
mwhudsoni guess a web ui for uploading multiple files is filed under 'nice to have'?04:09
duanedesignrye: good morning08:07
mandelmorning everyone!08:32
faganmandel: what do I have to do to setup storageprotocol08:57
faganI was trying to setup the client last night on my windows VM and ralsina_ didnt have the link handy08:57
mandelfagan: is in lp, let me get the exact project name for you08:58
mandelfagan: there you go : https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone-storage-protocol08:58
faganah ok so just grab the branch and setup install thats08:58
mandelfagan: I need you to test a branch on a windows machine for sd, so let me know when your system is ready :)08:58
fagansure ill ping after I get that branch08:59
karnigood morning!09:02
faganmorning karni09:03
=== rodrigo__ is now known as rodrigo_
faganmandel: im missing protobuf-compiler could you give me a link for it09:10
mandelfagan: do a google search for protobuf and wil return the exact page you need09:11
faganI found a code.google.com page09:11
mandelyou have to download the binary compiled version for windows09:11
faganbut it gave me out a .exe for doing c++ programs there was no installer09:12
mandelwell there is no installer, you have to place it in a location in your path where the setup.py can find it09:12
mandellike the Programs folder09:13
faganah ok09:13
mandelI'm guessing you found: http://code.google.com/p/protobuf/downloads/detail?name=protoc-2.4.0-win32.zip&can=2&q=09:13
faganmandel: I put it in program files but its still not finding it09:15
mandelfagan: try adding it to the PATH var in the env variables of your system09:17
mandelif not, place it next to the setup.py, is should find it there09:17
faganmandel: ok ill give it a go09:17
faganworked after I set the path09:21
faganmandel: ok so now where do I find contrib.testing.testcase09:25
mandelwhat is the proble?09:26
mandelfagan: ^09:26
faganits aparently not there09:26
mandel'cause it is in the ubuntuone-client trunk09:26
mandelu1trail should be loading the packages from there09:26
faganmandel: im using ubuntuone-client but its the branch that was proposed yesterday09:26
mandelfagan: it is there, in trunk 100% sure09:27
faganwell the test cant find it for some reason09:27
mandelhow are you running the tests?09:28
JamesTait'ello 'ello 'ello!09:28
faganmandel: im running the file system notifications test09:28
faganoh I forgot to add the u1trial part my bad09:29
mandeldidn't I add instructions in the merge proposal?09:30
faganmandel: you did09:30
faganok im still getting it09:30
mandelfagan: can you pastebin how you run the tests and the output?09:30
faganmandel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/59644009:31
mandelfagan: read the instructions please09:32
mandelwhat is the diff between your command and mine?09:33
mandelfagan: ?09:34
faganmandel: well you were running it from the project root dir and I was running it in the tests\platform\windows and I should have been doing it in tests\platform09:35
aquariusoIrc from my phone ftl.09:35
faganoh and its giving out about google protobuf again :)09:35
faganaquariuso: ha its not that bad09:36
mandelfagan: execute the tests from the root of the dir, if the ubuntuone-storage-protocol was correctly installed it should be working09:36
aquariusofagan: it really is. :)09:36
faganmandel: well I ran setup install it should be there09:37
mandeleasiest way, either go to site-packages and check, or do an import from the command line to test09:37
faganmandel: yeah its in there09:40
mandelfagan: execute the tests like I wrote in the instrcutions, if they do not work, pastebin the command and the result again09:41
faganmandel: ok ill pastebin09:41
faganmandel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/59644409:42
fagan(and ubuntuone-storage-protocol is in the site-packages)09:43
faganand the path is setup09:44
mandelfagan: how did you install the google protobuf package?09:44
mandeldid you use easy_install ?09:44
faganmandel: downloaded the binary09:44
mandelfagan: then you did not install protobuf, you just installed the compiler09:44
mandeldid you try to do the import that error uses?09:45
faganah ok09:45
faganmandel: well I just tried to run it and see what was missing09:47
faganI didnt do the import09:47
fagananyway now I did an easy install protobuf and it cant find the setup script09:47
mandelfagan: that is the people at google did a poor job, go to the downloaded data by easy_install and navigate to the python dir09:48
faganah ok09:48
mandelthey download everything C++ etc.. and setup.py gets confused09:48
faganmandel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/59646110:01
faganprotobuf is installed now10:02
mandelfagan: oh, that is my fault, copy the clientdefs fro the windows dir to the ubuntuone we dont use autogen.sh on widnows, sorry for that10:03
faganah ok i was wondering because I could see the folder10:04
faganmandel: so is 2 skips and 15 errors expected in the tests?10:06
mandelno errors are expected10:06
mandelmay I see the errors?10:06
faganmandel: sure10:07
faganmandel:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/59646810:09
faganit seems to be something about Level trace10:10
mandelfagan: oh, that, annoying… turns out that if we just run a single set of tests they brake because ubuntuone.logger is not imported10:10
mandelvery annoying....10:10
faganah ok10:10
mandelhm let me think a nice way to fix that10:10
mandelgive me a min10:10
faganI already did a code review last night so its just the tests that I wanted to run10:11
mandelfagan: try to pull it now, it should work10:14
faganmandel: a little better but still errors http://paste.ubuntu.com/59647310:17
mandelfagan: hm I suspected that might happen according to the system performance...10:23
