
=== Ayrton is now known as court_jester
=== doko_ is now known as doko
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=== hajour1 is now known as UndiFineD
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
=== cypher is now known as czajkowski
MootBotMeeting started at 09:59. The chair is NCommander.15:59
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]15:59
NCommander[link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2011/2011042116:00
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2011/2011042116:00
* davidm thinks meetings are fun16:00
NCommanderwho's here?16:00
* GrueMaster is semi-conscious. 16:01
NCommander[topic] Action Item Review16:01
MootBotNew Topic:  Action Item Review16:01
NCommander[topic] NCommander to poke cjwatson on soyuz archive skew plan16:01
MootBotNew Topic:  NCommander to poke cjwatson on soyuz archive skew plan16:01
NCommanderDone, got good link on how Debian handles this, will create spec and propose for UDS16:01
NCommander[topic] Standing Items16:02
MootBotNew Topic:  Standing Items16:02
* davidm is sleeping in his chair in Austin16:02
NCommander[topic] http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/ubuntu-armel.html16:02
MootBotNew Topic:  http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/ubuntu-armel.html16:02
ograNCommander, fix china :P16:02
ogralooks good to me16:03
NCommander[topic] Unity 2D Status16:03
MootBotNew Topic:  Unity 2D Status16:03
ogranothing else to report ... uploaded a package with 20 bugfixes on tue.16:04
GrueMasterLatest revision seems to be a good improvement.  No issues yet.16:04
ograthere are still some known crashers16:04
ograbut they are SRUed already16:04
* janimo started using U-2d on the desktop today16:04
ogrado you like it ?16:05
janimowith such revolutionaly interfaces it's hard to tell what is a bug and what is a feature16:05
janimoit stays out of my weay so I like it16:05
janimoalt-tab has some funnies, I filed a bug o nit16:05
ograit misses some shine and bling but behaves nearly the same as 3D16:05
janimoI thought I was using 3d until I ran ps ax and after filing the bugreport16:06
ograbut yeah, hard to know whats a feature and whats a bug atm :)16:06
janimoand was surprised it did not crash16:06
janimonow I know it is because it was not the 3d ui :)16:06
JasonOHi. Is this the Ayatana  meeting?16:06
janimoJasonO, arm16:06
GrueMasterCan be somewhat irritating having the app menus on the status bar when using a 24" 1080p monitor and windowed apps.16:06
NCommanderjanimo: no, ARM16:06
janimoalso dual screen may not yet be fully functional16:07
JasonOjanimo thnk you16:07
janimoI have the panel on the right monitor, in blatant violation of the only Fitt's law I know16:07
ograanyway, move ?16:08
NCommander[topic] Kernel Status (cooloney, rsalveti)16:08
MootBotNew Topic:  Kernel Status (cooloney, rsalveti)16:08
rsalvetinot a lot to report on this for this week16:09
rsalvetikernel bugs should all be an sru now, and published after the release, as an update16:09
ograppisati_, ^^^16:09
ograNCommander, ^16:10
NCommander[topic] ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, janimo)16:10
MootBotNew Topic:  ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, janimo)16:10
rsalvetiI believe the main important bug now is the video sync lost, that ogra and GrueMaster were able to reproduce16:10
janimonothing to report16:10
ograwell, there *might* be MMC issues16:10
janimoI do the usual giving back when new glib/gtk is uploaded16:10
ogragiven the amount of failures GrueMaster has seen16:10
rsalvetiogra: yeah, from GrueMaster's report16:10
GrueMasterogra: It only affects netbook.16:11
janimoother than that main looks fine16:11
ograGrueMaster, well, maybe there is more IO load on netbook ;)16:11
rsalvetiwhile testing I was never able to face these MMC issues, but will try at least more 2, 3 times16:11
ograyeah, i havent seen them either16:11
=== JasonO_ is now known as JasonO
GrueMasterOddly enough, most of the errors I have seen have no indication in the logs.16:12
ograGrueMaster, do you test with 8 and 16G as well ? (i thought so)16:12
GrueMaster4, 8, 16.  Class 4, 6, 1016:12
ograjust because of the issues on the pandaboard ML16:12
ograas long as thats covered ...16:13
NCommander[topic] ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander)16:13
MootBotNew Topic:  ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander)16:13
ograreally bad atm16:13
GrueMasterREALLY bad!16:13
ograthanks to final uploads16:13
GrueMasterAnd out of date seed.16:14
ograand due to the fact that our seeds were totally out of sync16:14
ograi uploaded that today16:14
* GrueMaster weeps16:14
ograginn, pitivi, overlay-scrollbars, tsclient and vinagre as well as baobab and brasero will need special attention16:15
ogranot sure how to test ginn16:15
ograits a gesture app16:15
ograso try jedi waves in front of your monitor or so16:15
janimowave menacincly at it16:15
janimoif it does not break it is good16:15
ograyeah :)16:16
janimoapparently ogra and I are from the same school of touch-QA16:16
GrueMasterI'm sure I can find a way to break it.16:16
ograGrueMaster, keep that for may please :P16:16
ogranothing more (thats bad enough news anyway)16:17
ograNCommander, move unless there are questions16:18
NCommander[topic] QA Status (GrueMaster)16:18
MootBotNew Topic:  QA Status (GrueMaster)16:18
GrueMasterNot much to report.  Currently engaged in getting UCM configured for omap3 (in between massive updates).16:18
* ogra guesses he's still weeping16:18
ograah, no :)16:18
GrueMasterNetbook images have been broken last 3 days due to pool churn.16:19
