* jjohansen back on later | 00:41 | |
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pmcenery | I'm trying to rebuild the source package linux-image-2.6.38-8-generic using sbuild | 08:02 |
pmcenery | I get the following error EE: Previous or current ABI file missing! | 08:03 |
pmcenery | I have read you need to define the following environment varibale before the build AUTOBUILD=1 | 08:04 |
pmcenery | Does anyone know how to do this with sbuild? | 08:04 |
cooloney | apw: hey, andy | 09:16 |
apw | cooloney, s'up | 09:16 |
cooloney | apw: yeah, i am trying to merge master ubuntu -8.41 and -8.42 patches on our ti-omap4 | 09:17 |
cooloney | apw: but got lots of conflicts | 09:17 |
apw | i thought you already did that | 09:17 |
apw | or more correctly, i thought tim pulled in your previous pull-request for that | 09:18 |
cooloney | right, tim pull my previous one | 09:19 |
cooloney | which is just -7.39 based | 09:19 |
cooloney | http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-natty.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/ti-omap4 | 09:19 |
cooloney | apw: so i try to merge those patches like you did | 09:20 |
cooloney | apw: but face too many conflicts, i'm not sure i did right command | 09:20 |
apw | well to do the merge i reconstructed your base tree to be merges | 09:20 |
apw | to avoid all the conflicts having patches on both sides causes | 09:21 |
apw | that version is pushed up to my tree on zinc if you want to look at/use it | 09:22 |
apw | cooloney, ^^ | 09:22 |
cooloney | apw: yeah, i am looking at it. | 09:22 |
cooloney | http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=apw/ubuntu-natty.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/ti-omap4 | 09:22 |
cooloney | apw: is this one ^^ | 09:22 |
apw | cooloney, yep thats the one, what i did was dropped all the commits which would have come from .40 and merge that instead, then applied your local delta for the branch, then compared that to your original tree, and it was the same | 09:23 |
apw | (well other than some spacing changes in aufs, so you had to use git diff -b to confirm its a null diff) | 09:23 |
cooloney | apw: looks like we need to reconstruct the tree again. | 09:24 |
apw | cooloney, why ? | 09:25 |
cooloney | apw: i mean change some commints which are in ti-omap4 ubuntu branch, | 09:25 |
cooloney | not just merge patches on it | 09:26 |
apw | which commits need changes ? | 09:26 |
apw | you mean you also want to add some new patches ? | 09:26 |
* bryceh waves to apw | 09:27 | |
apw | bryceh, hii | 09:27 |
apw | cooloney, i am not quite understanding you | 09:27 |
bryceh | apw, thanks for the new kernel dailies; I put them to good use today | 09:28 |
cooloney | apw: i found this http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=apw/ubuntu-natty.git;a=commitdiff;h=d7faeb2d5c3c7d126add877f2ca450a225a02272 in your tree | 09:28 |
apw | bryceh, oh did they actually rebuild, good | 09:28 |
bryceh | apw, indeed, and at least a few reports so far of issues solved by it | 09:28 |
cooloney | so we need try this firstly and applied ti-omap4 delta, and merge .41 .42 | 09:28 |
apw | cooloney, but that is exactly what is on my tree ? | 09:28 |
cooloney | looks like we need to replace the ubuntu ti-omap4 with a new branch now | 09:29 |
cooloney | not just try to put .41 .42 patches on top | 09:29 |
apw | cooloney, right ... let me make a ti-omap4 which matches exactly your tip | 09:30 |
apw | and you can base off that for your next pull, and you can do the merges | 09:30 |
cooloney | apw: awesome, since I can merging patches from linaro guy without any conflicts | 09:31 |
cooloney | apw: so i try to creat a ti-omap4 like this | 09:31 |
apw | cooloney, ok give me a few mins, to pull out the base, as i have it here | 09:31 |
cooloney | 1208.11 + merging linaro patches + merging ubuntu master patches + 1208.12/1209.12 | 09:32 |
cooloney | apw: thanks a lot, man | 09:32 |
