
pooliehi all00:38
pooliehi jelmer00:43
knighthawkjelmer are you still here?00:49
jelmerknighthawk: yeah, though not for much longer00:50
knighthawkIn my bzr branch I ran 'bzr rebase'00:51
knighthawkit was pointing to my svn repo00:52
knighthawkbut this was *after* I did the push with append_revisions_only = False00:52
knighthawkso I'm worried now that I can't recover the history in svn with --overwrite. Also mind you several other people have made commits to the svn repo since I did all this.00:54
knighthawkso I'm thinking that history might just be lost.00:54
jelmerknighthawk: the history is still there - see 'svn log <repos-history>'00:55
jelmerknighthawk: it will be tricky to get both the old revisions and the new revisions though00:56
knighthawkk jelmer thanks I'll try to figure it out.00:56
jelmerhey spiv, how's your morning?01:05
spivPretty good considering V woke up at least 4 times last night!01:07
pooliehi spiv, ocuh01:07
spivWe think it's his molars coming through01:08
spivWell, we can see that they are, but we're guessing that's why he's waking up so often.01:08
pooliehm, we probably need jubany to be upgraded to something with 2.6 if we require that in 2.501:13
pooliebzr *2.401:13
jelmerspiv: :-/01:14
mgzwhat's the planned release date for bzr 2.4?01:21
pooliefor the final one?01:22
poolielp currently has 4 august01:22
pooliethe general thing is, about 2 months before the ubuntu release01:22
poolieit can be flexible01:23
spivRegarding jam's comment on https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/267296, I wonder if we should have a "needs-piloting" tag?  Patch pilots could search for that bug tag in addition to scanning the +activereviews page.01:27
ubot5Ubuntu bug 267296 in Bazaar "utf16 file detected as binary file" [Medium,Confirmed]01:27
spivIdeally LP would have some way of bringing partial work to our attention, but that might be an ok workaround.01:28
pooliespiv, well, that's kind of what the 'has patch' thing is meant to track01:34
pooliebut it is not a very good match for a few reasons01:34
pooliewell, not a perfect match01:34
spivI suppose that particular branch can been seen on https://code.launchpad.net/~bzr-pqm/bzr/bzr.dev/+merges?field.status=WORK_IN_PROGRESS too01:36
spivIt'd be nice to see that list of w-i-p branches ordered by the importance of the bug they are linked to (if any).01:37
spiv(Or perhaps if advanced bug search could specify “show only bugs with linked merge proposals with status X”)01:39
pooliei don't think i touched any code yesterday01:43
pooliehope to do better today01:43
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pooliespiv is it possible that bug 390745 would be covered by your repack refactoring?06:19
ubot5Error: Launchpad bug 390745 could not be found06:19
spivpoolie: hmm!06:25
pooliei realize it's a bit hard to say since we don't know exactly what leads up to it06:25
spivpoolie: it might, but it's hard to be certain06:25
spivIt's probably the best hypothesis we have so far06:25
lifelesspoolie: bug 664242 may not be one you want closed06:52
ubot5Launchpad bug 664242 in Bazaar "want a way to locally mirror many branches, similar to source packages" [Medium,Expired] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66424206:52
pooliei wonder how it even got incomplete06:53
lifelessyou filed it that way06:53
pooliemm so it seems06:53
pooliei don't normally do that06:53
pooliedid launchpad just decide to start catching up on expiry?06:54
lifelesswe just fixed a bug06:54
poolieoh a bug was fixed that was blocking it?06:54
pooliejolly good06:54
lifelessthats why it worked for a week or so06:54
lifelessthen broke06:54
lifelessthe bug is fixed06:54
lifelessthe bug that stopped us knowing is also fixed.06:54
poolieoh, lifeless, is the maverick-proposed bzr working out ok?07:08
pooliei didn't hear any screaming07:08
lifelessi've had one of those days07:08
pooliewith no code?07:09
pooliesorry to hear that07:09
poolielet me know if anything does break07:09
lifeless6am starts make me a little slow07:10
