
highvoltagehey Zarrku03:38
highvoltageon http://edubuntu.org/documentation there is a howto on how to install edubuntu 10.10 with ltsp03:39
highvoltagethere's some ltsp-specific pages too for once it's installed03:39
highvoltagevmlintu: if you have ideas, now's a good time to post them to the list or somewhere they can be raked together for UDS03:39
highvoltagevmlintu: I have some ideas that are being formed in my head and stgraber has some too, and there's a todo list of things that need to be fixed or done that didn't get done this cycle03:40
highvoltageand then there's all the hundreds of thousands of bugs in launchpad :)03:40
dyllanHi all05:47
dyllanIs the best way to lockdown a users desktop, more specifically their wallpaper, still by using Gconf?05:49
dyllanhi all10:14
dyllanhi all.10:17
dyllanWhen installing I did not enable the Multiverse which I see now is a problem since I cannot install FlashPlugin without the Multiverse being enabled. I then used Update Manager to enable Multiverse and reloaded Update Manager etc and then from the Software Center tried to install the FlashPlugin but it spits out an error.. .10:19
dyllan"Package dependencies cannot be resolved. This error could be caused by required additional software packages which are missing or not installable..."10:20
dyllanany ideas?10:20
dyllanFurthermore additional Details: "Unmet dependencies. flashplugin-installer: Depends: ia32-libs (>=2.2ubuntu18) but is not going to be installed."10:21
vmlintuhighvoltage: ltsp clustering is something that I'm wondering the most11:41
vmlintuhighvoltage: We've been testing new ltsp clustering based on puavo. Basically it works by broadcasting load information to ltsp network and every server then can act as a load balancer. All thin client information is stored in ldap and there are no static IPs anywhere. dhcpd finds the thin client name from ldap using mac address and then dynamically updates the IP to all bind processes in the cluster. This way we get a cluster where all11:42
vmlintu IP address are dynamic, but names are static. Basically home directories are the only single-point-of-failure.11:42
=== JasonO_ is now known as JasonO
=== JasonO_ is now known as JasonO
doctormohighvoltage: Send to you an email17:13
ZarrkuOkay I am using LTSP and it will not let log in with my admin user on he server17:25
Zarrkuit tries to check the users name and password and then says can not contact server and reboots17:25
Zarrkuwhich makes no sence because it is pulling the dumb terminal from the server17:26
alkisgZarrku: try those 2 commands: sudo ltsp-update-sshkeys && sudo ltsp-update-image17:31
ZarrkuThe dumb terminal said, no responce from server restarting17:41
alkisgDid you try those 2 commands on the server, and then rebooted your terminal?17:41
Zarrkudid both commands, but did not reboot17:42
Zarrkudoing it now17:42
Zarrkuokay did the reboot and commands and still no the same result17:48
alkisgZarrku: follow these steps to get a local shell on the terminal: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/ClientTroubleshooting#Using%20a%20shell%20SCREEN17:52
alkisgFrom that shell, try: ssh admin@server17:53
alkisgAnd see if you get any warnings there.17:53
Zarrkuwhen trying to save the [Default] SCREEN_02=shell SCREEN_07=ldm into the its.conf it says could not find the file18:09
alkisgYou need to create it. sudo gedit /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/lts.conf18:10
alkisgAnd those are 3 different lines, don't put them in 1 line18:10
ZarrkuI'm sorry alkisg, my knowledge of linux is limited18:19
Zarrkuto create a new file what would I need to do?18:20
Zarrkuwould it be pico /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/lts.conf18:22
alkisgZarrku: I wrote the command above18:23
alkisg(08:10:19 μμ) alkisg: You need to create it. sudo gedit /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/lts.conf18:24
Zarrkuthen save the file18:24
Zarrkuthen add the code to the file and save it again18:24
alkisgIn 3 lines, not in 1 line18:25
ZarrkuOkay I created the file18:32
Zarrkuwhen I launched i did control alt f and got prompted for a user name and password18:34
Zarrkuwhen I launched i did control alt f2 and got prompted for a user name and password18:34
ZarrkuI entered it it gave me a command line18:35
Zarrkuloue@gblinux 6$18:35
ZarrkuI will know test the ctrl, alt f718:37
alkisg(07:53:00 μμ) alkisg: From that shell, try: ssh admin@server18:38
alkisg(07:53:08 μμ) alkisg: And see if you get any warnings there.18:38
Zarrkucould not resolved host name server18:40
highvoltagehey everyone18:41
Zarrkuname of service not known18:41
alkisghi highvoltage18:41
alkisgZarrku: that's very wrong, shouldn't ever happen in ltsp. You probably did some step wrong.18:41
highvoltagevmlintu: that sounds interesting, would be nice to see what stgraber thinks of it18:41
alkisgDid you do that in the console, in alt+ctrl+f2 ?18:41
highvoltagedoctormo: got it, it's very nice!18:42
alkisgZarrku: in that console, try: cat /etc/hosts18:43
alkisgYou don't see a line with "server" there?18:43
alkisgThat points to your server IP?18:44
Zarrkuno such file or directory18:49
ZarrkuSo I will need to rebuild ltsp18:52
alkisgI don't think so, the client wouldn't boot without those18:52
alkisgYou're probably doing something very wrong, while following that wiki page18:52
alkisgDon't know what, though18:52
ZarrkuI will have to get someone to look at my setup18:55