apw | cooloney, also reember when you do a merge (or a rebase) you need to use debian/scripts/misc/insert-ubuntu-changes to copy over the changelog fragments | 09:34 |
apw | i note that you have not been doing this before, and that makes tracking bugs and cves hard | 09:34 |
cooloney | apw: oh, got it. yeah, it is my first time to do merging | 09:34 |
apw | cooloney, ok you should find a new branch ti-omap4-40 which represents the latest upload but in merge form | 09:35 |
apw | you should find you can pretty simply merge into that from the Ubuntu-2.6.38-8.42 tag for instance | 09:35 |
cooloney | great, let me fetch it | 09:36 |
apw | then you would do debian/scripts/misc/insert-ubuntu-changes debian.ti-omap4/changelog Ubuntu-2.6.38-8.40 Ubuntu-2.6.38-8.42 | 09:36 |
apw | to get the changes copied over, then commit that as 'merge in Ubuntu-2.6.38-8.42' | 09:36 |
apw | then you can merge in linaro or apply local patches or whatever | 09:36 |
apw | then fdr insertchanges as normal and you are good to make a pull request | 09:36 |
apw | cooloney, when you are done, push it up and i can review it | 09:39 |
cooloney | apw: yeah, no problem | 09:40 |
cooloney | oh, how about just run 'fdr insertchanges' | 09:40 |
cooloney | before that i normally try fdr printchanges' | 09:40 |
apw | sensible, but not required, printchanges just displays what will go in | 09:41 |
cooloney | yeah, just take a look at that | 09:41 |
cooloney | then use fdr insertchanges | 09:42 |
apw | you would expect to see just two merges one which is the real merge, and one which is the commit containing the changelog update | 09:42 |
cooloney | got it. | 09:42 |
cooloney | i saw your branch contains those merging commits | 09:43 |
apw | yeah, i was experiemtning, though you released between so it is stale now | 09:43 |
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apw | cking, did you electrician turn up in the end? | 13:39 |
tgardner | apw, did you catch in scroll back yesterday where I bugged you about upstreaming the fb dev locking patch? | 13:40 |
apw | ahh no i didn't | 13:40 |
* apw adds it to his todo | 13:40 | |
tgardner | apw, I saw a discussion on LKML where someone else was hitting the same problem | 13:41 |
apw | ahh right, thanks, got a pointer to the thread ? | 13:41 |
tgardner | apw, yeah, right. snort... | 13:42 |
apw | tgardner, :) | 13:42 |
tgardner | apw, it would have been too handy if I'd have written it down at the time | 13:42 |
apw | heh yeah, i never do that either, and annoy myself often | 13:43 |
cking | apw, yep, now waiting for the certification process to kick in | 13:44 |
apw | cking, that sounds mad, if its not cirtified do they burn your house to the gruond ? | 13:47 |
cking | it means I can sell the house if I want to | 13:49 |
ogasawara | apw: the delta config scripts you have, can you point me to them? I hacked together scripts of my own to generate the output on the wiki, but I wouldn't mind double checking our scripts produced the same data. | 14:21 |
apw | ogasawara, i have more experimental options changing than you i think | 14:22 |
apw | i think you have none | 14:22 |
apw | i think i have two or something | 14:22 |
tgardner | sforshee, lemme know when you're done on tangerine. it needs a reboot for a kernel update. | 14:24 |
apw | ogasawara, am looking at sucking it all up together | 14:26 |
ogasawara | apw: that'd be good. maybe we can check it into kteam-tools. | 14:27 |
apw | ogasawara, yeah will do that now | 14:27 |
apw | then you can fix it :) | 14:28 |
ogasawara | heh | 14:28 |
sforshee | tgardner, that's weird, I'm not using tangerine, don't know what those jobs are | 14:28 |
sforshee | go ahead and reboot | 14:28 |
smb | /me should have paid attention to tgardner as he *was* using tangerine. Meh... | 14:30 |
tgardner | smb, it'll be back in 5 minutes | 14:30 |
smb | tgardner, good enough | 14:31 |
tgardner | apw, you're audio is totally scrogged now | 14:40 |
tgardner | smb, tangerine is back | 14:45 |
smb | tgardner, yup, I know. :) Thanks | 14:45 |
