[02:11] guys, how can I check my bootlog? I see a number of errors when I bootup but they scroll by too fast and the ubuntu opens its login screen...? === wizonesolutions2 is now known as wizonesolutions === hajour1 is now known as UndiFineD [17:21] hi [17:22] any Lubuntu devs around? === UndiFineD is now known as hajour === hajour is now known as hajour1 [20:38] I've got an error in Lubuntu 10.04 when clicking on links in Pidgin [20:38] Unable to open URL. The 'Manual' browser command has been chosen, but no command has been set. [21:43] Anyone any idea? [21:44] About? [21:45] About clicking on a link in Pidgin and opening it in the browser :) [21:45] mark76: Currently I get this error: Unable to open URL. The 'Manual' browser command has been chosen, but no command has been set. [21:45] Ah! I've had that too [21:45] Which version of Pidgin? [21:47] Let me check [21:47] 2.6.6 [21:47] mark76: I'm running Lubuntu 10.04....finally:P [21:48] Go adn grab the latest version from the Pidgin website [21:48] and [21:48] It fixes that bug [21:48] Hehe :P [21:50] Updating [21:50] So how's life? [22:06] mark76: Updating didn't solve the problem in Lubuntu :P [22:08] Oh right [22:09] MrChrisDruif, go to the Tools -> Preferences [22:09] Well there may have been more. But I forget what it was [22:09] Try asking on the #pidgin channel [22:09] on the Browser tab Select something other than Manual [22:09] Great szczur :) [22:09] set it to Desktop Default [22:10] :D [23:07] hello [23:08] how i can add menu item to Lubuntu? [23:08] i have nautilus installed [23:08] i want to add it to my menu list [23:17] its for other users not for me :/ [23:18] so it would be good thing to add it to menu list [23:18] but how [23:39] will Lubuntu 11.04 be ubuntu 11.04 's codebase? [23:40] What? [23:41] You mean based on Ubuntu's code? [23:42] yeah, the 11.04 infrastructure [23:43] They both use the same repositories if that is what you meant? [23:44] Well I read about 10.10, "Lubuntu is actually not part of the Ubuntu family, and not build with the current Ubuntu infrastructure. This release is considered as a « stable beta », a result that could be a final and stable release if we was included in the Ubuntu family." [23:45] I assumed that it was not strictly using the same base as ubuntu 10.10 [23:46] Alright, well we're still working on becoming a official derivate of Ubuntu :) [23:47] Ah ok :) but, will installing lubuntu-desktop on top of an ubuntu installation work the same as using the lone lubuntu installation? [23:47] MK``, lubuntu is using the same repositories as ubuntu except additional ppa [23:47] /is it now [23:51] MK``, it will install lubuntu as it is on Live CD with all of it's programs but you will keep your previous environment too (GNOME, KDE or whatever it was) [23:51] please take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/DocumentationHelp/#Install%20Lubuntu%20from%20Ubuntu%20or%20any%20Ubuntu%20flavors [23:52] it will guide you if you don't want previous desktop anymore [23:53] szczur: Doesn't it refer to the psychocats-site? :P [23:54] yes, it does [23:54] Heh. But thanks, I was just confirming :) [23:55] I have Kubuntu and Xubuntu also installed on here :D I wanted to know if I could try Lubuntu as well without any problems