
=== Thermi is now known as thermi
=== em is now known as emma
connor_Hi, could someone help me install the "XMatrix" Screensaver in xubuntu 10.10? Thank you :)03:57
=== `mOOse` is now known as horsey
=== m00se is now known as Guest56415
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
=== emma is now known as em
=== pteague_laptop is now known as pteague
lightaHi here, may someone give me a good tool to edit .dat files ? I've tryed allegro-dev-tools but it return some error.06:21
kuatoARHello !09:35
kuatoARI need some help09:36
psycho_oreos!ask| kuatoAR09:52
ubottukuatoAR: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:52
kuatoARWell, my problem is that i have an onboard sound card and a pci sound card, the onboard sound card is turned off from Bios, but ubuntu seems to ignore this and put this card in the sound options, i don't know wich one is the "good" card and wich controls to select, no audio at all09:54
kuatoARhow can i know wich one is the onboard card and turn it off ?09:55
psycho_oreosyou could probably check via lspci -k and blacklist and/or rmmod the driver responsible for onboard sound card09:56
kuatoARI've executed lspci -v with only this result related to audio http://pastebin.com/SNY57tGf10:00
kuatoARhahaha well10:03
kuatoARnow its working, i've selected the Pulseaudio Mixed10:04
kuatoARi don't understand the audio setup @_@10:04
kuatoARThanks for the help psycho_oreos ! see you later :P10:07
=== thermi is now known as Thermi
g00seJust trying out x natty. What software is managing the network? Maybe it doesn't appear if there isn't one..?15:36
charlie-tcanetwork manager15:36
g00secharlie-tca: i didn't see that in any menu iirc. Which one is it in?15:37
charlie-tcaIt is not in a menu15:37
charlie-tcait is automatic, as it has been for several releases already15:37
g00secharlie-tca: That's VERY confident ;) So i need to invoke it from the terminal (where i normally work) then...15:38
charlie-tcaThen I don't know how to do that. I use a desktop15:38
charlie-tcaXubuntu is not a server edition, it is a gui version instead. If you are only using a terminal, that changes evert15:39
charlie-tcaeverything you do.15:39
Sysinetworkmanager is controlled through panel plugin15:39
Sysiif you expecially want, there is also cnetworkmanager for TUI15:40
g00seSysi: Well i suppose i just need to know how to invoke it if things go wrong15:40
g00seOh and of course, if it's made decisions for me i don't want (such as configuring ALL interfaces)15:41
g00seSo can i simplify the question and ask: how do i bring up on screen the network management software (as is)?15:46
Sysig00se: alt+F2 nm-applet and it should appear on systray15:53
g00seSysi: That didn't do anything unfortunately. When i did sudo nm-applet in the terminal it told me there was already one running16:13
Sysishouldn't be runned as root16:13
Sysithen you already have it running, if you don't have it in panel you're propably missing "notification area"16:14
g00seSysi: Tried it both ways. Shall scour the panel.Any idea what the default password is for user 'ubuntu' in live?16:16
Sysishouldn't be any16:16
* g00se is trying to ssh into live16:17
Sysissh-server isn't installed by default16:18
Sysii've never toyed much with live16:18
g00seNo. I just installed it. Created a new password so i'm now in16:19
g00seThanks folks18:02
pctxhello IRC19:21
pctxguessing this channel isn't as active as the regular ubuntu one? :)19:21
charlie-tcathat would be correct. Xubuntu has many fewer users than Ubuntu19:22
pctxwell I'm a recent convert from Ubuntu to Xubuntu... so I figured I'd check out the channel19:24
pctxreally excited for 11.0419:24
Arpad2when is due the new edition?19:25
charlie-tcaApril 2819:25
Arpad2thx :)19:25
charlie-tcaYou are welcome19:26
charlie-tcaWe release at the same time as Ubuntu19:26
pctxyup--- looking forward to it19:26
pctxI hate unity19:26
pctxand Gnome 3 is just annoying19:26
Arpad2with xfce 4.8 ?19:26
pctxI tried out xfce 4.819:26
TheSheepthe times19:26
pctxand I have never looked back :)19:26
TheSheepthey are achanging19:26
charlie-tcaArpad2: yes, with Xfce 4.819:27
pctxxfece w/ Docky = godly19:27
TheSheepsoon more people will be using smartphones than computers, and the interfaces of computer will be based on the ones of smartphones19:27
charlie-tcathink there will be users that quit completely at that point19:29
pctxcould be19:29
pctxI think those are the points of WebOS and Chrome OS19:29
charlie-tcaThe day I have to use that stupid tiny screen is the day I quit.19:29
TheSheepcharlie-tca: and do what? become a chief?19:33
charlie-tcabecome a non-computer user19:33
charlie-tcaI don't even have a cellphone anymore19:33
TheSheepthat will happen automatically19:33
TheSheeplook at our parents19:33
TheSheepthey use maybe 10% of the computer's possibilities19:34
charlie-tcaThey never had computers. I will not be pushed to the phone screens.19:34
TheSheepwe will be the same in a couple of years19:34
TheSheeptied to a computer at home19:34
charlie-tcaMost people only use a very small percentage of the possibilities, they don't have to be old for that19:35
TheSheeptrue that19:35
charlie-tcaI watch the twenty-somethings, using it for browsing the web and facebook. That is not hardly worth the cost19:35
TheSheepbut the young ones use the ones that are considered most awesome at the moment19:35
TheSheepit's very difficult to program on android phone, even with a keyboard19:36