mandelfagan: can you let me know the settings of the machine?10:23
faganmandel: its a vm running on 1 2.6 ghz core10:23
mandelfagan: can you let me know the RAM, type of hd of the machine, exact processor type and Windows OS too?10:25
mandelI was expecting issues in vms… I don have some in the vm I have10:25
faganmandel: 320mb of ram xp and an amd athlon ii x4 62010:26
faganI could increase the ram if that is too low10:26
faganbut shouldnt be10:26
* fagan does have 4gb to spare but wanted to replicate a bad ish computer 10:27
fagan(testing on bad computers makes the testing better)10:27
mandelfagan: hm try to improve the vm to see if they pass under 2 seconds, if not we can change the timeout for the results10:28
faganmandel: cool10:29
mandelfagan: could you create a similar vm on your machine with M or N and run the tests on linux? I'd like to see if they pass10:29
mandeland would be great to have it in the exact same env10:29
faganmandel: im on natty atm so i can just run it on this machine10:30
faganor do you want it on a slower machine10:30
mandelfagan: I want the slower machine, so an exact same vm but with a diff os10:30
faganah ok will take 15 mins10:31
mandelwith vms it can be a 1000 things so I want to make sure is my code and not the env10:31
faganoki doke10:31
mandelfagan: cool, let me know what you find out10:31
faganmandel: sure10:32
faganI actually didnt know my computer had a load of vm optimisation in the cpu already10:32
faganits pretty handy10:33
* fagan takes a quick break while the iso downloads10:34
duanedesignmorning all10:36
loolHmm it's odd, yesterday my files suddenly appeared with proper Artist / Album and now they are back to the broken single "Unknown" entry11:00
karnihi duanedesign11:13
karnirye: I've let myself assign one question from ubuntuone-servers to you, for that undelete file case. I hope that's OK.11:14
ryekarni, yes, that's ok11:14
karnirye: cool11:14
ryekarni, well, for natty we won't need to do this since it deletes to trash11:15
* rye <3 syncdaemon in natty11:15
karnirye: right. I just saw someone loose something important, to I thought I'd call rye's powers11:15
faganalmost ready with that vm for mandel11:16
faganmy internet is supprisingly slow today :/11:17
mandelfagan: ok, no worries, just make sure that both vms have the exact same settings and that you run the test in the same env, so all apps closed etc...11:18
faganmandel: yep already setup 350mb or ram and 2.6ghz single core processor11:19
faganjust waiting on the ubuntu install now11:19
faganhehe one of my housemates is trying to do something in debian and he used ssh into a server and then tried to ssh in to the same server again from the ssh session11:53
faganI lold11:53
faganId love to see an ssh to an ssh to an ssh.... on the same machine11:54
faganmandel: it passes on the linux vm with the same spec12:00
mandelhmmm annoying12:01
faganmandel: so it might be something specific to windows with low spec12:02
mandelfagan: can you edit the test files and change the timeout to one more second and let me now12:02
faganmandel: sure12:02
mandelit could be that windows takes 1 sec more, which is a pain12:02
faganmandel: or it could be the ram usage of both oses12:02
faganwindows xp is using 100 mb without anything running and ubuntu is running on about half12:03
mandelyeah, I'm not surprise, also the arch of the way we get the events is diff12:04
mandelfagan: in crease the timeout one sec at a time and let me know when it does start working12:04
mandelI'll also like to know how well it works in a real machine like the one that ralsina has12:05
faganmandel: sure thats cool12:05
faganim doing it right now so shouldnt take 5 mins12:05
mandelfagan: we want to keep it as low as possible, just to test how bad is windows or my implementation on windows...12:06
faganmandel: 3 secs didnt work12:07
mandelfagan: did you change it in both places?12:07
mandelthere are 2 of them12:07
faganoh I just did it in the py I was running where is the other one12:07
mandelfagan: in that same py, there are two of them12:08
faganoh ok sec12:08
faganmandel: fails at 5 secs12:08
faganbut passes a few more12:09
faganno my bad it is the same as 2 and 3 secs12:10
mandelfagan: may I see the output of the 5 secs one?12:10
faganoh actually 1 more pass at 5 secs than 3 secs12:10
mandelmove up to 10s lets see what happens, then we move down12:11
mandeland upperbound would be nice to know12:11
faganstill is failing12:11
fagan8 max pass12:12
mandelwith 10 seconds?12:12
mandelcan I see the outut?12:12
fagangive it a sec ill get the full output the scrollback is long12:12
mandelalso, can you check the processes that are running when you execute the tests?12:13
mandeluse process explorer gives more info12:13
fagancan you dump the output?12:13
faganof the process list?12:13
mandelfagan: no, or I at least dont know how12:14
faganmandel: 9 passes at 10 secs http://paste.ubuntu.com/59649412:15
faganIll give 20 secs a go12:16
mandelfagan: ok, but that is waaaay to high we might have a situation here… :(12:17
faganmandel: yeah12:17
faganid like to know the acutal wait time anyway just to see12:17
faganif it fails at 20 secs it would be pretty dumb12:18
faganmandel: I just checked and there is only ms processes for windows itself12:18
faganno other ones going12:18
fagan(like I dont have an anti virus or anything doing a scan or anything)12:18
mandelfagan: yes, I'm wondering how is XP interacting with the vm hd at the kernel level...12:18
mandeldo you have a real machine around?12:19
faganmandel: I do but id have to do the setup of the deps again12:19
faganand its a really fast machine12:19
faganso it wouldnt dup the results if your machine doesnt12:19
faganmandel: 20 secs has 7 successes so id say its the vm12:20
