pajerowhich command can i use for hping install20:30
KINGOFSWORDSwhat cmd do i use now?20:30
Jordan_UKINGOFSWORDS: sudo update-grub20:31
Nastyahi there!20:31
Gunnarcan someone help me install gnome 3 on my ubuntu 11.04?20:31
macoKINGOFSWORDS: what was teh last thing you did?20:31
KINGOFSWORDSsudo update-grub20:31
Jordan_UKINGOFSWORDS: Wait, STOP, do not reboot.20:31
erUSUL!ppa | Gunnar there is a ppa for it20:31
ubottuGunnar there is a ppa for it: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.20:31
KINGOFSWORDSsays 'building a new sun disklabel20:31
KINGOFSWORDSok jordan20:32
PegasusCAanyone know how to get braile working properly on a 10.04 server installer?20:32
hayat@BlouBlou thanks, im on20:32
NastyaI need your advice20:32
milkhoddyho, wondering if anyone might be able to advise on an sshfs problem? ssh works, but sshfs gives a connection reset by peer :/20:32
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Jordan_Umaco: Any idea how anything having to do with a sun disklabel came about?20:32
KINGOFSWORDSmaco it says its waiting for a cmd?20:32
macoJordan_U: no20:32
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tjiggi_fohayat, goto System >> Administration >> Users and Groups >> Advanced Settings >> User priveleges and make sure "Access external Storage devices automatically" is ticked.20:32
cybrhumanNastya: just ask, you need no permission :)20:32
NastyaI'm using evince for work with pdf files. But Very often I need to add a bookmark to these files or highlight sentences there. And i can't do it with evince. Please help me to find a suitable viewer for my needs20:33
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hayat@tjiggi_fo: ok20:33
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macoJordan_U: well, other thanb creating a new partition that was a sun format (hmm or swap. i think swap looks like solaris)20:34
commodoreSo many people leaving D:20:34
KINGOFSWORDSshall i type out entireoutput20:34
cybrhumanNastya: okular has some of those features20:34
macoKINGOFSWORDS: is that computer not online?20:34
erUSULNastya: acrobat read is aviable in medibuntu ...20:34
Jordan_Umaco: But a sun disklabel is a type of partition table, not a type of partition.20:34
erUSUL!medibuntu > Nastya20:34
ubottuNastya, please see my private message20:34
commodoreI really need to use XChat. Does anyone use irssi?20:34
iamahamis there any benefit to using the IA-64 stall on a Xeon system over the plain 32bit version?20:35
KINGOFSWORDSshall i try to get online on this pc20:35
macoKINGOFSWORDS: itd be easier to debug if you did...20:35
erUSULiamaham: ia 64 wont work in a xeon cpu20:35
iamaham? it's 64bit20:35
iamahamor what should I use on a Xeon quad core system20:35
erUSUL!amd64 | this will though  iamaham20:35
ubottuthis will though  iamaham: AMD64 and Intel 64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions#AMD64%20Processors and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amd64 for more information.20:35
KINGOFSWORDSok brb...its 3g modem so sometimes have problems getting on20:35
macoJordan_U: "s" in fdisk would make a new empty sun disklabel20:35
iamahambut it's an Intel chip not amd6420:36
erUSULiamaham: ia64 is not the same as amd64 ( the arch xeaons use )20:36
macoJordan_U:  but not d or p or w...20:36
iamahamso I can't use the aMD64 distro right?20:36
erUSULiamaham: AMd invented/designed the 64 bit extensions to x86 so they've got to name it20:36
iamahamso which one should I use? know it's a 64bit cpu20:37
Jordan_Uiamaham: IA-64 is an entirely different architecture from AMD64. Intel's current 64 bit chips use the AMD64 architecture, also sometimes called X86-64.20:37
iamahamamd64 or the 32bit regular version20:37
erUSULiamaham: both AMD and Intel implement the amd64 arch in their chips20:37
cybrhumaniamaham: how much RAM have you got?20:37
erUSULiamaham: if you want to use 64 bits use the mad64 iso's20:37
iamahamso it the Xeon and AMD64 or IA-64 based chipset?20:37
erUSULiamaham: Xeon is amd 6420:38
Nastyathankyou folks! I got it. I'll try one of these readers20:38
erUSULiamaham: iA64 is use by *itanium* cpu's20:38
Jordan_UKINGOFSWORDS: Don't close your terminal Window. Please copy as much of the scrollback as possible to a text file to document what has happened.20:38
iamahamkk tyvm20:38
iamahamdidnt realise there was a dif in ia-64 and amd64. thought amd64 was just amd and ia-64 was xeon, itanium, and maybe i5,i720:39
macoKINGOFSWORDS: did you press "s" at all while inside fdisk?20:39
macoiamaham: amd64 is backwards compatible with ia32. ia64 is not so kinda flopped on the desktop market20:39
erUSULiamaham: read twe links the bot gave you20:39
macoiamaham: intel licenses amd64 from amd for their desktop 64bit cpus20:39
roelandis there any way to test if sendmail is working from the console?20:43
roelandi just ran apt-get install sendmail20:43
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bluefox84much better >.>20:44
oCeanroeland: telnet localhost 2520:44
bluefox84wtf, my nick D:20:44
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genii-aroundroeland: If you also install mailutils   you can do: mail -s "subject here" email@adresss.abc        then type the msg and do ctrl-c when finished20:45
roelandoCean: what will that do?20:46
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oCeanroeland: connect with the telnet service on port 25 of your local computer.20:46
raven_UNISON - different versions.... "expected "Unison 2.32\n" but received "Unison 2.27\n\000\000\000\000", which differs at "Unison 2.2"."20:47
Travis-42How do I get TRIM to work on my SSD? I assumed Ubuntu would automatically use it, but it seems like it's not actually working20:48
IsmAvatarHey guys. My U10.10 has 2 user accounts (my wife and I), and we switch back and forth. When she puts her USB in, it mounts, but when I switch to my account, it says "Unable to mount <usb name>" in a popup as soon as I login - and vice versa.20:48
modapt-get seems to always have problems connecting to or resolving the hostnames of repositories20:49
vlt_Hello. Does anyone know how to stretch (or change perspektive of) a layer in Gimp?20:49
IsmAvatarvlt_: this is #ubuntu, not #gimp20:50
modthis has been true of multiple ubuntu version installs20:50
mod(of mine :)20:50
cybrhumanIsmAvatar: the usb stick is mounted for the current user of X so it is probably something there not going as smooth as it should when you switch.20:50
macomod: sure its not your network connection?20:51
bluefox83how do i manually do a dist-upgrade in terminal? i know there's a config file or something i need to edit...but i don't recall D:20:51
itilioushow can i use keys with vnc instead of password?20:51
cybrhumanbluefox83: /etc/apt/sources.list ?20:51
itiliousi'm using keys between ssh connection and i think that the authorization in VNC is preventing me from using it over the ssh tunnel20:51
modmaco, positive, I can browse in FF all around the world, no prob20:51
macomod: but if you do "host archive.ubuntu.com"  does that resolve?20:51
erUSULbluefox83: you don't. use the apropiate tools---> do-release-upgrade20:52
erUSUL!upgrade > bluefox8320:52
ubottubluefox83, please see my private message20:52
modmaco, it takes a bit, but yes...but then I'd suspect that 'host' is directly using the resolver libs20:52
modok so not apt-get has finally done an update, after 10 tries of stalls20:53
modand upgrade just does so patheitcally slow20:53
modstalls a lot20:53
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cybrhumanboring new tools, ... no more need for manually changing repositories?! boring!20:55
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macomod: apt-get is just using wget or curl20:56
macomod: but if it takes a long while, id wonder whether there is packet loss or something else interrupting your connection to the dns server20:57
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash20:57
spid3rnethi how to get a screen recorder20:58
spid3rnetfor ubuntu 10.1020:58
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spid3rnetas security proposy is that good to play on ubuntu like playing steam21:00
alishahhi, how do i start mysql-client. I installed mysql_server and mysql_client but i don't know how do i start mysql_client.?21:03
