nicolas__ | Hi I cannot enable DLNA plugin on Totem under my user, however if I log in as a different user on the same computer or as root, I can easily do it. I already rm -rf .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd .metacity | 00:11 |
James147 | nicolas__: ask at #ubuntu | 00:14 |
nicolas__ | thanks | 00:16 |
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delac | any way to make "Search and Launch" to come up by clicking a button (or some other action), "overlay" on top of any open windows and fade away after launching an application? | 00:32 |
James147 | delac: try using the show desktop widget | 00:33 |
delac | James147: yes, I know about that, but it is quite not the same thing | 00:33 |
James147 | why not? | 00:33 |
* James147 ntoes that the applications here reapear when one is launched | 00:34 | |
James147 | delac: so what you decribe is exactly what happens... excpt for the overlay part... but I dont see why that would be of importnace | 00:35 |
delac | well, I cant make the other windows reappear | 00:36 |
delac | they stay minimized | 00:36 |
James147 | delac: desktop or netbook? | 00:36 |
delac | desktop | 00:36 |
delac | also dismissing the Search and Launch wont bring the windows back | 00:37 |
delac | would have to click again the show desktop | 00:38 |
James147 | what version of kde? | 00:38 |
delac | uh, what comes with ubuntu 10.10? | 00:38 |
delac | *kbuntu 10.10? | 00:39 |
delac | :) | 00:39 |
delac | also, I would like to keep it hidden when not in use | 00:39 |
delac | so that i doesn't show on empty desktop | 00:40 |
delac | it* | 00:40 |
James147 | delac: hmm, sorry, dosnt seem to work with the search and launch on the desktop :S weird, if you click it and open an application then it works | 00:40 |
amudnsen | hi | 00:42 |
James147 | delac: try useing the dashboard | 00:43 |
James147 | (shift+F12 by default) | 00:43 |
James147 | s/shift/crtl/ ^^ | 00:43 |
James147 | seems to behave how you want except if you click the icons on the favbar | 00:44 |
delac | not sure how that should work. It doesn't seem to do anything for me. And the Search and Launch is a activity rather than widget... | 00:46 |
amudnsen | i'm trying to find a tutorial about how to make kde 4.6 use less hardware resources, but i had no sucess | 00:48 |
amudnsen | anybody can help me ? | 00:48 |
James147 | delac: seems to work how you want it here, i press crtl+F12 and it displays the search and launch activity ^^ | 00:49 |
James147 | amudnsen: disable desktop effects, disable indexing in nepomuk | 00:50 |
delac | James147: ok, now I got it. yes, this is starts to be close what I'm trying to achieve. thanks! | 00:51 |
amudnsen | James147, thanks. I knew that, but i'd like to turn off something more | 00:52 |
James147 | amudnsen: remove unused widgets | 00:54 |
James147 | or kill plasma altogeater :D | 00:55 |
tibetan_zen | k | 01:07 |
tibetan_zen | . | 01:17 |
_anthony | hello | 01:34 |
_anthony | anyone there | 01:34 |
_anthony | hello | 01:35 |
Fritz1793 | idk | 01:35 |
_anthony | :) | 01:35 |
Fritz1793 | people are here, not sure if they are there though... | 01:35 |
_anthony | anyone know of a good web broswer for kubuntu 6.10 | 01:35 |
James147 | 6.10? | 01:35 |
_anthony | yes | 01:36 |
James147 | why so old? | 01:36 |
_anthony | my computer is slow and old for new versions | 01:36 |
James147 | well, i beleave that 6.10 will have reached end of life along time ago... | 01:37 |
James147 | you might want to consider using a more lightweight desktop envroment with a modern distro | 01:37 |
_anthony | but is there something like firefox that is for kubuntu | 01:37 |
_anthony | or something that is kind of new | 01:38 |
_anthony | or should i upgrade | 01:38 |
_anthony | to like 8.10 | 01:38 |
James147 | _anthony: you should upgrade to something that has not reached end of life | 01:38 |
_anthony | might as well right i might just do that now thanks | 01:39 |
Ox0000 | In KDE 4, how to specify user/pass when configuring a network printer on LPD? | 01:46 |
=== n is now known as Guest2369 | ||
reagle | Before KDE 4.6, when I hit ctrl+alt+v, then cursored to select a entry in klipper, when I hit return, the klipper pop-up would go away. Now it stays there! Is this just me or was there a change in behaviour? | 02:47 |
Ash_ | Hi everybody... I need some help | 03:13 |
Ash_ | I am running kubuntu and the volume is way too low | 03:13 |
mase_wk | Ash_: increase the volume on either the master channel or the pcm channel depending on which one is too low | 03:18 |
Ash_ | the volume on both master and pcm channel is on the highest... btw how do I pm someone specifically | 03:19 |
Priestone | Доброе время суток | 03:21 |