mandelfagan: yes, but it will narrow it down to slow machines :)12:20
faganit doesnt seem to have consistant results12:20
mandelfagan: it does look like it...12:20
mandelhm, annoying that means that we have to be careful with what is used for testing12:21
mandelI hate windows!12:21
mandeland doors too12:21
faganputa windows12:22
mandelfagan: maybe is the os too, I tried with a windows 7 and no xp...12:22
faganah ok12:22
faganthis is xp I can do it on a vm for 7 if you want12:22
fagan(with the same constraints)12:22
mandelfagan: if you do that it would be very welcome12:22
* mandel hopes is xp...12:22
faganI hope its the VM12:23
faganbecause then its just my tests that are going to have a problem12:24
faganok ill go on break for an hour and get back to it when I get back12:24
faganill have to install the deps again so it will take a few minutes12:25
* mandel walks dog12:31
* mandel back13:25
mandelralsina_: ping13:27
faganim back too13:27
=== alecu-away is now known as alecu
mandelalecu: morning :)13:29
mandelalecu: do you have a windows vm?13:32
alecumandel, I may have one13:37
alecumandel, how can I help you?13:37
mandelalecu: you just made me a happy man :)13:38
mandelalecu: I have a very strange issue with file system notifications, and I want to test if it is related to the vm that faga set up or just my code13:38
mandelalecu: I'm going to guess you do not have the env setup for developing on sd on windows, right?13:38
alecumandel, right, I don't have the env setup, but that's something I should do13:39
alecumandel, I'll start with a fresh vm anyway13:39
alecumandel, should I ask fagan help to get the dev env set up?13:39
faganalecu: im not the greatest windows guide :P13:39
mandelalecu: r fell free to ask me, either of us should be able to answer :)13:40
mandeleven ralsina_ has a vm ready :P13:40
faganpython is always a good start13:40
alecufagan, mandel: ok. so.. is there a wiki with steps to follow to set up the vm, or something?13:40
faganalecu: nope13:40
mandelalecu: no, and there should be, let me right it :)13:41
faganyou need python, pycrypto, twisted13:41
mandelalecu: internal wiki, right?13:41
faganpython setup tools13:41
alecumandel, for a start the internal wiki sounds fine13:41
alecumandel, should I setup it on 7 or XP?13:42
faganxp to see if its a problem with my setup id say13:42
faganim going to try on 7 now13:42
mandelalecu: having both would be nice, to see the diff issues we might find13:42
alecumandel, fagan: are you using VirtualBox, or qemu or what?13:43
* alecu is very used to VBox13:43
faganim using vbox13:43
mandelalecu: I'm using vmware, us what ever i better for you13:45
mandelI dont know if vbox does use the hardware vm features...13:45
alecuyup, it does. kvm does as well13:46
faganmandel: well its taking advantage of my cpu features13:46
faganso its cool13:47
mandeloh, cool then :)13:47
fagananother thing you need is coverage13:49
ralsina_aloha u1!13:49
fagangood morning ralsina_13:50
ralsina_mandel: here I am, what should I review?13:50
faganralsina_: we found an issue with last night branch13:51
faganit fails bad on my vm with everything fine ish13:51
mandelralsina_: hello :)13:52
ralsina_hi fagan, mandel13:52
=== ralsina_ is now known as ralsina
mandelralsina_: can you look at https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/close_files_in_tests/+merge/5834313:53
mandelralsina:  if you can run it in a real machine and in a vm would be great,13:53
ralsinaI can run it on a real machine13:53
mandelin my vm everything works find under 2 seconds for fagan it fails even when the tests are set to 20 seconds13:53
ralsinaand I need to set up the missing pieces for the VM13:53
mandelwhich is weird and scary at the same time13:54
mandelmore scary that weird13:54
faganyeah it is weird13:54
ralsinaok, let me try it13:54
ralsinahowever, if it works for me, that means nothing, right?13:55
faganralsina: whats your memory like on the computer13:56
ralsinafagan: 4GN13:56
faganim on 350 mb ram13:56
ralsinafagan: 350mb ram won't be enough13:56
faganralsina: well it was enough for the linux client13:57
* alecu reboots13:57
ralsinafagan: well, this ain't linux ;-)13:57
ralsinafagan: my XP vm crashes with anything below 76813:57
faganoh I didnt check if I increased the ram what would happen13:57
faganralsina: well my computer is special :)13:57
ralsinafagan: well, you can always TRY assigning more RAM.13:58
faganill give it a go13:58
ralsinafagan: and if it works, it means u1 doesn't work on 1994 computers.13:58
mandelralsina: well, I wanna see if with a dcent m it will work13:58
ralsinamandel: ok13:58
ralsinafagan: what vm software are you using?13:59
mandelralsina: so if it works with your real machine, my 3 vms and another I might get from alecu I'll be happy to say that the vm is the issue13:59
ralsinafagan: how much ram do you really have?13:59
ralsinafagan: then why limit the VM to a ridiculous 350? The default vbox offers you should be 768 already.14:00
faganralsina: well I was doing the oh it would be good to test for older machines since we are supporting xp14:00
ralsinanoone has xp on less than 51214:00
ralsinait's the suggested minimum14:00
faganIve used a computer with less14:00
faganor well 350 mb14:01
ralsinayou can't put 350 on a computer, can you? :-)14:01
faganits one of those ones before 500 mb ram chips came out14:01
faganthere is all sorts of sizes back in the day14:01
ralsinayou can put 256 + 64, or 256 +128 only.14:02
ralsinaand you need an antiquarian ;-)14:02
* fagan has a bad memory :P14:02
ralsinaargh, freaking bzr and limbo permissions and windows14:02
ralsinafagan: it's easy, memory chips always come as powers of 214:03
ralsinaand 350 is not a reasonably short enough sum of powers of 2 :-)14:04
faganbinary :)14:04
faganpasses with 1.4gb of ram14:04