nononicknameis there a specific channel for ubuntu brainstorm, or are there any brainstorm moderators in here that can assist me? Or does anyone know someone that is an ubuntu brainstorm moderator ?21:04
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mackenzieMy sound is not working; and its not on mute...21:08
IdleOnenononickname: #ubuntu-brainstorm21:09
nononicknameIdleOne, thank you21:09
DocfxitMy menu bar at the top of the screen disappeared. Gnome . How can I get it back?21:09
cybrhumanmackenzie: is this an issue that suddenly appeared on an existing install or a fresh isntall21:09
xskydevilxIs there a way to backup all of the installed updates for Ubuntu and then restore them back when the OS has been installed again?21:10
cybrhumanDocfxit: may I assume you are a gnome user?21:10
cybrhumanDocfxit: if so you can recreate it by right-clicking on the lower one and click new panel I think21:11
P4C0hello, can somebody point me to the network configuration how to on ubuntu server 10.04? https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/network-configuration.html only covers ethernet21:12
cybrhumanDocfxit: it requires some work to repopulate it and restoring it to normal, but it should all be in a rightclick menu21:12
Docfxitcybrhuman I don't see new panel when I right click any place on the blank screen21:12
cybrhumanDocfxit: did you have two panels before you accindentally deleted the top one?21:13
brightsparkDocfxit, pkill gnome-panel21:13
cybrhumanbrightspark: do that work if you delete your panels?21:14
Nzaw4hi guys, i have a queswtion, im having issues running steam under wine21:14
Docfxitcybrhuman I only had one.21:14
Nzaw4i have the log of errors when i tried to start it in terminal21:14
Scowboyeverytime i try gtk-window-decorator --replace my terminal just stops working21:15
Nzaw4was wondering if someone could hepl me21:15
Scowboyanyone know what is the problem21:15
mackenzie When I right click for settings, I'll try to click something and, it won't let me click it. :/21:15
Docfxitbrightspark How can I get a terminal window up to put pkill in?21:15
galeonDocfxit: To restore panels to default: gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel21:15
brightsparkDocfxit, ctrl-alt-t21:15
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Docfxitbrightspark ctrl-alt-t doesn't do anything.21:16
kawohiHow do I stop Ubuntu from asking for a keyring password on startup?21:17
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cybrhumanDocfxit: alt-F2?21:17
brightsparkcybrhuman, if they just disappeared its a credible 1st try21:17
cybrhumanbrightspark: good point21:17
Nzaw4so no one here is running Steam in wine?21:17
Docfxitcybrhuman alt-F2 doesn't do anything either.21:17
cybrhumanDocfxit: ctrl-alt-F121:18
cybrhumanDocfxit: ctrl-alt-F7 or F8 to return to graphics21:18
brightsparkDocfxit, ctrl-alt-f7 to switch back21:18
Docfxitcybrhuman ctrl-alt-F1 doesn't do anything.21:18
P4C0wifi on ubuntu server 10.04... anyone?21:19
Nzaw4im a girl, and i suck at ubuntu.. can anyone help me ?21:19
cybrhumanDocfxit: that is weird, you are holding them down at the same time?21:19
sje46Nzaw4: a girl?  Well, if it's for a GIRL, of course21:20
sje46No way would I help out a boy21:20
Docfxitcybrhuman yes21:20
* ariel_ wonders21:20
cybrhumanP4C0: have you tried wicd?21:20
cybrhumanDocfxit: that is strange21:20
brightsparkDocfxit, something is really strange then.  try rebooting I guess21:20
P4C0cybrhuman: no, I was hopping to get a howto similar to he one for ethernet...21:20
kawohiHow do I stop Ubuntu from asking for a keyring password on startup?21:20
P4C0cybrhuman: does wicd requires x?21:21
Docfxitbrightspark I'll try that.21:21
flaritycatNzaw4, try installing playonlinux , and run steam from there.21:21
cybrhumanP4C0: wicd-curses has a nice curses tool. nope, works fine in terminal21:21
Nzaw4isnt playonlinux a front end for wine?21:21
Nzaw4i have a log of what happens when i try to open steam21:21
P4C0cybrhuman: thanks, i guess I'll try that...21:21
cybrhumanDocfxit: restart X first? alt-sysrq-k?21:21
Rzizit actually is, nzaw21:21
Nzaw4it starts to log in then it crashes21:21
Gurke_i need help21:22
ayecee!ask | Gurke_21:22
ubottuGurke_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:22
KINGOFSWORDSmaco and jordan are yhou still here...only just back online21:22
Gurke_my question is can help me21:23
Nzaw410.10 is maverick right?21:23
macoKINGOFSWORDS: yes i am21:23
* Nzaw4 blushes21:23
ariel_PlayOnLinux is based on Wine, and so profits from all its features yet it keeps the user from having to deal with its complexity21:23
ayeceeGurke_: the answer is that no one can until you describe your problem.21:23
KINGOFSWORDSsorry couldnt get online with that pc and had problems on this 121:23
chiluknzaw4 yes21:23
Gurke_ok my problem is about with ubuntu21:23
macoKINGOFSWORDS: ok well did you save the contents of that computer's terminal to a file?21:23
KINGOFSWORDSwin7 is still in the boot menu21:23
KINGOFSWORDSno dont know how21:24
galeonkawohi: Did you changed your password?21:24
macoKINGOFSWORDS: copy and paste?21:24
kawohiNO, its been the same.21:24
KINGOFSWORDSbut i can use up arrow to do cmds again21:24
macoKINGOFSWORDS: did you already reboot that computer?21:24
macoand its working ok, just the same problem with the menu?21:25
KINGOFSWORDSanyway that partition is back aswell.....sda2 hpfs/ntfs21:25
ayeceeGurke_: you will still need to describe the problem.21:25
KINGOFSWORDSyep same problem21:25
macoKINGOFSWORDS: and you *did* do the "w" when in fdisk?21:26
KINGOFSWORDSw was write?21:27
KINGOFSWORDSyeh did that21:27
KINGOFSWORDSafter p21:27
macoKINGOFSWORDS: hmm thats....weird21:27
KINGOFSWORDSdid you work out what sun disk label was for?21:27
papnaI have a Samba share mapped and my password changed. When I try to connect to it now I get the message "Could not open location..." and no opportunity to put in my new password.21:28
papnaHow do I fix this?21:28
macoKINGOFSWORDS: sun disklabel wouldve been creating an entirely new partition table and would have happened if you used teh "s" command in fdisk.  if the sun disklabel thing had actually gone through you wouldnt have been able to boot though. but your fdisk changes seem not to have taken effect at all.21:28
Nzaw4hrmm, when i run Playonlinux, it says my 3d acceltor is not enabled, where do i enable it?21:29
KINGOFSWORDSmaybe i have a corrupt install of ubuntu21:29
galeonkawohi: I also have the same problem before, but it is because I changed my password. Gnome should be able to unlock the keyring, but it will ask for one if its password is not the same as the user's password.21:29
cybrhumanNzaw4: have you installed drivers for your gfx card?21:29
Nzaw4cybrhuman: yes i do nvidia21:29
KINGOFSWORDSshall i just reinstall ubuntu fro the beginning?21:30
itiliousafter setting up ubuntu ssh server/client with key access should i move the key id_sda to a different place?21:30
cybrhumanNzaw4: silly question coming up: the proprietary one?21:30
itiliousor does that not really make a difference in security?21:30
macoKINGOFSWORDS: if you were going to blow away the whole disk and start over for a xp/ubuntu dual boot, youd want to do xp before ubuntu21:30
Nzaw4this is my kernel sudo apt-get install playonlinux21:30
P4C0ok, this is crazy, I need documentation, where can I get documentation?? I need to set up an ethernet card and a wifi card... both up at the same time... wicd shuts me down the ethernet when i connect to the wireless and it doesn't start at boot (even if I check the start automatically checkbox)... is there any documentation about this?? ubuntu server 10.0421:31
macoitilious: that shouldnt make a difference. the ~/.ssh is only readable by the owner and ssh will refuse connections if this is not the case21:31
Nzaw4err i have the 260.19.06 nvidia kernel installed21:31
KINGOFSWORDSbut i cant install xp so wouldnt work21:31
macoP4C0: use /etc/network/interfaces instead of wicd21:31
macoP4C0: man 5 interfaces21:31
itiliousty maco21:31
Gurke_is ubuntu 11.04 stablee ??21:31
galeonkawohi: If that's what you did, go to System -> Preferences -> Passwords and Encryption Keys. Right-click on "Passwords: Login" then "Change Password", then put your old and new password, then re-login.21:31
P4C0thanks maco21:32