mase_wk | Ash_: one of the channels will be low if you have sound but it's just lower. Alsamixer will give a quick overview of all the channels | 03:22 |
Ash_ | I know but I checked alsamixer in terminal and both are the highest it could be | 03:22 |
mase_wk | erm are your speakers / headphones down ? are you sure that you have everything enabled.........F5 will show all in alsamixer | 03:24 |
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melvin_ | join | 03:34 |
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izinucs | Ash_: are the speaker etc.. usb? | 03:40 |
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basso | was up in tha hood? | 04:19 |
gabriel__ | Hi | 04:26 |
gabriel__ | Hi Valorie | 04:27 |
gabriel__ | How do I turn off sounds that play at startup and logoff? They are too loud for night time use on my sound system. | 04:27 |
gabriel__ | I just logged in, and rattled the windows and it's 08:28 | 04:28 |
gabriel__ | pm | 04:28 |
justin__ | hello | 04:30 |
gabriel__ | Hi justin | 04:30 |
valorie | gabriel__: you can turn those off entirely in systemsettings | 04:34 |
valorie | and please don't pm - ask in channel | 04:35 |
valorie | thanks | 04:35 |
gabriel__ | okay, I'm not finding the right place. | 04:35 |
gabriel__ | how do you pm? | 04:35 |
gabriel__ | Is this the main channel now? | 04:37 |
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valorie | this is the main Kubuntu help channel, yes | 04:43 |
valorie | did you see my answer to you above? | 04:43 |
gabriel__ | oh no! Math War takes up both monitors and looks crappy... =0( | 04:53 |
gabriel__ | Where might quassel be sending [/whois] output? | 05:01 |
valorie | did you look at the server tab? | 05:02 |
valorie | also, the slash always has to be the first character on the line | 05:03 |
gabriel__ | I can't see a server tab. sorry... | 05:03 |
valorie | or it just goes to the channel | 05:03 |
valorie | nothing that says freenode? | 05:03 |
gabriel__ | right nothing it dumping in the channel. | 05:03 |
gabriel__ | nope, no free node | 05:04 |
valorie | ok, it might not look like a tab, but usually there will be a server name followed by the channel names | 05:06 |
valorie | in tabs, a list, or something | 05:06 |
gabriel__ | [20:56:18] * [Whois] valorie valorie is logged in as | 05:06 |
gabriel__ | [20:56:18] * [Whois] End of /WHOIS list. | 05:06 |
valorie | ah | 05:07 |
valorie | maybe my cloak hides that | 05:07 |
gabriel__ | oooh cool! I want an {invisible cloak} | 05:07 |
gabriel__ | =0) | 05:07 |
ryan | lol | 05:07 |
valorie | I get a big old list for myself | 05:08 |
gabriel__ | steals a copy of the list from vlaorie and hides it in #kubuntu | 05:09 |
valorie | work for a project that gives a cloak, and you get one | 05:09 |
gabriel__ | wait, work? sounds less fun now... lol! | 05:10 |
valorie | indeed | 05:11 |
valorie | the work is fun, though | 05:11 |
valorie | that's why you choose a project which you like | 05:11 |
valorie | and work with people you like | 05:12 |
gabriel__ | humm... where might one find samples of work? | 05:12 |
valorie | you can find my work at | 05:13 |
gabriel__ | I can't right now =0( I gotta go to town for a minute. ttyl | 05:20 |
gabriel__ | @valorie back =0) can | 06:18 |
gabriel__ | 't find my cat though =0( | 06:18 |
c2tarun | how can I restart my network-manager from terminal? | 06:51 |
user | hey guys....i'm trying to update Adobe Flash, but i keep getting the wrong architecture from Adobe website. Is there a way to update flash using the terminal? | 07:00 |
user | or the direct link to update the 64-bit version of Adobe Flash??? | 07:01 |
mase_wk | user: i believe it's in the partner repositories | 07:04 |
mase_wk | non-free | 07:04 |
user | ok let me check | 07:05 |
c2tarun | user: well, what architecture do you have? | 07:06 |
user | i have a 64-bit OS.....i just uninstalled it using KPackageKit and i'm re-installing it | 07:06 |
c2tarun | you just have to paste one file to ~/.mozilla/plugins | 07:07 |
user | It's Aliiiiiiiive!!!!!!!!!! | 07:07 |
user | I should have tried that earlier......sorry for the trouble. But thanks for helping me out :) | 07:08 |
user | Goodnight guys.....thanks again | 07:10 |
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delac | is there command line command to bring up/close dashboard? | 08:54 |
howlymowly | hi poeple.. short question: I use kubuntu 10.10 is it somehow possible to log into a complete kde-session remotly, using ssh? | 09:14 |
howlymowly | I thought remebering that such an option was present in earlier versions of the kdm log-in manager | 09:14 |
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Guest68154 | hello | 09:15 |