faganoh nooooo14:04
fagancrap some of it did fail14:05
alecuralsina, you can have a system with 350 main memory if it's one of those with cheap video chipsets that use the same ram chips, and that let you select the amount of memory in the bios.14:05
ralsinayes, 350 in binary is 101011110. So how many memory banks do you need to get 350MB of RAM? ;-)14:05
ralsinaalecu: ohhhhh. Ok, you win :-)14:05
alecuralsina, so, 384 - 32 video = 35214:05
faganmandel: interesting news14:05
ralsinaalecu: close enough!14:05
faganot fails with more ram14:06
faganand the timeout at 2014:06
mandelfagan: may I see the error, can you run it a second time?14:06
mandelfagan: also, do tell me you restarted the vm14:06
faganmandel: did14:06
alecuralsina, yesterday I remembered to add tomorrow and friday to canonicaladmin.... sorry for being so late.14:07
ralsinaalecu: np, I will approve it14:08
ralsinamandel: ImportError: cannot import name clientdefs14:08
ralsinaalecu: 1 hour early14:08
ralsinaalecu: oops, no, right time,sry14:09
faganralsina: you have to move the clientdefs file to ubuntuone14:09
mandelralsina: oh sorry I forgot to mention that, copy clientdefs from the windows folder in the root of ubuntuone-client14:09
mandelit gets genrated by runtests and you are not using it, mea culpa14:09
faganmandel: its not the root its the ubuntuone folder I think14:09
alecuralsina, fagan started meeing. I just followed the pack14:10
mandelralsina: fagan is right, copy it from root/windows to root/ubuntuone/14:10
ralsinamandel: I get some timeouts :-(14:10
ralsinaFAILED (skips=2, errors=4, successes=13)14:10
ralsinafagan: start14:10
mandelralsina: can you increase the timeout of the tests to 3 seconds, there are two vars in the test that sets it14:11
fagan* went to test mandel's branch and broke it14:11
fagan* figure out what the problem is14:11
ralsinamandel: ok14:11
fagan* Nope14:11
* mandel wonders why windows is reporting changes so slow...14:11
faganalecu: Gogog14:11
alecuDONE: got the fix for the blocker issue in banshee merged in trunk and stable; did a fix for broken tests on u1-client on maverick and before14:11
alecuTODO: help mandel with windows and vms14:11
alecuBLOCKED: no sir14:11
alecuNOTE: national holiday tomorrow and friday.14:11
ralsinamandel: my disk is not terribly fast14:11
alecuNEXT: thisfred14:11
thisfred* DONE Investigated bug #746276, bug #762722, bug #762717, bug #76405714:11
thisfred* TODO fix bug #76272214:11
thisfredNEXT: ralsina14:11
ubot4Launchpad bug 746276 in desktopcouch (Ubuntu) "desktopcouch-service crashed with RuntimeError in start_couchdb(): Can not start couchdb. (affects: 13) (dups: 5) (heat: 82)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74627614:11
ubot4Launchpad bug 762722 in ubuntuone-control-panel "Opening the Control Panel during sync removes progress indicator (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76272214:11
ubot4Launchpad bug 762717 in ubuntuone-control-panel "Launcher icon shows syncing progress when not connected (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76271714:11
ubot4Launchpad bug 764057 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) ""program is still running: ubuntu one file synchronization in progress" at logout (affects: 2) (heat: 10)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76405714:11
ralsinaDONE: calls calls calls, some designer work14:11
ralsinaTODO: way too much stuff14:11
ralsinaBLOCKED: by life14:11
ralsinaalecu, please14:12
alecuralsina, seriously boss, get more sleep!14:12
ralsinaalecu: I slept a lot last night, like 9 hours. I am feeling fine nw :-)14:12
faganralsina: anyway your one isnt failing as bad as my machine14:13
faganoh and if you need help with any of the designer stuff im around to pick up some slack14:13
alecuthen mandel: go14:13
mandelDONE: looked at the sd code I left blocked by sso. Done some work with fagan trying to find why windows is slower than linux. Some work on updating the wiki to allow people to set windows vms for testing.14:13
dobeyoh well14:13
mandelTODO: more wiki editing, find WTF is going on with windows and the bloody fs events speed14:13
dobeyλ DONE: beyond-last-minute releases, scanned sprint receipts14:13
dobeyλ TODO: maybe urgent beyond-beyond-last-minute uploads, SRUs14:13
dobeyλ BLCK: None.14:13
mandelBLOCKED: no, but windows is a PITA14:13
mandelwho is next?14:14
alecuralsina, no nessita today?14:14
faganthe others are off14:14
mandelI wasgoing to say dobey but he did it already :P14:14
ralsinaalecu: she is teaching will be here later14:14
alecuoh, it's wed, and she teaches today.14:15
mandelralsina: increase the timeout and we will see, also if you can show me where are the error it would be a nice indication, reporting an slow move mught be ok, reporting a slow delete is a problem14:15
ralsinamandel: setting timeout to 5, I get two errors14:15
mandelralsina: may I see them?14:15
ralsinaI'll pastebin14:15
ralsinamandel: https://pastebin.canonical.com/46422/14:16
ralsinaone is dir_create!14:16
ralsinaI don't know which other one is failing14:17
mandelralsina: do a second run to see if there is a race condition, even better incrase the timout to 1014:17
mandelralsina: is trial that reports always 2 instead of one… ubber lame14:18
ralsinarunning at 1014:18
faganmandel: I increased it to 20 with the extra ram and its still failing14:18
ralsinaoh, so it's only 1?14:18
ralsinadir_create passes at 1014:18
fagandir create passes for me at the same one14:18
mandelfagan: that pastebin shows 2 seconds not 2014:18
ralsinatest_file_create_close_write failed14:19
faganmandel: yeah I reran it at 214:19
faganill pastebin a 20 sec now14:19
mandelfagan: move it up to 10 and run14:19
mandelralsina: yea, is a bloody race condition, the events are not returned fast enough and the buffer in the async IO is no firing the vent early enough….14:20
