
Riddellvalorie: your edit on the wiki page got in01:25
valorieoh good01:29
valoriestupid wiki01:29
jjesse-kubuntugood evening on an update for nattyi'm getting an error message on updating apport and apport-kde01:49
ScottKjjesse-kubuntu: Known issue.  Fix should be available on archive.ubuntu.com in about an hour.01:52
jjesse-kubuntuawesome thanks ScottK01:53
ScottKvalorie: Sorry we won't get to see you again.  I'll try to talk loud.01:53
jjesse-kubuntuyeah bummer on that01:54
claydohis it too late for the fix for this:  https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=23456401:55
ubottuKDE bug 234564 in widget-devicenotifier "device manager popup in the middle of a screen" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]01:55
valorieI'll lay in some extra liquor so I can pretend I'm really there01:59
c2tarunRiddell: pin05:00
ScottKclaydoh: Upstream didn't push the change to KDE 4.6.x branch, so I'm not sure they think it's suitable.  I'd vote ask debfx for an opinion.05:33
jussibah, it still wants to remove my kde :(06:18
ScottKProbably due to some random Qt pre-release snapshot you installed while on a trip.06:25
jussiScottK: hahaahhhahahaha06:26
jussino. 06:26
ScottKI'd try sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and see what it suggests.06:28
ScottKjussi: Do you have kubuntu-desktop installed?06:29
ScottKI see it.06:29
ScottKWhat happens if you do: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop?06:30
ScottKjussi: How about aptitude why-not kubuntu-desktop (no sudo needed)06:34
jussijussi@squirrel:~$ aptitude why-not kubuntu-desktop06:35
jussiUnable to find a reason to remove kubuntu-desktop.06:35
ScottKYou may have to install aptitude depending on how recent the install is.06:35
ScottKReady to try something slightly scary?06:35
ScottKGo ahead and upgrade and let it remove KDE, but whatever you do, don't restart the system.06:36
ScottKThen install kubuntu-desktop again and see what happens.06:36
jussiahh, ok. :) Ive got gnome also here, if somethign goes wrong ;)06:36
ScottKMeh. Safety nets are for wimps.06:38
ScottKAs long as you don't restart the session, it'll be fine.06:38
ScottKOf course maybe it'll break you network and then I can go to sleep.06:41
ScottKjussi: How'd it go?07:03
jussiScottK: sorry, had to run for a sec. 07:14
jussi(read: boss wanted me)07:15
steveireHow do I pull from a remote in bzr?07:15
jussiScottK: http://paste.ubuntu.com/596803/07:17
ScottKWhat does sudo apt-get install kdebase-workspace-bin do?07:18
ScottKsteveire: If it's on launchpad, it'll give you the command to copy/paste, bug generally it's bzr branch [url]07:19
steveireScottK: I already have a local clone07:19
ScottKbzr pull than07:19
steveirebranch does a pull?07:19
steveireok, thanks07:20
steveireshadeslayer: ping?07:20
ScottKjussi: Stale mirror.  Point your sources.list at archive.ubuntu.com apt-get update and try again.07:21
ScottKWhat you're seeing is archive skew between your amd64 stuff and arch all packages built on i386. 07:21
ScottKI checked, and it's actually built on all archs.07:21
jussiwell then, wait one07:22
ScottKDepends: kdelibs5-data (= 4:4.6.2-0ubuntu4) but 4:4.6.2-0ubuntu3 is to be installed was the key bit that told me that.07:22
jussiScottK: seems to be installing now. thank you for all your help07:27
ScottKYou're welcome.07:28
ScottKPre-release it's really better to pull straight from archive.ubuntu.com to minimize problems like this.07:28
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
jussiI think next time I do prerelea... was just saying that :D07:28
ScottKOf course if you run i386, it never happens at all.07:28
ScottKNo, not kidding.07:29
jussisomeone has to test the amd6407:29
ScottKI suppose.07:29
ScottKIMO for desktop use amd64 is pain for not much gain.07:29
ScottKI don't need any single processes bigger than 4gb, so PAE works very nicely for me.07:29
jussiScottK: I assume you will be in budapest? 07:30
ScottKI'm planning on it.07:30
jussiexcellent :)07:31
=== c2tarun_ is now known as c2tarun
c2tarunyofel: ping07:40
c2tarunyofel: can you please help me with this error http://paste.kde.org/16231/07:42
c2tarunyofel: ohh... wait somebody just replied on #qt07:42