macoGurke_: no21:32
macoGurke_: not til next week21:32
Gurke_i know its not stable but is it usuable21:32
Gurke_or too buggy21:32
macoGurke_: oh yes, i find it quite usable, but discussion of it belongs in #ubuntu+121:32
macoGurke_: also, i'm a kde user, so i have no idea about unity's usability at this point ;-)21:32
cybrhumanP4C0: I would let wicd handle wifi, because I am not hardcore enough to do it manually, but I tend to let the default handle the ethernet21:32
Gurke_me too kde21:32
cybrhumanP4C0: but maco seems better than me at this :P21:33
macocybrhuman: its actually not difficult to make the interfaces file handle even wpa21:33
kawohiOh yeah, the wireless network doesn't have the same password.21:33
P4C0cybrhuman: it's ok, I think debian's documentation will do...21:33
macocybrhuman: just add in    wpa-ssid linksys   \n   wpa-psk  yourpasswordhere21:33
macocybrhuman: then it automatically handles all the talking-to-wpasupplicant junk for you :)21:34
cybrhumanmaco: oh, joy, then I can get rid of these flimsy tools!21:34
P4C0maco: hmmm I prefer to handle the password in wpa_supplicant... encrypted21:34
macoP4C0: i didnt think wpa_supplicant's config file had encryption... but you can set the interfaces file to be 600 permissions. it doesnt need to be world-readable (just is by default)21:35
P4C0maco: wpa_passphrase essid password21:35
alishahhi, how can i have root permissions all the time?21:36
KINGOFSWORDSso thats it...nothing i can do?21:36
ayeceealishah: log in as root21:36
ayeceealishah: that would be a bad idea, though.21:36
macoKINGOFSWORDS: you could reinstall if you like and tell ubuntu to take the whole the drive. thatd clear out all partitions21:37
KINGOFSWORDSbut ill lose all my files21:37
galeonKINGOFSWORDS: When fdisk asked for a partition number, did you put 2?21:37
KM0201woops, wrong channel.21:39
Gurke_my question is can help me21:39
KINGOFSWORDSim gonna throw pc out of windows21:39
nit-witKM0201, lol21:39
KM0201nit-wit: didn't mean to put it here, but it does have a certain nerd humor that will appeal to a lot of folks here.. :)21:40
=== bigblaq is now known as blaq
cybrhumanKM0201: appreciated :D21:40
galeonKINGOFSWORDS: Try using Disk Utility on that computer to delete the partition.21:40
cybrhumanGurke_: what is the problem?21:41
Guest20105just bought new hardware and i'm unable to boot. am i right for some help here?21:42
cybrhumanGuest20105: we can give it a try :)21:42
Nzaw4argh stupid playonlinux21:42
Guest20105hehe allright.21:42
KINGOFSWORDStyped disk utility into terminal and choose number 221:42
Nzaw4wine crashes, nothing loads21:42
KINGOFSWORDSwhat do now?21:42
cybrhumanGuest20105: the machine booted before the hw-upgrade?21:42
Guest20105it's a completely new machine. i purchased a HP 8200 elite21:43
Guest20105therefore, to answer your question: no :P21:43
galeonKINGOFSWORDS: System -> Administration -> Disk Utility21:43
cybrhumanNzaw4: to tell teh truth I am secretly a windows user when it comes to games21:43
Nzaw4cybrhuman: me too, i just want to ditch windows, and run my steam and also photoschop21:43
Nzaw4then i can walk away from windows entirely21:43
fabiobikhi i have isses to connect  to internet with my alfa awso36h21:43
fabiobiki can connect but after 3, 4 seconds the coonection is down21:44
cybrhumanGuest20105: ok, and you want to boot a install disk/usb stick?21:44
fabiobikim using bt421:44
Guest20105well. i used the new cd-image 10.10, even the beta 11.04, 32 and 64 bit but it boots into a grub shell21:44
guntbert!backtrack | fabiobik21:44
ubottufabiobik: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition21:44
cybrhumanNzaw4: you speak of utopia21:44
KINGOFSWORDSgaleon do i create partition on that space?21:44
cybrhumanNzaw4: I hope to live there one day :P21:44
Guest20105into a real dumb grub shell where i'm not able to do anything^21:44
guntbert!ot | Nzaw4, cybrhuman21:44
ubottuNzaw4, cybrhuman: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:44
Nzaw4? what happened there21:45
=== david is now known as Guest46115
cybrhumanGuest20105: well, you can do quite useful stuff, in there, but it shouldn't happen when installing21:45
Nzaw4ahh off topic .. duh :P21:45
stefgGuest20105: and you did what before?21:45
galeonKINGOFSWORDS: You may delete the Windows partition there, if you don't need it anymore.21:45
KINGOFSWORDSonly  has option to create patition21:46
cybrhumanGuest20105: though the ubuntu boot disk does not use grub I think... have you already installed?21:46
Guest46115hey guys, I have having a few issues.  I have a usb wireless device that is connected.  It would appear that the driver was one that was built into the kernel because it recognized it immediately.  The only issue is it will not connect to any network.21:46
KINGOFSWORDSwill that overwrit any left over windoze stuff21:46
Cem_Nome5Hello #ubuntu I'm trying to connect to my MSN by a default program of VoIP on Ubuntu 10.04 but it keeps trying to connect and nothing happens21:46
Guest20105hmm i told the BIOS to start right from the cd. i'm not a newbie about linux or ubuntu... therefore i tried all kind of things one can try. it even happens when booting from an usb-stick21:46
Guest20105couldn't install. the ubuntu boot cd does have isolinux as normal boot. but somehow this fails and afaik they use grub as a fallback21:47
Guest46115The wireless animation keeps running and it cannot connect21:47
galeonKINGOFSWORDS: If you'll remove the Windows partitions, it should.21:47
Cem_Nome5Hello #ubuntu I'm trying to connect to my MSN by Empathy on Ubuntu 10.04 but it keeps trying to connect and nothing happens21:47
Guest46115I am on ubuntu 10.1021:47
KINGOFSWORDSno option to remove just create21:47
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:47
itiliousi'm i lowering my security by running "ssh-add" to add my current certificate to the authentication agent?21:48
Gurke_Guest46115:  why are you under ubuntu 10.1021:48
galeonKINGOFSWORDS: Select the hard drive that contains the Windows partition in the left, then it should show you the partitions.21:48
Cem_Nome5help me plz?21:48
guntbertitilious: only when you leave the computer and the agent is still active21:48
Guest46115Gurke_: Because I always install the latest versions21:49
KINGOFSWORDShas differnt option now on partition21:49
KINGOFSWORDSdo i format in ntfs or delete first?21:49
itiliousguntbert, so its mainly just a "local security" loss?21:49
Gurke_Guest46115: 11.04 is the lateste21:49
itiliousguntbert, do you know if the key is cleared when system reboots?21:50
IdleOneGurke_: This channel is not for discussion about 11.04. You have been told this many times. Please stop being off topic in here.21:50
guntbertitilious: no, not at all local, ssh agent allows you to reach configured ssh-hosts without having to enter a password (thereby increasing their security)21:50
Guest46115Gurke_: This computer is for my dad and he is used to Gnome so I stuck with 10.1021:50
galeonKINGOFSWORDS: You must select the partition with Windows, does "Device:" says "/dev/sda2"?21:50
KINGOFSWORDSyeh selected windows partition and foramted21:51
Gurke_11.04 is gnome too21:51
KINGOFSWORDSwin7 still in boot menu so im gonna delete partition now21:51
guntbertitilious: yes, ssh-add is valid only until the next reboot (or until you remove the key again)21:51
fabiobikone stupid question21:52
fabiobikhow to restart from comand line21:52
KINGOFSWORDSdeleted but it is still there21:52
DasEifabiobik: sudo reboot21:52
fabiobikok ok21:52
KINGOFSWORDSnow i creat partition21:52
DasEifabiobik: shutdown -r as root does it, too21:52
=== erkan^ is now known as zippo^
galeonKINGOFSWORDS: You may if you want, then run "update-grub"21:53
wcchandlerAnybody know of an IRC channel for weather/meteorology?21:53
Andre_Hi, everyone. I want to dual boot my laptop, ubuntu and windows xp. I've read pages about how to do it. Now I just need one clarification, while it's recommended to install windows first, and should I first partion my hd for windows xp first, say 10G out of 90G?21:53
KINGOFSWORDSwindows 7 loader still present after updategrub21:53
Blue1i have some simple scripting issues if someone has a minute:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/596699/21:54
KINGOFSWORDSthis is crazy21:54