ralsinamandel: more tests fail on 10 than on 5: https://pastebin.canonical.com/46424/14:20
mandelI'd not be surprise if you rerun it and get all of them green14:20
ralsinamandel: so basically the tests are useless on windows14:20
faganputa windows14:20
mandelralsina: yes, I have no way to control when ReadDirecotryChangesW witll return the events, which are later processed and sent to the muted filter, this means that there are several env situations that  will make the test not to ran14:21
mandelralsina: remove the timeout var from the class (which will default it to 120) I'm courious to see what happens14:22
ralsinamandel: figured out as much. Suckitude :-(14:22
faganmandel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/59654514:22
ralsinaI get errors about there not being a timeout member ;-)14:22
ralsinarunning at 12014:23
mandelralsina: oh, I forgot I changed the callLater part… ups14:23
mandelfunny enough the code is tune to always pass in my machine hehe14:23
ralsinamandel: that's the magic machine effect in action :-)14:24
faganmandel: nice machine14:24
ralsinathe developer always has the magic machine that works. Or he would have noticed ;-)14:24
faganit reminds me of something14:24
mandelralsina: I thin is that a touch the frequency of the pooling of the data in the reactor main thread in probably the right spot14:25
mandelralsina: which is utterly useless for anyone else...14:25
ralsina"jiggle this until it passes" is not a valid test guide.14:25
ralsinatest_dir_create fails at 12014:26
mandelralsina: can you set the logging so that you see its output o stdout, I wonder if any event is given to the watch thread14:26
ralsinajust enable DEBUG?14:26
mandelralsina: yeah, the thread is being scheduled by something in the wrong place14:26
mandelralsina: hmm Ilet me check14:27
mandelralsina: looks like enabling debug should be enough14:28
mandelthere is no env variable that is used for that...14:28
ralsinaweird I have it set to 114:28
ralsinaoh... set logging level. Ok14:29
mandelralsina:  yes :)14:29
mandelsorry, I assumed :P14:29
ralsinamandel: level is set to DEBUG in the code already14:30
mandeland it does not go to the stoudt, lame...14:30
ralsinayep, let me change the handler14:30
mandelralsina: ok14:32
mandelralsina: we are looking for something of the form Added %s to raw events queue.14:32
ralsinamandel: ok14:32
mandelralsina: where raw events are the events sent by the OS to be processed and converted to pyinotify events14:32
mandelralsina: if those are there, it means that the processing thread isdoing something funny, if we dont get them, I blame kernel32.dll14:33
ralsinaweird, even if I use logging.StreamHandler() it doesn't go to the terminal.14:33
mandelralsina: I think the tests should be written the logs in the hidden AppData dir within xdg14:34
* mandel can remember the exact dir...14:34
* ralsina looks14:34
mandelralsina: here: C:\Users\Mandel\AppData\Local\ubuntuone14:36
mandeldo chante the username ;)14:36
ralsinayes $APPDATA :-)14:36
mandelexactly :P14:36
ralsinaja, I don't have an AppData14:36
ralsinaok, creating and re-running14:37
mandelralsina: sorry I'm stupid, it is in _trial_temp14:37
mandelralsina: like this C:\Users\Mandel\Documents\ubuntuone-client\close_files_in_tests\_trial_temp\xdg_cache\ubuntuone\log14:37
mandelralsina: also, you do have AppData, but is hidden14:38
mandelshould be in ~/AppData you have to tel the shell to show hidden dirs14:38
ralsinamandel: well, I should be able to cd into a hidden folder, and mkdir succeeded :-)14:38
mandelralsina: is  windows…14:38
ralsinaBut everything is possible :-)14:38
faganlocked up my computer14:40
dobeyhaving to do uploads today makes me a sad panda14:40
fagandobey: well it is getting close to release the sooner the better14:40
ralsinamandel: nothing of the sort in the logs14:41
ralsinamandel: in fact, nothing interesting in the logs at all14:41
dobeyfagan: yes, generally these things should be done before freeze14:41
dobeywhich we are already past14:41
ralsinadobey: you are the least panda-like human.14:41
dobeyralsina: sad ninja then14:42
mandelralsina: now, that is weird, I get logs14:42
ralsinamandel: let me run on 2sec and do a full trial. On 120 it takes forever.14:43
mandelralsina: sure :)14:43
mandelralsina: I just ran mine, and the logs are: _trial_temp\xdg_cache\ubuntuone\log14:43
ralsinayes, test.log14:44
mandeltest.log? I get syncdaemon.log14:44
ralsinaoh, much more interesting :-14:45
ralsinatest.log is pretty much what you get on terminal14:45
ralsinamandel: https://pastebin.canonical.com/46429/14:46
mandelralsina: look at the logs, the events are there..  I mean: Error encountered while handling: FS_FILE_CLOSE_WRITE in <tests.platform.test_filesystem_notifications.HitMe object at 0x04134730>14:48
ralsinamandel: then why does it fail?14:49
mandelralsina: It smells to be due to raise AlreadyCalledError14:49
joshuahooverdobey: are you going to be creating a new u1-client package soon - i'm thinking of bug #764646 in particular14:50
ubot4Launchpad bug 764646 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu Natty) (and 4 other projects) "music store widget dies with «TypeError: find_credentials() takes exactly 3 arguments (2 given)» (affects: 3) (dups: 2) (heat: 26)" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76464614:50
mandelralsina: I\m jumping to #chicharra to ask the smart people :P14:50
ralsinamandel: always a good idea :-)14:50
dobeyjoshuahoover: i will be uploading with patches, but not making a new tarball relaese/upload to ubuntu. hopefully we can get the patches in14:51
mandelralsina: could explain why it fails with long timeouts :)14:51