yofelI'll leave it to him then, haven't programmed much lately07:43
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
hungerMy quassel crashes whenever it tries to play a sound:-(08:58
Tm_Tquassel, sound?08:58
=== moonflux_ is now known as moonflux
Riddellkontact advisory man steveire: kdepim 4.4.11, do we want it?10:54
steveireI think so11:03
Riddellsteveire: hmm, there's a lot of new stuff in here11:11
steveireYou sure that's 4.4.x? usr/lib/kde4/imports/org/kde/Flap.qml11:31
steveireThe Flap should be there until 4.6 at least11:31
steveireAlong with the rest of the stuff.11:32
Riddellsteveire: it's the tar that allan uploaded but he hasn't verified it yet so he might have done something wrong11:37
RiddellI'll wait until he verifies it11:37
QuintasanYay! Tickets!11:45
* Quintasan jumps around11:45
jussiQuintasan: ? 11:55
QuintasanI just got my tickets emailed  to me :P11:55
mfraz74Natty beta 2. Just tested the screen saver, came back to the desktop and was told that KWin had crashed. Can someone else confirm?13:21
=== allee-k is now known as allee-n
steveireRiddell: You might send an email to him then13:43
* Mamarok is unhappy with update still causing problems, it refuses to update grub correctly, stuck at grub-pc again and again13:43
Mamarokand there is no way to login with the previous kernel, I can't get to the grub menu with the shift key13:44
Mamarokso I am stuck, literally, as I can't update grub manually either, sudo update-grub after editing the config files in /etc/default/ is not responsive at all13:46
* Mamarok tries again13:48
=== steveire is now known as steveire_
Riddellapachelogger: http://paste.kde.org/16975/15:04
Riddellsorry for the delay15:04
Riddellincidently if you have gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg installed but not gstreamer0.10-bad or fluendo plugin Amarok complains that it can't play MP3s but then does so anyway15:06
apacheloggercause amarok knows how to use completely mindwarped phonon interfaces in even more silly ways15:09
apacheloggerRiddell: interestingly enough it also stopped working here :O15:10
apacheloggerRiddell: are you sure it works with 4.4.x?15:10
Riddellapachelogger: yes, works fine15:10
apacheloggerRiddell: it would appear to me that packagekit is too dumb15:22
apacheloggerit fills my heart with lulz15:24
apacheloggergstreamer|0.10|dragonplayer|MPEG-1 Layer 3 (MP3)|codec-audio/mpeg15:24
apacheloggerno worky15:24
apacheloggergstreamer|0.10|dragonplayer|MPEG-1 Layer 3 (MP3)|decoder-audio/mpeg15:24
apacheloggeryap yap, pkg does not handle the codec15:26
apacheloggerRiddell: http://paste.kde.org/~phonon/17029/15:32
Riddellapachelogger: thowing into my ppa for testing15:39
txwikingerhmm.. amarok on natty seems to have a problem16:09
txwikingerI cannot play .wav files16:09
Riddellapachelogger: phonon gstreamer works with that change16:14
=== m4n1sh_ is now known as m4n1sh
Riddelltxwikinger: send us a sample file16:19
txwikingerRiddell: it tries to load plugins but does not find the right one.. it looks for gsm16:20
txwikingerI could listen to the file with another player though16:20
Riddellcountdown now in http://www.kubuntu.org/16:56
apacheloggerRiddell: awesome :D17:08
apacheloggerRiddell: can we get 4.5 now? :D17:08
Riddellapachelogger: not sure, depends on the release team17:09
bambeeapachelogger: http://img689.imageshack.us/f/screen1rlr.png/  , an idea ? 17:28
bambeeall videos are blue, or red, or magenta as default... o_O17:29
bambeeI have probably installed a gstreamer plugin for videos effects... I do not know ..17:30
apacheloggerbambee: my bet is that you messed with the video settings in dragon player and now your hue is messed up17:30
bambeeapachelogger: there are no video settings in dragon player... (except contrast, luminosity, or aspect ratio etc...)17:33
apacheloggerbambee: http://aplg.kollide.net/images/avatar/snapshot170.png17:36
bambeeapachelogger: I already tested that... also I tried to restore defaults... nothing changes17:37
* bambee tries again....17:37
apacheloggerin that case you probably broke something17:37
apacheloggerbambee: you are on natty?17:38
apacheloggerusing gst?17:38
bambeewith gst17:38