tgardner | updating natty schroot | 14:46 |
apw | ogasawara, you do not want to run this script on a slow computer :) | 15:15 |
ogasawara | apw: heh, good to know | 15:15 |
apw | its been running for about 20 mins on my netbook :) | 15:15 |
tgardner | apw, why wouldn't you do it on one of our servers? | 15:15 |
apw | tgardner, oh that would have been much more sensible, and once its in kteam tools -- it'll be easy too | 15:16 |
apw | i am just confirming it is disconnected from my home directory | 15:16 |
tgardner | apw, hmm, last I noted you still had commit rights :) | 15:16 |
apw | yep, i thought i'd just run it quick before committing it, to make sure i'd done it right | 15:17 |
apw | it might have been quicker to push it, then do it | 15:17 |
ogasawara | apw: just fyi, kees asked us yesterday that when we update the ubuntu-cve-tracker if we could switch "-" for "~" if we note something is released. eg. released (2.6.39~rc1) so that it conforms to debian versioning. | 16:39 |
ogasawara | apw: only reason I mention it is it looks like the atuo triage tool you have might need tweaking | 16:40 |
JFo | <- grabbing food | 16:47 |
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bdmurray | bjf: the staging bug title change made it into apport | 17:07 |
bjf | bdmurray, sweet! thanks for handling that | 17:08 |
bdmurray | bjf: your question change should probably be SRU'ed too I'd think | 17:10 |
bjf | bdmurray, i did a bug with SRU text in it | 17:11 |
cprofitt | tgardner: I am trying to make heads or tails of the iwlagn issue and it looks as though things might be getting around to solved based on the latest reports on LP | 17:13 |
cprofitt | I was curious if you could help clarify if that is correct for the 5300 and 6300 series of the cards | 17:14 |
tgardner | cprofitt, well, sort of. I think there are still likely issues with 802.11n | 17:14 |
tgardner | cprofitt, Intel claims they should be working | 17:14 |
tgardner | in fact. they are only focused on newer cards. 3945 and 4965 are in community maintenance mode | 17:14 |
cprofitt | does Natty B2 have the Intel fixes -- should I work on testing that? | 17:15 |
cprofitt | I have a 5300 and was debating getting a new laptop with the 6300 in it... | 17:15 |
tgardner | you could be running from https://launchpad.net/~kernel-ppa/+archive/pre-proposed | 17:15 |
cprofitt | hey... there is the other key person involved with the Intel iwlagn | 17:16 |
cprofitt | I do appreciate the work you guys are doing | 17:17 |
bjf | bdmurray, bug 765178 | 17:18 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 765178 in apport "remove user-input questions from linux source package hooks" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/765178 | 17:18 |
cprofitt | tgardner: I have been following bug 630748 -- is that the correct one to follow or is there another for the issue? | 17:20 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 630748 in linux "iwlagn degrades quickly during normal wifi session" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/630748 | 17:20 |
tgardner | cprofitt, that is pretty much the uber-bug for this particular issue. | 17:21 |
cprofitt | tgardner: alright -- if you need testing on anything let me know. I will take a look at the PPA when I get home tonight | 17:22 |
tgardner | cprofitt, ack | 17:23 |
cprofitt | tgardner: are the 6300 series cards ok, or do they also suffer from the issue? | 17:23 |
tgardner | cprofitt, dunno for sure. I've no personal experience with them. | 17:24 |
cprofitt | k... will have to see if i can find a person who has one for testing prior to making a purchase. | 17:25 |
cprofitt | thanks for taking the time to answer the questions | 17:25 |
JFo | bug of note: bug 759213 | 17:43 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 759213 in linux "[HP Compaq 6005 Pro] Suspend does not resume" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/759213 | 17:43 |
