=== cypher is now known as czajkowski | ||
rickspencer3 | hey all, did the final help for Natty get uploaded? | 15:40 |
mdke | rickspencer3: I've uploaded a package a short while ago but as to whether it's final or not, I'm not sure | 16:04 |
rickspencer3 | mdke, I just want to say "thanks" to you and the rest of the #ubuntu-doc team | 16:05 |
rickspencer3 | you folks are the best! | 16:05 |
rickspencer3 | I'm really impressed with how you managed to make it all work given the depth and frequency of changes | 16:05 |
=== JasonO_ is now known as JasonO | ||
mdke | rickspencer3: basically it is all down to j1mc and jbicha, they have done a lot of work on this. | 16:15 |
mdke | rickspencer3: we left ti rather late... | 16:16 |
mdke | rickspencer3: next release hopefully things will be better | 16:16 |
rickspencer3 | mdke, well, 11.04 is certainly better for the effort! | 16:16 |
rickspencer3 | will I be seeing anyone from #ubunut-docs in budapest? | 16:16 |
mdke | not sure. Not me anyway | 16:17 |
mdke | but maybe others | 16:17 |
=== JasonO_ is now known as JasonO | ||
peppe84 | !paste | 18:27 |
ubot2 | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 18:27 |
peppe84 | Hi guys. Maybe, another link is needeed in ubuntu-docs? E.g. here http://imagebin.org/149478 I can't go to index page. Right? | 18:28 |
jbicha | j1mc: howdy | 20:38 |
j1mc | hi jbicha | 20:49 |
jbicha | I wrote a brief overview of the indicators | 20:50 |
jbicha | and I think the already existing windows & workspace page is fine | 20:50 |
j1mc | cool | 20:50 |
j1mc | i'll need to take another look at the windows + workspaces page. you are probably right | 20:51 |
jbicha | did you have more stuff you were working on for the addremove software area? | 20:51 |
j1mc | could you take a look at the unity-launcher-intro page? we need to add some topics that will feed-in to the bottom sections. | 20:52 |
jbicha | I had a few off days, but I'm like in a sprint today | 20:52 |
j1mc | i've placed a <comment> in there to kind of outline some of the topics that we need | 20:52 |
j1mc | me, too. | 20:52 |
j1mc | where are you from, btw? | 20:53 |
j1mc | would you feel comfortable adding in some new topic pages that link-in to the launcher-intro sections? (at the bottom of the launcher intro page)? | 20:54 |
jbicha | are we capitalizing Launcher and Dash now? | 20:54 |
j1mc | yes, i have been capitalizing them. | 20:55 |
jbicha | haha, I haven't, hmmm | 20:55 |
j1mc | maybe i should put them in lower case. now that i think about it, it would be a bit weird to always refer to the panel as the Panel. | 20:56 |
j1mc | maybe lowercase with an <app> or <gui> tag around it would be most appropriate. | 20:57 |
j1mc | <gui>... do you think that sounds good? | 20:57 |
jbicha | that's what I've been doing, the help style seems to prefer lower case to title case anyway | 20:57 |
j1mc | yeah | 20:58 |
j1mc | i'll change that around then. | 20:58 |
j1mc | i'll use lowercase with the <gui>gui</gui> tag. :) | 20:58 |
jbicha | cool | 20:58 |
j1mc | going back to the launcher topics... would you feel ok with adding in a few new topic pages? | 20:59 |
j1mc | i've outlined my thoughts in the "comment" section of the page. | 20:59 |
jbicha | give me a moment to remerge so I can see the latest launcher page | 21:01 |
j1mc | the guide link would look like this: <link type="guide" xref="unity-launcher-intro#section-id"> | 21:01 |
j1mc | note the #section-id at the end of the link. | 21:01 |
j1mc | ok :) | 21:02 |
j1mc | brb | 21:02 |
jbicha | shell-windows-switching has a blurb you may want to move about the white triangles | 21:13 |
j1mc | ok - i'm back | 21:21 |
j1mc | jbicha: oh, ok. thanks for the tip about the white triangles | 21:22 |
jbicha | the launcher control panel app is annoying, it's so small and doesn't do much | 21:36 |
jbicha | maybe it will make more sense in 11.10 | 21:36 |
j1mc | jbicha: you mean the thing with two options on it? yeah. :) | 21:37 |