apacheloggercould not imagine what is causing it really17:38
apacheloggermaybe check whether it also happens in kaffeine or bangarang17:38
bambeeapachelogger: well, bangarang has exactly the same problem17:41
bambeeso it's phonon :)17:42
apacheloggerpossibly 4.5 fixes it then17:42
bambee(or the gstreamer backend... I do not know)17:42
apacheloggermore likely something is weird with your gstreamer though17:42
apacheloggerphonon only sets the video's HSB on application request, so unless bangarang pointlessly tries to change the settings initially there is no way phonon could cause this17:43
apacheloggerbambee: rm -rf .gstreamer-0.10/17:44
apacheloggermaybe that helps17:44
bambeeapachelogger: no, it does not help :'(17:54
bambeeIf I remember... I have installed a gstreamer plugin required by dragon... and then all my videos were ugly17:54
bambeeimpossible to find the name :\17:55
apacheloggerpossibly your video is just wrong encoded :P17:55
apacheloggeror the gstreamer decoder is buggy17:55
bambeeapachelogger: it works just fine with vlc17:55
apacheloggerbambee: that does not mean that it is encoded correctly17:57
bambeewell... the same video works on my laptop :)17:57
bambeewith dragon17:57
bambeeit does not on my desktop17:57
apacheloggerit still can be any number of things17:58
apacheloggerbambee: sudo apt-get install totem --no-install-recommends17:58
apacheloggertry with totem17:58
apacheloggerif it does not work there then it is definitely no phonon problem17:58
bambeeapachelogger: it works fine with totem18:00
apacheloggerbambee: well, that does not make sense18:01
bambeeapachelogger: I know18:01
bambeeapachelogger: that's why I am asking to you :D18:01
bambeeapachelogger: it works ... lool18:04
bambeeI changed nothing... and it works o_O18:04
bambeewtf ?18:04
bambeeI have just installed totem... it has probably changed something in gstreamer configuration...18:05
apacheloggernot impossible but unlikely18:05
apacheloggertotem uses only one module of gstreamer IIRc18:06
apacheloggerthe one that builds a pipeline automagically18:06
apacheloggerwho wants to try explaining this?18:08
apacheloggerone ought to note the line above the column'd ls output18:08
apacheloggerand then the error below "oi"18:08
apacheloggerdoesn't quite make sense to apachelogger18:08
shadeslayersteveire_: pong18:08
shadeslayerapachelogger: Kernel Panic! :O18:10
shadeslayerapachelogger: is that your tablet?18:10
apacheloggeryeah, someone is trying to kill init :P18:10
apacheloggershadeslayer: yep18:10
* shadeslayer hides 'killall' and pleads innocence18:11
* apachelogger starts thinking that for some reason natty executables cannot be run on the .29 kernel he has on the tablet18:11
JontheEchidnawoohoo, UDS arrangements are done18:12
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: sweet :)18:12
shadeslayeri'll be attending remotely18:12
apacheloggerthat reminds me that I should poke around for cheapish trains18:12
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: what do you think about http://i.imgur.com/G7dE1.jpg18:12
apacheloggerin particular the line above the column'd ls and the error below "oi"18:13
JontheEchidnaperhaps it's a path issue?18:14
apacheloggerbut how could it be a path issue if I am calling the executable using its absolute path18:15
shadeslayerapachelogger: maybe the executable has the path set statically?18:16
apacheloggershadeslayer: then the error would be different18:16
apacheloggerI am calling18:16
apacheloggerwhich is the absolute path of the init18:16
shadeslayerno i mean, what if the init script has the path set statically18:16
apacheloggerso it at least should start init and then fall over because it cannot do something18:17
JontheEchidnaisn't it falling over inside init?18:17
apacheloggershadeslayer: you mean PATH?18:17
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: that is the init of initramfs18:17
apacheloggerwhich is supposed to launch the system's init18:17
JontheEchidnaI'm not an expert on this sort of thing18:18
shadeslayerapachelogger: yes18:18
apacheloggerbut that fails for some reason ... and is the only reason I currently cannot run natty on my tablet18:18