KINGOFSWORDSi just want rid of this files21:54
guntbertBlue1: I fail to see how this is an ubuntu support question21:54
DasEiAndre_: yes21:55
Blue1guntbert: okay where's the best place to take that question then?21:55
Andre_OK thank you DaSEi21:55
guntbertBlue1: try #bash21:55
DasEiAndre_: make a win party beforehand, say least 10 G ntfs, install xp, install ubu21:55
Blue1guntbert: thanks21:55
galeonKINGOFSWORDS: Try "sudo os-prober" in the terminal21:55
KINGOFSWORDSstill there21:56
buzz_anyone else running natty here ?21:56
KINGOFSWORDSwindows 7 loader21:56
virgowhere can i see user last activity in sourceforge.net about some user?21:56
guntbert!natty | buzz_21:56
ubottubuzz_: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems.21:56
DasEibuzz_: #ubuntu +121:56
Andre_gocha DaSEi. is there any thing I should be careful about besides that?21:56
buzz_if anyone is running natty, please could they test "dwell click" and "simualte second click" mouse accessibility21:56
guntbertbuzz_: stop21:56
DasEiAndre_: no, do so, ask if problems21:56
wcchandlerAnybody use Gnash exclusively?  I'm wondering about it's support for pandora/youtube/grooveshark.21:56
galeonKINGOFSWORDS: Can you go to Disk Utility again and check if there is a partition named "System Reserved"?21:57
buzz_it doesnt work here, and im rather worried this one is going to slip by - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/76280621:57
ubottuUbuntu bug 762806 in unity (Ubuntu) "simulated second click with unity" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:57
Andre_Ok I got you. Thanks alot21:57
KINGOFSWORDScalled new volume21:57
guntbertbuzz_: not here!21:57
buzz_ok sorry. ill write in =121:57
knightautwellanyone know how to make a wireless AP using ubuntu 10.10???21:57
buzz_yeh i saw. sorry. lots of text in scrollback heh.21:57
KINGOFSWORDSoh sorry there is system reserved..its 105meg21:58
galeonKINGOFSWORDS: No partition named "System Reserved"?21:58
Adis34When I press a key, my mouse stops moving21:58
galeonKINGOFSWORDS: That's the one causing the problem!21:58
guntbertwcchandler: ask alis, like /msg alis list *meteo*21:58
Adis34Any1 know how to fix that?21:58
KINGOFSWORDSyeh there is..its 105meg and21:58
galeonKINGOFSWORDS: Windows Vista and 7 have a separate partition for booting, you may delete it.21:58
KINGOFSWORDSahh ok..i have 2 other partitions at 5gb..told they were dells recovery21:58
=== zippo^ is now known as erkan^
KINGOFSWORDSwow it deleted21:59
Adis34when I hold a key on my keyboard, i cant move my mouse21:59
Adis34I have Ubuntu21:59
KINGOFSWORDSi dont have vista no btw21:59
galeonKINGOFSWORDS: Is Windows 7 still showing in os-probe?21:59
KINGOFSWORDSno its gone22:00
KINGOFSWORDSis that it....my nightmare over?22:00
galeonKINGOFSWORDS: Yeah, I hope so :)22:00
KINGOFSWORDSshall i reboot?22:00
KINGOFSWORDSwhat shall i do with 2 other 5 gb paritions..they dell recovery's....leave them?22:01
galeonKINGOFSWORDS: Had you tried "sudo update-grub"?22:01
ActionParsnipAdis34: is the system a branded PC or laptop?22:01
KINGOFSWORDSopps rebooted22:01
galeonKINGOFSWORDS: If you think might need them, you shouldn't22:02
CombatjuanHello.  Is there any way to have "apt-get remove" list all of the files it removes (and in general what it is doing?)22:02
KINGOFSWORDSthey have vista i think22:02
ActionParsnipCombatjuan: it will show the packages it is removing22:02
CombatjuanActionParsnip: I'm concerned with particular files.22:03
papnaI have a Samba share mapped and my password changed. When I try to connect to it now I get the message "Could not open location..." and no opportunity to put in my new password. How do I fix this?22:03
ActionParsnipCombatjuan: its there a verbose option on apt-get (check man page)22:03
Combatjuan"apt-get remove --verbose <packages>" -> "Command line option --verbose is not understood"22:04
KINGOFSWORDSomg galeon your a star...thank yo so much...no boot menu anymore22:04
ActionParsnipCombatjuan: did you check the man page......?22:04
CombatjuanActionParsnip: Of course.  Before coming to the IRC channel.22:04
GalvatronCombatjuan: Also it's better to use simple yet powerfu aptitude, than all those atp-xxx junk.22:04
CuddleKingwcchandler: this isn't a server support channel; however check /list or /msg alis help22:05
CombatjuanGalvatron: That's fair.  But I was under the impression that they sort of kept their own metadata and that mixing and matching (aptitude install x, apt-get remove x) was a bad idea.22:05
ActionParsnipCombatjuan: clearly not as the option is -V or --verbose-versions22:05
GalvatronCombatjuan: Use aptitude + Synaptic22:05
ActionParsnipCombatjuan: not --verbose as youused, which is why you got the error which is why I TOLD YOU to read the man page22:06
GalvatronCombatjuan: You hardly find a better combo for managing packages.22:06
CombatjuanActionParsnip: The "--verbose-versions" options doesn't list files.22:06
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ActionParsnipCombatjuan: or you can copy the proposed packages then the make a script to list the files in each package22:07
GalvatronCombatjuan: Arent you combining too much? If apt-get/aptitude removes something you need, you might always reinstall those components.;)22:08
iszakHow to permanently mount a tmpfs?22:08
Adis34Hey, when im holding a key and my mouse cant move22:08
zaksoldierسلام عليكم22:08
Adis34is there any way to fix this22:08
GalvatronAdis34: What key?22:08
CombatjuanActionParsnip: If I'm understanding you correctly, you're saying do something like write a script that parses dpkg -L?22:09
Adis34any key22:09
Adis34on my keyboard22:09
Adis34it makes it impossible to play games22:09
mickster04Adis34: that is very unusual, what have you installed recently?22:09
CombatjuanActionParsnip: The reason I'm not doing that, is because I was hoping to get a list of files that are ACTUALLY removed.  Not just part of the package.22:09
ActionParsnipCombatjuan: possibly to maybe automate it, or just copy the text and use it in a manual sense22:09
ActionParsnipAdis34: is the system a branded PC or laptop?22:09
=== yang is now known as Guest35909
Adis34this is a laptop22:10
CombatjuanMaybe I should start from the beginning.  I have a package that I'm removing, but a file that I'd expect it to remove is still there.  Therefore I was hoping to have apt-get just tell me what it thinks it is doing.22:10
modis us.archive.ubuntu.com generally painfully slow?22:10
ActionParsnipAdis34: what make and model?22:10
davideSi am using natty beta 2 on acer aspire 1830t and alps touchpad22:10
davideSvertical scrolling does not work, despite being enabled in the touchpad tab under "mouse". Does anybody have the same problem?22:10
Adis34toshiba satellite something22:10
ActionParsnipdavideS: ask in #ubuntu+1 until after release22:10
ActionParsnipAdis34: we need the something22:10
davideSActionParsnip: thanks22:10
Adis34Satellite A305-S684122:11
galeonCombatjuan: If you need that because you want to remove configuration files, you may use "apt-get purge"22:11
Combatjuangaleon: Thanks.  But in this case, it is a .so file.22:11
ActionParsnipAdis34: ok let me search22:12
Combatjuangaleon: (And I'm reasonably certain that no other packages depend on this file)22:12
sosaitedI am trying to install libx264-dev, but I get http://pastebin.com/qa4neU0n error.22:12
svarturirc.lolnet.is +669722:13
galeonCombatjuan: Maybe a dependency library is no longer a dependency but not uninstalled? If it is the problem, use "apt-get autoremove"22:13
ActionParsnipAdis34: this may help: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/05/06/temporarily-disable-touchpad-while-typing/22:14
galeonCombatjuan: autoremove is used to remove packages that were automatically installed to satisfy dependencies for some package and that are no more needed.22:14
Adis34i just read that22:14
Adis34I dont have mouseemu22:14
Combatjuangaleon: It was a good theory, but not the case this time.22:14
KINGOFSWORDShow do i install xp onto the old partition i have galeon?22:14
zaksoldieris there a channel for mac os x22:14
CombatjuanGalvatron: aptitude does have a "--verbose" options, but it also, is not verbose in the way I want it to be.  Thanks though.22:14
UnknowSomebody talk Spanish?22:14
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:15
