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stjohnmedrano | happy easter everyone... | 06:18 |
yofel_ | hm, I'm just reviewing RedSingularity BC application, and was wondering about the recent changes to the importance guidelines. Would something like bug 734026 be considered Medium now? | 07:28 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 734026 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "Confusing terminology when performing update/upgrade. (affects: 2) (heat: 107)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/734026 | 07:28 |
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yofel | Low was right back then of course | 07:29 |
yofel | and do we have the definition of a "core" application documented somewhere? I didn't find anything in the wiki | 07:32 |
abhinav- | hey guys I got the latest iso of natty using testdrive last night, I used startup disk creator to create a live usb. But the live disk seems to be having some issues. First of all I expected to get an option to upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04 (http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/how-to-upgrade-to-ubuntu-1104-natty.html), but it wasn't there at all | 07:43 |
abhinav- | instead on clicking install now, it directly switched to the "Timezone" selection dialog box, and then keyboard layout and so on, | 07:44 |
abhinav- | at the end, I at least expected it to ask me about the partitions , but instead, it started the slideshow | 07:44 |
abhinav- | and that's it, the slideshow was going on, but nothing was happening | 07:45 |
abhinav- | I eventually closed the slideshow window, and it displayed a messagebox that the installation is complete, and I can restart but nothing was installed | 07:45 |
yofel | abhinav-: try to follow that installation process again till the end, get a wired connection, press ctrl+alt+f2 to get to a tty and file a bug against ubiquity | 07:47 |
abhinav- | yofel: ok, thanks. screenshots would be helpful ? | 07:48 |
yofel | maybe, but the logs are more important | 07:48 |
abhinav- | ok. I am on it | 07:49 |
yofel | unless you have a corrupted window leave the screenshots, as ubiquity probablly didn't look any different than usual | 07:49 |
abhinav- | yofel: here it is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/768105 | 08:29 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 768105 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Not able to install using the latest Live CD (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] | 08:30 |
JoshuaL | 2 weeks ago I reported a bug, but I now see its marked as private, is it safe to mark it public (bug 754912) | 09:03 |
ubot4 | JoshuaL: Bug 754912 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/754912 is private | 09:03 |
jibel | JoshuaL, is there a core dump attached to the report and do the report or backtraces or logs contains any sensitive/confidential data ? | 09:59 |
jibel | JoshuaL, since it is a crash in evolution you must be careful that the trace doesn't contain email credentials for instance. | 10:00 |
JoshuaL | jibel: i cant see a coredump and i checked the files for any credentials | 10:11 |
jibel | JoshuaL, it can be set to public then. I also verified that it's fine. | 10:16 |
JoshuaL | jibel: ok | 10:16 |
JoshuaL | jibel: done | 10:16 |
jibel | JoshuaL, thanks | 10:17 |
DNJDSJDSADSJDSAN | i have to report some bugs | 10:17 |
ikonia | DNJDSJDSADSJDSAN: I've given you the process | 10:17 |
ikonia | DNJDSJDSADSJDSAN: you do not report bugs here, follow the process I gave you | 10:17 |
DNJDSJDSADSJDSAN | because you said | 10:18 |
DNJDSJDSADSJDSAN | [11:16] <ikonia> 3/join #ubuntu-bugs | 10:18 |
JoshuaL | jibel: i have to go now, thanks for the help :) | 10:22 |
jibel | JoshuaL, thanks for _your_ help in triaging :-) | 10:23 |
JoshuaL | :D | 10:23 |
JoshuaL | bye | 10:23 |
jibel | mvo, do you know where the mirror list in software-properties-gtk comes from and how it is updated ? | 11:19 |
jibel | mvo, bug 764384 | 11:30 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 764384 in apt (Ubuntu) "kyrgizstan mirror information in maverick is outdated (breaking the upgrade to natty) (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/764384 | 11:30 |
duanedesign | jibel: according to https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors kyrgizstan last update 'unknown' | 11:32 |
jibel | duanedesign, agree, but why do they differ in natty and maverick ? | 11:33 |
duanedesign | I am reading all the comments now :) | 11:34 |
* duanedesign should of done that before commenting :D | 11:34 | |
mvo | thanks jibel! | 11:57 |
