dcordes | 19:15 < ogra_> archive is messed up due to the last minute fixes | 00:40 |
dcordes | 19:15 < ogra_> that will settle until tomorrow | 00:40 |
dcordes | is this discussion about natty netbook images ? | 00:40 |
Neko | hey guys, anyone know off-hand what spec the builders are? | 00:45 |
Neko | trying to figure if it took 2 hours to build something on a buildd for the main repo, how long it'd take on an MX53.... | 00:48 |
GrueMaster | dcordes: yes. | 00:56 |
GrueMaster | Neko: The buildds are MX51 mostly. | 00:57 |
GrueMaster | But the new systems will be omap4. | 00:57 |
dcordes | GrueMaster: I'm looking to test latest natty omap4 build on my phone. Is it a good moment to download an image ? | 00:58 |
GrueMaster | Latest daily is 20110418. Should have a new one later tonight assuming the pool churn has settled. | 00:59 |
dcordes | Pool churn :) ? | 00:59 |
GrueMaster | Won't know for a couple of hours. | 00:59 |
dcordes | I will check back after CET night nap. Do you have a URI for me ? | 01:00 |
Neko | hmm so.. almost exactly the same time to build on an Efika MX then.. well shit, 2 hours still isn't bad.. I have an hour to go ;) | 01:00 |
GrueMaster | Whenever a package is updated in the pool and it has dependencies that rebuild, the image build will die due to dependency failure. | 01:00 |
dcordes | Ah seems familiar from the openembedded workflow. | 01:00 |
GrueMaster | dcordes: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-netbook/daily-preinstalled/ | 01:01 |
Neko | is there some magic documentation on "how to make a buildd for ubuntu"? | 01:01 |
Neko | I mean apart from the debian stuff | 01:01 |
GrueMaster | Not sure. I have just installed pbuilder and all of its dependencies. | 01:01 |
GrueMaster | I would recommend a minimal image to begin with. | 01:02 |
Neko | well dropping a minimal image and pbuilder on a system is the easy bit :] | 01:02 |
GrueMaster | Yep. | 01:02 |
Neko | hang on | 01:02 |
dcordes | GrueMaster: Thanks! | 01:02 |
dcordes | bbl | 01:02 |
GrueMaster | If you are looking for an automated buildd environment, I can't help. | 01:03 |
Neko | well my main point of curiosity is, how on earth do I submit jobs, because I can't find that bit.. | 01:03 |
Neko | in theory it should just magically use the chroot, pull in a ton of packages from the archive and go build it and report back, right? | 01:04 |
Neko | but where do I "click to start"? :D | 01:04 |
GrueMaster | Are you looking to create your own buildd automated environment or just to rebuild a few packages? | 01:04 |
Neko | where a few amounts to about 50 which may take a few days, yes | 01:05 |
GrueMaster | If the latter, pbuilder will do it quite nicely. | 01:05 |
Neko | I'm just at the point that I don't want to build them by hand | 01:05 |
GrueMaster | First, use it to generate a chroot tarball. Then you can build packages. | 01:06 |
Neko | consider that done | 01:06 |
Neko | as if I have like 20 boxes here all networked and happy and "ready" | 01:07 |
GrueMaster | For the distributed build environment, I believe we use soyuz (part of launchpad). | 01:07 |
GrueMaster | And I don't know how it works. | 01:08 |
Neko | so how does debian do it | 01:08 |
GrueMaster | Not sure. I just do QA and sometimes I do FTBFS debugging. | 01:08 |
GrueMaster | You might look at apt-cache search buildd. There are tools in the pool for building a build environment. | 01:13 |
GrueMaster | Not sure if it scales to multiple systems. | 01:13 |
GrueMaster | Hmm. Buildbot may be what you are looking for. | 01:17 |
prpplague | OT: 555 timer contest winners are being announce live now - http://www.nymphs.org/Jeri/ | 02:07 |
ogra_ | Neko, the ubuntu buildds use launchpad and soyuz, pull their source and find how to set them up and you have ubuntu buildds ;) | 10:24 |
ppisati_ | ogra_: does your panda board reset when you press the reset button? mine seems to die and the only way to revive it is to pull the power plug | 10:28 |
ogra_ | mine resets fine | 10:29 |
ppisati_ | doh | 10:29 |
ppisati_ | Texas Instruments X-Loader 1.4.4ss (Mar 18 2011 - 14:14:59) | 10:29 |