valorie | !wireless | 09:28 |
ubottu | Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at | 09:28 |
DNJDSJDSADSJDSAN | !wireless | 09:29 |
gunsofbrixton | hi, why doesn't kubuntu have a nice and colorful grub2 splash image by default? | 09:47 |
DNJDSJDSADSJDSAN | kubuntu is so cool | 10:07 |
valorie | by default? because we have to have an artist make it | 10:10 |
valorie | gunsofbrixton: ^^^ | 10:10 |
valorie | I agree that it would be nice to have | 10:11 |
gunsofbrixton | valorie: it's really just a matter of finding an artist? I would have guessed that there were issues with old machines... hmm maybe I'll have a go at it then | 10:14 |
DNJDSJDSADSJDSAN | can i report bugs ? | 10:15 |
DNJDSJDSADSJDSAN | ah found ubuntu-bug okay | 10:15 |
ikonia | 3/join #ubuntu-bugs | 10:16 |
ikonia | that channel is not for reporting bugs | 10:16 |
ikonia | !bug | DNJDSJDSADSJDSAN | 10:16 |
ubottu | DNJDSJDSADSJDSAN: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at | 10:16 |
ikonia | DNJDSJDSADSJDSAN: follow that process | 10:16 |
DNJDSJDSADSJDSAN | thanks | 10:17 |
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delac | when loggin in, I get black rectangel around the login animation icons and there is a miniature veriosn of the desktop background image on the upper left corner. any way to fix? | 10:36 |
armaan | hi | 10:44 |
armaan | when i type sudo apt-get build-dep amarok | 10:44 |
armaan | it gives me error | 10:45 |
armaan | it says it could not open file /var/lib/apt/lists/in.archieve.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_maverick_main_sources_Sources- open(2: No such file or directory) | 10:45 |
armaan | any idea? | 10:46 |
armaan | whats the problem? | 10:46 |
* valorie goes to try | 10:47 | |
valorie | it sounds like there is a disk problem | 10:48 |
valorie | and again, that was not a paste? | 10:48 |
valorie | it would be good if you could paste the actual error message | 10:48 |
armaan | ohk | 10:49 |
armaan | | 11:13 |
armaan | need help?? | 11:14 |
Peace- | armaan: see | 11:14 |
armaan | pls look at the pastebin. | 11:15 |
armaan | i have problem installing amarok dependencies | 11:15 |
Peace- | armaan: sudo apt-get update | 11:16 |
Peace- | armaan: thne try again | 11:16 |
armaan | did it, same error | 11:17 |
Peace- | armaan: try to change server | 11:17 |
armaan | how to should i do it? | 11:18 |
Peace- | armaan: kpackagekit | 11:18 |
kaiyin_ | Hi. Is there an official guideline for compiling a customized kernel? | 11:19 |
ikonia | kaiyin_: why do you need a custom kernel | 11:20 |
armaan | what the hell , i have to fix a bug in gentoo in 24 hours and i m stuck here :( | 11:21 |
kaiyin_ | I just figure that a customized kernel will make it faster. | 11:21 |
armaan | @Peace: thank you so much | 11:24 |
ikonia | kaiyin_: it won't | 11:27 |
kaiyin_ | ikonia: why? | 11:27 |
ikonia | kaiyin_: why would it ? | 11:29 |
delac | how to change right click behaviour in Desktop Grid? | 11:29 |
kaiyin_ | ikonia: I think with superfluous features disabled, the kernel would be more efficient. | 11:30 |
ikonia | kaiyin_: it wouldn't as the kernel is modular in ubuntu, it only loads what it needs | 11:30 |
kaiyin_ | ikonia: Okay, what are the usual reason that some people want to compile their own kernel? | 11:31 |
kaiyin_ | reasons. | 11:31 |
ikonia | kaiyin_: depends on their reasons, sizing on disk, custom patches, specific features enabled that are not in their kernel etc | 11:33 |
ikonia | kaiyin_: depends on the people and the distro they are using the reasons for change,s | 11:33 |
kaiyin_ | ikonia: alright, thank you, you saved me a lot trouble. :) | 11:34 |
ikonia | kaiyin_: that's the plan :) | 11:37 |
delac | also, how can I get rid of the [+|-] in the Desktop Grid? | 11:41 |
=== mren|off is now known as mren | ||
InvaderZim | i can't mount an internal disk on dolphin without it asking for password. and i have policykit-desktop-privileges installed | 13:23 |
Peace- | InvaderZim: guess you have messed up something of groups | 13:39 |
Peace- | and or installation bad kubuntu | 13:39 |
Peace- | sudo apt-get install kubuntu-default-settings | 13:39 |
InvaderZim | i really haven't messed with it | 13:39 |
InvaderZim | uhm lets see | 13:39 |
InvaderZim | this kubuntu here has been upgraded since 7.10 i think | 13:40 |
InvaderZim | Peace-: already the newest version | 13:40 |
Peace- | sudo apt-get install --reinstall kubuntu-default-settings | 13:40 |
InvaderZim | Peace-: and then what? | 13:41 |
Peace- | InvaderZim: groups | 13:41 |
Peace- | live adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin sambashare admin | 13:41 |