JFo | apw, tgardner didn't we remove the ability to hibernate? | 17:49 |
tgardner | JFo, its still in the kernel, but its been removed from the user space choices AFAIK | 17:50 |
JFo | hmmm | 17:50 |
JFo | bug 760036 | 17:50 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 760036 in linux "[Dell Inspiron 580] Hibernate unable to resume properly" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/760036 | 17:50 |
JFo | cert blocker | 17:51 |
* JFo goes to verify on his natty machine | 17:51 | |
tgardner | ick | 17:51 |
JFo | yeah | 17:51 |
ohsix | you can't hibernate anymore? D: | 17:51 |
bdmurray | tgardner: if its removed the menu should it really block certification then? | 17:52 |
tgardner | likely not, but we should check that its really gone from the menu | 17:52 |
ohsix | i'm on natty and i still see menu entries for it | 17:52 |
bdmurray | ohsix: with unity or classic? | 17:52 |
ohsix | and i've not seen any changelog or release change notices that say that's being removed | 17:52 |
ohsix | classic | 17:52 |
JFo | sorry, had to boot it first | 17:53 |
JFo | it is still there in my netbook | 17:53 |
JFo | tgardner, ^ | 17:53 |
cking | hrm, my natty install with unity has a hibernate option | 17:54 |
JFo | see cking I told you :-P | 17:54 |
ohsix | if it's being considered for removal consider this my official request that it's not :D | 17:54 |
tgardner | well, I thought it was the result of our rally discussions in Dallas | 17:54 |
JFo | same here | 17:54 |
ohsix | in fact i would have been SOL just yesterday without hibernate | 17:54 |
JFo | I distinctly remember it having been decided | 17:54 |
cking | hibernate on the natty kernel is much improved now it uses compression | 17:54 |
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jjohansen | JFo: I remember it being decided, and wasn't even there | 17:56 |
JFo | jjohansen, :-) | 17:56 |
JFo | so I guess someone un-decided it and deglected to tell us | 18:06 |
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apw | ogasawara, ok i've pushed the scripts to kteam tools, new subdir devel, the one of interest is devel-config-summary ubuntu-natty ubuntu-oneirc ... note it will do lots of futsing in your repos which will end up being reset hard to their current HEAD (which you'd want to be master-next) | 18:18 |
apw | the report is straight to stdout, so i normally | tee SUMMARY | 18:19 |
apw | an example which looks right against te current tips is in zinc:~apw/SUMMARY | 18:19 |
ogasawara | apw: cool, i'll test it out when i get back | 18:28 |
* ogasawara bails for a bit | 18:28 | |
* tgardner --> lunch | 19:00 | |
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JFo | stepping away for a while. I have errands to run before some places close for tomorrow and I have some early dinner plans. be back on later | 19:31 |
* apw calls it a day .. have fun | 19:34 | |
tgardner | apw, have a good weekend | 19:34 |
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* bjf[afk] -> lunch | 19:35 | |
godber | hi, is it unusual for a kernel to be in both updates and proposed, as 2.6.32-31.61 is here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux | 20:21 |
njin | hello, can someone tell me if the bcm 4331 driver is shipped ? thanks | 20:57 |
* jjohansen -> lunch | 20:57 | |
pmcenery | Hi. I'm trying to apt-get source linux-image-2.6.38-8-generic, apply a path, bump the version and recombile with sbuild. I noticed there is a debian and debian.master folder. Which one do I bump the version in? | 21:03 |
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komputes | Can someone from the kernel team please have a look at Bug #768497 - It seems the card reader on a Acer Aspire 5943G ignore PCI bus 4 unless the system is booted with an SD card present. | 22:29 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 768497 in linux "[STAGING] " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/768497 | 22:30 |
komputes | JFo: ^ | 22:33 |
komputes | bbl | 22:33 |