jibel | mvo, yw :-) and to answer my question, do you know where the mirror list in software-properties-gtk comes from and how it is updated ? afair it comes from somewhere in apt but I'm not sure. | 11:59 |
mvo | jibel: its from python-apt and that in turn uses launchpad to update it | 11:59 |
mvo | jibel: I look at it and probably ship one inside the upgrade to be on the safe side | 11:59 |
jibel | yeah, it's in there /usr/share/python-apt/templates/Ubuntu.mirrors | 12:03 |
mvo | jibel: the problem is that the code is not very clever when a mirror disappears (well, that is ok usually, but in this case its more complicated because the user also has archive.ubuntu.com in his/her sources.list | 12:11 |
jibel | mvo, seen that, but in maverick the list of mirror in software-properties-gtk proposes the old mirror, shouldn't the list be refreshed with the mirror published on lp and use the cache only if it can retrieve this list ? | 12:13 |
jibel | s/can/can not/ | 12:13 |
mvo | jibel: yeah, its all static currently, but I think we should do better for oneiric by using mirrors.ubuntu.com/mirrors.txt | 12:14 |
mvo | jibel: we did not do it in the past because the hit for LP was a unknown factor to me but mirrors.ubuntu.com is build to scale to much bigger levels of requests | 12:15 |
jibel | mvo, understand, thanks for looking at it. | 13:03 |
jibel | bdmurray, we are receiving many apport crashes (e.g. bug 768348) didn't you add a bugpattern yesterday or it is another bug ? | 15:49 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 768348 in apport (Ubuntu) "package apport 1.20.1-0ubuntu5 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1 (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/768348 | 15:49 |
bdmurray | jibel: I added one for version ubuntu[3|4] and some of these are dist-upgrades so a match for VarLogDistupgradeTermlog needs to be written | 15:53 |
bdmurray | jibel: I'm not certain why ubuntu5 is still generating this message | 15:54 |
jibel | bdmurray, in this particular bug the package version in the description is 5 but term.log indicates "Setting up apport (1.20.1-0ubuntu4) " | 15:56 |
jibel | that's probably a report from a crash of the previous version lying in /var/crash/ | 15:57 |
bdmurray | jibel, okay I'll expand the pattern | 15:58 |
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roadmr | hey folks, I'm seeing two problems with today's daily image: | 17:17 |
roadmr | 1) on some systems it gets stuck on "getting the time from a network time server" | 17:17 |
roadmr | 2) on another (just one so far) the progress report area at the bottom of the "install" window isn't visible, so unless I go console, I have no idea what it's doing - though it seems stuck like in #1 | 17:18 |
charlie-tca | roadmr: desktop images are broken today | 17:18 |
roadmr | charlie-tca: oh and do my problems correspond with the brokenness? :) | 17:19 |
charlie-tca | bug 767402 | 17:19 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 767402 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Natty ubiquity 2.6.6 fails to ask where to install (affects: 6) (heat: 32)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/767402 | 17:20 |
charlie-tca | it just spins all day if you let it? | 17:20 |
roadmr | I've left them for about an hour and still no change, still on "getting the time from network time server" | 17:21 |
abhinav- | yes, I had images from 20th and 21st of April, both got stuck at the slideshow | 17:23 |
charlie-tca | The ones I have used and run installs from with that bug will spin all day long | 17:23 |
charlie-tca | they don't really do anything, either | 17:23 |
charlie-tca | apparently, missing the partitioner does not allow any changes | 17:23 |
roadmr | oh awesome heh | 17:24 |
charlie-tca | I left one two hours, only to find nothing happened | 17:25 |
roadmr | I was doing some ntp-related changes on our network, so when I saw this error I thought it was my fault, undid all my work from yesterday before I realized it might be a problem with the installer :-/ | 17:26 |
JanC | does anybody know what package I should assign to keyboard layout bugs? (well, actually an Apple-tries-to-be-cheap-bug, but we'll have to work around it...) | 17:31 |
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rr0hit | There seems to be a bug in today's apport update. bug 768429. Please set importance to Medium. | 20:13 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 768429 in apport (Ubuntu) "package apport 1.20.1-0ubuntu5 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1 (affects: 10) (dups: 10) (heat: 86)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/768429 | 20:13 |