InvaderZim | [myuser] adm dialout cdrom dip plugdev lpadmin netdev admin sambashare | 13:42 |
Peace- | InvaderZim: ok try with another user | 13:43 |
Peace- | InvaderZim: sudo adduser NAME | 13:43 |
Peace- | InvaderZim: sudo adduser NAME admin | 13:43 |
Peace- | log in with the new user | 13:43 |
InvaderZim | hmm | 13:44 |
Peace- | try for the problem | 13:44 |
InvaderZim | ok | 13:44 |
delac | would like to make compiz open Dashboard from Edge binding, but what command I should use to open the Dashboard? | 13:44 |
Peace- | delac: you need to open systemsettings | 13:45 |
Peace- | and | 13:45 |
Peace- | delac: | 13:46 |
delac | unfortunately that works only with kwin, not compiz | 13:47 |
delac | for compiz I need some command line command that would open the dashboard | 13:47 |
InvaderZim | Peace-: ok i started a new session and still asked for password | 13:49 |
InvaderZim | Peace-: this also happens on a netbook with kubuntu | 13:51 |
Peace- | InvaderZim: mmm i guess there is some messing on packages | 13:57 |
Peace- | InvaderZim: i am on natty , maverick lucid and here it is working fine | 13:58 |
InvaderZim | Peace-: always worked fine? | 13:58 |
Peace- | InvaderZim: have you "customized " your computer | 13:58 |
Peace- | InvaderZim: always | 13:58 |
InvaderZim | no not customized | 13:58 |
Peace- | mm | 13:58 |
Peace- | InvaderZim: ok i can give you my packages list | 13:58 |
InvaderZim | i tried manually changing the pkla once | 13:59 |
Peace- | to use on kpackagekit | 13:59 |
InvaderZim | didnt work | 13:59 |
InvaderZim | ok | 13:59 |
Peace- | InvaderZim: you can use it but there is lxde too... so you need to disable it | 13:59 |
Peace- | or you will install lxde ... | 13:59 |
InvaderZim | right | 13:59 |
Peace- | InvaderZim: ok here it is | 14:01 |
Peace- | InvaderZim: you need to open kapackagekit | 14:01 |
Peace- | click on installed | 14:02 |
Peace- | so import list ... | 14:02 |
Peace- | InvaderZim: | 14:02 |
Peace- | InvaderZim: that is my system , and maybe you don't need all these packages but... here is workin fine everything | 14:04 |
* Peace- ps is using natty | 14:04 | |
InvaderZim | natty already huh | 14:04 |
InvaderZim | Peace-: no package was found to be installed | 14:09 |
RightClick | Hi ! How can I disable right click on the desk? | 14:40 |
delac | it seems my login splash is broken. it displaces the background image to the upper left corner so that it takes only one fourth of the screen. anyone know anything about this? | 14:41 |
BluesKaj | Howdy | 14:41 |
delac | hello | 14:43 |
delac | say... | 14:43 |
delac | it seems my login splash is broken. it displaces the background image to the upper left corner so that it takes only one fourth of the screen. anyone know anything about this? | 14:43 |
James147 | delac: have you tried a different theme? | 14:44 |
delac | all the others seem bit plain, but they seem to work. at least the test seems to work. the default theme fails even the test | 14:46 |
James147 | delac: try downloading another one then :) | 14:46 |
BluesKaj | delac, yeah I have the same thing , haven't bothered to change the theme yet | 14:46 |
delac | BluesKaj: well, nice to know I'm not alone with this :) | 14:47 |
delac | but it did work yesterday, I gues there is a way to fix it | 14:48 |
RightClick | Hi ! How can I disable right click on the desk? | 14:48 |
delac | it broke after I had to remove whole ~/.kde folder because my desktop was going wonky | 14:48 |
BluesKaj | delac, I just noticed the theme that I chose is no longer listed | 14:49 |
delac | RightClick: right click the desktop, select DEsktop Settings and go to the Mouse actions | 14:50 |
BluesKaj | have to reboot anyway..bbiab | 14:50 |
RightClick | ok thx delac | 14:54 |
RightClick | do you know the name of the widget on the top right of the desk? which all to add pannel, configure icons etc ? delac ? | 14:54 |
RightClick_ | do you know the name of the widget on the top right of the desk? which all to add pannel, configure icons etc ? delac ? | 14:58 |
BluesKaj | yup it was the theme that was broken , delac , changed to a diff one all is fine | 14:59 |
BluesKaj | RightClick_, most ppl call it the cashew , due to it's shape | 15:00 |
delac | he's gone | 15:00 |
BluesKaj | yup, saw that too late | 15:00 |
delac | BluesKaj: any package in repos that has nice splashes? | 15:01 |
RightClick_ | the cashew? | 15:01 |
BluesKaj | delac, I'm going with MIB Ossigeno Ultimate Splash Screen | 15:02 |
delac | RightClick_: if this is what you are after: | 15:02 |
RightClick_ | delac: how do you know? :D | 15:02 |
delac | RightClick_: I was lookin for it just fefteen minutes ago myself ;) | 15:03 |
NathanaelG | Hi all | 15:39 |
NathanaelG | Is the release date of 11.04 known yet? | 15:39 |