ActionParsnipAdis34: also try the boot options (in various combinations): i8024.reset     i8024.nomux=1       irqpoll       Those are great at weird touchpad issues22:15
ActionParsnipzaksoldier: #macos   or #apple22:15
Adis34whats that22:15
ActionParsnipAdis34: boot options on the kernel, may make things nice22:15
zaksoldierok thanks man for the help22:15
ActionParsnipzaksoldier: also try #poorbangforbuck22:16
galeonKINGOFSWORDS: Boot into your Windows XP CD then install there, but it will be harder, since grub will be overwritten. Its still easier to install Windows XP first then Ubuntu.22:16
ActionParsnipzaksoldier: ;)22:16
KINGOFSWORDSi know how to reinstall grub22:16
KINGOFSWORDSbut neither xp or vista discs are starting up from boot22:16
Calif bios settings?22:16
De|tahi all - anyone help me with some poor samba throughput; http://pastebin.com/t7z4wpMZ22:17
KINGOFSWORDSi have boot nah cd/dvd is first in bios22:17
KINGOFSWORDSit trys to run dvd fora while then just revertsto linux22:17
Califcan you boot from a linux disc?22:17
galeonKINGOFSWORDS: That's a problem, Windows XP will sometimes not boot if it found Grub as MBR or a Linux partition is there.22:17
galeonKINGOFSWORDS: I mean the CD22:17
KINGOFSWORDSso theres no way around that22:18
sosaitedCan someone please take a look at  http://pastebin.com/qa4neU0n error and tell what can I do to fix it?22:18
galeonKINGOFSWORDS: That may mean you need to reformat the whole HD22:18
KINGOFSWORDSlike pressing shift or ctrl22:18
galeonKINGOFSWORDS: It happened to me before22:18
KINGOFSWORDScan i not turn off grub in ubuntu22:18
KINGOFSWORDShence reason to install windows 1st22:18
CalifBackup, do the dual boot, reinstall, restore backup? Not sure if it would affect the mbr or boot stuff in restoring.22:18
ActionParsnipDe|ta: you could play with: socket options =    in smb.conf22:19
KINGOFSWORDSvista should work thou?22:19
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galeonKINGOFSWORDS: Not sure, I haven't tried that.22:19
De|taActionParsnip: I'm a newbie to Linux, I'm too sure what change them to22:19
Thanatos_Evening. Can any of you recoàmend me a good process monitoring tool.. where I can see step by step what a single process is doing .. fopen , fopen64 etc etc etc in log form..22:19
=== is is now known as ap0c
KINGOFSWORDSwin7 did22:19
ActionParsnipDe|ta: nobody is born knowing, but you have a computer hooked up to the largest information database on the planet22:20
KINGOFSWORDShow do i reformat the whole drive?22:20
CalifSkynet will do away with Watson22:21
De|taI know, and one way of accessing said info is to talk to people who are in the know :)22:21
KINGOFSWORDSif xp wont start22:21
CalifWatson has no hope!22:21
KageI, for one, welcome our new computer overlords!22:21
CalifSkynet will infect watson.22:21
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:21
CalifI run ubuntu on skynet... its cool22:21
Califon topic success22:21
Thanatos_process monitor ? anyone ?22:21
galeonKINGOFSWORDS: Select the hard disk in Disk Utility then Format Drive.22:22
CombatjuanThanatos_: strace perhaps22:22
KageCalif: oh, I run ubuntu too so any topic related to me is ontopic?22:22
Califyup, just how it works22:22
Thanatos_@Combajuan I'll have a look22:22
Califcant go against the rules...22:22
syrinx_Calif: stop trolling22:22
fabiobikhow to see ram installed?22:22
Califok :(22:22
KINGOFSWORDSok thx galeon22:23
Combatjuanfabiobik: cat /proc/meminfo22:23
zaksoldier#apple is not for hackintoosh22:23
galeonKINGOFSWORDS: You may also try searching in Google, there might be a way22:23
Combatjuanfabiobik: cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemTotal for the total size22:23
Galvatronfabiobik: Administration > System Monitor22:23
Adis34Alright I fixed my mouse problem22:23
iszakHow to permanently mount a tmpfs?22:24
Galvatronmateusz_: Witamy/Wlecome22:24
Adis34Another question though22:24
KINGOFSWORDSnah loadsa tutorials for xp afte rubuntu but none work in the real world22:24
Thanatos_The thing is .. I have this program .. i'ts opening files.. but it's not using open , open64 , fopen or fopen64 ... what else is there it could be using ??22:24
Adis34When I turn the volume up or down when im in a game22:24
ActionParsnipiszak: add it in /etc/fstab22:24
Adis34it flickers to the desktop22:24
iszakActionParsnip, thanks22:24
Adis34and back to the game22:24
CombatjuanThanatos_: You tried strace and it didn't report it using open?22:24
galeonKINGOFSWORDS: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/suse-novell-60/windows-xp-installation-cd-doesnt-boot-after-suse-installation-381216/22:25
Thanatos_@Comb i have no idea what else to look for22:25
fabiobikone stupid question22:25
Thanatos_@comb what is there except those to open files.?22:25
ActionParsnipfabiobik: shoot22:25
fabiobikhow to see if my ubuntu is x86 or x6422:25
zaksoldier#apple is not for hackintoosh22:25
ActionParsnipfabiobik: uname -m22:26
CombatjuanThanatos_: As far as actual system calls, I don't know.  If you know what file it is opening, you could: "strace my_executable | grep 'the_file_it_is_opening'" and see22:26
ActionParsnipfabiobik: i686 == x86 == 32Bit. x86_64 == X64 == 64Bit22:26
ActionParsnipzaksoldier: neither is it here22:26
fabiobiki have 4 gb ram installed22:26
fabiobiki can use the 4gb ram in 32 bit?22:27
zaksoldierok thanks22:27
fabiobiki mean x8422:27
ActionParsnipfabiobik: yes22:27
icerooti have 2 vgas in my pc, how to check which one is the used one for the x-server?22:27
fabiobikok because in windows the max is 3 gb22:27
Thanatos_@comb strace is actually doing what i was expecting .. ill look more closely .. thnx a lot for now , I may be back22:27
Galvatronfabiobik: You might need a kernel with PAE to use them.22:27
ThinkT510!pae | fabiobik22:27
ubottufabiobik: To use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info22:27
ActionParsnipfabiobik: you will see 3.2Gb (ish) you can install the PAE kernel to see more RAM (up to 12Gb) in 32Bit but each app can only use 3.2Gb RAM22:28
CombatjuanThanatos_: You've pretty well exhausted my ideas so I'll wish you luck.  (-822:28
Galvatronfabiobik: An appriorate version is in repo22:28
fabiobikbut each app can only use 3.2GB22:28
galeonKINGOFSWORDS: It says Windows XP CD will not tolerate 2 active partitions, you may check your partitions by checking Partition Flags of your partitions in Disk Utility.22:28
fabiobikso this dont worth22:28
fabiobikthe change22:29
ActionParsnipfabiobik: with a pae kernel, yes22:29
ActionParsnipfabiobik: depends what you use the system for22:29
Combatjuanfabiobik: (FYI: win32 can use 2GB per process on 32 bit)22:29
galeonKINGOFSWORDS: It shows "Bootable" if active22:29
fabiobikoh i see22:29
fabiobikthats cool22:29
KINGOFSWORDSis it possible to disable ubuntu patition while i boot xp?22:29
iszakActionParsnip, does this look correct tmpfs   /path/to/tmpfs/      tmpfs   noatime,size=64m,mode=0660      0       0 ?22:30
KINGOFSWORDSor ucheck a flag?22:30
ActionParsnipfabiobik: for standard desktop web browsing /chatting junk you'll be fine, if you do CAD, Gimp, SQL stuffs then 64bit will help22:30
cyozI just changed my computername with gedit and hosts files and stuff22:30
cyozI'm such a hacker!22:30
galeonKINGOFSWORDS: Use the Edit Partition option, then uncheck Bootable22:30
ActionParsnipiszak: looks fine to me, you can search for examples online22:30
iszakActionParsnip, I did :) just wanted to make sure22:31
php5engineerMy computer plays a background music almost always. Sometimes I hear a podcast through the browser with flash player. Is it possible to automatically pause a music for a while I listen a podcast?22:31
phibxrcyoz, congratulations on changing your computer name to h4xb0x!22:31
macocyoz: did you use the hostname command as well?22:31
KINGOFSWORDSok ill try that galeon....should i live cd?22:31
cyozmaco, I just followed this guide: http://www.liberiangeek.net/2010/06/how-to-quickly-change-computer-name-in-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx/22:31
galeonKINGOFSWORDS: Yes, Ubuntu will not allow you to edit its partition22:31
galeonwhile its running22:31
cyozchromium complained that the profile was used by somebody different but after deleting that lock file things worked22:32