lifelessI spent a ridiculous chunk of time tracking down some test failures in my branch to store INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE in the db07:10
lifelessculminating with finding that we expire bugs to which the user has replied - https://help.launchpad.net/Bugs/Expiry#Old, unattended and incomplete?07:11
lifelessI had naively assumed that replying prevents expiry07:12
pooliei would have too07:12
pooliehi jam!08:26
gourthere is no bzr-svn for bzr-2.3?09:32
pooliehi gour09:42
pooliei think there is09:42
gourbut not released?09:42
gour"1.0.4 (works with Bazaar 2.2)"09:43
poolieah, yes09:49
poolieit is 1.0.4 and it is not released yet09:49
pooliei think jelmer is planning to make one soon, but he should be online in a bit09:49
poolieok, good night09:51
gour'night poolie09:52
jelmerhi jam12:21
jamhi jelmer12:37
jamby the way, I was agreeing with you on bug #31735712:37
ubot5Launchpad bug 317357 in Bazaar "pointless commit message now ugly" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31735712:37
jamI was just also letting Federico know that his patch had landed12:37
jelmerjam: Ah, thanks. I read the emails out of order, that must be what confused me.12:38
BersamHi everybody! how can i get an old version from bzr? "$bzr co lp:appname1.0" wont work!12:39
jelmerBersam: you can use tags - "bzr branch -rtag:bzr-1.0 lp:bzr bzr-1.0"12:39
Bersamjelmer: thanks :)12:40
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Jordan_U_workWhenever I try to "bzr branch" from one of the branches I recently created it creates a branch without any checkout and I need to run "bzr checkout" to actually work with the files. Why is this happening but when I for instance "bzr branch lp:grub2" I get a branch with a checkout?21:49
maxbJordan_U: Please could you run "bzr info" within the problem branch and pastebin the result?22:05
Jordan_Umaxb: http://pastebin.com/ymzLpshR22:08
maxbJordan_U: A shared repository, amongst other things, contains a flag to set whether new branches default to having working trees or not22:09
maxbAs your info shows you are indeed within a shared repository, I imagine that that setting is to not create trees at present22:09
Jordan_Umaxb: Ahh, indeed I always use shared repositories. How can I change this flag?22:10
maxbbzr reconfigure --with-trees / --with-no-trees22:10
Jordan_Umaxb: Thank you.22:11
maxbThe odd thing is the default is with trees, so something or someone must have switched it off explicitly22:11
Jordan_UI only installed bzr on this machine recently, from Ubuntu 10.10 repositories. I don't remember ever changing this setting. It's possible I had bzr installed some months / years ago and removed it again but these repositories and branches were all created recently.22:13
fullermdAt one time init-repo defaulted to no-trees.22:16
fullermdThat was a loong time ago though.22:17
fullermdgrep of release notes says it went --trees in 0.15.22:17
fullermd(i.e., 4 years and a month ago)22:18
Jordan_UMaybe I do remember specifying --no-trees, though i can't remember why.22:21
fullermdA little deforestation is good for the soul.22:22
Jordan_UAhh, I was in a hurry and just followed the example in "bzr help init-repo" which uses --no-trees.22:22
magciusoh man23:39
magciusyou know what I *love* about bzr?23:39
magcius"bzr: ERROR: Unable to create symlink 'standard_test_template.py' on this platform"23:39
magciusso instead of doing the sane thing, you just fail. And leave me with a .bzr dir.23:40
maxbPatches gratefully accepted? :-)23:44
magciushasn't NTFS supported symlinks since like 1994?23:47
jelmermagcius: That support isn't exposed in the Python API IIRC23:49
mgzor in windows.23:53
mgzthe failure mode sucks, but so do most of the reasons people version symlinks.23:53
magciusYou can just copy the file instead of leaving me with ".bzr", though23:54
mgzI would if I could, magcius.23:54
mgzchecking out from within cygwin is the best workaround I've found.23:55

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