Zarrkuwhen I do sudo ltsp-update-image, i noitce it updated the x64 bit image19:02
ZarrkuI am using a i386 image19:03
Zarrkufor 32 bit workstations19:03
alkisgZarrku: then try: ltsp-update-image --arch=i38619:05
stgraberhighvoltage: not on jabber ?19:10
stgraberhey LaserJock, back on IRC ? :)19:10
LaserJockstgraber: oh, just a little19:10
LaserJockstgraber: just saying hello to old friends for a bit19:11
highvoltagestgraber: I am, I just looked for you there and saw you're off-line19:11
* highvoltage checks if restarting empathy does the trick19:12
LaserJockso is Edubuntu looking to be in good shape for release?19:13
highvoltageto be honest I expected it to be worse at this stage judging by how things went through the alphas19:14
highvoltageit came together really well towards the end19:14
LaserJockreleases seem to do that19:14
LaserJockI always think Ubuntu is going to be crap around Alpha 3/Beta19:14
LaserJockbut then it pulls through by release time :-)19:15
LaserJockhow's that online preview thingy (can't remember the name) doing?19:15
highvoltagethere's WebLive for full or partial sessions and then there's test drive that starts it from software center19:15
highvoltageit's quite popular, it's had more than 15000 users so far19:16
highvoltagestgraber will have more up-to-date stats :)19:16
stgraberhighvoltage: http://paste.ubuntu.com/597033/19:16
stgraberhighvoltage: 26486 sessions at this time19:17
stgraber10275 over the last month19:17
* highvoltage will start saying over 25k then instead of over 15k19:17
stgraberthanks :)19:18
stgraberat this rate, you should be able to say over 30k by the end of the week :)19:18
stgraberdaily is over 2500 users19:18
ZarrkuI hope that fixes the issue19:18
ZarrkuI doubt it though19:19
LaserJockstgraber: wow!19:19
Zarrkumight have to do a remote assistance with some who knows linux (edubuntu) better than me19:19
LaserJockstgraber: is that translating into installs, can you tell?19:19
stgraberthat's the usual issue, weblive is centralized so I can get some pretty good stats, but we really have no idea how many installs we have :(19:20
stgraberlooking at the stats for edubuntu.org since weblive got released, I'd think it made a difference yes19:21
stgraberas people no longer need to download a DVD to test it19:21
stgraberand we got a lot of publicity when weblive got released as it got on a lot of news websites, all of them suddenly talking about edubuntu19:21
stgraberfor now I try to always have weblive features available for Edubuntu users first (as with the software center integration) so I can do some lower-scale testing and try to get more people to use Edubuntu19:22
stgraberthen once it's proven stable and is well known, I can have it applied to Ubuntu19:22
stgraberI'm a bit scared of the load I'll get on weblive at release time though :) will be a pretty good stress-test I guess :)19:23
Zarrku# # Default LTSP dhcpd.conf config file. #  authoritative;  subnet netmask {     range;     option domain-name "example.com";     option domain-name-servers;     option broadcast-address;     option routers; #    next-server; #    get-lease-hostnames true;     option subnet-mask;     option root-path "/opt/ltsp/i19:31
Zarrku" {         filename "/ltsp/i386/pxelinux.0";     } else {         filename "/ltsp/i386/nbi.img";     } }19:31
Zarrkudo you see anything wrong with this?19:32
Zarrkucan someone direct me to a guide on setting up ltsp for the first time. also maybe someone could look at my edubuntu setup via teamviewer to see if i have made a mistake in my setup21:06
ZarrkuI have followed the youtube guide on setting up ltsp on edubuntu. The video is called installing ltsp on edubuntu 10.04.21:07
stgraberhighvoltage: just finished upgrade testing from maverick to natty. Wallpaper is fine and there was no upgrade error or prompt during the whole process.21:09
Zarrkucan someone direct me to a guide on setting up ltsp for the first time. also maybe someone could look at my edubuntu setup via teamviewer to see if i have made a mistake in my setup21:21
Zarrkucan someone direct me to a guide on setting up ltsp for the first time. also maybe someone could look at my edubuntu setup via teamviewer to see if i have made a mistake in my setup21:21
ZarrkuI have followed the youtube guide on setting up ltsp on edubuntu. The video is called installing ltsp on edubuntu 10.04.21:21
mgariepy<Zarrku>next-server; should probably be equal to
highvoltagestgraber: yay \o/21:27
Zarrkuso you think that is why i can not talk to the server21:30
alkisgZarrku: did you say that your client boots fine, and you see the logon screen, but then you get the message about "server not responding, restarting"?21:41
Zarrkuthat is correct21:42
alkisgOK, I can take a look at your setup with vnc if you want21:43
ZarrkuHowever I am reloading the OS because of a corruption21:43
alkisgAh, ok then21:43
Zarrkustarting over21:43
Zarrkuthe guide i used im not sure if it was a good guide21:43
Zarrkuit was a youtube video called installing ltsp on edubuntu 10.421:44
ZarrkuI follow everystep in the video, but kept getting the above problem21:44
alkisgI haven't seen that video, can't comment on it.21:45
ZarrkuBut, I will need help as soon as I get it re-installed21:46
Zarrkushould not talk long on a sixcore server21:47
Zarrkuits alot different from our centos setup we've had inthe past, so I am having to learn some new stuff21:48

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