galeonKINGOFSWORDS: Just make sure you know how to reinstall Grub using your livecd22:32
MonotokoAdis, got a cat? :P22:32
dNickit smells like jerked off dog in here..22:33
macodNick: totally not appropriate. stop.22:33
KINGOFSWORDSyeh reinstalled grub 4 or 5 times now...know it off by heart lol galeon22:35
zaksoldierwhat is the best app for clean the temp22:35
ActionParsnipcyoz: you have tochange both files at the same time or sudo won't work ;)22:36
KINGOFSWORDSno serioulsy...i did it earlier when net was down22:36
ActionParsnipzaksoldier: there is no single best app for anything22:36
zaksoldierok any app22:36
ActionParsnipzaksoldier: bleachbit is pretty sweet, watch your browser settings though and avoid options it says will take a long time22:36
rubin_hello all22:36
rubin_how can i install Windows 7 in UBUNTU ?22:37
zaksoldierok thanks22:37
ActionParsniprubin_: virtualbox22:37
mickster04rubin_: you mean virtual box?22:37
=== dNick_ is now known as Wind0wsF4nboy
Galvatronrubin_: On VirtualBox22:37
ActionParsniprubin_: or vmware or qemu22:37
cyozActionParsnip, hu?22:38
KINGOFSWORDSgaleon nah ubuntu partition isnt checked bootable22:38
GalvatronActionParsnipL As far as I know, VMware is a commercial app22:38
ActionParsnipcyoz: sudo needs to talk to localhost so you need to change /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname at the same time22:38
shcherbakHow to "grep" adjectives out of text? Not wordnet solution prefered.22:38
ActionParsnipGalvatron: so,its still installable...22:38
ActionParsnip!vmware | Galvatron22:39
cyozwell it's too late for that since I already did that22:39
ubottuGalvatron: VMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware22:39
cyozhow can I test if sudo works?22:39
ActionParsnipGalvatron: its free, just not in speech22:39
ActionParsnipcyoz: sudo apt-get update22:39
galeonKINGOFSWORDS: Is there any partition checked as bootable? How many?22:39
cyozActionParsnip, works22:39
ActionParsnipcyoz: sweet22:39
KINGOFSWORDSno partitions marked/checked bootable22:40
cyozas I said, the only problem was chromium complaining that somebody else (the old computername) was using the profile22:40
KINGOFSWORDSbut in gparted there isan option to manage flags22:40
ActionParsnipcyoz: if it's already running it will cause that22:40
KINGOFSWORDSnone r ticked but should i choose hidden?22:40
cyozActionParsnip, actually it happened after the reboot22:40
cyozbut you are right, I made the changes while it ran22:41
KINGOFSWORDSboot/hidden/raid/iba/lvm/palo/prep options22:41
ActionParsnipcyoz: strange, which version of chrome/ium are you running?22:41
cyoz10.0.648.205 (81283) Ubuntu 10.1022:41
zaksoldiercan i do the ubuntu look like back track 4 or can't22:41
ActionParsnipcyoz: is that the unstable?22:41
galeonKINGOFSWORDS: Oh, maybe that's not your problem22:42
Galvatronrubin: You would be better installing XP, as it is way lighter than Win7, which is probably as heavy as Ubu + XP on VirtualBox.22:42
cyozI have no idea, this is like my 3rd session in any linux22:42
ActionParsnipzaksoldier: sure, just apply the same theme stuffs22:42
=== kaminaSquirtle is now known as Kamina
KINGOFSWORDSi checked boot flag on ntfs/windows wann be patition and somehing changed on the ubuntu partition22:43
KINGOFSWORDSa set of keys disapeared next to the ubuntu partiiton22:43
galeonKINGOFSWORDS: are you using GParted or Disk Utility?22:45
KINGOFSWORDSdisk utilty didnt have thse options22:45
galeonDo you have more than one hard disk?22:46
KINGOFSWORDSits a ssd aswell if thats makes any difference22:46
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rubin_ActionParsnip: THANK YOU VERY MUCH22:48
galeonKINGOFSWORDS: Does "Press any key..." shows up when you try to install Windows?22:48
rubin_Galvatron: THANK YOU VERY MUCH22:48
ActionParsniprubin_: no worries :)22:48
zaksoldierwhats any anti virus for windows in ubuntu22:50
flowbeehi folks.  ubuntu 10.04 here.  i have java-6-sun installed; but when i do: "echo $JAVA_HOME" i get: /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/ ... problem?  and if so how can i fix?22:50
YankDownUnderzaksoldier, ClamAV, Panda...a few others...22:51
zaksoldierok and eset right22:51
galeonKINGOFSWORDS: Try this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot22:51
codex84how u update22:51
codex84ktorrent new release22:52
ActionParsnipcodex84: is there a ppa?22:52
zaksoldierok thanks man22:52
codex84or do i have to dl it from the site22:52
codex84im not sure22:52
ActionParsnipcodex84: and which release are you using?22:53
KINGOFSWORDSnah read this one b4 galeon ..no good22:53
ActionParsnipcodex84: what is the output of:  lsb_release -d22:53
codex844.03 version22:53
yassinehi folks, i added some env vars into ~/.profile  i also extended the path there then i executed: . .profile but still i can not access those binaries any idea what could be missing?22:54
ActionParsnipcodex84: no, what version of ubuntu, if you run the command I gave it makes things a lot clearer22:54
zaksoldieri wil go offline22:54
zaksoldierthanks for every thing helped22:54
codex84oh u should of said that my dude lol22:55
codex84ubuntu 10.1022:55
mordofk, big problem (possibly) my system locked u pon me, and only way i could get anywhere was a forced shutdown. now when i try to boot i get "Could not update ICEauthority file /home/mordof/.ICEauthority"22:56
ActionParsnipcodex84: run:   sudo add-apt-repository ppa:maarten-bezemer/ppa; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -y upgrade22:56
mordofam i going to have to reinstall? or is there a system repair or something?22:56
mordofanyone able to help?22:56
Blue1got it!  thanks - took a lot to understand but apparently bash doesn't like white noise around equal (=) signs22:57
ActionParsnipmordof: boot to root recovery mode and run:  chown -R mordorf:mordorf /home/mordof22:57
ActionParsnipmordof: then reboot, should be fine22:57
galeonKINGOFSWORDS: May you tell me what happens when you try to boot to the windows installer cd?22:57
mordofActionParsnip: i shouldn't need to boot to recovery mode if i'm in a live cd right? i can do that from here?22:57
ActionParsnipmordof: if you chroot, maybe. The liveCD will use the local users which you need22:58
codex84is done installing22:58
ActionParsnipcodex84: ok,close the app and rerun it22:59
mordofActionParsnip: k, how do i boot to root recovery?22:59
* mordof has a feeling it may list on the bootup process22:59
red2kicmordof: Hold SHIFT when you boot up. Select RECOVERY (in the menu).22:59
mordofred2kic: ty22:59
KINGOFSWORDSgaleon the cd drive trys to read it but eventually just loads ubuntu. theres no 'hit any key'23:00
codex84thanks alot man appreicate it23:00
ActionParsnipcodex84: is it the version?23:00
ActionParsnipcodex84: whats new in the new version that you couldn't wait?23:00
KINGOFSWORDSthe windows partition is ntfs foramtted and selected as bootable flag23:00
codex84so evertime u wanna upgrade a program u have to do that?23:01
KINGOFSWORDSbut not mounted23:01
galeonKINGOFSWORDS: I'll restart my computer and see if the my installer will work the same...23:01
codex84i just wanna stay updated23:01
garageHello, I need help with dhclient on ubuntu server, I need to ignore the default gw, is that possible?23:01
ActionParsnipcodex84: if its not in the official repos, you may need a ppa. Newer doesn't mean better you know23:01
ActionParsnipcodex84: the versions in the repos are known to be good23:01
codex84can u find the ppa on the site23:02
ActionParsnip!ppa |  codex8423:02
ubottucodex84: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.23:02
mordofi honestly thought it would've caused much more damage, lol23:03
DiverdudeDoes anyone know if it Is it possible to somehow create part-bibliographies in latex? Like if I have an appendix, and all the \cite i do in this appendix should come in its own reference list in the end of the appendix?23:03
syrinx_Diverdude: there's probably a better channel to ask that question23:05
tim__I am trying to switch my wireless to WPA/WPA2.  I can connect in WEP but not in the WPA format.  Any suggestions?23:05
ActionParsniptim__: check your chip and make sure it can connect to WPA in Linux23:06
tim__I wouldn't have any idea how to do that...23:06
ActionParsniptim__: use the internet to research23:07