BluesKaj | NathanaelG, Apr 28th | 15:50 |
BluesKaj | NathanaelG, if you're interested in more details, join #ubuntu+1 | 15:51 |
bottiger | When I try to install kubuntu-desktop I get some dependecy errors because kdelibs5-data is only in version 4:4.6.2-0ubuntu3 but is needed in version 4:4.6.2-0ubuntu4 | 15:54 |
bottiger | 4:4.6.2-0ubuntu4 hardly exists on google. Does anyone else have this problem | 15:54 |
bottiger | (I'm on natty btw) | 15:54 |
NathanaelG | BluesKaj: and how about plasma media center, will it be integrated in kubuntu 11.04? | 15:55 |
James147 | ^^ best to ask about natty at #ubuntu+1 | 15:55 |
policyq | bottiger: since it's beta release you probably need to be in the natty chan whatever that is | 15:55 |
bottiger | policyq: and what is the name of that channel? | 15:56 |
policyq | bottiger: James147 just said it | 15:56 |
bottiger | policyq: ohh - sorry | 15:56 |
bottiger | James147: thank you | 15:56 |
policyq | bottiger: apology accepted | 15:56 |
BluesKaj | NathanaelG, sorry dunno | 15:57 |
BluesKaj | agian, ask in ubuntu+1 , NathanaelG | 15:57 |
MK`` | what additional content is included on the LiveDVD, as opposed to the LiveCD? | 15:57 |
MK`` | It says language packs and the alternate installed, but I have a feeling that isn't all of it. | 16:01 |
MK`` | installer* | 16:01 |
James147 | MK``: more packages ^^ unless you need to install kubuntu on a computer without an internet connection I suggest just using the cd | 16:02 |
James147 | anything in the dvd can just be downloaded from the internet after installation | 16:02 |
MK`` | Yeah. Is it KDE4 SC? | 16:03 |
James147 | MK``: ^^ kde is included in all version of kubuntu... | 16:07 |
MK`` | Ah ok, sorry I am new to this all | 16:08 |
NathanaelG | wll, MK`` Kubuntu is the kde brand of ubuntu | 16:08 |
NathanaelG | MK``: i think it is kde 4.5.4 in 10.10, unless you have backports repository like me, using 4.6.2 | 16:09 |
NathanaelG | although 4.5.4 is delivered by an online update, on cd is probably an earlier version | 16:10 |
James147 | ^^ as far as I know there is very little difference in installing from a dvd and installing from the cd... just that the dvd have more languages to choose from and that after installtion you can install more software from the dvd (which are avaible in a more uptodate form on the internet anyway) | 16:10 |
MK`` | Ah, so it is just that and more programs listed in KPackageKit but not in the default installation? | 16:11 |
James147 | MK``: but only if you are installing them from the dvd ^^ which you really shouldnt unless you dont have a internet connection | 16:11 |
=== JasonO_ is now known as JasonO | ||
MK`` | Alright, thanks | 16:12 |
nebula | Hey people, what monitor to choose for kubuntu 11.04 | 16:25 |
nebula | | 16:25 |
nebula | | 16:25 |
nebula | help | 16:25 |
FloodBotK2 | nebula: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 16:25 |
* James147 notes that the os should make very little if not then no difference to the choise | 16:26 | |
BluesKaj | vga is vga, dvi is dvi hdmi is hdmi ...OS has litle to do with it afaik | 16:27 |
James147 | (assuming it has support for those interfaces ^^ which kubutu does and so do most others ) | 16:28 |
James147 | ^^ but form what I can see there is very little difference between them | 16:28 |
* James147 would pick which ever he thourght looked better, if not then the cheaper one :) | 16:29 | |
* NathanaelG would buy a second gfx card and both of the monitors ;-) | 16:36 | |
James147 | NathanaelG: would rather buy two of one rather then one of each | 16:38 |
James147 | :) | 16:38 |
* NathanaelG agrees totally and didn't want the comment to be taken seriousle | 16:41 | |
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dieter__ | Guten Abend | 17:04 |
=== kirtika is now known as rkirti | ||
mr-rich | When I see a .wav file in Dolphin, it gives me a "Play" button ... but it doesn't seem to work. Is there some place I can configure that? | 17:10 |
dieter__ | Ich habe folgendes Problem (Alsa / KMix): beim Versuch bei KMix alle auf dem System vorhanden Kanäle zu aktivieren (KMix -> Einstellungen -> Kanäle Einrichten...) werden die im System vorhandenen Kanäle nicht angezeigt. Dies geschieht so wenn ich mich als "dieter0" anmelde. Melde ich mich als "dieter" an, so werden die vorhanden Kanäle angezeigt. So auch wenn ich über Systemeinstellungen->Multimedia->Phonon die Ausgabegeräte | 17:12 |
dieter__ | anzeigen lasse (die Geräte werden mal angezeigt mal nicht) | 17:12 |
Peace- | !de | dieter__ | 17:13 |
ubottu | dieter__: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis. | 17:13 |