apacheloggershadeslayer: that would not have any affect18:18
apacheloggerabsolute paths are absolute :P18:18
apacheloggerthey have no relationship with PATH whatsoever18:18
* apachelogger ponders launching a serial console over USB ^^18:19
apacheloggeranyone ever done that?18:19
apacheloggerI feel it is the ultimate nerd thing18:19
shadeslayerapachelogger: i've launched a serial console over WLAN18:20
shadeslayernever over USB tho18:20
shadeslayer( adb can launch a shell over WLAN )18:20
shadeslayerandroid debugger18:21
apacheloggerah, that old bugger18:21
apacheloggerI dare saying it is not using serial console18:21
shadeslayeryeah android is getting weird on my phone18:21
apacheloggerjavaware does not use that sorta thing18:21
apacheloggershadeslayer: s/on my phone//18:21
apacheloggerWARNING: switch_root removes recursively all files and directories on the current root filesystem.18:22
apacheloggerzomg :D18:22
* apachelogger is this close to giving up and using maverick18:23
shadeslayerapachelogger: you haz android right?18:23
apacheloggerwell, right now I have a broken kernel :P18:23
apacheloggerand I dunno why18:23
apacheloggerexec switch_root $NEWROOT_PATH $init "$@"18:23
shadeslayerapachelogger: you should have bought the wetab18:23
apachelogger^ either switch_root fails or the system init fails18:23
shadeslayerapachelogger: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.galoula.LinuxInstall&feature=search_result18:24
* apachelogger thinks it is the latter, as launching an angstrom build works18:24
apacheloggershadeslayer: why is that?18:24
shadeslayerapachelogger: try installing ubuntu via that app18:24
shadeslayermaybe it'll work, maybe it wont18:25
* apachelogger blinks18:25
shadeslayermaybe it'll eat your tablet thinking it's a cookie18:25
JontheEchidnaImplementing USB in hardware is really quite complex. I'd doubt it'd be trivial to run a RS232-type serial connection over it.18:40
JontheEchidnathough I guess that depends on how far away from the hardware you can get18:40
shadeslayerapachelogger:  JontheEchidna: read this yet? http://ignore-your.tv/2011/04/13/anycast-the-loophole/18:42
JontheEchidnashadeslayer: I had not seen that, thanks18:45
apacheloggernow it segfaults18:54
apacheloggerJontheEchidna, shadeslayer: turns out upstart's init apparently needs libs provided by the initramfs18:55
apacheloggerthis is all very silly18:55
apacheloggerthe thing is that something must have changed in init that is incredibly incompatbile with my current initramfs 18:59
apacheloggeras it is working with mav18:59
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: the rekonq bug that you just changed, is probably a rekonq bug, not a xorg bug :P19:03
* shadeslayer is fairly sure it's caused by the new highlight tab patch19:03
JontheEchidnashadeslayer: oh, ok. He said that it was fixed with newer xorg19:03
* shadeslayer looks19:03
JontheEchidnaor at least that's what I got from what little info he gave19:04
shadeslayeri should probably upgrade as well ... but apt-get says it wants to fetch 1 GB of updates19:04
apacheloggerright it is19:04
JontheEchidnahe's getting his newer xorg from the edgers ppa, so upgrading from the normal repos probably wouldn't help19:05
* apachelogger wonders whether his problems could be from multilib stuffz19:06
* JontheEchidna goes off to play some BF 194219:07
shadeslayerapachelogger: you guys should discuss if we should build Qt with Clang @ UDS :19:11
apacheloggerI do not think this is much of a topic until nokia drops a version of Qt that officially supports clang 19:11
shadeslayeroh... maybe we can put it in the experimental repo, where people who want to use it can use it?19:12
apacheloggershadeslayer: doesn't that suffer from the very same problem?!19:12
shadeslayerapachelogger: well .. it'll be unofficially supported .. but yeah, not a strong topic for discussion at UDS19:13
apacheloggerwho will support it? :P19:13
apacheloggerplus where will this who get it from if nokia does not release a version?19:14
shadeslayerah yes ^^ 19:14
shadeslayerthat's what i'm afraid of :P19:14
sabdflooooh, clang is ready for qt? that's cool19:25
apacheloggersabdfl: t19:33
* apachelogger kicks the touchpad19:33