tim__Can you help?  It's a netgear wireless N card so I would think it is.23:07
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shcherbaktim__: Do you use network manager?23:09
flowbeehow do i recursively remove all .svn files/directories within a given direcotry?23:09
tim__Yes I do.  The wireless card is made to support WPA2 according to my research23:10
shcherbakflowbee: find with exec23:10
galeonKINGOFSWORDS: I tried it in my computer, it hang when I press enter after "Press any key...", you might have the same problem, since the Ubuntu boot menu didn't show up...23:10
shcherbaktim__: Did you swap your router to WPA from WEP? Or it is new network?23:10
galeonKINGOFSWORDS: Are you sure you're booting into the cd?23:11
KINGOFSWORDSi never got press any key23:11
KINGOFSWORDSyeh boot in bios and quick boot menu23:11
mordofok, it appears it caused a bit more than i thought23:11
KINGOFSWORDSpartition is checked as bootable too23:12
bastidrazorflowbee: rm -rf *.svn   ...this command should be executed while in the directory your wanting to rid files from23:12
ActionParsniptim__: yeah but under linux the driver may not permit it, thats what you need to look for23:12
mordofmy Places-> Folders are opening in brasero now :\ how do i change that?23:12
zatanHi how can i blacklist HDMI sound card ?23:12
ActionParsnipmordof: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=163196123:12
galeonKINGOFSWORDS: I also haven't got that "Press any key..." thing before because of a problem in hard disk, so I reformatted the whole hard disk, though I can't remember the specifics though...23:13
galeonKINGOFSWORDS: Try removing all bootable flags23:13
=== derp is now known as drama
galeonKINGOFSWORDS: or all flags23:13
KINGOFSWORDSall flags were removed at beginning23:13
KINGOFSWORDSwell i mean none were present when i 1st looked23:14
mordofActionParsnip: ty, much appreciated23:14
ActionParsnipmordof: I've seen it a lot so I keep that link. No idea what causes it23:15
galeonKINGOFSWORDS: Or try removing all partitions except your Ubuntu installation, though it would mean removing the Dell partitions. You may also back up the drive23:15
bastidrazormordof: in terminal type: nautilus   :then right click the first folder you see > open with other application >Use custom command > manually type in nautilus.. make sure Remember this application for "folder"files is checked.23:15
mordofActionParsnip: heh, good idea. yeah - i'm not sure what caused it either23:15
mordofbastidrazor: easier just to edit the mimeapps.list as the link stated23:16
galeonKINGOFSWORDS: Seen it in http://www.ozzu.com/mswindows-forum/won-boot-t73477.html23:16
ActionParsnipbastidrazor: I just keep that link handy ;)23:16
galeonsaw rather23:16
KINGOFSWORDSi have more partitions showing in gparted than in disk utilyies..is that normal?23:16
bastidrazorActionParsnip: its a good one to have for those who blindly point and click and goof things.23:17
galeonKINGOFSWORDS: I don't think its normal23:18
galeonKINGOFSWORDS: I also have that problem before, seems like the contents of the drive is corrupted.23:19
MrBushif i were to learn a gui/windowing sdk atm is qt the best option?23:19
ActionParsnipMrBush: gtk is well documented, but either is fine23:20
MrBushActionParsnip: any major differences? aside from one requiring commercial licences?23:21
ActionParsnipMrBush: not sure, I'd investigate both as much as you can before investing time and effort23:22
MrBushyah, this was my first step in that process ^_^23:22
phoenixsamprasHelp!!! how to turn my ubuntu laptop into a Access Point???23:23
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php23:23
=== MrBush is now known as MrBushido
leftisti inadvertantly deleted an icon off my top panel which i added which would give me a graphical display in blue of the cpu load and now i dont have it. how can i restore that important function? it was the system monitor for processes, filesystem, and mem load and packets23:28
KiwiniHallo. I can't seem to mount my hard drive anymore, after a screwy hibernate. Can anyone help me out?23:28
mknarrleftist,  are you useing gnome desktop23:29
Kiwinihttp://pastebin.com/PcyewDUR <-- These are the errors I'm getting when I try to boot, and the result of fsck, when I'm running on a Live USB.23:29
leftistmknarr yes23:29
mknarrleftist, ok try rightclickong on a blank area of your panel, then go to add then look for the the system monoitor23:30
KINGOFSWORDSgaleon that link you gave says something about disable the hdd23:31
mknarrleftist,  then add it back to the panel and lock it where you want it23:31
AftermathOk guys, I am running Ubuntu 10.10 - with macbuntu, i run chrom, xchat, cairodock, and rhythmbox. The pc will freeze randomly, and will repeat 4 second of audio that happens at the time of crash, and i must remove power to restart, CTRL+ALT+F1-6 do nothing, any ideas?23:31
leftistok but how do i have the cpu load displayed?23:31
galeonbut you only have 1 hdd right?23:31
leftisti cant figure out how to get that graphic displayed again.23:31
KINGOFSWORDSyeh still disabled it thou23:32
mknarrleftist,  once added to yur panel all you showld have to do is click on it for it to open up and then you should be able to ses the processor load23:32
=== CuddleKing is now known as SudoKing
KINGOFSWORDSoh well ill install vista and if game is good ill start all over and install xp 1st23:33
galeonMaybe you should try it, remove or disable, the installer should say something like "No Hard Disk found" if there is no hdd23:33
KINGOFSWORDSit tried to boot cd for ages then just went to dos screen23:34
KINGOFSWORDSor black screen with bios details and no boot23:34
mknarrleftist, did that help ?23:34
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galeonYeah, though GParted and Disk Utility showing different number of partitions might be a bad omen that its corrupted...23:34
leftistmknarr it was a graphic that was displayed in the panel. it was blue. it would show the memory/cpu load23:35
KINGOFSWORDSmy ubuntu install corrupt?23:35
galeonno, your whole hdd, it happened to me before...23:35
KINGOFSWORDSi did have problems installing(usb didnt work) and have had wierd things happening, but i only started linux last wednesday23:36
=== garret is now known as Belinrahs
KINGOFSWORDSwould a fresh install stop hdd being crrupt?23:36
AftermathKINGOFSWORDS, when you installed ubuntu, did you resize an ntfs partition?23:36
Aftermathso you had an empty partition?23:37
galeonyou may reformat the whole hdd, but check in Disk Utility if it has some physical problem (SMART Data)23:37
acovrigI have to force a reboot when Xorg goes 99% CPU,what is causing this?23:37
KINGOFSWORDSi added patition later using gparted23:37
AftermathYour problem sounds exacly like a bad resize23:38
AftermathNTFS had bad writes, resize, corrupted parts of the new partition and the ntfs23:38
galeonyou may also tell us what GParted and Disk Utility shows23:38
KINGOFSWORDSaftermath did u dual boot with windows 2nd?23:38
AftermathYOu installed windows AFTER linux?23:38
Aftermaththen reinstalled grub?23:39
KINGOFSWORDSyeh thats easy23:39
Aftermathok, is that when the problems occured?23:39
KINGOFSWORDSgaleons ive just started vista install now23:39
juanillo_someone speack spanish?23:39
smw!es | juanillo_23:39
ubottujuanillo_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.23:39
AftermathKINGOFSWORDS, what did you do before the problems occured?23:40
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KINGOFSWORDShow do u mean?23:40
mordofmy computer is going to hate me xD lol23:40
acovrigI have to force a reboot when Xorg goes 99% CPU,what is causing this?23:40
AftermathWhat was the last thing before you had problems23:40
plut0having trouble with ffmpeg on ubuntu 10.04, Unknown encoder 'libfaac', any idea how to fix?23:40
mordofrunning 3 OS's at the same time~ hehe.. amongst a number of other applications23:40
KINGOFSWORDSdunno aftermath23:40
galeonplut0: ffmpeg from Ubuntu repos do not support libfaac23:40
KINGOFSWORDSi had major problems getting to add a partition23:41
AftermathKINGOFSWORDS, I recommend 0ing out the hdd a few times, install Win XP, then install Ubuntu23:41
galeonplut0: You need to compile it yourself to support libfaac23:41