joshuahooverdobey: ok, cool ...pitti said we were fine on that bug in particular and any "bug fixes" right now14:52
ralsinamandel: right, because the timeout is not the problem :-)14:52
mandelralsina: clearly, t has plenty of time, the eq mich be wondering wtf is going on under me14:52
ralsinamandel: yes, the event comes quickly14:53
ralsinamandel: but it fails anyway14:53
mandelralsina: doyou have the output of the test for those logs you gave me?14:54
ralsinamandel: sure, it's on another file, let me pastebin it14:55
dobeyhrmm, i wonder how well sqlite does with storing "large" images inside it14:56
ralsinamandel: keep in mind that the first log seems to have more than one run in it fr some reason14:56
ralsinamandel: you want from 10:43 onwards14:57
mandelralsina: can you delete both logs and reproduce it again?14:57
mandelwe really dont care about which error, it looks the same to me14:57
ralsinamandel: syncdaemon.log --> https://pastebin.canonical.com/46433/14:59
mandelralsina: and stdout?14:59
ralsinamandel: test.log -> https://pastebin.canonical.com/46434/14:59
ralsinamandel: stdout --> https://pastebin.canonical.com/46436/15:00
mandelralsina: can you go to the tests and modify the HitMe class so that you see how many times you get an event, also print the event to see what is happening15:06
ralsinamandel: sure15:06
mandelralsina: verterok had a brilliant idea of what could be the error15:06
ralsinaHa! All successes15:08
ralsinamandel: https://pastebin.canonical.com/46441/ but it's all green, I'll rerun15:09
ralsinamandel: the thing decided to start passing the tests. Give me 2' to check why ;-)15:14
ralsinaok, getting failures again...15:15
=== clarita_ is now known as clarita
ralsinamandel: when the tests fail, HitMe doesn't seem to get the events15:23
ralsinamandel: stdout: https://pastebin.canonical.com/46447/15:24
mandelralsina: let em update the branch with some more logging, I'll need a couple of mins15:25
ralsinamandel: ok15:26
alecumandel, windows 7 has just finished installing.... I couldn't find my XP around.15:35
alecumandel, were you able to write the wiki page on how to install the dev-env?15:35
mandelalecu: I'm got part of it, let me save it so that you can start with it15:36
mandelalecu: give me a min15:36
mandelralsina: can you pull the branch with the changes?15:36
alecumandel, cool. Anyway, I need to run some errands right now, I'll be back in an hour or so.15:36
mandelalecu: ok, even better then :)15:36
mandelralsina: the logs should have way more useful info15:36
=== alecu is now known as alecu-errands
dobeyalecu-errands: what was that zombie movie?15:54
mandelralsina: looks like the twisted main thread in your machine is very gready and that is why the others dont get it… let me try and find a way to fix it15:57
dobeyalecu-errands: ah nevermind, found it :)15:57
ralsinamandel: ok15:58
dobeyalecu-errands: and netflix has it on dvd! :)16:00
faganmandel: did you push another branch?16:01
mandelsome bastard bough a bird and place it next to my window and it keep whistling  like I was a good looking lady...16:02
mandelmost annoying thing ever!!16:02
faganevil taunting bird16:02
faganI have dogs next door that just bark all day long16:02
* fagan wants to move 16:02
fagan(or find a way to silence them dogs16:03
dobeybaseball bat?16:04
dobeyor cricket, if that's your fancy16:05
fagandobey: cricket if I wanted to bore them to death16:05
faganbaseball is similar16:05
faganoh that would do16:05
dobeyok, well, client uploaded, and hopefully will get accepted soon16:07
mandelralsina: I've made the task that checks for events in the twisted main thread to be a better friend, can you pull and let me know, if this does not work I'll need some more time 'cause I wont have a clue of why is not workiing16:07
ralsinamandel: ok, doing it16:07
ralsinamandel: fails in pretty much the same way16:08
dobeyand now, i think i will go get some lunch, and then fix up nightlies and see if i can do some SRU work16:08
mandelralsina: may I see the logs...16:12
ralsinamandel: sure, 1'16:12
mandellooks like some race condition… but I really dont know how to tell the task not to execute when there are no events...16:12
ralsinamandel: I'll re run to get clean nes16:13
ralsinamandel: log https://pastebin.canonical.com/46460/16:15
ralsinamandel: stdout: https://pastebin.canonical.com/46461/16:16
faganralsina: how is your one passing 12 when mine does 7-916:17
ralsinafagan: it varies from run to run. I even had some 100% success ones16:17
faganI dont think ive gottn one16:17
fagan(100% I mean)16:18
mandelfagan: is a multithreading issue, there is a greedy thread and one of the filosofers is dying, in this case the events one16:22
faganah ok16:23
faganso its a race16:23
ralsinathat's why making the timeouts longer doesn't make a difference16:23
ralsinabecause what matters is the order of the events, not how much they take16:23
* fagan remembers tales from the lecturer in 2nd year about the dangers of not controlling execution timings of threads 16:24
ralsinaand it sucks :-(16:24
ralsinaI'm off to lunch16:24
=== ralsina is now known as ralsina_lunch
faganill be off in a half hour16:25
faganill just keep playing about with my merge tester while I wait to test some more16:25
mandelralsina: the problem I have is the way in which the processing of the events is hooked into the main thread, atm is a task that is repeated every second, but that does not ensure that the other threads are allows to run, so even if you could signal the thread that you have an event16:41
rodrigo_dobey: ping16:41
mandelit does not mean that the thread that gets the events is ever executed, which seems to be the issue...16:41
mandelwith the select reactor and pyinotify using a file it works, because you know that the changes in the file will work...16:42