NathanaelG | dieter__: hello. Have you checked the groups that dieter and dieter0 are in? | 17:13 |
NathanaelG | I mean the user groups, dieter__ | 17:13 |
GuestTH | Hi there. Does anybody know, what can make such effects, which stays from version to version of kubuntu on my desktop? Thank you for any help | 17:14 |
NathanaelG | Guest: which effects you mean? the style of the baackground? | 17:15 |
GuestTH | artefacts on solid color blackground | 17:15 |
GuestTH | like blur effect from windows | 17:16 |
dieter__ | O.K. I change to english: I try to setup my KMix channels, but the system behaves differently, depending on the user I logged in with. Logging in as deiter0, no channels are displayed to select from (KMix-Settings->Channels..). Navigating to System Settings->Multimedia->Phonon, only a standard channel shows up. When I log in as dieter, everything works fine (listing a number of cards and drivers for phonon, and permitting to activate | 17:21 |
dieter__ | corresponing channels in KMix). The two users are members of the same groups. | 17:21 |
NathanaelG | dieter__: also system groups? audio, pulse, pulse-access? | 17:23 |
dieter__ | Yes, they both are members of audio, pulse, pulse-access, alsa, voice | 17:24 |
* BluesKaj detests pulseaudio | 17:24 | |
inan | how to learn my ip adress | 17:26 |
BluesKaj | dieter__, recommend you set your audio options in alsamixer , there are more options tha kmix | 17:26 |
BluesKaj | than | 17:26 |
mr-rich | inan: local or internet? | 17:27 |
inan | mt-rich local | 17:27 |
dieter__ | O.K. I'll give it a try. Thanks | 17:28 |
mr-rich | inan: in a konsole, type ifconfig | 17:29 |
inan | thanks | 17:29 |
mr-rich | Hello. When I see a .wav file in Dolphin, it gives me a "Play" button ... but it doesn't seem to work. Is there some place I can configure that? | 17:30 |
James147 | mr-rich: you ahve the codecs installed? (you can install them by installing kubuntu-restricted-extras) | 17:31 |
mr-rich | James147: Installed ... still doesn't work ... I'm clicking on the "Play" button in the preview area of Dolphin ... | 17:35 |
mr-rich | James147: do I need to reboot or restart X? | 17:36 |
James147 | mr-rich: do the tracks work in amarok? does the progress bar move at all? | 17:36 |
James147 | probally dolphin | 17:36 |
James147 | but not the system | 17:37 |
mr-rich | James147: Progress bar doesn't move ... changes breifly to a black square from the right pointing arrow ... | 17:37 |
James147 | well, that probally indicated that it cannot play, rather then just producing no sound :) | 17:38 |
James147 | did you restart dolphin after installing? | 17:38 |
mr-rich | I'm saving phone messages to .wav files and it would be great to play them right out of Dolphin instead of firing up Xine for each one ... | 17:38 |
mr-rich | James147: close all Dolphin windows? | 17:39 |
James147 | y | 17:39 |
mr-rich | Closed all Dolphing windows ... still no play ... | 17:40 |
mr-rich | Does Amarok need to be running? | 17:40 |
James147 | no | 17:40 |
mr-rich | didn't think so ... I can play them from CLI w/play ... | 17:41 |
James147 | do they play in amaok? | 17:41 |
mr-rich | plays in amarok fine ... | 17:43 |
James147 | hmm, do other format file play in dolphin? | 17:44 |
mr-rich | pics preview fine ...(jpeg, png, etc) | 17:45 |
James147 | mr-rich: what about other audio files? | 17:47 |
mr-rich | James147: I'm playing .wavs from /usr/share/sounds, but only the firs 1/2 second of the file plays and then stops ... | 17:48 |
dac_ | ?join ##ubuntu | 17:49 |
mr-rich | dac_: try "/join" | 17:50 |
James147 | mr-rich: hmm, they seems to be doing the same here :( | 17:50 |
mr-rich | James147: some wavs will play through, others won't ... | 17:50 |
dac_ | ok | 17:50 |
mr-rich | .oggs play through ... | 17:51 |
James147 | mr-rich: yeah, all other formates play just .wavs ... :S | 17:51 |
mr-rich | James147: well, this sucks ... :( | 17:51 |
James147 | probally a bug in dolphin :( I would suggest filing one if there isnt already one | 17:51 |
James147 | mr-rich: as a work around you cn play them in amarok (amarok is able to browes files) ^^or convert them to a different format (soundKonverter is good for that) | 17:52 |
* James147 suggest ogg or flac for the second option :) | 17:53 | |
mr-rich | James147: Doesn't make things "simple" ... w/Amarok, I have to create a playlist ... | 17:54 |
mr-rich | James147: I would like to just save them and play them ... | 17:54 |
James147 | mr-rich: you dont really need to create a playlist ^^ just add them to the current tracks list | 17:55 |
James147 | mr-rich: ^^ you can drag a directoy from the file browser into amarok and then click on the ones you want to play ^^ not exactly hard | 17:56 |