* yofel looks | 20:14 | |
yofel | how the hell did apport dupe that without a DpkgTerminalLog ? | 20:15 |
yofel | rr0hit: or did you use that as master? | 20:16 |
rr0hit | yofel: I marked the duplicates of the bug. | 20:16 |
yofel | because at least bug 768431 is a dup of bug 767498, and not 768429 | 20:17 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 768431 in apport (Ubuntu) "package apport 1.20.1-0ubuntu5 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1 (dup-of: 768429)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/768431 | 20:17 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 768429 in apport (Ubuntu) "package apport 1.20.1-0ubuntu5 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1 (affects: 11) (dups: 10) (heat: 90)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/768429 | 20:17 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 767498 in apport (Ubuntu Natty) (and 2 other projects) "package apport 1.20.1-0ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1 (affects: 218) (dups: 149) (heat: 1520)" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/767498 | 20:17 |
yofel | Setting up apport (1.20.1-0ubuntu3) ... | 20:17 |
yofel | start: Job failed to start | 20:17 |
yofel | apport just puts ubuntu5 wrongly into the title | 20:17 |
rr0hit | yofel: dint notice that !! | 20:18 |
yofel | 768429 is probably a dup of 767498 too, or maybe bug 767829 which was an immediate follow up due to a wrong fix | 20:18 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 767829 in apport (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "package apport 1.20.1-0ubuntu4 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1 (affects: 152) (dups: 112) (heat: 1084)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/767829 | 20:18 |
micahg | that was supposed to be fixed with ubuntu5, if it's broke, we need to escalate it now | 20:19 |
yofel | if the DkgTerminalLog says ubuntu3 it's a dup of 767498, if the log says ubuntu4 it's a dup of 767829 | 20:19 |
yofel | micahg: yeah, but apport files a bug with title ubuntu5 for the ubuntu3 crash | 20:19 |
yofel | see the term log in 768431 | 20:19 |
micahg | yofel: if it's on upgrading from ubuntu3 to ubuntu5, that's an issue that may or may not need to be fixed | 20:20 |
yofel | well, the terminal log says "Setting up apport (1.20.1-0ubuntu3) ..." but apport puts ubuntu5 into the title, that's the problem | 20:20 |
yofel | so what exactly is the bug about? | 20:20 |
yofel | anyway, unless you see bugs with ubuntu5 failing to set up in the DpkgTerminalLog mark them as dups of those 2 bugs that were fixed | 20:26 |
yofel | *sigh*, another ubuntu4 bug filed as ubuntu5... | 20:27 |
jibel | yofel, that's probably because apport report the crash on restart, so the active version of apport is 5 but the crash is 3 or 4 | 20:27 |
yofel | could be, makes the duping confusing though as you see | 20:27 |
rr0hit | yofel : all except 2 of the duplicates I marked are while "Setting up apport (1.20.1-0ubuntu3)". So should I change those and mark as dupes of 767498 ? | 20:32 |
yofel | yes please | 20:33 |
rr0hit | yofel: alright. | 20:33 |
yofel | ping me if you have one with ubuntu5 in the log, shouldn't be the case though | 20:33 |
bdmurray | hello so I've a banshee bug that I encounter semi-regularly anybody know how to debug it? | 20:49 |
bdmurray | or got some really useful information? | 20:50 |
* rr0hit cleaned up the mess he himself created. phew !! | 20:52 | |
rr0hit | yofel: Could you add a comment to bug 767498 to explain why a few bugs have the wrong package version in the title? I dont really get it. Might avoid confusion. | 20:54 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 767498 in apport (Ubuntu Natty) (and 2 other projects) "package apport 1.20.1-0ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1 (affects: 226) (dups: 158) (heat: 1590)" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/767498 | 20:54 |
Ampelbein | bdmurray: regarding debugging banshee, I think it could be useful to look at http://www.mono-project.com/Debugging | 21:04 |
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rr0hit | Could anyone set bug 663934 to importance low ? hopefully some one who knows the minesweeper game :) | 22:19 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 663934 in gnome-games (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "gnomine impossible solutions (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/663934 | 22:19 |
Ampelbein | rr0hit: done | 22:23 |
rr0hit | Ampelbein: okay..Thanks :) | 22:27 |
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