ppisati_ | U-Boot 2011.03-rc1 (Feb 09 2011 - 01:46:42) | 10:29 |
ppisati_ | yours? | 10:29 |
ogra_ | ppisati_, whatever is in the archive | 10:42 |
ppisati_ | ogra_: uhm, tried older X-loader/u-boot and actually didn't change | 10:51 |
ogra_ | right | 10:53 |
alf_ | Hi all! I am getting a segfault while running ldconfig on panda. Is this something known? | 10:57 |
alf_ | The interesting thing is that it happens only if I run it when I am root... with sudo it runs fine. | 10:57 |
alf_ | Hmm, I just rebooted after a dist-upgrade and I am getting "(stk) :line disc installation timed out" and some other messages and the board is not booting :/ | 11:04 |
alf_ | it is booting after all but only to a console, no X... | 11:12 |
ogra_ | sounds like a corrupted Sd or some such | 11:16 |
alf_ | ogra_: I think I am done with sd cards... Does the ubuntu kernel support booting the rootfs over nfs? | 11:23 |
ogra_ | it should | 11:23 |
ogra_ | needs an initrd though, since i think the NIC driver is modular | 11:24 |
ppisati_ | ok, kexec is broken on ti-omap4 too | 11:50 |
* ogra_ wouldnt have expected any differently | 11:50 | |
ppisati_ | fine, i have my new toy :) | 11:51 |
ppisati_ | ah! | 12:00 |
ppisati_ | if i press the reset button, the board goes into this "dead state" | 12:00 |
ppisati_ | then if i take out and put in again the sd card | 12:00 |
ppisati_ | it restarts normally | 12:00 |
ppisati_ | weird | 12:01 |
alf_ | ogra_: I am going to follow the instructions in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DisklessUbuntuHowto to get rootfs over nfs for panda? Any better ideas? | 12:16 |
ogra_ | alf_, looks a bit outdated, and indeed you need kernel and initrd locally (tftp wont work for either) | 12:17 |
alf_ | ogra_: yes, I will keep those on the sdcard first partition | 12:18 |
ogra_ | (that doc is like 3 or 4 releases old ... or even older) | 12:18 |
alf_ | ogra_: well, I only really care about the initramfs part. Is this still valid? | 12:20 |
ogra_ | you only need BOOT=nfs ... but you can set that as boot=nfs on the kernel cmdline | 12:20 |
ogra_ | no need to re-roll your initrd for that | 12:20 |
ogra_ | and you need to set nfsroot= to point to your server and rootfs path (also on cdmline) | 12:21 |
ogra_ | boot=nfs root=/dev/nfs nfsroot=<serverip>:<path> | 12:22 |
ogra_ | that should work | 12:22 |
ogra_ | not sure the root= is actually needed though, boot=nfs should take care | 12:22 |
alf_ | ogra_: ok, so the plan is (please correct me) 1. Flash new ubuntu image 2. Boot, get past resizing and first config 3. copy rootfs to nfs export dir 4. fiddle with kernel params in boot.scr to load from nfs | 12:25 |
ogra_ | sound right | 12:26 |
ogra_ | at least thats how i would do it | 12:26 |
alf_ | ogra_: great, thanks! I will try it and keep you posted. | 12:27 |
ogra_ | great, i have a thin client spec for next release, i'll treat your work as first test for that *g* | 12:28 |
alf_ | ogra_: excellent, I am going to be the lab rat :D | 12:28 |
ndec | alf_: http://omappedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_on_OMAP_FAQ#I_want_to_install_Ubuntu_on_external_USB_hard_disk_instead_of_sluggish_SD_card that might help. | 12:38 |
alf_ | ndec: thanks! | 12:39 |
ndec | alf_: that what I use, and it's really a good setup. very fast, very reliable so far. you need to keep the SD in the slot because it is still the boot partition. flash-kernel works fine too | 12:40 |
alf_ | ndec: do you think it is going to be faster than nfs? | 12:41 |
ogra_ | its at least a good stress test for your usb controller :) | 12:41 |
ogra_ | (and likely faster, yes) | 12:42 |
ndec | alf_: i don't really know. | 12:42 |
ogra_ | i guess it depends on your network | 12:43 |
alf_ | ogra_: direct connection from panda to desktop ;) | 12:44 |
arun | i'll have to give the usb drive a shot. | 13:15 |
spikebike | I wonder if the panda board will work with a sdhc uhs-i card | 13:25 |
alf_ | ogra_: I am getting this http://paste.ubuntu.com/596949/ . Any ideas? (/etc/fstab is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/596952/) | 14:30 |
ogra_ | i dont see a rootpath | 14:32 |