James147 | mr-rich: but as I said its a workaround, and they are never ideal :( | 17:57 |
James147 | mr-rich: as for a fix you need to file a bugreport and/or fix the bug yourself | 17:58 |
mr-rich | James147: is there a Dolphin specific bug tracker? | 17:58 |
James147 | | 17:59 |
sre-su_ | What's the recommended pacakage to be used for installing GLib 2.12.0 or higher? | 18:17 |
James147 | sre-su: what version of kubuntu? | 18:26 |
mirco | hallo | 18:36 |
mirco | ist ubuntu nartx narwal gut it unity | 18:37 |
Daskreech | mirco: Sure apt-get install it | 18:46 |
Daskreech | sre-su: hi Did yo usee James147's question? | 18:46 |
sre-su | huh? | 18:46 |
sre-su | Nope | 18:46 |
sre-su | Ah! bad connection again | 18:47 |
James147 | libglib2.0-0 ^^ seems to contain version 2.26.0 from what i can tell | 18:48 |
* James147 would be suprised if it wasnt alreay installed | 18:49 | |
James147 | already ^^ | 18:49 |
sre-su | ah-ok Thanks | 18:51 |
sre-su | James147: Well, its installed. I get this error - configure: error: You must have GLib 2.12.0 or newer development headers installed to build. Hence I asked for it | 18:53 |
sre-su | when trying to comile pidgin | 18:54 |
James147 | sre-su: why not use the one in the repos? | 18:54 |
sre-su | Because its altered | 18:54 |
* James147 notes that you probally need the -dev version if you want to compile stuff agienst it | 18:55 | |
sre-su | Well, it requires GLib 2.12.0 | 18:55 |
James147 | sre-su: install libglib2.0-dev | 18:56 |
sre-su | yeah, installing | 18:56 |
metRo_ | hi | 19:01 |
metRo_ | The keyboard doesn't work after my laptop goes to sleep :s | 19:02 |
mjobin | hi there ! got a weird problem... after a software update, I lost my wallet and plasma-desktop + kdm got erase ??? as recommended by someone here, I did apt-get install kubuntu-desktop to make sure I have everything. my wallet did not come back, unfortunately. And surprise today,... my kopete accounts are all gone? | 19:06 |
chuckf | Riddell: So with you stepping down from leading the next cycle on Kubuntu, who will be running the show? | 19:06 |
delac | any way to make desktop grid less resource hungry? | 19:09 |
shadeslayer | delac: turn it off? | 19:10 |
delac | shadeslayer: I was hoping to make it little bit smoother. | 19:11 |
mr-rich | James147: Work around #2: I associated .wav files with /usr/bin/play ... now I can double click and play the file ... | 19:21 |
James147 | hmm | 19:22 |
Daskreech | delac: It's more intensive than other shells? | 19:22 |
Daskreech | Hmm | 19:22 |
Daskreech | I mean desktops | 19:22 |
mr-rich | and it plays in the background ... | 19:22 |
Daskreech | KDE Is pretty confusing with names some time :) | 19:22 |
mr-rich | James147: I think it may be an overall KDE problem ... some KDE applications cut off wav files, too ... one of the test wav files I used is the success sound for K3B. When K3B finishes, only the first 1/2 second of the wav file plays ... | 19:31 |
mr-rich | I thought sourceforge had a source code browser ... | 19:35 |
delac | Daskreech: yes, it seems to require more. The animations are jerkier than with compiz. Although Xrender seems to help a bit, but not all plugins seem to be supported yet. | 19:39 |
Daskreech | mr-rich: somewhat | 19:39 |
Daskreech | delac: oh wait this is kwin not plasma? | 19:39 |
delac | Daskreech: yes, I would think that it's kwin that handles the Desktop Grid effect. | 19:40 |
Daskreech | Ah that effect ok Thought you meant the Desktop style of grid :) | 19:42 |
Daskreech | yea that's #kwin | 19:42 |
GuestTH | Hi there. Does anybody know, what can make such effects, which stays from version to version of kubuntu on my desktop? Thank you for any help | 19:45 |
tzahi | hello. how would I enter rooms? | 20:22 |
James147 | tzahi: /join #roomname | 20:24 |
tzahi | thanks james | 20:25 |
tzahi | how to find them? | 20:25 |
tsimpson | !channels | tzahi | 20:26 |
ubottu | tzahi: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at - For a general list of !freenode channels, see - See also !Guidelines | 20:26 |
tzahi | thank you! | 20:27 |
mjobin | all of my kopete accounts disapeared???? | 20:43 |
TheBuntu | if this ( kcmshell4 screensaver ) gives you a short cut to screensavers.... what will add a short cut for desktop themes ? | 20:55 |
TheBuntu | if this ( kcmshell4 screensaver ) gives you a short cut to screensavers.... what will add a short cut for desktop themes ?? | 21:09 |
shadeslayer | TheBuntu: have a look at systemsettings > Desktop Appearance ( i think ) | 21:11 |
shadeslayer | Workspace Appearance rather | 21:11 |
TheBuntu | to slow.... kcmshell4 desktoptheme | 21:13 |
TheBuntu | i putting short cuts on my panel | 21:13 |