Belinrahsnew to IRC, if I have a question should i just spit it out or is there something i should say first?23:41
plut0galeon: ok23:41
acovrigbelunrah: just ask way23:41
galeonjust tell us what it is23:41
mknarrBelinrahs, but be specific please23:41
KINGOFSWORDSaftermath what is oing?23:42
shcherbakBelinrahs: Just go with it.23:42
Belinrahsalright it'll take a second to write23:42
KINGOFSWORDSanyway id rather not lose my files23:42
AftermathKINGOFSWORDS, its the act of writing 0s in binary across the harddrive, it erases EVERYTHING - makin ghte hdd as if just purchased23:42
mknarrKINGOFSWORDS,  backup your files then zero out the hdd23:42
cyozhmm chromium doesn't seem to remember position / windows size...23:42
juanillo_help me please--- lspci dont show all devices23:43
galeonplut0: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78609523:43
KINGOFSWORDSgaleon will smart data still work after vista install?23:43
Aftermathcyoz, you need to install the updates23:43
juanillo_help me please--- lspci dont show all devices23:43
mknarrjuanillo_,  try running it with root previllages if you havent allready23:43
KINGOFSWORDSi got nothing to back up on23:43
cyozAftermath, I think I did23:43
MaRk-Ijuanillo_: what device are you looking for?23:43
BelinrahsI just installed 10.10 on my hp g62x notebook, found that WLAN isn't working. Found a forum thread at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1645716 and followed its instructions to download driver for Ralink 5390 WLAN minicard and correctly install and configure it. Now whenever I try to connect to my wifi network, the system locks up23:43
juanillo_i dont speack english23:43
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juanillo_help me please--- lspci dont show all devices23:44
MaRk-I!es > juanillo_23:44
ubottujuanillo_, please see my private message23:44
galeonKINGOFSWORDS: I think it should, if not your hdd is damaged,23:44
KINGOFSWORDSvista doesnt even see ubntu partition..thats so annoying23:44
Belinrahsvista can't read ext3 i take it23:44
KINGOFSWORDSi foudn the laptop..fell off someones bike23:44
KINGOFSWORDSbut its ssd23:44
BelinrahsLOL so essentially you're trying to steal someone's info off a passworded vista partition?23:45
mknarrKINGOFSWORDS,  can you boot into windows and do you ahve a dvd or cd rw  or usb key23:45
KINGOFSWORDSbelinrahs..yeh xp cant read it either but cant get past it23:45
KINGOFSWORDSno im not23:45
shcherbakBelinrahs: <323:45
AftermathKINGOFSWORDS, Windows will NOT see Ubuntu because ubuntu is on an ext3 or ext4 partition23:45
KINGOFSWORDSmknarr i have usb and cdrboth with xp on23:45
jozefkI like Unity more than Gnome323:45
AftermathWindows does NOT support such file systems23:46
Belinrahsi'll repost my question in case it wasn't seen23:46
BelinrahsI just installed 10.10 on my hp g62x notebook, found that WLAN isn't working. Found a forum thread at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1645716 and followed its instructions to download driver for Ralink 5390 WLAN minicard and correctly install and configure it. Now whenever I try to connect to my wifi network, the system locks up23:46
KINGOFSWORDSmy point is xp stalls and vista ignores23:46
cyozI may be a bit dumb now but what is the latest chromium version?23:46
acovrigYet ubuntu understands (most) all filesystems :D23:46
galeonBut I think they should still show up, but says cannot be identified or something like that23:46
MaRk-IKINGOFSWORDS: join ##windows and ask there23:47
galeonI  mean KINGOFSWORDS's hd23:47
jozefkcyoz: 10.0.648.20523:47
dd214Getting back into Quake III over at QuakeLive... any other online games (FPS) that work in Ubuntu?23:47
KINGOFSWORDSppl in #windows r rude23:47
shcherbakdd214: Cs 1.623:48
* acovrig chuckles23:48
jozefkwhat to expect else from them23:48
KINGOFSWORDSyeh galeon it prob a dell thing23:48
MaRk-IKINGOFSWORDS: sorry to hear that but this is ubuntu support, you need windows support join ##windows23:48
cyozuhm.. where can I change the scrollwheel speed?23:48
induzhello i am getting Vbox OSE error after trying to install window 723:48
KINGOFSWORDSlol im not interested in windows thou23:48
dd214shcherbak  good call!23:48
induzThe error is " failed to create COM object23:49
=== macs_ is now known as macs
galeonKINGOFSWORDS: Only the Dell partitions? What about the Ubuntu one?23:49
Aftermathhes been told what he should do23:50
induzhere is the erro http://i.imgur.com/S7cln.png23:50
BelinrahsI just installed 10.10 on my hp g62x notebook, found that WLAN isn't working. Found a forum thread at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1645716 and followed its instructions to download driver for Ralink 5390 WLAN minicard and correctly install and configure it. Now whenever I try to connect to my wifi network, the system locks up23:50
induzhow can i get the Vbox back23:51
Aftermath!repeat Belinrahs23:51
dd214shcherbak  is that over Wine?23:51
html_inprogresshow do i learn html?23:51
induzits on ubuntu lucid23:51
Belinrahsyes, Aftermath, I know i'm repeating23:51
Belinrahsnot sure what to do23:51
AftermathNeither do we23:52
anonymityany reason why I can't connect to a Windows Network?23:52
Aftermathpost in the forum topic23:52
mknarrhtml_inprogress, np23:52
shcherbakdd214: Yes (well native Urban Terror cannot match it yet).23:52
Belinrahspretty big bump, from about a year ago, does ubuntuforums mind that23:52
extraclassicanonymity: how are you trying to connect23:53
Aftermathif its a year ago prob why it wont work23:53
Belinrahswell it's the latest driver from ralink23:53
Belinrahsshould be the same process23:53
anonymitythrough Network in Places Menu23:53
galeoninduz: It happens everytime you open VBox?23:53
zvacetBelinrahs: open new thread23:53
acovrigHtml_inprogress: I learned off w3schools.com23:53
Belinrahszvacet: alright i'll do that. thanks much23:53
acovrigVery great site w/try it urself stuff also23:53
zvacetBelinrahs : under http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=33623:54
mknarrhtml_inprogress,  the best way to learn is find a site with lots of info about HTML and just follow tutorials and practice different things23:54
shcherbakdd214: But Steam version over wine have very good standart (if you manage openGL, you good).23:54
jbeattyNetwork Manager won't see my home network (WPA2), but it does pick up a bunch of other surrounding networks, What would cause this?23:54
induzyes galeon23:55
Aftermathhtml_inprogress, try W3C Schools23:55
Aftermathgood resource23:55
induzgaleon, what should i do as i was trying to install window 7 and it installed but...now i get this error23:56
mknarri like   htmlgoodies.com23:56
extraclassicinduz: you could try "23:56
induzgaleon, its  very heartbreaking23:56
extraclassicsudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup23:56
ElRubinhohallo, hat jemand erfahrung mit ati und zwei monitoren?23:56
kshawkeyeHey, does anyone know of a way to display the first 7 characters of a string? I've got cat displaying the whole string and now I need to know how to make only the first 7 show23:57
shcherbakhtml_inprogress: Try also google books, free for all.23:57
galeoninduz: You may try to delete the settings file, then double click each Virtual Machine in Nautilus to get them back to the list23:57
induzextraclassic, try what23:57
induzgaleon, I can open Vbox ose now23:57
galeoninduz: The settings might got corrupted23:57
induzgaleon, how can i get to settings23:57
kshawkeye(I thought maybe there was a way with pipes, but I tried adding "| cat "???????"" after the first cat but that didn't do it23:57
galeoninduz: Your Virtual Machines should still be there though23:57
ElRubinhosome knows to handle ati and two screens???23:58
html_inprogressin looking free , basic and some hard stuff ,23:58
induzgaleon, yes i guess but how i get to its settings without running vbox23:58
=== XuMuK is now known as XuMuK|ZNC
galeoninduz: I thought you already removed the file? You said you can open it now.23:59
mknarrhtml_inprogress,  Also if u want to learn go to random websites on the net and  click view and read their sources23:59
mknarrhtml_inprogress,  right*23:59
mknarrnot right click srry23:59
induzgaleon, I have not removed the guest machine... I can go to ,virtualbox in my home folder and can see files23:59

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