ogra_ | try specifying rootserver and rootpath separately instead of nfsroot | 14:32 |
ogra_ | also did you try to ping the board from the PC once it is at that point, to make sure the net connection works ? | 14:33 |
alf_ | ogra_: so, I added no_root_squash to the NFS export options and at least I am not getting any errors now. Unfortunately it is still gets stuck after "Begin: Running /scripts/init-bottom ... done" | 15:26 |
alf_ | ogra_: an wireshark dump shows that it can access the nfs fine, but just stops after a while | 15:27 |
ogra_ | strange | 15:35 |
alf_ | ogra_: I have set eth0 and wlan0 to manual in /etc/network/interfaces in case network-manager messes things up but I don't think it gets that far | 15:36 |
Neko | ogra, reverse engineering launchpad vs. reading documentation? no thanks | 15:44 |
Neko | I put the rookie on it instead.. | 15:44 |
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ppisati_ | GrueMaster: bugs https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-ti-omap4/+bug/758961 | 17:14 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 758961 in linux-ti-omap4 "WARNING: at /build/buildd/linux-ti-omap4-2.6.38/drivers/tty/tty_mutex.c:31 tty_lock 0x30/0x4c()" [Medium,New] | 17:14 |
ppisati_ | GrueMaster: what did you do to get this one? | 17:14 |
GrueMaster | Nothing. Just booted. | 17:20 |
GrueMaster | Haven't seen it since then though. | 17:20 |
GrueMaster | You do see my comment on the bug, right? | 17:21 |
ppisati_ | GrueMaster: there's only #3 as comment | 17:28 |
ppisati_ | GrueMaster: anyway, if there's no way to reproduce it | 17:28 |
ppisati_ | GrueMaster: better if i look for something else | 17:28 |
=== LyNX is now known as Guest71638 | ||
iceberg303 | 'm having an issue. I am using the image "ubuntu-netbook-10.10-preinstalled-netbook-armel+omap4.img.gz" After I do an update it gets low, then when I install the ti omap4 extensions when I click my login it locks up before I can type a password | 20:18 |
Flipo | Hello, on a pandaboard I'm able to get audio through HDMI but not the normal audio jacks, is there a workaround ? Thanks | 20:26 |
GrueMaster | Flipo: Which image are you using? | 20:28 |
GrueMaster | Fixes for audio went in this week and will be in 11.04 final. | 20:28 |
Flipo | GrueMaster: I'm using the suggested build for the pandaboard | 20:29 |
GrueMaster | iceberg303: What size SD card are you using? | 20:29 |
iceberg303 | GrueMaster: is there a non netbook build of 10.10 and 11.4 for the omap4 pandaboard? | 20:29 |
iceberg303 | it's a sandisk extreemIII | 20:29 |
iceberg303 | 8GB | 20:29 |
iceberg303 | I also have a patriot | 20:29 |
GrueMaster | For 10.10 there is only the netbook image. For 11.04 we have introduced a headless minimal image. | 20:29 |
iceberg303 | 8G as well | 20:29 |
Flipo | I might just wait for that then | 20:30 |
GrueMaster | Flipo: I have no idea what the suggested image is that you are referring to. Either 10.10 (Maverick) or 11.04 (natty). | 20:31 |
Flipo | GrueMaster: the suggested image is 10.10 netbook edition | 20:31 |
=== LyNX is now known as Guest88577 | ||
GrueMaster | If 10.10, you should be able to get audio working with updated packages. | 20:31 |
Flipo | (site seems down right now) | 20:31 |
Flipo | I have it working fine over hdmi but the built-in soundcard doesn't seem to work | 20:32 |
GrueMaster | I think the audio works in the updated kernel & alsa-utils packages. | 20:33 |
GrueMaster | They didn't make the 10.10 release. | 20:33 |
Flipo | if I do a normal system update via gui will I get the updated kernel or do I need to do further steps ? | 20:35 |
GrueMaster | I think you should be able to get all the updates through update-manager. | 20:46 |
rsalveti | Amaranth: are you planning to merge the gles support upstream? or did you send the merge proposal already? | 21:27 |
rsalveti | just to understand better the current status of the port | 21:27 |
=== iceberg303_ is now known as iceberg303 | ||
sewardj | is it possible to run the 11.04 beta on QEMU ? | 23:02 |
sewardj | as a guest, on qemu-system-arm, i mean | 23:02 |
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