ograwont get better before tomorrow i fear16:19
GrueMasterNot much else to report.16:19
* GrueMaster looks forward to another sunny weekend spent testing images in his office.16:20
NCommander[topic] AOB16:20
MootBotNew Topic:  AOB16:20
ograyou clearly need a balcony16:20
rsalvetia new PVR driver was uploaded at the release PPA16:20
rsalvetiif you are using gles stuff, please test16:21
rsalvetiit's faster than previous one16:21
janimorsalveti, will these make the archives ?16:21
ograbug 736081 will be something we'll release with, if you see any weird bugs coming in after release, you should probably think of that one16:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 736081 in telepathy-glib (Ubuntu Oneiric) "[armel] telepathy-glib segfaults in selftests during build" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73608116:21
rsalvetijanimo: probably not, I still need to incorporate some other changes16:21
rsalvetilike xrandr and exa optimizations16:21
ogra(the title is misleading since its a gcc vs archive issue)16:21
rsalvetithat are still being developed inside ti16:22
janimorsalveti, ok. Is there no omap4 pvr in the archives now?16:22
ograits in the ppa only16:22
rsalvetijanimo: no, just for omap 316:22
janimoogra, do they not upload gcc with the fix for natty?16:23
GrueMasterOn that, why doesn't that get pulled in on omap3 images?16:23
ograjanimo, yes, but the whole archive is built with the option on16:23
janimoogra, ah sure. I think we found the serious ones though16:23
ograjanimo, yeah, its just a plea for keeping the eyes open even after release16:24
ograi think the same though16:24
janimodo we discuss the BP ideas in tonights team meeting?16:24
ogradavid was very concerned about it though16:24
janimothe examples I saw (3 packages) almost all involved some sort of printf/vararg using functions16:25
ograwell, there might be more16:25
ograusing that16:25
janimothose are frequent but not every package uses them16:25
NCommanderanything else or can I close?16:27
NCommandergoing once16:27
NCommanderthree times16:27
MootBotMeeting finished at 10:27.16:27
rsalvetiNCommander: and please, add ppisati at the kernel topic :-)16:28
ograthats what i meant by pointing upwards before :)16:29
JasonO_What is the goal of this team?16:41
=== JasonO_ is now known as JasonO
=== cking is now known as cking-afk
pittimdz, kees: seems it might just be the three of us for today's meeting?17:55
keespitti: it's in another hour, but I guess so?17:56
keesutc 180017:56
pittithat thing seems to get later and later17:56
pittiI'm afraid I can't make that, or just for some 15 minutes17:57
pittiwell, there's nothing on the ML, and nothing on the agenda, so it might actually just take 15 mins :)17:57
=== UndiFineD is now known as hajour
=== hajour is now known as hajour1
beardygnomecharlie-tca: are you here?18:53
sabdflevening all19:01
pittigood evening19:02
pittino mdz?19:06
pittido we have any topics at all?19:06
pittiRick's item is done, mdz's too19:07
pittiI finished the brainstorm review19:07
sabdflmethinks it's all clear19:07
pittiI also scanned the ML, nothing new19:07
pittino new community bugs19:07
sabdflironic, since it's the first meeting i could make in months :-)19:07
pittilooks like Easter holidays indeed19:07
pittiso, let's just carry this? I need to run now anyway19:10
sabdflthat's a wrap19:10
pittiI updated the wiki page for 2011-05-0519:10
pittiyay UDS in-person meeting \o/19:11
pittihappy Easter holidays everyone then!19:11
sabdfllooking forward to that19:11
czajkowskishortest meeting ever19:11
Keybuk*cough* sorry, timezone19:16
* charlie-tca waves20:01
* micahg waves20:03
charlie-tcaDo you remember what mr_pouit thought about changing the meeting day?20:06
charlie-tcaHow many are here for the Xubuntu Community Meeting?20:07
charlie-tcamicahg: If I can make sure mr_pouit is okay with Mondays, I am going to move the meetings to Monday at 19:00 UTC, I think, starting with the next cycle.20:08
charlie-tcaWell, for anyone here for the Xubuntu Meeting, we are postponing it. I will send a message to the ML about the rescheduled m,ee20:10
micahgcharlie-tca: is fine with me, I have a meeting at 17:00/18:00 UTC20:10
charlie-tcaI haven't actually checked the fridge yet, so that is tentative. It seems to be a good day, though20:10
micahgcharlie-tca: nope, DMB has that slot every other week20:11
charlie-tcaThe only thing I have for today is discussion of the meeting times, and to announce the Natty is coming out next week.20:11
charlie-tcahm, much as I dislike it, maybe move us to 18:00 UTC then?20:13
micahgcharlie-tca: that will work until the clock changes in the US, then it'll conflict with the security team20:14
charlie-tcaThat s lunch time in Pacific and Mountain time zones, but ...20:14
pleia2pretty much unavoidable20:14
charlie-tcaI thought security was on UTC?20:15
micahgcharlie-tca: nope, noon central time US20:15
charlie-tcaThen it will move with the time changes, won't it?20:15
charlie-tcacentral changes same as the rest of the US20:16
micahgcharlie-tca: then it'll be 18:00 UTC :)20:16
charlie-tcaNo, we are already in Daylight Saving time, next change we go back one hour20:16
charlie-tcathey stay at noon Central time...20:17
charlie-tcaOkay, we will take another gander at the time slots20:17
charlie-tcaStill got 21:00 open20:18
charlie-tcaMaybe we can switch it around, between 18:00 or 19:00 and 21:00 UTC?20:19
charlie-tcaOr, if we find a time that works well, I can get a logging bot in #xubuntu-devel and hold them there20:20
=== Claudinux_ is now known as Claudinux

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