rodrigo_dobey's on vacation this week, right?16:42
ralsina_lunchmandel: so, it works IRL, fails on testing?16:42
ralsina_lunchrodrigo_: dobey is working today, he just went out for lunch a few minutes ago16:43
rodrigo_ah ok16:43
rodrigo_I guess he's answer tyo my ping when he's back16:43
mandelralsina_lunch: yes, which is a PITA16:43
mandelralsina_lunch: ping17:02
ralsina_lunchmandel: pong17:02
mandelralsina_lunch: there is one last trick I want to try, but it will only work because I know the tests… which is cheating17:04
ralsina_lunchmandel: feel free :)17:04
mandelralsina_lunch: I'll give you the diff to apply I dont wanna push it to the branch ;)17:05
ralsina_lunchmandel: cool17:06
dobeyrodrigo_: hey17:17
rodrigo_hi dobey17:19
dobeyrodrigo_: que pasa mi amigo17:19
rodrigo_dobey: so, is it important to keep evo-couchdb compiling for lucid, karmic, etc?17:19
rodrigo_dobey: I ask because for evolution 3.1.1 there are more API changes coming, and the code is becoming ugly with all those #if EDS_CHECK_VERSION17:21
dobeyrodrigo_: trunk compiling on karmic is definitely something we don't need to keep happening. and it already doesn't compile on lucid afaict17:21
dobeyrodrigo_: yeah, the changes for GTK3 will make that an issue17:21
rodrigo_dobey: ok, so supporting >= 2.32 is enough, right?17:22
rodrigo_dobey: well, for gtk3 I don't see much problem, since we can detect what gtk version to use based on the evo-plugins version17:22
rodrigo_we use very basic GTK, so it should compile ok on both17:22
rodrigo_the problem is all those EDS_CHECK_VERSION in the backend code17:23
dobeyrodrigo_: well, what is in maverick?17:23
hrwhave a nice around-Easter-week17:23
rodrigo_2.30, I think?17:23
dobeyrodrigo_: i think we should probably support that.17:23
rodrigo_well, no, 2.32, like natty17:23
rodrigo_can someone with maverick check?17:23
dobeyrodrigo_: 2.3017:23
rodrigo_ok then17:24
dobeyrodrigo_: although, in our Buenos Aires sprint a couple weeks ago, we talked a little about possibly making some rather big and invasive changes for desktopcouch. and i think evolution-couchdb would fit into that scope, so maybe we should just wait a few weeks and you, thisfred, and i can chat in person in Budapest about it17:25
ryedobey, thanks for including the fix for dbus order into the release!17:26
dobeyrodrigo_: big and invasive, as in rewriting desktopcouch in vala, and just providing the GIR interface and libdesktopcouch-glib/libcouchdb-glib directly in desktopcouch17:26
dobeyrye: sure. i think "infinite restart loop" is a pretty serious issue :)17:27
rodrigo_dobey: oh really?17:27
dobeyrodrigo_: yeah, it should not be hard to do, and would make a lot of stuff work much more smoothly, and be simpler17:27
rodrigo_dobey: we are discussing in d-d-l about couchdb syncing for gnome, and some replacement for desktopcouch is in discussion17:27
rodrigo_so maybe that fits that17:27
dobeyrodrigo_: yes, we were also discussing similar things17:28
rodrigo_I am going to think about how to do without having to call dbus to get the port17:28
rodrigo_not sure how to do it though17:29
mandeldobey: are we really considering that?17:29
mandel+1  from me17:29
dobeymandel: yep :)17:29
dobeyrodrigo_: why?17:29
=== alecu-errands is now known as alecu
mandeldobey: since when? is we, you rodrigo and I?17:29
rodrigo_dobey: because it doesn't work well, if couchdb crashes, for instance17:29
alecudobey, plaga zombie 2?17:30
dobeyalecu: yeah. zona mutante?17:30
alecudobey, yes!!!! :-)17:30
dobeyrodrigo_: yes, that's one of the issues we want to fix as well17:30
dobeymandel: well i think thisfred and chad are more convinced now. we discussed it very shortly in buenos aires17:31
dobeyalecu: it's in my dvd queue, so i'll probably get it next week :)17:31
mandeldobey: ah, you bastards! and I was no there...17:31
rodrigo_dobey: another thing is just having a daemon (in *cough* python *cough*) just for that17:32
mandelI hate windows even more now… take the time I should be allowed to do cool stuff17:32
dobeymandel: well we will discuss more in Budapest i'm sure :)17:32
dobeyrodrigo_: the daemon isn't just for that, and right now it's 3 daemons :)17:32
alecudobey, one thing to note: all the characters in the movie speak "neutral spanish", mocking the lousy dubbing of hollywood action movies that are shown on tv here.17:32
rodrigo_alecu, zona mutante?17:33
dobeyrodrigo_: yes, desktopcouch-service forks itself into 2 additional processes. one is dbus, one is replication, and the other is some other stuff17:33
alecurodrigo_, "plaga zombie 2: zona mutante"17:33
alecuand if you see a zombie extra hanging from a little bridge, that's me.17:33
rodrigo_dobey: ah, right, thought there were other 2 different ones17:33
dobeyrodrigo_: part of that is because of the way stuff works in python17:33
* thisfred is committed to learning vala and doing stuff with it17:34
rodrigo_go thisfred go! :)17:34
dobeyrodrigo_: rewriting in vala, we could make them be 1 process again, probably, and use threads17:34
thisfredrodrigo_: I will not join you in hating python though ;)17:34
rodrigo_thisfred, I don't hate it17:34
dobeyi do17:34
thisfredoh just dobey then :)17:34
dobeyhate hate hate17:34
rodrigo_thisfred, I just don't like it being used for stuff it shouldn't :)17:34
rodrigo_but I like it17:34
* alecu is willing to join the vala team as well. As awful as a "vala programmer" sounds in es_AR17:35
rodrigo_I use it for lots of scripts and small apps17:35
mandeldobey: well, threads would make more sense17:35
dobeypretty much everything python is used for, is stuff it shouldn't be used for :)17:35
dobeyalecu: lol17:35
rodrigo_alecu, this one -> http://www.taringa.net/posts/tv-peliculas-series/2290477/Plaga-Zombie-2-_-zona-mutante_.html ?17:35