sconklin | pmcenery: the recommended way to build an ubuntu kernel is from the git repo, see this page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BuildYourOwnKernel | 22:34 |
sconklin | pmcenery: and you would change the version in debian.master/changelog right before you do the fakeroot debian/rules clean | 22:34 |
bjf | komputes, nice drive-by | 22:35 |
eruditehermit | hello | 22:57 |
eruditehermit | is anyone here an Ubuntu kernel developer? | 22:57 |
eruditehermit | I have a request for the kernel | 23:02 |
eruditehermit | to enable laptops with multiple GPUs to boot properly, CONFIG_FRAMEBUFFER_CONSOLE_DETECT_PRIMARY must be set in Kconfig. The kernel developer for X Dave Airlie is going to enable it by default in upstream kernels from now on but it would be nice if Ubuntu could activate it for current kernels as it makes some laptops boot properly. | 23:05 |
eruditehermit | brb | 23:06 |
bjf | eruditehermit, please file a bug and then come back here and tell us what the bug number is | 23:17 |
eruditehermit | bjf, ok | 23:17 |
eruditehermit | bjf, is there a way to file bugs through the web or is it ubuntubug? | 23:18 |
bjf | eruditehermit, the kernel is frozen, it will take a SRU (stable release update request) for a fix | 23:18 |
bjf | eruditehermit, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+filebug | 23:18 |
jjohansen | rebooting | 23:25 |
eruditehermit | bjf, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/768645 | 23:27 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 768645 in linux "CONFIG_FRAMEBUFFER_CONSOLE_DETECT_PRIMARY should be SET in kernel config" [Undecided,New] | 23:27 |
bjf | eruditehermit, thanks | 23:27 |
bjf | JFo, ^ can we get that added to the list ? | 23:28 |
eruditehermit | bjf, someone mentioned that ubuntu has build servers for ppas? | 23:29 |
eruditehermit | can I build a kernel on it with that enabled if I get a ppa? | 23:29 |
bjf | eruditehermit, does that config option already exist ? | 23:29 |
eruditehermit | yes | 23:29 |
eruditehermit | its just not set | 23:29 |
eruditehermit | in natty | 23:30 |
eruditehermit | bjf, cat /boot/config-2.6.38-8-generic | grep CONFIG_FRAMEBUFFER_CONSOLE_DETECT_PRIMARY | 23:32 |
bjf | yes, i'm looking at it now | 23:32 |
bjf | eruditehermit, are you looking for an amd64 or i386 kernel ? | 23:34 |
eruditehermit | I am using amd64 | 23:34 |
bjf | eruditehermit, give me a sec and i should have a kernel for you | 23:37 |
eruditehermit | bjf, nice thanks =) | 23:37 |
bjf | eruditehermit, to answer your previous question, yes we do have build resources available via ppa, however, it's kind of a slow way to go | 23:38 |
eruditehermit | whats the fastest way to go | 23:39 |
eruditehermit | I have to install all the dependencies on my machine to build anything because its my daily use laptop | 23:40 |
bjf | eruditehermit, for me to do it for you :-), though it will be more than a second, it shouldn't be very long | 23:40 |
eruditehermit | ok | 23:40 |
eruditehermit | thanks | 23:40 |
bjf | eruditehermit, i have access to a very big build server | 23:40 |
bjf | eruditehermit, np | 23:40 |
eruditehermit | well let me restart | 23:40 |
eruditehermit | I am currently on software rasterizer | 23:41 |
eruditehermit | brb with intel | 23:41 |
eruditehermit | hello again | 23:44 |
eruditehermit | bjf, so do you think this will get in sometime for natty? even if its an update shortly after release? | 23:50 |
bjf | eruditehermit, it's building now, shouldn't take too long | 23:56 |
bjf | eruditehermit, i'd guess so, but without digging in more to understand what enabling that config option also drags in and the impact on other code, i can't say for sure | 23:57 |
bjf | eruditehermit, if Dave Airlie can it to the default config and get that in as a stable upstream commit, it would have more weight behind it | 23:58 |
bjf | eruditehermit, is this a laptop that has multiple gpus or a desktop ? | 23:58 |
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