charlie-tcaKids are forced to learn computers in school, then they go on to use them at work, with the work programs.19:36
charlie-tcathat still leaves very little use, overall.19:36
pctxblutooth is a godsend for programming on android :)19:36
TheSheeppctx: but you use normal computer for that19:37
TheSheeppctx: that's the point19:37
TheSheepI'm waiting for wearable interfaces anyways19:37
pctxwell in a pinch :)19:37
TheSheepand programming with interpretative dance ;)19:38
pctxthis might be a stupid question19:42
pctxbut what is the best way to make shortcuts on the desktop in 11.04?19:42
TheSheepI would copy them from /usr/share/applications/19:43
TheSheepif you mean launchers19:43
charlie-tcadrag and drop from the menu, software center, or Application finder19:43
TheSheepcharlie-tca: drag and drop from menu doesn't work for me19:43
charlie-tcaIn natty?19:44
charlie-tcaI thought it was supposed to work19:44
* charlie-tca had it fail too, but ...19:44
TheSheepI can't drag anythng from the menu19:44
TheSheepit's just not draggable19:44
charlie-tcawhat about from Application finder?19:44
charlie-tcaSysi: in XUbuntu?19:45
TheSheepno idea, I don't have it installed19:45
Sysicharlie-tca: yes, natty19:45
TheSheepSysi: the right-click on the desktop applicatiosn menu?19:45
charlie-tcaYes, it comes installed, under Accessories19:45
pctxah yes19:45
TheSheepcharlie-tca: first thing I remove19:45
pctxdrag and drop does work19:45
SysiTheSheep: menu from panel19:45
TheSheepSysi: second thing I remove :P19:45
pctxbut thanks to TheSheep for that other tip19:45
Sysii thought i have weird setup19:46
charlie-tcaTheSheep: Apparently, it works for others besides you and me19:46
TheSheepnot that I have any icons on the desktop or ever wanted any19:46
* charlie-tca doesn't have a menu, except on right click19:46
TheSheepcharlie-tca: same19:46
Sysiwhat's wrong with you guys :P (like i used it even daily)19:47
TheSheepbtw, is there are way to choose what appears on the indicator plugin?19:47
TheSheepthat envelope icon makes me think I have a message in gajim all the time19:47
charlie-tcaI upgraded to natty before it was available, and got used to not needing it. It is really a luxury to have that thing19:47
charlie-tcaoops, I don't have that either. I never installed indicator-applet19:48
charlie-tcastill use notification area here19:48
TheSheepcharlie-tca: then how do you display the network manager icon?19:48
charlie-tcaIt shows19:48
charlie-tcaI don't know how19:48
TheSheepit doesn't for me19:48
charlie-tcabut it is there19:48
charlie-tcaI use static IP addresses, though. Maybe that's why19:49
Sysiit should be there but with wrong icon19:51
charlie-tcaSame Icon I see when I test the installs19:51
SysiTheSheep: you can remove indicator-messages19:51
charlie-tcaThe up/down arrow?19:52
TheSheepSysi: cool, thanks!20:18
=== Thermi is now known as thermi
=== thermi is now known as Thermi
jsk__Hi all. Stupid question here. I'm just testing XUbuntu 11.04 Beta 2 on virtual machine. When Xubuntu 11.04 final is released on 28th, will there be upgrade to final possible, or I need reinstall ? Thanks21:20
ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Natty Narwhal and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Natty. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.21:20
jsk__lol, many thanks21:21
charlie-tcaYou are welcome21:21
jsk__if it's not bothering you, I'll ask something I hope there's not '!command' for :)21:22
jsk__the only reason I've used gnome so far was that it automatically remember SSH key password after logging in for whole session21:22
charlie-tcaIt 's usually easier if there is one, since it saves trying to remember all of it21:22
jsk__with XUbuntu, I found it's possible21:22
jsk__but I need to enable 'enable gnome services on startup'21:23
jsk__then when I try to log in to SSH remote machine, it asks for my private key password and it's all fine21:23
jsk__no password prompts then for any ssh remote session21:23
jsk__I'm just wonder, what 'gnome services at startup' means, what are side effects in performance or so21:23
jsk__for sure it runs gnome-keyring or something21:24
charlie-tcaIt lets it enable things that gnome uses, including the gnome-keyring21:24
jsk__but what else ? Because I feel 'dirty' because of that, like running XFCE on top of Gnome21:24
charlie-tcaotherwise, you have to keep trying to enable it21:24
jsk__it's not enabled by default21:24
jsk__so I thought it's for some reason21:24
charlie-tcaXfce is using some stuff from Gnome, anyway.21:25
jsk__so I can't break anything ? :)21:25
charlie-tcaI can always break things, myself21:26
charlie-tcabut then, I am really good at breaking software21:26
jsk__lol, OK, I'll keep it enabled just for the reason of having SSH key remembered :) thanks21:26
charlie-tcaI don't remember what else it does, but it also makes it so you don't have to type the wireless key every time, I think21:27
jsk__aah, nice21:27
jsk__sounds like a 2 good reasons then :) thanks a lot21:28
charlie-tcaAt least it doesn't hurt anything. It just seems to make life simpler.21:28
jsk__thanks a lot Charlie21:30
jsk__good night21:30
charlie-tcaYou are welcome21:30
pwrusrHi, im trying to set up a keyboard shortcut to htop and its not working. Is there a way to specify that it open a terminal before running ??21:58
Sysixfce4-terminal -x top21:59
pwrusr-x top or -x htop??22:00
pwrusrtyvm that worked22:01
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se

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