dobeyalecu: i just always get confused by the pronounciation of 'll' in .ar when i go there :)17:36
alecurodrigo_, that's it!17:36
thisfreddobey: Good! Your hate has made you powerful.17:36
dobeyalecu: are you one of the zombies in it?17:36
dobeythisfred: now i just need an underground lair17:37
alecudobey, yes a zombie extra, but I show up maybe on 10 seconds of the film... :P17:37
dobeyalecu: i think that's more air time than miguel got in Antitrust :)17:38
alecuand 5 of those seconds are on the credit screen.17:38
ryeif my theory is right we should no longer see the ubuntuone-syncdaemon crashed in DBus __new__17:38
rodrigo_ok, time to go out and for 5 days of national holidays!!17:39
rodrigo_mandel, call me if you go toi donosti17:39
mandeldobey: I just have one complain about sing vala17:39
mandelrodrigo_: I will certainly do17:39
alecumandel, do you have any wiki page for me?17:39
mandeldobey: I dont want to have to deal with compaling that on windows...17:40
mandelalecu: partial one, got cauth in stupid crap, but is enought to get you busy for 4 hours at least17:40
dobeymandel: heh17:41
=== ralsina_lunch is now known as ralsina
mandelalecu: https://wiki.canonical.com/UbuntuOne/WindowsPort17:44
mandelalecu: getting vs2008 takes ages, so you can get it running til I finish the rest17:44
mandelsorry there is no much, but I have been trying to get multithreading right and I'm failing like a little girl in a rugby game…17:45
mandelalecu: you as a quick note, using python for x86 make everything a lot easier17:46
mandelx64 is a major pain in the ass17:46
alecumandel, I thought all rugby players were little girls!17:48
alecu(my father in-law would kill me)17:48
mandelalecu: wait? your father in-law is a little girl?! please do invite me to the next family dinner :D17:49
alecumandel, he's a rugby trainer17:50
alecumandel, and he has played rugby like... forever17:50
mandelalecu: oh.. I preferred to imaging him as a little girl hehehe but an argentinian rugby coach is also interesting17:51
alecumandel, ok, next time we sprint around here we'll have asado at his place.17:51
mandelalecu: that is a deal I wont forget ;)17:52
* mandel walks the dog now that he thinks he knows how to fix the issue he has...17:54
mandelralsina: I'll ping you in a couple of hours, I need to try it or I wont be able to sleep during the night17:54
* mandel walks dog17:54
ralsinamandel: ok17:55
dobeythisfred: haha, there is a python users group meetup down here tonight. i could go and say "you're doing it all wrong!" :)18:13
nessitahola mundo!18:15
dobeyhola prof nessita18:16
nessitahi dobey. Do you want to take the same exan we just gave our students? :-)18:16
nessitahola thisfred18:16
thisfreddobey: do it!18:16
nessitaany news?18:17
dobeyapparently iphones have a databse of locations18:17
dobeynessita: also, you don't need to nominate any bugs for 11.10 yet.18:19
nessitadobey: by 11.10 you mean ubuntu later?18:19
dobeynessita: i mean Oneiric. not the milestones but the "Nomiate for series" link on bugs18:20
dobeynessita: until 11.04 is actually released next week, anything fixed there will end up in 11.10 automatically18:21
dobeynessita: i saw you nominated one of the u1client bugs from yesterday for Oneiric, which is why i'm mentioning it. doesn't hurt anything, but it's not necessary18:22
nessitadobey: right, I now remember. Sorry for that then.18:28
nessitadobey: I will be doind the stable-1-0 branch for u1cp today, I'll reply to your email in ubunet when is done18:31
nessitanow, I'll quickly grab something to eat18:31
dobeynessita: 1.0 or 0.10?18:31
nessitadobey: I released 1.0.0 yesterday18:34
ralsinanessita: congrats ;-)18:41
Chipacaoooh, a nessita!18:44
nessitahi Chipaca, ralsina18:58
* nessita is catching up with email18:58
Chipacanessita: i know you know this, want to answer/explain? http://askubuntu.com/questions/36062/folder-shared-from-unknown-user18:58
* nessita looks18:59
nessitaagrh, complicated answer without saying that our shares infrastructure is poor :-(18:59
ralsinanessita: a 1.0.0 always deserves a congratulation.19:00
nessitaChipaca: do you know that there is no way to revert the unknown name in shares, right?19:00
* ralsina never released an actual 1.x of any of his programs19:00
nessitaralsina: ah! :-D /me agrees19:00
nessitaChipaca: I'll reply explaining the situation, saying that we're planning to improve that19:01
Chipacanessita: yes, i know there's no way to revert it19:02
nessitadobey, alecu: hey there, a report of gsd crashing becasue U1 just came in: bug #75778619:34
ubot4Launchpad bug 757786 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) "gnome-settings-daemon crashed with SIGSEGV in g_return_if_fail_warning() (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75778619:35
dobeynessita: dup19:35
nessitadobey: ah, I pinged your becasue apport didn't mark it as such19:35
nessitadobey: can you please update it?19:35
dobeyyeah; don't know why apport didn't dup it. fix is in maverick-proposed though19:38
nessitamandel: ping19:43
mandelnessita: pong19:44
nessitamandel: could you please answer the question in https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/close_files_in_tests/+merge/58343 ?19:44
nessitaso I can finish the review19:44
mandelnessita: is not the answer good enough?19:45
nessitamandel: is there an answer? /me curses firefox19:45
mandelnessita: according to lp from 10 hours ago :)19:46
nessitamandel: I opened FF and all the tabs were restored, I thought that they were reloaded but they were not :-(19:46
mandelnessita: no worries, it can happen to anyone :)19:46
ralsinaI am taking a bit early break, will be back later tonight. See you all later!20:13
nessitabye ralsina20:20
* nessita -> eods and eows22:52
nessitabye all!22:52

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