apacheloggersabdfl: http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2010/10/29/compiling-qt-with-clang/19:33
apacheloggerfor quite some time actually *shrug*19:33
apacheloggershadeslayer: I think someone does not want kubuntu to run on tablets19:35
shadeslayersabdfl: more like, the other way around :P19:36
shadeslayerapachelogger: it's a conspiracy :)19:36
apacheloggershadeslayer: or maybe both ways :P19:36
apacheloggergreat, now backlight is broken with my all new initramfs -.-19:37
macoapachelogger: what kind of a bot is kubottu?19:38
apacheloggera male bot19:39
apacheloggershadeslayer: plz go test phonon-vlc from gitz19:39
apacheloggermaco: http://ruby-rbot.org/19:39
macoapachelogger: thanks19:39
shadeslayerapachelogger: kde:phonon-vlc?19:40
apacheloggerand could someone please read all my mails and send me a summary? ^^19:40
shadeslayer--   package 'libvlc' not found19:41
shadeslayerapachelogger: i'm certain that today was a productive day for all since reddit was down19:42
shadeslayerapachelogger: oh Skynet took over AWS, we are doomed19:42
shadeslayerwe should start looking for a bunker19:43
apacheloggerhm, I fear Riddell might want to rewrite KDE in python next year around this time ^^19:43
apacheloggerbzr \o/19:43
shadeslayerThere won't be a next year19:43
apacheloggermy point exactly19:44
yofelplease not, I don't want to by a new notebook that has 16G Memory in it...19:44
yofelevening btw. :)19:44
* apachelogger will have to open up his laptop and tweak the cooling a bit19:44
shadeslayeryofel: apachelogger btw i found this out recently, python runs faster than Dbus updates it's states19:44
apacheloggerI could prepare phonon vlc for release19:44
apacheloggerOR continue trying to figure out why the .29 kernel does not start natty19:45
apacheloggerOR try to make a newer kernel and hope for better luck19:45
shadeslayeri had to add a delay to make the dbus states update and then fetch values from it19:45
apacheloggerOR get drunk19:45
shadeslayeryofel: evening19:45
apacheloggershadeslayer: dbus states?19:45
shadeslayerapachelogger: phonon-vlc works fine19:47
apacheloggermore testing the world needs19:47
shadeslayercompiles fine as well19:48
shadeslayerapachelogger: yes dbus states19:48
shadeslayerwell .. basically, the DBus queries lag behind the python script19:48
shadeslayerapachelogger: yofel https://github.com/GeneralMaximus/amazing-horse/blob/master/players/amarok.py#L3219:49
apacheloggeremit yawn(HippoYawn);19:50
yofelfeels like timing sys-v-initscripts19:50
shadeslayeryofel: we tested it out with times ranging from 0.5s to 0.1 s19:50
apacheloggershadeslayer: I still do not compute19:51
shadeslayerand this was the ideal timeout that we could come up with19:51
shadeslayerapachelogger: okay i'll show you19:51
yofelsomeone fix dbus19:51
shadeslayeryofel: you mean someone fix IPC19:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about status19:53
AmazingHorse56[Playing] "Still Night" by "Pretty Lights" from "Glowing In The Darkest Night"19:53
yofelhm, someone in #ubuntu+1 asks if s/he can install ubuntu using a floppy... I think I'll stay out of there for a while...19:53
AmazingHorse56[Playing] "Still Night" by "Pretty Lights" from "Glowing In The Darkest Night"19:53
AmazingHorse56[Paused] "Summer Fades" by "SONSOFDAY" from "Autumn Heart"19:53
shadeslayerapachelogger: ^^19:53
shadeslayerit's actually playing on my system19:53
shadeslayeryofel: LOL19:53
shadeslayerapachelogger: now look19:54
AmazingHorse56[Playing] "Summer Fades" by "SONSOFDAY" from "Autumn Heart"19:54
AmazingHorse56[Paused] "Shining Bright Despite The Plight" by "Pretty Lights" from "Glowing In The Darkest Night"19:54
AmazingHorse56[Playing] "Shining Bright Despite The Plight" by "Pretty Lights" from "Glowing In The Darkest Night"19:54
shadeslayer^^ flood control :P19:54
apacheloggershadeslayer: what do I see?19:54
shadeslayerapachelogger: if i remove the timeout, the status gets updated after the script gets the state from DBus19:55
apacheloggerthat has nothing to do with dbus really19:55
shadeslayerapachelogger: well... DBus lags behind python19:56
apacheloggerthat is bogus19:56