jbicha | and it can't even do that right, it opens in the top left corner, instead of the center of the screen | 21:38 |
j1mc | it opened in some funky spot for me, too. i think it opened in the bottom left of the screen for me. | 21:38 |
jbicha | lol | 21:39 |
j1mc | back to le doc'ing | 21:52 |
j1mc | too much to do... : / | 21:52 |
jbicha | we don't have to do /everything/ this cycle | 21:53 |
j1mc | a solid intro is important, though. | 21:54 |
jbicha | ok, I added launcher autohide in my natty-work branch & the launcher pinning was already written | 21:56 |
j1mc | ok - i'll grab the launcher pinning help. | 21:58 |
sladen | czajkowski: j1mc: mdke: Would you be able to comment on https://bugs.launchpad.net/onboard/+bug/768583 | 22:01 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 768583 in onboard "UIFe: Onboard (on-screen keyboard) does not use Ubuntu interface font or colours" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 22:01 |
sladen | czajkowski: j1mc: mdke: AFAICT there are no/few screenshots of Onboard in the documentation | 22:02 |
sladen | czajkowski: j1mc: mdke: which might proclude it from being pushed | 22:03 |
jbicha | I don't even think we discuss onboard in the docs yet | 22:03 |
j1mc | sladen: we're a bit behind on docs for this release. if you wouldn't mind filing a bug about lack of onboard docs in the documentation, we will address it when we are able. | 22:05 |
sladen | j1mc: no, no /precisely/ the opposite request here ;-) I want you to confirm that there aren't any! :-) | 22:06 |
sladen | j1mc: (I will of course file a bug report about it anyway) | 22:06 |
j1mc | sladen: oh, ok. let me look at our a11y topics | 22:07 |
sladen | j1mc: is https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-docs/+filebug the right place? | 22:07 |
jbicha | gnome-user-docs is what we're using now I believe | 22:07 |
sladen | j1mc: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-docs/+filebug ? | 22:08 |
sladen | okay | 22:08 |
j1mc | sladen: either one is fine. and, yes, i can confirm that we don't currently have any help relating to onboard. | 22:08 |
j1mc | we have help relating to orca, but it needs to be modified slightly. | 22:08 |
sladen | j1mc: can you add your +1 to https://bugs.launchpad.net/onboard/+bug/768583 on before of ubuntu-docs | 22:09 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 768583 in onboard "UIFe: Onboard (on-screen keyboard) does not use Ubuntu interface font or colours" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 22:09 |
sladen | j1mc: eg. just "At the moment we don't have any documentation about Onboard (we have some about Orca, but it needs updating)" so this proposed merge is fine by the Ubuntu Docs team" | 22:10 |
j1mc | sladen: oh, ok. sure. | 22:10 |
j1mc | sladen: done | 22:12 |
AlanBell | hi all | 22:13 |
AlanBell | I am wondering if there is any documentation impact of changing the look of the onboard on-screen keyboard | 22:14 |
* sladen smirks | 22:14 | |
Pendulum | AlanBell: you're late | 22:15 |
j1mc | hi AlanBell | 22:15 |
AlanBell | heh | 22:15 |
j1mc | i just responded to that bug report | 22:15 |
AlanBell | cool | 22:15 |
j1mc | :) | 22:15 |
AlanBell | o/ Pendulum | 22:15 |
* sladen still laughing | 22:15 | |
sladen | true comic timing there | 22:16 |
* j1mc goes to get an early dinner. | 22:16 | |
=== j1mc is now known as j1mc|away | ||
jbicha | hmm, Ubuntu ships with 10 indicators, I just figured out how to turn on the accessibility one | 23:03 |
Pendulum | jbicha: on Classic or Unity? | 23:04 |
Pendulum | Unity still isn't completely accessible so don't expect full functionality on it if you try using just the accessibility features to access it | 23:05 |
jbicha | we should mention the funky scrollbars | 23:19 |
j1mc | we should go back to gnome already. make things easier on ourselves. :) | 23:37 |
jbicha | I'm working on the a11y pages now | 23:44 |
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