TheBuntu | guess google does help.... kcmshell4 --list | 21:14 |
rasoroeu | hello | 21:23 |
Daskreech | mjobin: Malformed config? | 21:24 |
Daskreech | rasoroeu: hi | 21:25 |
mjobin | Daskreech: would an upgrade to 4.6.2 cause that ? | 21:25 |
mjobin | this week, i lost my wallet and my kopete config..... that's very annoying | 21:26 |
Daskreech | mjobin: Possibly but it would be unusual | 21:26 |
Daskreech | mjobin: as an aside I highly advise backing up your ~/.kde before upgrading KDE | 21:26 |
mjobin | i use KDE since 1.1 and such a config lost never happened | 21:26 |
Daskreech | at best it's a 1 min delay | 21:27 |
Daskreech | at worst if you upgraded and didn't like something/broke something really bad you can jump back to the old version | 21:27 |
Daskreech | even if the new version updated your config files to somethign imcompatible with the old ones | 21:27 |
delac | does anyone know if the Notebook workspace type has any additional power saving properties or are the differences to Desktop type only superficial? | 22:40 |
KTanner | hey all | 22:45 |
Daskreech | delac: it runs less stuff | 22:46 |
Daskreech | hi | 22:46 |
delac | Daskreech: what stuff exactly? desktop effects? | 22:48 |
KTanner | what's the topic atm? | 22:48 |
Daskreech | KTanner: type /topic | 22:50 |
Daskreech | delac: integration of kwin among other things you can ask in #plasma | 22:51 |
KTanner | well okay, what i meant is what are you and delac talking about? haha | 22:51 |
Daskreech | KTanner: if the netbook workspace uses less power than the Desktop | 22:53 |
Daskreech | delac: I think that a lot of the lessons in desktop effects get pushed back to the Desktop profile in most cases so pure kwin stuff tries to be power friendly as it can | 22:54 |
KTanner | I would think so, so long as the "Air for Netbooks" theme is set and/or another less power consuming theme. Or the effects are turned off. Otherwise I think that it would take a little more power due to the larger default panel on top+desktop effects | 22:55 |
delac | do you know if it reduces some other things like number of indexing daemons or other background workers? | 22:57 |
delac | or is it just theme related things? | 22:57 |
KTanner | delac: no I don't believe it does. The Netbook workspace is just made for if you have a tiny screen, but it has no effect on background daemons and whatnot. Unless of course, if you have more plasma widgets running | 22:58 |
Daskreech | delac: flip those off if you like doesn't have anything to do with the interface | 22:59 |
Daskreech | well I mean it has somethings to do with it but if you dn't care about that stuff just turn it off | 23:00 |
delac | is the impact of default panels and kwin effects much larger than Netbooks? | 23:01 |
KTanner | just be careful of turning off certain services like powerdevil and other (usually) essential services | 23:01 |
KTanner | I don't think the impact is much different really. It all depends on how many plasma widgets you have running. Same with Mac OS X. Each plasma widget takes a little bit of memory and a little bit of cpu | 23:07 |
delac | well, I'm going to run powertop for a while and see if I can make anything out of that. thanks! | 23:14 |
KTanner | No problem :) | 23:17 |
KTanner | Okay so, I actually have a problem too. It's stupid but, when I export a .CSV file from Windows Live (web version) and try to import it into Kaddressbook, it shows a list of random chunks of HTML code. Ideas? | 23:18 |
KTanner | wait.. I opened it in libreoffice calc and it shows parts of the actual website... no contacts... so windows failed | 23:20 |
jcgs | KTanner: CSV is a text data file, so it shouldn't have any html in it :S | 23:21 |
KTanner | Which is why I'm confused :S The import .csv dialog showed things like DOCTYPE and HTML plus a lot of other chunks of html and libreoffice loaded it as if it were a part of the website without any contacts | 23:22 |
KTanner | I used Firefox 4 to download the file and this time it worked... I don't know why it didn't work in reqonk O.o | 23:26 |
KTanner | huh it's kinda annoying that the importer doesn't give the option for First name middle name and last name | 23:27 |
katsrc | hey is the non full time contributor Kubuntu permanent or just for the next release? | 23:32 |
KTanner | katsrc: Um, I'm not entirely sure.. what exactly do you mean? Like, coding? | 23:36 |
katsrc | KTanner: talking about riddell's latest blog post: | 23:37 |
KTanner | katsrc: I think he just won't be around for the updates and bug fixes in this release | 23:39 |
katsrc | KTanner: ah, ok. thanks. | 23:39 |
KTanner | No problem | 23:40 |
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