apacheloggerthe syncness of a dbus call is scoped to the excution of the call19:56
apacheloggermeaning just because your call returned does not mean the other process actually did process it yet19:56
shadeslayerright, since this is a synchronous call, it should give me the current status19:56
apacheloggerthe call is sync19:57
apacheloggernot the execution19:57
shadeslayeroh .. hmm 19:57
shadeslayertrue that19:57
apacheloggerthat is a common problem with concurrent systems19:57
apacheloggerand in particular one of the reason why dbus got singals19:58
apacheloggersupposedly mpris actually defines a signal trackChanged or somesuch19:58
apacheloggerto which you should connect, and update your internal data regaridng the currently playing song19:58
shadeslayerapachelogger: does connect work the same way in python as it does in C++ ?19:59
apacheloggerQObject.connect possibly19:59
shadeslayerhmm 19:59
* apachelogger is not sure it will work with python dbus proxies though20:00
shadeslayeri'll have a look at it tomorrow ...20:00
apacheloggerwhat you will probably need to do is create a glib signal handler and connect your proxy to that (as the proxy is powerd by glib I suppose)20:01
apacheloggerthen within that handler emit a Qt signal or call the function you need called20:01
apacheloggerdbus in python is a beauty20:02
apacheloggerand my tablet remained dark!!!!!!!!20:02
apacheloggerin the name of kent beck20:02
apacheloggerthis is madness20:03
shadeslayerapachelogger: tried kicking it?20:03
* apachelogger actually would not care using maverick if one could do flipping arm builds in a ppa20:03
shadeslayerapachelogger: thats planned isn't it?20:04
shadeslayerokay so i'll take up KDE PIM 4.4.1120:05
shadeslayerseems trivial enough to be done in a couple of minutes20:05
apacheloggershadeslayer: I dunno20:06
apacheloggermany things are planned, they barely ever arrive though :/20:06
apacheloggerat least one could not do it with OBS either20:06
apacheloggerthat at least makes me not feel held back20:06
shadeslayerapachelogger: have you ever worked with OBS?20:07
apacheloggerbriefly for project-neon20:07
shadeslayerapachelogger: we are thinking of moving to OBS as well20:07
apacheloggerah, so you will ditch launchpad?20:07
apacheloggernot a bad idea20:07
shadeslayerapachelogger: well .. if we want to go cross distro, we will need to switch to OBS20:08
apacheloggermy point typed by you :P20:08
shadeslayersadly debian does not have people to spare to maintain packages20:08
* apachelogger gets grumpy over not booting tablet and decides to look for beer20:09
shadeslayerapachelogger: ScottK should we get KDE PIM into natty archives?20:13
shadeslayeror distribute via PPA?20:13
apacheloggerI believe jr was looking into it earlier20:15
shadeslayer4.4.11.1 ?20:16
shadeslayeror 4.6 >20:16
apacheloggersomething with .11 definitely20:16
macoapachelogger: did you write the bit that makes kubottu speak identi.ca or is that included?20:22
apacheloggerpossibly I made that20:22
apacheloggerthough since identi.ca has twitter api that was just s/twitter/identi.ca IIRC20:23
shadeslayerRiddell: i've uploaded kdepim runtime to my ppa, kdepim will be done in a few minutes too20:32
ScottKshadeslayer: At this point I'd say natty-proposed/updates.20:43
ScottKshadeslayer: A broader question is if we should update lucid/maverick too?20:49
shadeslayeri can't comment on lucid, but i will backport these to maverick20:50
shadeslayerKDE PIM
ScottKRiddell: Since we have a post-release microversion exception, I'd propose we just wait on pim.20:59
Riddellyes I agree20:59
macoRiddell: by the way, remember a couple weeks ago i said i was introducing a Friend to Kubuntu?  she <3s Kubuntu Natty  >>>>>> Ubuntu Hardy21:01
shadeslayerhuh, i wonder why ksnapshot does not export to imgur21:09
Riddellmaco: awooga21:10
shadeslayerthis sucks21:28
shadeslayeri keep resizing konsole and then i have to reboot my PC21:28
yofeluse yakuake, that won't make you want to resize it21:29
EagleScreendoes all kde3 apps have been dropped from the archive in natty?21:31
yofelI know that some were dropped, not sure if all21:33
shadeslayeri see kommander-kde321:34
shadeslayerwhich is a KDE 3 app21:34
shadeslayerbut yeah alot of KDE 3 apps are gone21:34
sabdflRiddell: exciting to read about your rotation, good choice21:36
sabdflthough I have *no* idea what else might be a "bit too different in their ui choices" ;-)21:36
EagleScreenkdbg 2.5.0-1 hs reached Debian testing, I supose it is too too late to have it in natty, will you upload it to the PPA?21:37
apacheloggershadeslayer: syn21:37
shadeslayerapachelogger: synack21:37
apacheloggershadeslayer: I haz maverick on tablet21:37
shadeslayersweet :D21:37
apacheloggertouch is oddly defunct though :D21:37
shadeslayerapachelogger: what's the problem there?21:38
apacheloggerclicking only works with two fingers21:38
apacheloggermust be because of multitouchability21:38
shadeslayerapachelogger: btw remember where you commited the code which added paste.ubuntu.com functionality to the pastebin plasmoid?21:38
apacheloggerhammer time 21:38
Riddellthanks sabdfl :)21:38
shadeslayeruTouch doing fancy stuff maybe>21:39
apacheloggershadeslayer: utouch ought not be involved 21:39
apacheloggercertainly not on mav21:39
apacheloggerprobably evdev just needs some love21:39
apacheloggeror maybe I should use tslib21:39
EagleScreencould you sync kdbg 2.5.0-1 from Debian testing to some Kubuntu PPA?21:39
shadeslayerEagleScreen: you could just wait and get it sync'd to updates i believe, seeing how it would have a lower regression21:40
shadeslayer*if* it's a new package i mean21:40
yofelthat would be too late for natty though21:40
apacheloggershadeslayer: I suppose that would only be allowed iff our current version does not carry a delta21:41
yofelnatty doesn't have a kdbg at all21:41
apacheloggershadeslayer: http://imgur.com/HgVQRl&rylG721:41
yofelas the old one was kde321:41
apacheloggersabdfl: master, master, look what we have done: http://imgur.com/HgVQRl&rylG7 :D :D21:41
EagleScreeni know, but kdbg 2.5.0-1 is kde421:41
shadeslayerapachelogger: OMG Wheres plasma mobile?21:41
apacheloggershadeslayer: in mav we did not have a mobile seed21:42
shadeslayerapachelogger: you could just install plasma mobile you know21:42
yofelwell, we could put kdbg into backports for natty probably21:42
shadeslayerlike ontop of it21:42
shadeslayeryofel: why not updates?21:42
apacheloggershadeslayer: orly?21:42
yofelyou should file a backport request as soon as it gets into oneiric though21:42
shadeslayerapachelogger: yarly :P21:42
apacheloggershadeslayer: how would you do that with a) a keyboard and b) a working touchscreen? :P21:43
yofelshadeslayer: not sure, I would count it as a backport by now, but I'm fine either way21:43
shadeslayerapachelogger: ssh into it21:43
* yofel goes testbuilding kdbg in pbuilder21:43
apacheloggeractually fear not! apachelogger has a serial console over USB set up :D21:43
shadeslayerapachelogger: you got that working?21:43
apacheloggeryes, I went to lands of ultimate nerddom21:43
shadeslayeryou are the l33t h4x00r21:43
yofelcould go into updats though, right21:44
* yofel delete bash completion for pbuilder, utterly broken21:44
shadeslayerbash is woefully outdated21:46
shadeslayeruse zsh!21:46
yofelnah, I would need a summer to set that up, so postponed21:47
yofeland I know the git completion locked zsh up all the time21:47
shadeslayeroh yeah21:48
shadeslayeractivate the git plugin in zsh *only* if you have a SSD or similar21:48
yofelno, that wasn't the issue, it locked up zsh with 100% CPU, until I killed the shell21:51
shadeslayerhasn't happened to me 21:52
yofelalso, I need to figure out how to write completion plugins in zsh first before I switch21:52
* apachelogger srsly needs a working natty on the tablet21:52
shadeslayerapachelogger: but why?21:53
apacheloggerbecause the mobile stack on mav is rather old21:54
yofelare we going to update kaffeine in a PPA?21:55
ScottKUpdate in oneiric and backport probably makes more sense (PPA for now).21:55
* yofel puts kdbg into ninjas21:57
bambeegood night22:35
claydohBug #768363 22:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 768363 in software-properties (Ubuntu) "Not able to change software origins" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76836322:55

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